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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jul 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1930 Bouwmanuille Daily Times | iptions will be received at News, advertising and subseri Miss ol ing I Misi M Lorathy Ally, k Rowland, (indys Bowmunville Newenstle | I, Cobbledigk, Orono; vellie Snowden, Maple Grove ha Tamblyn, Orone, Cut lawn in summer; keep down ol weeds, Keep grounds in glean eondBion Bhovel snow In winler, Clean ground floor windows when ri quired Onee agoin ther Is hrought to Bow minville the pick of the world's ens teptuiners and speakers who. will ut papular ices provide Bowmanville h ite best series of entertainment in the yen Rheumatism23Yrs ANNEXATION BY Discovers Way to U5, 15 FEARED Literim Besond ClassseMise Mir winerite Armstrong, Bowmanville | Kenneth Jd Wenry, Rulon. CIVIC JANITOR ~~ T0 HAVE NUMEROUS TASKS T0 PERFORM Appointment ont Will Be Made at Next Meeting of Coun. cil on Augyst Bth the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street, Telephones=Offico~=087 House=131, Bowmanvill Repressnistiveunll Herbert Mostiosh Tonight, the first night "Broken Dishes" the outstanding comedy will he presented, The story is a singy wrly human one and 1s woven around the loveable character of Pa Bum stead, The play sparkles with bghter as Pi Bumstead, the meek, emilntes the turning worm, to his Own surprise and the consternation ol the Mumstead family, There iy # delightful love story in this "paling comedy, Broken Dishes will from nied hy the Martyn hr Players lenturing Robert W, Straus, noted Shikespearean setor in the role of Pa Bunmtead Vor w splendid entertainment citi nn shoul endeavour to he present ut the Big Tent tonight for this presentation, Tomorrow alternson Dr, Owen Rowe O'Neil brings to Chautauqua Mike isos repuirs. oe Alarm Bystom Charge Datteries onee un week, und Inspect dally; Inspect syste me required hinge and Install alarm when required Pump Hous Cut lawn keep Bb weeds shovel snow Fire Hall After avery hye Druin hose, hing up ta dry, ve-lond on truck, Inspect hose for defects, Keep hall lean, Lanrks after fives in cold weuther FORMER RECTOR ST. JOHN'S CHURCH DIES IN MEAFORD Rev, R, Seaborn Succumbs at Summer Home After Long Uiness Wighard Beahorn mer rector dV Bio John's Chareh Bowmmnville, and for the past IH ears rector of bt, Cyprian's Chureh, iy died at his summer home wt Meaford on July 15th, Although My Beahorn had heen il for the past two years his death enme we un shoek un he wis believed to have heen mk ing rapid progress toward recovery Death ovenrred at his summer hone where he went shout a week ag Fhe family home 1s at B4 Follis Aye Forento. Mr, Beaborn 1s survived b fiw wife, formerly Muriel Ried, | daughter of Br, LL, HH, Ried of Bow wanville, wid two daughters und five || all of whom are hving at home | | Danghters ave Kathleen and Jean and sons wre John, Robert, Charle I dward and Clade Attended hy numero i many of his old parishioners, th funeral of the late Rey, Richard wn took pli esterday from prion's Chureh, Manning Ave ho Times In the Cowan Banish all Pain Called Incurable Till She Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES" "Had rheumatism for 44 a, Hopi tals weld insurable, Was In hed when | took 'Frull-n-tlyes', They have done won ders, Can do my work and no mors pain ==Mrs, A, N.Vield, Wyn yard, Bask, Just one of thousands who wey rheumatism, neuraigls, neurit fly away quick with "Prult-s tives', Chronle constipation nil iver troubles end overnight, Had stomach, biliousness, indigest) hearthurn, gas varnish like magi Kidney Ag bladder lls, pain in back mo In hurry, Nerves quiel sound sleep wi ones, Ten of nature's greatest reme- Alon pombined In handy Jittle tah Int, Mavvalous discovery of thins fue Canadian doctor, Speedy ra: wilt Got "Frult-n-tives'" from drug pint today, Heep Nne, wake great ps hls entriordingry lecture "Adventures In Bwaglhand" a tale wy vivid and theilhing as wny found in the Arabinn Nights, yet