PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1930 CHEVS. FINISH ON TOP IN FIRST HALF OF SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Defeat Malleable Ladies by ST, GEORGE'S CLUB |Leats Have Bad Day And One Run in Exciting Game ANNOUNCES ITS Drop Opener To Reading At Stadium Last Night GAMES SCHEDULE Ekg Tp AR I pitching by Niek Harrison In one I FO A KE All Games Start at 7 O'clock inning and hy Frank Barnes in two others, and hitting that Was Gould, Ih, es 4 § 180 : Kennedy, Ah, 6 i 4 Daylight Saving Time BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.G, #1 611 Hk Hhh6 11] ABH SPORT SNAPSHOTS BEAGLE CLUB MEETS The elub held a very successful meeting, last evening, in the Genasha Hotel, for the purpose of laying plans to cover wll the activities with the little sporting Beagles, The club had, as & guest, Mr, |. BD, Birachan, BeeretiryTrensurer of the Canadian Kennel Club at Toronto, Mr Merachan gave an interesting and helpful talk dealing with club Ananeing and Judging, . The Oshawa Club decided to engage an outside judge for the trials this fall and also to operate as a Nee nsed elub under CKI ruling » 1] ' + CHEVS WIN THRILLING GAME Whitt & game that was out #t the Mater City Stadiym last night Both teams right on thelr respective toes and trying wll the time, Tt wits the kind of game tht sells Ladies' Softhall to the most skeptical Nelther team were able to get more than & ene run lead at un time, And talk shout a thrilling finish, One out and the winning runs on the bugs That is « picture of how OM.1, stood in the first of the Wadnesiuy, ninth. Fhe next twa bitters hit th Killen Elliott in right field, who |v 1 Hartley wide beautiful catches to end the game and give her tein the Cham A fdas, Aug 1 Hi pianship of the first half of the sehedule, Chevs deserve a lot of credit w a ar. Aut, for the courageous hatte they put up after Kde Flore wis anjured in | ROCHOSLOY 4irrrrie hb Baltimore Toronto TL Montreal ovo vr00 hf BURIO oor rnanihh dJorsey Cy vivir dl Nowark ri riree Reading ..... Yesterday Reading... Toronto Rochester , , K Jevsey City Baltimore , 10 Montreal Nowark ,,, 18 Buffalo ... AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost servi) 8 (EXER INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE NIX NIRAIGWT Hochewtar, July 10, Rocheslar ung up is sinth straight triumeh in the International pennant chine, downing the Jersey City Buck Cats here In the first of a Kix-Kame series, The final score was §-4, five runs In the fHth settling the ls sie Losers Threatened to Tie! Things Up in Last Innings, But Were Prevented From Scoring by Snappy Field: ing=--One of Best Girls' Games This Year Just ue sour, If nol more ko, sen! the Leafs down to an M4 defen in the first game of the series iW with Reading yesterday M. Ah ™,' H f H H : Harrison couldn't gel the bnll ' , Bh, f f V, Elliott, p, + I i 84 A, Walker, If, I 3 0-0 H, Holmes, cf, ] nn past the Keys' hatsmen In Ihe . 1 B, Morgan, ms, (] 8 0 0 wegond Inning, four straight hig V, Fulton vf, ¢, 1 A 0 1) Philadelphia ahd n puns to the pitcher for tv Men's Mingles i, Elliott vf, I p BO LI Washington ,oeeee hf Monday, July 81==A, Evans Vv. H., #mith, Wednesday, July 86==Kd, Jeffry v, Bd, Wiggin Friday, July 86=RH VV. Fordham Monday, July 98==A, H, Barker July 80-0, Dryden RE CDT Th rung putting Niek under the show we | NOW York ovvnnnihl LL The buses wears filled with none J a oul when Vrank Barnes, warming " y up out in the hull pen heard (he 00 14 1407 10 0 | Cleveland 0 4d bP ALA Bi Two huwe