PAGE FOUR The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding ' THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent newspaper published every afternoon except Sundays and legal heli: days at Oshawa, Canada, by The [limes nting Company, Limited, Chas. M, undy, Presidmt; A, R, Alloway, See retary, The Saws Daily Times is a member of the Canadian Press, the Canadian Daily News Danan Association, the Ontario Provineial ailies and the Audit Bureau of Circulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Pelivared by Sarrier Se a week, By mail n Canada (outside Oshaw ier del limits) 0.00 A year; United Staten, 85.00 a year . TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107, H, D, Tresidder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Powers end Stone Inc., New York and Chicage TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1080 THE UNEMPLOYMENT BITUATION Bince the election campaign great deal of attention has heen focussed on the unemployment situation in Canada; and it has been recognized on the platform and In the partizan press of both sides as heing a serious problem, True, their is plenty of evidence that it is being used as a political football hy those who would offer various shallow solutions which are only In tended to catch the fancy of the unwary voters, It is also true, however, that there Is no question which is of more interest to the people of Oshawa at the present time as this question of unemployment, In this connection, it is to be hoped that the responsible leaders of hoth political parties are entively sincere and well-intend ed In thelr expressed desires to seek a solu tion for relieving the situation, The voters, however, should beware of the promises of partizan politicians who claim to have some magic formula to heal serious situation off hand; for it is a truth that no political party can solve it hy purely political policies Premier King has whatever advantage their may accrue to the man who is, for the time being, the head of the party in power, He has made definite proposals of co-opera tion with the municipalities and the provin. ces In dealing with the situation, first, hy offering to pay dollar for dollar with these other two governing hodles in naving. for special relief works, and secondly, hv sine gesting a nroeram of suhwav construction which might he made possible throueh an extension of the level crossine fund. pre. sumably hy grants from federal funds, In hoth of these nronosals, Oshawa has a snecial interest, The lavel crossing situns tion on Simeone Street South where work could he commenced almost at any time at the instance of the eity council, perhaps without a definite mandate from the Roard of Railway Commissioners. And, If such a mandate is necessary, the hoard would read. flv evant it at the sugeestion of the council In this matter, could it not he arranged that as much of the work he done hy manual la hor as possible, particularly in excavation, so as to provide the maximum of emnloy ment, as was done in the construction of the parts and service building, one of the most recently erected structures of the General Motors of Canada, Limited? Perhaps the city council could take some action to have this done when the work is undertaken, It would be interesting to know, too, If Mr, King's proposal to pay dollar for dol opened, an lar with the municipalities and the provinces, for work undertaken as unemployment re lief measures, could not he made applicable to the construction of the sewage diaposal plant, which has for years heen recommends ed by the provincial hoard of health as an essential sanitary work for the protection of the health of the people of Oshawa, Whether this is possible or not, this pros jeet should be taken up without delay, and plans completed, and work provided for as many men as possible at'a time when it is most needed, As in the cas® of the sub. way, if properly handled, this project should provide for a large amount of labor which would give employment to a large number of men, y Mr. W. H. Moore, candidate in this riding in the provincial election in an address on "Unemployment" last Wednesday, suggest. ed metting up local employment gounells to study the question and to go-operate with government authorities==federal, provincial ieipal, ad muhelp move, and could not help but ve most useful in making some impres- sion on the unemployment situation, : In the meantime, it ia the plain duty of the Oshawa city council to take the initia- tive, and place this all-important question where it properly belongs, at