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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Jul 1930, p. 4

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Teed ~~ PAGE FOUR etic oi a a ge ao THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1930 The Oshawa Daily Times Sueceeding THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent newspaper published every ternoon except Sundays and lege! heli s at Oshawa, Canada, by I'he [limes Ye ! Chess M. fl ont A 9 Alloway, See rn " / wa Daily Times is 8 member of th "iy resi un Nn, the Onta Dollies » the Audit Bureau of Cedatony SUBSCRIPTION RATES Pdlivead by Serrist on ' ved i mail outside limite) $4.00 1 irda A yenr OFF! : TORONTO ICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Sampeisnea Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Powers and Stone Inc.. New York and Chicago SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1080 FLOWER LOVERS WELCOME A citizen of Toronto has set a fine ex- ample to those who are fortunate in the pos. session of exceptionally beautiful gardens, This particular man is an ardent horticul- turlst, His home surroundings are a pleture to delight the eyes. From early spring until late fall, they are a riot of colorful beauty, But he is not selfish, He wants others to enjoy what he enjoys, Bo, at the doorway of his lovely gardens he has the sign, "Wel. come," And he takes delight In showing stray visitors, even although they may be total strangers, around his gorgeous flower | N There in a spirit that is worthy of emulas tion, The beauties of nature should be unis versal, whether in a garden or out In the wide open spaces, There are too many peo- ple whe belleve in confining their beautiful gardens behind high walls, as if they were afraid they would lose something by being thrown open to the public gaze, Far better a8 & contributor towards human happiness in the man who hangs the "Welcome" sign on his garden door, and invites his fellow. citinens to walk in, and enjoy the beauties to he found in it. Those who are really flow. or lovers delight In showing their gardens to others, But there In still a long way to go bafore the spirit of the Toronto man be- comes an universal as it ought to be, INVESTMENTS IN HEALTH , Tresidder, In recent years the world has been pay. ng a great deal more attention to the spend Ing of money for the safeguarding of health, Governments have been concentrating their attention on the creation of health depart. ments, and on providing facilities and money for laboratory research work, work that has for Its aim the studying of the ailments to which the human body Is subject, and their prevention and cure, And the medern way is to lay the greatest stress on prevention rather than cure, One does not have to go farther afield than Canada to see the work that is being done along this line, Federal and provincial departments of health are constantly making progress in preventive methods for dealing with public health, and in Ontario, in parties ular, some remarkable things have been done, things that have cost millions of dels lars of public money, This money, however, Is money well apent, When one considers the millions of dollars wasted each year through illness which res moves workers from productive employment, and the good health which thousands of peo ple now enjoy because of the discoveries of medical science through the laboratories provided from government funds, it ia easy to realise that there gould be no better ine veatment made, Yet this work Is only in its infancy, and in years to come it will un. doubtedly give to the people of Canada and of the world benefits now undreamed of in the way of greater longevity and immunity from disease, T---------------- IT WORKS BOTH WAYS The United States automobile Industry Is in arma againat the proposed new tariffs which are gontemplated by Congress, These tariffs, which provide for higher tariff walls than ever against importa into the United States from other countries, have met with protest from practically all of the nations which do business with the United States, They provide for a policy which in so insular aa to be drastie, and if they are actually put into effect, the United States will be virtual: "ly shutting. ita doors againat the goods of every other country in the world, ¥ automobile manufacturers have reas ing that has been overlooked by tariff=makers, and that is the principle at all trade in reciprocal, Goods exppried d for, to a large extent by goods im. All trade is an exchange of coms , and if the United States is not will. uy from other countries, she cannot or countries to buy from her, @ net result of the high tariffs will be the volume of both importa and for that country, and the damage 0 United States industry by the redue- exports will do more harm than the in imports will do good, 3 Ez i fel i : : a A Automobile manufacturers estimate that they will lose two-thirds of thelr export busi- ness should the new tariffs become effective, because slready thirty countries have In- stituted reprisals against the coming In. crease in tariffs, This would Indicate pretty clearly that high