hitei=M, Kiott; three | DOrOIL oversee 48 off Lafty eased In another run if uase hitsi==Morgan; howe runs, | Uhiekgo vevene id kive the Keyw u lend of thres Gould, M. Elliott; struck out, by| Bt LOW 4 coor er Bl Barnes wan slammed for wn Bilett #, by Pipher 4; base on | Boson iii iieo il balls, off Elliott 7, off Pipher hj Yesterday's Honus stolen basesi==M, Kay 4, M, Spenc. | Pilladelphia 16 Chicago er 4, J, McDonald, I, McDonald, H, | Washington & Cleveland HITTING DOK THICK Buffalo, July 10, =Consistent Witing brought the Newark Bears 10 to b triumph over the Bisons here last night In the series open er, Bix straight hits with none out in the eighth brought home fiva Hear runs and put (he decision beyond doubt, ORIOLES HIT HARD Montreal, July 10,-'The Orioles pounded three Montreal hurlers hard to capture the opening strugs Blt of a five-game series 10-4 here yesterday afternoon, U.S. Boxer is Outclassed in Toronto Fifteen hundred fans went into Brydon v hysterics last night while Chevs snueesed out A one yun victory over Malleables In just ahout the. best ladies' game Oshawa has seen in many a moon, Handicapped hy the loss of catcher Edith Eilat in the frst. inning, Chevs fought hack gamely, and retived the Mal- 1eahles in the ninth when the tying run was waiting on third hase, Ellen Ellott supplied the nelding sensation of the game when sna made two diMeult eatehes for the last two out" of the last Inning, while Miss Pipher the Malleahles moundsiady, remained perched an the ved line corner with the run fin Bans v "e Kd, Jeftry v A Evans v tHeked twlee, one run counting » the Keys realed off a double pla nd the other on an Infleld hit The Lenfs gave the Keys great Infield practios, William J, MoAfes, Ir und don't forget the Jr fn rah, rah hoy from the Universiie of Michigan, kept the home forees well handeuffed and shackled ) mueh so that they spent the afer noon popping the ball in the wir and slashing 10 right at the infield workmen Infield Hitters Twenty-four Leafe, inoluding a Birikasont hy Phillips In the ninth wera turned hack hy the Infield and Ravhit Whitman smothered three long drives In complete ha | 27 nuts, and Garrow Ka 1h Aug, * deflry v ful gimme ire in viglory Dryden v Aug, 1heeH, Bmith Healy, Hartley an the Fusls tem there, Whithy HY Winstanle 16 F, Fordham Aug, B00 MH, Bmith measure of the 83H, Winfanley 1 Now lone 2h =F, Fordham Taronte, July 10. In spite of the main bout rather than hecalse of It, last night's boxing show at the Coliseum provided an exciting evening for the aparse aAtiendance The tour preliminaries were avery: thing expected of them and a little more, hut the maly ovent fallen th either go the distance or give the fans tha thrill that aceompan ios a knockout, Al, Foreman, Brit inh HEhtwelght champlon, was the winner when Referee Lou, Marsh disqualified Pete Zivie of Pittahirg far "not trying" Zivie was oul olanked and knew It, and did 0, | seareely any leading, He wan warn ed ones to do some punching on he own account, hut falled to do #0, und early In the third session he was sent to his corner hy the referees, who Immediately ralsed Faraman's hand Foraman again gave a good ex hibition of hoxing and hard hit Hn, but he was not an impressive An In hin vietory over Kamwy Hae Kett, This may have heen due to Kivie's vary awkward and pussling defense or (on the fact that Fore man, after hurting Zivie In the first minute of the haut, seemed ta he content to take hin time Probably the (wo reasons may be ronfined, Zivie, a strong-looking boy, confined his attention 40 