the head of its agenda for every meeting from this date until a satisfactory solution is found for the Jocal situation, The Times has mentioned only two pressing public works, which we believe would provide practical help in pro- viding employment, but no doubt their are many other angles of a helpful nature which, in discussion, would bie brought to light with beneficial results, There is no more urgent problem before the council today than that In our opinion this would be THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1930 of eniployment, and the people of Oshawa have the right to expect aggressive and in- telligent leadership from the eity eouncil in working towards a solution, Within the last few days the people of Oshawa, in large numbers, have assembled to pay the last tributes of respect and es- teem to two valued and public-spirited cibi- wens, K, LI, Vickery, whose untimely death came as a great shock to those who knew him, and Magistrate A, F, Hind, whese death, while not altogether unexpected, was # source of keen regret throughout the com- munity, Both of these citizens, in their own spheres, rendered useful and helpful public service, and they will be missed by those with whom they were associated, The life of Mr, Vickery was that of a man devoted to the welfare of the community in which he made his home, He had for forty years heen known as a business man, and in that time he also served his fellow-citizens well in other capacities, < As councillor, dep- uty-reeve, reeve and alderman, he helped to guide the municipal destinies of the com- munity for many vears, and later he turned his attention to educational afairs, and rendered valuable and painstaking service on the board of education, In church and fraternal circles he was also an ardent work- er, and the place he has vacated will be hard to fill, The public service of Magistrate Hind was of a different character, hut nevertheless made Its Impression on the life of Oshawa, His death might he said to have resulted from his service to his country in the great war, for he died in the Christie Btreet Hos. pital where he lay for eight months suf. fering from the effects of injuries sustained in that struggle, Before going overseas, he served Oshawa well as chief constable, and on his return, his appointment as police magistrate placed him in a position to be come a valued public servant, His work on the magisterial bench marked him as one wha, when occasion demanded, could temper Justice with mercy, while at the same time administering the law fairly and well in ae cordance with its purposes, Oshawa is poorer for the passing of these citizens, and it was fitting that the citizens should flock to their gravesides to pay to them the Inet tributes of respect which are due to those who, hy their lives, have merits ed the greeting, "Well done, good and faith. ful servant," BEHIND THE TIMES The province of Quebee Is coming in for considerable criticlam from tourists on ae count of the existence in that provinee of what is an antiquated system of bridge maintenance, that of levying bridge tolls on the motorists who pass over them, It is re. ported that pamphlets are heing distributed throughout the New England States warn ing motorists to keep clear of Quehee on this account It will he surprising to many people- to learn that the province of Quebec is so far behind the times as to retain this system of levying bridge tolls, Once upon a time there were several toll roads and bridges in On- tario, but these were long since abolished, and a modern system of upkeep devised, [t in time Quebec did the same thing, Surely the revenue from motor license fees and liquor in that province should be sufficient to meet the cost of road and bridge mains tenance without exacting this tell from visits Ing motorists, who naturally are so amazed at Linding it still in existence that they make loud protests, This practice will hurt the province of Queheo a great deal unless some detion in taken to stop it, for no tourist likes to be held up for vansom when passing through a strange country or provinee in search of pleasure, WRONG IN PRINCIPLE One of the intevesting features of My, Hoover's announcement of his decision to sign the tariff bill ix the hope that "with returning normal conditions our foreign trade will continue to expand." How, may we ask, does the president real: ly expect his country's foreign trade to ex- pand when the United States takes the posi tion that it wanta to do all the selling and none of the buying! Will Mr, Hoover find his friend, My, Ford, in agreement with him in this matter? De. cidedly not, Can Mr, Hoover secure the ap proval of Mr, Alfred Sloan, president of (jens eral Motors? The answer is again in the negative, The fact of the matter is that the great business leaders of the United States ave gravely worried, And they have reason to be.