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Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jul 1930, p. 7

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Street Model or Gown For The Twilight Hour, Daytime Frocks Are Beautiful, Beauty Of Fabric And Color Have Kept Pace With Beauty Of Line, And So Many New Details Have Been Thought Out That Individuality Results, Styles Are Feminine And Fitting Jv, : FF YOU ware to sompare last I froeks with one of the newest spring modals you would And ene development of importanee, To the beauty and or- iginality of the former designers have added a oertain practical woarabllity that makes (he latter a vary charming thing, "This wear. ability Is doubly weleama heenuss the woman of heavier fgure found the shirrings and pufMnge by whish offenia of style were achieved de oldedly hard to wear, and wo, ton, were the Irregularities of skirt length whieh sometimes bordered on the ugly, In a weneral way of speaking the ugly has heen soft ened, and we have a lensth of skirt that Is longer, hut net tes long, fullness that In evident, but not bunchy, and the antire sllheu ote In a thihg of very great grace and beauty. Bkirt length with the hour of the day An Good As Ita Fabre Your frock depends more than you may imagine on ta material, and will be a success or a fallure according to the appropriateness and heauty of the cloth from whieh it ta eoncelved, Thera are light welght wooelens, Auttery cohiffons, ren! laces, and the world of silks and evepen, printed and plain, from whieh to choose, You are as caw UAl an your tweed sult, as feminine Af your printed ehiffon afternoon froak, aa cool as your frock of linen or cotton, Taking the silheustia to pleases asimple thing, The longer skirt, whieh 1a, however, only a trifle longer for street and sports wear, measures ita length by the hour of the day, atlaining ita greatest length for formal evening affaires One line that ts rapidly disappear + Ing 1s the dip In back, It is being replaced hy an evensall-the-way round length of skirt that ls mueh more satisfactory, Dipping Irregu- larity ts, sometimen, at one aide, The Fashion of Prints You see them everywhere In Pour travels about town, net enly during the day, hut on Inte the evening, and they are delleats, hold, definite or Indefinite an the oan may he, But whatever they Are, they are amart and appropri: ate, for thers Ia a print for every nooasion, You wear a tiny conven: tional dealgn amainat a dark haok- wround during the day, a foral patiern, rather large, for late aft. TT -- A satinfying will often detract attention from the frock ap awit that 1s a bit aut of the mode And they will add to the glory of the smart outfit, no matter how superlative It may he In ftaelf, At the moment there is much of inter ast In both headwear and footwear and sines they are the twa most important costume details we will aonalder them together, not as en semble, however We know that the brimmed hat is In again, that straw Ia impart ant, and that there is a real ten deney toward more elaboration, although the medium Is, uften varies AMART little hat and font wear that is wholly trig and arnoan, and a Aslioats, print for avening In the eheles of your daytime frosk, no matter what Its purposs, you meet a wide variety, Thera are pleats, width that depends upoan out, tiers, Aounces and ruf files fram whieh Lo chess, but whichever the detall, It Ia applied In sueh a way that simplieity re+ sults, It In little shart of marvel ous the amount of detall that 1s found on the simplest sart of a frock, and It in a tribute to genius that the medel doss not become fussy In the process, -Nleeves Are Important It Is no longer a question of the lang sleave or ne sleave at all There are sap, pull, bell, elbow frill and cape sloaves, and length In an varied as styles, The helere And the cape and the peplum en ter Inte the daytime frock mode And add beauty to It, and the neckline ls widely varied, assum splashy Ing simplioity, or going In for trills, Jabots, ornate collars and the like, Which are far from simple, There In no excuse for any one's fallure ta And heoomingnenss Hpecial medels have heen de slgned for afternson festivities he. | tween the luneheon and tea hours and, of sourse, Inoluding them Frooks of ahifon, Ince or allk, car ried oul In soft; Nowing lines, and | taking dn the lovely hues that ars | known ans twilight shades, or black, Are offered for theses daytime for malities, Wiisahath arape with a yoke of Ane Alanoan Ince, ahifon with the same kind of lace, an all Inoe frock are repressntative, Drawing the Line [ Cortaln aotivities eall for the afternoon freak (hat may appear On Lhe street, which a delleats dress of shear chiffon, trimmed with aebhwehby Ines, may net do To All thin need a certain smart shop han alered a freak of fine arepe, tallared In the dressmaker