: | Women's Interests THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, 'WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1930 PAGE FIVE in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Wleanor Anderson and Mrs, A, Gibson of Toronto were guests of Mes, H, M. Barnes over the week. end, ' Mr. and Mrs, J, Beavis and baby Jackie of Windsor are spending a few weeks with Mrs, 11, M, Barnes of Nassau Street and Mrs, J, Beavis, Elgin Htreet, Mr, and Mrs, W, Stovin and son Allan, Miss Dorothy Barnes and My, MH, M, Barnes motored ty Lindsay on Saturday, Mr, und Mrs, Melntyre Hood and family have returned from a motor trip through the Maritime provinees, Cape Breton Island and the New England State Mr, and Mrs, Charles Argall and chitdren, Marion and Gordon of I's Dale, Saskatchewan, have motored to Oshawn und are visiting with Mr Mr. Luther Argall Lefore returning to thelr home In Saskatchewan, Mr, and Mrs, Aral! and family Intend motoring to Que bee and Montreal Mr, and Mrs, John Chalmers ure spending their holidays in Muskoka Miss Vlora MeBryde of New Or leans, Loulswnnn, who has been the guest for sometime of Mrs, John Spencer, Bowmanville, Is spending # few days with Miss Murion Vel, Bimeoe Street Bouth, Oshawa, Argall's brother, NOTICE! "The Times" will publish re ports of meetings of all Wo- men's Organizations n the community, Kindly address such to Women's Page Ed tor or Telephone Number 35. When writing remember te use nnlv ane side of paper wv - July Clearance Our Prices Are Hight THE FASHION SHOPPE Ne Blmcoe BLN, ffon Pull Fashioned HONIERY M ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor, King & Amcos Wt TS lS Sheer REPAIRING WATCHES OUN WECIALTY It your watch 1s uot §iving satisfaction we oan repair and make it tell the enrreat time D. J. BROWN Mk J kN Othioial Watoh Inspector for Canadian Natlonal and Osh. - awa Haltronds 10 NW hone IND PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Slmooe Bt. 6 = We Deliver Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Katublish 1880 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Mrs. C. A, Rogers, treasurer of the Grace Lutheran Ladies' Ald Society reported to a congregations! gather Ing last Sunday that a profit of 3490 wie ueerved from the Btraw berry Bocinl held by the society res cently, Mrs, V, M, Dabimer has in- vited the ladies to must at her home on Wednesday evening of this week, Dr, Grant Bersy who has been holidaying with his family at Bruce Beech, returned to town on Tuesday, Mrs, Howard Graham is spending several days In Gansnogue with Major and Mrs, Mott, Weddings PHAIR-~GUNN On Tuesday witernoon; July 15th, ut 20 o'dock, Glenda Arena, only diughter of Mrs, Hagel Gumi, 9 Celine Street was united In marriage to Victor Leslie Phair, son of Henry 8, Phair and the late Mrs, Phair of Courtice, The pretty wedding took plsee at the home of the bride's mother, In the drawing room of the Dione, wn arbor of beautiful sums mer Mowers ana ferns had heen ar vanged und before this the bridal party stood, during the ceremony, which was performed by Rev, V, J, Maxwell, "the hnde wus gowned in i charming frock of white satin and luce, and wore a white hat with drooping brim, Her honguet wis. of sweetheart roses and baby's breath, Myrtle Pierce, cousin of the groom wis the bride's only sttendant, She wore & hecoming dress of figured chiffon with pale blue buekground, white hit and shoes and eanrried a bomguet of 1 und enrnutions Ihe wedding music wis played hy Miss Carmelita Cummerford, Alter the ceremony un veception und wed ding supper wis held at which about thirty guests assembled Later In the evening the murtied couple left on a motor trip to the Thousand Islands, On their return they will reside fer a time In Oshawa nes JAUKNON==NTARR A gulst hut pretty wedding wan solemnized at the Bt, John's Angll oun Chureh, Kitehener, Ontario on Waturday, July Bth, when Rev, MH M. Langford united in marriage mma Kligabeth, daughter of Mr, and Mra, Lewis R, Harr of Burk's Falls, Ontario and Matthew Night Ingnle Jackson, son of Mrs, K, E Jackson of Oshawa, Ontario, The protty bride wus gowned in she) pink creps and wore a corsage bou. quel of hrida) roses and valley 11 How, Attending the bride was Mrs €, A, Price of Kitchener, wearing # becoming gown of white erepe und eoarrying u bouquet of red roses, Mr, Edgar Wackett of Kit chaner acted: nu hestman, Aftar the cevemony a reception was held aL the home of Mr. and Mrs, CA Prige, Ht, Geoves Ntraet, Kitehener, Mr, and Mrs, Jackson wers the re olplents of many heautiful gifts After a honeymoon