--~Horder Cities Star, EDITORIAL NOTES Some people are very good---until they are found out, Jumping at conclusions is not nearly #0 profitable an exercise as digging for facts, People are apt to enjoy an occasional heat wave, 80 long aa it does not become perman- ent, In angient times, talking was a result of thinking, Today it seems to be only a subs atitute, Other Editors' Comments BUYING AT HOME Chatham News: The principle of buying at home has received cons wdayahle attention in thin country of recent years, and. people ars varliging thet if they are to pro- mote thelr awn prosperity they will have to consider the prosperity of thelr neighbors, Of recent months ptiention has heen divected to the inter-lmpire features of this same principle and we And even govern: ments endeavoring to hring the woattered portions of the British Empire closer together through the encuoragement of Inter-Eimplire trade, In England there is an Em. pire Marinting Board which 1s per: forming a splendid work in draw- Ing the attention of Britishers to the axesllence of produces grown in the Dominions, In Cansda prefer: antial tarifs ave being promoted (0 Impress the value of British pro: duets, The spivit of the times Weems tn be to buy at home or huy within the Empire HELPING JACK MINER Brockville Recorder and Times Few people will he disposed 10 guarrel with the insertion in the supplementary estimates brought down al Ottawa of a further grant of $6000 to Jack Miner, the Kings ville naturalist and conservation Int, "to nasist him In Wis wild con servation work! This grant 1s In continuation of another made last year which enabled Miner, who en Joys an interpationsl veputation ha oRlNe of his work lonk Ing to the protection of migratory birds, materially to advance his projects with that end tn view, Jaek Miner's work Is sn yell known throughout this «country, as well wa In other countries, that the Gay: | Grument requires no defensn for | Ha notion in further subsidiging his efforts He 1a onreying on » | most. useful and valushle work In furnishing a haven far the Canada Kons and other migratory hirds And thus furthering the efforts he NE made under International nus ploes to protect them Bits of Humor Lah (ta cold, dignified lady) YAve you a friend of the groom? he lady indeed I am hride's mother Nol he AL the faat af the Wi the other NIENE oar after car stopped al hat rier Packards and Chevrolet thauleurs and stookhrokers, oross old drivers and heautiful ain anes nll waited for the train to pa After a long time a litle hand var peapelied hy nekney ind wailed down same | Ware ross, some the | aoekney had laughed JOY BS Lhe gales were had had His Gren Nn Erouny the smiled with ruled far he Mamet | | Ton | rks ruck hint sheer | | WAR HENGTY Maothey Why did your little sister?" Young Hohl Well playing Adam and Ky af tempting we with the ate 1 herself oll Wi were and instead Apple shin V THHMON sald mathe Hime you are I #el another gray hale' My ward!" replied Heytie must heen A erp Look w! grandpa | Hertie full LLL AOTFTOW naughty you | A Man was prateing his wife as all men ought to de an proper ae oasians Man -"8lis's a MAN BA aver wan hammer nals Hike Hghtning ldnienay That's remarkable Man Yeu sir, you know lHghtn | Ing never strikes twice in the same | place." womanly w Hut she wi an | | Bits of Verse | KENCOUNTER IN VAGABONIIA As 1 came up the highway (ARG 1 wun sady June And all the world wupmrkling I met a pOOr gousshon, Whe vould net see the sunshine For staring through » frown, And told me he was tired oul Looking far a town I'hen, ah, the merry morning Flung dawn its laughtey And mirth swept through meadow And rocked each clover-head, A bluejay sereamed derision, A squirrel shattered scorn, A bhulltvog from a hrook's edge Blew a taunting horn! red, the I had no wards to tell him (The road was wide and sweat And hung with dewdrop lanterns) Where he should ind a street; I had no will to wise him (The road was green and hare) That talk In dingy houses Amothered over there And when | tried to paint him A milestone and a name, The bright winds held wy hearts airings, The young lnvks sang my shame; And up got 1 and left him A-staving up and down (The Lord forgive the numbskull!) Looking for a town, : Anne