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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jul 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1930 PACE ELEVEN » | NY C where, DS euler ION. 4 Legal CONANT & ANNIS, DARRISTIONG Holleltors, Notaries Publ, Ete, Conveyancing and general prage tice of Law, Offices 7% Bimooe #t, Mouth, Oshaws, Phone 4, GU, D, Conant, BA, LLB; A ¥V. An. nis, BA, LLB, W N, N, SINCLAIR K.C, of Commerce Building, BANK ristor, ~ Molleitor, Notary Publis, Conveyancer, Money to loan, Of flea 14% King St, Kast, Oshawa, Phono 446, _Tesidence phone 857, ARTENHON, ORKL N~ AND Fraser, 'Barristers, Notaries Publie, ete, Office over Standard Bank, Wnirance Simcoe coe Bt, Phone 18, J. V, Grierson, K.0, T. K Creighton, B.A, N, C, Vrasor, B.A, Molleitor, Notary, over Dewland's fitore, 'Money to loan, 16 Simcoe street north, Phone 67, Resi. dence S474W, x : fl DAT: risters, Molleitors, ete, 24% Sim. coe Bt, N, Phone 8160, Money to Loan, ' ' Ll ¥ WW - ter, ote, Conveyancing and genera) raotice, 23% King Bt, East, 'hone #287, (Lf A). PARKHILL, BAKKISPIK ote, Money to lean, Alger Bldg, op. posite Post Office. Phone 1614, FRANK 8, LBDS, BARRISTER, Solleitor, Notary "ublle, Convey: ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Dulldinr, opposite Post Ottice, Phone 2000, Medical DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 2060, Of fice hours a.m. to 8,80 pm, Dr, BD. J. Haslewood, Special attention to Murgery and X-Ray Dr, B, H. Harper, special attention to ehild- ron"s Diseases and Obstetrios, Sun~ day and night calls 2416 or 123, bit, MoRAY PHYSICIAN, MUR: goon, Aoccoucher, Office and" resis dence King Bt, East, corner Vie toria St, Oshawa, Phone 04, PR, ORANT BERRY, PRYSICTAN Surgeon, Obstetrician, diseases of infants and. ohildren, Office and residence, 07 Bond Wast, Phone : BD. s MD, OM, , C, P, and 8, Edinburgh, Phy. an and and Obstetrician, Offico 148 Bimooe St, N. Phone 3080, residence 40 Cadillac Ave, North, Phone 8180, PR. CW. CARN, PHYRICTAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, 518 Simeoo Street north, Phone 2415, PHYS. DR. |. ARCHER SROWN, clan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and resldense, 185 Simcoe Street, North - phone 3 eterinary Surgeon ) . ' 1) Specialist Diseases Domestic Anim. als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King West, Telephone 020. ; (July 8-1 mo.) Ear, t lot PI, TT, BRYANS OF 100 BLOOR Htreot West Toronto will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 il 4 p.m, for consultation and treat ment of disoanes of ear, hose and throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 07, ye, Ear, Nose a t " v as 4 . lallst, Oftios over Mitchell's Pru Store, Phone 3600 and 433J, A BE " Dank of Commerce, Himooe and King, Eye, ear, nose and throat, Hours 9 to 11,80, 3 to 6, 7 to 8,80, Phones, office, 1567; resis denoe, 500, (June 13-1 mo.) sott's, Special attention to X-ray work, Gas extraction, Nurse in attendance, Phone 050, House , HM, 0 RINCON WT. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store, Gas for extraction, Phone bd, . 0) ih Ll} Nitrous oxid oxygen gua for extrac tions, Office, Royal Bank Bldg Phone 048, residence. 