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Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jul 1930, p. 7

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SI -. 'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, Soma AAI 38 US Etats cn eo eS A AL FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1930 By Thornton W. Burgess m--tw Be not too quick, though as you Know, 'tis often fatal 10 he slow, ~0ld Mother Nature, One must {sink alakiy in times of danger, The ons who ix slow In his thinking is Jkely to be ton Inte, That is why these slow think. ors seldom Vive to grow old, To live long in the warld of feathers and fur is to think quiekly and to wet as quickly, Now, in Jerry Muskrat's big fam. Hy there was one young Muskeal who was always just a little bit behind (he others, If an danger signal was given this young Musk. Yat was the last ons fo heed it, This wasn't because he Was cares logs or heedloss, 11 was because his wits wero a little slow, He didn't sense at once what the sig. nal meant, But when he would see his brothers and sisters plunging snder water, he would do Hkewise, Jor {would come to him then what that signaling meant, Mrs, Muskrat worried over this little fellow more than she did over some of the others, "I am afraid," she sald to Jerry, "that pome day he'll just be too Iale, You will notice that he never does anything in a hurry, His wits seem to work slowly and his move. mente Are jum as slow, Wt takes him twice us long to get under water as it does some of the oth worey ahout , 1 wouldn't "He'll he all him," replied Jerry, right," For a while the young Musk- vat was all right, Nothing hap. pened to him and his mother, be. coming accustomed to his slowness, gradually forgot about. it, Of course, sha warned him that he must think more quickly and move more quickly, But the little Musk. yal went hig way unconcerned, As nothing happened to him, he made up his mind that nothing could hap- pen to him; and this was, of course, A very foolish thing to think, You know, something can always hap- pen, Now, thers were others who had noticed the slowness of this little muskrat, One of those was Whitetail the Marsh Hawk, It Is the business of Whitetall to note such things as this, Many times lie had flown where he could watch the young Muskrats around the Smiling Pool, without appearing to watch them, He was studylug them: he was getting sequainted with their ways, "Phere ia one of thosa young Muskrats I am going to hava for my toner," thought Whitetail, "He oesn't know it and I'm not going to tall him, but I'm going to get him Just the same, Were ha an quick as his brothers and sisters T would. n't be quite te sure of him, Hut he is slow and one of thess days he is going to be too slow for his own good." Bo every day Whitetail kept watch so as to learn the habits of the young Munkrats, He noticed that this particular young Musk: ---_] one morning when from a distance he had made sure that the young Muskrat wag sitting on the favorite log, Whitetail circled far around | and then, fying low, just. ahove the geass tops, ha headed straight for the Smiling Pool, He was fly. ing so low that he knew the youns dorgone ordenls of fire, heen burned ni the stake for caus ing (he displeasure of the gang: FIND GANGLAND TORTURE CHAMBER Men Burned at Stake by Cyr pone Henchmen in Chicago re ---- July 10,~FPolice dis Chicago, covered what they called a "tor. ture chamber" basement of the Cleero Montmar- tre Cafe, night-club operated by Sunrines Al Capone gangsiers, yostordny in the Evidence indicated, they said, hat ensmiey of Capone had un had aven sor chieftain, Two charred posts, sunk deep in the cement floor, werd located