THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1930 THRILLING CHASE Morrisburg, After un (heilling chase through the sirects of More Hsburg, John O'Reilly, aged 26, Windsor, and two other Windsor men whose names polices refused to reveal, were arvasied oy eharges of robbing a Chinese restaurant, NEW ROTARY SECRETARY Cobourg, Cobourg Notary Club, han elected Logie Wilson, Hecretury in place of 1, Ws Young, who has resigned after holding office for eight years, s CALL Pembroke,--It, I', Rutherdale of Beltant, Ireland, who received a Ball somo weeks ngo to hesome the Minister of the I'irast Presbyterian Chureh hore, his cabled offieinds of the church hin ncceptunce of the eall, ACCES DEATH Part Hope ACCIDENTAN, To Investigate elreumstancen surrounding deuth of Morley Moore, sixteen Your old won of Mr, and Mrs, Al. bert Moore, east of Trinity College Behool, a coroner's Jury was am panelled. The following verde Wis returned, "That Morley Moore Game to his death on the nflarnoon of June 2600 ahout 4:20 o'clock, standard time on the Canadian Na tional Nallway tracks at Cngn'n Creok In the Township of Hope, hy being aceldentally wirnek hy a rain," the the GORED BY Bunn Hellevillo,--Harbort Watt, po Hiding in the 6th concession of Bid. ney Township, was painfully injur od when attuckad by un hull, Mp Watt way lending the animal to water when tt turned upon him ange would probably inflicted fatal Ine Juries If ha had not heen driven off FORGKIL NENTENCEKD Port Hope Mending guilty Kix charges of forgery and ona charge of theft, Zonland, Port Hope, way sentenced to two venrs tn ------------------ ERN ONTARIO EWS | loss one day at the Ontario Nefor. matory, sentences Lo run coneur- réntly, In county court at Cobourg, before Judge ¥. C, #8. Huycke of P'sterhoro, OVVICERS RE-ELECTED Hurling, ==AL a meoting of the stockholders of the Stirling Cur. ling and Skating Association the following officers wore re-elected; Prosident--MN, WW, Mesiklajohn, Hoo, /Trons, War) Tusry, Directors. ~--W, J, Whitty, Walter Wright and Henry Tulloch, OLD HOME, WEEK SUCCESS Birling, --#tirling Old Boys and Girls Cot-to-Clether was a success In every way, W, WH, Molse, treasurer Staion the surplus will amount te 100 BUSINESS BLOCK KOLD Burling. The ¥, N. MoKes block In now owned hy the Imperial Of) Company, My, MeKeoo has purchased the Parker Block In which Is lo- ented J, B, Morton's drug store and Thos, Kgkleton's photograph gal. lary CAUSED OWN DEATH Kingston, The Jury ampanelled In enquire Into the death of N, D, Paul, who, while employed In con. struction work" on the new 8.1, elovator, dled of Injuries received when he fall from a seaffold on which he was working, eighty feet to the hottom of ons of the tanks, striking the camant floor, returned A vardiet that the nceldent wan ennnnd hy the earelossness of the man himself ns he had haan twise warned against using a saw which wis on the seaffolding, LIGHTNING DUNN BARNS Napanee, D, Marsh sustain od n wovears lows, when his harns at Mount Pleasant ware destroyed hy Hghtning, 'The barn contained the HOARON's crop of hay, also two wa Kons, harness and some machiners A rues horse at an eonsiderable valuation was fortunately saved CO-OPERATION IN MARITIMES IS BECOMING NOTED Fishermen ~Form Mutual Producing and Marketing Organization philosophy 'a people finlitax, NB «The of a parish priest that ean do ten times what they think they can do has found tha hes ginning of Ita Intest fulfillment in the formation of the United Marl time Fishermen the eo-opdrative producing and marketing organisa: tion of shore fishermen in every EE ------ JOHN W, Mc«CULLOUGH Yoronte barrister, who has heen ap: pointed a King's counsel, const wottlement in the eastern provinces and the Magdalens, This same philorophy had already work od an leaven In the success of the Nova Beotia Teacher's Union and the origin of a new enthusiasm for rural nnd adult sducation, Itw originator and 'ehief pros tugonist In