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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jul 1930, p. 6

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PACE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1930 3 Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, and Mrs, John Rowe and: twe daughters spent the week-end in Lindsay, Venelon Valls and Cobo conk, Mr, Perey Mercer, Winnipeg und Mrs, 1, I, Holuheck, Brace Bridge were In town attending the funeral of thelr father, the late My Mercer Miss Bernice Bemis of Oshawa fs spending uw holiday with her sister at Barra City, Vermont Mrs. Bemis and son Vende of Osh AWR, Are visiting at Ciaesaren, Ont Mrs, Co MH, Millard and family. of fard's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Mos dridge, Galt, Ontario, Mrs, Vrank Spencer and son, Bochester, New York, wre: visiting with Mrs, Spencer's parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, Hopper, Koyal Street Miss Verna Sprung, Windsor, is in town visiting friends and relatives, Alive Bude Thorburn of Oshawa Is holidaying in Muskoka Mr, und Mrs, W, Fursey and My and Mrs, Gordon Bunker of this city are wt present on ga metor trip lo Cornwall and Montreal, Mrs, Roy Penfound of Lindsay Is In town this week visiting friends Congratulations are due Carman Hughes, 110 Rosedale Avenue, Osh Awi, on successfully passing Junior Planoforte, Counterpoint, Harmony and History examinations us met hy the Toronto Conservatory of Mush He obtained honors In all four sub Oshawa, ure visiting with Mrs, Mil A ----t er ---- jeels GIRL GUIDE FIRNT COMPANY The regular meeting wis held Monday evening, 'The attendance wis small as several the Guldes are on thelr holidays Elizabeth and Margaret Wallnee have left for New York State, 1hey expect to spend two montlis there All guides are asked to he at the meeting Monday evening 7.30 NECOND COMPANY Ruth Meare loft on 'Uhursduy for England, Her Captain, Mrs, Hieks and two of the Guides went down to see her off and wish her "hon voy age" for the rest of the compan Dera Sweet is In Gananoque for holiday and Ha Valleau is at Sturs ~ Keon Lake, So many of the Guides are away at different places that the REBEKAH LODGE ENTERTAININ | HONOR OF MEMBER Grand Warden Mrs. Disney 's Honored by Special Meeting Conhawa Rebekah Lodge, No 1LOOV, held a reception in henor of Sister M, Disney, und her recent ap ointment as Grand Warden of the Rebekah Assenibly of Ontario, There were present, Sister Violet Pearce of Tarento, Grand Secretary of the Re hekah Assembly Sis, M. Thomas af Lindsay, Past President; Sis. A, May Ralston of Terontn, Past President Heigadier General MH. \V, Ralston of Tarento, Department Commander of the Patrlareh Militant LOO, also Rrather Gordon Bunker of Oshawa, Grand Marshall af the Grand Lodge of Ontario and many other promin. ent members af the order I'he fel lowing sisters of Oshawa No, 1 mad the Guard of Honer Sisters R Peury, M, Smith," L: 'Degnerre, M Dyer, M, Hubble, 6, Flinteff, M Hapnah, E, Jex, 8, Rone, I, Branton, 0, Parfit. The following Past Grands of No, ) Ladge then mitodicer the apsembly Officers: Sister M, Shaw with Sister. M, Disney, Sister IE, NOTICE! "The Times" will publish re: porn of meetings of all We. men's Organizations in the community, Kindly addres such to Women's Page Ed. iter or Telephone ' Numwver 35, When writing remember to use only one side of paper, July Clearance Our Prices Are Right THE FASHION SHOPPE #4 Stmcoe Bt 8 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Nuncoe NB = We Deliver Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Batablished LANG '12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH NEWS « weekly meetings on Wednesday evenings have been small and more time given to individual