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Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jul 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE, OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1930 dustrial importance, and it. had to throw ont of the window that which wits neither useful wor ernamental = only eunibersome, That attack falls ed. It was tolerantly smiled out ol the areni hen the tonservatives turned (0 the countervailings My, Bennett awe prestige to the attack upon them with withering sareasiy, nesert ng tht under them the Canadian trill was made at Washington And ugnin, It was the peaple who give the answer, 'They phigeled thelr Wewds' for a white and then asked why Washington should ineveunse die ties ngainst Hesell. And you simply could net get awhy from the answer When Mr. Danning eame east, and explimined that, under the counter viiling duties, eur fates were fixed against wit the world, and were al tered only hy 'the setion of coun tele whe insisted upon Wighey rates thn ones, the eountervallings were aecepted as a shrewd slroke of statesmunshin GD, Conant The much disonssed subject of Oshawa's harhour development of cupled tha attention of Mr, Gore don Conant, Neel kseakey of the eyening, feat make the statement with. oil fear of contradiction, thai what Oshawa has today fn (he wiy of harbour development, 14 dua nrgely to the good offices of Mr. W, 1, Moora,' he doclnred My Conant | reviewed | hriefly iho history of the delegation of oer) eltinens which walted on (he federal government and the Minis ter of Public Works In 102K, to wok for an appropriation for the development of Oshawa'n hathoar imiosphiece | faeiiition Wea had our brief Vif | thoroughly prepared, and affer 1s pregentation to the Ministery of Public Works, 1 hellove that wa flood un good chance Hevea when Dr, Kulser got ed and damned avery including the King Wo came home empty handed And sings then we haven't had the Dactar on any mors delegation ful wa owe to My help (he work that 18 now done Al the Oshawn havbou Mr. Cannan! introductory not speaking tha Chamber In a sirietly LIBERAL RALLY IN REGENT THEATRE (Continued from Page 1) tlons in Western Ontario or in other portions of Canada, bint | do linow that in this hitherto solid VYory hileel that extends from thie Forum's east 10 Stormont, people are suvig i Is time for i change Central On tale ini no fonger he silent at Ottawa; i shall Join the vest of Canada in support of Liberal admin 1afration Now what has brought aboot the thought that the King administra Hon 1s to be continued and brought i about 1 substantinl measure, Visit mg North Ontario, Narthumberland, Hastings, Kingston, and other vid ings of this district "I have eontinnos reson Toy the apath servatives and the enthusiast of the Liberals, | hve spent several vears sevking the facts of the tall sin Hon, and now | wanted the facts of the polities] situation, 1 have heen Inguisitive asking for the ease' of this change In sentiment, and niin Hime out of ten the wnswer hus heen the failure of the Conservitive Lead oto put a dint in the Wing Dui ving Budget A Listening Campaign "This Is a lstening eampaign reat wuditovinm of ted l vousehald, Men and Judging the pafieies of the twa tes in the wndistirhed of the vadio yoom, PF wis thelr Judgment thelr vision clearer ened this tine Liberal Part Mr, Mack (a | Meo Dunning and Mr. Malealm have contrasted what they ha by the Leaders i Coy Party, Mr, Bennett, My and De. Manion he Conservative Aliack They heard he { Leaders wn attasl ARRINSL wards af hitip duties upon hav and al ERA AS BRiInat Lireat Nei laughed at them, rathe them, "How absurd' 1 quiet of the duty upon thir ULAR a hol ni ey this Mind 1} Fore on may Ha prohahl 10.50 aoiight the ul the Cone I'he the NOHO Pe before heene I'he to the | neve ET: thie hive ilire of nf up mid curs ona in wignt tavernmen! and wild if ive Ferg Moore's heing ee