uw true story of his own remALkAL | experiences In the heart of Bouth Afrien, Dr. O'Neil wis barn In Africa to which hls ances tors had come from Ireland several generations ago. His secount of ox: periences wmong the saviges hy whom he was given the title of the "White King of Bwagiland" are not only uncommonly entertaining hat pint w vivid picture of the African weene, Preeseding Dy, (VNeil's legs ture the Metropolitan Singers will appear In concert (c ontinned "trom Page 1) of the Hwwallan Ixlends, which pre duced aves quantities of sigs cane, The United Giates had raised he tariff Wigher and higher agains this Import, snd Hawsll hesame prt of the United Blates, But, the Conservative ehiefinin contin: ad Lhe most serious thing of sll Auring the King Administration was the lows of oup popitlatioy wih aeonomie lows of 1,800,000 men, women und children, Migration to United Sintey "Phe dows of 1,460,000 of our people, My, Bennet, declared, "is Lon great uw priea foy haying Mr, King nn Prime. Minister for eight yours, "The loss Lo Cannde through the exodus was a matter of billions of dollars, the Opposition 1eadey whine Declaring that the Conservative Party was vesponsible tor the Cane dian National Rallways system Mr, Bonnell strongly eritiotund "hackdoor cRnynnses," He pros coeded; Backdoor canvesses are helng made among employees that they will loss thelr pensions or lose thelr train passes If (hey vole (op the Conservative Party "Any effort to dag the Cansdian Nutlonnl Hallway nyuiem into pall Hew," he eontinued, "is hurting you and the system, Let us keep 11 out of polities,' Loses tion, Por the next Ave days the Chantaugun tent will be on the ball vounds ko the next game will likely Ww played when everyone In anxlonse ly awaiting the news of the election n- Durham county: NEWS ABOUT TOWN | N Lose Grandehild Me, and Mrs, Thomas Perey were bereaved this fi week when thelr only grandehild, Shirley Wheaton Perey, only davihier of Harley W, Perey, deputy eity auditor of Toron- to sweeumbed (0 spinal meningiis, The funeral took ri on Tuesday wlternoon from the home at 286 Glen . Lake Avenue to Park Lawn Cemer tery, Tennis Tomorrow Whithy Tennis Club will make the trip to Bowmanville tomarrew alter noon to play the local elub In a scheduled Tengue tournament of the Intermediate section of the Centyal Ontario Tennis League, Ladies doubles, mixed doubles, men's singles, und men's doubles will be played in the eourse of the tournament NORMAL SCHOOL, RESULTS Bowmanville Ks Behool pupils Interim Flest Class Certificates It now looks as i the dream of # generation and the suggestion of many a councillor to hive u permun ent munigipul Janitor to look after the town hall and other elvie prope ty, will be realized, At the last meeting of council the Public Fro perty Committee win nuthoriged to advertise for a Janitor, Fram the duties prescribed for the position, the suecensiul applicant, if he fulfils all the requirements, will he buster than went on i tin roof or a enesarmed piper hunger with the iteh, It's Just a question If the man who gets this mueh coveted Joh Is deserving of on Patulations or sympathy, As # publle servant he Is hound to he op en to erlticlsm no matter how eap able and faithful he perform his multifarious tanks For the henefit of all concerned wou will he interested in reading the offielal duties of Bowmanville's first permanent elvie janitor which wre a follows | Town Hall y Sweep floors and dust ledges In hall witys dally Sweep and weekly, Wish floor of Thea sweep Counell Chambe uae! ust Coyne used Sweep Auditoriym alter being us ell Dust Auditorium hefore being used Keep basement and jail in clean and | 5, sanitary eondition Poronto, of which he wis rector fer Maintain ull necessary fire IN yer I'he officiating eleegy wera | it . Ing Ven, Archdeacon Warren, Rey, HL Po Tuesda Charters, vectors Canon WW. 1, | Williwm Hooks, empl new Weed anil A) ter Hoen! institution, wa Honorary palit Chief Quantrill driving his Canon Hart high rite of speed, as