manner and exquisite of line, It! has a detachable cape, and | wears (he lingerie toueh In collar | And cuffs of Nine eyelet-ambrold arad batiste It onnneots street elathes with formal Hueh a frock 1s suitable for the 'wireet, far the matinee, for tea, and Its lenwth 1s but allghtly longer than the approved street length The twilight wown Is much longer and If It is earefully chosen 1 CAN BN ON Into darkness, far it falls Prints grow larger as the day advances into evening, Center, afternoon frock of Roral patterned silk In green and tan, idea, jacket worn aver it, Jacket shows the new peplum silhouette Left, black and yellow green crepe jacket frock faring Right, red and white chiffon dance frock wit | | | Ww the twin-print h shart velvet nearly to the ankles and is sult able for occasions whera ane's aa onrt doses nat wear full avening dress, The return of "Talla" in man's elathes may ha a aampil ment ta tha rare heauly of | J EH i Eas From Head To times, tha material of the hat I wolf, Home of the straws are veal ly expensive, hut some, imitations maybe, are not expensive at all Panamalaque ranks In the frst group, but its Ane, glistening weave in well warth tha pries, If ane oan afford It, Genuine haku and hallibuntl, the same, But there are fine straws that work up effootivaly, priced low enough for the hat that Is warn anly briefly, The aheer straws are smart and appropriate ta warm weather, whieh 1s in the afMng. And you may And a copy of a Paris arlging), lavely of line, definitely 1880, In & onlor that is hecaming and a shape the same Thera are shallow Sa" of hel d brown leather with perfor Hat of haku and pump ge an pe svinna fae - wamen's formal fronks F oot | orowns, lovely new heim treat | ments, aff<tha-face fares and elev | ar little hrimmed models that will | Intrigue you Arima Intevest, for heen absent awhile They are wide, upturned, narrow, sephistl oated, anly half hrima and the like The naw hat af stitohed taffeta ia notable, far 1 goes with practl cally everything, and it can he had In beret style, in teicavie Hines and the always smart oloche shapes Smart hata of felt combined with hair ave new and they, tan, are va ried In their styling and oorvent for all daytime and early evening ULL The favored shoa of the early SPPINE soanon ia the ane of simple He made unusual with decorative touahes that lend it a feminine aly Your shoe will ha the shoe that Ate your font, and thers In no eas ause for a paar AL far thers are long, shart and medium vamps, ane-strap slippers, Oxfords. and Pumps, and there are shoes that draw a'fine line and come In quar tor alsen, And thers 1s a shoes for svary snsembla, mada possible hy A wida color range, The apera pump. is the leading footwear fashion, accepted hy dis eriminating women avarywhers, although the woman with an ex tramely lang foot and the ane with thick ankles may not wear It sue. ossnfully, Pumps come in all els are and all leathers, to sult every type of snsemble, and one onuld have & wardrobe of operas that wold complemen her entive ring garment ohalos, This style peama to At inte the general made better than any eather, There are kidekin, patent, susde, reptile and satin kid leathers, and Hinen will ha worn later In the season, Reptile leathers are dasm: of A smart chelea for printed traoka, thelr faint markings » subtle link with the dealgn, Trims ming detalles Include stitehing and appliques of contrasting material and oalor, The new models are kindly ta the woman wha may not Wear the very high heel, using the English heel and an adaptation of 11 vary alawasin thay have I you must sganamise, and sn many of us must, In your spring outlay, he sure thal you da nol pare dawn your allow Anca far a corset, ar oaraets, As tha need may ba, Vary faw of ua possess tha Agure that mesia the Allsinsone foundation garment of lace brocaded fabric, nods of tha 1030 alihauette, and yet==the Rraper foundation wap- ment will give the corrent ARRAN: ANOS, & corset that 1a supple, yet molding, comfortable yet firm, slgners have that accent ar modify, as desired, Rvery need la mat, Tt may be a stepsin wirdle ar It may he an alls fn.ane, hut the garment will eons fine and define with hones and elastie, dr there will he a molding with firm material that has heen slavaniy aut and shanad, Cupane provided garmenta [ Build On a Sure Foundation 1y, these naw foundation garments are oaxtremely eamfoartable, and they are oartainly things of heauty [carried aut In lace. net, hravade | suratonl elastin and satin, and of farad In tampting enlars and com binations The new siihauetie, If you ean farm tn Parisian dictates, smpha slgen the slender; nipped in walal Hine: the upeurved hust and the smonth, sven sleek, Armly malded | hipline If yau have sven a sus | Ristan aft that you can do with aut a corset, you will And that tha newest froek will haniah