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Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1930, p. 2

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/ The Whitby iis Times Advertising, subsr Whithy Branch LW After Business tof the Orange Order + i" merica orth ORANGEMEN HONOR FALLEN HEROES" Wreath Placed on Memorial] bits Before Leaving to Colsrate 12th 4 Tru thd Tn che. war ma a od in the course of mpressive emony, wt wh ro, Rr M, rival iat ed, deposited a wreath in memory of thess of the lodge who fell In the great war, The Orangemen and True Blues marched in the fursde o at Lin haa) and made a very fine showing, hey listened to the speeches made prominent Orongemen of the town Whithy Oran and Lady True Blues at Lindsay on Saturday cele brated the gio ous twelfth and the one hundredth anniversary of the DOES NOT MAKE A LOW PRICE POLICY Daily customers at A & P Food Stores know that A & P has one leading po! poliey.io sell the highest quality foods at the lowest pr is policy means low prices for every article in an A & P store every day........and, too, these customers know that A & P Is the first to reduce retail prices. ......the first to pass on savings which reduce the cost of living, That's why they say--Buy All Yow Foods at A & P Stores, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Specials No. 2 AYLMER CHOICE Tine 25¢ Thompson Seedless Tomatoes PEAS ©: 2% 29¢ CORN & 2 %' 29c RICE = 2m 13¢ RAISINS Teo 2m 21¢ PICNIC HAM » 25¢ LAMB CHOPS 25¢ Sirloin Steak 33c BRISKET 13¢ Lamb Liver sed» 1Dc FILLETS » 19c oe Atlantic & Pacific { LIMITED, GF CANADA Summer Dress Fabrics ON SALE TUESDAY In this lot are Printed Pique, Dimities, Rayons, Bro- caded Silks and Printed Voiles, Values up to $1,00 A ~~ 49¢ ya. W. A DEWLAND, Limited THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 14, 1930 t ona of the town | roinent 0 igs Lodge, the and district, and participated In the sports later, Some made the trip to Lindsay by train and others by motor, TWO INJURED IN MOTOR CRASH ON KINGSTON ROAD Cars Met Head-on West of Whithy--Car Smashed and Pole Broken women were Injured In a sh on the Kingston high way Jul west of Whithy about 8.30 on Sunday morning, They were Mrs Wilshaw, 54 Salishury Avenue, Tor onto, who syptained head bruises, and Miss Dorothy Hadden, same address, cuts on her face, They were taken to the office of Dr; C, ¥, McGillivray, Whitby, anil. after medical attention, were allowed to return home The women were occupants of a ear driven Joseph Lyman, 454 Queen Street Fast, Toronto, driving west, which was struck head on by a ear driven: by T, KE, Crane, 108 Pape Avenue, Toronto, putting Lyman's car in the diteh id smashing it ul most beyond repair, and breaking off a telephone pole, Traffic Officer Bid ney Hilliard, of Whitby, who inve tigated the accident on the scene, was told hy Crane that the accident hap pened when he applied his brakes suddenly and turned out to wvold hit ting a ear ahead of him whieh stop ped suddenly, The pavement was wet after a heavy rain und his car skidded, striking the other ear head on, No charge will be laid by the Traffic Officer Despite the fact that Sunday motor traffic was very heavy, this was the only. serious accident reported over the week end, There were one or two minor mishaps, as usual, but with no serious results, Safe and sane driving appears to he more in evi dence on the road today than ever before, Two motor SUMMER SCHOOL WAS FINE SUCCESS Over 100 Were Registered, and of This Number 21 Were Missionaries ---- After a very successful session, the United Church Summer School of Missions held each year at Whithy ended, This was the most successful school in some years, the registration being over 100, twenty-one of these heing missionaries from forelgn helds I'he groups were well attended and each evening some famous speaker was heard by # large audience in cluding many Whithy people, Ses isons were held at the Ontario Ladies' College, One of the interesting groups wan lead by Miss Ne Tannis Semmens Her subject with Missionary Keueat fon of Juniors," She said that the J} laws of learning are, readiness, satis: faction, exercise, Miss Semmens pointed out the great necessity of singing as worship and how a eld must understand what it sings, She claimed that many of the hymns in the childrens' section of the hymn hook were unsuitable for ehildren because they could not grasp the meaning of them and