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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jul 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1930 wii Tea must be fresh--~SALADA n ll peoted that tenders for the hulld- oy Bh imairbhs ats Moor: ing will be called for shortly, dnd orth, vi; Jackman, Bb; MeMurier, . a ay Shollit, ne é rl, %, siriciion work will he started, Umpires--~Veank Williams, Dick a art, Bude, lt Naviigh, down to the Hospitel this week JS and went over the plans with br wtevenson, the medical supsrin GEORGE ¥. JAMES fondant, The bullding, which will cont ahout $60,000, will he 60 % 140, one storey in height, and of fire Told Interesting Story of Re- cent Trip as Delegate to Rotary Convention ; . ' wou, bi Goddard, 1s Tomes, 1; Bowmanville Daily Times §| News, advertising and subscriptions will be received the Bowmanville Offs Tae A Ro Saselyed Mi guaranteed to be fresh SALADA" TEA 'Frosh from the gardens' Street, Telephones==Offico~~B87; House131, ~ Bowmanville Representative--B, Herbert Mortlock Whiz Defeat Goodyear In Second Playoff Game . Goodyear Forced Into De- fest in Hard Game--Fin. will provide seeomodation for the hospita' stores, refrigeration for butter and milk, snd later & pin teurigation plant will be installed, It will have a deep basement which will be utilized for housing some of the equipment of (he building, The new warehouse 1s the first new hullding to be added to A the hospital units for some years past, Is need has been fell for many years, Present. storehoiise {| fueilitiey nro inadequate, Inst managed to spare_the time to £6L out. and sea their team in ae tion, The fielding was particulsr- ly good und the best exhibition of catehing this season was seen, The hurden too great will be able to benefit equally with all the pro. vinees of the Dominion." The constitutions! point had heén proof eonmtruction throughout, I George James was (he spesker At. the regular weekly luncheon of als Monday Night Persistent close fielding and hard hitting on the part of the Whis team, contenders for the championship of the first schedule , resulted in a win for them last night and the holding of the Geod~ yoar to another game to decide the Issue, The score was six to four and the Whiz deserved thely win, Goodyear however, playing hardly a8 good a game as the previous evening were dangerous through out the game and the result was never certain until the last Good- YOAr man 'was out at the end of the ninth, This game was covery bit as good as that seen on Thurs: day evening and a larger crowd than ever attended and judging the shouting most of them wore oodyear supporters who have at FOR YOUR BATHROOM THE NEW LANSTON GLASS in Pastel Shades With each bottle of || AsTRING.O.SOL The Morning Mouth Corrective KARN'S Drug Store Next P,0, Phone B78 WE DELIVER Whiz however had come to the ame determined to win and this termination applied properly wis mbinly vesponsible for their victory, . Rovan and Colwell the batteries both pitched hard and true aw though the former at times in the excitement got a little of his old wild stuff into play, Neither pitch er had a strike out to his credit and there were no homers, ¥ield- ing was mueh too close for that, There weve very few errors and the outstanding ervor of this few was when Osborne 'eft his base in the last innings with two men down, when Hovan had the bad and was declared out, ending the game, id Whiz took first bat and failed to score and Goodyear started the ball rotting in thelr first and were Incky to get away with it, Whis came back and took the lead In the third when they scored two but Goodyear wrested the lead again In the fourth with two more, Whis came back with three In the poxt @nings taking the lead from which they were never ousted, Goodyear were hitting hard but the Whis outfield was nearly im. pregnable and fast throw-lns pre vented Goodyear getting any fur ther than second hase, The Rube her men managed n further run for thelr score in the seventh but Whis held the lead und added ons more in the eighth giving them a two run margin, Meore in the socond made one of the nicest catenes of the evening when he rau about fifty feet and arrived Iu time and held on to it, The bes ecateh of the game however went to Goddard who like Moore had a long run but tripped on oatehing the ball but held it aloft and threw it In on his knees, Mooreraft, whose long arms Are a feature of every game in which he plays, used them to good effest Jast night and was very useful on numerous oceasions, These teams will now meet in the final game of the first series on Menday night, About five hundred attend. ed the game last night and twice that number should he on hand on Monday, It ia going to be the hardest battle