1878M, 1 Dewland's, Bvenings Aimoos ft, N. over Phone 1067, Res, 302W, by appointment, 3 ALD, N Dentists, 87 King St. 1 Special attention to gan extraction and X- ray work, urse in attendance, Phones 1343 and 804, architectural work, "Second floor, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1496, Res, phone H0HJ, rohitocts, Simos St, 8. Bros. Repairing ir shop at Your pats soolat dan and physioal Street, Lessons given each evening from 6 pm, For terms call of phone STEM at above \l of 100 Churel ) pode, Fire Companies, ein in muscle snomelies, fs, os, oid, A Chila_and 8 1] Its Development, Dis ney look opposite Post Office, Phone i616, (June 15-1 wo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND MTT ONTAT- fo Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. oors, sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers, 865 or 411 King Wt, ¥, Phones 2632) or Conveyancers, | 2644 Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST, Kast; Ambulance, Residence 642 Bimooe street, north, Phone 210J and 210W, OBHAWA BURIAL CO, M, F, Armstrong & Bon, Proprietors. Funeral and Ambulance Bervice, day and night, Phone 1082W, ¥7 Collum, (4LL) Insurance DAVIE AND WON, INSURANCE 10 King St, west, Oshawa, The old. ost Vire Agency in Oshawa, 30 Re- HEN" PLACING INRUWANCE gonsult N, N, Johns, 80 Himeoe north, Your Insurance wants st- tended to and your interests pro tected, Dt scp Transportation CARTAGR AND BTORAUK COLE. man's, 86 Bond west, Bpecialints in furniture moving storage ware. house and moving van equipment, ULLAL Fen CARTAGE," MOVING, GRAVY, sand and cindors, Loon! and long distance hauling, Smith & Cox Phone 024, 10 Bond Bt, West, ORHAWA'S OLDEWT ERTAW: lished furniture movers, Park Road oartage, Local and long distance, ¥rank Cowles Prop, 66 Park Rd South, Phone 2165. (June 20-1 unio) uty Parlors FETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Bhop, Bpecialists in permanent, finger and marcel waving, Per. manent wave prices $5, $7.60. $10' and $15. All other lines of Beauty Culture, Phone 2068. Apply 88 Himooe street north EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET. ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Bhoppe, Marcel and sham poo $1, Phone 8008, DARDERT AND Beauty Shop, 0 Colina Bt, We specs falize in ladies' halr cutting, mars oolling shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, For appointments phone 2008, (June 16-1 mo) Service OBHAWA "RADIO WERVICH™ ACs cepnories for sale, repairs on elec trie and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re. charged, rental supplied $1, Phone 8360J, Charles Wales, 1468 Elgin East, (July 0-1 mo) 76e with rental $1.00, Repaired ang rebullt, Called for and delivered, Prompt service, Btan Bligdon, %¥0 Mill Bt. Phone 1880W, (June 30-1 my) 1] \ , ed, Prices reasonable, batteries res charged B00, rentals 270 deliversd Phone J806W, Geo Burroughs, Certified Radiotrictan, (June 10:1 me) Money to Loan rty and f | , Parks ond rg he Bd! A Rast, phone | oan arrange a first mortgage on your residence it ft 1a well lo: cated, Dradley Bros. over Ward's Store, Bimooe St, South, 4 (June 28-1 mo) Auctioneer ) h . tioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, Oshawa, Ont, Special attention given to household furniture hig and Farm sock and Implements, Your Patron. " gravel for sale==To insure prompt elivery, place 'ders in advance of delivery date, W, Borrowdale, a 16018, atone, also any kina of trucking, Phone 1070W, (July 13-1 mo.) 5 waient, 0 18-1 m WHTTRY PRIVA' Byron Street, reopens J M, MoKeo, R.N, wu Phone 800, Whitby, yrhangor, painting and grainin ¥ a nat, worn : Bey 240 Pine Ave, phone 3060w or LW Awnings H urtain, fut " Sanop om! uipment for ren de A) phone 25 or 26. Agents for J, J, Turner and Son, Peterboro, Ontario, - SL 3-1 ho) al and pion! nursing, reasonable Thy CN TS WINDOW AWNINGS = FORCH ARIE a ow' oo all kinds of canvas goods. «| di J HN, Lawson, SHE All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of loss arising from handling » large number of of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messengar who will receive the advertisement snd collect