requirements Now Is the chance (or some of those who have heen a little hehind in second class! Only twin week more to camp! Lvervone is getting so keen they can scarcely wall Neat Tae Health Dav, when the medical tests will he glven, There 1s uw regular form for this, sent out by headguar ters cand no other form ls able, Then the tent lenders are go Ing to have an afternoon, when thn will he shown to piteh uw hell tent in readiness for putting up thelr home on the ground when they urrive Later uw kit ton will take place to see that everyone ha the right equipment hi perl how Nafies vop M Holdsworth with Slater (oY Sister FV, Evans with Slater Rls ston, Sister I Wen ti \ Fhomas, Sister 15, Hastings with Hee ther MH, WW, Ralston, Sister BW. Mali with Brother Gi, Bunker Nee the visitors weleumed selected cholr of twelve sisters sang an appro priate selection, after the business of the evening was over presentations were made to Sisters Disney, Pearce, homas and Hrother Bunker, the chole singing un different selection tor each sister and the hrother, speeches were made by a great many of the vialtars, many of them complimenting the eholr on there singing, also the selections chosen for each, Sister.) Hannah who presided at the ulano was in charge of the ehole, Sister Flossie Moynes of Oshawa No Lodge presided at the reception, = Af ter the reception all retired to the dining hall where a delicious banque! wis served under the capable man agement of Sister Hastings and her committee, Sister AM, Disney presen ted Sister Ralston with a beautiful bouquet, The lodge room and dining hall was tastefully decorated with many heautiful flowers, This lodge will celebrate (ts 80th anniversary in the beginning of the year 1001 were LADIES' BIBLE CLASS HOLD ANNUAL PICNIC I'he Ladies Bible Class of the Cen tre St. United Church enjoved a de lightful plenic at Brookside Park, North Oshawa, Thursday afternonn Sixtysfive people assembled for the occasion and after rambling through the woods and by the stream, sat down to a supper which demonstrated the proficiency of the ladies in the culinary art, The heautiful natural surroundings and the splendid weather helped everyone present to do justice to the repast, Softhall and races were indulged in alter this, in the fine sports feld, The winners of the various events WOTre fms Children under gant, Tas, Kean, . Children under 10-=Marjory Aston, Donald Merris, Needle and Thread Race=1st Mes Viee, 1. Fletcher; Ind Mes, Samells, F, Ritling, Balloon Blowing-=1st Mis ence Baker; and Mex, Tordan 3 Legged Race==1st Mrs, Vico and Jack Fletcher; dnd Mildred Maris and Howard Viee; drd Mrs, K, Flot. cher and I, Riding, AAAS AR KKK KITCHEN % (CORNER HERR AKKANK CREAMED CARPOTS Three eups carrots, cubes or slices, d cup medina white sauce, Cook the carrots in boiling water, using as little ax possible, When the earrots are done there should he no water to throw away, Pour ever them the white sauce, heat and serve, v---- DELMONICO DESSERT One pkg lemon gelatin, 1 pim boiling water, 1 pint fresh strawher vies cut in halves; | eup shredded cocoanut and 1 cup whipped cream Dissolve gelatin in boiling water, Pow 14 of gelatin into a wold When slightly, thickened, press strawberries inte it. © Cover with cocoanut, Chill unt firm and re. pout until ingredients are all used Vhen frm serve with sweetened whipped cream hei ed Round hase of mold and studded with whole strawberries, Serve ain 6=Margaret Sar Flor. The Pythian Sisters of Ontario opened thelr Hession in Kt, Thomas aL 9 am, on Monday, July 14th, Bis, Myra Holtz G.C., presiding, The Wisters of Ontario were fortus nite in bavivg Bupreme Chief Bis, Addie Kemp, Adrian, Mich, pres wont at thelr Grand Convention, Much beget was derived by her presence, Ureetings