they therefore gould net worship through them Miss Semmens also pointed out the necessity for prayer and how the posture of the body effects the state of mind, that Is the child's mind while sitting in in repose like the body, and so if the child 1s either standing or kneeling it will be able to pray bet. ter, Miss Semmens groups were well attended and a great deal of help was derived from them, Many of her audience were leaders of Junior missionary clrcles, Two sessions and group studies were held 'Sunday, and in the morn ue, g the students attended \Whithy nited Church in a bod hureh in a body, SERVED IN INDIA FOR FORTY YEARS AS A MISSIONARY Dr, Margaret McKellar, in United Church, Stresses Need of Giving Dr, Margaret McKellar, a medical Nitvionary n Tidia for twenty years, delivered a Stevi 'eRsage on the duty and' value © Wneral a the morning 'service in® Whi nits ed Church on Sunday marving. Dr, McKellar is one 'of the most outs standing dy fol oda in the Indian foreign: field Voda') She is heme on furlough hd same to Whit« BY to speak at ! y hil hitby Sumi or School M rian Whi oh closed {tegions the . Ont i Ty College. of Addition to be wi a medical doctor, she recently hi conferred upon her by ler university the degrea of déetor of laws,' De. N Mek ellur was Introduced to the ATHLETICS LEAD OMN #t, Louis, July 14, ~The Ath inties hit Coffmar and Holshauser Lard fu snd defestod he Browns 1% to 1, AV Bimmens hit Wis Bist Wome run of the season in the third Inning The victory made IL two stesight for the ser- fos for the Athletics and pul them at top of the league agnin, lt YANKS TROUNCE WHITE BOX Chicago, Iny 14,~The Yanks Laled a White Bok rally in the Hinth Inning to come up with & 7 ] i § victory Sundsy st Comiskey wrk, Here ave features of Night of new National Alveraft Kevvice glidey, which took place at Dufferin nivport, Tevonto, Top==Phil Wauve, aly service plot, and glider, BOLO mt plain , Brown, designer, first to Ny craft, -- congregation by Mrs, Richards, wife of the minister of the Chureh, and while she did not speak directly of Indiu, its mission work und its prob: lems, she pletured what had heen done in the buildin chureh and medieg! mission In the city of Neemueh, In Central India, ufter its workers and members had learned to give to the Lord the scriptural requirement of one tenth For cr Dr, MeKellar said, this mission. was carried on but with little success until it was. decided to lose it here seemed to be soni thing lacking, or, waing the words of thee hible story in the old testament, there was "sin in the camp." Praver and a thorough study of the perips tures revealed the fagt that the mis ston workers und mgmbers had not heen giving to the Lord what really belonged to him When this discovery was made the mission was vecopened, a fine new chureh and hospital were built and the work progressed, The givings mereased in ane year from 185 rupees » LARS, Dr, McKellar stressed the paint that while prayer was neces sary and valuable for the success of missions, money was mbre essential and systematic giving in accordance with God's requirements would mean that missions would not have to he closed, nor the number of workers curtailed, hut, on the other hand, there would he greater progress than ever hefore, A tenth of all one's earnings belonged 10 God, To give more represented the repl saerifice and proper « spicit of glving, The power and blessings of Pentecost were Just as real today as they were In the days of the early Christian Church and giving to the Lard what Is rightfully his, followed up hy pray ef, would help to make them even more real in our day, In the evening an mspleing address was given by Dy, C, P.. Holmes Japan, DOMINIONS NOT BEHIND EMPIRE FREE TRADE PLAN And British Labor Party Is Opposed to It, Mac: Donald Says Landon, July 14.'In tha Im porial Conference next Heptembor we are going to do everything that can he done hy a British Gove ernment to come Lo economio Are rangements with the Dominlons that wilt wenefit the working classes of vats country," doalared Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon- ald, speaking at a great rally of the Labor Party at the Crystal Palace, The Premier made it plain that the Labor Party has no place in its program for the Kmpire free trade ideal, "Why do people talk about Empire free trade?" he asked, "1 would like to ask those who hee lleves In Empire free trade whether they have any