for same. "Times" Classified Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMEN) and accounts Ads Bring Results Work Wanted | CONCRETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road. ways, sand, gravel, cluders, Chris, Graham, Phone 2821M, (July 3-1 mo,) "Articles For Sale MIXED. HARD (ND 207 \ WOouD l h er load. Also bone dr body. wood, WVaterous Meek Lime Phone | i Apr. 2011) FOR BALE--HETNTZNA (0, Ltd, pianos, new and used planos, also radios, latest models; arranged, Apply CG. Trull, Phone 1666J, : (111-41) FOR AALW = PAINTH, VARN: ishes. We have the largest assort: ment of paints, varnishes, eto, In in the eity, The Paint Store, 80 King street west, GABE ih ders, bisck loam, 81.69 per yard. For quality and service phone Ke scry Dros. 883 r 11 (May 8-0) used bloycles $18 up, New and easy terms, CCM, joyeycles ang fleh: ing tackle, 19 Richmond East Phone 2774, (June 18-1 mo) GRAVEL AND WAND, ONE YARD and a quarter of gravel $1.50, Boreened sand 81.75, Prompt des livery, Phone 30RI12 after 6 p.m, (July 10-1 mo.) . URN: Low, medium, high. Only ten days used, $5, Apply Herbal. fut, 450 Simcoe Bouth, (0h) FIRET CLARE DUTCBING MATER fals © fevery description from fine ost residence in North Oshawa, Consisting of doors, - windows, stairs, mantels, kitchen cupboards, Lumber from 1 in, to 8x13. Apply Robert Willlams 883 Himeoe Ht, North, Salesman on premises, (10h) Shoe Repairing TIN DUET PEACH WHERE YOU got your shoes fixed like new Ia hy Menko, corner Nimcoe N, and William W, (June '80+1 mo) Auto Accessories MOTOR ACOIBEORY Co, §1 RING Street West, Auto parts and acces sories for all makes oars. Autos mobiles bought for wrecking, Phone 20060J, (June 20<1mo,) OITY AUTOMOBILE "WRECKING Co. New and used parts and nee cossories, oars, trucks, sonable; oars wanted, Phone S080W, 15-17 Bond Street West, (June 26-1 mo) a Contracting CONTRAOTING==""CUNURETE plastering, eleciria oi Alterations, Phone 130 for entimates, (LULL) Palmist MADAME BROWN, PALNIET, Phone appointments 26U0F, 0 Loulsa Btreet, (June 44-1 mo) ars, Buona Vista, Appointments, Phone J484W, (Julyd-1 mo,) tiere THE woman and miss, atter for demonstras (Junedi-1 wo) disoriminatin Phone Mrs, tion 81°°M, an "WIG ART TIROTTBLED a8 nerveusness, paralysis, varicose velng, goitre, arthritis, home, on Theronoll ne Monday, Wednesday and I'riday, 1.80 pom, 'Theronoid of Osihwa 104 William Street Baat, (Juna 46-1 mo) oaulked around the door and wins ow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold alr, draughts, files, woot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, Phone T33R3, (July 10-1mo,) library, You will enjoy reading the latest Motion ut minimum cost, Phone Whitby 808, June 24-1 mo) Ea rT terms | rices rons | T with some chroulo allment, such iy heart (§ weakness, rheumatism, eto, Phone | 309 for a free treatment in yo'r|j fn Health Talks, over station CFRU |} Phone 1473, 37 Shucoe 8t, North, (TES 30) For Rent FOUR AND VIVE ROOMED MOD- orn suites Including electrie velrig- oration stove, laundry convenis oncow, ete, continuous hot water nupplled, Apply Bupt, phone 2071, or The Trusts and Guarantee Co, Ltd, manager for owner, Moronto, nw (27-41) APART MENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley kiros, (H6LT) FOR RENT-=APARTMENT, CEN- tral, Bb rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lense or by the month, Box 748 Times, (168¢1) CHEERFUL APARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Box 747 Times, (1681) APARTMENT, FURNISHED OW unfurnished, Kvery convenlence "hone 15660 or 2847TW, ----r----m-------------- TO RENT-FIVE ROOM MOD- ern house, all convenlences, Apply to Lycett, 80 King Bt, K., or Mr, Hallitt, phone 