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Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jul 1930, p. 10

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' EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS | APPEAL, ANSENNMENT Cobourg-"1he Corporation of Cobourg Lins fled an appent gains the assessment increases of Lhe County Valustors, and it Is under- stood thal the other towns and villages in Northumberland und Durham ure also appesling, VIE WALL BOLD Bellavillos=Mambory of the City Counell ut a special meeting of that body disposed of Number One Firehall to the Cities' Bervice Off Company for $6,000, DEATH ACCIDENTAL, Paterboros=An Inquest into the donth of William Crowder, whose mangled body was found on the CNL track Just east of Omemen Tuly Bh, was held in the Counell Chamber, A verdet of aeeidentn) death was velurned, INJURED IN BLANY Winehestor,« Hobert Nixon, 46 sustained a fractured skull and Jaw, and such govers injuries that he may never soe again when he WAS struck hy fiying stone durlug biasting operations on the farm of James 1, Melony, of Ormond, about four miles north of Win chester THAUN Brighton-Ons af the most heartbreaking tragedies that haw taken place In Hrighton township In many years oceurved ut the homes of My, Clinton Lowe, when his two and a half year-old gon Charles Vdward, partly emptied n bottle of medicine belonging to hig father with futnl result DEATH » CONNTABRLY, DIES Lindsay, =1'vad Neeves, the most popular constables ons of Lind It your "russ In in need of repair or you need a new one, wa would advise you visit our Truss Department AL once. Why suffer longer when a small sum well spent may put you in ease and coms fort, Our years of place us In a position to guarantpe you safely and vemfort, Kvery Truss fit ted is made to sult the pa tient, Pay us a visit at once and save yourself hours of wors ry and discomfort, Oup private fiteing room in un« der the capuble supervision of trained people, Lady always in attendance, experience When In need of drugs "QUICKLY" "phone The Rexall Drug Store Jury & Lovell LIMITED King St. i. Bimooe Nf, N, Phone 88 Phone 08 EE AS --r say han ever had aud one of (he town's most respected © eltisony, died ut the Noss Memorial Hospiing in his forty-ninth year. Born In Lindeny, he lved hore ull his Hite, Hoven years ago he took wp hig | duthes us wiht constable for the | town, BHEAKS LAG Lindsay Mrs, Alexander Drake, of Coboconk, who was eolobrating her 70th birthday by a visit to Lindsay, foll in front of the town hall breaking her leg PUNE ANATOHENS Kinguton1"urse snilehors were work on the Kingston market, were the victims, fil Two ladies VINEKED VOR SHOOTING Lindsay=/I'he Law's last word in the seeldenial shooting of Garnet Montgomery was heard in polles court, when Arthur Wileman plead. od guilty to lending n revolver to Wesley Montgomery without a pro. per excuse, Montgomery not having wo opearmit, and was fined $5 and costs and had hig gun confiscated Waosley Montgomery pleaded guilty to having a revolver without un per mit, nid was fined #6 and gosty; und Kitehener Crean, 1h years of uke, pleaded guilty to griminal neg. Hgeneo In-shaoting his pal, and wus (Wo yours on the promise that he let out on suspended sentence for will not touch n gun of any kind until his 18h bigthdny CIEY 10 bcp Kingston==Mayor W. MH. Craig will unk the City Counell to decide uo to whethar the rails of the Mire Hallwny Company will be wllowed to remuin on the paved slreets or whether they will he ftuken up According to the agreement be tween the city and the Hireet Tall wiy Company, If the alls are re maved hy the company, the work of putting the pavement In con dition rests with the rallway com pny If the e¢lty on the other hand wants the rails to remain on the streets It must purchase them MOTHER SUPERIOR DIES Kingston-1Itoy, Mother Clement Huperior-Genernl of the Histers of Charity for the lust nine years, died at the House of P'rovidenca here Hho wan widely known and had aunt In the arder of the Histers of Charity for the last forty-five years Hhe was horn near Lyn, Ont MINISTER INJURED Brockville ay David Kerr, P'reshyterian minister at Glasgow station near Nenfrew, sustained na deap penlp wound and Injuries to In back when a car in which he was driving with threa others col Hded with a milk truck LONG SERVICE MEDALS BrookvilleeLong services medals hiya been received hy Lt.