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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jul 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY .'IMES, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1930 PAGE THREE Development of Oshawa's Harbor Is Not Free of Difficulties Moore at Cobourg Contradicts Conservatives' Statements Re New Zealand-Australian Pact Denies That Imports of But ter Are Ruining Dairying Industry in Canada SPOKE ON BEHALF OF W. A. FRASER Former Tariff Board Chair man Claims Dairy Pro duction Incressing Steadi- ly==Treaty Benefits Can- ada Cobourg, July 10,==Contradie tions of Conservative statements regarding the New Zeuland-Ausira Han Joa and explanations of the working of countervailing duties ware given to a Lihersl andienes here tonight by W, MH. Moore, sans didate In Ontario for the Feders) House, Mr, Moore wan speaking hare on behalf of W, A, Fraser, Liberal candidate, "If you listen to thé Opposition, you will think the dairying indus try has gone (0 the dogs on avr eount of the Australia peel," Mr Moore declared, "but production has steadily increased, Mr, Ver guson, says he has been unable to uy Canadian butter, but all 1 oan say in that My, Parguson must have one out of his way to buy New ealand butter, "We made a (realty with New Foaland hecause wes were sonsum: ing more and more milk, and but tar from New Zealand could he hrou ught in at a lower pries than 1 could be made from milk which was being demanded In the cities When the treaty was made, In ob) the Import of butter wus negligible, but it Jumped to 1,000, pounds, then to §, 000, 000 i My and still no attention was paid to It by the dairying men, In 1088 it Jumped to 5,400,000 pounds and Inst year to 18,000,000, "When the import jumped to h, 000,000 pounds, the National Dalry Counel), A sound body of men, wont to the Cabinet and sald the treaty wan unfalr, that they wanted A revision and that they thought they 4 should not ba subjected to sich competition, Mr, Robb told them to lay their complaint hefore the Advisory Tariff Board for the day has gone by when we revise Sari on a one-sided representation of facts, "Fhe dairying men did not come to the Advisory Board until the ond of November 1080, A hearing wih arranged for Jan, 15 beonuss A month's notios had fo he given hy aw Lay on May 1 they mot aor tion, ou think fe dovern. ment fi tintory when it accom. lished all that within six months, netudin the month's notlee? nnett urges cancellation of the treaty, but does he ronlixe that oanosilation would mean more une ul oy Canada, for we have ug 0) oni tarde for our Industri treaty," Mr, Moore nr DROWNS HIS CHUM DID IT "JUST IN FUN" (By Canadian Pros onend pd Los Angeles, Calif, July 11, Verne Me onald, 7, who police rs confessed he hold threayear-old Jimmy Wiis, a playmate, under the watery of : ong Beach flood sonirol channel "until he didn't for examine INAUGURATE NEW COACH LINE T0 REPLACE RADIAL Busses to Run Between Scar. boro and West Hill Hearbore', aly 11. Vollowing abandonment of (he third sone of the fearbore' Radia! Line, hetwee) Sonrbore' Post offies and Wes! Hill, at midnight on Haturday, # new conch services wil he Insugur ated between West Hill and the T T, € terminal at Bay and Dundas Kiveels, Tovonie, The first Silypoung conch will lgwve West Will ul 6,46 am, dally, axeopt Mundays, when the first trip in at 0.06 am, While the first cone from the elty terminal leaves aL 6 am, dally, except Hunday when It leaves st 8.80, On week days and Bundays an hourly servie will be maintained throughout the day, with an extra lite ear leaving West Hill on Sundays only at 11.45 pm ASSAULTED WIFE, GIVEN SMALL FINE Fred Marshall Appeared in Police Court This Morning Pred Marshall, A7 Division Bt, wis fined #5 and costs with the a tion of ten days In Jalil, in Pollos Court, this morning, when he ap peared to answer to a charge of