THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1930 Bowmanville Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received ot the Bowmanville Office of The Times In the Cowan Block, King Street. Telephones--Offico---587; House--131, Herbert Mortlock Budget is Hodge Podge by Chef Dunning Says Speaker rovm----rr t Rev, Capt. Martyn of Brant. ford Delivers Scathing De- nunciation of King Gov. ernment at Orono Con- servative Rally ---- Denouncing the May Day Budget As "ahodge podge or stew concocted by Chef Duning,"" the Rev, Capt, W. G, Martyn, K.C, MpP.P, of Brantford launched a vigorous at- tack on the King Government st a largely attended conservative rally in the interests of Fred W, Bowen, former member and conservative candidate for Durham County, On the platform with the candi- date and the chief speaker were, ¥red J, McArthur, former Mayor of Cobourg and member of the Pro. vinelnl Logislature for Northum- berland County, and Mayor Elliott of Bowmanville defeated Conser- vative candidate for the Durham pent at the last provinelnl contest, Rey, Capt, Martyn In hig opening remarks Capt, Martyn referred to the sterling qualities of I'red Bowen and his past creditable record which alone he claimed was enough to re-elect him to the House of Commons, "Fred Bowen, he said, "has won his spurs, He Is the type of man we need in publig lite to ful fill the splendid destiny laid out hy Providence for his country, Next Monday do not stay away from the polls because you think it Is easy for Fred to win hut see if you cannot pile up the Inrgest majority for him in the history of the rid- ing. I am glad to sees so many ladies here, 'the speaker wudded, "for I believe that the real backbone of the nation Is {ts womanhood," Public Opinion Turning to the planks in the re- spective election campaigns the spenker stated, "a tidal wave of registered public opinion will sweep Premier King and his gove ernment from office next Monday, Premier King has not been con~ sistent the speaker asserted, hut had a different policy for whatever part of the Dominion he happened to be speaking in, ; "I'he fallure of the government to present to the electorate a con~ structive policy has robbed the Lib- oral Party of what little confidence the people ever had In them," the spenker asserted, 'Premier King has esked," he added, "why have the provinelal members and lead- ers entered the campaign? Why are they not minding their own business, 1 want you people to fully understand' sald the speaker draw ing himself up to full height and emphasizing his remarks by bang« ing his fist on the table, "that How. ard Ferguson, Oniario's greatest prime minister Is standing on guard for Ontario, He is fullfilling his duties to the full in protecting the hydro and other Ontario resourses which the poor management of the King Government would only ruin, "Recently, he continued, "the Prime Minister had talked about an bond of harmony existing he. tween the Provincial and Vederal Governments and tha next week he turns and refuses help both for unemplyment and for the expansion of natural resources, What has he done for Ontario since he took over the reigns of office In 1022, the Government granted the Province of Ontario the sum of $2,047,000 for highways, $814, 000 for education, while In 1920 nothing had heen given for either of these things, "The Premier is blaming Provl dence for the state of affairs exist ing in Canada today, Evidently," A Good Supply Brantford or BINDER TWINE 650 ft. Twine on Hand of Twine of 550, 600 and International 16 Celina Street Cooper-Smith Co. Phone 8 The Real Issues- July 28 both sides admit Canada's welfare is at stake. The main domestic issues are unemployment-- home markets -- taxation -- Provincial and Do- minion co-ordination--and means for greater in- ter-provincial exchange of people and products. The main international issues are British Empire trade negotiations--meeting foreign tariff handi- caps and Canada's status on the seas and sea- ways. Only the radio can give both sides of the arguments fearlessly and fully. Radio knows no favoritism -- Radio alone enables you to make your decision without prejudice. Have your dealer check your tubes today if your set is not working like new. Roplasing a worn tube will : ou a hundredfo a aAndwrd of ' Canada by . Ask for the genuine the industry--made in Westinghouse : Everything 'Electrical For Home, Transportation and Industry ' GENUINE RADIOTRONS---STANDARD OF THE INDUSTRY Wilson & Lee 71 Simeoe Street Noxth Phone 2388 MONTAGUY, J, HOLMAN Reeve of Clarke Township and choles of the county Liberals who yesterdoy filed his noming. tion papers at Orono, the speaker ndded, "providence has been workng as usual through hu- man agencies and will still work throught the agency of a