commence the camipa the ineffs | Hrital Ihe RATFCANTH 1" Hin plain In his that he wa the chalyman of Commerce, which non-partisan and nor nolitienl hady, hut privat (BISELAI] I have no 10 maka nf the Oshawa | They have heen very fair In the | reporis which (hey have publish Led of thin election campaign it nowrong impression may have heen when they coupled the fant of my healing president nf the Chamber of Commerce with (ha announcement thar | would speak | At this meeting Importmee of Expo Trade Mr. Conant dwelt upon the par Amount importance to the oity of Oshawa af axport trade Fhroukh the ast five, ar even 16n, Years partientarly, mueh alr pros nerity has heen due to sapor! fad Our community and oul nation dive and Lhrive hy means it export trade. And no lemisia inn of recent years han hean het adapted (a help axpert trade tha Dunning budget of Ma} ) made I (ireal iy FOMAYkE Wah f 0 in Asn camplaint radia ve Daily Fim hat i" Cire Can falntry that thy he the Lirits government tidy tariff spectinn wali lie given ne fhe AVE art! iE nt Caroling Avs, 81 the Boardwalh NTIC CITY'S NEWEAY Located Pivepreef Hotel than fH -- AYLA Contrally in Pram this the sapaaker passed an ton consideration af Kmpire trade of the vital {asues of the en Lire campaign He quote) Agures to shaw that sight billions af dol Ines warth of teads in carried on nnnuall tha countries wWithle the Empire, and aguoted former I Lientanant-Covernns nf Ontarin nna Overinohing the Deenn |! giz 3 Angin dG ad 4 10d fr die i ix FIRESTONE QLDFIELD Ties ate made of highly materials in tha tharsugh irene manner, They are the en! madim priced tire which gives you (he add od banafiin of (ha entra patented Gum Dip ping prosess, A deep, rugaed tie positive tracvion and ead gripping mie In: ovary way Firestone Oldfield Tires are built 10 give you longs low pried milage MEN yeu buy medium priced Firestone-Oldfield Tires you save 'money In every way, « Firat, In the original, low purchase priee, only made possible by Firestone's efficient nanufacturing methods ane tremendous production; « Second, In the lens depenclable mileage you ebtain-« Firestone-Oldfield Tires carry thw Manufacturers' Standar Warranty; se Third, In the me my you pave (nthe final cost=Mor Miles Per Dollar, «+» No wonder Fireatum Oldfield Tires are the Sulunding leaders in the medium priced fleld Ses your nearest Firestone Dealer today==he has a complete stock of Oldfield Tires and will serve you better and fave you meney. AND RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED HAMILTON, ONTARIO Oidlicta fold FIRESTONE TIRR al Rodd's Tire & Battery Service Corner King & Contre Sta, Telephone 930 Cockshutt to the effect that If 25 peveant of this (rade were kept within the ¥mpive, no British vountry nead have any feny [ov fin prosperity, "Uf we could bring within our hovders the exparl tvade of the United Mates with the British Kime pire, wo would grow and prosper ns never before, If that. (rade could ha diverted fo Canadien fas tories, this city would develop hee yond the hounds of imagioation," "The Dunning burgst opens up un brighter futnrs than ever has haan hefors Oshawa," he decinred in closing the subject Hadreo Power Duvelopment "Wa are being buncosd hy Pra mike Farguson in his attitude to wird power deyslopment on Lhe A Lawrenes," Mr, Conant state ed fi touching upon (he Wydro: Fiectrie question, The piamier of this provines eavils nhont fea and ownership, when (he. premier of the Dominion has definitely stated that the fedeyh) govarnment has no Intention of going into the pow. ef business, Meanwhile Quehes hak slipped In ahewd of ux, and in developing two millions of hovespowsr on (the Moulunges Rapids, astern Onarin Is foreed to hiuy from private Interasis in Quehee, and give tham a profit, when va should he obtaining our Power al cost," "Wa have nn Inte peysonplitien paiEn,"' desire to enter in this cams the%spenkey stated in cons clusion