aommon assault preferred hy his wife The evidence given hy (he wit nesses wan of a very contradictory nature, Mrs, Marshall and hor two daughters stating that Marshall was under tha influence of liguer, while Marshall olaimed that his wife onlled him names. He alvo 'innintad that he never nid a finger on his wife, The charge was ald on the in formation laid by Mrs, Marshall, who stated that when she arrived home from a dance on the evens Ing of July 4th, she was orderad out of her husband's room when she went to chide him for a slight misdemeanor, Nhe sald that her husband followed her out of his room and struck her while in her daughter's room, These stale ments were corroborated hy the Kirls, Marshall Informed (he dourt that he was not under the influence of liquor and had heen in bed for some time when his wife arvived home, Hhe came into his room and began to upbraid him In no hneertain manner, He ordered her out of the room, he sald, but did not toueh her, Gordon D, Conant counsel for the defence mada objection to the fact that Marshall had been cons fined in the cells at the Polio Nias ton on a charge of gommon as saul, The Crown stated In reply that Marshall had heen kept in cons fineMent more as A measures of Bhhention for his wife than others wise, MANY ENTERING LOGAL CONTEST Chamber of Commerce Hue Received Some Interest. ing Pictures Although tha termination of the Chamber a Soma tion Plotorial " BLOry contest is aver seven tury. 4 fine Sot o- In Wonki AWAY, entrion Are WIready Be We that nN meeting. In heginning to triokle into the offige. "0 iwi h Three partioularly fine snaps ae Em wen by medieal aut 'Akento the channel where litle Toma body wa found Weds neaday evening, La Verne, police devigres, wold he Maid it just ih un Laut Some Questions For Dr, Kalser re M Kajsor, by Jveriuement thin" ho he ever Hv d ah a Joke, Yor el h tor, pri rer rived in yesterday morning's mall, ¢ the Mig A entered tn the competition by My, ow, tum te "The + GB: Dawnon, of 107 Himooe atveel pire" d's he wame date, und a Pi fon, Mr, Qhilton's selection i cludes a birda' eye view of Lakes wide Park, apparently taken from the end of A ® point to the wes! of Ahh he harbour, another repre: aontation of the golf club, and ny ploture of the new CGonosha ae of the best suiries to dale in Class "NB" for photos of Owls LA) a, i. A 3 LLL 0, aa ry * taken ba 0 year 1) oN 1 {} goby a thriving oe . tof the am the tue a hin J; whie corres r, Dawson must be an foie « 1] onthusiantio golfer, Al of his - photographs gh napped on the XL rab of the OUhAWA doit Club NDI ne ploture in particular, a view ho fla of the olub house from the fourth x name Fh Hil iake ulte a bit of boat Rt not ", report udges start their 58 Ki work Miination on Heptember hong Ly hy Hat, Hight and shadow oon Ho re hia re et i in ie | phgto are effective - oir a in WOR'S other entries In: ° wr oore personally, and [| clude a bir view of the elul the an \ house, and a general ge of he Mos gore homie, ibe 2 Taroe soon. Pines have Alan 0 | ng a n This Section been entered by My, Harold Chik there ave ea 0. be byl Jor the nel h Ab . Wi wie Sha Dominion: ol Cane . Rates want to div A 4 on OSHAWA CITADEL BAND T0 RENDER FESTIVAL OF MUSIC Visiting Soloists From To. ronto Will Be Present Bandmaster Dempsey Will Preside ---- A lawn festival of music and song has heen arranged to he given hy Malvation Army Citadel Band on the grounds of the Cliadel on Wadnesday, July 16th, in the even. ing: This 1s a little out of the or dinary but with the hol summer days with us, It was thought that this program would be enjoyed mueh mors if held outside, Kuffi- clont chairs will he placed on the Inwn for all whe attend and avery somfort of the audience provided for, PBandmaster TV, Dempsey, of the Ontario Regimental Band hax kindly consented (0 preside over the program Not only UI the §, A, Band and local talent takes part but