authority top the Dominions to engage that propaganda, They have nad none, There in not a single Dominion that has autherised any Breit politician to put that lssue to the people of thin country, "There is not a single Pominion that Is not developing on nations alist lines ite own Industrial and economic evolution, and there In not a member of the House of Commons and no Governments whatever tn majority may hos In this country that ean foree on the Dominions an economic poliey in which the Dominions do not helleve," the Prime Minister went on, BONNE of Cende OIL in Canada Sources of orude oll in Canada other than wells ave the oil shales of the Maritime Provinces and the bituminous wand depoaits in Al berta, but the great and almost unlimited potential source of ovude oll 1a coal, and this Canada possesses in abundance, The study of coal for the discovery of pros cesses for unloeking the oll ann other riches that He hidden in It, and the examination of the most economie methods of utilising It, hold the attention of coal research workers today in Canada and elpe: where, up of u great || | season and won, | them Bowmanville Daily Times advertising and owmanville Office of Block, King Street, Tolophones--=Office--587; House--131, Bowmanville Representative=--B, Herbert Mortlock BOWMANVILLE HAS 2362 QUALIFIED VOTERS ON LIST Conservatives Announce ment of Campaign at Fleetwood Tonight -- There are 2362 in the town of Bow manville whe ure eligible for a vote n the Federal Elections on July 28 neeording to the veturng obtained from W, F, Ward, returning officer, These voters are distributed in dix wards and the numbers in the re- spective wards Bre us follows Polling divisions No, 1, 39; W9; No, 3 525; No, 4, 410; 01; No, 6, JIB There mav he a few more who are eligible for a vote an the 28th but having failed to ascertain whether ar not their names were. on the list during the three days the registrars say they will now have to wait and be sworn in on election day, Conservative ign The Conservative Campaign In Durham County commences tonight with u meeting in Fleetwood north of Janetville and this meeting will be followed by numerous others at the smaller villages in the county Anish Ing uy with the grand rallys, one at Port Hope on the Friday, and enc at Bowmanville on the Saturday pre vious to election day, The Liberal campalgn has not been announced as yet but it is expected that today sometime the list will be made pub: lie, Among the speakers booked for the Conservative Platforms are Mr, Stison, K.C, MPP. of Lindsay, Karl Lawson, MP, of Torento and in wll probability the Hon, Charles McCrea, © rrp ------ News About Town Softball Finals Whiz and Goodyear will battle tonight for the honors of the first schedule and judging from the we games in the series already played it will he hard 10 choose the winners, Last. Thursday night Goodyear play- al perhaps their best game of the when Whiz let away with slack Aelding in the fourth innings, The following night Whiz got the upper hand and though they did not win hy as large a margin as Goodyear™did the previous night, they certainly play od a wonderful game, If both teams play their best this evening the eon« test will he well worth seeing, The next thing is. the spectators, All through the seasen there has been a lack of these and those who have not taken an active interest at the start should be on hand tonight and cers tainly not miss the best of the first schedule No, 2, No, §, ------------ Soccer Football The postponed ame hetween Bowmanville and Qrono at the High School whiely was postponed at the last minute last Thursday will not likely be played until the end of the season now The Times hig | Jn formed yesterday, There is to be a real game at the High School y™ Saturday next when Leskard pay ong of thelr periodical visits, Quiet + Weekend Rain and a chilly week end made things very quiet In Bowmanville yesterday an nathing exciting was reported to either police or fire der partments, Even the trafic officer reports having no accidents or com plaints of bad driving despite the very heavy traffie, Town Council The special sesslon of the town council scheduled for tonight will likely be postponed owing to seme members having made previous ens wagements, However, if the majority sity tonight, it will be tonight, Garton Coaches Still Running Despite the threat that the Cin of Oshawa would stop the Garten Coaches running in the