TE In simply 0 matter the Yimitations of one compared with the practically un Hmited capnelty of another Wo Mc Gilthert M, (Mibert urged the of averyone casting » ballot on election day, "There oun be na #lactions without voles, We who held opinions on public mal [ova have wn solemn duly 10 record thosn opinions with an X on our hallols In this riding we have lems tn faces which affect Lhe bronkiast Lables of avery one I" Loup duty to choose tha man who most fully appreciates tha hr fast table of you and 1' "Look over theses two men, and decide for yoursalf whieh one tham Is hest Attad, an hin past roasovd, to help Oshawa and ia contiguous district Detide for Yourselt which ons of these men in the bigaey, and | think vau will mark your ballots for A! " Mone My Mr, W Importance pra ih CHihart closed [] ation from Kipling "He can walk with lone the common touch "I do not Apoak As a of the provinelal house, ar as the Lander nf tha Opposition In (hat house, hut an A eitigen of thin vid Ing, tryipg tn do my duty far riding." declared Mr. W, EN Ninelaly who Introduced Mi Maonre "I will not pavsonal Aatamenis in the husiness of Am RIVInE my with uot noi Kings memhay dahann Ahuss but an my position AXIFAVARAN! a aharaholdam the Dominion support in the King government and my fullest supoort ta Mr. W, I, Moore My. Hinelalr compared (ha sl ectars of the nation (on the share holders of A business, who are ahout ta sleet their directors 10 CAPEY on the affairs of the country for the next four or Ave years "My praference ia for the Kin government Tha Dunning Ma Day hudgel appeals to me as being In the interests of me, you and Lhe nation, The paelicy of strength ening trade within tha Empira ap peals tn me The record nf the King Administration shows a Landy reduction in expendiluras Und In the national debt, and in cludes the passing ¢ henefelnl legislation" My cholea In for W I'apresanting thean The lavee gathering present tn Night shown (hat the people are Ankinin to ba informed on nation al affairs as Mr, Moore has inform od them, and an only he ean In form tix. Ho is one of aurselvas Whe In prepared and aminently qualified to serva It is the privilege of this rid Ing ta ha able to affer to the Do minion of Canada a man go high qualified to nerve the Dominion. al Canada" hy nv Manye AR policies | | OF tear, heenuse lie Man, M8 | din New | | | | | | fond of | | of | | 14 the | | heant were and I | | land "Washington hadn't heen very kind | to Canada, In fae, extremely un Kind, and unkind fn fs tan all the world, The whole world waa re sent and it remained for Canada to he Aeat to say to the United States If you want 1o fix prohibitive rates Against our products, that Your right, but we have devised legisla ton whieh will make those very SAMA PALES 10 apply RgRInsl your own products, Some people have called the countervailing, rotalhiation | don't ableet 16 the word, but under them, Washington sets the measure of retaliation. Ortawa said to Wash Mgton, you ean not have all your awn market and part of ours, You ean not build uw door, clever as you ure, whieh will allow your products to came into Canada and prevent ou products from going ino the United States, When tha peeple of this ountey got that thought into their heads, you could search the sountry over without finding any one other than the professed politicans who wis opposed 10 the countervailing duties, Old Sam had to eur off his nose (0 spite hin face, and the peo pla of thin country thought that he was going to slash about with his Tarif legislation, that was exactly what he ought to he made to do y Net Wider, "Then the Conservative Leader, clover lawyer that he in suggested that, if the countervailings were good for i6 items, why were x, not gond for the eleven hundred odd in the aril schedule, Perhaps Mr, Rens nett haa now ceased to ask that ques: tion, Ponaibly seme honse wife hay asked him of what use would it he 10 have