Sutherland, Proper Team Mates, He ya not unequally yoked to gether with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unhghtecuaness? and what oom munion hath Hght with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Rellal? ar what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? = Cop Prayer; ATM We with jealous care Af In Thy alght to lve | Inge In Land sow | that [whin ta ANAPOIRA We work ar play like to eat anything £D, WAITE uprron HUGH J, POWELL, (KAN: OF THE COVFEYVILLE NAN JOURNAL, BAYH; No man ves to himself alone But all ton many men and women In a community apparently go on the assumption they owe nothing to thelr community, buy hy du; they enjoy Ws henefitn; take thelr toll of the community, ss It wera, while they give less than nothing i return, This 1s an ahtuse view Injurions (no both the individun) and the community "One owes much to his eam: munity, same as he owes mneh (0 the fag: As a matter of<rath, loyalty to the fag stavis with the community, extends to the provinee and venches no the fin wiretehes of the nation, "Man may not hy taking thought add a eublt to hig stature hut ws a full Hedged community hutlder, ever alovt to add quality and auantity Inerement to his town, one may add guslity cubits and quantity cubits, And the re wird of merit therefor mi he mousured in consciousness of duty well done and tn the translating of greater value Into his fuer property in the Lown his pri arty ana that of his nelghbor, But nat the least of these returns | the satisfaction which springs tron duty well done GET THEE HABEE, DO ROME PHING POI THE TOWN EVE YEAR, THE CITIZEN WHO DOK» NOTHING VOIR "Hs TOWN In WET A DUONE IN THE COM: MUNIEY HIVES That Body of Pours fy James W Barton. M.D IL WAS my privi Arranging of hosp! During the way HAVE A pave N he for # numhbey Lids Au ¥ou knnw nthe aran ta they menus FOVAPRNMBRIA even fim 1 wh and Riven canainel time of tn he gen waning power in the matter of purehnsing food You know the amount of | diy ta he | numhar of en | and | OW ie food ney worked oul the variau: the praper proportions of meats | patient pe Hae the lovies of fond slarehes and fats However, they wi stressed thought and careful that was In Variaiy lek men, his sn wis ane fuelay and It took lang planning and uel ou nfl fonds nr these Now In and tmportant? hospital thera ba great dopl that Is alike day hh same dostnes nurses, the same order wills he BR why In whi Avery mint fan the ICT Minho Now the Wussinn selentists Pay In, and W. N Haldyrelf, have heen hint manatany" In slows up digestion nat gat the alin aman tha same how diet aetunlly and the Individual doe full value of fand sainn Alen the appatiin In paturally not anc keep and the digestive Julees do nol flow in readily Yau ean thus see that although wo got the hast guslity of fang oh tainable, the props amount nl fond, the protelds, starches wn fate in thelr vight praportions we contd still full somewhat If we did nat get the yvariaty Anather point was that in so far fn possible the same fonds were not saevad twa days In suecession no ofact ae many dave Possible were allowed to tntearyvena Thus the: patient did wot tired of any ane food, hat real appetite for i I heliave this saved the govern MERE Much tn money, as these pa tents got well sooner And for those of us In goad health, this same law holds good IF you or your tamily get "af your fond," try a change af diet, You have ta have the same surround ngs, the same china, glassware table Haan, hut you ean hive var laty ar change In the fond Htaelf OF pouren those who get plenty of na Brow had » (Reglutornd tn accordance with the Copyright Aol) ADMITS ATTEMPT T0 POISON YOUTH Jealousy Said by Police to Have Been Motive Behind Crime ------ (By Canadian Prose Loased Wing) Listowel, July 18, = Rabert Praeman, 48, was committed toy tial and remanded ta Freifore JL Saturday after, police de olared, he hid slgned a statement Mm whioh he ds alle od to have oo tensed he attempted to palson Gop don Jackson, 17, son of Herhep Jnok tec ngh steyehnine infect ef Inte ohaealate, Phystolans summoned shortly alter the hoy heeame 111 after eal ing a ohacalate har, suooeaded in waving his life, They agreed (hat popon had caused the (lines dealousy of the youth's health and strength ta asorihed as the wo tive hehind tha erime, You never ave interested tn any thing until you have deliberately | wnklee put Interest Inte 1t'==Kathleen Norris, PASSION FLOWER by Kain Norris NYNOPSIN OF PIVACKRING IN: WEALMUENTH Cusny Pringle, danghter of wealth and social position, marries hey fnther's ehanl: four, Dun Wallnee, In happhe ness and poverty twa children ave horms=/fommy and Mnvg: weet, Cossy's tthe then sul felently Megives hin daughter to give her and hey hushand the use of a wmnll neh In Nap, Callifurnin, They think thelr troubles ave at wn end, Instond I in there that they meat Dales Varney, n wealthy widow who muvks Dan oy hey owns=und wins him, They are inaveied after Dan's dis vores, and go to live at In Loma, lew! luxurious WOK farm near-Napn, Casny In loneliness and conrage eave vies on, Ani ns the Idle months pile ui Dan vepenis of his bling: ness, One wild night; when he is Alone at La Lomite, the telephone vings wildly, is Cassy, Dan! Tommy haw been hort, Can you comet He's naked for yoke Mouses=will yu hurry?" Canny and Din wateh heh hoy stroggle toy lite, anid help him haek --_-- TWENTYVIVTH INNTALMENT U1 dant understand 1," the dovtor wiin Normall™" the nurs wild tu oan explanatory wslde 14 Pan, dispdaying hor ohinle: they mame e) I tank it on hoth rhermamot the doctor sald Dan't--dan't Kive me WW hope!" Cassy stirving hay untas oil cup of ten, looked up to say With # hugunrd face ars Pactor Wil ni're the one un all wiloat! hrown handy hake Into "rying fame nl rallied he heen keeping ihe put her two ur and awkward sehoonl-girl And Lhe wm ane hey oy #" auld hinve Dan and Ca the gulel It was noon on hehind he the (oh Ham whn fue venth day fram that aime a part af family hi the aoenslon when Tommy wn holled 'ekg went walking In af mid-Daren hey roy nauid wanile and In the onk tha ranch they Whistles tn Napn,. shril haus I'ha morning hai With searfu of Tog" hy hitie, hut now Lhe sun hat) heating down hive sky, and Cansy's env hing notes Ih on the hinting fin) Wik from # Kip hoe had on oa') ie hk) uwn hamespun Ana heavy and Iringes hel Wis hips, hat hort and platted nnnd-hrown Blaorkings hia Indian oxfords whose Ihe delivpny ul Hor eronmy aweniny pulled dawn well over hey and her roush Little creamy halt nid her faoe In the shade of an madronn she suddenly sat down fat, Hike a child, und looked at nim with all a child's teiendliness Whew! What a climb! Look, Dan, that's our new plenle place Mae and the children and | found ital summer "What eyes she flue tn the world hers Dan thought We have a §rill and a onfifes pat in the hollow low, she volun oered an plabhod hy the Metin Casey's inex hanstible plant haskals the winoke of the Hitle five rising up Into the sweat, aromatic aly the ohildrean climbing in oaks whose spreading low houghs were plerond With shafts of the sinking sun Macalister Jessop, Cassy's neigh hor, would be eamfortahle an the dry thick 1oaves smoking and witehing her and talking "ines ha want ta mare 'n (Wh, ves! Hm! YA md Caney Noy 1 think He looked think not No shirt nha neod SHOP INOUN No one eyes ke han! han Whi he knew you sha Bald slmply ae muttered amo Enine n pursed i" nt Wi man quali fulekly You AlLhough | do Uke him indeed, | love him Cassy said frankly UHoe's moat antartaining, Dan, ho vonds everything, he's in tarastad in everything Ho sims Wintes me tremendously Ho's lovely with the children, ton. He's oun of the niloest pars sone 1 ever knew with ehildren He and Tom talk an If they ware of an age And of puree he adores Margaret, fveryone does, sveryone always will, mhe's ROL What you've sol But | don't think of mariage at all Parhaps I'm & anssman woman,' And she smiled a him oom pos adly; there was even a glint of hamor in her blue eyes Dan realized suddenly h ARs ngly whe had develaped, how she had HPOWR UD, Inthe Jest few Years, Cnsay Wik no longer a gipay wird IC was a finished, most appealing WOMAN Who wis altting there In hor voush hrowns and oreany wools; there was a definitness ahant her fine mouth that hw had not remembered, there wie a sell possession about her whole aspect that filled hin heart with a wort of humble adoration Her very person seemed ohana od, ton; he always thenght of Cassy an the slim, fat haylahly wild Young oveature who had danesd along at hin wide through the tawdry, heightiyslghted "streets of the Miaston in HanFrancieon, But today she soamed different, hey hrawn hand had vitality and rounded heauty, © her despened hreadta lifted the cvenmonlored sweater inte twa little hilloaks that moved with her quick. hieath, her hive aves there was & new Hight, the tempered, tender, atarey HEht of full-hlown womanhood SORRY Must he thirty" Day thought Hut the Ww eanguerable giviishness persisted, ton, Look Ing at her, 1 seamed (0 him unhe: Mavahle that they twa had heen man and wite, had shaved all the sontaay of young love togethewn holy