were oxchnng od between Grand Lodge Kulghts of Pythias and Grand Temple Uys thinn Histers, Other distinguished Kuests honoriug the Grand session by thelr presence were Grand Chive Mrs, Mandeville and Grand Wenlor Mrs, McArdle of New York Mate, and Bupreme MHepresontative of Ohio State Mr, Pred K, Brumel, The Mayor of the City of Bt, Thomas with other oficial paid thelr re wpoots to the Grand Body of Py. thian Misters and extended to them # civic welcome, also presented Hupreme Chief Addie Kemp snd Grand Chief Myra Holte ench with a golden key to the city, Monday afternoon the BKesslon was adjourned snd the whole purty of Pythians took thelr departure for Port Hanley vin motor cars The program, arranged by recep tion committee, wan carried out, A ball gama in which many of the leading Vights in Pythianism pro vinelally and locally took part wus the first flem, 11 wan a gronl doal of fun for the participants spactators, A stroll slong the hoard walk wan followed by u banguet al the Cafeteria, This popular resort for dinners. was taxed to cupaelty hy the Pythians An slahorate meni wan served while an orehe tra rendered music, ©, A, Horton of Bt, Thomas, member of Huprems Board of Control, acted as tous master, He called on many upeaches which were very much en joyed, Later the Pythians visited the pavillon and enjoyed woveral hourfs of dancing, The Pythinns of BL Thomas deserve grant praise fo) the able manner In which they en tertalned thelr guests Tuesdny July 16th, was a very huny dny with tha Pythian Misters Among other business, nomination, ole tion and Installation of Mears took place, The following Grand OMcers wera installed hy Bupremd Chief Addie Kemp Adrian Mich, Junior Hupreme Representative Pearl Wi son, Fort William Ont, and Benior Nuprems Representative Marie Nehwartz Oshawa, Ont unt Grand Chief Myra Holts, Kitohenny Grand Cief Ada Gillard, Oshawn Grand Benlor Lucy Richmond, Ki William: Grand Junior Kya Cad wallader, London; Grand Mannger Hertha Lewis, Toronto; Orand Mis hours of dancing, The Pythian of tress 0 flecords and Correspon (rand Mistress of Finance Deuellla Barlow, Hamilton; Grand Prete tor Liswle Pearson, Hi. Thomas tirand Guard Clara Britton, Ham ieon; Geand Press Correspondent Bertha Thedorg, Hamilton; Three Past Grand Chiefs an Trustees Margaret Donner, Toronto, Pear) Wilson, Port Willtam, Mary Denne Hamilton Appointed Committees Law Committee rema Papresentative Nenloy Marie mi . wn DS. ,S-L the great Here's to Convention at St. Thom | nnd for | wantite Pythian Sisters Hold Annual as Above Is Miss Violet Meott London, England, who has ot te Toronto with the expressed shee of entering the Canndian tonal Exhibition 10-mile swim women this fall, not clulm any records, hut she full of confidence in her abl to make the Journey and win HOM London" a plece of the mo nward, Junior Hupp Pearl Wilgon, | Wupreme Neprox Winddor Committen wirte, Oshawa Hapresentative Willlum | Past tative Kdith Porter Au eridetle Viva Contdwallndo (8) Junior Lond Tudieinry Grand Chief ton Commitiee | Mary Dennis, Hn Oshawa Bisters fool highly Ada Gilly loon! | Lr ared In having Mis member of he Grand Chief of the chnriey ple, a Pythinn Haters of Ont | Winh her uw very Alter the afficors statled Into the various oes wantations of Nowers and gifts w | presented to the several offi [are Hohwarte hahinlf of | | | | | | Temple and the Heed year ware on taro Temple No. | Oshawa, | sented the newly installed (ly Chinf with a beautiful bhouguest red roses of the Marie Behwaris harself prosented His Indian Free plates, Mis nddress. Grand Chief His was very much surprised and plied In a fow of thay she wlan received the following grams, from the local Temple, fr Past Chiefs Jesnie Goyne and CHI and from Past Grand Pro tar