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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jul 1930, p. 9

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Miss Alice oWrden hus gone to Ot tuwa to spend a month or two with relatives there, Mr, Ronuld Courtice, Toronto, wus home aver the week end, Miss Nina Immel, Grafton, called om Min Mabelle Walter que day last Ween, Mrs, Jus, Courtice and Mw, I, G Mason, Bowmunville, visited at the RR, Courtice recently, DRAMATIC CLUB OF COURTICE GIVES PLAY AT SCUGOG . home of " n Thurs Ing o oe SI Rovers Preenied to hy fared 4 ivele hold guns hurry, social at the ehureh, A now wppetizing supper wis served with ist Receives Gift strawberries and cream In sbund unce, Afterwards a short program "eonsisting of plano duetts by Miss. es Hazel Rundle and Sadie Muir, readings hy Mrs. Ross Peirce and Miss Lyla Oshorne wis presented and enjoyed by all present, The pre ceeds amounted to #35, Good congregations greeted our new pastor, Rey, C, Wollraln on Sunday, In the morning he preached from the text, "Behold | stand at the door and knoek," et ourtice, July 0.=Our Dramatic ub motored out to Beugog Island on the Int wind presented "Gypsy Rover," to a full house, und » mest wppreciative audience, Before leays "Me for heme the members of (he hh were culled to order by Mr, R, Courtice who, in # few words, poke of the splendid services glven ts plunist hy Mies Louise Oshorne, fies Osborne lives in Bowmanville, nd has motored up to Courtiee 10 the winy rehearsals and 1s alviays eady and willing to accompany the lub, At the proper time, little Miss Muriel Wound, presented Miss Os ' orne with a pretty leather purse and he replied with a few words, Our club has rocelved seversl Ins Atations und will present the play 0 Cyrone on July 17th and in Piek wing Aupnst 4th Mrs. Kinive and duvghter Miss Dorothy, Rochester, and Miss Ada Kemp, Hamilton, were recent visit e with thelr gousin, Miss Muhelle CLAREMONT srrnm---- Claremont, July 14-=Miss Bessie Graham, of Toronto, spent the week-end wih har parents, Mabel Melallan, Dunbarton, spent Raturday evens ing, with velatives and friends, In the village, Miss Mabel Mobellan, of Toronto, wis home over the week-end The monthly meeting of the W.» MB, of the United Chureh, was held at the home of Mrs, J, Me Cullough, on Thursday afternoon My, and Mrs, Clifford Plikey and ahildven, of Toronto, spent the wankend with thelr relatives in the village We are pleased to ses My, J, Bul man around again after haing con Gordon VPiekell, Visiting relatives here old wequalntanees Glen Coyrtler and New York Ch their holidays with W. R. Conrties Detralt, und renewing Mi A spend | re Mr il + SPLENDID FOOD Appetisingl That just describes the feed you get when you travel hird Class by Cunard or Anchor-Denaldson, he best , , , lotselit . . i beautitully eonked 6 courses lor dinner, 4 or 5 lor lunch, Menu changed every day. Printed Menu cards, Spotless linen, Flowers, nicelyserved, 5 or THIRD CLASS A good way to wo to Buropel Good sccommen dation, Ane sen Stewards te walt en you, Book through The Cunard Line, Carne of Bay and Wallinglen 6 ens, Taente (Tel Fain 8471) 8 any veamship ayant olfers, like poets, ure born, even though, unlike | began her golfing career at six but Lois herself com poets, they are wlso mud [ old girl mules a hl But when uw slx-yonr wrfour hole in we drive neross the pray River, und when her mother 17 was golf ehamplon of Alberta, and when, further, her grandfather is the professional at the Hanfl Bprings Goll Course nllow a little something for heredity, why then, you have te en Including a what many adults "he uhove { menced at four, when her grandfathe diminutive specially mude elubn for the huby hands und spent hours of patient training with her of spontaneously invented methods of teuching, I'he result 1s that » child of barely do, namely, making pur four holes purchased hours wehool nye In doing and in facet Many golfers cannol nN seven sirokes data cover the facts In the ease of Lois Dalgleish | while her putting Is hesuthful to wate, teyenr-old daughter of Mrs granddaughter of fesslonnl