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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jul 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY JIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1930, PAGE THREE Fire Destroys Large Frame W.H. Moore Explains the Effect of Tui Policies On Agriculture in Canada Liberal Candidate Addressed Large and Enthusiastic Gathering «1. Pickering Last Night DISCUSSED NEEDS OF CANADIAN INDUSTRY Many Conservatives to Vote Liberal, Moore Predicts-- F. Chapman and W. M, Gilbert Also Speak (Hy Walt Reporter) Plekering, July 17-The making of tariffs and how the Libera) tare IN principles, as contnined in the Dunning budget, were designed to help ie ugrioulturnl industry of Canad and the human element In industry, W, H, Moore deliverad an Interesting and instructive ad Adress at a largely attended mesting held in the village hall here last night, 14 was, Hike other address os by My, Moore; nol a partisan political upeech In the striot sense of the word, Hather was It a dis cussion of the economic needs of Canadian Industry and agriculture and how these were helng met on a sound, selentific and commons wanna basin hy the application of the principles which had heen develop od as a result of the operations of the tariff board, The hall was filled to eapacity for the meating, and the crowd listened with splens did attention to Mr, Moore's logos al and clear exposition of hin at titude towards the tariff needs of Canada With him on the platform us speakers wera W, M, Ollbart, presi dent of the Oshawa Lumher Come pany, and Frank Chapman of Plokering, hoth of whom deliver od addresses which were well reg oalved hy the large audience, William Gormley of Plokering, presided over the mesting, and ex pressed pleasure at the large aud! anes, commenting on the fact that Plokering had no unemployment problem, as everyones was husy and working, It was difoult te ort! luo the apposition policies, hecaunse the opposition did not appear to have any polioies at all. The King government so far as the farmers ware concerned, had secured wid or markets for farm products and had cheapenad the cost of imple ments of production, two of the greatest essentialn of successful agriculture, Frank Chapman Frank M, Chapman, of Ploker ing, wan the frat speaker, Mp Chapman devoted some time to the work of the tari Hoard which had heen ereated hy the Liberal govern ment, and which had heen a prom. inent plank In the program of the Progressives, for whom he. had heen a candidate in 1081, One great result had heen the abolition of making tariffs hehind olosed doors, and hrought them under publi Investigation, with pradue ora and consumers given full repre. sentation at the hearings hefore the hoard, This had heen responsible for placing the tariff on a sclentife basis fair alike to the producers and the consumers, with a perfect adjustment of tariffs to suit the needa of all elansen, "The speaker pald a high tribute to the work which W, H, More had done an ehatrman of the tari hoard, He could not understand, sald the speaker, why any farmer could volte against the Dunning budget: which made provision for securing other markets for the aurplus wheat hogs, apples and other farm pro duets which were harred from en: tering the United Htates; In 1011 the Conservatives rejected the re elprooity treaty on the ground that it endangered Canada's connection with Great Nritain, "They do not weem to oare very much about the Aritiekh connection now," asserted Mp, Chapman, Mr, Chapmh referred to the taxation changes under the Liber al regime, saying these had lessens od burdens on the common people of Canada, and placed them on the shoulders of those heat able to bear them, Mr, Hennett had made an many promises of heavy cons struction projects that the huvdens of taxation on the people would he greatly increased, and the extra taxation would have te come from the top layer of the soll, + M, Gilbert W, M, Gilbert, president of the Oshawa Lumber Company, was the next apeaker, and he sald It waa a fallaoy to attempt to divide the interests of the farmers and the ADVISES FAMILIES 10 BE FRIENDLY Dismisses Woman's Charge Against Neighbor Court damon Cook 17 hirk HWireel, wilh charged In court today