it, The normal walstiineg may net he mod | Nad hy a blouse above iL, and you Will have (0 he sures thal thare are ourves wheres there should be durves, alwaya It you are reasonably slender YOU MAY WEAF A garment that has no hones, hut If your fAgure Ia heavy, you must have certain see tons of the garment honed, hut they will nat eause a hit af dlscam fort, If (he garment ia properly Atted We samatimes wonder where the carmel of athed years has gone! We are ne longer af frightenad hy laoings and ates! and the olasps thal wera faraver voming undeans and pinching the flash af the unlueky wearer, Hoth the capsst and tha all-in. one are approved, but the farmer In much higher than it has heen for same time, reaching two and a half inches aheve the narmal walst in same madels. There are step-in models that have laciage at the sides, allowing for individ. al adjustment, and with this type ar garment a hrasalare af net er lnen ia worn, hut this hrassiere onmes down aver the camel that thera may he na roll of flesh above the aorast-=na "spare tee" There are allsinsones for "the large and the amall woman, and there ave madela for hoth daytime ANA evening purpeses, The sxpert naraatiore will note, at a lanes, Just what madel will meet your needs, the single snd and alm hes bi 3 API ARRAATAROS In the 1930 siihauetie, au oannet lay tee ETOAL Airasa OR your oarest, and you may not acanamise en 14, mart HT -- LONG GLOVES FOR EVENING LONE Slovan Are A necessity for your night eluh ensemble, and im» Jord suede in the smart leather P them, You will wear black gloves with your hiaek fraok, white With the white snaamble and pow der pak with yoeur eale and they will he alxte NAVY RLUE AND REACK Navy hius and Llack are im partant an the ealar aard, hut they are deemed smarter when com hinad with white' | and | planned. far the special snsemhie | Item | he same (ime hefore the fashion | world af style, as the return of the | telling ofeet, although one made! | 0d lace ar pet far deen cults, yokes Cad You Can Appear at Your Very Best, When Evening Shadows Lengthen. 'There Are Frocks Demure And Ruffled, And There Are Frocks Simple And Sophisti. cated, And All Of Them Are Stun. ningly Lovely, Perhaps Your Eve. ¢ ning Choice Will Be Pro. phetic Of The Future Fi are 191d that the 1080 mode 1s an ultra-femin Ine, luxurious, exquisitely henutitul thing, and we are told It In superintives And then we are further Informed that | the mast feminine, sxquisiisly beautiful and lusurious,. fashions of wll wre found In the evening mane his In nat, of sours, sur (] prising, far fashion has siways akan her greatest Jherties with | Lhe evening feaek, Incorporating In It many tmes the themes that she hopes will hesomes, In ananther Eanan or twa, & part. af the gen | eral made Kvening permits the use af delicate colors and salt ms terial, slubharation through detall further, elnharation through the vse of scesssaries specially And the present evening made per mits you ta he regal, Fuffied, sim- | ple, sophisticated, whatever yau are hout Nited ta he The Beaded Frock Probably yaw have nat forgotten the savers! seasons when the head wid frock was the most lmparant In evening fashions, and a Yery lavely Item, ton. War a while now we have heard Hittle of It, and many have assumed that It would would he pevived, Ons can never wunime anything In this waman's headed gown, at this very mament, In praving. It is heek, hut with real difference It In net the all-aver headed frack that ls being aWercd, hut a more saphistionted afalr that uses heads more sparingly, bul with gawn fram the atelier of a French designer 1a eavered solidly with palliating-- probably tha inevitable exeoption that makes the rule We had the advances agent af this fashion during tha winter when formal afternoon frocks nesd head ar enllars Twa Distinct Types Thera 1s a general demand for twin types of evening frock, the ane In which we may danse and ie one that In a really farmal model, The farmer will ha even af ham and reach nearly to the fair, hut not quite, and the latter will, prabably, ga full length and hanst a train, Hut o froek that Is tenined will paver he sean in & pos: faurant or al the theates, pon 0 sane, on the danes foes... {1 means place, in the events as well an the daytime mode | Mr Invely eaples | mer In a very gensral way ihe for mal freck, no matter what hour of the Inte KILernaan or BYERINE WE WERE IL, is 0 "Himeausine' fashion Thees Is uw return, vou knaw, tn the rend things of lusury, and prs | Blue Jewels ure again In the meds far those and fur whn hase may afford them Who may nat thera well within reach wl the slim packethonk Hut fur and slik and laces and salting ther INURE be, and with them gn Jewel renl or synthetie Corinin Materials Favor Far WHFIOE and 'sarily sun the laces, chiffuns and feorgution are mast impariant With tulle and net