THE OSHAWA DAILY .IMES, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1930 PAGE 'THREE McLaughlin-Buick To Build New Eight-Cylinder Motor Car Toronto Board of Control Bus Tax Decision Has No Effect Here Says Mayor -- Viayor Mitchell Says Torn to Only Protecting Their Own Interests -- Wants Business to Come to City OSHAWA FOLLOWED TORONTO EXAMPLE Local Dispute In Hands of | Chief of Police--Hoped That Settlement Will Be Effeoted Shortly Commenting his (he articles appearing recently in The Times stating that the Board nf Control of the City of Tovonto; hy a volte of three tn two would place hefors the City eounell of Norvonto a motion for the rescind ing of the hylaw vecently passed placing a (Ax on husses operating In and out of that oily Mayor Mitehell stated that If Teronin does rescind this tax there is a chance that (the matter would ARAN he hrought up in the Osh: AWA council" OF eoniree", "It Tavonto can tory reason why tha (ax should he rescinded It might have soma hearing in Oshawa but It ls my helief that If Toronto rescinds the bylaw it will only he to protec! thelr awn Interests, ~The reason for the aetlen of the Toronto Board of Control appears to ba that they are figuring that hy (ax: Ing the busses entering the eity of Toronto they are Iaking business Away from thelr awn elty, This however would have no direct of fact an Oshawa As we Are an en tiraly separate community making our own hylaws without respect to those made hy aur neighboring oly," Thea mayor admitted however that It was the example set hy the city of Toronto which prompted the Oshawa ecounell to Impose this tax aver which considerahla feal: Ing has resulted hetween the elty and Alderman Garton of Bowman ville proprietor of (he Carton Coach Lines, Asked If there was Anyihing further te report regarding: the Mtuation with the huss company Mayor Mitehell stated that he did not know as the matter had heen 16ft in the hands of the pollve Who were now negotiating wu sel tiament, Mr, Garton who has heen Away in Ni, Thomas during the pant few days owing 10 the sep oun 1liness nf his father has yee turned and it is expected that dup Ing the next few days he will mes Chief Friend when the matiep may be threshed out, When The Times called (ha Chief of Police on the telephone this morning Chief Friend stated that as yet there had heen no set temant, "Negotiations are going ahead," he tiated, "and Mr. Garton and | Are endeavouring tn settle the malter wmleably," Card of Thanks Mes Moroes and family wish tn thank thelr many friends, rela: tives and nelghbors, the Canadian Order of Foresters and the Gen: eral Motors for thelr sympathy, help and beautiful floral tributes sxtended to them in thelr recent sad bereavement, (16a) Bald the mayor, show a satisfac In Memoriam WANNAMAKER == In. loving men: ary of Thelma Derneise, loving danghter of My, and Mra, Clay: ton Wannamaker, who died July 18, 1026, aged 6 years Bhe in asleep In Jesus, Hadly missed by ' mother, daddy, and hrother Hobby, (16a) AUCTION WALR=AT 101 WIN: roe Hireet BL Oshawa, having yeceived instructions te sell the entire household effects of the late Mes, Morris, consisting of the eon: tanta of an eleven room house, among whioh In a quantity of an tique walnut furniture and one fan, This fa a frat olan lot of urniture, fale Tuesaday, July 23, 1980, at 1 pom, sharp, Perma cash, Wo I Bulley, Auctioneer, 1A { . YONSERVATIVA MEETING FRI day night, July 18, Regent Theatre, Nir Arthur B. Morine, KO, GR, LD, expremier, Newfoundland. Conant Lo eons radio hroadoeast, 180) PATY RDAY NIGHT, JULY monster medting at Memoria Park, Premise G, Howard Fer WRN, (1a SATURDAY NIGHT AT CONRRIN vative Committee Roow, John MeNiohell, Toronto, and H, 4 morning on | Cobourg Defaults to Aarabs, Softball Game To Be Played Instead The announcement ap pearing elsewhers in this issue stating that the Aarabs would