with using gross and insulting Inngonge to Mrs, -Kvae Hambly, a nelghhor After honing the evidence In the cane Hin Worship found that the wueauned was nol gollty of the charge and Alsminsed (he cane Mrs, Hambly, stated to the court that on the evening of July Bh Inst when she wan standing on her poreh, Cook areived home in Ww ear with another gentleman und used Insulting langlage In speaking to her, The npensed, when ha took the stand, sald that there had boon (1 -fanling hetwhen the families for some time and wen! further hy saying that an the sven ing In question, on arriving home he heard Mrs, Hambly way some thing but could not say what Ht wih, In any event he Ignored it and went Into the house, Both his won and daughter who ware sitting on the front veranda of the Cook home corroborated thelr father avidenon In passing Judgment ship asked the families to gal to an amloable relationship Be Ao Hwanson acted for the plainti® and J.P. Mangan for the defandent OSHAWA WOMAN IS GRANT) CHIFF OF PYTHIAN SISTERS His War Mrs. Ada Gillard Elected at| | an Grand Temple Conven- tion in St. Thomas A high honor has been ennferved upon Mea Ada Gillard, 260 Court piraet, member of the Joes! hraneh of the Pythian Histers who on Tuesday night was elected trang Chiat of the Pythian Blisters of On trio at the Grand Temple Conven tion held In 8 Thomas Men Olllard Is now highest of floar In alghteen lodges situated in various cities throughout the pre vines In Memoriam memory ol Florence away fuly loving mother passed WALKER In our deny Walker, who 17 1080 (Gone hut not forgotten Hadly missed hy Clinton and wranddanghter Goraldine Moore (140) Pearl, industrialists In Ontario county, hecaune, In the final analysing, the two were dependent one upon the ather, and thin made the employ ment problem the conosrn of the people on the farms asx well as thove In the centres of Industry He wanted to make a plea, how aver, for the young peapla who wore not adapted for farming hat who had to be given a place in the Industrial world Farmers and industrialists were alike Interested in the future of Canada, and In what any govern ment could da to hreing to fruition the opportunities of the youns people of Canada, Consistency as It wan exemplified in the persists anos of the apposition In upholding the national polioy, was one of the hob-gobline of narrowsmindednoss, and absolutely unfitted to meet the needs of the young Canadinns of today, Kyery Canadian, sald My, Gils bert, awed mare to hin country than what he paid In dollars in taxes, and that was that he should take an intelligent and aotive interest in the affairs of his country, Nt, Lawrence Development The question of the development of the Hi, lawrence waterway, sald the speaker, should never have heen brought into politios, (Continued on Page 3) RUGS AND CHESTERFIELDS Sham by RICHARDS NEW PROCESS STAINS REMOVED such as ink, oil, gum, road tar, milk, ete; Colors shampooed unharmed, Chesterfielda IN YOUR OWN HOME--NO MUSS OR FUSS For further particulars Call up our local representative, The Reliable House Furnishin « 140 Sim ce St, South Phone 2861 | Krent | heauty 18 eveoted a BIG ATTENDANCE AT CITADEL BAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL Salvation Army Band Ren- der Fine Concert on Citadel Lawn The splendid crowd who attend od the Musionl Festival klven hy the Clindel Band on the Cltsdel Inwn and also those In charge, all valitad the opinion thal It wks # wiucenss In every way, Nol only wad the weather desl hui the sirvraundings helped In the en Joyment of the wudlence ang nll things were well arvanged, The musie wan not only enjoyed hy those on the grounds but there were many owtslde who were sl tentive Heteners Bandmantor Dempsey of i Regimental Band who presided aver the program said how pleased he wai to be present and also spoke of the good spirit und fon) Ing hetween the Ontario Regimen tal Band and tue Halvation Army Wand and hoped that it would son tinue, The hand rendered several paloctions and marches which wer thoroughly enjoyed, while 1h pare played by other locgl talent Wil very much uwppreciated, Wpsd inl mention should bo made of the visiting artiste from Tovonto, for (hater solos will long be remember wd hy those progent Hundemen