trip thay will reside for a time in Kitchener UNDINCOVERKD PUT HIM OUT After the pon key hod heen droning on for nearly. half-un-hour, # guest sitting near the echalrman started to nod drowsily A gentle tup on the head from the offleinl hammer roused him a Hitle, but a few minutes later he siarted to snore in real earnest The chairs man leaned over and wielded his hammer again UHarder," murmured the drowsy une, "Hit ma harder, 1 oan stil) hear him" INDEED NOT Usher (to cold dignified lady) "Are you a friend of the groom?" The Lady: "No, Indeed; | am the bride's mother" CHARGE IS PENDING AGAINST THEODORE (By Canadian Press Losssd Wire) Brisbane, Austra, July 16, = Hon, K, G, Theodore, until recent 1¥ treasurer in the Australian gov» ernment, may he the defendant in court procoadings arising from the report of (he Queennland state royal commission which found evidences of fraud and dishonesty in the state purchase of the Mun: wana mines while Mr, Theodore was the state premier, -- MP fresh Joseph A, Caulder, Tovonto, Mr Miss Helen Murgnret Canlder Mr, and Mes, Wild George 1 vown, Ing thelr marvinge nt the home of £ he hride's TL ---------- formerly of Reginn, follows parents, Mr, snd Mrs, Hrown was before her marvinge 'WOMEN'S CORNER} | | OH, KWEKT CONTEN] | sweal content, that turns Hl luborer's sweal To tours of Joy roughest fuen How often have | sought and low, | And found you in quiet plate | | Oh, wid whines Lhe ine Hane Here, In my voom, when full of happy drewms, With no HH I Liwy merry sound | Of mothe that on my Hghted cell Ing his shadows no tl ond thal { dance nnd Thelr dance nroind Or inn night, | When | have seen the durk and | wolemn wir | with the blind hat wines und honven's bright Twiteh with the stur In thousands ther Blink | fuen | RITTER FASHION TIPS Just how attractive the new cot ton nighties may be | of red and white check puff sleeves, square neck nnd weal loped bottom piped in ved. Hed room slippers of ved kid complete the fetching effect CO TT with Hitle Just an Purvis has got women no pocustomed to evening slippers which match the gown that an thing else In unthinkable, Pari thinks up something different, The newest agyening slippers In the Cy of Light are fn a color to contrast with the gown, In crepe or satin the footgear In rad, green or purple with a black gown, any shade with white, and sult your ewn tuste with gowna.of other tints YWe must protect ourselves against taking the short view of a situation Instend of the long one" Henry Ford, | led HELPFUL HINTS In cave of 0 Are caused by the pling of conl oll or gasoline four will be found an excellent ox Household ammanin good Water finguisher ind wnndg wre niwo unl prends the hinge When washing cottons smd color wtorials wdd uw handful of self to walter tn which blua things are to he wished, on tablespoonfnl of wham far green, a ttle ten for all shades of | nm tew drops of red ink for | few drops powdaind tried hr fh pinks and rods, and a | i flied | | vill pravent a faded look. | | tion, wt Fo cut gloss pot a place under | tuke ni ors nnd | eit the gin while 1 | under nenth the w You will ind that | perfectly will Wille Ir af sein Hed will ent | but nn axpert ful with a dinmond the RET hil no one He [U'% baat taste to be wise all the Hike helng ot a perpetunl fun val Do Lawrence dix Women are Candidates in Federal Llection (By George Hambleton, Can: adian Press Staff Correspondent) 4, Ont, July | Misa MacPhail may have to laurels when the und the won, For Ola \Nune look ut her linrly barly's battle lost there are twice as many wo men candidates in the pres ent election campaign an there were in last, Ontario haus two, including Miss Mac Phail; Manitoba one} Sask wlehewan two Quebee one A total of six as against three in the elections of 1926 and four in those of 1935, And women too ure likely to have more to say In the result I'hey are attending meetings I'he new aystem of enumern ton has put more of them on the voting Hats, Misa MuePhail was the first woman elected to the federal house und for three parla don wil | whould he formed ov whether | ate elubashould be organized Luent consists OFFICERS ELECTED FOR LIBERAL CLUB Allen Moore Is President of Twentieth Century Club for Riding of South Ont, The forming of un executive for the Twentieth Century LAberel Chub of the riding of Bouth Onter fo resulted In the election of Allan Moore, Plekering, as president Ihe meeting wis hold last evening in the Libera) Committee roots on Bond Hireet and a larger attend Wnee wis present Chan wrt any pre vious meeting of the young Liberals of this riding, C, ¥. Anderson vious meeting whys appointed tem porary chuiviun presided ut ant night's mesting noth after the ol setlon of the new president Mi Moore ih supported In hig esecu tive body by Migs Marion Mackie, Iu vice president, Ira Travelle 2nd vice president, John Drydon, Brook In, corvesponding secretary, MII dred Price, Whithy, recording we rotary and Erie Henry an (reasur w The Oshuwn Club Wis In securing Mrs, HB, K provinelnl president of the Twent) oth Century Awsociat!