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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jul 1930, p. 1

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2 Che Oshawa Daily Times ND. Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930 Natta A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City "All the News While It Is News" | 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents » Copy FOURTEEN PAGES NON CUP, BISLEY Forecast CANADIAN TEAM HAS 600D MARGIN T0 WREST TROPHY FOR THE SEVENTH TIME a -- Plane Finds Man |Peminion Has 1,076 Points, wa, Ont oy VOL. 7=NO, 14 v and P ' Neus oes i ; I=z2 | CANADA WINS MACKIN vo Bummer Homes Burned | Narnia, July 17,"Two fine sum- mer residences at Lake Huron hench were completely destroyed hy fire by unknown origin last night, wae sd Change in Automobile Tariff Basis is {5 5 WOULD HAVE EFFECT OF Tod HAVING MORE AUTO PARTS Published ot Usy Encept FON OI EEL rt --------r Roscos Turner, noted Canadian aviator broke another air record When he flew here from Vancouver, B.C, In 0 hours, 14 minutes and #0 seconds, I'he former vyecord was 13 hours B minutes, LJ » » Interesting Figures at Grand Lodge Meet Drowns in Auto Now Liskeard When the auto- mobile he wan trying to turn on the dock ran backward down chute on the wharf Into Lake Timinkaming, John Adams local Insurance agent, was drowned, LJ LJ Varmers Opt mwtie MADE IN THIS DOMINION Lost Three Days (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Vancouver, B,C. Lost for three 51 More Than Rhodesia, While England, Holder of Cup, Was Fourth ---- N * Automobile Manufacturers 118 May Be Forced to seturers Toron to Girl IS Canadian Content in Cars P I ' Vi oy i ? 3 : ir } 3 days In the Aberdean CANADIANS LEADING aratysis Victim ol RA] [inka diuric, a. B. dmih, iris; | "pop ALEXANDRA CUP Sold Here _ \ ¢ a ¢ y te yesterdey hy A, B Godfrey in . Dorota HY Tetiroies Prog . | BI [oe tn" Sion fiuner: | Lieut, Burke and Sgt. Pare ) nell Have Pefrect Scores CANDIDATE CLAIMS eight-year-old girl of this city, died man for whom 40 men "had heen APPROVAL OF GOVT, [in hospital here this morning, onl; Arty hurrying to Wim rescue oir | =--=Thirteen Canadians Still in King's Prize Competi« urey 1s hurrying to # repens, fol. i few days after the discovery that p rr his rescn fol tion Pleton,==Pens are turning out unusually well in Prince Ydward tedotied County this year and factories are working night and day, There is virtually no unemployment hers, One farmer, James "Tubbw, grew two acres of peas which when threshed at Union Vale pen viner, yielded more than 10,000 pounds of peas, A number of other farmers report yields of more than two tons of threshed peas to the acre, With the promise of a re- cord tomato erop, farmers in Prince Mdward are optimistic, lowing hearings determined hy the her ilness was infantile paralysis, nlr-pilot, Bmith left the construction camp near Vernon, B.C, on Bunday to fish In Mpock Lake, un four-mile Journey through the forest, Proposal Is To Levy Duty on There nie now three cases of the Retail Price of Cars In| disenne In the eity, Medical officers state that It is appearing much earlier stead of 'Wholesale Price, | un usu, (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Disley Camp, England, July 17. -- Canada won the Mackinnon + GOOD CROPS WILL PUT CANADA ON HER FEET, THORNTON ASSERTS Vietorin, BC, July 17=Caod crops n-the Canadian prairies will set Can ada well on her way upward for the next year, is the opinion of Sir Henry Thornton, president of the Canadian National Rallways, Expressing' his conclusions on business eondilons alter a trans-Canadn survey, he sald that "things will probably mark time for a certian period until the public recovers its purchasing power "Wa ean't expect the sun to shine all the tite; there 'nre hound to he showers, But so many people are mis taking the shower for a eyelone" he sald, ' NEW HOSPITAL SHIP FOR CANADIAN NORTH Ottawa, July Canada hus again blazed the trail in the Aretic by sroviding a fully equipped miniature J ship for use in the Canadian northland, © I'he ship, ealled the Medico, Is a M-foot cabin erulser type, At present it is