Richmond and Hodgklss wore fram the Temple Hand while Dep uty Handimasier Gare came from the Dovercourt Hand, The follow INK Program wien given Opening sonm, Hang Up Vor Joni Marth Hund, Youu dosti, "My Tusk', war, Mrs, Holmes, Mrs, Crawiord Cornel solo, "delected', Dopuly Master, I, Cure, Dovercourt Hecltution, "delected™, Bon Mra, Linngtel Hulaction Hund Voueul suln Holo man H. Hodgkine Trombom Handsmun Hymn Tune, Welection, WEN, sand, § Corel Tuswtramental Quartet od" Bundsmun | Wren Collin Yoon! wulo, 0 Hodgkin, To rombuns Handsmun Hichmond Vooul sulo, VEelecied Holo Cormuoel salon Hand Master i "Hepumont Wa, 100) 00K i Lor, My Vartre Vu, Lod Hand Fomple solo, ielucted Hichmand, Temple YWhithurn", Hund Divine id Margen tduna lave mule! fon, 0 Heleciad Hunde mple nolo delueied Pompe ong ug My inlovied , Depul ure, Dovercourt Kuphontim solo "Una", Bands man, Goalline, Oshawa Marveh, "Morald of Praise BAW, Hand God dave ny the King BAKERY AND R.L.G, BOYS TIE 12 ALL Fast Game Played on Tan nery Field Last Night (hiawa the Pakery and Rohson Leather Co, teamn falled ta break the tie that oxists he tween the two teams in a Tust Kame played at Robpon Held last night The game went nine Innings and the soore was 18 all, at the end of fe Ivities, Thore was pienty tween the teams wre in store for the fans on the next: oconsion that these two toamn moot, The deolding kame in to he played at Cowan Park on Friday evening next, yang, Naylor ana MoDonald were the heavy hitters for the Tunnory, while Hall, Hamilton and Trott lod the Bakery orew The Hue up Hukory- Hurst, Carnlah, Trott, Hall, Hamilton, Goodall, Amshrey, Toppings and Nave Lot Kyans, Naylor, MeDon Reaves, Hurst, Riohard, Aus Mewitt, Worstley and Myles Webel dvdr dabei dnb What Others Say A mama dR S ALLL LL) A WORTHY NUGGRNTION Natta, Oshawa Dally Thnes, Oshawa, Out, Done Birt «The writer absorba daily and thoroughly enjoys the type of editorials Appearing In your paper from day to day, Loam a subsovihar to the same thought that inspired the writing of your editorial of July 13th res ferring to the faet that the heaus tow of nature should ba universal, Oshawa 18 blessed with dune of the beauty spots of this disteiot in vour Alexander Park, Along the south sida of this aren of colorful high heard arenn fence, denying the publie the ane delight of viewing these rounds thay awn and whioh they ontrihute for the upkeep, Let me wagent that you oreate- In the winds of the proper authorities ha thought that this tence should haoalther removed entively or ves vaeed with a wide.mesh wire net 0 that our fallow eltlsens may ens I'he of rivalry he Lota of thrills wld, thors, {lay the heaution ta he seen within | the houndaries of that hewutiful ven : Yours sincerely Ro MeCQorndek Tndusteial. Commissioner Ukrainian Presbyterians Are Erecting New Church A ------------------------ arn Near Wh a The Ulkrainlan Preshyterian Mis: won of the city commenced work onc duly Kth, an thelr new church hutlding, situnted on Blmeos Bt, south, hatween Jnekson and Boor wireets AL the present time the Mering of the hasemant of the bullding has heen completed and the work of putting in the cons rete willy has heen started, The work of erecting the ehureh In haing done entively hy the men of the chiuveh, who although somes of them are nat in a position to ive, they nre all willing to work, The new chuveh bullding will AIL mn great need in the spiritual Ie of the g4 families which com prise the congregation, "The Uk rintan Preshyterinn Mission was started (hres years ago, worship Ping inn private house for the frst youy and since that time using an Improvised hullding on Oshaws Bi he hutlding on Oshawn BL, It was ---- - learned, " unsuitabis for church sorvices and the congregation is looking forward to the fall of the year, when the new hullding will he Anished, The new hullding will he bd hy £4 feet, of hrick venesr, with a basement, The seating ace commodation will he ample for 160 people. whila the Jot on which the building signds, 14 amply big Lo arect A house heslde the chureh, ' The Minister of the church, Rev, | I, #iandret, told The Times that withough the mission had gone | ahead during the last year, that the new hullding would make possible for the mission (o take the | form a fully qualified congrega- | tion of the Preshyterian Church, || Much credit Is dus My, Btandret and the members of his congregn: | hy a narrow thon for thelr Initintive In under: | taking the work hullding I | CITY AND DI C--O PARKIN THNIN Miss Helen Have, an pupil of Mine M. Henmish, his successfully punsed hor primary radiments ox aminations with honors NECUIE HONOHM Miss 'Valmna han with Nest olpss honors, the elamen tury sehool plone examination, snd Mins Mahle Godey haw passed with honors the examinations In plano pedugng Hath pupils nf Miss Ida Arnott Peiren nunand ne ON DAYLIGHT The ne now Hurpla ford wand ris following Ontario on daylight saving time Holloyilie, Hrampton, Wran Cohourg, Cochrane, Colling Cornwall Galt ueiph, Haman Kinuuton Kiteheney Ladndeny, Nowmarket, Niagara Fells Gritin Oahnwn (tnwa Owen Haund, Paris, Peterhore', Port Col borne, ort Hope Plekering, Mt Cathnrine Foranta Waterloo Welland and Whith HEGINTERKD NUNES the Thre who el thelr examinations toy nurse registyntiaon the following from this distri nre notiend Mi Miavion HH, Huskerville, New Ont dnp Hagperty Ontario Hospital, Whithy Wleaheth Me Clelland, Whithy foun M. May guerra, Whith und Hester M Maoarevalt, of Bowmanville Can rey Among number have pase CONSERVATIVES T0 HOLD NUMBER OF "LARGE MEETINGS) Dr, Kalser Plans Whirlwind Campaign for Next Ten Days The program of meetings an nounesd hy the management com mitten of the Conservative Party CORAL nope very attractive mat orn, The hig meeting at the Res vont Theatre Meiday night prom Ion something unusual tor Osh nwi, The address will he brondoan from the Atlante to the Paeifk It will he delivered hy Sir Alfred BN, Marine, KO, CHB, LLH, ex pramior of Newfoundland, who repressnted the Ancient Colony in all past Tmperial Conferdnees and I regarded an an authority upon thin sub joel This In one of the outstanding meetings of the Con nervative campaign In Canada and In held under the ausploes of the Central Assoolation 9 A very Interasting meating will alan he held tn the Conservative cammitten rooms over the Aroade on Saturday night, July 18th, ad dressed by the vedoubtable wap ror, Jno, RB, MaeNiool, president of the Conservative Association of Ontario and candidate fog the seat In Toronto formerly held hy T, | Chureh, There will alse he an ads Arsen by Ny, HG, Feater, Labor loader of Hamilton, whose radio Apaches are attracting all Canada at the prowent time, and lastly there (the: monster meeting In Memorial Park, Oshawa, on Hats Wrday night, duly 24th, when Hon, GG. Howard Ferguson, Premier of Ontario will deliver the last ads dress of the campaten. Looks Hike A oRveat finlsh to an Interesting battle, ING TURNS HIS iUNS ON FERGUSON E------ (Continued fram Page 1) are after," ha declared forelbly, "They have heen after it all their lives, But they ave after it with ureater thrust than ever hefore at tha present election The Prime Ministery veferved to the fact that the Dominion Govern: ment had put in the sight-hour day on all federal work, YAK Premier Fapguson what he has heen dotng in the provinelal field tor labor he comtinued, The people af Ontario had sent My, Fern puron to Toronto to enaet laws in tha provineial field NECOND CROP OF HAY ( The workmen on the Provincial | highway hetween the elity and Whithy are busy cutting the second | xoeond orop of hay on the road sides, The warm weather combined with henvy periodic yuing has made the | | growth of hay and grass most pro I fuse JUDGMENT HERKERY KD Judgment in the cuss sgoingt Nelson Hamlin, who was charged with the seduction of a girl unter the wee of IK yours, will he given next week 1 The eave, which came up In 'o- | 6 Hea Court on Tuesday morning, | ( WhAs taken yesterday afternoon in || the Old Town Hall | REMANDED IN CUNTODY 1, Thres young men appeared in| Polles Court this morning and were churged with helng Intoxleated in A publie place, The fret 0 come up, Husll Mothersidi and Peter Hareulk pleaded not guilty of the charge und wera remanded until tomorrow for hearing, In the ease of Hereulk, I Wan dowrned that i was his fourth offence against the Ldyuar Cantrol Aut he third member of the group Joseph Harrelson, was charged with being Intoxioated while in thiarge of a motor vehicle and