tariff walls are not always 4 good thing for industry, that there ean such a thing as making the tariff so high that it will bring a repercussion that will make the last state of the country worse © HAVE MADE A MISTAKE Canada is our best' customer, Until the latest antics of the tariff extremists our com- mercial relations with her were fairly well adjusted, But our proposed tariff increases have led the Canadians to embark ona plan of reprisals, The pity of it Is that the goodwill of Can: adn Is of utmost importance not only to us but to a better understanding between our- selves and the entire British Empire, Can. ada is able to interpret America to Britain and to the other Dominions, At times she has even interpreted America to the world, When Canadian resentment Is aroused against us It Is difficult for her to judge America dispassionately, As often happens when there Is great disparity In size and population, the smaller nation is particularly sensitive, The United States has been blind to this fact and has ridden roughshod over Canadian feelings ~~New York Times, SALT OF THE COMMUNITY We have In mind 8 number of elderly couples who attend church regularly every Sunday, some of them twice each Bunday, Thelr religion means a good deal to them and a great deal to the community, Some of them are not educated In a large way, They don't know much about the high spots of modernism, but the people respect them because they love thelr church and at. tend It regularly and try to live good lives, These good old people are the salt of the community, Their example makes for peace and good will in the community whether their neighbors recognize Is or not-=Port Rowan Ne SL -P EDITORIAL NOTES I believe money is good only for what you can do with it,=Morris Gest, The Kitchener Record has decided that dentists are now entitled to he known as ar- tists, Don't they draw from real life? Real intimacy and friendship contribute materially to the success of diplomacy, --~8ir Maurice Hankey, Maxima do not count for much unless you know how to use them,==John N, Willys, The capacity of the human brain Is tre. mendous, but people put it to no use Thomas A. Edison, stated hting for The plano is stated to be its back ita life in the modern home=-wit against the wall, Scientists are uniting in a drive to find a cure for cancer, If they succeed, they will have done the greatest thing sclence has done for the human race In many decades. Tha latest badge of honor is & soar obtain. ed In.an automobile accident, The biggest detriment to the movement for senaible clothes In that moat people ob. Jeet to looking silly, There are some people who will give three cheers for something when they would not give anything else for it, Election candidates should never be mis led into thinking that people vote the same Way aa they cheer, Columbia College in tostart music classes for children under the age of five, These classes should be a howling success, Those men who to-day ave indifferent are usually insolvent to-morrow, When women reach the stage when they refuse to tell their age, It meana that their age in beginning to tell on them, So many countries have protested against the new United States tariffs that there is a suspicion that Washington must have a deaf ear turned to the outalde world, In studying the stock market, it is well to remember that while what goes up must come down, what comes down will not neces. sarily go up again, A dollar watch factory has been opened In Russia, It is likely the product will be advertised on the basis of the number of jvolubiom it can make. ~Sault Ste, Marie rn { 1 have been through five business depres slons, They all act alike, The men who), if business fell off 66 per cent, increased their selling effort 75 per cent, managed to pull through, as if there were no depression, and' the efforts of auch men tend to shorten the periods of depression.--Thomas A, Edison. | Other Editors' Comments| ET------ KIGHTEEN KIILAKD DAILY (Glasgow Evening Times) Kighteon people were killed avery ony Jas year in sires and vosd meoidenis In Grest Britain, In other words, that was the wy- orage Oally toll of Yond fathities during 1049, sceording to sn oe ial voturn of trae is which was published recently, Thess ghastly statistios are" siondily In oreaning, The total number of aes oidents in 1098 wan 161,801, som- ved with 148,688 in 198k; the I number of ople killed in- on from 6,185 to 6,000 and of injured from 164,098 to 110,041, rra-------- GANDRIYS MENAUK TO TRADE Bombay Times of India) It In voriain that had Mr, Gand, hi kept to his ashram cotion prices would have been sasier, snd the mills would have been more ace tye, Talk of boyeoit, of ivi) din obedience and disorder has given vine to nervousness in trade slvolen buyers of cotton are holding off, The net result of Gandhi's elorts 50 (ay apart from persuading mis. guided Individuals to make bad salt, line been to penalise further the Gujerat ryot by depressing the pries of cotton, And to retard the margh towards prosperity of the Bombay mill industry despite re tons In favor of swadeshi goods, ---- IRONY NOT EMI'INE (Baturday Roview) British sohoolmastors