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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1930, p. 1

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VOL. 7==NO, 11 News in Brief . 187 Consdion Frou) Rectlving Order Toronto~A" pecelvin order against Broadway Knitting Mills, oronto, was m 7 W. J. Rellley registrar In bunkruptey at Osgoode Hall today, Canadian redit Men's Trust Association wag aps pointed tristes, . Ad Anti Jewish Riots Bucharest, --Anti-Bemitie riots and demonstrations, accompanied hy the destruction or pillage of Jewish shops, are reported from several parts of Roumania, Ld » Record Flight Toronto, ~Vlying at an average speed of 100 miles au hour for 1,400 miles, Major Geofirey H, O'- Brian set a new record for the Toronto-to-Winnipeg fMghl on Mat. urday, ] * LJ Cotton Mills Close Bombay, Indin-~~As & conseqi: ence of the continued Industrial depression In the cotton trade seven mills here will he closed Ins definitely at the end of July, de« priving 16,000 persons of work, I ------ yr -- WEST RELEASED FROM HEAT WAVE| Death List Reaches 173, Crops Are Badly Damaged Chicago, July 14.-=Rain pent thermometers hounding down last night after intense heat had roourged the mid-west with death And suffering for exactly one week, When the tabulation of dead mounted to 17) and the number of heat prostrations rose to many hundreds move, the skies became overcast, vain started to fall steadily and temperatures dropped in many spots from above the hundred down to the seventies, The protracted heat wave and its accompanying dry weather did untold damage to growing orops, searing them in many places so badly that the rain was of no avall, SITUATION IN Waft Starts to Enforce Its Program of Non- Co-operation (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wine) London, Kng., July 14.==A Warn. ing that the wituation fn Mgypt In very grave and indeed eritioml" was issued today by Makrim Ibeldy Pey, former Kgyptian nnister of finance and leading member of the Revpliah delegation to the recent Auglo-lgyptian conference which attempted in vain to negotiate an Anglo-gyptian treaty, Makeim, who is at preagnt in London to take part in an interna. tional parliamentary conterence, ald; » "It must not be forgotten that the "Wald" is not a party as under stood in England, It haw a majors ty ot 05 per cent, in parliament, and is, In tact, GEypt itself, The present ministry represents nobody except its own individual meme pers." Negarding the Wald program, Makrim stated that the national congress, vonslating of senators, deputies and provinelal councillors throughout WEypt, had decided on A Program of nonvooperation, the enforcement of which would begin today, France's Past Glory Seen in Celebration of Fall of Baastile (By Canadian Prose Losssd Wire) Paris, France, July 14 ==Irance's past military glory and strength today were visualised for the world in an imposing review and parade through the streets of the capital of the 10616 anniversary of the fall of the bantile, Troops wearing the costumes ot the days when the Freneh conquers ed Algeria 100 yours ago, and In all the uniforms of the many tame gnu since, marched past Preals dent Doumergue, the Hey H hati minister of war, the navy and a department and military attaches ot] all countries of the world, 'WEATHER saure Is low over the Wr valley, the Atlans tio coast states and to the "Imeminees, In Fort William 1 today, Mia GT Sound, Thunder Bay, Renfrew Nerth, Rens The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1930 or "Eton Vins ud Fuster "All the News While It Is News" 18 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents » Copy TEN PAGES v. 2! FAMOUS CANADIAN PILOT IS KILLED CENTRAL LEGISLATURE OF "INDIAN DOMINION TAKES STEPS T0 BRING PEACE LJ Conference of All Parties in House Appoints Envoy to Take Steps to Find Solu. tion INTERVIEW GANDHI AND THE VICEROY Bombay Merchants Discuss Calling ' General Strike, and Will Appeal to the League of Nations (By Conadian Frees Leased Wire) Nima, India, July /14,==A move looking toward an amicable settles ment of the present political dif floultion in India was made to-day at a meeting of 