after prohibition agents raided the place while citizens seeking An underworld thrill, were dancing to the tunes of a Jaze orchestra above, Both the post were shout five fool high, One was almost burned through, AL the knee snd shoulder heights of an Average man wers riveted fron hooks, They might well have heen used, police said, Lo ahain & man to the post whils a fire was hullt at hig feet Lo force information from his Vips, Ee se "It millrried women look at a hachelor they get a little mora re. conciled Lo thar own husbands,' ee Lady Astor, "Please a man's pride and you may do anything with him," Dy Will Durant, SENATOR ASSERTS BILL STRANGLES CANADIAN TRADE United States Has Killed Goose That Laid the Golden Egg July 10,» George of Georgin In pa statement Washington, issund through Nations! Commities ndministyation Canadian trade with the greediost tariff bill aver enacied," The tariff, he said, has squeezed mors than a protesting squawk oul Benntor Demovratic assailed the "strangling the for of our northern neighbor and hest customer, "Unwittingly or not, it has made the Smeoot-Hawley-rundy tariff an important fesne In the forth. coming general election In Canada, to which country in 1920 we ex ported nine hundred and forty- eight million dollary' worth of commodities and from which we imported the sams year shipments fu the wum of flys hundred and three millon dollars--n trade hal anes of four handred and forty: five mititon in our favor, "Obviously the loss or the ser: «0uk curtailment of our (rade with the Dominlon of Canada is no (rif) ing Inefdont, On the contrary, it presents proportions which in time may asyume aspecis thet wil have to he treated an an economic ealamity, "Wigures complied In the Da. partment of Commeren confirm the fear that when the president dy 1aritt act he killed the provey- bin) goose that Jays (hs golden OEE with one strokes of his pen, "According to late estimates, United states business aggregn'ing two hundred and sistyiwo mil 4 Hon dollars 1s niready nffected ndversely by Canada's wesentment In overt pete againgt the most rer pucious tariff the American Con gross his yer parsed and which an American president has thus far wpproved, "It 18 to be regreiied (het ef forts Lo promote friendly relations with our neighbors are not sup: ported hy liberal trade policies," 66,000 ARRESTED UNDER VOLSTEAD ACT By Canadien # Press Lonsed Wire) Washington, DC, July 10, approved the Fmoot-Hawley-Grun- |iast fiscal vear of its operstiof under the treasury resulted in the arrest of HB, 166 persons and seis ure of 24,574 wills, The arrests showed an Ineresss of approximately 2,000 over the 192 fiscal year and Of APProxis mately 7,000 in the number of stills melzed, The figures Include ed the nimber of arrests and seiz. ures for 11 months of the year ang optimated arrests and welgures fog June, / SOFT DRINKS If | wars getting out 8 new softy drink | would name i "Hells Kveryhody," because then it would gol #0 much free advertising nvey J the radio, ~1Af8, od ----t--r UNDER PRESSURNK ~ He "When 1 dance with you ¢ feal as though 1 were (reading on Prohibition enforcement during thelare my Lelonds," | fhoe""Don't, kid yourself; thosd | feet, Cinlyeston News, Muskrat sitting on the log would not be able to ses him because of the bulrushes, Any young Muskrats who might be on the other side of the pond would be Iikely to ses him before he reached the smiling Pool, However, they would uot ses him until he was almost there, and he counted on the slowness of this young Muskrat to take alarm, It all eamo about Just as he had planned, Jerry Muskrat, from the farther wide of the Smiling Pool saw Whitetail coming, Instantly, Jerry gave the