play Co bourg al Alexandrs Park to-morrow fn In error. I was learned late this morn ing that the Cobourg team have deflated the game in the Lakeshore series so there will be no hardball tomorrow, The smart Parts and Service team from the Intermediate Ilsague, however, are gning to play the Oshawa Bak: ery team In a solthall game at Alexandra Park at J p.m. This game will make the fans forget the Aarabs tilt, an it is going to ha an up and going game of hall, r---------------- MOTORIST GIVEN SEVEN DAYS REST Court Convicts Theos, Taylor on Drunken Driving Charge Tuylor was sentenced to seven days In Jal] when he was found sullty of being into lested while In charge of a motor vehicle The charge was lald as the result of & motor weeldent al the corner of Ritson rond and King Ht on the evening of June 20th last Two acers of the Police swore on the stand that the geens of was intoxieated and not ahle tn walk straight In reply Taylor sald that he had an Inflembey thine prevented him from walking as he should, In vegard to helng Intex! ited the necused sald that he had had a drink before dinner that day but that was six hours hefore (he aceident, The acoldent was caused hy the deiver of the other oar mak INE A Wrong turn in front of him nid Taylor Magistrate Wills tenes, sald that there (RANAR In helieva the sald that the accused was (ntoxl cated and as a man eannet ell when ha 18 Intoxicated, he could not do anything hat find (he an cused gullly WHITBY FARMER 1S FIELDMAN POTATO GROWERS ASSOC. C. F. Broughton, B.S.A.; Ap- pointed for Three Counties Fhomus fore pRssing Wis pyvery oMoers who LLL €. FF, Breughton, DEA, well known farmer, of Whithy, has ve rently heen appointed Fieldman for those hranches of the Central Ontarle Potate Grower Asseela tion sltuated in York, Ontario and Durham eounties Potato growers in thess oounties have became interested in the work of the €, O, I, 6, A, within the last year, and hranches of the As snclation have heen formed al Mount Albert, in York County, Ux bheidge, Bephyr and Goodwood in Ontavie County, and Pontypool in Durham County A remarkable improvement in the reception of tha Ontario potas to on the home market has heen evidenced since the formation of the Potato Orowers Association, and the apointment hy the Depart ment of Agvieulture of Aeldman to supervise seeding and culture on erations in connection with pola to growing in thin sector of the provines, Formerly, potato grew ora in Central Ontario faund 1 dit fleult: ta compete with the Prince Raward Island and New Rrunswiek polatoes With this fact tn mind, the Assn olation vealland the importance of eatablinhing a standard brand of potato, with uniform exeellance for enoking or Keeping purposes, Aes cordingly, the Central Ontarie, WEPY Dooley came into existence and in A short time has won Ha WAY Inte the heavis and affections of the petate loving publie, 1a Auch #n extent that dealers ean: Aol get enonth TP Doaleyva ta sal. isfy the demand, At the reesant meeting in Allis ton, confidence was expreased that the T. PB hrand will prove move popular this season, Repreasntas tivea were present from branches in Dufferin, Peel, North York, On trio Durham and Rlmoeoe Counties "It ven will TT orowds ana terrified animals you will learn a great deal of polities from thew, Foster, Labor Leader of Hamil on (ide) welloorge Bernard Shaw, REGIMENTAL BAND WILL RENDER FINE Popular Musical Organiza. tion Will Be Heard at Alexandra Park A program featured hy the pelestion "Geme of Wales will he rendered by the Band of the Ohtario egiment in Alexandra Park this evening under (he baton of Bandmaster Tf, Dempsoy, The weore of this selection has heen ppociully arranged hy Mr. Wm, Lamberi, one of the handmen, who will give a pleolo solo preceeding the selection, The cornel sols "A Dream'. hy J, C, Bartlet will he vendored hy #, Dempsey who in ile