three soloists from "Toronto are coming for the evening, Deputy Band muster ¥, Gare, of the Doversourt Band is well known In these paris ue i splendid cornet soloist and he will rander two solos, VFrom the Tample (Toronto) Band two of the Bandsmen will ba here in the par sons of Bandsman M, Richmond and Bandsman B. Hodgkins, The for mer Is the (romebones soloist of that band and musie lovers of Osh: mwa will that evening have an op portunity to hear him play twice and his solos are always enjoyed Both the Daputy Bandmaster and Handsman Richmond are Gold Modulists, The vooal side of the program has not bean forgotten for mandsman Hodgkids 1a well known not only In Canada but also in England for his singing, Many will remember having heard him over the radio, In the event ol rain or wel grounds the program will he given In the Citadel WOMAN FINDS MANY GOOD LUCK TOKENS If the finding of four and five-leaved clover may be considered any indication of good luck, J, Clatt, of John Street, has good for: tune coming her way In gen- erous measure, Only re: vently ' while in her gmiden she picked 45 heads of clover, each hearing four leaves, while she also dis covered ten little plants, such with five leaves LOCAL GIRLS PASS NORMAL EXAMS. Will Be Awarded Interim First Class Cor: tificates Names of four Oshawa students are included in the list of those who have passed thelr examinations at normal school the resulta of which are announced today by the Depart went yesterday They are Miss Constance Colpuy, daughter of My, and Mm, NB ¢€ Colpus, of 9 Bagot street, Min Ruth Mutton, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, NL, Mutton, of 321 Mary street, Miss Masel Sweet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Charles J Sweet, of M6 Mary street and Miss Flora MoRoberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs MaoRoberts, of 186 Sim con atreet south } Certificates of the successful candis dates and marks of those whe will be forwarded In due course to the Individual address®s, Candidates who falled to obtain the necessary stand ing for interim Arar class certificates hut whose marks hring them within the provisions of the normal sehool regulations will he granted Interim seoond class certificates and upon passing at a later dute the Ana! exe aminations at the Normal Sehool will he granted interhm frst eliss oertificates, Sueh candidates will be advised of the subject of which they wi be required te write, The four Oshawa young ladies mentioned above have been granted Interim first clans Claws certificates, ECONOMIC SURVEY OF APPLE INDUSTRY Woltavills, N, §-="The Agriouls tural Koonomion Branch of the De partment of Axrloulture at Ottawa opmoparating with the Nova Heotla Department of Agriculture, has undertaken an economlio survey of the. production of apples In the Annapolis Valley, Arrangements for this study were made last dans nary, after representations had heen mado to 'the Department at Ottawa by fralt growers' assoolay tions in Various parts o fhe boy miwlon, Following the gare of Nova Nootln, the provinces of Rrunawiok, Quebee, Ontario od Britiah Columbia will ha visited, Plans are also under way for studying tha Atvown) of. apples in entra markets harbour, with a lake steamer tied up 16 the wharf, and a seene of the home of Mr, and Mrs, WH, Allin, floera make the plonta a real success dus pits the inclement weather, oradit in due Mr, and Mra, 8, Chan, Allin and joni ity and hospith 1, It w Xn fioers be elected for next year, Had Been at st Christie St.