his defense, Foreman, after one whirl wind attack at the epening hell, 7-H Bar alin hive Beal hid the control Ka, Higging v AMERICAN LEAGUE FIGHT MTHRAIGHT VOR A'S Clileago, July 10, Pummelling Braxton and Henry in the third and fourth Innings for 10 hits and I rune, four of the hits bein homers, the Philadelphia Athistios defeated the White Box, 16 to | terday, It wa the sight) straight victory for the A's homer Emith, It wis with great regret seriousness Miss Hide Elon s In the first inmmg Miss Flere ahd dnto third bis rise, Whe wis assisted from the Keld and wn examination mide und i blow tu the Chey wi effect M and wa NATIONAL 'EAGUE with hiroken, 1 ds a sorry Dobney v stellar plaving | CWE whl tl 194 sure to have ; hil the i E00, Colpus NINTH INNING WIN Now York, July 18 A five-run rally dn the ninth Inning gave the New York (Hants an § to 7 vietary over the Bt, Louls Cardinals yes terday In the second game of Lhe hattle for third place 8h--V. Bmith v TRIPLE PLAY FEATURES Detroit, July 10 Murk Koenig proved the malin eog in Detroit's 1 (0 § win over Hoston yesterda The former Yankes shortstop hit a home run In the fourth faning With two on haves and in the olEhth Inning made a remarkahl cateh of Ewesney's liner ta he on the head end of a triple play CHEVS AT OAKWOOD ATADIUM Foromta this afternoon to cians Oakwood Ladies On their last meeting the Owkwoud Ladies won out hy a considerable margin, The game chediled to start at 7 po, wt Oakwood Stadium will he a nice work out ter their hard game last night with the OM 1 I'he Chevys are travelling to the Dabney v fn a return game July 81M, Bull v tonight whieh is ( Aug. 1 NV. imith v | for the Chey Aug, 10-M, Bull v HER WIN AGAIN Philadelphia, July 18 Hiaging # powerful batting attack and Au 101, Peares v von or In have Canada want you for the record you tinned? Are are you not?" It was sild My. Hennelt eonting od, that Canadians wera Fatirning The United Hitates, he sald, had » habit of looking after lis awh people, The first to loss onploy: ment when "work became scares in the Republic were the eltizens of othéy countries Took After Canada MHNATORNS KVEN SII EN Washington, July 10, Walle Talnson revamped hin fast slipping Washingion Menntors yesterdas and evened (he NOrien At two all With the Cleveland Indians, win Ning XK ta A Allg. 21-8 Colpus Aug, 21M, 'Tesley 0, Colpus v THIRD NTRAIGHT Boston, July 18 The Mtishurg Pleates took thelr third straight Kame from the Boston Braves yes: Aug, #0. M runs in the sixth und three mois MeLoan, A, Walker Bl, Louls 14 New York 7 Brooklyn ih AB Monday, Aug Margin On Italy ---------- PILARUEE ovoid 44 Red Aves Team in the Juvenile seriey journe Thursduy, Aug cher early in the game, when Edith | the Intersone Davis Cup finals yes Yesterday's Hesnlis the Wed Aves tank a drop out of the Tunis and tied up the league ni Monday, Aug ner hehind the plate, and a fourth | Avst singles match coming from | Cneinnat 16 Philadelphia Friday, Aug hoard gardener leading Bavon Humberto de Moy Wednesday, Aug W 4 a Hranttord | LE I'he a outheld that can We with the Lest times, M, Kay was the leader In | 07, 10-=K, Lott and de Morpurgo . . " . Men's Singles Heavy offensive work hy hoth | ennis ley, K, Higgins, H. Blokle unable to n eighth, Malleahles had the hig Monday, July 21D Landon, July 10 England wil : . . ' a ; \ Two walks, and a hrate of errors rlday, July he sent out hy the Mavviehane oars Thursday bination ever sent ta Houll Africa Tiosday odd one, with 10, during the tour four vers age. On braneh off in the manner he has, Thursday They started off with a single ond game of the series here ves The teams will he as toliawe: A Hurnham sald this was due to In Tuesday, Aug f:0, Two more wera tacked on In shire; Lo A. R, Pobbles, Middlesex Bull v 1a the fact that the fiscal policy In the slghth, The Leafs scored in the third and that wae the only |i ning In which they aid seors, They Umpires: Dell Detvolt Boston | Wok Heorer, Balvd, NATIONAL LEAGUY the first inning. 