[a a-- Ri Slowing [ i og Et The Oshamua Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the News While It Is News" VOL. 7==NO, 12 Gow Tasos Suadors snd' 'Vibs Pikdors OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1930 16 Cents » Week; 3 Conts » Copy EIGHT PAGES S40444 Sd SdALAAAAL LL News in Brief (My Connon From) POVOPIPIIIIPIIPIIIH) SHOT KILLS YOUNG MAN Saint John, N.B.-~Oeorge K, Conan, nged 22, won of James W, Goan of Oromocto, ex-Bheriff of Budbury County, was shot and in- stantly killed by a 14-year-old boy, Donald Kimball, who did not know the shotgun he played with was londed, . * 1] DIES AFTER CRASH Goderich, ==Mrs, William ¥, Me. Ewen of Highland Park, Mieh, whe wis seriously Injured in an 'ante: mobile accident a few miles south of Goderich dled st Alexandra Maripe and Genersl Hospital yesterday, ¥ » Ld CHILD CUT BY BINDER Chatham ==Lloyd, three-year-old son of Wellington Dean, Raleigh Township, Is In a serious condition In Kt, Joweph's Hospital, ' due to terrible Injuries sustained when he was run over hy a wheat hinder on the farm of the father's em ployer, J, B, Rhodes, v v » MIMICO BANK ANIMALS Mimlco,~~As wu result of com: plaints received hy Mimico town counell the clerk was Instructed to draft a by-law prohibiting any anf mals within the town's mits ex. cept horses and mules GRAIN F REIGHTERS ARE HELD UP IN PORT | (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Mt, Catharines, July 106,-=Little relief In In sight for the freighters at Port Colhorne carrying one and one half million bushels of grain to he unloaded, Home of the larger steamers will he gerved however, hy the canals boats which are ex- pected today, The frajghters are the W, ¢', Vrang, 1, R, Davidson, J, B, Eads, Glenbogle, Collingwood and Goderich, GOODERHAM WILL SAIL CHALLENGER (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 16--Norman Good. orham han heen selected to sail tha challenger, yot to named by the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, for the Canada's Cup now held by the Rochester Yacht Club, A sorles of trials walled under varlous wind and wea conditions hy the Vision, Quest and Norseman, the three elght-metre yachts from which the selection will he made, has proved so even thd committee has been unable to decide yet which yacht will uphold the honor of the N.C YC, BRITAIN TO SEND TRADE MISSIONS (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) London, England, July 16,~"The British trade mission to Bouth Am. erica, which was headed last year by Lord DAbernon, was wo sues comnful In its results that the govs ernment is now considering send. ing similar missions to other parts of the world, announced 6, M, Gil- lott, M.1,, secretary of the departs ment of overseas trade, In the House of Commons, DEER ARE MENACE TO AUSTRALIAN FARMS Auckland, New woaland, July 16, Deer introduced inte New Feas Jand 40 years ago an an attraction for sportsmen have become a ser fous menace to farms, A conference of 48 agricultural societies onlled recently to consider the situation, passed resolutions oalling on the government to take immediate measures to exterminate the animals, Government shooting partiea have heen went to various distriots to begin destruotion, Tr ---------- SEVERE QUAKE IS NOTED AT TORONTO (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Toronto, July 16-«A large earth- quake was registered yesterday afternoon at the Toronto observas tory, The first wave came in at 17 hours, 46 minutes and 89 seconds, eastern daylight saving time, with the maximum wave recording at 18 hours, The distance of the diss turbance was estlmated at 2,080 miles from Toronto, practically a southsweaterly divection, The ve. oord continued for two-and-a half hours, WEATHER An extensive area of high ressure covers Ontario, Ques and the central portion of the United States while the barometer in relatively low over the Mavithme and wosts ern provinces, Meavy rain has ocenrred In many d'steicts of Nova Neotin and New Bruns wick and moderate showers in the castorn and southern areas, while In Ontario and the western provinces the weather has been fale and very warn yesterday in Al borta are Naskatehewan, Forecasts: Lower Lakes and Georglan Bays=Narthern Ons tavio and Ottawa and Upper NL Leveence Valley ss=Motds ete southwest winds fale and Warmer today and Weis Fourteen TROOPS ARE CALLED OUT DURING RIOT List of Dead Includes Eight Europeans, Among Them Being an Italian--One Re- port Says 17 Killed REINFORCEMENTS RUSHED INTO AREA Troops Occupy Square in City bf Alexandria, While Aid Is Sent From Cairo-- hy fast motor launoh, Generel Strike Caused Trouble (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) AMeaxandris, Egypt, July 16, Fourteen persons, of whom eight wears Kuropeans were killed In wer. fous rioting during a general strike here to-day, About 260 parsons wero reported Injured, many ol them seriously, One of the dead win an Italian eltigen Another of many reports elrous lated about the city administration buildings was that seventeen per: sons had heen killed and 130 In- jured, This report mentioned neo Europeans, Two senior pollee officers were known to be wounded and a large number of lower grade polices and woldiers also were on the casualty lint The situntion to-night was some- what quieter, Troops Occupy Nguare Calro, Baypt, July 16,»=The ex chang Telegraph Company ported to-night that Mehamet AN Hguare In Alexandria had been oes oupled by wu detachment of Egypte Ian army troops and that relnforge- ments were boing rushed fron Cairo, Precipltatod by Mtrike Today's disorders In Alexandria ware precipitated In sympathy with the yiotims of recent polities! riot Ing In Amnsourah and Bilbels, A general strike had heen called, The previous disorders. followed the re. signation of Premier Nahas Pasha, when the King refused to sign a bill whieh parliament had passed, The King dissolved parliament but Nahas Pasha received a vote of confidence, Watd deputies and senators, numbering about 6500, later met aw manelf-constituted nations) assembly and passed resolutions against the King, In subsequent meetings of these politioal factions police inter. fered and violence resulted, Sacramento, Callf,=Fiva miners dled of suffocation from winoke which swirled through the Glenn gold minn as the surface hulldings and surrounding forest were deas troyed hy fire yesterday, I ------------------------------ Shooting Results in "Manslaughter Charge (By Canadian 'Press Leased Wire) Oromoeto, N, RB, July 18, Donald BE, Kimball 14, was arrested yesterday, on a charge of man. slaughter, resulting from the fatal shooting of George HK, Goan 29, In front of the Kimball home late Sunday night, ; The boy bhelng a juvenile his father appeared for him, and ball was granted In the sum of $3,000 The Preliminary hearing has heen set for July 7 \ DROWNS AS BOAT RAMS HIS SKIFF Youth Dies When Craft Cut in Two by Motor Launch (2p Canadian Press Leased Wire) Capanoque, July 14,-<A moter hont nooldent hrought sorrow to a farmhouse near Ivy Lea, ahout olght miles east of this town, Paul Bishop, aged 17, wan rows ing a akift from Rockport to Ivy Lena, hoth 8t, Lawrence river res sorts when hin hoat was ~ut in twe The ocoups ants wera thrown into the water, Young RNishop's body wan recovers od. An Inquest will he held, It 1a understood that the name of the owner of the motor hoat who Mid not stop Iv known and prosecus ton will likely follow, Rishon 1a survived hy a widowed wother, three brothers and two sisters, Communism Said to Be Taught at Rouge River Camp Duff Represehts Canada on Board (By Canadian ro. Lonsed Wire) Ottawn, July 14 The appoints ment has heen announced of the Rt, Hon, Myr, Justice Duff Supreme Court of Canada, 1 Canadian representative on the ar bitration board In connection with the "I'm Alone" proceedings, Mr, Justice Duff succeeds to the pos! tion made vacant hy the death of the late Kugene Lafleur, K.C Bus Crashes Milestone Prague, Crechoslovakia passengers were killed and I'wa Mand others injured, seventeen overely when a motorhns erashed into a milestone. The ehnuffeur committed suicide | -- CHILDREN ARE UNDER WING OF LABOR LEAGUE The photographs hers show scenes fram Camp Kindervelt on Rouge River, sondusted hy the Labor League, where, so it Is reported, ehild (1) The samp hanner, with the werd Kind: (2) The young: | den, ren are taught communism, ervelt in black Jewish seript against a red background, store lining wp for their dally milk vation, and (3) camp tents for the children, King 'Answers * Statements Made by olmie and Stewart Make Denial of ChurchCharges Public Works Department Says Drill Boat Found Properly Equipped (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, July 16,-«The condls tions were the direct opposite to what T, L. Church had claimed win the statement from the depart ment of public works today in rof erence to tha disaster near Hrook ville when a drill heat was blown up and 50 men lost thet fives, Mr, Chureh, member In the last pariine mont for Toronto Northwest, de. olared In a meeting last night that the boat Was old and Improperly equipped, Had the proper precau- tions heen taken, My, Church con tended, and the lives of the men safeguarded, the explosion would never have occurred, The drill boat was working on & contract from the department of