| Military Hospital, Toron- to, for Over Eight Months as Result of War Injuries ~=Was Police Magistrate Since 1919 Vollowing un protracted Hines, the direct vesult of Injuries sus tained In the service of his coun: try during the Great War, Major Alfred F, Wi d, for 11 years po Hoe magistrate of Oshawa, died af the Christie Street Militury How pital, Toronto, early this morning Major Wind wus admitted to the Shonpital about sight months ago und was given leave of ahsence from his duties bere, His condi Hon wan regarded as serious and tacently I bovame known that his chances for recovery were bu! wight, Wis death however In being fell keenly by membors of his fam Hy and a Inrge elrele of Intimate friends, Upon returning to Oshawa from the Great War, Major Hind wi wppolpted as police magisiraie Fravious Lo enlistment he had bos; uhiet conutable und wax thereto well qualified to serve on the honch, Vor sm number of yours dui Ing the perl 1 in which this ei witnessed un expansion unpurallel od by any other community in the provines, Magistrate Hind's court wus one of the busiest In Ontare Wut niways he gave avery case tha closest uttontion, His decisions were hawed upon " thorough Knowledges of the Criminal Code und rarely were they ever upset hy any court of apponl, In fact his record in this regard was consider od ona of the hest among those uitting on the bench Although strict in his dealings With transgressors against the law, Magintrate Hind was often mer eitul partieularly to first offenders and many a young man wl had Kone wrong was given opportunity to stare afresh without the stigmas of un Jail term, Suspended sentence and the kindly advieo of Magis trate Hind would be accorded In the mercy of the sourl Hecaune of | position, Magis trate Mind was a member of th police commission since its Incop Hon, Wik service in this eapaelty will be rorely missed hy the elly und other members of the com: miunion His police experionce dates back to 180) when he Joined Neotland Yard as a member f the Metro politan Police Force of London, Previous to the Great War he ams to Canada and moving to Ouhawn was mado ohilef constable When war broke out he obtained leave of nbhaence and enlisted with the 116th battalion OC KV, wm captain, able'nin the rank of major in the flald, Major Mind always Look a keen Interest In the Ontario Magistrates Association and was ita president In 1087, For two years provious (n that he had heen vice-president, Ho wan a gradunte of the Royal Hohool of Engineers Magistrate Mind took a keen Interest In various notivities in the oily and was an enthusiastio mem. ber of the Rotary Club, In reli klon he was Anglican and & regu. Iar attendant at Hi, George's Ane licen Chureh, In 1081 and 108%, Major Hina noted un quartermastor in the re organisation of the Ontario Regis Oshawa Loses Valued Public OFFICIALLY OPEN Servant in Death of M A. F. Hind This Morning ajor MAJOR A, 7. WIND © | Police magistrate of the eity and valued public servant who died al the Christie Street. Military Hospital early this morning fol lowing an lengthy Hiness, the re. silt of war Injuries, ------_ BTC A A ---- ment, Ha was later placed on the ronerve of officers and at the Lime Of hin death was an honorary men bar of the officers' mess 9 Ohiet Vrlend "Fhe Oghawa police force deep ly vogvets the death of Major Hind," Chief of Poles. Vrlend stated this morning, Magistrate Mind had always hoon regarded with great respect by himself and officers, he stated Mayor T, I, Mitehell "Ihe late Major Alfred V. Hind, wits without doubt, a splendid mag trate," Mayor Mitchell said today His decisions were usually of such a character, that to appeal against them wis useless, und very few ap peals against his judgments were shccesaful, His ability asm magistrate wis not only recognized locally, but wis well known throughout the pro vinee and particularly In the ofMce of the Attorney General "I eame in close gontuet with Ma jor Hind in the police commission of this city, He never forgotgtho fact that ut one time he wis Chiel ol Police of the City of Oshawa, and who an mbtary man, Consequent Iy he took a deep interest In ow police foree, particularly us to thelr character, stuture und general mill tary bearing and te him belongs a wreat deal of