ways # prime favorite, Included on hy Goldman, Thess marches wer played by Goldman's Canadian Natlons) Exhibition tn Puronto asl. your and were kool two of the senson's most pupils compositions I'he program will be ns The Muple Loaf March Conway, (i Overture="the Wanderer, King Vitlee le) Larne Hartel Daseriptive A Hull hop, 4 W. Holmes Mareh= Young Ameria mun Fox ile Ma Moolo solo lead Haleotion odfrey Beene Wms, Lambert Miareh==0n the Mall Haghmentul March Hod Have the Wing MUSIC STUDENTS ARE SUCCESSFUL the follows Hwanloy K | In dweel Ovo, A Lat sly A Dream, J { non Chine told A Uoltage Var Ldttle Faith io rots (nl th) Hove a anary Polka, 1, © Gems of Wales, 1] Lanve's online tholdmun Joh Veo) from tudo male ATOM mid-ntimme I'n Fhe tullowing Miss WM, HN ore successful In the examinations conduvtod hy the ronte Conservatory of Mush ATC Mo Pine CFercher's Course) dossphine Thomas, Whit by, Tet class honours Intermediate Mia Bateman and Helen Morison, viasa honours equal Mildved Tohnston Pobinary Leralg honours lementury unours; dune Lake aire; Jack Bateman, Mobanghhin, honours wy, honours Introdueior ura; duckie Morgan He dubmston, honour Vortiten lKxaminntion A Tt a: Marjorie Heamish Fivel | st Honour Hdmondaon Ieln Ivey, 1s elas Lil elusy hon Nanours] Jenn len Allo Wand, hon honours Irene M hon ours Intermedint | terpoint, History Whithy, honors Harmony Form Lena mow, Ist olass honours Harmony Heatvien honours Counterpoint 181 elans honours Junior History, Counterpoint Uoorge Werry, Hampton, honours EXAM RESULTS AT NO. 12 DARLINGTON Report af H.8, No, 12, ton (Mhehell's Carnera), lxama, Names in order Hon = Honours, . Re mended de IV pon thon i, ald Ralson Be, HH te Jy IN Martin (hon, John dtainton, da Plerce dn HE te By NI tin, Gladys Martin LL PC HO Mary Murphy, Margaret Enudden, Karl 8nudden, Tod Maviin, Vera Fisher, I'reddie Martin, Lloyd Htainton (Ree) dig Hote Be HE Marion Halson (Hon), Niandey Martin (Hon), Dilek Nemis, Greta Thornton, Mike Nemia (Pete Hobe! promoted to By I] Jr Lote 8 Ls Ji Pr te ®y (Hon), Josie Kvelyn Langmaid Enudden, Regipners- Russel Martin, Rowen, Heaee Freilling Helen J. Lewis, teacher L. O. Gifford, Ex-M.P, To Be Cattle Judge at Saskatoon Exhibition Le 6 Gifford former MP, a leaving tosnight for saskatoon, Bank, where he will act as judae of the Aberdeen-Angun and Heres fore eattle at the annual Naskatoon Exhibition, whieh is ene of the Class A live stock shows of the western eirouit, Ay, Gifford was for apven years president of the Canadian Meveford Rreedera' Ans sociation and has on Many occas tons heen called upon to aot As a Judge at some of the higgest lve stock exhibitions in Canada ---------------- Diner-="Walter, ia thin ehicken soup?" Walters "Yeu, sip" 'Well, | ant find any LL I "Well, really, alr, you wouldn't expect to fad a horse n horse-red: Coun nae Harmony, Grant Ly tum Minaker 11a Latimer, Darling for June nf merit Recomm ta Ny, IV Harvey Hal Gordon Wilthuy, Ger Hil Harel May Gordon Fisher Piieadoan Nalson Nemin (How), tHon), Harold Lily ohioken Ih, would yout" CONCERT TONIGHT thé program also are two marches | Wand wt the | Large Number of Photographs Received But Many Subjects Have Not Been Touched Upon Entries Are Falling Off --| Amateur Photographers Have Neglected Dredge, Industrial Area, Level Crossing, Civie Buildings and New Fire Truck CONTEST CLOSES ON SEPTEMBER 18T Pictures Will Preserve to Posterity an Accurate Chronicle of City's Past--| $30 to be Given Away in Prizes After a rush which lasted during Iwo or threo days, entries for the Chamber of Commerce pletorind his tory contest have fallen off sharply | ehrvonieling | | | | | 1, Kilner | majority Marguerite | fina oportunities for pletorinlly the elity of Oshawa ne 10 18 In 1000 are in dan gor of heing missed sntirely Together with a lending business man of the ety The Times took paper and pencil