40 members repre. gonting various parties in the ven: tral legislature, The group authoriged M, Jayakar to take such steps as might seem necessary to tind a solution for the present politieal Impasse, It was understood that Mr, Jaya: kar proposed to see the viceroy and Mahatma Gandhi shortly, While the meeting represented different political pirties in the leg: Inlatyre, MM, Jinnah, Nir Abdul Quayum and other prominent Moss fems wera not present, Nirike Discussed Bombny, India, July 14,The Fadaration of Hombay Merchants Associations today discussed three repressive 'campalgn, The federation dociined to Issue A general order at present, It being left to members to observe the har tal If they wished, The federation claims to represent sixty * growph, 'nother resolution recommended that the members shall not deal In government securities or (reasury bills, In view of the grave politieal situation, he federation appointed a coms mittes to draft representations to the League of Nations drawing ate tention to the Indian government's polley, Wm -------- MOTORIST BEATS , WOULD-BE HELPER (By Canadian Pross Leased Wire) Hamilton, July Wo Humilton diss triet police are searching for an un- known motorist, who, according to Allred. Calderene of 99 Bellevue avs enue, attacked him when he offered help to start a stalled automobile, The attack was made on the Nis agara highway east of Hamilton on Sunday, Calderone told police that he walked up to the stalled autanios bile to offer help and wan attacked by the driver, There Is no explana tion offered for, the heating -------------- Nomination Day In 70 Ridings Total Includes 15 in'Ontario ==No Acclamations in This Province (By Canadian Prose Leased Win) Toronto, July 14.=Fifteen of On. talon 83 constituencies for the dos minton elections are today holding offiefal nominations of candidates, Those Afteen Include various ridings In northern and "northwestern Ons tarlp where the electorate fs widely soattered, There are alin ene or two in the older part of the province where it was thought adwisable to have nominations officially recorded two weeks in advance of election day, Fifty-five other vidings in Cas nada are also nominating candidates There will be ne acclamations in Ontarlo if party nominations go though as scheduled, Th every one of the 13 constituencies the party couns ells have arranged for at io Ww Hon, R, I: Manion, Conservative, the member or the wt House way be opposed hy CW, Wilson, Liberal, and' Rev, A x Smith, Independent, The full list of Ontario constitus neles in which nominations are bes ing hed t ary 8 follows: Als 11) Ha, ma West, Fort Wil fan Tonto. Addington Grey thieast, Hastings: Petorborouah, KenorasRain se River, Muskoka-On« Port Arthurs frew South, Temiskaming North, Tomiskamiog South, Victoria Chagles Hall, A and Mra, I, A, Hall of Boituate aboard, the father 103 KILLED AND 34 MISSING FROM FLOODS IN KOREA (By Canadian Press Leased Wine) Tokyo, Jnpan, July 14,.«/The death toll from floods in southern Korea mounted steadily today as the rains continued Seoul dispatehes sald the known dewths numbered 103, with 3M pers ond, missing and 93 injured, Seventy | additional casunlites were reported in three villages in the mountains due to landslides last night Action and Not Promises _ Are Needed by Unemployed Struck by Car, Cyclist Killed Companion Thought Dying After 'Accident Near Trenton wr Huonthalierinivatuspsneion of w Prana honors Wit) | n protest against the government fife, July T4-=A¥ihir " Whitney, aged 10, resident of Amithtiold, - was matantly killed shortly after midnight on Mature day and his companion. Josiah Nee man, aged 08, was knooked uneons sodols and not expected to recover when riding thelr bleyeles west of Trenton, they were struck by a motorist, who has yet to he appre- hended by the provincial police, Only nu slight elue wan left and the police are binding every offort to effect a capture, An Inquest has haen ordered by Dr, MeLellan, Cols borne, coroner for Northumber land county, but ne date has been net The Injured man was taken to the home of John Hendricks on the Trent road, The two men were farm hands working near. Trenton