101W, (B10) TO RENT==1 ROOMED APART: ment, nicely furnished, conven fences, reasonable rent, #7 Col borne street onnt, (or 6 ROOM HOQUEE TO RENT, b0 Wentmoreland Avenue, Apply at 70 Albert street, Jerry Hallowell, (20-80) THREE LARGE ROOMS TO rent, heat, water and electrie, $20 a month, Phone 1687TW, 811 Divi slon Bt, (Ke) TWO MODERN FLATH EACH b rooms and bath, one partly furnish. od, Hardwood floors throughout, No children, Rents moderate, Apply 887 Division Bt, middie fiat, Chone HIIW, (80) FURNISHED BEDROOM, APPLY 187 Bimeoe Bt, North, Phone 1800W, (8¢) NOURETO WERT=ATX ROOMS on paved street, All convenlences Carago. At 813 Gibbs Bt, Vacant Aug, 1at, Apply 200 Drew St, or phone 2710M, aon (8¢) TWO HOUSES, CORNER DIVI. sion and Colborne, streets, Apply Ls Hancock, Phone 1837R2! __(hh) TWO NOONAN FOR RUNT, FURN- ished or unfurnished, Phone 1686), (hb) TIOAT INT" All conveniences, garage, central, Phone 1056J, (ho) NE, NIX rooms, All conveniences, Hard. wood downatalirs, garage, near Collegiate, Apply 688 Mary St, or phone 8411W, (10h) TO RENT=NIOTLY FORNTANED double bed sitting room, iIndive idual beds, also single room, Kvery convenionce, Very central, Apply 178 Centre Bt, Phone 4600, (10a) APIRATTIVE™ APARTMENT, central, 4 rooms, newly decorated, hot water, electric refrigerator, stove, Janitor servico, Reasonable, hone 1400, (100) | Rates for | | Classified Ads. | First insertion==1144 cents - per word, Minimom charge 30¢, Each subsequent consects tive (neertion lo per word, Three conasoutive Insers tions for thy price of two first \nsertions (three cents a word), Mipimam Sheree Nr three insertions, 60 cents, Box number 100 additional onal or Busines TRLAPROND ® Ask tor Cramifed AQ Department For Rent Apply Conant & Annis, (6-8-10-12) house, All conveniences, 84 Richr mond Bt, W, Apply 92 King st, W, "hone 1816W, (102) AEE T Summer Cottages OAVRAEA=COITAGY, TO RENT August, reasonable terms, Enquire Eleanor Taylor, Nestleton, Ontario, Phone Port Perry 184135, (hh) or Sale or Rent POW FALE OR RENT--ETOWT roomed house and garsge, B64 Division street, Would rent upper flat weparate, Jun, Honeywell, (hh) or 7 roomed house, must he mod» orn and In first class condition, well located, good wection, north ond preferred, Apply Dradley Bros, (he) Motor Cars GUT YOUR CAR WARHED™ AT Dominfon Garage, 88 Bond streut went, Phone 8108. All cars at one price #1.00, (June 16-1 mo) PONTIAC CORTH, 4¢ MODKL, splendid condition, chenp for cash, Terms to responsible party, ¥, R, Algor, Phone 1400, (Ka) ge Ma eo eases Room and Board ROOM AND ROAD, CENTRAL reasonable, 94 Agnes Bireet Phonel 4241, a (Ko) ROOM AND BOAT TN PRIVATE family, Very central, Also BAF. nage to rent, Phone 1028), (hee) = = i Real Estate For Sale FORT HALE = HOUBK," VALUER four thousand dollurs, Hix rooms, garage, all conveniences, on paved street, Will take Chev or Pontiae and two und ec dellars as pays ment, leaving balances of twonty: four hundred, A bargain for some one, Apply 306 Drew Bt, Phone 2710M, (Ke) WHO WANTE 10 OVA TOVE: ly home at a real bargain price, 7 rooms, hardwoqd floors, all mods orn conveniences, garage, near High Hehool and General Motors Worth six thousand, will sacrifige for quick sale $4,200, Bee Holdon, 0% Bimcos N, (Oh HITT MONT WEA UTTRULLY VIN: {shed bungalow in Oshawa, Bix rooms, figured gum wood trim, quarter cut onk floors, French doors con! fireplace, pedesthl basin and bullt<ip bath with chromium plated taps, Also chromium plated swing tap in kitehen, lnundry tubs, el votrio hot water heater, and wired for electric stove, oversize. hot water heating, #6,100, Na agents, Owner McCullagh, 86 Roxhoro Ave Phone 8700), (10h) Position Wanted