pepresenied, Unuslly In cambination wit same ather one of the materials You will see, ten, an eecasionsl. crepe ur satin, Far the new frocks that talinn thelr (pepiration from an elent Gipencw, the Ump fabrics must he vaed, and there must he as Hitle welght an possible, for these firecian folds can easly ume up fram ten ta Nfteen yards The decalletage Is very low In back, but net sn daring In frant, rising fairly high, Pringe Is hack AERIR, APPSAFINE OR mame lovely madels, and the svening mode Ia An Interestings thing af heleros capes, ruffes, tucks, Aeunees and haws, Hametimes the tight hadiee in Jalned ta the skirt hy & perky valanes, and (hers ape various treatments at this partion of the slihauetie Hyening wraps are Auite as Interesting as the frocks they aecampany . The Short Evening Wrap There In nothing an aNeotive with ane af the lang, tralling skirts AR A shart evening wrap, It may he na mare than waist length, ar It may he half way down the hips ar well dawn aver the hips, hut pe 1onger. Bueh a weap may ond In a Peplum, ar It may NL Hghtly at the hips, and the sleaves will ha part Of & CARS AF A PeRUInr sleeve, The hast 1kad material for a wean of this mart is velval, and the more lusurious models are trimmed with fur If you ean afford a wrap with AVAFY evening frock, then that Is the smartest (hing fn da, But If Fou eannat, than hiack transpar Ant velvet 1s a wise choles, Far the waman whe la nat slim thers Ara lonker wraps, sama of them PeRching half way down the akin AF there may he a caps wrap that AAMes nearly ta the fase One model, shart In frant and long In haek; is afared far this PUPPASS And It Is teimmad Iavishly with very fufy fax fur hile Wray J HE very heart af all fashion theas days Is calor, Wheth er {the olathes, the house ar the Ingldentals af fe, the oheary Influence of height ealars in In svidence And the hause wife foals iis Influence In the ane ream where {1 is mast needed, the Kitehen, and gives thought tn the setting In whieh she is ta work ™he tpansition fram the allswhite Kitehen tn the colorful ane has heen gradual, hy way of the vary hued walls and tanes of grey Hame one disenversd that all white was tirasama and the cream and vam tones weeps softer and mare restful, and It was then anly A step AF twa tn the yellows and greens and rads that naw doamin ate the madearn kitohan and all af [Pion Color In The Kitchen Its aguipment The necessary pleess af furniture and uiensils af All sorta same In fashionable eal: ars, an Lhat It 1s possible tn make this rapm a bright and cheery Plans, mueh sasier to wark in than the aldstime, all-white ream But 10 is passihie tn go tn 3s tremens. With every manufacturer af kltehen equipment ropagnising the value af calor, ane may autfi this warkshap antively In a pee fevead shade, A kitehen that sar aul A Wray and red anlar soheama oan easily averdo the red Althaugh when It (x used As an ae aent, It ean he very lovely, Gray walla ahave a gray and hiaek tile a linalaum that shows a rad matif in a gray tle pattarn, these are foundations well chasen Color in the kitehen should he used as an accent against a new: tral hackeround The Kitehen utenslls maw he red hut the rafeigeratar and save should keep tn the saft, restful BPAY, far it Is sure to "wear het Wr than a heighter ealar Gipsy Pots and pans; red handles ARRAN and knives and a taueh red In the aaver an the gray stool adder, this would he suMelent for the hausewife wha must 'live with It, day In and day aut Mhaary AUrtaing may hava a mati? in pad hut the height hus must he aver shadawad hy the neutral Yollaw and wreen and hlack ara aalara that farm an affective am hination Ting of the yellow With molding and hasahoards of Plack; a His:pattapned linalaum In hlaek and wallow; surtalng that shaw yallaw and hinek and groan In the pattern; here is the softness that gone tn make green utensils And ather accassarion really lovely Mix vour ealapw skilfully, ramem hearing that there mar nat ha tan much af tha height colors, If the affect Is ta he WAN THEFROCK OF THE WEEK I in an ensemble afale and rpifea the thought that goes inte the aplginal models yvam, Whish fashions spring. 14 a Ane af the fracks that answers We purposes, being equally WaNARIe far aflarnnen avaning: The waterial a a printed ehiffon in delectable anes af green and yellow, the dealgn a hlurey, indefniw Ane that 1a partionlarly afeats 198, 11 1s made aver (we slips, ane af the ehiffan and ane of AK, and With 14 gees & metal alath font (hat repeats (he donlgn af the free Thin fashion of (win WI he vary much In avidense hin summon a lagieal reswis of the vague for printed fabs Moa and far the neko fraek, T400 A hoaen 10 the woman wha Must aeanamise, far she will HAVE many wees fn tracks (hat Are double type, Answam AE ether af twa puThoses quAlly well, nn AS

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