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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jul 1930, p. 2

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BNR A, The Whitby Daily imes a RASA OS SHI Soyers THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1930 Advertising, submerivtiune and nowy Ve hithy Branch Office, Ge Altor Business will oF Gas (lr une 4 phone Houspy = fh Are merge REPRESENTATIVE==JAMES H, ORMISTON LADY MISSIONARY TELLS OF WORK FOREIGN LANDS Mrs, MacGillivray Gave In spiring Address at Whithy : Summer School Mrs. MacGillivary who for many Ars haus heen connected with the omen's Missionary Boclety, has Just veturned from the Orient, She visited China, Japan, Coren and Formos, ; Last night at Whithy Summer Wehool, at the Ontario Ladies' Cole ioge, Whithy, she told of that trip, Mrs, MeO livary visited almost all of the United Chureh mission stations In those countries, her travels taking her about 40,000 miles, Bho first described Ching, she told of the very had sonditions of the relivond and how it had taken 10 hours to go the distance of 06 miles, But tha ralivoads were net the worst for the river boats enlled "Junks" were aimost a had, They were very dirty and une kempt and very wretchefl Indeed, Along the vivers and in the harbours there wore many war vessel, Britleh predominating, ven the "Junks" were armed and the passengers were warned If there was any trouble to seek out the Captain's bridge, for It win the most heavily guarded on the hoat, Mrs, MaecGitlivary reported a vary quiet veayake for they only bad to seek shelter 0 times, Mrs MaoGillivary ~~ mentioned these facts wo that the audience would understand the conditions under which the missionaries lve and travel, Under all these clrsume stances the missionaries have hung on, heing driven hack again and again, and are doing Kood work, Different in dnpan "In Japan the conditions wore ens tively ditforent, Japan is henutiful, her hulldings are kept up; her streets and yards are clean and her people are progressive And bright, Hhe has advanced along Western lines, fhe has electricity, freigation, hridges and engineering feats Hor schools ara modern and she has now adopted voeational schools, Her temples are In good repair, Bho takes pride In tham and keeps them heavutiful, What is trie of Japan is ako truss of Coven and Formosa, What a differs once between China and Japan, Mrs, Mactiillivary entered a plow FTE ¢ ¥ KARN THE Di NST POR SERVICE L Re remem n IPHONE 278, NEXT THE POST PRO -- re for China, They need missionaries nd they need them at ones, he d the Chinese Oh t she would go back to 4 and #11 tien the story wo thet help may he went soon, dle hare w ren audience to hear Mrs, Wedintivery ast night, Ineluding many Whilhy people, The resistration of the summer #6hool In sendy Incrensing, It has How passed the 17° mark and all Indisations nre that It wil) he weil aver that before the end of the week, TTI TRY" --" WHITBY GIRL GUIDES WERE ENTERTAINED Whithy Givl Guidee wera enter: tained by Dr, and Mrs, Stephenson nanluted hy Mrs, Thompson of West Ching, Thursday afternoon, at the College, The Guides spent » very happy two hours amid the euros wud listenad (0 stories shout the people and countries visited, The Gubdes wish to thank Dr, and Mrs, Atapnenson and Mrs, Thompson for kving to them sueh a delightful wfternoon, : rE mm ----y NORTH OSHAWA North Oshaws, July 0,=My, Lou Fowler, usrvowly eseapen donth when he was struck by a train while driving his coupe to Wiarten om "riday night, Inst, Mr. Vowler wis In Al Haton and was unaware that he was nearing a rallway until he Wis struck, The ear was so hadly damaged that It is absolutely of no use, Mr, Fowler escaped with A bruised ankle and a tiny serateh on his fae, Miss Jonnie Walker, who Is on hor last year In training at the Houpital for Blek Children, Tore onto, visited hey sister, Mrs, Aries Glover, on Monday, Mim Walker fs second In