FWHELVI YOUNG MIEN, LOOKTNG for steady farm work, Leck, 408 Alhert Bt, Phone J034W, (10h) Help--Wanted Male MAN" WANTED WHO TH CAP: able of doing both tinsmithing and plumbing, Apply Charles Cooper, Claremont, Ont, (100) RUCATRLE MAN VOR ONE TUN: dred store route; this county; ex- perience unnecessary; no welling; distribute and collect, Bhould net seventy dollars weekly, Shamans Mfg, Co, New Toronto, Ont, (10a) Wanted To Buy OLEAN BOTTOER WANTED TOR onsh, including ketehup, vinegar, wine, plokle and hese radish, Also Jam jars, Phone 074W, (July 181 mo,) THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, July 8-The ladies of the. Knox Presbyterian Church held a very successful gars dg party, lust ~week, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Frank Le Roy, Mr and Mrs, Stanley Hog and family, attended the Bogg family res union held at the home of Harry Boge, Downsview, on July lat, Mr, and Mrs, Palest and two have been guests daughters, Detroit of their cousing, Mr, and Mrs, Roy ek, . The annual Sunday School pienie will be held, on July 18th, at Osh awa-onsthes Lake, Miss Bessie Speek Is at Hamilton, for a week, Mr, and Mrs, W, 1, Perryman and Billy were in Coldwater, for the week-end, Mrs, Lewlugton, Sr, is somewhat Improved In health, Her many friends will be glad to hear this, Walter Buss, Toronto, was home over the week-end, Messrs, W,. 1. Pierson, Hugh Miles, 'Will Stonehouse and Morris Robinson, have returned from a week's motor trip to North Hay and Ottawa, Ceell Dean wat in Hamiltorr res cently, holidaying Miss Margaret Pierson was guest, for a ow days wow, oon mother, Mrs, Lowe, Oshawa, Messrs, nooand Herman Scott motored to Toronto last week, wrence, Oshawa, spent with Mi. an, Luke, i rd Brash was in Toronto this Baal 1a CURLY | obinson Genera! Hospital, a. 2 COLUMBUS Columbus, July 8==Mrs, Wm Guy, 'on Sunday, the | 4 Boy Scout Times office Along about this time the eall of the Bummer makes it diMeult at times for hoys to fulfil their obll gations to thelr troop in sftending meetings, A number of boys think that thelr presence is not needed ui meetings during Summer and so they stay away without excuse and without reason, This Is very trying to the scout- master who gives up his time avery week to take the meeting, In doing this, the hoy is hreak- Ing that Beout law which says: "A Hoout ix loyal,' for no hoy who is loyal to his troop will stay away from meetings If it is at all pos sible to avoid It, Of course nobody wishes to sug- gest that hoys should refuse to go uway on thelr holldays because of Beout meetings, but every hoy in the city should attend meeting reg- ularly it he is able, . There is something to #couting than just a mere plen- surable pastime to take up one or possibly two nights each week There Is as mush of duty tied up In it, as there is pleasure, although the duty ean be made a plensure, A scout may gauge his success as a Scout hy the amount of plea sure ha gets out of his attendance at Troop meetings, If a boy Interests himuelf in his work he will find pleasure in it, hut one thing is certain, and that is that no Beoutmaster can take each hoy of his Troop and go over oach item of hin work with him every week, and then set a further task for him to do before the next meeting Remember that your Beoutmas- ter wants to help, Tell him your diMenlties, and let him know if you cannot attend meetings, He likes to know these things, and he likes to be consulted, Rut ahove all, remember that your Benlor Officers have feelings and you should endeavour to make them happy In their Beout work hy prompt and punctual attendance at all meetings, with visible signs of Interest in your work and play, 