the eredit for the splen did police force which we have "It will no doubt he uw. _ difMeuh problem to find a person to hl the office of magistrate ceptinhly and capably us it has ny done in the past ten years by Major Hind Major Mind a survived by his wife, formerly Mrs, Mary Norman, whom he married In Oshawa In March, 1000, one son, Lionel a student at the Oshawa Collegiate and Voeational Institute; and two stepchildren, Mra Morritt Bmith and Mr, George Norman, both of Oshawa, A wpecond won, Gordon, died at an early age while Major Hind wan overseas, The remains are heing brought to the Luke Burial Parlors tosday and arrangements for the funeral will he announced later, (1 The Blackburn Hardy ANUS | plente was held thin year on July Inst al "Warddals Farm", Lot §, Con, 2, Darlington Aawhihip, at Jhas AL 10 am, OAPE began to arrive from the surrounding country until about two hundred and fifty rela tives had gathered, They ware met hy the genial host and hostess and thelr family who gave every: one & warm welcome to their beau: titul home prettily decorated with flowers and fags for the oconsion, Al noon all sat down to a sum: pluous dinner of meatspioa malady, plokles, sandwiches and ples, ete, to which all did full justice, tahlen lawn under some beautiful trees, drove all the guests to shelter, Bul As KOON an the rain eased everyons went merry-making The on the spacious shade rain wore set After dinner heavy resume their the effi outalde, to Mr Russell K. Havle, olent President, called the AAS to order and asked Minn Lela Knight, Neoy Treas, (0 give the Jinaneol statement whieh showed A satisfactory balance, The of. put forth every effort te Mueh for their generos: Y ae to all moved Chan N, \ and a od by Mr, John ebater that the following ob AM Hon, Prestdenta== Mr Hardy le My, Fred Blackburn, Pant Pron =~ Ne Rusell Warle, Prog My, A . N, Hardy, 18t Vice Pros==Irank Allin, nd Viea Press Mr Mar Blackburn, we Mima Lela WN Neoo'y Treas Knight, #pesohes were made by Mess, % Carter Riackburn and Richard activity en the pler, Wabaton, MR BIMKDUID Who 18 tesa hb J Reunion of Blackburn-Hardy Families in Form of Picnic k | 8 suitable reply, olny: oth! yours old gave tory of the Wackburn fam Ing back to 1777, They the north riding of County, England, Tommy burn, eldest of eleven came to Canada to wpy country, On Toturhing land, he gave a favourable report, No noon after, the wholy family composed of seven girls and four sons and thelr father and mother wet out for Canada in 1808, They all settled near Newoastle. ' Mr, Wm, Blackburn setled on a farm in Clarke township whioh was later oooupled hy bin son Carter and now Ww hin grandson, Fred Nlackburn, Mra, Dewey Baker. (Rebeooa) and Mrs, Jerome Baker (Ruwuhel), want to United States, settling In the state of Tlinols hut the reat of the family wettled in the vieinity of Newoastle, Now their descend. Abts are settled in many different provinees of Canada and several alates in the United Ntatea, Mr, Richard Webster who is alse AN octogenarian, gave some fam: fly reminiscences, The Wabater family onme from the West riding of the county of Yorkshire Kung: nnd, The President then suggested a moment's. sllence he given in mem ory of Mra, W, 0. RNlackburn and MP, Jan A Hardy hea Shared Ava unink the yet, M Winifred Davideon Toronto, gave a very WaIROuA roading whioh ie enjoyed. Following thin they ap- plauded the effioient putiving Prout: dent, Mp, Norman Allin: A hearty vote of thanks to Mr, and Mrs, 8, 0. Allin and family was moved by Hardy and seconded by The host made A Ma {ty dat Hved In Yorkshire Ninoks ohildren, out the to Kng M, Mr, Norman Allin, A candy soramble then made much excitement for both old and young, The sports. committee VOY aapably conducted an inter: eating program of races and con: tenia alah as the childrens' Ballosn {8s | will make the caleulation, and pre NEW WEIGH SCALES FOR USE TODAY