publle works to remove shoals In Nrockville Narrows and after the explosion six officials of the pub Ho works department headed hy K. M, Cameron, whief engineer, mado an Inquiry Into the cause of the disaster, They found, according to today's reply from the department, that the hoat was in good condis tion and propedy equipped when the aceldent ocourred, Lightning struck the drill hoat and the explanation of the acel dent hus been that the Hghtning charged the wires leading to the dynamite already placed in the holes which had heen drilled inte the: shoal, exploding 1t directly under the hoat, AIRMAIL PILOT SAVES TRAIN FROM DROP OVER BRIDGE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) St, Paul, Minn, July 16.--A oung alrmail pilot was oredited oday an being responsible for stops pink the Mmited train that carried obby Jones just shoft of a hur. ii hridge over the Chippewa river, BE, NM. Pardis, conductor on the Burlington Railroad train that brought the new national open golf champlon and a host of other fam: oun golfers from here te Chloage, revealed how Malfreehurg, twin Clty=Chioage route pilot, soomed and dove until the train stopped, HY. HAY BROWN (Canadian Pri'ss Nal Correspondent ) Hegina, July BoThe final meating of Premier Mnackengle King In tha Province of paskatehes wan here last night, was one of the largest in the entire campaign, In ipite of torrid weather, thousands of people made the trip out to the Avrmaories to hear Mr, King and his chief Hentenants In the Government of Canada, Long hefore the mest Ing was scheduled to heggin the great bullding began to fll, The crowd was estimated at about #, 000 when the Prime Minister ar rived, . The Great Problem "The most serious problem in Canada to-day Is In Western Can nda," suid Mr, King, Jt was as a result of this problem that there Wan unemployment tn the West, Mr King thanked the committen jn charge of arrangements for giving special seating In the auditorium to the unemployed, He wished to talk to them, and he wanted them to veallge that he understood thelr difffonltien Unemployment in the West, in Haskatohewan and In Regina, and how that situation coudd hest he met was the theme whieh he wish» (Continued on Pape 5) Germans Favor European Union But All Nations Must Treated Alike, Says Memorandum (Ay Canadian Te So Wire) Berlin, Germany, July 18=The text of Germany's reply to foreign minister Heiand's memorandum for a "United States of Europe" was made public here tonight, It answers favs orably France's suggestion for a Kur opean union but stresses the objec: tion that such a program eonld sue: ceed only upon principles of full equality and the same seeurity for all participants, Governmental 'measures alone, the reply states, cannot help Europe in her plight, Tn many domains econs omists themselves will have to take a hand, The examination must pros coed from the angle s of the exist ing agricultural 'ovisis and of the lack of industrial markets, it adds, Ways and wean, mast he sought to extend markets, and lighten tariff hurdens, The finanetal situation in all couns tries as a result of the mreat war must be taken into account, rr ------------ R-100 is Somting About A Canada ls Fold] (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ouawn, July 1i="The R100 will arrive at #t, Hubert Aero drome near Montreal on ar shoul August 1, the Britigh air ministry today advised Col, J, 1, Ralston, minister of national defenses, Cable arrangements are heing gone ahead wih for the reception EE ---------------- Campaign is Warming Upin the Dominion Premier of Selksichivan, Has Sharp Reply to King's Speech NY GEORGE HAMBLETON (Canadian - Press staff correspondent) Ottawa, July 1} The campaign warms up, Over the enuntry, mest Ings are lveller workers are pinning opposition In Regina, Premier King han a strenuous time with an element of his audiences which shouts and hoos and flings a barrage of questions "Loam not golng to let this unems ployment situation heoome a politi onl leanne," ho exclaims and doolares that the provinces of Sankatohewan had made no request for federal anslatance to meet unemployment, Immediately afterwards, Premier Anderson of Haskatohewan 1s on the wadio with the counterseharge that Premier King has made "one of the moat vielous attacks ever made on the government of this rovinee" He accuses Premier Ing of attempting to hreibe the electors, of attempting to use the unemployment altuation to further his politieal interests, PLAY BROADCAST BY TELEVISION Radio Listeners in Homes Hear and See Actors in Studio (By Canadian Press Lenard Wire) London, ¥ng., July 156,-=Last night's hroadoasting by radio teles viglon