on its way to Alklavik, northwest territories, which will be its base of operations, ts operating base will he 44 the Medico the most northerly situated hospital ship in the world, MAYOR DEFENDS TORONTO POLICE Toronto, July 17==The police de: partment of Toronto and its persons nel were defended by Mayor Hert 8S Wemp In a communication he has sent to Col, O, M, Biggar, legal ad« viser to the chief electoral officer of the Dominion, The latter had pres viously communicated with the Mayor regarding allegations made on behalf of Charles Sims, local Communist candidate, that the police had inter fered with several of his meetings, The mayor, it is understood, has Informed Col, Biggar that the police did not infringe on the rights of Mr, Sims and that they would continue to uphold the law and maintain peace in the eity, SHARP BORDER WATCH TO PREVENT ENTRY OF WORKLESS FROM U.S, Vancouver, B.C, July 17==Hon, Tan MacKenzie, recently appointed minis ter of immigration and colonization, in determined to prevent the surrep titlous entry of unemployed United States workers into Canada he has announced, ; Instructions have heen issued in Ottawa by the department deputy minister, Egan, to border inspectors te keep a sharp lookout for indiea- tions of "attempts by United States citizens to make illegal entry into "this country, Co-operation of the customs department and mounted police has alse heen sought, WEATHER Pressure is high over the southeastern portion of the continent and on the Pacitio const and low over northern Quebeo and to the immediate west of the Great Lakes, Moderate showers have oes curred in many districts of Manitoba, Naskatohewan and Northern Alberta while 'in nearly all other parts af fhe dominion the weather has n fale with moderate tempera: tures, Forecast slower Lakes, moderate southwest winds fale and decidedly warm, local thundershowers tonight in the, southwestern counties, Friday 'wemoderate southerly to wests erly winds mostly fale and warm with local thunders storms, 3 Goorglan ~~ Nay == Moderate winds fale and warm, Friday moderate to fresh winds warm and unsettled with logal Ahunderstorms, last evening by us at Present (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Windsor, July |7,-=Changes in the basis for levying dutins on United States made automobiles which will have the effect of bringing manufacturers to Can- ada or to having more parts made in Canada, were outlined Edmond GG, Odette, Liberal candidate in Fasex East riding. The proposal fs to levy duty on the retall price of imported ears in» stead of the wholesale price as at present, and for increasing the re. quirements for Canadian content, in order to get the present 45 per cont deawbaok on parts, At present autos must be at least 60 percent Canadian made, It 1s proposed to raise this to 00 percent generally on all ears npu AL 2-4 percent on gheaper cars, M, Odette declared that he had the approval of the King governs ment for sueh a change in the plan of levying duty ng olvil No Confirmation Ottawa, July 17:=In the ab wonoe of the prime minister and Mr, Dunning, minister of finance, from the capital could be secured of the statement attributed to KE, G. Odette, at Winddor, relative to the Institus tion by the government of a new hanly of levying duties on automos hiles, It was pointed out here today by government officials Ahat the Automobile hearing is still under consideration by the Tariff Advis ory Hoard, The wuggestion had already been made at previous T, A. I, hearings that dutles on Am+ ported cars be levied on a prine oiple similar to that propounded hy Mr, Odette, Canadian Industrials Inte asked that the factory list" price, which In higher ordinarily than the importation price, be made the basis of the duty, from an altitude of 4,000 feet in the winglesn fuselage of his mono: plane; Roy Ahearn was killed yonterday, LABOR GOVT, HAS DELICATE TASK IN bers as Well as Forcing Bill Past Lords (Ry Canadian Proas Leased Wine) London, July 17.