a countervailing duty on ors anges, or soni wither semistrapical fruit or vegetable which we do not, and can not produce in this country, Or it may be that some of hs manu: faoturing friends, and: wine, have arked of what use would a counter valling duty he upon the raw materis als produced in the United Sates, 1) but net in Canada, and required in Canada for manulucturing purposes Or they muy have usked the gene tion of the machinery produced in the United States, and not In Canada heensse of an Insufficient volume of business, and (here are many such machines, There ute many of them In the factories of Oshawa, Vere haps | need go no further to show the absurdity of uw general applicas thon of countervailing duties Vu enn draw the lesson The King Dunning Budget wis designed 0 help Canada, not to harm Canada, Wi) because 11 hin sheceaded in help i ng Canndu, I wit but impregn: | ahle | The Dairy Industry { 'Now mi whieh has not vet entively failed for the simple reason that it is not en tirely understood, The Conservitives have heen persistently saying tht the dwiry Industry haw gone to the dogs, and all ws i result of un 'Freaty mide with Austeadin und subsequent ly extended to New Zealand, "Fhere hus heen much alk ahont New Zewland butter that 1 want (0 draw the salient facts out of the contro versy with the desire that we may all understand Just what has happen ed and why, Let us enter into the ABs of the situation and leave uthers ta (IF in the details ih) The Conservatives wre saying tht under the Mackenzie King nil ministration, the daley industry has gone 10 the dog I'he other du friend Mr. Ferguson proved it to his sitiafwcthione by stating thst h ta ent New Zewland comb not get Lan how 1mmuny ol er having id any | Wi hud wonder fol) i! all} ol eter New Zealand butter of buy 1 Hwee I stares of Cannda? Yau It wn ou, hut not | flint M | ol evel fl In thi may he that huve that 1 hus been sold to Zowlupd butter, so fit oll viaten 1 he ergusgin mis | deliberate! ani butt Zealand und 1 believe h kool in ( ini too | the ool life tu it ane Hin in hw | from tn he Ratu anudinn things of We got some of it, and that thought | brought down on May 1st, Mr. Duns brings me tao my next letter "(d) Vor some time, men dissatisfied with th from wrowi, | and, if it has not cenl the Hive butter sine 1920 0" rire 1927 ' 1908 viv ivnnnninines 1929 ' "Now there hive been many stistys | servitives an tu the futuee, 'The Con I oturn to an attack | ment We consumpbion, un pel BOUT tht official We it was given to the Tan Board | Avstiahinn und helleve It pleun in the imports between 1927 und 1921 becuse next " duirymen went planed the wis then minister of Hinunce he f | districts of the Queber, winted widvised help Ho to the then 0] Jie When him utfecting Mi i" wa Pmanulacture "| | "he | hot do that Industry Gained he Liovern (ft tnatend Mackenzie fact have Ho under | \s 4 matter al m MALIsti {1 of nt dechning Indu gin Naki oa Ining administration, the dai try hus made substantial this letter A" of that 1020 there | Crouse milk | ita fat equivalent the yn hee product " pet na wine | in the i 20 woudonn | { | Jerense In value 1920 and an ' rent ANE us n | ight! dairymen were producing 1 they are billion of vou th what the 1949 fu yan an lon pounds of n than | TLL Hut been follow producing ne wha hive antrover ne more mds WET ing ma enfin shout the exodus of call Lipited thies And | | durin the 1 HRA He Wnting tht ox [the [ nited Il ne A oInun nited id hay NPY cow m record over Lonsey not figures here in fat I'he the ex fo the Lpited 100, and th HAA for the LOIR per month those pute Cana I expectat of duty upon hii iu under the Smoot -Hawle Despite that incentive, We sen! the 'United States only 24,144 dar cattle in the ye You men and wo ted dan that « than © 3,793.000 left in the then - you hut popu | production dea | CUPRLE Linton (" nonth numbel Ven LL \ and recall i" aes were m \ ney nol - and | i whe a n in statis that m hor men fi 8] ton, we Vten nota ve m had call Wh IMPOr ing fons in mil herds « { well wsk I we have and held our moll we bringing from New much butey Mille Consumption Grew YihY Let us turn ta the ter of the alphabet, The answer not only to dary men, but peop! Canada We «nation of milk drink wh Anda are We held our cow ma ey lation why are 1) next let interesting Wl af the hecome We in ul hae ors hut the th 10 Ata Inauire the that when Liberals came m 1d per CAPHA consumption of milk wis M01 pounds, and for the year | 1928 that consumption had risen to} VOR pounds The consumption butter) fre eream, and other dairy had also increased but not to the same extent, Frosh milk and (real eream were wanted im the industrial cities and towns | | | | 'ant facts will have 1 into power cheese products, in (he countryside an well You have aften heard 11 stated that capital i» Diquid; that it flows naturally to the point of highest return Well, mil in more diguid, Jt went where it} hrought the highest price, . I'he milk | voutes were extended. The mo ment was not peenliar to Canada Ax a matter of faet, ot applied 1 the United States, an well, und ship ments of fresh milk and fresh cream have been from Wisconsin and Tex ar to New York and Boston Where fx a4 wholessma truth that old wdage that you can't your. and have it, and 1 equally trie that you ean not drink all vor milk and at the same time make butter Valus Inereased fle) Now let us turn to the nex letter, As a people, wo have been for some vears engaging in the threa several forma of trade; domenti produstion, importation and expors tation, and have traded rather ad vantageously, During the year end ing November 1939, the tat in the various products exported, brought a vitlue of A507 canta per pound, while the fat in the dairy products import of, mainly butter, brought an average n ent A fa ht \ price of 4413 venty per pound and |. thus out of the transaction, we made a net gain of 1094 gents per pound and a profit on the year's business of 22238000 We made these re turns, you will vecally hy the extent to which our farmers sold thei wilk and their eveam for direct consump: tion, pather than by shipment to the factories, Now I think I can hea some of those with dairy herds whe are listening no aay, 'we Were nat shaving (in that profit of $2,738,000, | 'The | Bouwrd until thy Hot tween tl {ell und was set do Nutional Dal Wl ed it | heard ed Hing ow Zonland Butter the crewmery duirymen have been npr ts { {uri and the butter, the ( rowing Zealand, and they have | producers wit to wive wll the facts | ai increas I have held anything back, {ter ta Ae been from desire 1a con trie situation. Let mn the vile import 192 New I hose rites ted hy Huw | ul hd A 141 RNR i f | hey | $5087 170 1 nnd Ehit $12.714,250 | between you ol Hie ERE ] thi { re iL floating around the country | servitives | figures of butter production, | C6 Nation importation, und tu | Lith iiig your minds ut rest, uy to the | 9 of thie table, 1 ny tell I hive not checked G8 with the remien | sceepted it io thy the dar | notice prep ing hive 1 ire) the righ Council dul the National Davy Hy to he wecurite ohserve the il A will ol marked nee | vl gon trade, | 1s | enh | lv | unee {had | Hey that increase takes iis to the letter, ) Ohiserving hecutne fhe cil th uf the | gume thi and M Ili Livie in one of tl rich dah Paster Townships of | Mt inpithetiv, He | that whirmed Cove rmment diffienliie niren und thi ul 1 lend to a did, vir, Zul Frade Only th the Ottawa 1" he Vin to help the dale | thenr us to how " ) H themselves He old | Curl Bonrd, und promised | the fi hei Cupid wetlon mei them Finum Hamed uty hve taken mnifucturers | making for 1 Robly had we Hourd I of tur | un 1 hey Creun: ol in | { / con to duth ed on 1! then to the Ia mld vot have « ystment 1] UIT | futn | TRrme Counell iol Waited Dhabry Cou LE | { iymedintel dd not we neeey