11 was anybody's game wll the wily, 11 was a wonder Iriday, i . " Won Lost and the OM, are as nghty in defeat as the Chev H, Maokie, Americans Gain Chicago UE HW. Armstrong New York ih OK ' od . . Wednesday Bt, Louis Al 40 RED ACES VB. TUXIS v. H, Barker, -- On Monday might the which would have projected the Auteull, France, July 10==Am- | BOSON ooo viirini BI 44 4 1a NEY " Ay it lead the [v. H. Armstrong EAM into extra innings orion's youthful tennis team took | CieInRAL i bo i | til the finn) game of the schedule, On that vecasion Fridny, Auk, 16 Chaveolets lost thelr stellar eat | n commanding lead over Italy fn | 'Mindelphiy LLL CARIE MANdING Ui 6 na v., Kd. Higging Biliott was injured sliding fov third | terday Wilmer Alison, Austin, Pittahurg LL) Roston theee cornered tie, In the playoffs with Bi. Gregory's the Aces ame | y, 1, Tiartley hase in the Avst inning. V, Fulton | Tes, defeated Georgio de Blefani, New York A At. Louis through in fine style and defeated thelr opponents in hoth games, It Wednesday, game fn from right field to replace | tialy's ambidextrous star, In the | hieaEn fi Rronklyn unly Femiins for them to take the Fuxis to attain the |v 0 Mekle 5 4 A F . hith ain wf member of Clan ¥lltotr got nie | behind to win, 4-6, 7-0, 6-1, ONTARIO LEAUUY pinnacle, Aces had beter watch themselves in Whithy, Tuxis are re v. WH, Pinkie the hox score when Ellen HiHott | S-=8, 10K Won Linst puted to hive & stronger than they did at the of the Monday, Auk took over the duties of the sta eorge Lott of Chivagn wie Landon h l schedule, Mayne their pitcher, Is going great guns and in Mouth On v. H. Armstrony Ht, Catharines ! : tarlo game this week struck out 14 of the Belt Telephone teins, und he Malleahles hung up A near re: | pUrgn, two gets to one, when thelr Guelph 1 M TH hot ' d Bloke, cord for base pilfering, when they | singles match was postponed until |g arin tren : 2 of their: as WitHEss in Whithy that went two hundred " Hy AY, AUK 40 stole sucoassfully no less than elght | tomorrow, The scores were | three fe | f fo SUNN tkle Vir wilore ppg his department, with three sues [put on an exhibition of frst class . Group A=-A, Kvans, H oessful thefts of the middle sack | play, while Alltson and de Btefan! ng Ss X1 MISS ELLIOTT BREAKS ANKLE H Harker, 4, Wiekle ; to her eredit, were erratie and played medloore that it wis learned this morning of the Group WM, Jaffey; H, Winstan ' \ ry «OM | me injury In last night's Chey. <0) Ty f 4 i HM wba droup CN, Dryden, F, Ford fanms was A feature of the even or S. Africa nam, le Hartley, H, Armstrong, ing's entertainment Runs were y Ladies' ingles seored in every inning hut the I " 2 2) i Li S e ec e found that her ankle Yagiey gent innings, when they trotted five wh of Miss Elliott Wednesday, July runs aervoss the plate in the Jah on the morale af the team v. 0. Friap | ove at 18 A fanning tn tie the senve said A very strong orleket team to iH K ' Y ' f neni wan, Chevrolet Mouth Africa next winter I'he fn " i % Nore WA in the personnel of the players who will o Monday, July 48k P ' Fine ) 8 nr unt seoring