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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jul 1930, p. 10

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ee ee dan to ta Ms ue oR hai utc, Sadi a Eo SA Rm ep res THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1930 : Ci The Last Little Muskrat By Thornton, Ww. W. Burgess taki rif often sound much worse "ie Fav than what you And they veally " Jerry Muskrat, A -- + Pleas do not be distressed be cause this story ig of the last of dorry Muskvat's big family, know how It sounds, However, things often sound a great desl worse than they yeslly ave, This in the story of the last little Musks PAL but that doesn't mean (hat something dreadful happensd to all the others, Homelhing dreadful did happen to three, as you know, One was caught hy Hooty the Owl one was eaught hy Reddy Vox, and and one was caught hy Whitetsl) the Marsh Hawk, 'That left six, One day Mother Muskrat discov: ored that one of (hese six was missing. No one had seen any ens amy around, but this young Musk Val was nowhere to he found, He Wis the biggest and In some wiys the smartest of all the children, Mrs, Muskrat found that the las time he was seen he had heen over nead where the Laughing Wrook leaves the Smiling Pool, When she learned this she stopped worry: ing, She knew Just what had hap pened, When she saw Jerry Munk. vat she sald to him "We have only five children left now," "Whe got Lhe other one!" asked Jarry, "No one," replied Mrs, Muskrat, "Ha han left home, He has gone out to mea what the Great World Is Hike, | guess it's Just as well" The next day another disappeared in much the same manner, Two days later (wo disappeared, Mrs Muskrat poked around here and learned what she could, 11 wan enough to relieve her mind, Khe was certain that they also had gone out inte the Great World to mnke homes for themselves, The fols lowing morning another left with. out #0 much as saying goodby, He ust started wiralght aeross the miking Pool and kept on down the Laughng Brook toward the Big River, Now there was hut one left, This one was a home-hody, Hhe Was in no hurry to go, In fact, she apparently didn't want to go, Came A time when Mrs, Muskrat thought it, high time that this last one of her family should ge out into the Great World, The young Musk rat didn't think so, Hhe was quite satisfied to keep with her mother a8 much as possible, Then, finally Mrs, Muskrat lost patience, One day she led the way down (he Jaughing Brook, The young Musk rat followed, All the way down the Laughing Brook to the Hig River Mra, Muskrat led the way, This wan the fivat time the young Muskrat had ever seen the Wig River, fhe thought it a very won flerful place, Khe found. one of her brothers and they played (eo gether In among the wild ries Hhe made the acquaintance of an other young Muskrat and she quite forgot Mother Muskrat, Hy and by, when she went to look for Mother, mother wasn't to he found, Mother Muskrat was well on her Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler lished 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Bimeoe 86 B= We Deliver Machinery Repa Repairing NOTHING Y00 pairing NOTHING 100 AMALL Adanac Machine Shop 101 King 8, W, Phone 18 COAL COAL Phone 10 way back to the wmiing ¥ Vool, and ai sho swam she chuckled As she entered Lhe Smiling Vool she met Jerry Muskrat, "Well, my deny," sald he, "where have you heen" "Getting rid of the last of Lhe family," veplied Mrs; Muskrat, "You mean that we ne longer have any children?' ervied Jerry, "Nothing of the kind!" retorted Mrs, Muskrat, "We