her olasy and will gradusie next February, Mr, and Mrs, Belllok and fam« fly visited at Agincourt, on the holiday, Mrs, D, Btusrt and two boys, of Oshawa, spent Bunday with her slater, Mrs, 7, Bolomon, and the holiday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, Glover, Mr, and Mes, W, Bromell and Helen and Fern and Howard, of Columbus, were Sunday visitors of Mr, and Mes, W, Glover and Mrs, W. Blight, My, and Mrs, Gen, Beatt and Florence, spent Bunday with re lations, at Tyreno, Mr, and Mrs, W, Gerry and and Marjorie and Mrs, Hammond, or Oshawa, motored in Ningara Falls, Ford Bennett so spending, his holidays with Wis svandpa and grandma Leask, My, and Mrs, Anderson and Camille and Mr, Westlake were visitors of Mr, and Mrs, W, Glov oF, a day last week on thelr ree then from a motor tour of eastern uition, Mr, and Mrs, W, A, Gerry Mr, Ile Gerry and Miss Marjorie (lorry are attending the Radio Convention helng held at the Royal York Hotel, in Toronto, Mr, and Mra, Stanley Moffat ene toriained thely friends and nelgh- hors on Monday evening, the oe oanlon being thelr Afteenth wed: ding anniversary, Thay were the reoiplents of many beautiful mitts An orysthl and ohina and the best i| wishes of many more happy years of wadded happiness, The guests enjoyed themaelves with eards, The hostess served refreshments At midnight, Mra, Roy Britian, of Smith's Falls, wan a weekend wuest of Mr, and Mrs, W, Glover 'and her mother, Mrs. Wm, Blight, Mr, and Mrs Boh Brown and family and Miss M Brown and Mr, Jones, motored and spent the hollday week-end with Mrs, Brown's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Al eannder, at Hiller, Dou Ian and Bileen, stayed for thelp with thelr grandparents, $1.10 300 Pairs Penman's Full Fashioned Pure Silk HOSE Penman's best wal Franch Pant Howl Frene All new summer Su 9 des RC fg AM not noticeable, SPECIAL CIA Pair W. A. Dewland Ltd, i Bowmanville Daily Times advertising and subseriptions will be received at New the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street, ¢ Times in the Cowan Telephones--=Office--B87; House131, Bowmanville Representative==B, Herbert Mortlock Entrance Examinations, Results Now Published A summary of the four oes) centres where entrance Lo High Behoo! examination were held shows 176 pupils wrote, 156 passe od and £6 obtained honors, Bpecial mention and commendation Is dus Principal J, H, Johnston, who with # large class of 1 pupils, passed all but two and 11 secured honor standing, Congratulations are due Alo to the teaching salt and pur pila of the Boys Training Behool where 18 pupils passed in a class of 14, three heing honor pupils, alphabetic! order follows Bowmanvilin Adams Kilsaheth, Adams Joyes, Adams Pauline, Allin BIL (hon, ), Allin Sadie, Allin Mam, Andrews David, Barber Robert, Barron Austin (hon), Bate Roland, Bene nett Doris, Bennett Jack, Blacks burn Bessie (hon), Bloomer Ruby (hon), Brookham Mabel, Camer: an daek, Clemence Joan, Connors Lugens, Courtios Donild (hon,), Crago Stuart, Crawforth Grace, (hon), Crombie Buster Depew Harry, Dowell Gertrude, Dunlop Bill, Basery Eldon, Finnigan Jack, Foley Vlorense, Vostor Hert, Fou ter Lorne, Fowler Mas, Gay Bers nies, Gearing Talbert, Gibbs Allen (hon), Gibbs Jack, Gibson Winnie (Hen), Glanville Marion, Good Waller, Hately Killeen (hon), Hays Russell, Hogarth dessle, Hogarth Boart, Hooper Gertrude (hen,), Hooeper Hubert (hen), Humpage Arthur, Hunl Krnest, Jackman Cecil, Kellar Annabelle, Kent Robert, Laird Al fred, Law Ross, Lunney Jack, Ma won Helen (hon), Maynard Ap letta, Mellveen Frank, Metoalf Ldayd, Morris Jean (hon), Mut ton Vred, Nicholls Dorothy, Oke Russell, Olsen Thomas, Fattriek hittin, = Philips Gardon (how), Plekell Glan, Polly Angeline, Richards Charles; Rows Allin, Memilt Irene, Bhires John (hen), Bisson Jim (hon.), Bnowden Mile dred, Boueh Harry, Btainton Jean, Taylor Doris, Thompson Franols, Thompson Mary (hon), Trimm duck, Tuerk Frank, Winson