divorce wid hig ve mnrriake, "na now hig disturbing sukKes Lian thst she might. marry wisn ton, had vestoved to hey w sort ol VEMOLENGEN, I YIVEINILY that muddle him teal ah Tur away fram her ns why other man ins world of man OW, of you died, Dan,' she wis wying, raminatingly, "1 can ous 1 tmagine that | would marry then, and thet It wonld be Mae There's & Leribe loneliness ahont having no man in your Hien sort of lopsidedness," He rolled avery on the dry, sharp Ok leaves his tawny Lead wie "lone 10 her knee "Rn you mean to wiry, Cass, thal you stil ean love me, ag you dig when we first loved saeh other?" "Mare, she wali Gah "Love's Hike anyihing else You lewrn haw to do it," "E huven't heen thinking much of myself lately, Cass' Hi clear oll Wa thrant, VIL seems Guse) hat anyone wver loved me" "Dan! she suid in ow silence, during whieh ha had dropped his face on his hands, among the iopves, "I wonder how iL ayer hip pens that persons vho love eieh athuy us mneh wa did, ean tall out go terrihl What makes one funrrel the hnnl guereel, do you mippasn! "Iodon't "Hut | PRFLINE, myusif wife! fin" know! hie mutiersd nevey thought of us as Pan. | never thought of ne mnyth hut your whe tell whlent "1 neve phe wdded, after a moment Tall ma wlan what Dulee pin Cassy oo gmanied he man reseed up his Heat with # grea! sigh IE owen thiel shi minh Han sain "I hat wall, | sitppose | Win hound wy I "Is heen making tmbled wali Wi wie Just knew ashe In her unhan Hut 1 knew that NAR heen Kenarous (MY ¥ fk he By Hild You don't know how Kenerons for Dulles," Dan answered H han heap had fh feeling howell shut aut!!! IL In tow terrible nn ha yid) fan Che wliek hed of 8 mortally ed child, and talking ahaut tng Dulee Varney out "Oh, 1 know! Hil what'd she say Dan Well, Just that she thought Lint liad haan coankiderats ANOUEh and she felt thet we oughl La aonsider Appearances I suppnes Chupy #oulEh Dan did you heave all (his Nat. rh non Pan anid hey Cieny anin hanging over walnd shit whi no pald with ma sllenve not ta rome anhed hilee time?! onl Not diveotly ANYWAY, #8 Ta) as phe's oaneerned, ite aver, Pulea's warm hoavied; you know, hut she's Jenlous mhe slEEosied hint she and | take Tommy some wheve for a (rip Honalulu, or somewhere," Hal Cans slaculated invalun arly phe wis sllent far 8 mao ment I wonder how many pey pons would go haek again If they pould after a divaree Dan! UE owas thinking of that, the ath ar day'! People who gel blue, and dis couraEod and worry about money and think 10s -sneh other (ane) pursued It lneloguent hy I know," Dan hroke a dr) twig Into neh lengths, Tatd them In the pattern of a Hitla hanfive on the leaves IE seems ke snmething ke that happened to He; Ones he anid Hamething we had nothing te do with Y1oAoes 1a ma I on ramamhbey ue tired and worried and oross, and the of Udven slek, and nothing but dishes and wet ovibs and had nights, hut -=lonking haok, 1 can't oem to rememher why we thought nm divorce wanld help," Phere was Dales, and my being wodamn' fanl" Dan added Oh, yes, she conceded, YH then there In always some ong Hike Pulos, and unless there's an open Ing somewhara, it doesn't mattep," Dan's head went down ones mare into his hands "We didn't dramatize it enough, Pan, Wea didn't venlise that the whale thing hahies, Kitohen, health, poverty=--=was like anh, well, a play, or an oeeun Nght, It Wan our aeld tent, And we fallad!" UAL we had to do was walt) Your new EalaEe Was Eoing to make money, my father wan going to die and leave ma money, and Aven thin vanoh tn much more than self-supporting now," "Iowan horribly hitter shout it, for a while, ahe resumed presents 1y YHatoentter a while | onme tO sen it an just part af the gener: Al atupidity of the wovld---your not heing trained about mariage, wy knowing nothing, and thinking that all thin diMoulty, work and dis OAUTANEMANL. WAR A Ontaciyam ons pecially planned for you and me" YEooan't put it the way you de, Cans, But that's the way 1T've come to see it ton" Bhe gat to hey feet, twigs fram her clothes "This is the end, thew, Dant" she sald, They began ta walk down the almost obliterated ald wagon road that led through the trees Than we've got to make It the end," ashe added, "Neo COMPramise, now Toll Dules YOu're not Boing (0 ane me any more, and don't see we, Don't telephone, and don't think about it. There's ne ather way out." NO Lo don't wee any other way," the Wan agreed VAR R00 As Tommy oan wave, probably in January, we're going down to Mac's plaes at Carmel," Oanay sald, "He'll plak up fuater there than anywhere, Doctor Wil Hams ways" I