and went to that town on Haturs day night, The return journey was made in a heavy rain storm and there Is a possibility that the driver of the motor car did not see them, VILLAGERS RIOT, TEN BEING KILLED Avutla, Guerrero, Mexico, July Ld, ==La Pronsa's cotrespondent re ports that ten persons were killed and many wounded In a olash tos day between vesldents of the heiEhboring villagen of Cahuataghe and Hoyatan, eh A -- Toe Ntings Fatal Ottawa, ~HNadly stung by heey at Bouth Mountain near here while assisting a neighbor to hive a swarm, J, H, Boyd, 67, died a few minutes later, YACHTING PARTY BELIEVED 10ST IN OCEAN STORM Only One "Rescued, After Craft Capeizes in Squall Pouton, Maus, "aly 14,+=The probability that six out of seven members of a yaohting party whinh |y put out of Holtuate loomed toda when the fishing trawler Rt, Rit at in here with Narden Garcenu 8, who was found elinging to the wreckage, and with the hody of a girl found near hy, The yacht was wkippeved hy 20-year-old won of he father wie ohartered a sons plane at the Kast Doston airport to 10 ald In the search, sald two he a Tast names were Bore esau and Garosso, both of Greens 'bush, were with. hs won, There were three other youths and a giv) helleved, When the party falled to return At midnight, the coast guard was notified, An all night patrel waa' Swithout success, TORONTO WOMEN IN CRASH Dorothy Hatton, RIGHT, aged 20, of Balishury Ave, Toronto, and Mrs, Lillian Woelshaw of the same address, whe were injured in a mo. tor sar ascldent near Whithy, rb ------------ a ------ BY THOMAN GREEN (Canadian " Pross Mal Writer) Queber, July 14, 01d Quebee Maturday night neccorded Hon, N B, Bennett a. weleome which the ancient oapital gives only to a fow public men From thousands of lusty throats the Conservative lead or was acclaimed almost from the moment of his arrival shortly be fora the mesting, His discussion of national Issues Which Mr, Dennett stated he game to talk upon In a straightforward and frank manner centrad mainly on unemployment, And against a Yoported statement of Premier King early in the campulign that thers was no unemployment, the Opposition leader quoted figures of the United States bureau of statis tien to the effect that tive thousand Canadians had left this country for the United States monthly for ench Of the first four menths of 10480, WE puainst KTR peturning Cana diane, The whole record of the Government for the Inst eight Yours, My, Hennett told his audience should he reviewed hy all Can dians, The promises of the I'rime Continued on Page 7) Brange-Catholic Niots Glasgow Hootland,~ Riots he tween Irish Catholies and Oranges men Naturdey night obliged police to make four charges against an unruly mob of 6,000 persons in Northern Glasgow, Three police men were slightly injured and 15 Arrests were wade, Er ------------ FIVE KILLED IN WESTERN CANADA --e-- Woekend Toll Includes Three Drownings on Prairies ---- (By Capadian Press Lonand Wire) Winnipeg, Tuly 14=Five names today ave marked down on the west's death list due to week-end aes cidents, Three of the fatalities were drownings, The list of victims fol lows? Lelta Moyes 31, of Winnipeg, drowned at Winnipeg Deach, Satur day night Leslie Sweet, 19, Vancouver, drowned at Spanish Banks, B.C, Raymond Conlan, 33, Seattle pols feoman, drowned while swimming at West Vancouver, nC Charles. Praden, 88, whe died on Sunday at Prince Albert, Sask, from injuries received fwhen he Menped inthe path of a railway 4 Hor, Aeank Gunville, 89, of 10d son, Man, fatally injured when struck by i street car on a downgown Winnie peg street, concerned, CANADIAN TRADE WITH LS. SHOWS LARGE DECREASE Exports to Canada Drop $28,000,000 During the Month of May (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Washington, D.C, July 14 Canadian imports from the United Btaton declined nearly $48,000,000 during the month of May as coms pared with those of the previous year, Canndian exports to the Unit. od Bates dropped about $7,000, 000 Department of commerce Agu on Innued today give the following comparative Agures as hetweel the United Miates and her bost cus tomer Canadian imports, May, 1030 BOT. 