-Col, ¥, Curry for the following members and ex-members of the Wrockville Niles! Nort, Borgl.-Major 0, K Chariton, Hergt, A, 1. Henry and Rifleman 6G. C, Nolan, Owners may obtain these on application te [t Col, Curry or have them pressnted ut the annual Inepection of the regiment this fall SHOULD HK "If you had a little more spunk In you son you'd stand up farther In your class Do you know what spunk 1a?" Mon-«"Yen, dad =pakt particle of wpank," IFathors There are three classes: the low oF olann that tends to its own hus ness, the upper class that tends to ite own business, and the great middle clans, Ban I"rancisco Chronlele, For Comfort & Safety Cable Cord Construction is a flexible, strength - giving principle ¢ in § every DUNLOP Tire. We have complete stocks available. Drive in for quick service. 'MERCURY SERVICE LIMITED Gasoline oil PHONE 994 Official Depot DUNLOP CABLE CORD TIRES Wholly Canadian and British Tires Storage 4 | nounced, Unlon owner, Dey enreold present Herve Inn duck with Ws Toronto George dones, NCOUT KDITOIRIAL plonsed to that ut least one the Heout In Thrifty The in question collected n rownrd threo dollurs for pas Ing Into the Collegiate and Von tonal Institute which we holleve 8 the correct title for that place which used to bo wo concisely fondly called the High Behool On the following Felda ho right up to his Beotitmanter his bank book with thres dollar Wa hope he ness in the titure slaps ot Into the will good aceaunt to biek him up Thriftine however only refer to the saving of money We can be thrifty with word by only speaking when IL is nece wary nnd they only sufMelentiy to | convey properly our meaning Wao can bo thrifty with elothes, Ly not spoiling them by thought lonnn ens About the hest explanation of the meaning of the word thrift aver heard was that given HM J. Blow at the Mt ey Heout Loadars' Conferences It was the answer of 0 Wolf Cub to the question "What 1s theif und wa Their | and wine spending Many people have the Idea that being thrifty tu being miserly This In not the fact. and thi point Ix admirably hrought out hy the Woll Cub's fing do cription of the moenning of the word A grent many people would he greatly henefitted hy a more care ful study of this important Heout Law We other du In Oslinwip | which says "A wore ohsoryin nw bo wi with deposit Wim Lhe 0 that busines rotund continue when he world hve bank he " doe wie scour Wo hear that BM, J. Now, af Port Whithy in ut present on a trip Boy Scout Activities ki News of what the Boy Scouts of Oshawa are doing contributed by the scout lead. ers. Contributions to this column will be welcomed, and should be Times office not morning each week, the | the interest of | cont | and | not | careful saving | | twa | F It NOTES aE Be prepared for hot weather, to the Tuesday sent later than -o. the Westorn Provinces, in couting | out In Ha will be of the Gilwell Meotutmunters | August Wi | hin helping to run Fratning Camp ometime him in nnd KnHw winh work wn do wa whom he groatl lit nye LOE him thors contact the knowing that with will meet Cone he nefitted b Work | Camp Fifosh Jamboree work nt proceed i With the Hut und the In has progrossed as fay whieh It {ns hoped to | completo before the Camp begine | On Baturday laut of the | talthful ones including Mr, Hard Ing, ASM, Hutcheson, and two | new recruits Horb nnd Fred Man out ta the Camp work npuce flooy mn ftove | place nus the dam KOM | ning were | tng An put | work tried | It was thought at the time [notes wore written that bo held on Monday to finish This winried Indian well wa in and on the dam thone would the n hoo Cubmputer Thbotson In getting | nlong well with his Wolf Cub Camp nnd the boys of the kth Pack are | having a great tim: Two hoys who were not Cube ny rived Inst week and Joined the Camp hey proceeded once Ito enjoy themuelye und will make new recruit when they got back the hth the lant order of with the Ginmes worn night on I'riday roop In accordance with the poliey of the Court of Honour to have ong night In euch month davoted to games, the meeting started off at onea with a dively time Inspection wan held, and the w ow a eA the Gilpin un. points for shield ' We were very worry to hear of the deuth of William Godfrey's Mother, and with (0 extend our glneare sympathy to him and to his family, fC NCOUT NOTICES Bh Troop The sth Troop will meet