of the season And either team might win, It would be a good thing for some of the independant fans to cheer for the Whis and leave the Goodyear sup port to the employees, There are enough of them, The teams were Whis--Cameron, 8h; G, Piper, #8; Munson, rf; Corden, 1b; Moore, If; Cowle, o; Large, of; Rovan, 9! I, Piper, 4b, Goodyear----0Oshorne, sn; EB, Col M, ¥, (Matt) Armstrong OSHAWA BURIAL C0. | Funeral Home 87 CELINA STREET FUNERAL DIRECTORS MOTOR AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT--PHONE 1083W AW. (Army) Armstrong the Bowmanville Rotary Club held in the Balmoral Hotel yesterday at noon, Mr, James In an eloquent address gave a graphic account of the proceedings at the huge Chie ago Convention of Rotary Interna. tonal at which he was the official delegate of the local club, Mr, James speaking for halt an hour told of the many brilliant functions which he attended and dwell at length on the British Empire Bane quet nt which delegates from twelve dominions and colonies with In the empire were In attendance, At this function the first toast given was that te King George and followed by one to the President of the UMA, and another for the British Empire, Despite the anti-British Mayor for which Chicago Is renowned the oity it self appears to be & good friend of Britain and her Domin- fons, "God Bave the King," "My Country Tis of Thee", and an In ternational anthem to (he same tune were also sung at this fune tion, The big proceedings were held In the huge stadium the scene of many a stirring gathering while the banquet mentioned above was held in one of Chicago's many fine hotels, Mr, James wiayed at the Hotel Stevens, the largest hotel iy the world in which thera are three thousand rooms which will secoms modate seven thousand people, re p---- rer BUS EMPLOYEES PRESENT CLOCK 10 THEO, DOWNS Midnight Chivaree To Greet Newly Married Fellow Worker It was midnight last night, The village of Tyrone seven miles north of Bowmanville was In darkness, Farmers and village folk alike had long since retired after A hard day's toll in the fields, othing but the sound of an oceasional"dor barking at the moon rent the still alr, The last bus from Oshaws came over the brow of the hill at the west end of Bowmanville, stopped AL the four corners, unloaded Is human cargo, then proceeded to the hus station where It wan rafely locked iA for the night, There seems little If any gonnection with these two facts, but walt dear reader and you will pee the eons nection, Outside the bus station stood two big ears, The lights were ex tinguished in the station and eight men and a member of the press atealthily crept Into these twa walting autos and left in an easter: ly direction and it you had follows ed these oars you would have seen them north on the road to Tyrone, This dear reader, In where the con neotion hetween these two facts makes itself evident, fhortly After 10,80 this morning the cars drew up outside a cosy looking Stucco bungalow In Tyrone, Hieal thily, again the men crept from the oars, For a brief space they cons versed In whispers, Then, erash, the quiet Tyrone night was rent by the sound. of steel and the shouts of the ribald crowd, Ad. vaneing on the aforementioned bungalow they marched around and around demanding loudly that they be admitted, About ten minutes later they forced the front door of the house and foroed the occupants to leave thelr beds, To get down to facts, these men were all employees of the Harton Coach Lines and they had gone to Tyrone to surprise another ems ployee, Theo, Downs who had res oently left the state of single bless. USED in beautiful 1927 ESSEX SEDAN extra special 1928 ESSEX SEDAN like new Life en, BARGAINS 1927 CHEVROLET SEDAN shape IEEE EEE EERE [EE RE NS RLY UI BER IRE AREER RRR} 1929 ESSEX SEDAN cannot tell it from a new car very small mileage : CARS $325.00 $400.00 $600.00 Ross, Ames Company Limited & Gartshore Phone 1160 138 King Street W, And entered upon the long Journey of matrimony, After things had quietened down and the company had come to order, My, and Mes, Downa were made the reciplents of a beautiful wall elook to mark this happy event, For An hour those present made little Apecches and refreshments were served by Mrs, Downs assisted mainly by Mervyn MoConnell and BUI Hoskin while Gar Barrett (118 back and enjoyed averything with. out doing any of the work, Rath Mr, and Mra, Downs who were much affected by this slgn of good- will on the part of Mr, Downs' fel low employees made Anesohes of thanks, #hortly after two e'elonk the party again left for Bowman. villa hoping to have another sueh time when "Car" announces the day of his matrimonial venture, | NEWS ABOUT TOWN | Services' In By dope Ang! v John's Angliodn Church for tomorrow the