this morning, snd In fnve minutes Hned up. Hyves wih Jit fur photographs whith would certuinly he of Interest tn Onhiwans of 1080. They are offer ad hore ws suggestions, and Indica tons of the type of pleturs which will stand # good chance of copping the $10 prive whieh is being offer od 1, Al und sovernl present time, one of hydraulic dradgos 1n the country 1s engaged fn digging out wu hurbour which is hound to live un henafoinl affact on Oxhawna's Ihe he CLL Lopory tendo and general prosperity tht dredes may simmers work A good snap of in aparation Inu week's ime have completed fies here, and depnried the Primrose aetunlly Wilh eartuinly titarvest those olf) gene of Oshinwn 20 years from now Whe Will owe a luvs pave of they prosperity to the harbour develop ment now taking place | Conservatives Forecast That | -- -.,e nN 2, Verhups & month from now, the old level crossing at the Cana dian National station will be dis appenring, and a modern subway tuking iis place, A pletorvial vecord of the present life gate and weteh man system will certainly be of In (even. n faw yonrs hence, when the lavel crossing will he but an anti Husted memory, 8, Inn fow weeks Lime, vols muy held In this city to decide whether new civic hulldings shall ie he put up to replace the present | Inadequate secommodation on Bim co Braet South, Whether the by In pauses or not, the present huild ings will probably disappeny in the | course of nh very faw yours, How | whout un pleture of the present | huitd in to be inehided In the pletorial history tn comparison with the new hulldings when they ar rive A, The Oshawn Vira Depariment hig recently made an important ad dition to Ha squipment fu the shape of w modorn-und fully equipped ind dey (truek. To date, no pleturs of it haw hes sntorad In the coutest Down at the harbour, the dredge Primrose |x ongnged In pumping sand on to the marsh land Lo the sist of the road, which | some, It In expected, will he the witon of busy fuitories A good photograph of the reclaimed land In the processgnf reclnmation will ha valuable from the histories) plundpoint when wu husy harbour with Industries Hining Its wharves und shoves, has sprung up at the lukashore The above HM panttons interesting themanlyes thought And on prises will he host photographs the pletoral history Addross all entries to the Cham her of Commerce, King Birest Kast Make sure that your name, the ap proximate date of the taking of the photograph, and the suhject of the pleture are on the hark onth photograph submitiad fh affered purely as numbér more of will prosent fow momenta mre ANY wiuhiseis with a 1900 880 the n eptember ut awarded for turned in four for Dr. Kaiser Will be Elected With an Increased Majority, With the election bul 16g days away, Ihe Conservative organisa ton of his viding 1s confident hat be, 1 will be suecossful al the the Conservative candidate, and will sean represent the of Ontarin In I'hey polls federal constituency the House of Paviiamen! Di, Kalker a and one prominent party the opinion will ha even Lonenile suhatanting oxlivessnd majority urganisel that hi [larger than tn the election of 1084 when he suoeeeded in defeating W H. Moore by ahout Koo votes Oshawa 1a considered hy the Conservatives to ha the deciding factor in this election, They ox pect thin eity to rol up » lares majoriy for thei candidate, claiming that thelr prediction In husad upon A thorough canvas of homes here, Thoy also anticipate A aubatantinl majority In Fast township due (0 the args vale Wiithy suburban When we started in this cam paign people told us that we didn't have a chenee,' one Conservative worker informed The Times, "Now nimost evearyons tells us that Dr IKniner fa going to win" Thin man sald. that he had visit ed almost avery part of the riding and had heen assured that the COnnervalive onus WAS EAIRInR strength In the townships: and