Jean, Watehorn John, Wileax Hayd, Worden Harry, Warden Verona, Milton, Wray Jdnckson, Yeo Callan Brough Jean (Aegroiat), dim (Aegrotat), Boys' Treaining Hehovl Adams Feler (hon), Broughton Carl, Burrows Leslie, Dubiner Jock, Kills Orville, (ray Bob, Hadley Twonsrd, Noleman Jor, Bmith Vyed (how), YanVinek dohn, wluon Gorden (how, ), Ehorwin Charles (Avgrotat), Blaokmtovk Adams Mae, Bonsouk Tenlie, Caly Emma, Devitt Leons (hen), Kd wards Bertram, Bmmerson Kdgar, Graham Kvn, Lansing Deans, Mal wolm Lawgence, Mariow Glibert, Milne George, Parkin Viel, Vort: sous Dorothy, Hilnson Marion, Taylov. Maven (hen), Marie, Wright Hargl, Joan, Trawin Wright woking ' Avre Audrey, Baker Hosoos, Baker Tom, Bowman Kiele, Brads ley Viola (hon), Bradley Vreda, Brunt Helen, Hall John, Henry Charles, Martin Gladys, MeEwan Hagel, Millson Howard, Oke Mar: orle, Parker Huby, Patterson jasnie (hon,), Thompson Roland, Virtus Ruby, Westlake Perey, Yel lowless Gladys (hon), Bummary Wrote Pass Hon Howmanville School Bb i" 11 Bowmanville Hural 48 [1] Boys' Training Hehool ' r M4 18 f Hinekntook Re || 1] 4 Holling un 1] i Prise Winners in Bowmanyille mehool I, Highest totsl on Entrance: 1 Grace Crawlorth) Be=Joan Mor Vis g. Men's Canadian Gluh Prise for Wghest tn Canadian History on Kntranee Jean Marrs, Bh, Women's Canadian Club Pris of for highest in Canadian History during the term; I==lim Hisson| Halen Mason 4, Highest in Avithmeth tranea-=traon Crawforth por vent) B, Highest in Hpalling on Kn: tranoe==Hill Allin (60 out of 609 in (loo on Goodyear Defeats Whiz | In First Playoff Game EI em ------ Before the largest erowd to wil ness the ball game this year about the best exhibition of softhall seen this season was played Inst night when the Goodyear, ast year's champions, met the Whiz In the first of three games in the playoffs of the Arst schedule, Goodyear won hy a seove of 6 to 2, but without the brilliant fielding displayed hy the Goodyear outs field the seore might have heen even, The first three innings for both teams was seareless and the iole game resulted In a pitchers' atte, Goodyear took Arab Innings and ould met no further than frei base, The same happened with the Whiz team however were the heav: fer hitters of the evening, but the Goodyear felding especially that of Goddard in left Aeld presented Whis from scoring until the eighth innings, Goodyear hroke away in the fourth and scored four of thelr six when the Whis flelding, which toe was of the heat, slackened down for a period, Whis held thelr ops onents seoveless for another three nnings and then In the elghth Goodyear added two more ta thelr noore, The Inst inlnga resulted in A hard battle for supremacy and deapite the heavy hitting of the Goodyear, Whiz allowed them to goore no more, Whis had thelr hardest luck In dhe ninth when it seamed almost oartain that they would sven up the score, With two men on bases and the batters in real form it looked an If Goodyear had at last met thelr Waterloo but the latter kept up thelr fine felding With the result that Whi were unable to soore again, Rovan on the mound for the Whis pitched the hest game this yoAr and struck three out, His usual Jerid of wild pliehing was not av donee duving the entive game, Colwell far Goodyear also Pliched A sterling game and als hough he only struck one out his balls were conducive to high hiting with the result that ope af tor the other were caught out, Moovaraft scored the only homer in he elghth innings and Cameron might have scored anather if he had run a little faster, The hall was fumbled in the left field and Roolly should have taken more advantage of this, However he made the three basen but falled to get home, Cameron alan had to hin eredit a TAther unusual oateh, He jumped for a hall that seemed to be far out of his veaoh, Sy NE a oheer Ll on the erowd for ina, Gods dard had two fine eatohen to hin | A oredit, while Colwell in the sev onth also ude one of these ime possible