fourth Sunday after Trinity will be as follows, Holy Communion 8 a.m. Morning Prayer, 11 am, Aunday fioheol 10.80 pm, Kvoning Prayer 7 pom, The Reotor will have charge of the services, Orangemen in Lindsa; The Bowmanville Orange Lodxe together with the Loyal True Blues paraded this morning to the Cenotaph and deposited wreaths in { The Whitby Adveriiming, subsvipdlons and wiithy Wrancu Office, st Gas S==Alteg Business Houre = INSPECTOR HAS COMPLETED PROBE AT THE HOSPITAL Will Submit Report to Hon, Lincoln Goldie, Prov, Secretary A, 1. MaPherson, fuspector of prisons and publio charities for the provinee, has completed his probe' inte charges of Irregularities at the Ontarfo Hospital, which he un dertook last week o nthe order of Hon, Lincoln Goldie, provinelal paoretary, The Inspector visited all the bulldings at institution, took the evidenoa of weveral witnesses, and Investigated the system In vogue of handling the stores, He will return to Whithy next Mon. day to check up on one or (wo things and will then prepare his report for presentation to the Minister, The Investigation was ordered following the arrest and (rial of several employees of the Hospital an eharges of theft of supplies from the Hosplal Btores Department Magistrate J, 10, Willly 1s axpectioed to give Judgment on the seven memory of the fallen, The parade whieh marched up main street was a pleture of oranges and blue with the ladies in white, A large crowd wal present to witness the parade at the conclusion of whieh over one hundred entrained in tracks and busses for Lindsay where they are walking In one of the largest parades in recent years MM, Andrew's Church Sunday Noboo! will he at 10 am this week, Morning Worship at 11 am, and Bvening Worship at 7.80 gm, The new minister the Rey, W J. Todd will preach at all services, United Churches Unlon services at Trinity Chureh this month in the mornings and at At, Paul's In the evenings Morn Ing wervico 11 am, evening ser viee 7.00 p.m, Both Hunday schools at Trinity at 11 am, Rey, J, U Robbing anda Trinity Chole charge of the services in July, Rotary Carnival The date for the fotary Carnls val has heen tentatively net for August 1% but nothihg further has been decided na yet, The mont suoosesful earnival ever held wan lust August and the club will en deavour to surpass all efforts this year, Last yoar the funds for rippled ohildren were swelled hy one thousand dollars as a result of the carnival and everyone had aows will bv. received at the REPRESENTATIVE--~JAMES H, ORMISTON en A------ Fare a good time at very little expense, | l Daily Times 1 hronivie="Yelephone hove BAY, anes next ¥riduy afternoon atl (wo o'vlock ut the Court House, In the meantime several of the men are beginning to feel the pinch as the result of helng unems ployed, One man is working on relief gang on sewer construction, MISS STROUSS IS WINNER IN WEFKLY TOURNAMENT Close Games "Are Feature Weekly Jitney=--=Games at Whitby Bowling Greens The Weekly Jitney wwurnament held each and every Vrlday evening at the greens of the Whitby Lawn Bowling club was run off 1ast night with great sucoess, Bix rinks of how lore representing: hoth the Town lub and the Ontario Hospital pars tolpated in three games In which the best of good fellowship and sportmanship was in evidence At the completion of the three games, the moors was added up und it wan found that Miss Btrouss, the only Tady to take part in the tournament, had collected a total of #1 points to. take frat prise, Miss Hirouss In the first lady to win a prize at any of the games held in the town, and as a new howler de nerves great credit for her win Herhort Pringle, Frank Booth, Nop mun Thomas, and John Larkin followed In order for the next three prises The Bowling Club wish It te be understood that the Jitney Tourna mentg are not for the club mem hers alone, hut any one in the town may take part In the games, The tournaments are held every Friday evening at the Whithy Town Greens and eommence at 7,00 p.m, Good sport is in store for those | who aceept the Invitation of the lub PLANS APPROVED NEW WAREHOUSE AT ONT. HOSPITAL Sent to Public Works Dept., May Start Work Shortly Plang for the new warehouse building at the Ontario Hospital, Whithy, have heen approved of hy the Department of the Provincial Heorelary al Queen's Park, and have been went on to the Depart: ment, of Publlo Works, It ia exe 3c « $1.25 BERRY KING BUG KILLER A dry dusting powder for potatoe bugs and cabbage worma ete, 25¢ Tins and 20 Ib, Bags. BLACK LEAF "40" A Spray for Rose Bushes, Shrubs, etc, Quart size in any quantity you wish, hy + $3.25 Bottles BOXES 16 Celina 8t,, Oshawa a Tarren COOPER SMITH CO. stuntion, Phone 8 {KING IS COMING T0 TORY VIEWS (Continued from Vege 1) istration, the Opposition