fose the ehildven top" "You, Iowan thinking of that™ YI heen « heaven, having them CY TLS Wits hean heaven to me, having you haok in tha houspe=tooding whe ak hushed you there, sil the Lime Bhe Lyrn ed to him very simply, "k don't know why, hut | love you, ban!" she sild, Dan wuld nothing "I oknaw | ean do I Cassy wld, inn different, a more husiness Hike voles, "hese | have dons i, | ean devele myself to the ehiidran, and mother, and | sun for got, Or try, anyway, In forget, There's nothing sles to dn" "Logan Ag i, ton 1H gel work, "Ie the only thing that'll pull we out! "I knew il, thing hard," They eames Just ahove ani ng colony of the sheds and corrals Leaning thelr elhows on Ihe fence, Lhe gunahine streaming down on them, and a (6w _ untimely btiereips wt Lhe [eRes pose wanting the still warm mir, Chee and Dan looked down ut the ferm "alk whaut the pitialls of mar vinge, Cassy mused aloud, "They ouENL to warn girls and boys of the pitfalls of divares! "U'm going ta dn this my heart," uhe presently hegen wean, "and you must, tee, Ban, I'm going to give the children tha hippies, the most sucessful ehild hong chitldren aver hind, and Son must make Dues happy here's no use in half measures Thin ts the heloved situation af he and the poems,' Cassy sult, smiling st him; "ha lupt walk of the lovare-thely last thik together suddenly hay fais twisted fram the smile nto tears; she mounted the fence, sprang down on the other wlde, and hegan ta wulk vapidly Laward Dan's ear, parked on the back voud healing the hogs an, following her, knew fram cirriage of her shoulders that Wal Crying, Rha turned at the oir, and hey face wis wel with (TIL Hut was smiling SITET my during, gondhys "a I I! Gaadh a weelhenrt! in FH gel inte sons ton high mesdn¥, hahind the ramh bnrng, siahles, with al in navel the whe whe and don't think | can dn kondhye my. onl sho: whispered, in his arma. Dan, remember that I'L al wives he loving you thet Hl sl ways thank God that we had sach other; had those marvelous years together, when we were young, and lone, and poor!" Is killing me! Iie face haried In hey "Na, no, nn, Pan Uoadhys, my dearest My wife!" he sald There was ans mors kiss, wel oheeks touching, and then Cassy Jerkiad herself away, and Dan got In the car Cusny stood quite still, watehing Whim aut of sight, Then she walk | od slowly down to the house, alone Dons he walt tn Marry you, Casa?" "Oh, yes!" she sitld simply (Ta he continued) (Copyright 1080 By Kathleen Norris.) ha muttered, nak I's vight, Eve Care and Eye Strain by C.K, TUCK, Ops. D, (Copyright 100N) Part MIN" here 1a a reason if 1 repeat Again and again tn the endeavor to press home & point that to me seems important and worthy of mention and this reason is that wa of tocday, helng busy perhaps or at any vate indifferent to the noenraity of gnring for our vision, I therefore, feel justified as one nunlifed 40 improve and (a seein to maintain vislon against the w) tanks of modern diviligation to yae ANY means within my power to im press others with the importance of ghving attention (to any weak nea before it hecomen an develop od to he a danger, Indiference la dangerous, and I know that WRNY, VOY WARY, are _op have heen Indifferent to the value of thelr eyesight, 1 meet with it, others meet with it, when people 0ame ton late asking for assistance which should have heen soushé Years hefove (Ta be continued) ASHBURN Ashburn, July 12=Mys Tah, Nlater, of Hraokling {8 visiting Mis lames Halfouy Miss Hise! Bryant, who has heen visiting her grandparents, Mr and Mrs, Jae Reyant, has returived to he home tn Taranta Rohort Duff and son, sold & valu able team of mares during the week, Myc WHE Huvgess, who underwent An operation far appendicitis a canple of months aun, in ahle to be looking alter the cemetery again Me Harry Sakine, of Oshawa, is Rel My, George Male with the TY, Molntyre Brothers have heen make INN AOS Tniprayvements 1° thelr barn and out buildings, My, Josiah Smith of Prince Alhert, had oe contract Mr, Nelion Ashton has improved the appearance: of his home with a new summer kiehen, , "Mr, Wesley Routley has heen helps ing some Myrtle farmers gather in the hay A number fram here attended the Prospect garden party, which was held at the home of My A, Neddy on Friday night, although the evens ing was peel a good Mine i report LL Mus, Havey Langford, of Gull Lake Sankatohowan, called on a fow old frionds here last week Khe and hey hushand Kept store heve a tow years a0, but have been i the west fa seventeen years and she notices a NTOAL WARY changes around the neighhorhond,