looking ones ARPeAT enny, ® Arhirhbe Fame tn an fant and on interesting an the mame lant evening It will he surely worth watehing, With any luck at all Whiz should he abla to pull out and win to-night and they must if they are going to stand any ehance in thin schedule, It was the Whis and Goodyear wha battled for hen. om In Nat year's softball league, If you want to see a hatter class of hall than has heen wean ull season he at the sehoeol grounds sharp at geval tonight, The teams were Whisi Cameron, w.6, OG, Piper, 4h) Mussun, £1; Corden, 1h, Maors, 1.01 Cawle, eateher; loaves, of Rovan, piteher; 1 Piper, ih Goodyear: Oshorne, 8h; HB, Cols well, a8) Goddard 1.1; James, 1h B, Colwell, plteher] Laird, nf) Mooreraft, of; Jackson, Ah; Me: Murter, eatoher, Umpires: Frank Williams, Ry nie Williams and Diok Budds, | Nervous Dyspepsia {| BadLiver, of Years Vanish -aALL F Gives Credit for Health to "FRUIT-A-TIVES" "Wor yeury ov troubled with be hendnches, nervous dyspepsin and ver troubles, Pinally tried 'Vrnlt-aetives' And anes move ene tirely well," =R, A, Bovay, Tran Lon, Ont, Yeurs-old Iver trouble, sonst pation end overnight with "Fruits w-tiven, say thousands, Dyspem sha, billousness, heartburn, Kes, wlok hendaches go Vike wu flash, Nerves quiet, sound sleep at onee Kidney and bladder 11s, pain In back vanish like magle, Rheums tam neiyalela, neuritis decamp anfek, Complexion ¢lears In ne time, Ten of nature's grentest reme: dies sombinsd In handy Hitle tab iet, Marvelous discovery of famous Canadian doctor, Speedy resuliy (ot "Wrultepstiven' from druggist today, He naw pearson Lomorraw NEWS ABOUT TOWN | Vollawing In Vathev's Vootsieps Al Fietehey son of Councillor A MH, Vieteher of Quasn Bireet, In # fahiip off the old block," Hin father's vose Garden, the Rosary 1s known all over Ontario and Al In bidding fair to oust his father as premier rose grower in town, We were privileged yesterday to have a flimpae of Al's garden which un Imekily Is hidden away behind his home on Temperance Birast, 11 wis # revelation # thought that only Counelllor Pleteher know how to grow roses hut we were mistaken Al hag nome splendid spleimens of this popular flower in hin garden and over in one corner stood # hanutiful bush just loaded with Wooms, Just for fun we eounted the blooms on thin hush alone and thers were 110, Quite & number and as only five couples got may ried In Bowmanville in June It would have heen suMelent to pro vidageaoh with a fine bouquet, ™e rose are red, white and yale low, the latter splomens being ye! pecially Inve, Al 1s to he congrati ated on his fine garden and while we hope that his father will con tinue to hreing home the haeon In the form of prises we also wish Al mich success and hope that he ten will soam he ans of Ontario's hest Known ross rowers Foothall Postponed After wo had gone to press yes torday wa received notions that the longue foothall game seheduled for Int evening had hoon postponed, Tt appears that Open was unable to ot together a team and sn had to Or wn ot Lindesy The loss) Orange Lodge will walk in the Wig parade in Lindwsy headed by the Purple Guards Band of Bowmanville, The hand this year has much improved and will he # higger credit than aver to the loss! lodge, 14 18 expected that ay usisl Bowmanville will veiurn to Lown tomorrow night with thelr share of the prizes, mama Congratulations Miss dune Mason, dnughier of Mr, and Med, C, B, Mason Wis mise sonsiul vecently In ohisining her ATOM, trom the Toronto Cons sarvatory of Muse having complet: ed the examinations In theory, Heturns from Convention George Chase, manager of the loon] hydro distribution plant has veturned to town from Bigwin Inn, Muskokn where he has heen attends ing the annusi convention of ihe Ontario Elsstriotionl Association, Appointed Inspector Dr, B,D, MasDonsid, principe) of Orde Birset Behool, Toronto has heen appointed hy the Bowrd ol | Bduention of that ety ss 6 schon) Inspector