Rev, Dr, M, M, Condy, head of the new department of Hi Francis Xavier's University, which will direct a survey hy experts of sconomie possibilities In farming, mining, fAwhing, lumbering, and nnsociated Industries, a survey of social possibilition In Industrial and rural communities development of Nova Beotin Do More that Noallse "A people can do ten times what they think they can do. Tha seg: rot of bullding this nation les 'In the releasn of the energies of Ith people, Education Is the re. lensing of human energles." This was the theory propounded by M M, Coady as un young student at Ht, Francis Xavier Ho at enue began to test It out. In personal pracuies, and bbeame successively nt Bachelor of Arts, BPoctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Divinity, Horn at North Kast Margares in 1882, Dr, Condy graduated from Margaren Forks High schoor In 1000, and after teaching for a fow years there, proceeded to St, ¥, X whenea he graduated in 1008 The next five years of his life wera spent in Rome, where he delved Into the mysteries of Philosophy and Theology at Urban College, Af ter four years of teaching in the Acadeniy at Antigonish he did post graduate work at the Cathelle Uni versity of America at Washington, and returned as principal of Ht F. X, Academy, Following the Carnegle Invest gation into education in the Marl times, Dr, Coady became fdentifed with a forward movement along educational lines, He organised the teachers of the province, was nppointed Hecretary of the Nova Neotln Teachers' Union and founded and edited for four years a hulle. tin for the organisation, In 1038 he baome head educational department of Francis University, and t wan about thin time his Interests in rural and adult education started, Hn first attempt to put his phils osophy over in a big way was in the form of lectures In various of the Haint we . (WOOD Body Har Hard Slabs Soft Slabs Cut to Stove Length and Guaranteed No. 1 Dry . DIXON COAL Co. Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines For Furnace or Fire Place For Cook Stove or Heater For Kindli or Cooking oo which Defective Wheel-Truck Piles Up Dozen Coal Cars at Holland Landing whieh homestend The photogeaphs here show two weenos from wreek of a 9cnr (, NL freight train, loaded with conl, which left the ralls at. Hol Inng Landing, owing to defective paris of tha provinces on progress, education and ohjectives® of civil lention The key-not of his philasophy was that na people could do ten times what they thought they could and that the secret of hullding Can dn un a nation lay In the release of the energles of its people, Adopting n Philosophy Germany hod made a nation of soldiers by adopting n philosophy Italy had made a nation of artists by adopting a philosophy, What would Canada make of jis people? First there was depression in the Maritimes, The people of the pro vinees hy the were not cupying thelr rightful place in the world of trade and commerce They could occupy the place they wished, Dr, Coady thought, by re lensing the energies of the people Ho would sen what he could do Dr, Condy's next experiment wins ra-orgunigntion of the wselionl at Margares Forks, which made the section one of the hest looked after school Aistriets In Nova Seotis Features of tho school include a hot-lunch dopartment, domestl sclence depurtmont, library, spac ous grounds, and facilities for the study of The ultimate Purpose Wan not only. to put up a school for (he rising generation, but to attract adults of the district as well, Possibilities in the devel opment of adult. population, the feasibility of a programme of edu aation for it, as means toward the bullding up of a nation were all fundamental tonots in tha philos ophy of Dr. Coady movement In 1028 and 1020 these princip los wore put inte practies the farmers of Margaree formed the Margaren Producers' Association The success of this movement was immediate and as a consequence of tha work of the original