also with PORINLINE Arrest, The acoused plead ol- not gullty of hoth charges. All thes were ramanded in oustody If until tomorrow 1 WH provious speaker that numerous men were helng given employment |p on the rod by the provinelsl gov | ornmont Just prior ta the election, |» "Take all the work they will |» give you," advised Mr, King hut emember the ballot was made see || rat In order that you ean register your views w A burst this, Ha spoke of road-bhullding pro | Krams In the provines of Haskat chawun, ds well as In Ontario I "That's an effort to huy Wp eon. atituencien,' he declared, and yeu |p Mr, Ferguson said | wouldn't' give him a Wwecent piece I wonder | 1 what My, Ferguson would haven done if 1 had given him millions," | 1 "Would he have used them foro the good of the people of Canada?" nuked My, King, "or would he have |! used them to advance the interest n ul the Tory party? Anin there wag applatine There were two reasons why My Fargunon was in the Aght, continu od Mr, King, the firet one he had nf cheering followed | N wore staged who It | since they cama out of w new chureh | points, Mirst, third, 1 ho fest, First, the | geeond, Ww My more, are attending the woollen Niratford ark, ware wonllen KEEN COMPETITION AT KIWANIS CAMP SWIMMING MEET Many Youngsters Have Just Learned the Art--Credit- able Performance . Keen competition was Lhe order of the day at Camp Kiwanis yes orduy, when five swimming races in the pool, Heveral if the competitors were youngsters have only learned (o swim to the camp welve days ago, and every one of hem made a very creditable show. ne, "The Onondugas cams out on ton margin in the inter: sompetition, scoring nine while the next tent wan Ight on thelr heels with eight Hosulln of the races wero an fos ant lovin nine years and under Fowler; second, Kirkley; Passenolo, twelve Miller; Fowler over twelve Hifle sbeond, Uporge hird, Doherty HOO feet, lenders First, atte; Halter; third, James 100 yards, open First, Putie; Balter third, Olffe; George Jarvie, (10h, Pranl 4h fest A years und undey wocond, Hooper) hira, H Th Jest, iret, Nae Jarvis ourth inrper Oshawa Masons Attend Grand Lodge Sessivis A dosen Masons from Oshawa odges motored to Toronto yester lay (to attend the sessions of the frand Lodge now helng held there neluded in the number were: A Bell, W, 5, Babe, 1, ©, Wien wouse, T, Vox, Albert Wilson, M Darvtell, 1°, Proctor, 1, Prosser, N. Meek, Mr, Bell, Mr, Babe Blenhouwe, as well as several Kean In Toronto spain today MILLS IDLE DUE TO LE EIR ER LIBERAL poticy, (Continued from Page 1) alr competition. an equal appor unity for development with the na tons of the warld Mills 1dle, he Naya In 1080, the Opposition 1eader iwovesded, there were thirty-three mille and now thers are Chatham, Kingsville, In Alliston, Meaford, Midland, Mitehell, Georgetown, nelewand, Alton Appleton, Lan Pembroke. Part Dover, Rock Kganeille and Cobourg, there mille ten years ago, Nennett stated hut these ure ow closed. Chatham had two In 030, while the others had one Arnprioy Carleton Place and undas such had two woollen mills 1] In arsnll, ond, fr In 1080, the Conservative ohieftaln roceaded, hut only ane today, Renfrew, ten years ago, he oon Inned. had three woollen mills | ut ow one only, whila Almonte in P20 had five woollen milla and nly two today "That 1s the result of the tex He tariff polioy of the Government PMY King" Mr. Bennett sald OBITUARY given desire tor potitioal control The second wan that the Con servative party restised that me Government had a great "They know that Canafa are at heart Rritleh," an |! ported the Prime Minister with great emphasis, "They know that the people of Canada want to de velop trade with Great Rritain They know that a policy designed to thin end In hound to appeal to the hearts and the minds of the people, ANd knowing thin Mp, King Inaiuted, "they realize that they must onver up the main issue at ANY COAL, My, Ferguson said he had enter od the campaign because of a five oant remark, Mr, King went on, "Of all the humbugs in publie Ife 1 think he is the greatest," de. olaved the Prime Minister, "I say thin in view of the excuses which he haw offered for entering this campaign." The Prime Minister told the meeting what had been done hy the Government