nt the Banff Bprings Golf Course since | William Veggy Bi' Dalgleish and | Thomson, pro io Liny-out shows the spectacular drive neross the Bpray River which features the Sant Kprings (olf | Course; the three golfing generations; Lois swinging "Btart them yvoung' 1s u good rule in any sport, | for the drive across the river; and Lois putting but in partieularly 'wpplieable to golf fined to hin rheumatism hod with an att Migs Josephine Bomirons, onto, spent the waked Muhel Mebldlun Min Walter Ward, who rw Wek o underwent an operation (or sppen dleitis In vies, splendid food. and only $155RETURN (to British Ports) "CUNARD | ANCHOR-DONALDSON | LINES... caNADIAN SERVICE "a Toronto duy Mrs In wpending Mary Mr, und Catharines, Me returned howe Pete Hn fow MeNnhh, in the villus Mra onlled Wankly sailings ta Plymauth, Haves, Landon, Liverpool, Belfast, Glasgow, from Mentreal (and Quebes [{amilton on Naturdu) Michaol's on MeNubh, of any nnd othey W, Davin on Mi EN a a pean ro fightin "WHERE WALITY OMNTS PERSONAS SERVICE Vacation Needs in Finer Foods Why carry & month's supply of groceries on your camping trip or to your summer home! Throughout Ontario and Queheo are over poo Dominion Stores, staffed by courteous, efficient mans ih agers and clerks, oarrying the same hig of PERSONAL SERVICE you find at home, For a Quick Nutritious Meal Soup wu iden 3 Tine Ge Extra Cholce Evaporated Apricots iki 116. 2Qe Domino Pure Tomato Catsup Fresh From the SALADA quality foodstuffs, and maintaining the same standards ardens Brown Label TEA Yelb Php Horse Shoe, Clover Leat or Maple Leal Brands 141b. Tin 4 Fe 2 Tine 4 5e lyelb. Tin 2§e eapsRed Rooke) of the Cate! SALMON in PEACHES The Famous Sea King LOBSTER Med or Halves om " ! nve oon iy vers + 80 Eany to Make So Kany to Drink Kraft Cheese i... RICHMELLO | Grins Hmoroved & AD Rise Phi COFFEE Aromatic and Flavory 10h, Sealed Tin Cracker That mi B Bae Php, Be Many Flowers Tollet Soap' "uhiin cakes 1 Te 1b. Ze wi Qe CANDY SPECIALS Crawford Hm and Butter Smacks, Meh Box le IMporied ALNarts EIoorion oooonannasnninnn dh Be Corpannt Bon \ anil ie vodhunter Choeolnte Riba wren 390 Cornstarohe=BORsORS | oioyiviirian PRE He Making Powder=Maglo=Cash & Carry. 151b, Tin Ue Sardines=KIng ORAF oars TL nit Pars 400 WOTIeR (iii fd Pls Bly a ao fi CELLET (RETR EENY JIARRAARELANY oe i ETT Preserving Time Is Nore AARRRRAIAAANY AEA Sine PAPOWAR iiinnininn TASTY CAKES MADE BY OUR OWN BAKERY job A hh 1 W Ha hh Lae (Gal, 400 hw n a Pls, Be BUDBEE suuvanansannansinsnnnnnannnannnns 3CPRES, Bio LL with Hospital han Foronto Mi relative of NB entity | Murgaret 90000090 0000000000000 06OCDOCGSSSTS J returned home after a visit of a Lots" mother | true as a die Vio pre pleased to know Mr, W M, Livaham | lowly ring | from his recent serious Hoe Mr, und Mrs, DD, A od from Toronto on Thursday I'hey wore accompanied by Mi Thow, Boott who will remain for a Init with his parents Mins Bllgnhoth Hamilton Lixhridua Hrown and Mrs, Brown Manteul, spent several days lant week with My, and Mrs, W, U Hoott and other Claremont friend Me, 1, I, Browart, Edueations) | Mocratary of the Prohibition Unlon gave an fostroctive address in the | United Chureh on Munday morning | Peenye and Mi punta mith pent vith relntives in ey, My and nvening Minn Erma Jones Migs Ruth Lon, of Beugor | ara wpending thelr thelr grandmnathe nn land with Hush! THORNTON'S CORNERS vention of Brooklin | | | My I | | { 1eation Ih I'd all of Thornton's Corners, July Cangratulations ta hoth Miss lor and her seven pupils wham were sucosssful In passin thair Mntranes Examinations, They were Marguerite MoRahinson (hen) Tanhel Plarsan, (hon) Marie T.eMov, Lulu Weesnn, Wyn Lindsay, Irma Kerman and Oaorge frwin Congratulations tn Miss Orace | Plerson wha sucosssfully panned | her Lower Rehonl examinations In the Oshawa Cnllepinte Minn Wiara French fs a guest of har sister Mrs. WH, Rell. Nag untaville Mes, (1, I. Nohinson, Netty Noh fnaon, Mud Nawden and Leonard Nreash wars In Toranta to visit Tad Rohinadn on his hivthday, July 14th The Rundev sehool ha held on Vreidav, July 1R1h, at Lakeview Park, Oshawa, All des) sivine