tniry members of the association that seotion of Inverness County today han four large co-operative groups This movement, although vel young, promises to embrace the whole sland of Capa Breton and extend far beyond nelano Faperiment Success The success of this experiment Impressed the authorities of Saint Francia Xavier University with the possibilities of a department that would give werlous to this kind of work "The more floreely a man or a caune In attacked the more certain It Is that they will hp vietorious Count Michael Karelyl, "I am nol against perorations In their proper place David Lloyd George when | consideration | | "Crooks ave cunning but stupid," | Kdgar Wallace, {and | ---- wheel truck of a middie car, which collapsed, Although (the train crew received a severe shaking up, no one was seriously HOSKIN FAMILY HOLD REUNION NEAR KEDRON Relatives Gather From Can- ton, Tyrone, Bowman- ville and Toronto fron, July B Fhe annual 1h Reunion was held Just Frida it Brookside ts numbering heing Ie I kin tiiernoon the number of relative shout fifty ahsent du were presen from Canton, ') bowmuanville Foronto and nearby poluts Iarly in the afternoon there races which were much enjoyed ong and ald, followed by a pean scramble which seemed to prove th hig « ol the mngsters, reminding older imine serambles took place Fhe rest of the afternoon was playing. baseball, Bue to slekne Pienicers roe, vent ulternoo for many of enrs gone hy {nuts and candi ones ol spen lullowing served whiel wel art ol coukly Alte ure his or her ay ule in stinptuous hit trined in the supper howed the lad Were yeryone was petite was satisfied to is capacity, along cane the with vings of , but oli recipien heuped up we delicious 1a be oh would the some did manage Jo sug others literally Hunked, Ne those AO generous ir Were "Hie where where put it, while ertheless their serving their turn fo Alter tea hetween the married which ulted in a see married men (101 hoya for next ve ir Ahout the eryone laring heing paid doubl dining + hall game and single came play mei Wi res re ! some Prac picnic hroke the had had jolly tine I'he commitien f wg year Is Miss Rub and Mr, WY, Hoskin, Bown Mi Marion 1 Harmon Cedric Parsons, and Howard Hoski KEDRON July 8M Tahn Helen Gra Loront Mr and Mrs. Wm dusk \ dec real the co Bras inville Mr My kin, I'henezer Kedron Gira id Miss vith Hep Hi : i" M kwell, To Hy Leslie Florence Bla onto, and Ruby Hancoc) tre holidaying with Mis acl Miss Ruby Daherty, Taronto, spen the weekend with Miss Olive Luke Mr. and Mrs, Everett Mountjoy family, recent! visited thei | Above pleture of the King and Queen, taken by Princess Mary tn injured, Park, Kedron A [ f the the | ten Zion when M 1 this # f committee Ine ceed, | | Were when | LINK & | Mrs, | | Hp a mre oklin 1 the gardens at Balmoral, is une of u cullection of 160 photographs taken by members of the Royal Family, whish avrived in ontreal on the Cunarder Antonia, June ¥0. ThE calletion, niter exhibition in the pubs lie rooms of the Antonia, will be placed at the disposal of Canadian houpitals for benefit oxhihitions thrpughout Canada by eourigsy of dia Kodek Sompaun About. 100 yards of (rack was torn up, necessitating construction of furncont. siding to let traffic through, LEFT: Deralied con! cars showing proximity. of wreck to station, which, had it heen struck, might have vesulted In loss of life, as 'the building was ocr cousins, Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Allin, Providence Mr, and Mrs, Harvey and Irene visited at Mr Sumell's, Caesarea, recently Mr, Howard Van Dyke, Vdmonton, Alberta, and Miss Hazel Van Dyke, Crossman Herman Concord, N. MH, are visiting their wmrents, Mr, und Mrs, A. DD. Van | Dyke John and Lloyd Stainton, Zion, vis ited with their sister, Mrs, Ross Lee Ulad to report, Master Walter Davis is able to he out again after heing confined to his home for u month with erysipelus Mrs, A, D, Van Dyke, Miss Harel Vian Dyke, Messrs, Howard