067,087, 1020 044,000,108, Canadian exports, May, 1040 May exports of the Unted States dropped more heavily te the coun tries of North America, Canada and Mexico, than thowe to any other pare of the globe, Exports to Great Nritain were, $47,001,008 nmainst $54,430,024 and imports from Great Britain $21,060, 070 against $20,762,220, a ---- Dies of Burns Thornbury Mra, I'red Thomas, concession Camp, Collingwood township, died today of burns re galved in a amp explosion yeaters day, HAMILTON MAN IS : TO HANG FOR MURDER (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Nt Hyacinthe, Que, July 14 = Osborne Royle, of Hamilton, Ont, wan convicted of murder here Sats urday and sentenced to he hanged Oct, 17 next, Royle, under the elias Ray Courtland, was tried he. fore Mv, Justice Walsh, for the murder of Mark Ward, an aged widower, who lived alone on his farm in Richolleu, near here, Ward was found beaten and strangled in hin bed last January 0, Royle and a girl companion, Laura White of Halifax, had been employed by Ward two weeks prior to his death hut had disappeared when the hody was found, The girl wan acquitted of the murder charge at the preliminary hearing, Give Effect to London Treaty (By Canadian Presa Loased Wire) London, July 14,-<Rt, Hon, A, V. Alexander, first lord of the ad miralty tosday presented a bill give ing effect to the London naval treaty so far as Great Nritain Is for approval of the House ot Commons, THREE PERFECT SCORES AT BISLEY Former Canadian at Top in Shoot (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Bisley Camp, England, July 14, Hundreds of marksmen compets od in the Daily Telegraph Bllver Cup competition, today feature at Bisley, and only three had perfect scores, These wore Lisut HWkinner, formerly of Vor. William, Ontario; Hergt, Bradshaw of the Indian Bis. loy team and I, W, Gleadow of the Glan Almond Wehool, The trio will shootoff for the cup tomorrow, Liout Bkinner ling been in Kng- land for years and is not 4 member of the Canadian Bisley team, With woveral other Canadians Hving on this side, he has become atinched to the team and fives alongside the pleked Canadian marksmen, Liberals Wi -- BY NAY BROWN (Canadian Press staff Writer) Princes Albert, sank, July 14, "I think there is no doubt in the world that the Liberal party is go. Ing to he returned on July 28." de. clared Nt, Mon, W. L, Mackenzie King here Naturday night, summing up an optimistic provincehy-pros vines forecast of election resulis which he sald was based on his own observations In every pro vines of the Dominion Confidenoca pervaded the Minister's address here to the elev tors of his own constituency, predicted Idberal gains in many sections and losses nowhere, In Prince Kdward Island the Gov. vernment would probably curry all four nents, he sald, Nova Seotin, ho thought, would probably return nine Liberals Quebec yemained "solid," and the Government would have "all" that wa have now and perhaps more" Thera would be additional seats for the Govern ment. supporters in Ontario, "Wes will: held all that we have in Mani toba," Mr, King did not think that the Conservatives would gain Continued on Page 7) BEWARE OF SOVIET, IS POPE'S WARNING (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Vatioan City, Italy, July 14, The solemn warning to "hewanre of the spread of Nolsheviam" was uttered by the Pope this afternoon during an audience which he gave to Mon. signor John Augustine Ryan, vector of the Cathollo Univeraity of Amer. en at Washington, D.C, LAMB LEADS IN GOLF TOURNAMENT Jack Roberts, Oshawa, Takes an 84 to Stay in Running (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 14,=Willle Lamb, of Uplands, Toronto, led the early finishera, of the fifat 18 holes of tho 86-hole tournament for the Ontario Open Golf Champlonship today, Jack Roberts, of Oshawa, shot An 84 for the 18 holes taking 42 rirokes going out and the same number to come in, The vommitive decided to ralse tho elimination limit from 84 to 88, This our about half of the fleat sixty out of the final 18 holes, Jack Roberts by virtue of his 84 fa still in a commanding position, Mr, Robs erta played over the Royal York oourae, J. Holden, Oshawa, secured an 88 and also stayed in the running. bh NOTES FROM THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN CANDIDATES NOMINATED TRMISCOUATA' (Quebee) ==Uhar len Dueb, Connoryative, 81, JOHUN-ALBERT (New Druns: Wick) ==Willlam M, Ryan. and Allan G, MoAvity, Liherals, MAIRONNRUVE (Quebec) = Hu: bert Degjarding, Conservative, MONTMAGNY (Quebeg)==Armand 'Lavergne, K.Q,, Conservative, <All Grlevances Gono ) Bolnavaln, Man, July 14.