of a play given In a studio room was aoclalmed today by the orftion as an historioal event and aolentifio achievement, The Ralrd ayatem of television wan used, the play chosen being Lulgl Plrandello's "The Man vath the Flawer In hin Mouth, with a oast af four characters, three of whom were portrayed, Private televisors in subseribs era' homes showed plotures of thelr aeting of about posteard lee, sometimes olearly and sometimes blurred, While the experiment met With at least a reasonable measure of suocess the erities opined that development had mueh further te #0 hefora perfection would be ape) | Hponkers and | into sharper roaghed, dive u few dake igo, Big Decrease in Trade With U.S, (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington July 1h I'rade hetween Canada and the United Hintes declined sharply during the first five months of this year, De partment of Commerce figures show, Exports to Canuda from the 'nited States from December to lune fell off $110,000,000 The figures for 1080 wore $422,104, CRh, and for 1080, BOLL, 800,407 wily SHALLOW. DIVE FATAL Milton «As the rasull of inter nal Injuries veseived fn a shallow Charles Minn won of |, CG, By Helghte, died n 18-your-nid mons of Milton (nelph General Hospital yestarday, of the airship and its crew at this | Hime | Deaths From Flood in Korea Now Set at 220 Or More (By Canadian Press Lensed Wire) Tokio, Japan, July 16,--The death toll of foods In southern Korea leaped to nt least 240 today, A Tulkyu despateh to the Toklo Nichiiniehl, vernacular newspaper, wild 117 perighed, in addition to 108 mentioned In despatches from peoul yesterday, Many others are reported miss ing, ineluding AO priests, whose temple was overwhelmed in a land slide Girnin . Kteamer Ashore Present! A steamer helonging tn the Canada Hieamship Lines whieh sprung a leak while coming down the Rt, Lawrence river on Haturday enroute to Montreal with 00,000 hushels of whaat 18 in port hera for vepairs, The cargo was not damaged Bennett Charges Liberal Gout. With Mismanagement (Hy Thomas Green, ( "Cvs rons Nalt Writer) pharbrooke, July 14 orous speech before Hume ute the In n vig an audience armories hers ght, Hon, RK, NB, Bennett lat 2 go tn the week-end tatement of Premier King that the Conservative leader had prom wed publie works, which might! Alsguality Opposition candidates YWell," Mr, Bennett exclaimed, "If there is any wan on earth who knows somothing about sueh matters, it fs Mr, King, Only the other day + Vancouver; he prom ised the Peace River outlet, At I'rince Albert in a previous eles toas, hoa sald H you send me supporters 1 will give you wu rail way, referring to the Hudson Hay Hullway, The other week at Maint John, NH, 1 pledged my support to a hridge to which tha govern ment had promised te contribute, and I questioned the delay, But this government piwdyh delays, Mr, King seems to object to that, His tdea li to promise to do some thing and then do nothing when in power, If there la any disguals Ifylng to he done | recommend the Premier to consider his own position' In Prinee Albert and hia (Continued on Page §) Ee Pool Lowers its First Payment -- Initial Payment For No. Wheat Set at 70 Cents, a Big Decrease 1 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, July 16-=Initinl pay- ments for the 108081 grain erop taday ave wet by the Canadian wheat peel, Far down from the values fet a your ago for the west's orop, the fAvat payments on all grain delivered to the pools July 10 and thereafter are as follows: - Wheat 70 centa per bushel on I northern, Fort Willlam, Darley, 26 conti per bushel Ne, 2 OW, " Sat #0 centa per bushel on No, ( Rye, 20 cents per bushel on No 3 OW, Flax, $1.2 "July 15 In "eut-aff" date for the 1028:20 pool, wo that all grain des livered after that date fx ovedited to the 1H30:01 pool, The initial Jrieas were announced today hy the central hoard of the central selling agency. of the. Canadian wheat pool, on 25 per hushel on No, 1 'Canada Defends Kolapore Cup Especially Picked Marksmen Will Try to Retain Trophy at Bisley (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Rigley Camp, Bisley, Eng, July Lh = Wight men were specially ploked from the Canadian Bisley team today to defend the Rajah of Kolapore's Imperial Challenge Cup, which Canada won by a dels BIVe margin at last year's meeting of the National Rifle Assoelation, The selections for the Canadian Kolapore team were not made until after the shooting In the day's prineipal, Individual service rifle competitions, the first stage of the 8t, George's Challenge Vase und the Corporation of London Silver Trophy shoot, In these individual competitions the Canadiana chalked