and lar) Vin Dyke, attended the decoration service, ut Zion, on Sunday, Congratulations are being extended to Miss Smith and especially to her entrance pupils, Frank Hoskin Gladys Blair on passing their exams two und entrance Mr, and Mrs, lvensdt Mountjoy and family attended the Langmaid plenie at the Cream of Barley Camp, Bowmanville, on Tuesday, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Lee visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A, T. Stain A number from here attended the service, in Columbus, United Chureh, on Friday evening when our new pas tor, Rev, Dr, Cooper, was inducted Mrs, Arthur Saunders, Toronto, spent 'a few days with Mr, and Mrs CW, Hoskin, Mr. Saunders visited vith them alsa on Sunday and Mrs | Saunders returned home with hin Mr, Albert Luke und Ruby Luke, Misses Olive Doherty and Mrs W. LL. Mountjoy, Marion and Willa visited on Sunduy + ith Mr. and Mrs AL, Pascoe, Sollim Mr, and Mrs, Harold Gay, Oshawa recent guests of Mr, and Mrs Harvey Pasco Mrs, J, Nesbitt, Oshawa, is spend few days with her daughter Davis MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, July B«-"There was a large congregation out on Sunday to reet our new pastor, Kev, M, | Wollrainy, who preached a very helps ful sermon, There were 108 at Sun day Nehool Mr, John A pent a few dave at My day Miss visiting MeDaonald, Oshawa MM. Mun Jean Bollons, Willowdale, is at Mr, C, H, Snowden's Kileen Allin, Vancouver, vis RR, Steven's on Sune Miss | ited at Mr | day | Mr. Gates and daughter, Emily, Cherrywood, visited his daughter, Mrs, Ivan Law, on Sunday Miss Jean Hogarth, Hampton, is visiting her cousin, Miss Betty Snow den Miss Evelyn Gay, Oshawa, is visit ing her aunt, Mrs, W, J. Snowden Miss Vera Power recently visited | friends in Toronto. Me, and Mrs, Reet Wilkins and family, Courtice, visited Mr, and Mrs, L, C, Snowden on Sunday We welcome to our community Mr Vice and family, from Oshawa, who have purchased Mr, Sam Snowden's house and, Mr, Patterson and family, from Toronto, who lave purchased the house récently vacated by Mr Joe Upper RAGLAN NEWS Raglan, July 8, «= A number from here attendod the desoration nerviges at Pine Grove Cemetery on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, J, Kvans and family, spent Sunday with friends In Lindsay, Mr, and Mrs, John Squelch and son, of Nuffalo and Mrs, Chowen of New York, spent Hunday with thelr mother, Mro, W, Bqualeh Mrs, Andy Pilkey is visitin with her mother in Goodwood The annus) garden party wi held on Monday evening, Although the crowd was not as Iarge ma usunl, The Raglan hoys ware sue cessful In winning the bhalk=game from the Brooklin boys Mr, and Mrs, M, Luke spent Munday with friends here Mr, and Mrs, J, Ashton and Misses Lillian and June Abhton of Detroit vigited with My, and Mrs Wm, Avery recently Miss Jessie Blute, spent Sunday st the brother, Mr, Alhert Mins Hazel and Mr Toronto, sper the week-end with thelr parents, and attended the garden party on Monday ovening Mr, and Mrs, John Burns and family, of Toronto visited with friends here recently Mr, Lloyd Hughson spent the week-end at of his parents, Mr. and Hughson Mra, W, Bright, and Ethel visit ed In Toronto recently Miss Violet and Mr Gordon Thompson visited ut thelr home and attended the garden party Misses Ila Wilson, Jean Thomp won and Mr, Lloyd Thompson went on an excursion te Rochester on Vednesday Miss Hazel Plerson Toronto spent the weak-end at her home und attended the garden party | Mr, and Mes, 1, Like and son, | Frank, Oshawa, wern recent vial ors of Mr, and Mrs, Irvin Ormis ton Toronto, Bowmanville home of h Alute Frank Grose Taranto, | the homs | Mrs, N CLAREMONT NEWS | v Jul / M | halida Mi Claremaount, hell | Gren spending the home of her Mrs. David Gregg Mr, and Mrs. MT returned from visiting Favistoch Atewart (i mer corse at Toronto Mrs. Esther PMalines from Caldornda after with her daughter, Mrs, Melsnac The Many friends of Mrs, | on