-=All Canada's Provinces are without griovanoves, due to the work of the Liberal Government aided by the Progressive group, stated + Mon, Charles Dunning, Minister of Fin ance, spoaking in support of James Steadaman, Progressive, who reps resented Hourin in the last House of Commons and Is a candidate for vesslection, Present depression, he sald, Was due Lo an oversupply of base products, such an wheat, copper, teel, He classified an "olaptrap" ny assertion that unemployment could be cured by a apeoial soasion of Parliament, "We cannot expect Great Rrits Alu to pay Wa A bonus to trade with her," amsertod the Minlater, He held that Dritain wan looking for A market for her goods and that it J was a matter of good huainess to try to get that market in a faie and equitable way to trade," The Nudget's Nritleh preference provisions, he sald, were the fair and equitable way. Family Bonus Montreal, July 1d.==A five-year ban on all immigration and cons version of funds now used for that urpose into $100 promiums to be presented to every needy moths or who brings a new Canadian oltizgen Into the world were planks In a platform outlined by J, A Shinnick, Independent = Conservas (Continued on page 1) Daily Telegraph Prime He | Goes 90 M.P.H. + In Speed Boat (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Gravenhurst, July 14,-=Marion | 8, Carstairs, British hops In the Harmsworth trophy races at De troit, Mich, drove her challenger, "Estollo IV" at un speed of 00 miles an hour on take Muskoka here Maturday THis in wald to ho 18 miles an hour better than any pre. vious (ime made In Canadian whters "Kntelle IV" which will be driv- on hy Miss Carstairs herself in the Harmsworth trophy races was heats on in these events last year, Its eof. forts (hin year will ba reinforced | hy "Estelle V' which is also being | turned up hore Premier H as No Doubt That Il Win Election Weekend Toll in Ontario Is Eight Six Die From Drownings in| This Province,~-One i From Auto Crash Hight lives wore lost through week-end accldents In Ontario, Of these six were drowned, one woman was Killed hy a motor car and one died in un fall trom a horse, Immigrant Drowns Campbelliford, July, *14-=John Willlamson, a 22-year-old Scottish immigrant, was drowned Saturday ovening while searching for muds Oats In Crow River near Allan's Mills, Williamson was employed as A farmhand hy Alex, Miller of Boy mour Township, Young soldier Killed Kingston, July 14---HBtaft Bers geant Walker Stewart Ross, aged 18 years, Nection Bergeany of "'C" Cable Bection, Third Divislonal Big. nals, Ottawa, met death at Barrios fleld Camp on Haturday from in- Juries received when he was thrown from his Rorae and dragged along the ground while av dril) Drowns at Npragge Hault Bte, Marie, Ont, July 14 I'rancin Carr, aged 260, wan drown. od at Bpragge when he fell inte the harbor from the wharf, where he wan piling planks, Cyclist Drowns Fort William, July 14-=While ridivg to work on his bieyele Bats urday Walter Marks, aged 46, )iv. Ing at 128 Neano Bireet, was drown. od in the Kam Rives when hia (Continued on Page 0) Dies Playing Golt London, Ont.