transportation are tn ha at the Funday wsehonl hy ona forty five ' Miss Frances Ravaolds, Courties, J In vislting Frances and Iitaree) nlonte 1s tn Hohinson for a weak Me, and Mes Avthnre Lawinpton Marian and Withal left this week for Thien, NY, They will he gone far two weal Ny mistake Norman Carrard's name was omittad fram the narty nf hove who tank a motor trip to tha North eountry, They motored thraneh the Temamam! Forest and wot an far an ahont twenty miles from Rivkland [ake The floods and washed out heidees prevented them fram travelling anv further Mr, Robert Sully had an uwnele from Pritieh Columbia last week an ho mueat, . Miss Potty Robinson spent the wankand, at Pine Point, Take Soumog with her aunt, Mes, H, 8 fimith, Meannrs Herman Boott, Roy Irwin, Caoll Dean and Jim Kinnear mot. ored to Montreal and spent several dave wight seeing, Mennrs A, MH. Dean and Arthur Taokson are on a fishing trip to Pugsle Lake, one of a small ehain of taken north of Tamworth, They oxneet. to he gone neveral days, Runday puents at the home of Mr, and Mew, W, A, Hoott werel---My and Mia, Campuell and family, of Vietoria Qorners, Mes, Mevriok and Tommy, of Uxhridge, Mrs. Willlamaon, of Toronto, Wann muest of her parents, My, and Mra, John King, for a few days lant week, Mins Grace Pleraon in In Toronto, for a few weeks the guest of hey aunt, Mra, Mark, Mya, Jack King and baby have fow weeks with her mother, "Ihe truly: vleh man tn he whe onrng A pound and spends nineteen shillings. "== Arnold Dennett, sonsagiit®? Te | | Boot return | | Ings ENNISKILLEN NEWS Jul bn meeting The Witnr In prays fulken hy Whyte LeREON who was Finniskition oes, and wn from her sxpye of and thanking all those who help ed her in har programmes during the Yoh Pinvid wimpkin wis appointed to take for the remainder of the ind vies rev, M Hurvoy then took charge The top! given hy Mrs, Lloyd Ashton John 1D, Paton and wa inter outing The regular wil then taken peated the Roenediction My. and Mw, W, H i) Jumeg Miainton I. Gregory and other Port Perry, on Bunda Mrs, (, Preston fanduny on Baturdny liness and death of My Roeves, whose place on Tuesday My and Mrs, Clarkson daughters, Helen, Jean and Marga of, Lang, Ont, ware week ond vis tors of Mr, and My Thos Me ain Miss Kinie Oke, Cortie and Winnle villor Mr, and Mrs, Albert Oke and family; My, and Mes, Walter Oka and family visited with their pay My, and Mrs, Weorloy Oke and Mra, Aldreaft, Toronto and Mrs. Holden, Oshawa, visited Mrs, Hweotman recently Mins Constancs Douglas, Min Noatviee Douglas, Mr, WH, Mages, Toronto, were recent visitors at the homa of Mr, and Mrs, 1, MH, Yel lowlees, Mr, and Mra, Mrnest Ashton, My Joa Timbers and a nephew IK. Ash ton, Toronto, visited the former's slater, Mrs, R, Price vecently, Wa congratulate aur hoys on hoing the luoky teams to win the game of football, hetween Knniskil lon and RBrooklin, on Tuesday, at Hrooklin, and bringing home with them a dandy foothall an a prise, Mignon Biva and Doris Grin and Mr, Jack Herrod, Toronto, are sponding a few days with thelr paventa, Mr, and Mra, Wm, Griftrn Min, Ferguson, Allan and Don ald returned Bunday, from a two week's hollday at Lake Bimeoe Minn Lillian Prien 1s holidaying with her grandfather, Mr, Lawe enon Ashton, Uxhridge Mins Kiteon Tarrant, Oshawa, My, Kenneth Larmh, Howmanville, spent Bunday at Lorne Lamb's home, Mew, HW, Btevens, Miss Maviorie Martyn and Miss Luella Htevens attended the Bay of Quinte Youns People's plenfe, to Rochester, on Wednonday, July Sth My, and Mra, J, Gregory; Mv, and Mri, Lo Flintoff and familyi Mp, and Mes, Bn, Oshawa, visited with W, H, Moore, vecently Mina B, Qrookshanks, Stratford, spent A couple of days with Mra, H, Htevens and called on other friends, . . Mr, and Mea, Stanfoy May, Minn Maud Ashton, Miss M, Dalton, To ronto; Mr, and Mes, Htowart Rod man, Port Perry and My, tra Tras vall, Oshawa, spent the week ond with thelr parents, My, and Mra, 0, 0; Ashton, Miss Myrtle Brunt and Mp, Frank MoG HL, Toronto, spent the weakend with the former's parents, My, and Mra, Levi Brunt, A good number from here attend: od the Orange Walk, at Lindsay, on