me to Navembe 1929 the HB ul Ww pub fea Kiven, practice of itd ariel mite confers ficial turin of 'the da honrd, the | vit for Tanua 1m Connell then pre I he oy he proceedings we due mm \ 1h Cine anent and time mn n hen 1 BE pnouneed "Nillowing the Adyin Veonsidered the und wn pn | termediute und 7¢ Lieneril the N Diarence in Paliey wlteets {he oul ernment his for Lone Ie specifically. commended the 'Treaty | deruhle wl (dvintuges ide, but certainly we Zuwlan il {he \ mir Bet OYRFsea%; J) wim hn fry tell you tanight means iin proposed Lo dairymen of Canadi and to henring. before the ory: Bowrd velating to srvernment has carefully jepresentations ul the ull, proposes iw rates of duty on bint mental attitude ritish Vrelerence, te bh {0 negotinte Far! 1 "You won't precisely thos ition! Dalry fir the 1 wil Antipode that product wong up the I (TTI on wend gece Blasting your Austrilin wert Ie (isha " hy the markets Zewland 5 vou will succeed men of disposition sl wre prepared to sit around fuhle thelr Kinsmen NK what 1s hest for tr and all work woo) In that 1 the butte ery patient 1 inthe May | asl fighter subject uti of grin fetter left ne pli {hi Just ung move differeime and with {0 to hers ol Labicrals Con Jie the attitude ul fAberuls that wl man with u re hie manth ped for and Is pegotintion with the Zuwluhd authoy Laberul uttitude 4 I'he National Dairy ih) cancellation ht Cull PIT thie common end of git n \ You Listening Frente vision chednle (AT Ie y Loy piven Hix al ir mun NEw ane Lomp thi and Mail these "Ihe pressed able paper, usual M paper, ht it 1s hard pre a loophole in the Ki all the hudyel Now | wm goin mide bh that statement, hi and | the | entire satiglaction W (LEIA ili the il hudget hin Ria Muck and NOTE | thie nut Io ie to Canadian fin hive been both sides ol uf vi n meee ui vditorinl that the CPRTiLe his suid pro-British, hacia Billy Maore sonull | Kolng Mini look uit that ft he int! ( the | Lonntes wit] | times fl "A 1 | that 1 um # ind out, " not wng | feel that tite Urgument traf whi hoth 1 hl { inl vith Per Prin um TT | With New Zealand he noticed Hoenig, | COITes ost" mident of had ndded together het wiadln 5i nee Frenty tin ul trade ey " a) going no ut the Ih man ent il dull oil {itor | either | thi en wird, tha fered as unti-British enn not recall wll thst that | ha tf fiye and all past | We this ent on Tariff count mor Board Ques | ff Board tthe House nl | eedir tain ir exportation of manulacitured o but | win Anti: British Charge da uy repeated And | Three hitig more than m national sentiments or My. Bennett's shortly after «1 became Chalyman of the Lardf Board and Mr, Bennet) Leader of the Opposition, there came from the British Isles uw deputation, asking the ul giving the Canadian kingmen nfarmation re the condition of the woollen in old Yorkshire, | tried 10 deputation feel at home sciuts wt the Board pencil and paper, and them to consider themselses one © us, | think | siicceeded, because # the conclusion of the hearing, M Hodgson, the chairman ol the deplis tation t yolng to | some bh what fhe hinin atinly still privilege depend ithe men warding 1 peopl i | imdusty ' ake that vil nto New | * ond | roe men wha iw Connon ciuch str the coin ing for th re Ani Ab e of have heen Li fa Harn toon ' ise them Yhuee 1, toi i oll ald a camp here We go ii 1yIng feeling us In with regre hood hye uo trader Awa hit friends" Mr, Moore quoted from show that Mr, Bennett had tucked the Tanfl Bowed for having ven the British deputation the hand | friendship" like | regret that | have not the Leo tell you all that Mr, Bennést iw thist oceasion, but his remarks age Hansard, and if any one thinks 1 wunfulrly represented his att matter Lo correct who was prosBrit British, M say that the heen refused the name of Canadian the Cunmdian Wooller welcomed that depus invited Hansard to ¢' hyd | tn Fl tis i Ie l ed to find wg Dunning g 0 prove nk thir | Mall" | | wreelu 