of the quintette af coun Orieket Club, governing hody of the game in England line bean wn Hanvook Errors were plentiful as usual, nounced, It Is (he strongest oom Friday, with 10 heing entered up. hy the P'euree ofMeial seorer, The losers had the and shows the MCC have taken a lesson from the narrow escape . - rrm---- --re -- i VV. HNmith Cheve hit the offerings of Miss England haa of losing the ruhher hy the Conservative Party te Tuesduy Pipher steadily, to soove at VOANL {owning tha offerings of five CG: Hanvock ones in avery faniog hut the eighth Philudelphis pitehors for 14 hits, that oceaston the twa countries and turn the cold shoulder to the the Cineinnat! Reds tank the seis hrake even, Houlh Africa staking a Heltah Kmpire vB. Dohney asounter in the Avst added another strong finish . | LM Thursday in the second, four in the third, torday afternoon. 18 to 6 } Heferving to unemployment, v. 0. Frise and led at the end of fhe fourth ' Std PF Chapman, captain di GQ , White, damerset; M. 1, €. Allom, oreased uke of machinery, There M. Tooley, the next inning, three in the sixth, surrey: R, KW, H, Wyatt, Warwick Wilh Anuploy inn N wear She Tuesday ] aus and three more divided hetween worl nemployment was no 1. Pearce fog seventh and eighth hrought Maurice J Turnbull, Glamorgan shire; William Voee, Nottingham WAH Wrong, hut because It was HOMERS FUTILK Ladies' Ningles NL Louls July 10,==The WN Group AM, Bull, V, Amith, 1 thelr affensive tn and end H After ware never hehind M, Epencer, of, 8 8 J, MeDonald ws, 4 I, MeDonald ah MeLean, 1h DP, Attersley, ¢ A, Blair, vf, H, MeDonald If M, Kay, 2h E. Pipher, p the second Inning they J Malleahles AR R vietary series Dap AO 0D IW = IF We Dem DW DH A018 7 84 1010 London, July 18 July enabled terday 14 to 4 The Pirates combed three Brave pitehers for 16 hits, while Bpencer held Hoston to nine HOMERN BEAT HORINS Hroaoklyn, home runs Cubs ta move within one game of the league-leading Ing yesterday hy virtue of a 8 tn 8 in the fourth game af the ih A the Hrooklyn INDIAN PRINCE GETS PAIR OF CENTURIES Prince Duleep. of Chicago Rob» shire; T, W, Goddard, shire; Mauriea Tate fuss Pat Hendren, Middlesex, Wally Ham mond, - Gloucestershire; Maurien Leyland, Yorkshire, Leslie Ames] Kent, and A. Bandham, Hurrey While such hatemen as Jack Hobbs and Herbert wutelifte and Harold Lavwood and George (Genny howlers, men who have upheld Knwland against the Australians have not heen chosen the team eon tains mueh fine material, A, PF Chapman 18 the most successful skipper England has had in genera tions Houeester YRe you not think we should look after Canada a (ttle?! he questioned YThe United Hintes had nothing against us Their tar (fs are made against the world ney against Canada alone, Their polley has heen to look after thelr awn peaple In preference to any anther on the glaha" The result af this polley he pur sued was (hat to-day the United Minton wan (he rlohest country In the world, "Hurely," Mr Rennetl evelnimed, we must npt he hewera of wood and drawers of waler dome of my Liberal fends are sat iafled with I But it is A poor full-time jah" overdeveloped sunday Meeting Regina, July 1 Advertise: ments of a "monster plonle" sehed uled by Haskatohewan Conserva tives al Round Lake for Munday | have caused so much comment hut | Conservative leaders advertised to speak have (saued denials Kerguson Holds Ups Keaway Pundas, July 10 «Addressing a lnrge gathering here tant night in the interests of Hon, Frank © Muus, Liberal candidate in (he riding of Dundas, Hon w..h Euler, minister