1. To the Sth Wolt Cub pack goon the honour of heing the first Beouting organisation to run a standing camp this year, Tucked away in the fastness of Northern Oshawa, far from the haunts of men, the Camp Is situat. ed in an ideal spot, Cubmaster N, Ibbotson In In charge, and he has two very effie- font assistants to help, him, Above eighteen strong and News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout lead. ers, Contributions to this column will be welcomed, and should be sent to the morning each week, Activities later than Tuesday healthy Wolt Cubs are braving the camp lite, and when we arrived at the Camp on Saturday last, they showed every sign of having enjoyed themselves thus far, On Saturday night they braved the storm in great style and came through with fying colours and everything dry, with the tents standing up to the weather in per- fect shape, We hope they continua to have Ww good time, and that they improve in health and sppetite (If that is possible) an the camp goes on, 2, The attack on the floor of Jamboree Hut the Bummer home of the Fifth Troop was successful to a degrees, All of the supporting beams, and halt of the flgoring have heen laid and an determined effort te finish it off was scheduled for Monday night of this week, At the Troop meeting on ¥riday night last, It was announced that a week-end Camp was scheduled for the end of this week, with a pressing invitation for the fathers to visit the Camp on Baturday af ternoon to help with the construes tion of a dam for the swimming hols, It 1s hoped that all of these things will be completed before the Camp starts on July 26th so that the boys will he ahle to enjoy thems selves from the first day without having to work like trojans to get things in shape, There will be a Bllver Medal and a Bronge Medal, a Hatchet and a Wooderaft Knife awarded it the Camp In the various compet itions, 8, On Tuesday of last week sev oral members of the Third and Fourth Troops were seen out hike ing, . Patrol Leader, W. Drake, of the Pitth Troop, took his boys out on Monday, Bth Troop--The bith Troop will meet as usual on Friday next at thelr outdoor meeting place on Mary 8t, North, providing the weather is falr, In event of bad or threatening weather the meeing will be held in the YMCA, in which event, rubber soled shoes must be worn, Court of Hononr 7,00 p.m, Troop Meeting 7,80 p.m, The Troop was pleased to have Mr, Biles back again last Friday evening and hope he will soon be with us permanently again, Boys must remember the week. ond camp for thisgweek-end and he prepared to say whether they are going, on Friday night, in Detroit, after visiting the former's sister, Mra, J. James and other re- latives, Mrs. Down, Oshawa, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs, H, Hayes, Messrs, Ross A, Murison, Floyd Blakely and - Neil Sanderson, St, Thomas, spent Sunday at the for- mer's home here, Mr, and Mrs, John Dyer, Oshawa, spent the week-end at Mr, Wm, Dyer's, Wa welcome Mr. and Mrs, Ross di to our village, Remember the Anniversary Ser: vices next Sunday at 11 am, and 7 pm, conducted by Rev, Dr, Cooper, The tea and concert will he on Tues: day evening, July 15, A good time is looked A Horse shoe tournas ment at § pm, Ladies softhall, Brooklin vs, Raglan, Several frgm here attended the Garden Party at Raglan on Monday night, ev, Dr, Cooper, late of Catariqui commenced his duties here on Suns day last, We welcome Dr, Cooper and family, Mrs, fo, Ashton 1s in Brooklin this week, The Mission Band of the Sunday School here presented Mrs, Clugston with a fountain pen at their service June Mth, The address was read by Gertrude Webber, and the presentation. wade by