--Under the watohful eyes of the Minera' Fed. oration of Great RAritaln, the Labor government Is pursuing the dol cate task of formulating such an amendment to the Coal Mines NII an will finally pass the House of Lords, Three times now, the ups ne chamber haa disapproved the 14 Tour day clause of the mines bill, Inntead, the pecrs want the clause to read "HO hours a: forts disobedience campnign no confirmation | bay, to-day (hat Kotlation order Ip India, tuted a wevers activities of the elvll disobedlvnce volunteers, Trade Hadly Kfected orate figures trade Lee, 860,000) during the three June timated probable the loss SE ------ -- olvil disobedience campalgn Hasbrouck Helgwts, N.J.~=DIving | marked, GRAND LODGE ELECTS OFFICERS TODAY Toronto, July 12-T, K, Wade was elected grand senior warden of the Masonie Grand Lodge of Ontario at 75th annual com afternoon, the close of munication Other officers elected are: J, A, Rob. COAL BLL CRISS 5 Must Pacify 40 Miner Mem- PANT TT " BEHIND NORMAL Uneveness of Fields, Due to Spring Winds, Noted in King Turns Guns on Ferguson In Ringing Speech at Kenora Talk to Ghandi In Peace Etfort But Governor of Bombay Says There Can Be No Negotiation With Rebels (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ntmla, India, July Irwin Te) Bapru and M, Jayakar, Indian leaders to wee Mahatma Gandhi and two of the other Nationalist lenders now in jail with a view to persuad in the Viceroy Hiv Frederick Mykes, governor of Bom legislative assembly ha no ne the factors of dis Hin speech consti the Con upon political situation wera furnished the Indian House of Assembly George Mir membor of the vieerory's executive commits hoen a loss of 705,000 pounds (about $4, the oustoms revenue ending with the es Im Wal due to the he re W (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) 17 w= Fifty. per cent of the grain crops night", On the surface there does [of Alberta and Hankatohewan are not seem much difference, but the behind normal growth for orux of the argument ia that the [thin time of the year and a pers §0-hour a fortnight rule would permit mine owners to" continue the presont eight-hour day . for five and a, half days a weok, And it ia the ofght hour day, Inatituted by the Conservative government after the 1020 coal strike, at which the minera baulk, A. J Cook, general sooretary of the Miners' Federation, gave an toon centage of thin late orop will not make 'contract' grade, says a orop summary published by the Sanka. The report, ocovelrng territory from Saskatoon north to Kdmonton, south to Cals gary and MoLeod from in part, and then east LUA] fons tures of the wheat orop ix In the indication of the danger the govs uneveness of the fields due chiefly ernment faces, "We are walling to see the exact form to spring winds, of the [sama of the crops &o far back The winds put amendment ta ho submitted to the [oan never amount to anything and qommons by the government", he sald, "If It In not satisfactory 48 mining members of parliament will neither he able to support it nor the government", thin in some measure will reduce the yleld per acre, of the crop has heen retarded by oold and unfavorable weather ly early part of the season" The balance gt he Tiy RAY BROWN (Canndian Pross Staff Writer) Kenora July 17.--Prima Minis for nale King 'vr d his guns on nler 4, Hu I Ferguson of Ontario here last night, It wan the first address in Ontario since Mr, King returned from the Pac ifle const and prairie provinces and it was an fighting wpeech, Why, he asked, had Pramler Vor guson In Ontario, Premier Anders son In Haskatehewan and Prom Warden In Nova Feotln, thrown théir weight Into the election bat tle on the side of the Dominion Conservative party? "It Is because the Tory party has always ptood for monopoly, and It wants monopoly of control in politlon an well as In everything ole," Mr, King deolared emphat! eally, "And," he added, "Mr, I'sr guson Is the grentest monopolist of them all" "One of the worst things that | vould happen to Canada would he to have all your governments of one complexton---and that the Tory complexion," the Prime Minister went on Tories After Monopoly "It In monopoly that the Torles (Continued on Page | Britain, U.S. lo Yote on Treaty Both U.S. Senate and British House to Decide on Adoption Soon | Washington, D.C, July 17=An effort to fix a time