fast as 50 miles { Vipond, | wn riled, The speed ur heing rei Land A, J reduced | g hoe of $500 and member I Chshawn Tea HOH Were { Nil | Margaret Ireland, Go Rodmill, l ) Vila ied by Constable Thoma Ha | Annan i eit wi in | hy vithout the negessi) i $5.00 und cost A ---------------------- The Whitby Daily Times Whithy Branch of ee, at Gagette and Chronicle, ~Telophone 33. After Business Hours--~Fhone 359, REFRESENTATIVEw-/AMES H, ORMISTON FINES LEVIED ON LAW OFFENDERS Local Police Have Several Cases Before the Magis trate No Bofthall Capey Martyn informed The Times that there would not likely he any 1ofthall nll 4 after the Honor ales # wy ao) 3 CANAD ROC AND TH PACIFIC © COAST # fo un The Key uw number of well directed hits, which vent for runs, A féature of hi Hine with the stirling pitehing by Chilford (Tuffy) Mayne Whithy's Gye old meaundsman, wha fanned out no less than 4 of the Bells' stalwart willow wietders, He wis ahly assist wl hy Baker, Whithy catcher, who conched Mayne in a cunnmg manner Wye, Heard und Northern helded ex collently, Northern making a wonder fal enech of uw aw ast fly (with men on buses) retiring the side, und wis given a good hand Quite uw number of fans attended the gume from Whithy, and were well plewsed with the game, und es peciutly eheerful, when Whithy turn eld now why \ Hume Funners va July ddtn WHITBY TORIES EAGER FOR BATTLE Campaign Workers in Rid ing Met in Whitby Last Night Machinery Repairing NOTHING P00 LAKIB NOTHING 100 SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 16) King 8, W, Phone 1814 ert Watch Re pu lui King 4 ORE Be, "What te your verdiet?" sald the alevk of the court to the foreman of nn Irish Jury "My Lord," was the reply, find the man who stole the not guilty His horse Neveral cases of Infractions of the in owhieh charges hive been laid Chie Quanteill snd night Con thle John The have heen di vl ot hy the magistrate Arthur Winterton, ol pleked up an street on the eamplaing of little girls, wan charged with diy orderly condger and hned BRO and costs hy: Magistrate Willis Helen Greever, a Toronto woman, charged with driving without a per fined $1.00 ind cost dust all offices twlee THE DRUGGISY | FOR SERVICE PHONE 378, NEXT THE POSY OFFI once a weel ter heing will h Thursda worth seeing Liahiidye Wihithy en I Chamber hefore helng ilorg huild Canon 4 CLIMAX BUG KILLER 20 Ib, Bag, 80c 10 Ib, Bag, B0c Small Package 25¢ Death to Potato Bugs y ET BINDER TWINE BRANTFORD 680 ft, 600 ft, Large and Small Balls HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED bret NET Canon Heddle A: Va Reid a1 r i Win ROYAL YORK Orange Pekoe In effect May 16th, from Oshawa To Vancouver, Victoria, Neattle, Parts land and veturn \ LIRR RL) Ranft and return, reached only via Canadian Pacifie 00,10 In effect June Int Linke Louise and vetum, reached only vin Canadian Pacifle | LUT RUT Return Limit October Hist, Ntopsoyer allowed, with | Hight, | [I pect LI | ( J + fine workers in Ontario wre perfecting their thd fortheoming have thelr political house thopoughly In order and are PRESENT FIRST MAPLE LEAFS WIN [iment te oe ev tov COMEDY TONIGHT! ELEVENTH GAME Chamber in Whithy all of the work crn of the riding, ineluding the eh man of the various divisions, held Boulton Bieber by Marin Ir Defent Bell Tel, Co. 12 to . win er. ig in a South Ont, League § ten | Fixture conference when a numher of mat Chamtaugqua opens in the hig ten ters were discussed relative to the on the Public Schaal grounds tonight | anservalive a Jovan 28¢ |. nt wha save his name a] | nea AEE Wi PIOKs Lup on the Meet | raderyl Ridin for be tui in He wis reminded tor { Geeanization inyestigantio Fhey ~ pol Superior viection Lot us areange your (tinerary, Musteated dterature will wm wladly furnished hy M, R, JOHNSON Clty Tieket Agent, sd King Mt, Kast, Oshawa CANADIAN PACIFIC pos election I'he candidate, Dr, 10K, Kalser, wis un hand, and addressed the meet ing: There was much enthusiasm in videnes EXPLANATION (Hamilton Bpeetator) A Btratfard Judge, oounsel In a