Fire Chief Elliott Is Weigh- Lakefront Due Is Gradual master--Scales of Most Modern Type With VPire Chief Elllott as of- Nolsl welghmaster, Osbawa's new vity wenles are being officially opened; for business today, Bin. uied as they are in the heart of the city, Just west of the town hal on the corner of Mimoos sirest north and Richmond wsireets, Lhe naw soales will fill a real need in the business Mie of the city, The weighing machine, whose instalintion wax completed Just Iwo weeks ago, Is of the mos! modern and improved (ype, the Fairbanks Motor model, A large Woek of coment, set flush with the javement, will take automobile or dray conveniently, The record Ing part of the apparatus is cous tained in an enclosed houses, where the weighmaster or his deputy pars a duplicated record of every weighing performed, Notwithstanding the fact that it will handle a loaded coal truck, the machinery Is yoi deljoate enough to weigh the average man to within ounces, The scales will at all times bs In chargs of welghmasier Klllott, or of a quatitied Adoputy welghmanter, OSHAWA RINK WINS Members of Board And Vocations! Committee to Attend Vickery Funeral Members of the Board of Kducation and the Advisory Vocations! Committes wiil ntiend the f neral of the late K, 1, Vickery, tomor- row afternoon, as p Mark of respect and esteem for one whe during the pas! four and a half years wan Aan actly an' faithful mem ber, The following notices has heen sent tn sach mem her of the hoird and of the commities; Dear Wir It |s with deep regret that we find it necessary 10 report the death of Trune tae ¥. 1, Vickery of the Board of VKdueation, The funeral which is undwr { Masonic auspices will he held In Mimeos Wires Church at 4.30 pm, Batur day, July 12th, Members of the Board o' Wducation and Advisory Vocations! ' Commities nie asked tn at { rend { Rewpaciiully yours, [ H. Rk, PULLER, Business Administrator ™N 0 [+] COBOURG TOURNEY Cobourg and Bowmanville Rinks Come 1st and 2nd in Consolations (Special to The Times) Cobourg, July 1«C, CC, Stenhouse of Oshawa and his rink composed of Hurry Black, vice-skip, O , Alger, und J, H.R. Luke, captured first place In the annual teurnsment of the Cobourg Lawn Bowling Club, lust night, In the finals they defent ed a Cobourg rink made up of O F. Allison, W, Corbett, James Wat son and Maurice Booth, skip ¢ The Cobourg rink which had heen eliminated fn the semi-Anals hy C C, Stenhouse, Inter won the eonso Intion series, a Bowmanville rink skipped by J. J. Mason coming see: ond No less than 3 rinks took part in the tourney W. H MOORE TO SPEAK AT WHITBY A major item In the campaign of Mr, William HW, Moore, Liberal candidate for the county of One tario, will be his address at Whit by on Monday evening, when he will address a mass gathering in the town hall of that community, Mr, Mooro's address on that occas sion will bear the title, "Our Bread and Butter", Liberal execu: tives expect that a crowded hall will listen to Mr, Moore's handling of this all important subject, Other speakers on the bill of fare for the evening inolude Mra A. W, Bell, of the Liberal Women's organisation of the riding, Mr Samuel King, K.O, and the aver popular A. J, "Johnny Graves, The committee in charge have promised that the meeting wil) be, "not a long meeting, but one filled with intorest", Mr, B. H. M, Irwin will be in the chair, The mecting coMmmMenoss al 7.90 pm, standard time, 8,80 pom, daylight saving time, CITY NEWS NPARK CAUSKS FIRW A spark from a locomotive caused & small roof fire at the home of James Panter, Knight's Road, early yesterday afternoon, Total damage amounted to about $40, The fire department answers od the eall sent in, with pumper and ladder truck, and had the blase under control in short order, LONGER SENTENCE ANKED The Police Court dealt with two canes of intoxioation this morning, and imposed a Jail term of three months In both