Erline Hayes at the Sunday School Session on the same Sunday, Mr, Clugston's class of young peoplg presented him with a beautiful motor rug, The Wo. men's Association and W, M, §, pres sented Mrs, Clugston with a silver flower basket full of roses and six stainless knives, The address was read by Mra, Hedden, while Mrs, LL. Guy made the presentation; a bouquet of roses was given to Mist Dorothy, Mrs, Crabtree, mother © Mrs, Clugston, who has endeared herself to all who have come in cons tact with her, since coming here, was given a china cup and saucer as a stall remembrance, There were quite a number from here, who attended the Decoration Day on Sunday at Prince Albert, Mr, and Mrs, Horace Searle spent the week-end in Toronto, successfully passing entrance exams inations, Those successful were Hellen Bromell, reli Stacey, Elma Ross, Clarence Guy (honors) Frank Hayes, George Howden, Robert Hows en, ! Mr and Mrs, Lorne Cook and children spent a diy last week, with the former's parents, at Gilford, Yr Wm, Gibson, of Pent Hope, called on friends in the village on Tuesday, Oshawa, spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Fohn Guy. Mrs, M, J. Redman and daughter, } Frances. have returned to their home. Thieves forced open a safe in an Edinburgh shop with a pair of scissors, "Shere" gunius, PATRI LIE SINE So Me LR Congratulations to our pupils for | KILLS FATHER T0 r JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLONIS J. W, Wornill, Oph, D, Eyesight Specialist Phone B21H Good Weather Ahead we l)0 NOL 1080 JOU CAFw= Tot me finance yous=Addis tional Onsh Ulven, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN Room 0, 14 4 King Bt, East 85 BOND 8T, WERT FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check ignition, clean and ad- Just points, adjust carburetor on 'Chevrolet Cars, 1088 to 1080 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, 00 Simcoe Bt, Bouth oo il All wl pectal $1.95! | Dominion Clothing Co, | | Men's and Hoys' Bathing Ruits, | 0% King St, W, Phone 8144 gd 0. ll i Doe CAREW LumpiR (© WH Hi 4 Alon Iw.) Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner junit SAVE HIS MOTHER Fifteen « Year « Old Youth Stabs Drink-Crazed Parent re---- Washington, July 18.-=Fittoens year-old Henry Alt today plunged A butcher-knife into the neck of hin father, killing him, Police pleced together a story of & drink-orazed man who ter roriged his family, and, after frightening his wife Inte running te ainelghbor's, selsed a revolver and announced he intended to use it on her, The boy attacked his father from behind as he stood In the door, The family's physician first prow nounced it wulolde, but detectives, after deciding the wound could not have heen self«inflioted, arrested the hoy who admitied the killing, "Ho saved my life," sald the mother, sobbing, She sald Alt, at ter prolonged drinking, threatened to "kill the whole family", "It takes some husbands a long ime to find out why Rucoess pesn't mean evrything to a wife," ==Klaine Sterne Carrington author Summer 'Cot All con Bonniebrae Point, Oshawa, G. D, "OSHAWA Before placing Automobile Ine surance, get my apecial Tates, Bargain prices for lots in Dears born Park, subdivision, west of] Simooe N, J. H. R, LUKE "Regent Theatre Ridg EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always Co Ab ap AS WR son ge r-- ROYAL YORK Or ree: Tea "ie 286 At all Superior Stores Use 900 Carnegie Ave, Phone 1058 $2000-~4300 ansh, balance $20 monthir weoures @ rooms od frame, eleotrie, water, Conant St, near Skinner Plant, Newly decorated, Ime mediate possession, DISNEY, 20 King B, LR Klog & Prince Bits,

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