onne al Harnie, says nobody can tell him what constitutes parking Why, Judge, tut, tut, Parking inn Are plug completely surrounds od hy automobiles, WHAT'S YOUR MILEAGE? Your speedometer talks and warns you to lubricate your car according to mileage piston snl which gives maximum compression and power = greater security and economy of operation more ilsage fam from gasoline == less dilution an == loss carbon trouble--less wear e- lower repair bills, resulting in increased pleasure and satisfaction in driving, Tell your nearest OPALINE dealer your sp oter reading, He will fill your crankcase with the correct grade of SINCLAIR OPALINE MO. ---- Last evening Whithy Maple Leafs fthall team added another game to} their line of victorie when they | | defeated the Well Telephone team : Oshawa, at Alexandra Park, in» SATURDAY | IS FEATURE DAY and CLEARING |} TELLS ALLOF HER OF ODDMENTS | FRIENDS ABOUT IT -- - | a A IY, DD 84 Chueh St, Phone 203 teams fielded hridlhantly, \Whithy showed ow decided edge at the hat, over though the Hell pitcher turned Fhe Whitthy hays did some clever hunting and keen slugging, and hoth "I oexpeated great things of Hay gon and {1 has not disappointed me For months | had been In a ter vibly rundown condition, tired and ON SALE 10 AM, SATURDAY 300 Yards of Printed Volles and $100. 10 ao. Specs pd. SOC Girls Dimity Bloomers, all colors, slnes up to 16 years 10 10 a.m, Special per garment C ! 20 only, Krinkle Bed fired, gold, green, rose and blue, 72 x 90 98 c : 10 am. Special, each | ON SALE 2 P.M. SATURDAY a8 Only, Boys' Wash Suits pe 4 10 N yoawm 3 5 2 pw, Special, each | | C ON SALE ON SALE 3 P.M, SATURDAY Ladies Hand Bags, pouch and une der arm styles, value up to * 49 $1.08, 3 P.M, Special . C Ladies' Silk Gloves, grey and sand shades, regular 79¢ 45 3 pom, Speciat, per pair C 80 only, Ladies' Lace Trim and Applique Silk Bloomers and French Panties 45 c 3 pom, Special, per garment ON SALE 9 AM, SATURDAY 60 only Pure Linen Tobe Cloths Rose Colored Border, 89 c 52" = 70", ® am a 19¢ Rag Mats, Hit and Miss Design 24" x 48", 9 a.m. Special each 70 Only Girla' Print Dresses, Sines 2 to 14 Youn 65 c ON SALE 8 P.M, ® am: Specal 15¢ SATURDAY 65¢ The mileage on your speedometer ins dicates the degree of wear there is in your engine, As you travel hum dreds and thousands of miles, the pis tons begin to lose their snug fit i the cylinders, As the pistons speed up and down between the cylinder walls the apace between the two wears large, The cylinders in a new car call for a lighter oil but, as wear increases through mileage, the oil muat be ine creased in body. TOR OIL, He will give you not Jt That is the way to increase constant: good oil, but precision in lubrication. SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL DISTRIBUTORS X.8. Power Gasoline and Motor O11 Co. LIMITED District Manager, Bowmanville CLLLRRRRLLL EERE) MRE, NM. RORKRTARON disposed alt the time TY Was sihieot ta severe headaches, Theve WAR A neuritie condition in wy shoulder and arm, and constipation had sueh & hold on me that | de veloped hamarrholds, Hix hotties of Hargon drove the paine out of my hody, | sleep hotter than I have in years and have a wonderful feel Ing of strength and energy, I'm telling all my friends about Sargon, "Sargon Pills have given me auoh wonderful vellef fram eons stipation that T don't notice the homorrhotdal trouble ke. 1 Ald, and Um enjoying splendid health In every way Us=Mgh, M, Robert son, 1h Allee 8 Hamilton, Ont, BATEON may he abtained in Osh, awa from Karn's Drug Stare JA 300 yards of Prints and Ging: hams, ® a.m, Special, per yard 88 aly, Ladies Lace Trim Silk Slips 2 pan a tarts 15¢ 8 pan, Special, each | 19 ONLY LADIES' COATS $ ONLY LADIES ALL DAY SATURDAY Tt Fr Abd ob Fabio and well No Phone W.A.DEWLAND LTD. Orders Please 1a h only. a Bath h Tuwels White ~ with "wh hbo Aba ORTISRRRRLRLRREEITY SUITS $4.95 These regular! AVA AY YAY Simcoe St, North Phone 14 ART COLE a we ------ Nh),

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