1" hye 10 vi tude, 11 18 wr CAS May | asl ell no shold have Can 1 Ch not Ie enzie | dep atic anti-H rit let the himself of tl Ihree in wn in 10 of Munulucturer tition, hanguetted { tt « i, and tien factories well say that should collect It Canadian source vould defeat the Yourd trade counter 8 of 1S parison, Nor trv need to fen cal detail mdustry ca snadian Cannot 1 ff Board un ol "1 § el f hee HN Very om the Th for nog I Jiarg wl is can own co of techy A u of 1k 1 y re an open dor too | Mall! mun should even pehble not throw He is ) cannot the Ia 10) He I'L inh hots Hin, eve (Continued on | than M% fuer find, ZC | 10 [0) w ALEXANDER Murray« rn ry BRILLIANT--BRIGHT-MELLOW --DEEP Pyiico TONE- CONTROL o»» NEWEST MIRACLE OF RADIO RECEPTION ««e ONT» RK Meg *, Philco Tone Contro/ Y ou oan turn the Philea Tone Controlto these four positions of tone quality, You can change speach OF MuAle 10 anit your taste, You have a personal control aver the tone sent you by the station, Y ou operate it yourself with this knob on the front of the set and vastly inoreasn your sphers of vadio entertainment, 1 is truly" Radio's newest miracle," HE HIGHBOY New 9:tube Soreen Grid Plus Chassis built into. an Snteptionnlly beautiful eabinet of walnut, with one hundred per cent hod butt walnut pil and: instrament Janshhand-rubbte satin finish; American Gobelin 'Wpestry over speaker, Price $210,00 less tubes * Adams Furniture Radio's newest marvel-~a tone control knob on the front of the set which gives you mastery over the quality of tone sent from the hroadoasting station. Think what it means to bring in your favorite jazs band with the erisp, snappy tone of dandefloor reality, Consider the enjoyment of bNaging in the great Phileo Symphony concerta_in the mellowest, richest tones, or if thexmusio offers big brass sonority, you can inngantly make it as brilliant as you like, with a turn of the hand, The radio world has been waiting for the the perfection of this invention, Every. body has wondered when the radin listener could take a hand in the perform. ance, right at home, Here it {s at last! It was the sensation of the recent National Radio Show at Atlantic City, 1t han been hailed by the Phileo dealers, all over the land, as the greatest step forward in radio reception since the perfection of Philco balanced units, which still serve to give you the wonderful lifelike undistorted Philoo tone, It is natural that Philo should again lead the industry with Philee Tone Control, Phileo has long bean identified with the perfection of radio tone, In 1929 these marvelous seta hacame world loaders in popular favor and in sales, because of the BALANCED Co. Ltd. _ Ontario Bowmanville--F. J. MITCHELL UNIT wonderful tone produced by Philee's balanced units; new circuits of extras ordinary selectivity; tremendous distance ability, opening up of vast.new fields of enjoyment for owners, All these great features are retained and Phileo Tone Control is added, Phileo's new radios are all you can buy in radio, no matter what you pay, The Phileo Sereen Grid Plus has, in addition, Automatio Volume Control which counteracts fading, sgyou can not only, get, but hold and Fol programs, No seta in the world offer such a combina.' tion of exclusive features and desirable devices, Each Philco Radio has a new, improved electrosdynamie speaker and a New Station Recording Dial on which you can log your favorite stations, Phileo Radioz are available for operation on AC or DC electrio current, or by battery, Aud the mew Phileo cabinets are the most beautiful and tasteful, we believe,' ever offered anywhere at any price, Foremost designers created t om, | Tremendous acceptance has made them far from expensive, Such values are' hard to believe until you inspect the Philco line at your nearest dealer's, PHILCO PRODUCTS LIMITED, OF CANADA, TORONTO ) RADIO Motor Sales Ltd. ETT Tre?

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