--Helzed with a heart attack believed te have heen brought on by the hoat At the Thames Valley golt links yesterday, Henry ortey, 89, of 431 Kmery Htreet, died before medical ald could be summoned, -- A ---------- LADY CONAN DOYLE CLAIMS TO HAVE WORD FROM DEAD Received 'Cheering and En. couraging" Message From Husband, She States (Ry Canadian Presa Leased Wire) London, Eng, July 4="The widow of Nir Arthur Conan Doyle was threatened today by what she aes cepted an a spirit message from her husband who died last week, A medivm, Mrs, Estelle Roberts, claimed to have received the mess age after a public. memorial service in Albert Hall and ended with fifty or more of the audience of 10,000 walking out in protest at five allege ed air messages from other porss ons ong dead and gone, Lady Doyle declined to explain what "the message was, merely ex» plaining; "1 can't, It's precious and sacred, | am perfectly convinced that the message fs from my husband, | am sure of that and Tam sure that he has been here with us an I am sure that | am speaking to you, It is a happy message, one that is cheering and encouraging," LIEUT. J. D. VANCE DROWNS MAKING LANDING ON LAKE IN FAR NORTH OF LJ] CANADA Thrown From Cockpit of Plane While Landing on Glassy Water Amid Smoke and Fog ONE OF BEST KNOWN CANADIAN PILOTS Was Member of R.AF. and Was One of Four Pilots to Make Record Flight From England to Cairo (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 14-=Lieut, J, D, Vance, one of the best known anoroplane pllots In the dominion, was killed at Hunter Bay on the onst and of Great Boar Lake today when he attempiled a landing in fog, smoke and glaesy water, He was apparently thrown from the window of his cockpit and drowns od The sole passenger, "Monte" Priske of Hchreiher, Ontario caped with cut hands, Jeut, Vane ine of the known of Canauiuin war pilot whe engaged after the war on cons veying Important officials and cabs Inet ministers to and from tha poaces confeernce at Versailles, Re cently he had heen employed hy Dominion Explorers Company Alded MacAlpine Nearch Pilot Vanca was one of the pilots who aided in the search for the MucAlpine party some months ago. His plane became disabled nt Baker Lake and he spent weeks With a companion at that northern outpost until it was possible to (rae vel to clvilization hy dog team, He refused to let his company tako the risk of sonding planes to get him out, Lieut, Vance leaves a mother an Kealo street, Toronto, and an mars ried nister at Lindway, Ont Oficial Mtatement Col, CC, D. MacAlpine, president of Dominion Kxplorers, made an« houncemoent with deep regret of the pilot's death Hin statement sald Priske was teavelling from Red Rock Lake near the Copper Mine fo Great Bear Lake, "On nes count of fog, smoke and glassy water the landing was obscure,' sald the statement, "lxamination on the plane shown that pilot Vance was apparently propelled through the front wine dow, Vance's body is still missing. Dragging for the hody {x being cone tinued an the location of the crash In. known, hut very doop water ig hindering this work," Had Enviable Record Vance held an enviable record ams . ong pilots, He was with the Reval Flying Corps in the flying air COUrsg He flew in France with the Indeps endence Air Force in long distance bombing raids and after the war he was one of the pilots in the four Handley Page machines vhich made a record flight from England te Cals ro y After several years in Canada he Joined the staff 'of Northern Aerial Mineral Explorations, with which he remained until last spring ---------------------- Seek Aged Man In North Bush Lumber Camp Caretaker, Missing Several Days, Is Thought Dead (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Sault Ste, Marie, Ont, July 1des District Forester Frank MeDougall, left this morning at nine o'clock aes companied by Ray Mill, of Escanaba, representative of the Andrews Lums ber Company that they may engage in the search for Billy Burch, the 78 year-old carotaker of the Andrews Camp at Alona Bay, on the north shore, who was reported missing from his post several days amo hy members of the Roussain' fishing fleet who had called in at Alona Bay and found the horse used by Burch fully harnessed but in bad shape en the beach, It ix believed that Bureh, while baek in the bush with the horge «transporting wood (0 tha onmps, beoame ill and i now likely dead, Meo was greatly attached to the horse and would not permit it to bho in the condition in which it was found, James R, Andrews of the Andrews Lumber Company, wecompanied Mp, Hill to the Soo but will return to Escanaba today, Provincial Constable 1, W., Keen loft on the ACR, train 'yestorday morning to engage inthe search,

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