Saturday, The Lodge here par aded from their lodge room down Killen Iu held on with Whyt vn wi Ite Mi Devotions Maviyn hus loft Wis Wi opened Ito My I'he bible re Don Whyte win gave the Misg Marjorh rd vies Pre und resigned from the lol tn reculyed Ing hey hast wish meeting which Wh past har mee! YOR wi on very monthly AL re rol Moore ani visited Mrs friends win cilled awlng to the hor funeral took Toronto; Misses Oke, Nowman ante Mi hymn, | lod | Medi, | In nephew, | and | I ------ SA wo RRR 1930 PAGE NINE | to the chiiven and hack betors slarting out tor idudesy, Mr, and Mis, Blapghier, Birst ford, spent a few Buys with My wnd Mrs, 1, Vi, Maples, Miss Mons Dickinson, Oshawa, is holidaying with Bernice Stainton Mr, und Mrs. HM, Yosburg and daughter, Beity, Rochester, NY vecently . visited at Mr, Vrsnk Borys und Mrs, Wm, Oke's bi and Ms, WW, Moors and amily, Tovonto, recently visited ai Mrs, Juhey Moore's, Mr, Thos, MeGill was in Otlawe lant week, on 0 business trip Migs levi MeGil, Poronto, spent the week end at home hers Mr, und Mes, Vred Robbins and tumbly, Toronto, recently visited uf with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Vinnk Robbins, Congratulations to Misses Marie Oke, Helon Brunt and Ruby Virtus on passing thelr Entrance Kxaming ton COURTICE NEWS Courtles, July 14M, ¥, J Rundle, Mendville, Pa,;. Mr, ant Mrs, M, WH, Staples and family; and Mrs, 8, Vanfound, Orono, Miss Ks tellin Penfound, Toronto; and Mr and Mrs, J. A Vanlound, Oshawa, were week-end visitors with Mrs Ham Hund Mis Huth Armstrong, Howspitnl Toronto visited Marie Rundle, recently Mr, und Mrs, Hugh ¥Vitslmmons and Master Harry, Detroit, are sponding thelr holidays with Mr and Mis, 85, 8, Brooks Mr, and Mrs, Elme Toronto, were with the fathar and mother, My Alhuert Rundle Lhe on thelr wi to Otinwn Mr, und Mrs Murshall nnd won Forantn, guesty nt the home of 8, B My Lavi Brunt wpoant the weekend Mrs, Jnck Bhortt Mr. Hurry Oshorns, home for his holldeys with hi futher und mother, Mr, and Mrs 1 Oshorne, Bowmanville, and hig horoths ir, Chas, Oshorne, in this communit Mr. Walter Bniduer, ut Mr, 'W. H Putilute plush (rues Msn ftundle former's mnd Mra avey woak-oud Houley Bundny Brooks Enniskillen with Mr, and ware Detroit, Iu spent a Nichols minnie hin Donald Entrance I honor an Bundny Rey, UH, ( wo excellent Wor Walt ul pastor hed 1 Home The People at { | er how the peuple ne=turn ta the tel I take nw there in and Es whines! as goon ut ink ain in he ain ang de us simple id nearly 71 ou can full ow bun nile A ol & nu . J J. C, HORTON, fow (Ll) {| This is the price at which you can now buy RED LABEL REDROSE "Culture aduention « Hermun Ke TEA "he thiln | sober ok glrength of the human no gtronksr than its least livingeline Booth hin woelvilisation yueriing nothing to do with Count H HON, W HEAR ON THE RADIO on.W. D. EULER MINISTER OF NATIONAL REVENUE FRIDAY, JULY 18 7:8 p.m, Eastern Standard Time 80 pm, Eastern Daylight Saving Time * ADDRESS from DUNDAS * & CFRB Tarente CJGE Londen CFCA Torente CHML Hamilton CNRO Ottawa CFCO Chatham ntaria Liberal Campaign Committee, Toronto Nn EULER » MyProgram Sound Finance)' BE TEE of "Here's how I've arranged my affairs to play absolutely safe, 'Firat, I've guaranteed a subs stantial estate immediately, by taking out Life Insurance, In this case I make an annual de~ posit of $335.00 and create an estate for my family of almost 60 times that much(or $20,000.00) * "Then I'm taking a portion of my savings and by the 'accumu- lation method'--investmentsiin a home and non-speculatives\e- curities--~I am building up h separate nest-egd. This methnd of gradual accumulation would be too risky for a man in m ition with dependents, if adn't first played safe by taking life insurance," wExample: A 30 Year Endow- ment Policy, age 30, on the Enhanced tection plan, viding double protection the ue of dividends. plete details onreques to-branch office, 1] | \ -- J \ J [} Insurance Company "Canada's IndustriakOrdinery Company" LONDON, CANADA E. L. DILWORTH, District Representatives 14%; King Street East, Oshawa rr

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