oases, The men, Orville Murat and Charles Dean, were both old offenders againat the Liquor Control 'Aot, so that there was no option of a fine Hurat pleaded for six mouths in Jail Instoad of the threa imposed by the court and was much de pressed when it was refused him, " race, Biscuit race and Ladies' Nail Driving contest, All the ros wore keenly oonteated a suitable prises were awarded, Muoh enjoys ment was derived 4 both old and young hy Sartell ng in softball games an Dik ing horseshoes An a grand ollmax to the "sports" (} nut seramble was enjoyed, uesta were Jovem from To ronto Rahawe, owmanville, Port Hope, Noweastie Peterboro, Lind. say, Fenelon Walls, Uxbridge and Sunderland, A letter of regret from Dr, and an. | Brneat Allin, Angutes, Cal, URA, t 5,30 pam, all partook of a dainty luncheon attar which the friends dispersdd, sorry to part, but hoping to meet again next year at fe o home of Mr and Mee. lsaao vy Salina, East Whitby Council To Call by township, M pose of discussing the placing of street lights In the Harmony area time, and all ratepayers who may tend, ( presented hy P are as follows \ on the members present, former meeting were read and ad. opled, from Dept, of Agriculture, Norman Down, J, Annis, Puble Utilities Commission, Ontar- fo County Clerk and Hydro Electric Power Commission, A. 1, Rows and six others for grave ol on the road between Lots 15 and Warne that the Clerk communicate with the Clerk of Oshawa asking for a meeting with their Board of Works re sewer Routh, ' Visit naw harhoy agitation, [Problem of Flooding at the to Dredging, y Solving Itself To Harbor Today Shows Situation Is Ime proving--W, H. Barnhart Suffers Heaviest Loss COUNCIL ASKS GOV'T, TO RELIEVE SITUATION Lakefront Residents Said To Have Signed Papers Ree leasing Dredge Company From Responsibility--Dif ficulties Will Be Forgote ten With Completion of Project davelopment of Oshawa's has not been without drawhacks Only constant maintained over a period parsunded successive Do- The i" f yours, minton governments, regardless of political wirife anxiour to become 4 lake port and that this elty was navigation facilities for he benefit of its Industries, Now hat the work has hesn definitely tarted and the big sucker Is busy aquired dredging the hottom for the new harbor another difficulty has heen encountered in unusually high and water pumps WILL CONSIDER |: hetwean the park and the harbor the level of the lake d by the hig dredge has heen ine indating the land at the lake front A visit to the Iake today Indicates STREET LIGHTS IN 15ers ( Junlly solving itself There Is Mite la water to he found outside the t , " HARMONY AREA retaining wall erected by the IV dredge company and practically the 1 I Public Meeting In Harmony School f P. G. Purves, clark of Kast Whit was authorized hy |} souncil at its meeting Tuesday to |! ai n public meeting for the pur. |¢ I in July |! saving ( be interested, are invited to al } take school daylight place on The meeting will Harmony public 21st, at § pm, The minutes of the council as 0. Purves, clerk, Council met at Columbus, Ont, [t Monday, July 7, with all Reave Rom Minutes of |¢ occupied the chair Communioations were read Conant & Oshawa P, Mangan, City of Oshawa, A petition was received from 10 In the 6th Concession, Moved by Mr, Hart, see, by Mr, on Park Road Carried, Moved by Mr. Warne, seo, hy Mr, Hart that ths Counell petition the Utilities Commission of Oshawa for A street light at the C.P.R, Croks- ing on Park Road South, Carried Moved by Mr, Beott, seo, by Mr, Hare that this Counell petition the Utilities Commission of Oshawa for Hart that the Clerk be authorized to oall a public meeting In Har. mony Publie School on July 21st at § pom, daylight saving time re Ntreot Lights In that area, Care ried, Moved by Mr, Boott, see, hy Mr, Lavig that the request of Mr, W, M. Croskery for the sum of #25, be not granted at this