of national reven Pearce, CC. Hancock Group Bet), Colpus, D M. Tooley, 0 Frise Mixed Doubles Tuesday, duly 88-=H, Barker, M. Tooley v. B Dryden, 0, Han voek Thuraday, July 24 I. Pearce v H Hmith Tuesday, lay, € Pohney Thursday, July 818d; Higgins, I Pearce v, ¥, Fordham, O, Frise Tuesday, Aug, HH, Barker, M, Tooley v, Ed. Jeftey, M. Bull Thursday, Aug, TL. Hartley, Dohney, Kd. Higgins Armstrong, . V } July 20H, Winstan Colpus v Li Hartley, D falled to show the sustained action And accurate hitting he produced to heat MHaekett, Many of his punches were high, which may have heen dus to Bivie's haokward weaving But at olose quarters when Eivie olinohed the Aeitish hoxor waited for the referee in hreak the Plttaburger away and then eame hack with a couple of hard blows heen made. long before a Domine lon election date was announced, and followed a survey he had made of the Mennonite colony to ances tain thelr requirements, conditions Louls Browns climbed Into seventh Ninos yesterday and put the Moston Red Nox in the American Leaks vellar hy defeating the New York Yankees, 14 to 6, in the third Kame of the series, The Browns scored In avery in Ning but the eighth, collectég 18 hts off four Yankee pitehers Pahe Ruth wan back in the Yans hee lineip and ht a double triple and his 80rd home run of the season came In the fifth in Ning With no one on base, Willie," sald the Sunday Sehonl {®eher severely, "vou shouldn't talk like that to vour playmate, Had vou sinhji performed the feat of sear Ing two separate centuries in one shlaiet mateh in the Gentlemen v ayers' game at Lord's, He made F. L. BEECROF1 186 In the first inning and 109, Whithy Lumber and Wood nat aut for the Gentlemen, The Yard hone Oshawa 884 mateh was drawn, scores heing: Whithy 18 Gentlemen, 203 and 107 far four _ wilokets; Players, 208 and 107 fo four wiokets; Players, 261 (Peeh les, six wickets for 106 runs), and A% for three wickets, 305.00; ur A Paris hoathlaek has success: fully masqueraded as a count for two years, Na doubt people were deceived ha polish ==Calgary of living, and the need of eliminats Ink overerowding, whieh wan to be found in numerous communitiag, EET -- BENNETT DECLARES BRITISH BANKERS ADOPT HIS POLICY (Continued from Page 1) hin keynote campaign speech Al Winnipeg on June 5, Mr Bennet! nnserted Fiscal Policies The fiscal policies of the Gov. arnment also came under a attack hy Myr, Bennett, "The saddest part ever thought of heaping coals of five on his head "Geo! No, ma'am, | it's a peach of an idea 0. Dobney v. H, Winstanley, 0 Colpus Tuesday, Aum, Nmith ue, declaved the Mackensle King government was wet holding up the power and navigation develop ment of the Ht, Lawrence river | drong, V; and that If anybody was 11 was [© Frise Premier 0, H, Ferguson, 'The | Thursday, Aug 14-80, Dryden, dominion wovernment, he added, | © Hancock v. NW, Jeffry, M, Bull has deolared ftaelf in favor of the Mixed Doubles project and Ia ready tn institute Group A-=H, Winstanley, the work Colpusi L. Hartley, D, Dobney, The minister made on reference Group H=Kd, Wigning, | to the "five cent" fssue when he | l'earee; H. Armstrong, V, Smith; sald! 1 would not give a five pent | I Fordham, O, Frise, place ta a provincial government Group O==H, Barker, M, Tooley] of any kind, Liberal, Tory ar Pros [|B Dryden, © Hancock; Kd, Job prosaive, I would ive It straight | 0% M. Bull tn the munioipalitien themselves Als hadn't, 1-H hut v. P. Fordham, News of Election Manufacture of Rayon In the manufacture of each pound of rayon by the