for Toronto, By, Mie Donald 15 an old Bowmanville hoy, son of the late My, and Mrs, Mio. Dongld, We In un gradunte of the Bowmanville High School, The Timen Joints with his many friends in Bowmanville In offering son gratulations ser Town Will Appen) ha Town of Bowmanville hay worved notes tht It will appesl hes fore the County Judes the new as sessment made for tha town in the ravent. vavaluntion of the United Counties, The increase for the town on A RR rR han heen over 100 per sent and would materially add to the bur: don of the taxpayer next year, Mos towns and villages In the Couns ties ure nppenling what they claim AROeMIVE BIOs MENE, ite ii ---- "The enhancement of national wenlth must slwiys he made 10 worve rather than becomes the master of & nation's destiny," ~~ Tomito Mumolin, A A aa You Can Now Procure . . make this postponement for some Anys, Following Dealers in Garton's Bus Station ' Bowdler's Store Whelan's Service Station Lancaster's Garage Deline's Store Lantern Inn . Walter's Service Station Shady Nook Inn . Whitby House Service Station Pine Ridge Service Station Archer's Motor Sales Wooldridge's Store Rogers' Service Station Marlow's Hardware Store Byam's General Store i Wright's General Store . ' Elliott's Service Station ' SINC OPALINE MOTOR OIL tor oll and good service, DISTRIBUTORS BOWMANVILLE, TELEPHONE 14 SINCLAIR Petroleum Products of Quality From the our District: LAI GASOLINE We are glad to make this announcement to all who are Interested in good gasoline, good mo- X-8-Power, Gasoline and O11 C ' LIMITED vompany 4071 CENTRAL BLDG, T NT ART COLE + + DIN AIET MANAGER Bowmanville Bowmanville Welcome Newtonville W, Newcastle Maple Grove Courtice Harmony Whitby Burketon Port Perry Seagrave Oshawa Nestleton Tyrone kstock Newtonvills E, SAFETY FIRST CIVIL ENG'R NOW INFINE CONDITION "My wite got me staried on Bars won after I had gona through » Wo year selge of bad health and now I feel ike a new man W, DRAGGINN Y1opaffered terribly with indie option (hat made me #0 nervous 'td frequently att up halt the night until 1 could compose myself, lost welght rapidly and my strength And energy wera far halow normal, Hargon made me a changed man! I've had a aratifying inoveass in strength, welght and energy, wy Appetite tn hearty, | sleep splendid. Iy and get up strong and feeling ne, "I have never in all wy lite tried any taxatives that work ike Aavgon Plllg, bowels and without any unpleasant affects, and thelr good vesults are lasting "== W, Bragging No, ¥ Oheaterfield ft, Apartment Na, 4, Taronts, well known olvil enginear with the Oana dian Highway Department, Sargon may he ahtained tn Osh. AWA from Karn's Drug Steve, (Adv) J.C.YOUNG 4'4 PRINCE ST, We write insurance on all makes of cars and trucks, Other lines handled, Fire, Plate Glass, Accident and Sickness, Liability Ronda, PHONES Office 703 Res, 2008 Good Weather Ahead ! ==Do not lose your car=- Let me finance youw== Additional Cash Given G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Room 6, 1414 King 8 E. Thay regulate the stimulate the liver Insure Your Car With Know molorint in other provi sary to THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC AMENDMENT ACT 1930 Every Motorist Should About the « « « Safety Responsibility Law EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER lat. Smear and SHA Jo In Yo Wimatt the pile And this applies t ten RL v motorists as well, Sing rota A More than ever is it neces: and More Than Ever is Careful Driving Desirable Bn I RL Hl SE [| 4 driv if Injury to person or property sll EE rrr Be Insured! Drive Carefully! Play Safe! Pamphlets explaining the In be procured withe yO Thy The Canadian Automobile Underwriters Association EARL MOORE IN SURE Automobile JH R. LUKE SAFE COVERAGE 46 King 51 E. Phone 871 INSURE Motor Car Andrew Murdoch BE SAFE 27 Warren Ave, Ph, 2380 Rll rl etl 1 2234 King St. E, Phone 3220 A Ee

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