pleased to know » proving long ness We report the ine Graham ol Bros Rey, My caller at the A large number parents, ne Wilke friends In taki \ Lniversn has returned vopleasant visit ham Mm (ith nie he 18 1m alter her sOPTY 10 erious Wa Aare or Graham Reooklin on from Jull, of Was a | | Haptist Sunda the Manse A AUBREY BOND Toronto lawyer and Liberal candi a cupled at time of crash, Closesup of one of the cars, Musteating chaos caused hy the piling cars, and United Churches ittended Part Fhursday last mer) fale und and Whith mont friends on of Dunbarton, | day with My has Alberta and jIry He considers that July will probabs Iy in setting a ut | of maonton pared date in High Park f last RIGHT! capsived unday Schools prente held wl Beaverton, on annual near the fulster, Lit. Beelby have in the higee lor the Sulman fami Mr, and Mr I when up residence occupied bh ns, of Bul former's and two se Mrs, Bune ure holidaying Mrs, H, Thompson Phos, Seats, of Toronto, Mr Mis, John Smith, of Uxbridge Mit bessie Bmith, of Toronto, nited W, G, and Mrs, Beott'on Sun luy and attended Decoration Da of at tl Claremount Union nother, Mi meter Mr, und M FF, Roh and Jimmy und Ma terhon sited ns, of rgaret loan, of 1 Clare unda Fraser and called on last M, J A unda Rey Rey, D and Mr Mi Melellan and Mi Vial weel Iker, were alter Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Clement, of ronto holidays Mi ire spending their lutter's J, Sulmian and Mi Detroit, Mich, their parent Lellan Miss K parents, and McLellan, of the week-end ey, and Mrs Jahn spent with M spent Sun Peelby ithleen Reelby ind Mrs, Rohit HOMESTEADERS ARE GOING TO ALBERTA Land hunger of northern visitors to the eouns Alex Norquay, Dom agent for Edmonton Alla the folk Edmonton, gripped wales nion lands follow the example of last month new record for filing homesteads All records went by the hoard In Tune when 740 homesteads and 24 woldier grants were filed at the Fd. office The flgures coms homesteads, Fraser, | grants filed in June, 1929 I8 rated ag AD HYBTAES Men exercising second rights filed on %10 it is pointed out In with the (figures fol oldier ronnection month Politician: "Yes 1 mmm retiring from public ite on account of hick ness,' Friend: "You look preity heal thy to me," "On, I'm wen enough, JVs the public and my party who are sick of me Boss--Don't drink that stuff Henry, The wood alcohol will makes you blind, Henry--0h dat's all Ise seed everything, right boss, Most of us are ready to hip-hi; for the candidate who will mak some other fellow take up ou share of the Laxes, --ftratford Beacon-Herald, Dr, Logan, nominated hy Victor Idherals a week ngo, has Lhe distinction of healing the first ean didate out of the race, He has decided not to run,~Veterhorn Examiner, I | | Demands Modess Compacts , 50¢ . 19¢ (1% In hox) Modess Compact, (4 In box) 2 packages worth fife, Wpeelnl | 49c Hare RLYO" m 39¢ You "SAVE with SAFETY" at The Rexall Stores Jury & Lovell LIMITED King 8, K, Nimeoe Bf, N, hone 88 Phone 08 Regular Modess to 40K homosteads and 18 By a A MAGIC STROKE Could not have changed th e prices any lower than what we have----and we can assure you this is no Fairy:Tale. Come and be convinced, THE ARCADE GREAT BAN KRUPT SALE WATCH OUR WINDOWS Look Mothers! GIRLS' STRAW HATS Real Smart Large Assortment BOYS' TWEED CAPS A well-made cap in seve oral patterns, All sizes, Bankrupt Sale 45 c Price Tb an LADIES' RAYON SILK BLOOMERS Heavy quality, 10 differ. ent colors, All sises, These would be cheap at $1.00, Bankrupt 79 Sale Price, pair .,., C Ruffled Marquisette CURTAINS : Tie-backs, 2! yds, long, Racprionl value, 49 c TRULLI Nay RADIO TO-NIGHT Hon. CHAS. McCREA Minister of Mines, Province of Ontario will speak at Technical School, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., on Monday July 14th, and be broadcast over: CKGW Toronto, CKCR Waterloo, CKPR Midland, and other Stations "from 9 to 10 pam, Daylight Saving Time (8 to 9 p.m. Standard)