still have six ohildven, wo far us 1 know; but they ave all out In the Great Word where they belong, Children are wonderful while they are little, but there comes a Lima when they Are better off and we are better off If they ave out In the Creat World, Desides, | couldn't have them uround any longer," "Why not?" demantled Jerry, Mrs, Muskrat swam close Lo Jer ry and whispered In his ear, "Ohl" pild Jerry, "That's different," (Copyright, 1080, T, W, Burgess) The next story: "Why Mp, Muskrat Didn't Miss the Young Munkrats," --m-- MORE MILLIONAIRES IN BRITISH INDIA THAN UNITED STATES Cilouting Indi, There are more millionaires in British Ine dig than there are In the United Biaten, aocording to a statement In the Caleuttn Mintesmun, All ra Juhs and titled potentales Are exe eluded from the estimate, 1 dheh riders are Included, one of them enn enll himself a vioh man among rieh men His private hoard in ooln wd bullion is said to he more than $80,000,000, The In a a TIME TABLES Ee, p>6™£in Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUN LINK WEEK PD Foy "e) (Efoetin toa rive Wik HM ho Leave Suave Bowmanville Oshawa (on am LI em "hy ) 8M A = 3 Fro 22333333333 --Sempeasw iT om PTT Per wew TE=z==y 22 et Be 1 PPTTPrT ress 333233333 sree resss SESIIIFSSINE 333333 z3337 TPIT Tre Pw. - HM pm 10 Time hua F Whithy Hespital -------- SUNDAY AND enh SCHEDULE fits Iw 1 fo Ham F 5? FF FE rouy & mere jastion of L iisdranlth, his aceension he l te And Jt worth about § jou On Jewellry valued privately and wis dst tan 00,000, 00, The roa! treasures of India however, are In the sore-yeoms of the people who have inherited vist veuith from thel, ancestors, hoarded In wiver and sold and never invested, Many prouressiyn Indians are outspoken In thelr be: Hef thet thes: hoards should he tapped "for PUYpONON of India's material Covalopment," an TAKE THE SNAIL, TOO Johnny wan very, very slow, It him two hours one morning te the eanary, What shall 1 do now!" he aeked when he had finished, "You might take your mud turtle out for a run, suggested father, MISSING AVIATOR FOUND UNINJURED Pilot Officer Cook Had Been Missing July 1 (#; Canndian Pros Lasssd Wire) The Pas, Man, July 18,==Afler Widewrond woureh, Pilot Oger Cook of the Royal Canadisn Alr Fores, toreed down with his moth plane in northern Munitobs while on forestry patrol, has been found ininjurod gngine trouble brought the Alar down on the northeast end of Luke Athapapuskow, Bhovily aller he took (o (the water he wis Vidked up by members of a survey gang and taken Lo. Cranberry Vorts | he, feeording to report reaching 1816, OMeay Cook took off for fre patrol duty In the northern pari |) of the provinces on July 1 and |! disnppenred, After four days of | woareh hy tellow fers the dissbled moth wus found; A new engine tor the maehine has heen flown In und. fitted, a HPD NIGHT BATHING IN VIENNA THIS YEAR rr rm-- Vienna, Austria Tha eity 1s to try night hathing unt 10 -p.m during (his summer, A hinge of eloutvie light will make the pool almost au bright we day, while the lawng and the hills will alse be Wuminated, In view of the heat, which has wel in unexpociadly, night bathing will no doubt he moyen in wtiufly work-shops fh offices who eannel have during the day, and who foy the BLAME BRITAIN Too Mereiful in Judgment of Telegraph hus published a repori jopulay smeng the orowds of ome ma dip' mission of in which 1 British tro inadequacy wre Wnmed cummer's d nowt part have ne bathroom of helr own, EE... cording to FOR ARAB RIOTS IN PALESTINE wirning sv wvigent ven view tnken Palestine concerning