Mahe! Digne®, alwo A hen ful gift from Mistery Arnold Meming of Nt Thamas Rapresontnt| Kthel Northey Oshin wna hread and | rend Gin toy Northey words of part session at HL Thomas weather wag cool during the « vention Iuenday, July pm. activities came to a close Onhawn Misters Delegation rea here on Wadnesday afternoon | hut happy. The next Conventing te take place tn Stratford, Onta fn July, 10M . v ¥ "here's to Canadian grain in its most delicious form! Made into Kellogg's Corn Flakes and enjoyed by more than 12,000,000 people every day. wholesome FLAKES "Wdhlwaye ovanfreah in the patented Miss Meott does wil pro Gillard with ant Chinf Ponrl Wallace, Oshawa, nleo alte 16th § oy of me os Nuns for OT lity for ney Ll] nnd in "ual nil dn am and ro in nr "rn on We and nf Filten Graham on hohalf ve and | vit the ard Ve 1] nln om Iva 1a uti and nd I'he on I'he hed red | rin, | | | | Weddings WHITE-~SMELLIFV At the home of My, und Mrs. Dun cin White, 305 8t, Klol avenue, Osh Lawn, yesterday the marriage of Annie Henderson, dunghter of My, wid Mr David Smellle of Glasgow, Scotland to Robert White, son of Mr Duncan White, Clasgow, Seo lund, took place ut 5.30 o'clock, I'he ceremony wis performed hy Mey Duncan Munro, The bride was given in marriage by Mr. Dun cin White, brother of the groom Mrs, Duncan White, Glasgow Soot She looked very ehurning im iw white georgette dress heavily embroidered with silver beads, un white net vell with cornet of orange blos soms falling over her shoulders, slip pers of silver brocade, and earrying in houguet of tea roves, The only jewelry worn by the bride wis o pear! neekliee and wu white gold wrist witeh, the gift of the 'groom, Mis Kvelyn McKay, Oshawa, as bride maid, wore # hecoming (rock of pin flat crepe, white mohalr hat with pink velvet trimming, and carried a houauet of sweetheart roses, baby's breath and murguarites, 'The two Iitthe flower girls, Edith White and Anes Melieide were both in frilled silk dre and carvled baskets of red huhy Mi, Frank Boyce, Osliwin, weted as best mun, In honor of the murrled couple My, und My White entertulned ufter the mon Among the guests were J, Alexander, Voronto, Mrs, Meliride family, My, and Mrs Lee, Harmon Mr, and My Fumes MeGregor, Mr wind Mrs, John Metiregor, Mr. and Mes, John Calli an, Mr, und Mi Wichard Callison Mr, and My Harry Boyvee, Mr, und Mi 1 Dunstall, Mi Fovelyn Mia Kv and Mr. Frank Boye, Oshawa What New York is Wearing Ti fone und Faronte, Fhe fomine fufuence Is apparent ull of | In a printed erope silk with fAared cup sleaves and bow necklace in the smart moulded silthou PIE Cp ------ atte with halted natural waistline The back in slim and straight Ciroular flared front of skirt pros vides interesting fulness, Styles No, 2473 comen in sles 16, 18 years, 88, 28, 40 and 42 ins chen buat, It's an excellent model for the attractive summer cottons, as print. od dimity, plaue prints, embroider. ed bhatiste and printed voile, lat silk orepe in akylark blue, dusty-pink shantung, coralsred line on and candy striped silk shiveing are attractive selections, Patten price 20 cents, Ba sure to All th sine of pattern, Address Pattern Department, The Summer Fashion Magarine In ready! It containe most Interesting styles for adults for town or vacation wear, Also darling styles for the kiddies, It in 10 cents A copy, No, 3473, Sie | [Wh n \i AL oa whe And ne \ And | oeould wee what in his face She But when the harbor twilight Without a My ticularly soak them in cold pain water for two or in the wool, and vou will find after wishing in soup fakes that the ga ments are beautifully like SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Be Ai TR These Are Great Days For BARGAINS July is the logical month for a general stock reducing campaign, opportunities