Conser- turning prosperity to the country through the agency o fa Consers vative (Government, "Premier King has suggested a conference to solve the unemploy- ment problem, What we want," sald Capt, Martyn, "is action not conferences, jobs, not promises," The promier first declured that there wns no unemployment pro- blem but when he had travelled the country he was forced to ad. mit that there was and he then found that he had to try to re cover his equilibrium after slip. ping on a five cont plece, Going further into the five cent speech the speaker asserted, "It was an dastardly thing to say and ha will pay the penalty on July 28, Wa have a perfect right to look to Ottawa for our relief when Ottawa Wan the cause of the necessity of relief, | "When the news Is hroadoast," added the captain, "next Monday night the people of Canada will raise thelr volces In rejoleing that once ngain they have a Conserva- tive Government, a government of business men who know how to manage the business of the Domine. fon," The May Day Budget Entering upon a.spirited denun- clation of the Dunning Budget the speaker asked why, If this was go. ing to he the salvation of the coun try It had not made conditions in the country any better although it has heen in operation for the past three months, It has done no good ha told his audience and the coun try without crying blue ruin is ad- mitted to be In the worst Industrial distress It han ever know He oomparad the hudget and Irish Btew or Hodge Podge dished up hy Chef Dunning and containing a very indigestahle mixture, Nev. enty-two parts of this stew had had the tariff raised and this was what the Liberals were hoasting about while they forget to inform the voters that as a counter act 152 tariffs had heen lowered adding more to an already over flowing market of foralgn goods, He weor od the countervailing duties which he sald relied upon what Washing ton did or did not do, "Why is It," the speaker asked, "that Canada last year imported the enormous worth of $130,000, 000 worth of textile goods when Canadian Mills are cloned down, King is making this country the ehamplon dumping ground in the world and It hak got to stop and the only way to stop it Is to put Bennett in power who helieves i® Canada first and then the em. pire the same ans any other normal dominion or colony of the vast SISTEMWAS INA TOXIG CONDITION "I'm so much more alert and energetic since I started Sargon that I hardly know myself for the | same person, | MRS, B. WILKINSON "I'd been troubled with Indiges. tion for 20 years Headaches, poor olroulation and chronle' cons stipation helped pull me down; my color wan sallow and my white system toxle, Sargon brought me remarkable improvement. 1 enjoy my food without a trace of Indi- gestion, I sleep fine and feel like I'd heen made over, "'Savgon Pills never leave the effect of having taken medicine but they cloansed my system of poisons and completely ended my constipation," =Mrs, 1B, Wilkinson, 278 Willls St, Hamilton: Sargon may he obtained in Osh. awa from Karn's Drug Store, wa, =~ (Adv) commonwealth of nations under the British flag, ] The speaker touched on many other subjects and criticised W, H, Moore, former chairman of the tar- If honrd for his "bad business" in the May Day Budget, By this bud- got day, farm machinery and na- tural gas may enter Canada from Great Britain free, This alone, he wild, showed the foolishness of the dickering with the tariff schedule by the Libera) party, In conculsion ho asked the electors not to trust their efforis In King's hands any longer but to elect Bowen wo that Bennett night become Prime Min- ister nnd better times in Canada would result, Mr, Bowen In his short address seathingly denounced the New Zea- land Treaty. which he claimed wan ruining the farming industry, He was, he wild on n special commities of four who looked Into the ques. tion and visited nll sections of On tario and Quehac last session to get # frst hand knowledge of -wondl- tions, He described the Dunning Budget ax n "gesture towards Pro- tection," while British preference he claimed, was the invention of the Conservative Party, Conserva- tives, he added, want protection which will be beneficial to both countries, The Conservative polley wis to look to the Interests of Canada first and this will benefit the Empire, With avery dominion looking out for this with benefit the Empire, With every dominion looking out for itself and becom. ing prosperous there was hound to he a prosperons British Empire, In closing Mr, Bowen urged that all those entitled to vote get out and do thelr duty next Monday and do thelr share In returning the Cone sotyative Party to power and Can ada to prosperity, | NEWS ABOUT TOWN Value of the Press Realising the valle of the press to all communities