Tribesmen, Says League of Nations The the report 14 Pally | the Lemdon, July dows, ofl Palestine by the Mandates Com~ The Mandates of the opinion that the Vedestine troubles did not but were preceded hy wu sories of aldent nl the wailing wall was the Au rogards unpeet of the riots the Commission In not shtisfisd that the merciful Arab lenders 1s Justified, Although abun kn ware directed only ugnjnst wlon regards as view that the Palestine movement was not directed agains, British puthority, The Commission, the Dally Telegraph, regrets in ie report that the mandstery power has not succeeded in the tot) exooution of the mandeie, hay not carried oul is obligation to onconrage the ssiablishment of fn dowish nationul home, and bus wisn failed Lo Insure the condition aswentinl for the development of A national cengre for the Jewish YRca==pucirity for ile and prop. ery, 2 the Lesgue of Nations, he Hmiteg number of ps In Palestine und of the poles fores for the spreud of lust Imurbnn con, Commission, ag the Daily Telegraph, 1» nerording Vo rin suddenly ont, of which the In tre, Aha premeditated "1 hope you mn dance with me Lo. night, Mr, Jones," "Oh, rather! | hops you don't think | came here merely for pleas: ure! hy the majority of the Inquiry ~~ Commission the atiitude of the Muroes (hut the Arab | yiomeo (halow haleony with saxo- phone); "His, woman open the window or I'l play this darn thing." Mandmton Commis unjustified the the a etd "ELLA CINDERS--The Sharpshooter EJ pe Tor Em ---------- pm PINEN ANIMALS GET TIRED DO THEY LIE DOWN AND REST LIKE WE DO, a. l Mo MANY OF THEM DO BUT SOME OF THEM GY {NTO VERY CURIOUS § POSITIONS WHILL RES! ING, TOMMY fl li PANGOLIN ASLEEP JUST CURLS NSELY AROU! MR GIRAFIE RESTING vd GIRAFFL HOLDS 175 HECK AT FULL STRETCH WHILE RESTING MHICH LOOKS VERY AWKWARD THE CURIOUS ARMOR PLATED ANIMAL CALLED THE PANGOLIN MO THE vy BRANCH OF A TREE TO REST I . CAMEL SLEEPING -- (3m 19, BEARS, AND THE CAT TRIBE RELAX (Oh! ty HEN RESTING OR SLEEPING, SLOTHS SLEEP viMILE UPSIDE DOV FROM THE BRANCH OF A TREL, MG SQUIRRELS AMD HAIRY ARMADILLOS SLELP ON THEIR BACKS Ld 1000. King Features Bynsients doe , Goal Briain f ------ a -- AY, THATS HOTHING | THE ONLY WAY 1 CAN SLEEP 1S ON MY TUMMY AFTLR DADDY GIVES ME A SPANKING | Da. np SIT 17 FUNNY THAT THE SLOTH SLELPS UPSIDE DOWN BETTY? Ay rs " Vy iil Hl l i il HANGING INDIAN FLY PM LR TE) -- BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManus BAT MAGGIE WHY CANT | HAVE SOME THING wR? ( ot | J DONT "TA FECT) WW MUCH YOU LL EAT WHAT i'M COOWING on PO WITHMOWLY \ pre -- 5 k MAT WOULD PROPLE THINK (FF THEY Saw O\9mES AD WOU Like" wou ATING DUCH COMMON RE 0 I'M EOIN DOWN] TO DINTYS AN' GT DOME CORNED BLLF AN CABBAGE a JIT Tou \ SQ Se arth Ne at HEI ra th Rutty i (Baeept Sunday), i 1B Dal am Bal ry (Baeopt Sunday) ¥ Be bly RR Bihily PICKED LP THE WAND, THE OLD H DROPPED "COME DOLLY AND Ream ean WITCH OPRNING "THE OVEN: "STAND ON TIP TOR AND GER \P THE QINGRRBREAD boon © 'S COORD" \ RAYNOLDY - = WHE § Sone a, & WO Wing Panter Bindaie, foe Bien nial EN ened nelf®] -- WE DON'T KNOW HOW TO STAND ON hog 44 SAID DOLLY AND BOBRY- WY SA THEN WHEN THE OLD WITEH STOOD ON TIP TOR » THRY PLUAHED WRR \N AND BANGED THR OVEN DOOR, THEY LEAT COMBY OUT OF WIS CASR AND THR OVEN FRLL TO PIRCES AND OUT PELL. A GINGER BREAD WITEH: AND THRY ATE IT UR INGTRAD OF TR WITEH BATING THERM « A TW INS » XE NOY » alot TO = SHES AVE IT ALL BR OWN wie m YY REYNOLDS i) SONS) HO LAKE \YT HER rok Ma N A By Russ Westoves YOU'D ae WHY, W \=) Y HAST. SURPRISED MEAN, MAC

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