to save here, and now, that never come your way in any other month in the whole year, But we cannot take space in our advertisements to tell you of them all, so we pick out one here and one there from different sections as fair examples of the bargains that are general throughout the store, Phone 982 There are 50 Dozen | Womens' . Firat Quality De Lustred SILK 10 ONLY WOOL FLANNEL BLAZERS Navy, Red and Copen, trimmed with White Cord or Braid, Sizes 12 to 20, Regular $4.50 to $0 July Sale $1.98 9b F A beautiful fitting | quality. that we have sold throughout the ar a "lead al B0¢, > : A Full Rack of Womens' and Misses' SILK DRESSES At $3.95 | On this rack values range up to $7.95 and included are pure silk crepes, nrisilks, and printed silks A complete new range of colors ready for Saturday se'ling Wh at the special price "49¢ PAIR Women's Corner STRANGE hendlund sneer sehoone PASSING wilkhed upon the With my fnend one in unknown stealing up thy foreign Cine hi Hght us moonshine dark fell between up the winlls Her hull | silence For wonder Wert Win wa night nl sight Wettie upon her quarter 0 Nag ut peak fore, tell her port of errand y Iriendly look she wore, tacked before us, lay to on the side, Waiting From one who should deci Oy order le of hell sounded, CVEr AR VOICE Tang oul, she heeled before the wind flaws Oh stood ap to come about a ship's N itis passing strange," 1 said, Ave, strange," sald he, PANS I did not like to see not ome to anchor the restless bar, dil \ NOP CPOSN Ha stir, Mashed out evening . hail at parting, any enlors shown, friend had gone aboard her For the Isles of the Unknown Bliss Carman (81 When washing new woollens=par Shetland jumpers=always three hours, This keeps the oil and lodk soft new When cleaning tennis shoes that Pantie Dresses Sizes 2 to 6 years, formerly sold ms are wanted in a hurry moisten the pipesclay or patent cleaner with methylated spirit. The shoes will dey in a few minutes Keep the electric lamps clean Fhey dull with use, and dirty lamps use the sime poy er but give less light than when clean ------ WITH TEA One of the very nicest things to serve With an afternoon tea, is wee biscuits an inch and. a half square Little Girls' Prin a special at 589¢c, 28 only to clear at VITAMIN STEW pound HERRON fine 16 ten One Rack of Womens' and Misses' Summer Dresses including Craysheens, Voiles and Prints, $3.95 Regular up to cabbage, 1 won of grite wether fi I'his change ere Iron Light, dainty frocks double the nced for this deodorizing N warm weather... when danger of offense is so much greater , , what a relief to know that Kotex completely deodorizes! What a re lief to forget old fears... to know there is no possibility of offense, 'But other reasons, too, make Kotex essential on warm days, Kotex is non-detectable. The cor. ners are rounded and tapered so no outline shows even under filmiest frocks, Kotex disposes like tissue Kotex stgys soft, cool Kotex is always light, cool, com. fortable, It never loses its softness, Ir simply cannot pack, It is so very absorbent that weight and bulk are unnecessary, Kotex Company of Canada, Limited, Toronto, Ont, protection KOTEX 1S SOFT, ,, 1 w= Not a deceptive softness, that soon packs into chafing hard. ness, But a delicate, lasting softness, 2 we Saft, secure... keeps your mind at ease 3 we Kotex filler is far lighter and cooler than cotton, yet absorbs 5 times as much, d In hospitals... Kotex is the identical material used by surgeons in Canada's leading hospitaly, Kotex=60c for 1 3=at any, drug, dry goods oF department store, Kotex Super-Sive«7%¢ fog 12 Made in Canada The New Sanitary Pad which deoderises VON LL Mur AR SOON Aw \ COVER "TWH MAN'S HEAD, WITH BAND By Russ Westove

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