rural contre of the riding "Nou ean talk an you he sald, "the farmers are Ahout the Importation nf Aoatand butter" The Conservatives conceda W HH, Moore, the Liberal candidate, no omajority in Plekering township, Whithy township, Reach township, and Meugor Island, They vogard Port Perry an doubtful whila they expect Whithy, Kast Whithy and Oshawa to favor Dr, Kaiser lke," nore New Stock Market Prices Marke. Nummary by Canadian Vrem Toronto and New York wiock Quotations Supplied by f Biggar and Urawford, Alger Bullding Ushawa | - WK, Mh Nenda Toronto Stock Exchange n---- High Ol 1TN in 11h 1% 1h % U1) 2 hy My i LR 1h L) 20% 138 i" 201 AY 13) (1 i ---- Niook nr. A IY Can, Ist Can, Ava Covkahutt Oty, Dry Dm. dies Aypaam Hr, Wal Int, Ut Int, Nk) Int, Pet, Ind, Aleh, Imp, ON Lob, "A" Ms. Hv, Me, Fei Mt. Pw Pr. Hy Shaw, 8, Nation Standard Mining Exchange Ey AD 180 LL) LL) LEE) s00 213 fon Close 1TH Low RR RH 1h] hs 20 120 2M 10% AY (2) [1] 1 {1 AH 180 AN fo (3h) $00 225 LILY any an LEE) LL) 1&0 is LI La LL 200 ann ans in 10 2 Abana Ajax Amulet Rig Mia Oh, Res, Da. Mas, Malean Holl, He, OI) Hy. Gold Hd ha TY 1 LEER LA AN adh 11h 108 - ey 2166 240 138 14h LEN] 115 108 a 21480 204A 106 14h LER 118 InN 8h, Grd Rd. Ma T™, Hi Ventures Wr, Hy, New York brcunge | High 140 Pr. 1} 0 LLY IRS i a SMA Ay a0 % 180 Low 194% 0% NNN a8 LAY (1 a LHATY LR LIL 180% 20% 10 a0 % 12 ATW Brook Am, Am, Am, Tel, Am Inter Anaconda Auten Ntron Rendix (v. Reth, Wiesel Ryors AM Can, Dry Can, a Un, Film Py 20 On Fm Co, 18% Cheysler 0 81% Col, Gan 114 Fox Fim iy ten, Ble IRR ten. Mot, 4b Gert, Novth, 83% Int, Tel, [ERM Kelvinator 18% Mi, Ward 3TH Nat, Cash TN Pl Rd, Coal 1TH Paramount 83% Ph Ne der, MON Radio .(,. 4 Radio Kih, 4 Simmons LRM BNL 13 Can wr, U.S, Rubber 24 NY NN US. Steal 1884 184% 188 y nf | RAILWAY CUT 15 BEING FILLED AT UNION CEMETERY Steam Shovel wd Neher of Teams Are at Work 06 Union Cemetery, which has long been the 1st resting place of oitizens of Oshawa and Whithy, in now heing improved through he filling of the old Toronto and Kastarn Rallway cul whieh divides the old part of the cametery fron the new section to the north A large steam shovel In busy wxeavating earth from the side of A low hill three dundred yards wast of the cemetery, while ten teams are hauling the 111 from the shovel to the cut, 11 would be difficult to onlenlnte the number of cubic yards of sarth which will he required to level up the sul bul with (en foamy And na steam shovel the work should he come plated In an. comparatively short Production On New Line Has Already Been Started At General Motors Plant Here Now Models Are Culmina- tion of Three Years Spent in Intensive Engineering Tests FURTHER DETAILS TO BE PUBLISHED SOON Announcement by R. 8. Me. Laughlin Is First Official Confirmation of Current ince. It in not generally ne- cepted an a holiday by the Rumors farmers, however, ws it . comes At A busy season dinotuncoment that Melaughline when advantage must be Bulek would snortly introduce o taken of every working complete tne of elght-cylinder hour 4 wutomoblles the public was mude today hy NI MelLaughlin Mayor Prodan Aug, 4th as Civic Holiday Monday, August 4th, has heen proclaimed civie holi- day for, Oshawa, by His Worship Mayor T. B, Mit chell, This day will be ob. served as a holiday by yractically every town and city throughout the prov: to time The Union Cemetary Is rogarded wh ane of the finest in Central On turio and has bean undergoing al most constant improvement during the past five years. The grounds are kept In splendid shape and the graves are well eared for In Heating respect and raversnce for the dead, An the orlginn) hoeame crowded, the naw section was opened to the north of (he rullway vightof-way which wus formerly the haundury nf the 'amaotery Thea closing of the ralirosd right«ofsway and the filling in of the cut marke another little