alarm, Instantly, all the young Muskrats heeded the slarm; that is, all but the slow one, By the time he had made up his mind to plunge into the waler, it was just too Inte, and White: taf) the Marsh Hawk carried him away, Bo Jerry's big family was reduced to six, (Copyright, 1080, 7, W, Burgess) The next story: "The Last Little Muskrat," "1 find It mont difficult to lve ELLA CINDERS---Pistols For On¢ on a budget; don't you?" "Do 17 Why, I had to insert two mistakes Inst month to wake it ba. lance!' «Life Bambo--""Did NDrudder Brown glib de bride away?" Rastus-=""No, sul; he gwine lot dn groom find out for hisself Philadelphia Bitar, I Whitby, Owhawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE EK DAY Fay) irl 4 "e) ime) rive Whithy "mm, 30 am, WEE (Effective on and all (Daylight Bovine, Laave Arrive Hospital 33 = 3 10.80 a.m 1345 om 23 F333 233333: 23 "3 am bh om, El FJ 33333 : TELLING TOMMY MARKED WITH CROSSES DATING THE CROSS HAS BELN USED AS AN ORNA- MENT AND AS A RELIGIOUS SYMBOL SINCE THE BEGINNING OF HISTORY, TOMMY, 0BJLCTS LATER STONE AGE HAVE BEEN FOUND IN LUROPE, 07. JULIAN BT EPR 17. JAMES ROM THE MINTED AA TYPES OF CROSS USED IN NEMALDRY o--t---- Ero SYRIA PLRSIA AND EGYPT Have ALL YIELDED VARIOUS ARTICLLS MARKED WITH CROSSES DATING FROM TIMES LONG BEFORE THE CHRISTIAN ERA, [ie OF THE MOST FREQUENT FORMS OF PRE CHRISTIAN CROSS ARE THE FYLFOY CALVARY 25 9 | 37) CRODS CRORILIT PATERNOSTER FYLFOT we "7 CAUSADERS | ; OR SWASTIXA AND THE TJ CROSS 50 NAMED BECAUSE IT LODKS LIKE THE | GREEK CAPITAL LEYTER'Y,1T WAS HOT UNTIL TH THE CROSS WAS PUBLICLY USED AS A SYMBOL OF THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION iN @ 108 King Features Ryndins wk £ TIME OF CONSTANTING THAT DO YOU KNOW, HOW 10 MAKE WELL! PULLING HER TAIL WORKS ALL odor Greg! Brine righin raperved Be ee 111 S=oP3Teoes So 10.50 pum, BizRaamceEsnn: FIPISITTSIISSSS ER ta ET B333333 Poop oe SEIRTISERSE 2333 E233 > 3 = £ £3 pes - SFE TEmees StEoussss 333332333 azz BRINGING UP FATHER . VM GONNA HAVE Act ARD TIME TRYIN TO GT OUT TO NIGHT IF MAGGIE BITS T™ERE I'VE GOT TO THINK \OF A HCHEME an IT | | At! I'VE GOT AN DEA MAGGIE HERE COMES LORD NIL. WNOT DOWN THE HTRERET HIM UNTIL 'M FIXED WP CALLS: TAKE MM IN OR AND TR [HEN mE [| THE Pan) | 1 [il : "Eh 9, - Ld GOLLY DHE OURE FELL FER THAT - " ve JS 7 \ - So SR2SE;kR2x Po Toabssh 33 rat, was fond of sitting on the end of a certain old log, Back of that log grew some bulrushes, All HEAVENS! I'M NOT | DRESSED 3333333332 > ? 3 Po -------------------- > ISST TTI Fees TSewrgen- 2 We em. 1 ee oy A this Whitetail took note of, Then BR ----. Felt Bros. The Leading Je Jeweler - 12 SIMCOE ST. "SOUTH For Your Drug Needs 'THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe. 86. B = We Deliver Macive Sepii NOTHING 100 SMALL Adanac Machine Sho 101 King 8¢. W, Phone 1014 cd 3? F g Time Whi SUNDAY AND Wig inl SCHEDULE : Wosiitan Sama LS 3 ® im 199 Posture Serves. ne. Great Britain hie Jeareed rr ==% - a a » ig BE n ity i (Kavopt Sunday), ) i. SE (Eason under) | wil if ie I i bibl fh bi vi il fw eadunimng ' i hn 1 19 iy Pon "YOM MUST BIR FATTENRD ! SAID THE WITEH LIVER TO CoMPY G0 DoLy [| PLATR OF aa) AND TO TAKE A Wan A CE Moar W wate THEM ALL, DOLLY TOLD COMPY TO BE BR. KOBAY WOULD HND AS THE WITer FLEW ARCUND ON HER BROOMETICK, DHE DROPPED HER WAS AND DOLLY PICKED IT LP » AE WANT A BEAN Ee BUSINES "TvhE WERE WIN ry "ry TELLING MR | HECLO, MAC +. ANY PROSPECTS KHow up s bp liigh ME Se Ba US he YES, BUTA'D ADV IEE You NOY TO TAKE * THE Tol - "THE BOSS HERE \S A T\AvE: Shivam; YOU kA. WORIL OVER TIME: AND HE DOCKS Your ¥ Souma 8M, ONE ain. Born WER AT A WAS EXP a Ba nr aT FF

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