to vote on the London Naval Treaty was blocked In the senate today by Benator Johnson, Republiean, California, A petition seeking the closure rule to shut off debate on the trea Ly wan elroulated In the senate hy Henator Walson, the Republioan leader, after Henator John had re fused to enter any agreement for a lineitation of debate beginning next Tuesday, Necond Reading Wednesday London, England, July 17, An. nouncement that a second reading of the London Naval Treaty would be taken in the House of Commons next Wedneaday way made hy Pre. miler MacDonald this afternoon, Replying to a question by Ri, Hon, Htanley Naldwin as to the necessity for taking the bill hefore the house, Mr, MacDonald sald he would like to do so {f possible, The Premier said he had not yet satisfied himwelf on the question but it undoubtedly had been the practice that legislation arising out of treaties were ratified, He sald he did not think, however, that it was quite necessary that this should he done, He agreed to look into the matter still further, Europe Favoring Federation Plan, French Govt, Says Paris, France, July 12-=The foreign replies out of 20 expected from states invited by foreign minister Briand to study the details of a Luropean federation, The replies indicated a general ac eeptance of the idea in principle with modifications or suggestions suited to the peculiar needs of the various ress ponding nations, The French: con sider that none of the replies indi cated real obstacles to the proposed "United States of Europe" although many knotty problems confornt those who will go forward with the idea, \ office this evening had in hand 19. VETERAN MEMBER Hers are shown Interesting figures attending Grand Lodge 78th annual communioation in Torento, TOP LEFT to RIGHTCunon Gllimore, Karl of Bialr, Bootland! and Ad miral J, KR, Houstus, NOTTOM RH J. Durrant, aged KW, joined Blaven son Lodge in 1¥ 12 Killed in Gas Explosion In Deep Tunnel | | | | | [Mills Idle through Liberal Policies, Bennett Asserts BY THOMAK GREEN (Cmnadinn Press Stay Correspondent ) Renfrew, July 17, I, BD, Bennett last night the recent I'remior King the Conservative Chieftain spoke nt * . | Officer Hur campaign ngnin into Ontario, Hon, | attacked | 'rinea Albert speech of | Farllep In the day, | Chasing Crooks Perth, nddreseing the constituents | of Lanark My Mickenzle King," gosition Leader declared, complained to his constituents In Prince Albert about the which I have given to aifl the people of Canada and to advance thelr in teresa Charges Inaction "I way to Mr, Mackengls King that (f he hind done his duty hy yon all these pledges need not have heen given I tell him that tf his foley of Innetion, If it had hoan of stead fautness and not one of vaelllation all these pledges need heen given had applied to our problems th onl and Judument ond foresiplt wo are entitled to Prime Minister; all these need not have been glven At the first messlon of not have pledges Parlin loudly | plodgos | had been of nection, and not | I tell him that If he | demand In nf Car Backs Over 150 Foot Cliff During Constable's Gallant Fight (By Canadian Press Lassed Wire) Bt, Catharines, July 17-=John | Donner in In the Bt, Catharines Jall on a week's remand awaiting re- covery of I'rovineial Officer Robbie | who engaged in a souffle with Don. ner and two companions who were | sunpectod of operating as plekpoos | ite at Queenston Helghts yostor- aay, W. 8, Khepiard, ticket ofce em | ployos, claimed to linve observed | the two working thelr trade and onlled ofMcer Robble who was in | @evilian clothes nt the time, While Bhephard was ehasing one of the trio, Robbie attempted to | ment, If elacted to power, Mr, len | place the other two under arrest, nett snid he would have laws en Entire Shift Blown to Death! "ted that would give Canadians as Natural Gas Pocket Is Struck (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Camp Mitchell, Calif, July 17 A gan explosion killed an entire shift of 12 men In a tunnel of the Heteh Hetchy project, Ban Fran olnen's munieipal wiler aren early to-day The explosion oconrred In a tun nel about 206 miles wouth of Live more, Calif Two hodles were