eity they are still running on schedule as be fore, Legal authorities state that the vity, despite their threat, have 'ny power to prevent the busses runs ning on the streets and only the re: dress in the event of a settlement baing made in to contest the paling of the council in a court, whieh is hoped. will not be necessary, lose Win rue Bluse Win Prise Conia kg of the Loyal True Blues of Bowmanville, won the yeeond prize in the Oran 3 walk a Lindsay on Saturday, T were awarded 'a large Cana Fd neigh for their aplen 4 appearance in t parade, -- Mrs, George James who has heen visiting with' friends in other. parts of Ontario for the past week has re- turned to town, RICH SILVER FIND REPORTED IN NORTH . ---- The Vas, Man, July 1é~Word hat an importsmt silver strike an been made at Granville Laks han revived the old Indian tradi ton that & large deposit of the Kleaming metal . lies slong the waters of the mighty Churchill River within Manitoba's houndar- les, Bpurved hy the prospect of new finds, wo parties wre now gathering ouilits to rush inte the Granvitie ares, seme 60 miles north of Pukstawagan slong the water trafk | WILD ROBE SELECTED will be received at Times In the Cowan Dr, GC Bonnyeastle who his heen In comp with tle Durham Ke- giment ut Barryfhield has returned to town, Dr, Cuttle, of Orene, his been taking eare of Dr, Wopny: castle's practice while he has heen WwaRy, Mr, and Mrs, j, Knight, spent the week end bi Mr wn Law of Pine avenue, Oshawa, Miss Mianie Pearce who has heen out of town on two weeks' vacation has returned to her position at the Statesman Office, rere rr -- INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE HEAVY BLUGGING Buffalo, July 14~Terminating A 8x game series, marked by violent slugging. and & home run record for the local park, the Bisons and ) gue leading Orlolus split Sunday's double encounter and also halved tha series, Al, Moore brought vietory n the Bisons in the openor hy slash: ing & home run over the left field wall in the ninth vith twe out and a mate an second, The fine) score was 7 to B, Tho Birds mangled two Bison twirlers. unmereifully in the seer ond, clouting 10 hits and winning out 18 tn 8, A total of 87 homers, 17 for the visitors and ten for the home forces, marked the serios, ROYALS SWEEP SEKRIES Montreal, July 14,~The Mont. real Royals swept the five-game series with Newark when. they hianked the Bears in hoth games before a small erowd of 6,600 here yesterday, The scores were 0:0 and 1-0, ca = HEM-ROID, "the o prescription of Dr, J, B, Leonhardt, is guaranteed to banish any form of Fille misery, It gives quick action even in old, stubborn cases, HEM-ROID suee conds heeause it heals and sirens: thens the affected paris and ver moves blood congestion in the low. or bowel-the eause of piles, Only an internal medicine ean do this, that's why salves and cutting fall, Jury and Lovell 1Ad, and drug. gists everywhere sell HEM-ROID with suarantes that it cost you nothing it it doesn't end all Pile No More Piles AS ALUBERTA'S EMBLEM Edmonton, Alta ~Today the wild rose Ip oMelal Aoral emblem of Alberta," Legislation naming the new symbol went Into effect with the wsoft-petalled RAower al the height of its season dotting miles of rondwide with gentle pink tones, MAX BELIGMAN Viest, English dew to graduate from the government Iaw school, derusalem, in visiting Canada, He is at present at Toronto, The 46-year-old provinces of the foothills has hitherto owned mons tain-peaks of white and golden wheat fields ny Its symbol; the new sequisition is considersd as har- monious as it Is appropriate, Demonstration By : | Cockshutt Plow Co, Limited BRANTFORD With United Tractor ant Neo. 8 Plow At MR.GEO, LEE FARM Town Line, Pickering and Whithy On Thursday Afternoon July 17 Standard Time | M, Atkinson, Agent | Whitby 680 ft, 84 Chueh St, CLIMAX BUG KILLER 20 Ib, Bag, 90c 10 Ib, Bag, 80¢ Small Package 26¢ Death to Potato Bugs I LS BINDER TWINE BRANTFORD Large and Small Balls ea HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED -_ 600 ft. Phone 203 FEDERAL ELECTIONS IN THE - OSHAWA on Thursday, July 17th, 8 p. m. (Daylight Saving Time) Will be Addressed by Mr. W. M. GILBERT and Mr. W. H. MOORE (LIBERAL CANDIDATE) Whose Subject Will Be A MEETING REGENT THEATRE "THE TARIFF" An Interesting Meeting Is Promised EVERYBODY WELCOME Citizens Band in Attendance G: D. CONANT, Chairman,

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