up some oreditable soores, In the first stage of the Ht, George's shoot the heat Canadian teamamen fn this shoot wera Lieut, J, Bowen of KEdmon« ton and Captain W, G, Helland of Victoria, each with 40, one bes low the nossible, In the Corporation of London shoot Lieut, A, CO, Carter of Tos (Contlnued on Page 8) CHICAGO TEACHERS IN DIRE STRAITS Pay Checks "Overdue And Education Board Owes $6,500,000 (Ry Contlian "Mots Leased Wire) Chioago, 1s, July 15,==The tins ancial situation among Ohloage's 18,000 public sehoo! teachers is once more acute, - The dive dayn of late have heen paralleled, It tion time and pay oheques three weeks overdue, To date, the back pay amounts to $6,600,000, The hoard has ter sale $13,000,000 in tax warrants, but they are unable to market these until tha 1028 and 103) Warrants are redeemed, Many school teachers ave facing actual poveoty, Ona, with $378 wm haok pay due her, told Lewin B Myers, sohool hoard member, that winter In vaoa- are TERRIFIC BLAST ON DREDGE HERE Killed, 250 Hurt in Egyptian Disorders NE MAN INJURED ANOTHER THROWN INTO LAKE WHEN FUEL OIL TANK EXPLODES Cook on Dredge Thrown ta Ceiling, Sustaining Ine juries to Ankle Necessitats ing Removal to Hospital WORKMAN ON DECK THROWN INTO WATER Two. Others Standing Near Him Sent Sprawling ---- Engineer Suffocates Blaze With Steam, Preventing More Serious Tragedy damuel Cunningham cook on tha dredge Primrose which 18 sl present engaged on the construe tion of the Oshawa Harbor, was taken to the Oshawa General Hops pital last night suffering from n= juries to his ankle as a result of an explosion of the ofl tank on the dredgo about ninethirty last evens ing Another employes, Lockie Rogers was thrown by the force of tha explosion Into the water, hut was otherwise not Injured, The cause of the explosion Is Aw vet A mystery but an Inquiry inte the eircumstances will probably inka placa within the next few days, The tank which exploded WAH A storage tank with a capaeity of about meyen thousand gallons and thera was ahout two thousand gallons In the tank at the time the explosion took place Cook Injured A visit by The Times to the dredge this morning brought the story from the men who however are still at & loss for A cause, Aps parently about nine-thirty lash avening when some of tha men had retired to their hunks others wers standing around the decks and soma in the dining hall, Huddenly with a deafening thud the tank which Is situated right beneath the dining hall exploded throwing the cook te the ceiling and In falling sustained injuries to his ankle which neces sltated his removal to hospital une der the care of Dr, H, M, McDonald, Outside three men were standing at the entrance to the tool room two with thelr arms on the door and one standing just on the deck with his back to the water, The force of the explosion sent the one man off his feet into the water while It threw the others sprawling ahout in the tool room, Presence of mind of the hand on deck and the engineer prevented the 'oil tanks from catching fire when they immediately turned the steam onto the tanks thus preventing any apread of the few flames whieh aps peared, Captain Culling, lite guard at the beach phoned to the fire hall and (Continued on Pago ¥) ROBERT GARDINER GETS ACCLAMATION T0 ALBERTA SEAT ew Many Three-Cornered Fights Indicated by Yesterday's Nominations NY GRORGE HAMBLETON (Mat Correspondent Canadians Press) Ottawa, July 186-=In peventy constituencies candidates were nominated yesterday for the Feds eral election, In all the seventy there was hut one acolamations-= Robert Gardiner of Acadia, Alberta Leader of the Progressives, My, Gardiner will he the firal member of the new Parliament, The nominations indloate that three-cornered fighta will ba opm» mon partioularly in the Western Provinces, In three Quebes conatis tuencien nominating vesterday thery will be one three-cornerved fight, that of Pontiac, where two Liberals and one Conservative are in the field, Ontavio Situation In fifteen Ontario eonatituencies nominating the only three-cornared tight will be that of Fort William, where Hon, R, J, Manion is the Conservative candidate Dr Manion had both a Liberal and a Commun« ist to face, Misa Agnes Maophail Canada's lone woman member for three Parliamentu=-wan at first threatened with a three-cornered fight In Routheast Grey, but no Liberal was nominated i her cons stitweney, In the West In the Western Provinces the nominations. may he summariged: Manitoba (twelve out of sevens toon aeata nominating) Two threa cornered fights, one fourscornered And ona fivescornered, Saskatchewan .twenly out of she had only 74 gents, (Continued on Page 3)