time, Care ried, Moved by Mr. Lavi, nee. by Mr, Warne that the following accounts be paid: 0, M, Hayes, 88, 6, $200; H, NH, Hutohings, 8.8, 5, $800. A, J, Malyon, 8.8, 8, $100; I 7, Ormin. ton, BB 0H, #300,; Harry James, BE, 4, $300; A, Trimm, B, of H,, $11.60; Oshawa Times, printing, 835, Municipal World, printing, $16.84; D. Lyle, sheep, #30. €. Hayes, valuer, $8: A, KH, Gramm, sheep, $60, Jan, MoKenuie, valuer, #0.) Oshawa, sower, $6,010.47; R NH, Miles, sidawalk, #12.75; Shields, sidewalk, 826, Hydro, Bt, Lightn, $60.08, RelletD, 'hompaon 14.00, 0, Conlin #8.00; 7, RN, Hoeanllp hiv " Ballley $0.06; A, Holl: nap $1.04; F\ Bhaw #8; alary=-8, ©, Conlin. $14.80; hy French $166,; I, GQ. Purves n «J, Newlon $05.88; W, Murphy $3880.86; W, Young $342,006; Ray Glover p15, . O81, Johnston $107,183; P, David. son $198,898; Bdgar Qlover 8401.41; 0, Windsoheftel $28.80; ¥, Tarrant $3: D. Knapp #2; Geo. Luke 4.00; Geo, Robinson $1.80; Ohas, oott $1.80; ¥, Rodgera $13.00; B, MoGhee $10.80; R, Christy $84. 49; J, Bhields $3130; A. Rom $105,003 No Allin 809.00; 8 Bur. goyne $70.75: W, J, Wilbur 17.00; Neubitt Bros, $10.60: J. Galka FI7.807 ¥ Puokrin $105. Ly Len. barg 80,80; J D. Adama $2.00; work is completed are forgotten in view of the value dream of hecoming a lake and being brought to vessels of all nations are able te ronto dation for thelr work in the case an they had not heen Informed of only Indication of flooding Is thas he ground is soggy in places, / H, Barnhart proprietor of farnhart's Pavilion plenie grounds and boat livery hax sufferad more rom flooding attendant te thes dredging operations than any other property holder complained to the city counell that On Monday he vis business was suffering due 10 he fact that the pienie grounds sould not he used and the eoungil decided to communicates with the Yapariment of Public Works res questing that steps be Laken to res fave the situation, Other residents niong the lakes ront no doubt wers inconvenis anoad hy the floods but last Octos war they signed papers releasing he dredge company from any res sponsibility In the matter, No great publie work oan be indertaken without mesting cers ain obstacles But when the the difficulties of the project which has © become a reality, cortainly Oshawa's port. ultimately an ocean port, is fruition, When Slowly hut Ia up at Oshawa harbor, the pres sent difffoultion will then appear of ittle consequence, STOLEN CAR, RECOVERED The Police this morning recovs ered an Automobile stolen in To The Polies deserve commens the loss of the car by the Toronte Polles, 1t wan anly when Toronto Police Hoadquarters was oalled that Police here learned ths oar wan stolen, The car was a Chryss ler sedan. CHIMNEY VIR The Mra Department was called to THM Albert St, at 11,45 this morning, The fire, which was in the chimney was soon extinguishes od, with slight damage' to the house, Padlar People $70.64; Oshawa Lbr, Co, $80.40; Canadian Express Co, $1.80; 1. Hancock $00.14; PF, Goodman $26.1 Bigin Glover $384.» 26: dno, Glover #6684; Geo, Rodd $06.3 A, Palmoster $74.85; Geo, Bigie $11.70; V, Goodman $21; N, Hartford 86,1 1, R, Allin $01,20; Robt, Squeloh #8. J, Bookett $102.06; O, Hubbard $80.» 40H, Cranfield $1.40; CO, Bennett $16.80; Willoughby Bros, #14; J, Myles $4.60; G, Brent $83.00; T, Hall #10507 A, K, Grass $11.40; T, Nowsoma $177.3 8, Collins $20.« 10; J, Wilson $5,758, Moved hy My, Hoott, see, by Mn, Warne that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on Saturday, : August 2nd, next, at 10, Carried, Too Late To Clanslly cabriolet, A1 condition, Will [LL ritiee, Phone 3173, (ha), ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY COLUM» bud United Chureh, July 18, services 11 am, and ¥ p.m, jo ducted hy Rev, Dr, Cooper, day, July 15, supper trom § hid 8 o'clock, Program by Orphues Malo Quartette, Poroute; \

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