viscose pros O0RN, there are used one and one half pounds of wood pulp, twe pounds of caustic soda, one and A Afth pounds of carbon hisuis phide and ane and a halt pounds of sulphurie aeld, Prairie Apples The hopes for better Krown _---- The man who used to take a Meh of snuff, and make a sneess of it, han a won Who takes a pineh of sand and makes a tes of ft CANDIDATES NOMINATED JAMER (Quebeo)--I, I Lam arcite, Capnsarvative LAURIER-OUTREMONT (Quebec) Heotar FF, Fartier, Conservas tive fennett Overstepping Rounds Kingston, July 19, -=Hpeaking at A rally here last night in the in tevesta of James Halliday, the Liberal candidate, J. WH, Burnham, Conservative exM.P. for AT 0, Tailor-made Suits ...... Scotland Woollen Mills \ 8 HOUTINKH, Manager I "COAL COAL "hone 100 W. J. SARGANT hy homes Herald of the policies of the Liberal Ad ministration 1s that we ave sending BINDER our Canadians abroad." the Cone servative chieftain exclaimed, '"We have sold our raw materialus we have sant oup Canadians to work upon them in a foreign country, and we hought these goods hack in A finished state, 'They have gone hes oause they eould not get work in Canada" Mr, Bennett went oni "They left hecayse the pellicles of the Goy: ernment made it easier for foreign KC. Paterbarn declared that Hen, Me, Hennett had never, in the House or out of It, ar at any time during the present campaign, told what he would do If selected as the delegate tn attend the Imperial Keonomie Conference, hut that all he cared about was to have the honor of haing that delegate The speakep declared that voluntary cosoparation 1a the hasis of all trade, and eritiolaed Mr, Bennett for not having supported the Runs They are net in polities, and they will hand out that money to the people that ought (te get It, with: out regard to theiv party polities', Possibility of the reduction of the exoles (AX on clmareties was hinted at by the speaker Anderson's Denlal Baskatoon, July 10, -=Repudia: tion of the charges of Dr, A. Mel, Young, Liberal candidate in Haak: atoon, that the Premier of Hankat: chewan had attempted by promises of school grants and lands to ln fluence the Mennonite vale of the Provines, especially an it concern: od the candidature of FF, R, Maw Millan, Conservative nominee n the loval riding, was made at a rally here last night by Hon, J, T, M. Anderson, the Provinelal Ad: ministration Leader Promler Anderson quoted lets tera he had exchapged swith prom: inent Mennonites concerning grants for sehools, He pointed out, however, that negotiations for school grants to the colonists had With the people whe grow irees from weefls, The Raperimental Blation at Morden, Manitoba, set out 26,000 wsesdlings in 10, These had been grown for a year al the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, the need having been haw vested fram 14 varieties of hardy mother parents, Nearly 8,000 of the seedlings have come inte fruit and records of them made ME fat "Feeling for art han nothing to do with the alae of a man's pockets hook '==0Otta H, Kahn, prairie eating Apples reat Yard Hivor "treet 8 : oy ath Te ( Uromptly Delt an! UMBIR (0 { ter {ving | #et, Mv. Burnham sald that Me. T WwW | | N J 2h By and To . hat Bennett had never heen authoriged BRINGING UP FATHER | ES 3) AND COUNT ONE HUNDRED. AN ONE 0) ONE HUNDRED AN' "Two BitaRE You wm a -- MAGGIE: WHAT COMES RED TO AFTER A MILLION ? & TIRED, BY WALKIN: A Good, Supply of 550, 600 and 650 #; Twine on Hand of Bivhtford or International Twine Cooper-Smith Co. Le Celina Street Phone 8 1001 pes rt . _.