chieftain declared, had brought shout sueh a condition that for the first months of the present fiscal yonr Canada had nent $45,000,000 more money out of this country to huy goods than was sold, "Can you pro« two vide Jobs that way?" Mr, Bennett anked, 'Can you prevent unemploy- ment that way? Can you make here # country of homes and not mers abiding places? Can you tnke the shutters off closed windows hat way?! Can you build Canada that way?" Tha Primes Minister, the Conner viatlve chieftain remarked, had now admitted there was unemploy ment withough he denied the exist ences of such a condition in hisd cempnign, The bullding of a rall way had heen promised hy the Premier in Vancouver to relieve the "Apparently," Mr, Ren nett remarked, "My, King Is now coming around to my views he cause he cannot have th hullding of ratlway authorized without call ing Parliament," Touching on old age pensions, Mr, Bennett continued: "'} way to you If the Conservative party Is returned to power wa will provide for the payment of old age pensions from the Federal exchequer so (hat tha provinees will not ha called upon to-contribute a cont and so the provinces who now find the raised by the Premier, "It, he wild, "iL 1s constitutions! Lo pay BO per cent, would it not be constitu tional to pay 100 per cent, and it will be legal, HOMING PIGEONS HELP BALK BLAZES Princes Alhert,==Homing pigeons have Joined the forces of protection for Haskmtohewan's wide spread northern timberland; Al Ladder Lakes nly hase, north of Prince Als here in the trontier land of the pros vines number. of pigeons are quartered, ach time a plot makes off on un forestry patrol he chrvies with him w bird which may he releunsd with n-messugs for ths buse In cune of unexpected trouble, Hecently on dowen hirds were re lensed from Lac In Nonge, 40 miles from Inadder Lake; they found thelr way back to the base in Mts tie more than an hour, NEIGHBORLY "TF think we'd better Invite the people next door In for dinner to= night," "Coed graoclous! What for?" "Well, the butcher left thelr meal here hy mistake, and I think I's only falr,'s== Answers, "The capacity of the human brain Is tremendous, but people PUL IL to no use, They live sedens tary mental Hyves," Thomas A, Ndison, "I whould Hike to be known as n former president who tries to mind his Hwa business,' Calvin Coolidge, bpert fonds Complete Careful Reliable Garage Service Whatever form of garage service you demand for your ear, storage, wush- ing, tire, battery or res pair, here you'll find ex« pert, conscientious atten~ tion at reasonable rates, Wilson & Holland King St. W. Phone 3202 FIVE DAY CRUISE MACKIN . TL. \ Ai www Tn : CLAY ASN Ve. AC AND RETURN $45 Meals and Berth Included Steamship "Manitoulin" Via the Georgian Bay, Manitoulin Island and Sault Ste. Marie The most wonderful five-day cruise on the Great Lakes is provided by the Str, Manitoulin's Five-Day Mackinac cruise, During July and August this fine steel steamer leaves each Monday from Owen Sound, across the beautiful Georgian Bay to Killarney, then to Manitoulin Island, and among the islands of the North Bhatt calling at Man. itowuning, Little Current, Kagawong, Gore B nes, Hilton and Richard's Lundin there Str. Manitoulin runs via St. Mary's ample opportunity is provided for seein Bruce M " Blind R to Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, : From iver to Mackinac Island, whore all the points of Interest on this ver, Thessalon, ple uresque {sland---the tourist centre of the Great Lakes. The tri restful hollda provides one of the most wonderful and ay outings in America, Round trip from Owen Bound to Mackinac and return, including meals and berth is $45.00, y Modern Comfortable Ship The Br, Manitoulin is a fortable ship, of ates! construction, 100 feet long, modern in every reapect, and accom. modating 160 passengers, The staterooms are large and well equipped and all have running h From the observation saloon on the hur Sleane hyo 3 full his a of weather; comfortable cabins, and wide-windowed dintng-room trom whi Aongera may watoh the scenery while they and cold water, enjoy thelr meals, ~R A) | Est sine \ o " NENA ol { a ~ lransportation Company Ltd. v fA Booklets and Resors from any Steamship or Rillway + vations Agent or from 2 ll i PLAC Owen Sound Owen Hound a. londid oom. be had in any bh pas Week -End Tri To Manitoulin $12 Every Saturday evening during July and August the Str, "Manitoulin" leaves A I Owen Sound on a week-end trip of 278 miles tw Manitoulin Island, The steamer oalls at Killarney, then on among the is Janda to Little Cure rent, and. returning calls at Manitowaning and Killarney, arrive ing in Owen Sound on Monday morning, berth ta 818

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