shap tar in the Hfe of an electric ral) rond which was naver in actual operation, "The ralls have long heon torn up and the ties removed, only the rondbhed vomuining tn show the course which 1 followen from Torontn eastward In thi oly hurtin! grounds | (CONSERVATIVES [ys owned by Robert Orr murod at $5,000 AVOIDING ISSUES (Coantinuad from Page 1) | on the dominion ebtaining and ra taining the great British market Tha Wika baule ( The Conservative leader od Mr, King, wan avolding the || great tasun of the eampalgn,. Thin Was the hudget with (is provisions for widening the Nritish preference he budget wan not only the great inne of the campaign, he sald, but it wan also the reason why an elec tion had been called at thin time The government he told his Histon. | arn, eould have remained dn oes | for another year and a half, hut when the budget which he though! should have met with the support of Conservatives in parliament, he. came A target for thelr ridicule and opposition, the government had de termined to let the people decide the fasue, The decision was partien larly important in view of the pend ing Imperial sconomie eonference ta which Canada would send he IE Webb Mr, King charged that the Con pervatives had, for years past been trying te spread the dootrine that the Liheral Party was procAmers fonn, Kapeclally. had they endea vored 'to preach thin doctrine with raspent to him, he said, 1t wan ab solutely false, he sald, and the in troduction by hin government of a hudget which was strongly Rritish in fia sentiment, had left the Cons servative leaders at a loss, All thay could do was to east around for other things to talk about in an Permit Issued for Ukrainian volving a togal expenditure of 14+ nko SHENAE RB punt being constructed for J und Robart Orr are the major tema in the total 'hrainian (leorge Veleal, Mr the hullding wolf mn hous at 10K " Pedlar Mary Anperts jo ga00 w foo | Chart of Canadian Wan Unita in the field of letters, president of Genernl Motors of unndu, Limited Mi Malamughtin + declined WEEK'S BUILDING | i co TOTALS SH gg in Mis 1081, other than to shy that the now the culmination of some three yours of intensive ongineors Ink teste conducted hy Melaughs fo hilek and General Motors, Des title un to models and prices will be wnnounced fn a few days, Mr, Melaughlin snld Humorn that Hulek wus preparing in eight cylinder car have heen currant In the motor Industry for miny months, und Mr, Mclaugh« Ho's wunouncement today is the fest officiel confirmation Issued by the company's ehief sxecutive According to Information given to The Times today, production hus uirendy heen started at the Onhinwa plant of the General Mots ors of Cannda, Limited, on the new models CIM ure Presbyterian Church at $8, MelLanughline to Introduces Parmite tor gonstruction work in hy the eity department during the wook The now Ukrainian Presbyterian Church hn dwellings Nuhlovilnk have heen Issued he estimated cont of (he naw Church helng built by in glven an $5,000 Veten! 18 nino the designer of Vietor Peacock has the eon for hullding a dwelling on 140 Roxhorough wrest Cont In ent] Ww raet Joseph Harrison Is Convicted on Two Counts doseph Harrison 0 two charges in Ha" police court planded gully Magistrate Wil this morning, On the first charge that of driving a cir while In an lntoxlented condi ton, he drew a sentence of ten dave from the bench In default of pays ment of costs of (he charge ion more days will he ndded to the sen tenes, The second count that of obstructing an officer in the course OF Din duty draw a fine of $26 and CONN In default of costs in this oount three months imprisonment Will be added, The Crown asked tor lenfency on the grounds of Hare rison's good record for the last few YORrs hut warned that any other offenses would he dealt with te the full extent of the law, I'ater Herculk pleaded guilty (on being Intoxioated In a public place on Wednesday last, It was brought Out that ft was hin fourth offense, Hin Worship handed down a se; tence of three months In Jalil, him nt hullding Miacey nireat, I, Nahlovniak In cont of §3,400, Minor bullding lude tha bullding People, operations In of an garage hy Limited, at 011 street for George N,. Bnnws nt a cont of BRO; alterations tn onl sheds at KN Nloor streat eis! made hy W | Sargeant, moving a garage owned hy Nmith to K0' Emma street, jon, wing Army Color Patches Being Distributed A chart of grent interest to all Canadian exsuorvice men In being distributed through the "Canadian Defence Quarterly," published at the Woods Building, Ottawa, This Inn chart giving an exmnet repros duction, In colors, of the disting wishing shoulder patches which were warn hy the various Canas staring with the famous "Red Pateh" of the frst division, and running through all the other patches down to those of the foross which served in Niberia and North Rusala, These oharta, which arp belhg dintribyted at fifty conta oach, serve an A splendid souvenir of the war 10 those who sarved (n it, and a keen demand for them (as reported, BAND CONCERT ENJOYED The Oshawa Cltigens' Rand gave another delightful open alr concert at Alexandra Park Wed. nesday night, A large number wore In attendance and wmusio provided hy the hand waa thoroughly ens loyed, "he handamen are deserve ing of appreciation for thelr ef forts Al Capone recently gave a lawn party at his Florida estate for his young son, all the kids of the neighborhood being Invited, How that fellow does love a racket, Hamilton Hpeetator, Nit of a swanker «the postman who tells all hin friends he's a man effort to obroure the great Iasue of the campaign Home Market Inadequate "Our opponents are telling you a great deal about the home mar ket," anid Mr. King, "But It we had to depend on the home market to absarh our products we would be buried under them, The tariff hoard had made suggestions of many things that Canada could purchase from Rritain, (natead of from the United States, without in. fury to the consumer, The board had suggested certain ohangen whieh would direst Canada's trade In certain respects from Canada to the United States, And in this way 2200,000000 worth of purchasing power had bean changed over to the mother country, The widening of tha British pre. ference was already beginning to find ita reflection in Creat Rritaln, Mr, King asserted, Wheat was mov. ing more easily within the last few months, Dealing with the revord of the government, the Primes Minister declared that thera had not been A single ohavge of graft or cor ruption made against the governs ment during the entive campaign, EE Fo INNPROTED PUMPING SYSTEM The waterworks pumping sys tem which supplien the water fof the olty of Oshawa wan inspected recently by two representatives of the city of Kingston; City Engineer John Evans and Mr. Oscar Cherry, The inapection waa one of a sav fon which included as - well. the pumping units in operation in Tors onto, lL, Cobourg, Relleville, and Napanee, On the vesult of these inspections was based on a recom: mendation to tha Kingston elty council whdeh will involve the ex. peniture of $8,860 for new pump ing equipment of which $8,078 will ba gpent with Canadian Arms Dominion Election A MEETING IN Regent Theatre TONIGHT 8 O'CLOCK SHARP Broadcast From Sea to Sea Subject: "IMPERIAL CONFERENCES AND BRITISH PREFERENCE" Address by Sir Alfred B, Morine, K.C,, C. B., LL. B. (Ex-Premier of | Newfoundland) "SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 16th In Conservative Committee Rooms Jno. R, MacNicol, Toronto, and H. G, Feator, Labor Leader of Hamilton SATURDAY NIGHT, JULY 26th At Memorial Park Hon. G. Howard Ferguson i ---- a Interests 6f Candidature of Dr. T. E. Kaiser Dr. JAS. MOORE; A. C. HALL, President. Secretary.