ug us al on Friday next at thelr open wir mooting place on Mary ¥t In ovent, of bad weather the meeting will be held in the YM, CA Court of Honour 7,00 p.m, Troop Meuting 7.40 p.m, On Time, fleady for Inspection, With Haven AUSTRALIA AND CANADA FRIENDLY Much Greater Trade Can Be Built Up Between Two Dominions Ottnwn, July 16 Much greater trade enn bho bhullt up hetween Can wdn nud Australie without adverse ly affecting the tndustrinl gituntion In either Dominion, 1. HW, Mactire wor, newly-appointed Australinn trde communion Cunndn snld on his arrival hore to prosont Win eredontints and meet govern mentul oMeinl "hare In a very strong sent! ment In Australin for trade within the British Vmpirve," My, MacGre gor unld, "and there 1s a vory cor dinl regard for Canndn as wall, The degrea of preferances under exists ing treaties with Canada and other Ldomintons was not ehunged hy Intent Labor badget dn Australin, po that no adverss effect is Mkoly to follow regarding Canuda's trade with Australia.' (0 tho "Man's 0 hardly than the the He of the earth tein, Iutenes | more fragment of a Albert Kin during | HERG A JOHN D, ROCKEFELLER Ol bitlonalre, celebrated his Dist birthday at his Pocantico Hills home, recently, this pleture have ng been tiken on that occasion, Ineo the period of "repression" has hit the United States, he has grown more theifty, diss treibuting nickels now Instead of dines as. lnrgosse, necond in | WORLD MAY LIVE ON AIR IN FITIIRE SCIENTIST SAYS Another 10 or 15 Genera: tions Will See Coal Sup- plies Exhausted (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Birmingham, July 16-The world might In the future Hye on alr, unid Dr, Herbert Levinstein, prosid- ing nt the moeoting of the Chemical Industry Hocloty, Besides yynthet. fe. nitrogen, the alr might yet wip. ply wynthetle fusl to replace coal, and the world's raw materials and power might witimately he drawn from the alr, the water, the soll and the sun, he remarked, Another 10 or 15 generations would wes the world's prineipsl conl deposits exhausted, Dr, Lavine stein declared, He pleaded for a national agrienltursl policy and depcribed the Manchester fehool doctrine of buying In the cheapest market, and walling in the donrest, "the principles of the cheapjack who moves from falr to fair." KVYENED THINGS UP A sireet ear Inspector was watchs Ing the work of an new eonduetor "Hern, Folay," ha sald, "how Is this? You have ten passengers | { | TELEPHONE F Five Direct Lines -- Direst Lines -- 262 Jeddo Premium Coal Semet - Solvay Coke Pocahontas, Cannel Dixon Coal Company ne turnivg to his passengers he yelled "I'here's wan too many on this cu Git out. ony of yer" and only nine up?" furoes have boep vous 'In that so?" asked Voley, Then - - re FEDERAL ELECTIONS A MEETING REGENT THEATRE Thursday, July 17th, 8 p. m. Will be Aadressed by Mr. W. M. Gilbert, Mr. G. D. Conant and Mr. W. H. MOORE "THE TARIFF" Speech of W, H, Moore to be broadcast Over Ontario Hookup of Radio An Interesting Meeting Is Promised EVERYBODY WELCOME IN THE OSHAWA on (Daylight Saving Time) (LIBERAL CANDIDATE) Whose Subject Will Be Stations Citizens Band in Attendance W. E. N. SINCLAIR, Chairman. A --------------------------] SUMMER SALE NOW ON GREAT REDUCTION REFRIGERATORS Keep your food in good condition, and protect your health with one of these high class refrigerators. Buy now while the sale is on. vanized interior, 40 in. high ---------- . maa REFRIGERATORS Sturdily built and beautifully finished are these refrigerators, Golden finish and lined with gals Size 23 in. wide, $12. 95 CRT BT SS SRL ST J SS RY model, led Interior REFRIGERATORS Built on thie same linea as the above in a larger Size 2514 in. wide and 42 in. high with galvanized interior or White Enamel $20. 25 EE EE EE ET white enamelled interior, shelves, Size 291) in. high REFRIGERATORS A good family size refrigerator in golden finish, in, wide by 441) $23. 85 EE TT TT SI SN TS Fitted with 2 wire © REFRIGERATORS This ie a most useful Refrigerator with front icing, built of mountain ash. Has white enamel: led interior with 2 5 25 in, wide, 52 in, high ... 2'wire shelves. is limited it cannot be equalled. Size Where space «$31.45 LEA ee ---------------- LUKE FURNITURE CO. 63 KING STREET EAST PHONES 78.79 SLEEPING ON AIR THIS MATTRESS NOW ON SALE FOR $19.50 REGULAR PRICE $25.00

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