for returned sols diary, Thin veoital drew applause from the meeting, Turning to discussion of labor questions, My, King anked hin aus dlanoe to remember that it wan a Liberal Government which had organised the department of labor, It wan a Liberal Government whieh passed the fret vallway conoilias tion aot, It wan, he asserted, a Lib. orl Government which had intros duced and put through an indus trial disputes Investigation aot, a place of legislation which had ve: sulted in the peaceable settlement of #0 many difeultion avising be: tween employer and employed, "Phere tn no doubt that we will have substantial election gains tn the astern provinees, and Ontario In the three Praivie Provinces Mr, Hennett would main ne weats, said | Me, King: and in Arita Columbia there would probably ba subatan He veferred to a statement by tial gains for the Liberals, prominent Iuhue, died the people of | !InEering ines, there, He leaves, A family of seven: ul of Toronto; and two winters surviving, CHARLEN HICKS Ploton, July 18Charles Hioks farmer of Waupoos, yesterday morning after a He was born in hat vicinity and spent all hin lite bealdes hin wife, Alva, of Montre Maloolm, of Oshawa; Nathan, Harry, at home; and Mrs, Thurston of Bloomfield, and Mignes Mlossle and Dorothy, al home, There are aslo two brothers Mra Nathan Miller, Napanee, {a a sinter Card of Thanks Mrs, Hy Clitford wishes to thank friends, neighbors and relatives for their kind expressions of aym- pathy, also foval tributes, during her rovent sad bereavement, (14a) a FRI) Regent Morine, exspremier, Connt to const JULY Memoria) day night, July In, Theatre, Bir Arthur R, KC, OB, LLD, Newfouniisuih, radio broadens SATURDAY NIGH, monster meeting at Park, Premier G, Howard Fer RusOn, (18) NATURDAY NIGHT AT CONSER vative Committee Room, John MoNieholl, Toronto, and H, U ter, Labor Leader of Mami ton, (140) MADAME NEVADA, PALMINY Rosa Corners, Phone 4 ments BRH4, ia) UNSHINE RYNKERAH LODUN Plone Friday afternoon, Lake view Park, Being your baxket tn) ithby Last Night EE -- Valuable Implements, Grain Hay and Outbuilding Owned by R. Brown Are Prey to Flames | Lantern Exploded While Far. Notes From | mer Was in Loft Repair. C amp Rivants ing Hay Conveyor Track A camp n't relly a camp with oul a swimming hole, Three wesks | ES' TIMATED LOSS IS ago Camp Kiwanis had no swim | PLACED AT $15,000 ming hole, Half a dozen Kiwane fans decided (hat that stale of af falrs couldn't Inst, put in several afternoons and evenings of hard | Neighbors Render Yeoman manual labour, and bull u dam | on Hasta! lbout: Assistance--Whitby Fire The dam functioned splendidly, | Brigade Unable to Re- and provided. quite a satisfactory | 4 pool, until the last big rainstorm. | spond to Call Then the added volume of whter | aaryved a good-sized hole in the dam | "nd the swimming pool disappeni ad | Hy Walt Reporter) T | Whithy, July 17,=-A large frames juek | barn, owned hy chard Brown, on an | the hase line two miles west of Whithy, was tolully destroyed by dentist office, and aided and ahets | five last night, together with some | valuable farm Implements, un large ted by the humble sevihe, proceed ed to repair the dam | quantis of grain and hay and n Anyone who lacks 6 good healthy | number of chicken he flames appetite, a cost of sunburn, and a | *prend to hull ings nenr the wet of Behing muscles, ean Acquire | barn and u lnrge driving shed, pig the aforementioned hy donning a | Per and wen bouse wera also runnd pir of trunks, and carrying bags! to the ground Mr, Brown 6st) of wand across A slippery eresk | motes his lous ul 315,000 partially hattom on a hilstering July afte | covered hy ltpsurance noon hovtly 10 n'elnek My Al the | Brown entered the hay loft of Lhe The seribe enjoyed it, harn for the purpose of repairing sunburn, and we aie the track bh which hay think that Kiwanluns Jack | drawn into the He had n John enjoyed 1 ton AL any rate, | HENLE dantern him, slung we made a good fob of that dun, | Over his left arm by dint of carting some thoursnds | Fifteen tons of ha of tons, more or less, of sandhius; | Your In the loft und 1 1s digging and rafting endless quan. | thought that the: heat from tha titles of sods, and putting them an | lantern catsed spontanaous com