®h as spenk ar for the evening Clearly did hier white the nime the setivities of Twentieth Century Clubs and the consequent results If Chews wer carried' out, "Twentieth Century Clube says Mrs, Johnston Hi the nead of young peopla ta become hotter sncguninted wile the affaly of government Much elubs who wi uw pre fortiunnte Johnston the youth of to-duy for citizenship, | Cunndn whys of for future lender of Mitudy In polities and the EOVErnment Is necessary, wiys Mp Johnston : Udi! unt avening nothing deh in the arganlen hah ite hind boon done ing of the Twentieth Cent in Oshawn and this viding but the resolution thet such wn wssocintion he formed was passed unanimous ily hy the assembled gutheving Maveral questions arose hefore Lhe resolution wus finally passed, ous heing whether the club should in elude young Liberals of the whole riding inntend of Just Oshawa In spite of the fact that It constitutos "Kren more work for the axacitive decided to Include the whole riding Another wis faint elub of don! I owas whether oy men and women LLL) I'he motion that a Joint viub of men and women be nnd ylding of unanimonnly passed mine mencod ts netivitle will be held the week before olee which My \! 2] Moore I he the cli nt pre mem fouth Ontario wa intaly the elub has com und. on hapoust Liberal candidate w "he af about fort the thief penke hers MODERN CINDERELLA Nlgnorina Marin Risaatl, Roman Inundry girl, who has Just mar ried Prince Danton, member of one of the oldest and wealthiest train | not a formed in Oshinwa | SIMCOE ST. SOUTH (a a Phone 982 A Such Price-Reductions at so opportune a time are most welcome SEE THE BEAUTIFUL UMMER DRESSES ENSEMBLES BEING DISPLAYED AT $9.90 nd $7.95 At the former price, values up to $19.50 and at the latter price, regular values up to $12.95 Assortments are wonderfully complete in color and sizes, HE THOUGHT: "I could easily fall In love with you, If i weren't for 'BO " Yeu, to be polite, HE SAID: "It's so hot. Let's turn on the fan," Romance passed her by + « « until she ended "B.0." (Body Odow) tive to ever-present odours, he told me, But pores constantly give off odours causing waste==as muchasaquartdaily, FPHIRTY -FOUR==and still single! She had had admirers == many of them, But they had drifted away from her, Larry alone called occasionally but he never proposed, Then one day Ada discovered why she couldn't hold friends == "B.0." Body Odour, Today sho Is married to Larry, Read her lotter, Soe how easily sho now keeps perspiration odourless, CR "T couldn't believe it at first==that I should be guilty of body odour and not know it. But, as my physician ex- plains, this happens to thousands, "That's because we become insensis Lifebuoy MENT ERAN HEALTH SOAP "Now, with Lifebuoy to safeguard me, I never worry about 'B.0, =oven on hottest days, It's marvellous how utterly clean Lifebuoy makes me feel, Its deep-reaching antiseptic lather puritios == keeps the body gloriously fresh, "Lifebuoy keeps my skin healthier looking, too, And it's a real safeguard against germs, Lifebuoy's pleasant, evlrasclean scent, that vanishes as you rinse, just tells you it purifies," : Hads Tenderface La CASTORIA | ments she has remained in | hep olation. Tn the Reitish A BABY REMEDY = women have fared ppg TOR COG, ION, DIARRHEA " There they are fifteen TILLIE THE TOILER--What Chance Has a "Hero"? | "THINK YF was [1 DID 80 UR] [ITHAT'S ~tnk Troupe W[ So om MEAN OF vou not fi CO THE MITH YOU » You Hay THES Wey us MuMiy = AND To COME OVER BUNGALOW | ANY NRRVE SOMEONE TNT AC WAS ALL To THE BUNGALOW [| PR Sas Py LAST NIGHT WHEN J) DANCING WITH ALONG THE You SAD "THAT eruy | You WERE gar WICK AND COMING, rr a0 fruits and berries are all the more inviting when served with Kellogg's Corn Flakes, You'll enjoy a bowl of Kellogg's and fruit for lunch, Convenient. Extra delicious, Wonderfully Helloggs CORN FLAKES » Kelloagh ws he, with sigory Italian families, The prince called at the laundry to cone mend them upon the ironing of his shivts when he met his futs ure bride, house, hie Hey strong, EEE i stops body odour, By fm -------- Russ Wes