recovered hy rescue crews shortly afier the hilas but further efforts wera tamporarily halted hy excessive gas, A blower was In operation on the surface and was expected to elear the tun nel of gan In a few hours, Engineers sald a natural gas poos boring and the gas aceldentally fg» nited, The tunnel! drops straight downs ward more than K00 feet from the surface and then branches into a drift to the east and one to the wont, Thore killed were in the east drift, Thirteen men In the west drift, which goes down about 1+ 00 feet, wera badly shaken and some were gassed but all were brought to the surface, None was seriously hurt, The tunnel in which the blast ocourred In one of a score helng constructed to being mountain water from the high Rlerras to. San IPranciwen and adjoining communis tien, More than X7 miles of tun. nels are inoluded n-tha Hate Hetchy project whieh will furnish 400,000,000 gallons of water danny and one billion kilowatt hours of eloctrie power annually, Hon, J, K, Caron Dies Quebeo, Hon, Joseph Hdward Caron, former provinelal minister of agrioulture and vice-president of the Quehee Liguor Commission died lant night, Hon, Mr, Caron wan 4 years old, He was born in Ste, Louls, Quebeo, Charges Levied Against Captain (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, DO; July 17, Charges of recklesn navigation, negligence and navigating at excessive seep in fog have heen filed by federa: steamboat inspec tora at Boston against Captain Arche IM, Drooks, master of the ateamer Fairfax, whieh collided with the tanker Pintain off the Massachusetta const June 10 with the loss ob 49 lives, ' | | (Continued on Mage 4) Excitement in British House Two Members Suspended One Runs Away With Speaker's Mace (Ry Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) London, Eng, July 17.=The House of Commons was thrown in to excitement this afternoon when Fenner NrookWay, Labor member, In the middle of the question pers fod, Inalated upon dellvering a speach on India and Prime Minister MaeDonald. moved hin suspension for disobeying the ohale, After a division, when the tellers were lined up at the table to give the result, one of them, the Labors ite, John Neckett, seandalized the chamber hy wolaing the mace which In the House's emblem of authority and running down the floor with It, A mesenger caught him at the bar of the house and the sergeant At arma recovered hie mace amid noenen of great exeolitement, The mombers, steeped in trad! tionn of the sacredness of the coms mons' prestige. and dignity, ware horrified at the inoldent and loud protests came from hoth sldes of the ohamber, Neokett's suspension also wan moved hy MaoDonald and carried 24 to 4, An Fenner Nrockway's suppenslon previously had been de olared carried he and Deockett left the house together, Understanding orders in the House of Commons the suspension of Brookway and Neokett will con. tinue until the fifth day, Neither will be able to alt again until next Thursday, © ---------------------- MACNIDER COMING TO CANADA SHORTLY (Ry Canadian Press Loaned Wire) Washington July 17. The state department today sat that Col, Hanford MaoNider, newly appoints od United States envoy extraordin- ary and minister plenipotentary to Canada, witli probably assume his offfolal duties at Ottawa during the last weak of August or the first week of September, Nonner endeavourad to kick Rob. hie from the running board of thelr ear but the oMeer succeeded in gots ting Inside, In the seuffle Robbie hurled both driver and Bonner and himself into the rear of the car which being driverless backed over the cliff about 160 feet and hrought up against a tree, Dobbie hung onto Bonner and with the ase wintance of Bhephard placed him under arrest The car wan badly wrecked and Itahbie sustained three broken ribs and wevere hrulses during the seuf- fle and drop, The other two alleged plekpoe. lkotn got away, EIGHT-HOUR DAY FOR MINERS FORECAST (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bydney, N.8, July 17, «= That within the brief period of one year the workers of Cape Hreton will receive the benefits of the eight. hour day system, was the predie- tion made by Hon, Gordon 