together with an noeasionnl bustion, The lantern exploded and pected submersion In less time than it (takes to tell, By five a'vlock In the afternoon, | the Aames spread to the highly in the dam had backed up enough [ fnmmable hny and were leaping walter so that Camp Mrector Rabins | through the barn roof #00, (who answers most readily tol The farmer powerless to dn "Robbie eauld run off his aguatie | anything to cheek the blake and i program Grery hoy In camp was | was with dimeolty that he esvapad In the water, and they ware all have | from the hazing inferno which Ing one "whale" of a time, from | paged through the loft, Clamber Er Sore ah et Tena he | Su dawn (he adder to the round nor Vphowed commendable pre Thera were Youngster: there | of mind hy jumple nto the plashing around confidently, who | enh of (he a -- Oo . th analy te phil Brod Jum pt_Lhe JuTalng luting ny Jia Robbie, with his assistants, has Ue the mounting famed Wore taught six hoys to swim, and fx well Reon LY neighhoy Whe rished to on the way no success with six Brown i aedlglance more pupils | Fortunately the Onttle and horses he eamp hah R.Reil-ours | wera in pasture, 'wo little oalves WUE BY Lis DOV thomealves. Hite wera confined In a stall but ons nan risked his We and succesded of the leaders has contributed | ' k ome clubs and the only nok (ht NERVINE them, Another man man now 18 a KiMoient quantity of balls | aged to open the door in the burn Any loon! golfer who would like to | ne the "plik, squeal wee his old balls put to good use, Ig With freight, scamparad to safe couldn't do hatter than te send ty, One hog raced a long distance them out to the camp with a Ki down the road hut was finally cap wanian, or, better still, take they | HUTR0 BY neighbors | A call wan nent out himself | Robbie in a firm believer in the | Mire Brigade hut the Aremen | are forbidden to fake thelr aguips value of "friendly games," to Keen | tha hoys oceupied during Apare time | MENL oUt of town they wera unahla I'he flames ware seen and to keep them engaged fn |'0 respond healthful out of door activity for miles avound and a large erowd The first cump period ends of spectators soon gathered at the morrow afternoon, and 20 Young | aeene of the conflagration hut they Narn are. dreading the day when | could only stand and stare, powers they will have to leave, It has bean | 1088 10 render any assistance, A wonderful two weeks for every | A large concrete silo, at the east one of them; hotter than that, ft | end of the barn was left standing han kiven avery hoy a healthier | and although badly cracked in seve hody and a healthier outlook on | eral places i may stil he used, A life | #teel windmill to the east of the | #ilo also escaped serious damage, Mr, Nrown estimated that thera were 100 hushels of grain in the harn, This 1s now a total loss, All hig Implements were destroyed with the exception of those which had heen left ont In the felds Nome of the neighbors who ren dered yeoman werviea in helping the unfortunate farmer ineluded: Lorne Kemp, Lorne Puekein, Allan Webster, Charlie Balrd, Jack Wah. ster and Ted Duly Ho vesterday, WKiwaninns Wiarrell and John Brock stole alfternnon from thelr-drug store and nil hefove fun the | tn wir good wll hut Inelined SLID I" nf Iaft with Meine crapped lag! were ne Wie in CCH nig pen and to the Whithy [T] in Too Late To Classily WANTED WOMAN FOR HOURR keeper and to look after children While mother (a In bed, also be ahle to care for new haby Abply HIN French stroet (14h) WIDOW WITH TIME ain; Wants work, Good plain cook and housekeeper. Phone 2840) (140) Dominion Election A Meeting in Regent Theatre Friday Night, July 18th. 8 O'clock Sharp Broadcast From Sea to Sea Subject: "IMPERIAL CONFERENCES AND BRITISH PREFERENCE" Address by Sir Alfred B, Morine, K.C., C.B,, LL.B. (Ex-Premier of Newfoundland) SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 18th In Conservative Committee Rooms - Jno. R. MacNicol, Toronto, and H, G, Festor, Labor Leader of Hamilton SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 26th At Memorial Park Hon. G, Howard Ferguson In Interests of candidature of T, E. Kaiser. Dr. JAS, MOORE, A. C. HALL, President Secretary,

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