back from [] trip through Canada have been pelsed with an ides not of thelr own conception, They suggest that Nritish boys, looking to ears oor overseas, should complete thelr education at a Canadien uni. versity ==an exoellont way of bring. ing youth inte proper relationship with the payehology and conditions of the Dominion, - But there is » pide to the question the sohool- masters overlook, Boys eduesied ut Canadian universities ave snap ped up by the United Biates, where larger emoluments are offered than Canada oan afford, Irony, not Bm. pire, would ba served It British boys were oaught In the same 1olls, OPEN DIPLOMACY (Wronkiyn Kagle) Big Navy advogates are atiack ing the naval treaty, From (he tone of the questivns asked of our delegates to London It might be supposed that Heorstary HBtimson And his colleagues were heing tried for treason or some ether grave of- fonse Against their country, There fs soma consolation, however, In the thought that what we are witnessing In A practical demon stration of the workings of "open diplomacy." Opposition to the treaty Is out in the open, 'where It oan be Judged on ita merits, Vor that reason It is bound to fall, Public opinfen hare and in Creat Britain wants the agreement to stand, -- EC Bits of Humor ALWAYS IN A HURRY "Iyou ever run across a fellow named Jenkin?" "I never stop to And out thelr names. 's=Hummel, Hamburg, MUON MOANA Fhe (playing the plano) WAN the doath of Wleglried." He=="Darling, what a terrible death died, "== Faun, Vienna "That the man INTHHENTED YIP you married my daughter It woulda Kill me" "Oan 1 count on that! ==Thy Humeorist NOT THK KIND A young man who ran out of gas on the outskirts of A large town SAW A bay coming along the road carrying a big tin ean, "Say, boy," he yelled, "I hope that ia gasoline you have In that oan," "Well, 1 hope It ain't," returned the boy with some heat an he con: tinued on his way, "It would (ante Hike the dickens on Ma's pan: oaks," | Bits of Verse | I KNOW A HILL I know a NIL with fairest maples crowned (And fairer trees than these you cannot find), So deep, so close, their arms are in terwound, They searcely yield a passage to the wind, . Seareely the sun himself oan peer ; rathro) Or falls POM The ofid in drips thro' the leaves 0 dew, The bird's song has a muffled woodland sound, 3 ike sliver coins upon the It in a hill whose beauty doth invite The eye but not the loot of mani it air The soul an doth seme altar on a heights, Whereo! we are but distant wor: shippers, ; =J, C. M, Duncan, Montreal, ™he Love of Christ, For the love of Oheist constrain oth ui heonuse we thus Judie, that it one died tor all, then were all dead: and (hat he died for all, that they whieh live should not henoetorth live unto themasives, but unto him which died for them, and 1080 again ==2 Oop 8:14, 14, ot [1+] WAITE That work and worvive are 1e- quired in building oities-=nol hy & few oltiseny, but hy all, Every oitisen haw wu grest ops portunity to render services to his domnuniy and to do his shuts in improving sommunity sonditions and In helping to hulld a better oy, Xime that ean be proftably em: ployed by business men In thelr own business and energy that oould be used In personal affuirs must he given to those undertuk: ings that are for the public gen orally, When necessary projects are #iaried, they must he pushed for. ward Lo sucess, AL citisens should realize (hat in elty-bullding 8 united effort must be put forth and all must work and render porvios, YOUR CITY BOONTE YOU AND MAKES I'T PORBIDLY FOR YOU TO MAKE A LIVING You AHOULD DO AB MUCH VOR 17 AND BOOWT IT ALL THE WHILY THE ROAD TO BUCCKEAN VON YOUR CITY SHOULD BK PAVED WITH 000D DERDS, IT TAKES HONKAT (COOPER ATION ON THE PANT OF EVERY CITIZEN TO MAKE A CITY PRO BPEROUS, (Copyrighs 1084) YOUR CHILD AND THE NYEN Part 10" We have hut to look at the] sohiovements of those wha sirum glad against great handieaps to ALLAIN thelr sudesss and we must wonder how very great an effort wan theirs, The history of soma of the great men of the past shows that some were blind, Milten for example We have In our duy men wo have known personally who have we pomplished much In spite of this handleap, Home of theses have struggled with this effort since shildhond and wa know they musi have missed much of the joy that WAR OUPH, Civilisation with ts many Im provements over the past, with is steady progress, heaps attacking Noaps creating new tasks for our vision and we must of necessity Koop up A steady Nght to retain and to Improve our vison, While it 14 true that we do not give mich stiention 1o onr ayes unless nelure or aecidents compel ue, In spite is the valua of vision to you? (fo he Continued) That Body By oo W. Darton, M.D. ANOTHER MEROD OF GETING TO wLEKY (Neginterad In necordance with the Copyright Act.) You will vamemher the old sys tom of trying to get off to sleep, In whioh you counted sheep going through a hole In the fence or Jumping over un wall ; Of course the whole idea in this win 10 gel you wo Interested and nhsorbed in this counting, that you other things, And i was these other things thal really kept you HWike In mental Institutions whers the patients