8, Hare rington, minister of mines and pubs Ho works, in the Nova Beotin govs ernment, here last night, GREEN DEPLORES UNEMPLOYMENT Paints Black Picture of Con. ditions in Canada and * United States (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, July 17-="In both the United States and Canada we are face to face with unfavorable, eos onomic conditions," declared Wils liam Green, president of the Amer loan Federation of Labor to de gates at the convention of the Ins ternational Drotherhobd of Stations ary Firemen and Oflera here tosday, "We are in the midst of wide spread industrial depression, Thous sands of working men in every oity of the lands, in every town in every village in avery community, are tramping the strees seeking ems ployment, In the building trades organisations, in the printing. the metal, the transportation and in the miscellaneous trades, they are grappling with this big problem," Mr, Green sald, The Federation of Labor cons tended that the unemployment pros blem need not be a necessary evil, Challenge Cup thig afternoon, Tha vietory atoned for the dominion'sn loks of the Kolapore Cup on Tues day and was Canada's seventh vies tory in this great team shoot of tha National Rifle Association meeting eines the cup wan first offered In 1601, Cunnda won hy the comforipble margin of 61 points, her score was 1,076, Rhodesian was second with 1,086 ¥ngland, holder of the cup! was fourth with 1,020, . The Canadian team took no, chances In turning the tables tow day, Tuesday they had lost the Kolapord Cup (0 the mother couns Ary by only seven points, To-day they too the MacKinnon Cup off the English holders hy one of the largest margin recorded 11 the hiss tory of the shant The competing teams wora of 12 men. ench, firing at two ranges, 00 and 1,000 yardw line man fived 10 shots at enoh distanes, Reotland was third with 1,081, » point ahead of the Foglish team India was fifth with 1,010, Ireland sixth with 1,018, Wales seventh with 058, Aloxandra Cup Porfect nooren of ¥6 points wery recorded by Lieut, Desmond Burke of Ottawa and Rergeant Alex Pare nell of Montreal ty the Alexandra Challenge Cup first distance to-day, This mateh, for the cup and prizes totaling §2,000 was fired at 600 and 600 yards and It was ab the K00 yard distance that Burke and Parnell turned in seven conse outive bull's ayes, Bix more Canadians were only point behind with 84, these being Lieut, J, Bowen of Kdmonton, Lieut, A, O, Carter of Toronto, Company Sgt, Major KEmalle of Taronto, Herkeant €, W, Foam of Montreal, Company Hgt, Major Hawkins of Toronto.and Captain Alex Martin, formerly of Calgary, non-member of the Risley team, The 600 yard distarice will be fired (o-morrow, The King's Prize To-morrow there is tha second Atage of the King's Prige in which at leant 18 Canadians are eligible and on Saturday the final stage of the King's Prige, ---------------------- Harvesting Rye Winnipeg." First havesting opers ations of the present ogop year, rye is being out in parts of Saskatle ohewan and Alberta, WOMEN PLUNGED INTO BASEMENT AS * FLOOR COLLAPSES Panic Reigns in Qttawa Hall One Woman Is Bad. Ottawa, July 17.«Thirty-five women wera plunged nine feet ins to the basement when a portion ef the floor of the Kastview Conservas tive Association committee roo gave way during a ecard party las night, Panid rolgned as husbands and friends fought to extricate the frightened women from the tangled mans of wreckage, Only one wos man was badly injured, Naarly 200 women had gathered at the committees rooms, When David Qingras, as chairman of the amoclition, started to give out the' prizes, A 18«inoh beam, supports Ing the east end of the floor, gave way, carrying everything ahove with it and breaking a gas pipe in the hasement, Polloe rushed to the scene to veatore order and assist in releass Ing the excited women, Many whe sought to reach down into the base. ment to pull out the vietims were themselves pulled in, thus adding to the furore, Police moon organized a human ohaln, and hy grasping each other arms the resoners reached inte the Mr Groen sald, pit to pull out the women,

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