are dofilant In brain sub stance, morons, imbeciles, und 1d: foi, thers is not any diMeulty get ting them off Lo weap heonyse they have really nothing to think about, nothing with which to think And sleaplassnesy 1s renlly caused hy the brain remaining uetive when It should be at rest, Vor this reason any little annoy anee In the home or bedroom should he removed If possihle «a fenky (up, 4 Napping blind, a Inose window, an uncomfortable mat LPOuN, # sBgEEINg spring, poor vent) Jution Piven with these removed, you muy SH remain awake because you have csrtnin definite thinks worries, cures, plans on vOur mind I 18 for this reason thal counts Ing sheep, making large capitals on an Imaginery blsekhoard or other mental acts have bean sug gonted and often with suceoss Another recent method comes from De, ©, BW Cornwall, of Bros yn I'he fdon Is to concentrate on caviain muscular acts sn (het the hratn eels oecupled in think ing, helng deprived of your regu! we serious attention, more sanlly wihatde Into relaxation and sleep These musoulnr nota do not dis turh the hody as a whols, as you can He guetly relaxed as you do them There are four muscular nets, all done at onoe (hn) Halse cornem of mouth as In smiling (h) Breathe more deeply than usuul-an very tired -axhuustied (0) Clone the eyelids (Ad) Naples or turn eyeballs up slightly These nels are kept up conting ously no rest or Intermission «= and as they do not disturb the hody as a whole, mental and physi your slowly and If you are a TA LS FAR a eT of this Jus, stop and think what wouldn't have a ehanos Lo think of | afety Deposit Boxes Fer the sum of $3.00 and up per annum, you cen rent a box In ow modern Sefety Deposit Vault, and place therein your Bonds Stocks, Mortgages Deeds Insurance Policies, Jewellery and other valuables where they will be protected against fire, theft and misplacement. We Invite you te call and personally inspect our safekeeping tacilities, CENTRAL. SCANAPA Cotablished 1994 ASSETS 23 Simoes Street North SHA WA ies Os HASHES OVER ELEVEN MILLIONS cal relaxation causes them to stop without shook, Naturally if you keep up these four simple nels at for any length of time you just ean't think of other you get off to sleep It 1s cortainly logieal, and may he of help to those to whom the hot bath, heat to fest, food in stom ach and other means of drawing blood from brain, have been tried without suscess, FATALLY HURT BY UNOCCUPIED CAR Mud Lake, July Waters, Br, dens, when an "Motor pr are save time, but it seems 16 me that people are more hurried than they used to be" well-known florist, residing at 7 Kilmer Avenue, Aled at his summer residence at Avery Volnt last evening, hours after he had heen the vietim of a paculine secident Hhortly after § o'clock Mr, Wat ern was out on hin grounds inspeot ing some of his well-known gar: unovoupled oar sanding at the top of & hill on the estate, suddenly started rolling backwards down hill, and bafers it came to a standstill struck Mr, Waters with a terrific impact, MAYOR AND FIRE CHIEF TIP SCALES AT 180 POUNDS the ons Lime things, and so Oshawa's new Fairbanks Motor ponies wore unofficially tested yes terday hy His Worship Mayor T. I, Mitehel) / Mayor Mitehell guve the soales his unqualified approbation, "They weigh me threes pounds lighter than any other sonles I have been able to find" The mayor tipped the beam at 180 pounds exactly, When he stopped off, Fire Chief Killott stepped on the block, and strange ly enough, registered to within an ounce of the same weight, stn---------- "lam Kitty: Jack says he oan read me like a book Phyllis: You mustn't take Jack too literally, dear, He probably means that you are a very plain type =Merthyr Express, England, 18 Herbert Toronto three "IT would put all hereditary legislators In museums." ~=Cosma Hamilton, "It's better to smile when foes ing frownish than to frown when fesling amiliah," weJames J, Walker, "Supposed "16 «Lord Grey. [74 1 "1 give Thee 'the lite I own" IT'S WISE 'o aff cnooss A SIX Drive this Six Fs CHEVROL IT'S BETTER BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN OBT 1s no bar to owning 8 the Chevrolet Six, the factory, is one of the lowestpriced buy, An without added cost for Gas, Oil or Upkeep der car, For a low as $638 at cars you ean every Chevrolet owner has the satis faction of knowing that his car costs as little to operale as any on the road today, MORE DRIVING PLEASURE Yat with inls wnpuriiaied Seo benefits mad b, Toth siaplinder angina design. The omy, you continu. roe osign ~ valvednshead motor delivers its 50 with a smoothness, Sulstnesh, aud flexibility im. ble to obtain han six ore. veryone in the and driver alike sp GET A DEMONSTRATION Before you decide on any demonstration RL or nes of ban nd out about the small down payment and to Chevrolet buyers Motors' own deferred t, dealer will tell Owner Service I od : oe Et re Ls of 's alxe bodies: Find terms avallable through the G.M.A.C,, General plan, And your 00, t the General Motors oy==the most complete in the on «MT Br rr SRL we ET SIX LUT THERE IS A CHEVROLET DEALER NEAR YOU TO SERVE YOU mm A --------------

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