Col, Biggar, chief electoral oMeer of the Do minfon has Issued in his election notices to all returning oMeors In Canada, orders that they should as much an possible aid the press in the work of making known the results of the election, With this ald In mind the Rowmanville of flea of The Oshawa Dally Times will ha In a position to give results returns are known, It is not like ly that this election will be an close an the ast Provincial Ele tion when It was impossible to gat the correct Information owing fo the difference of only about four votes, Bo just bear in.mind from now till the night of tha election service that In possible, The phone number Is B87 Nominations Weld With thelr nomination papers CATrYIing many more plEnatures than is necemary Durlism County's two partiamentary aspirants filed thelr papers with W, FF, Ward, re turning oMeer nt Orono yesterday afternoon, Thera wis no mesting of any kind and 'no speaches, the candidates financial agents doing the necessary fling, ¥red Howen's financial agent » Alan Campbell of Nowmanville and Reave Holman's in William J, M, Giddy of Port Hope, Great. Crowds at Chauttuqua Great crowds attended the third day of Chautauqua yesterday prac tieally assuring the visit of a sue conn, In the afternoon the Garay Hinters, two Hungarian artists, gave an exceptionally fine program of classical music on a violin and cello while In the evening after another program hy these artists Tom Hkeyhill, world renowned lec. turer and orator game hin hyil Hant address on Mussolini and the Blackshirts, Mr, Hkeyhill who Is perhaps the finest speaker ever to visit Bowmanville kept the audi. ence, which filled every meat In the huge tent, ip a state of suspense the whole length of his address Clitigens who heretofore had seen the Italian Dictator an a distant mystery were brought near him by the account of his life hy one of Ia friends and admirers, Soldier Return The members of the Durham Regiment who have been spending two week In training at Rarryfield Camp near Kington have returned to town much the better for their two week 'away, The majority of them were bronzed as dark as an Indian when they returned and all report having had a fine time, Tonight at Chautauqua Tonight In the big tent the Mar tyn Erwin players will present their drama Pollyanna, Thin play in one of the outstanding suces- won of the past few years and bids fair to outdo Peter Pan in popu- larity, Tomorrow Vierra's Hawal {ans will render their programs of Hawaiian music both in the after noon and evening. WATERA LILIES By Clarence Mansfield Lindsay Waterslllies! Chastely cool! Moating on & cobalt pool! Ivory petals which unfold, Haring heart of yellow gold! Dreaming 'neath a cloudless sky; Shot with sapphire from on high! Water-lillea! Warmly white! Stems of ancient malachite Blent with spotless silver pale An some forest dryad's vell! And one touch of sunset rose, Caught from daylight's brilliant clone, Water-lilies! Tranced and atilll revding whete the soft lights "wn FRED W, BOWEN Who yesterday was officially nominated an Conservative cans didate for the County of Dupe ham, Vor the past eight years he has represented this county in Parliament, The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and news will be vessived at the Whithy Branch Office, at Gazette and Chronicle ~Telephone 23, After Business Hours--FPhone 359, REPRESENTATIVE--~JAMES H, ORMISTON PARTY WORKFRS i, at oe bo ONTHE LAST LAP OF BI CAMPAIGN und twin clowns, the best decors ated bieyele and the best decorated doll carringe, There will also bs Conservative Rally Here on Thursday---Both Parties Expect Victory W. ¥, WARD, B.A, Returning officer for the County of Durham who was yesterday in charge of the filing of nomi. nations st Orono and who later gave grant of a poll, od 2 other prizes The parade, starting from the Town Hall, will be led hy the Whithy Citizens' Band, hrass, fife und bugle bands, and children will ha given free fase horns Thera will he 21 hooths The eleven o'clock nra heing offered tickets, Those In charge of the Valr are Harry James chalrman A KE Kearnoy, secretary; John It, Frost, treasurer; B, A, Hilliard, chalrmagy parade committes; J. H, Ormiston, director of publicity, The Commit hase a band of able workers who will see that the Fair Is sue. consfully staged, Commences nt prized of dancing and valuahle for holders The last Conservative rally to be staged In Whithy before the election Is slated for Thursday evening of this week In the Town Hall, The speakers wil be Dr, T, B. Kaper, ex-M.1',, the candidate, Karl Lawson, ex-M.P, for West York, and others, 'The ehaly will he taken hy Resve Albert W, Jack -- ron Plans are heing made to accom CURTAIL OPERATIONN modate a large crowd at this meets Pembroke, Business conditions 4 throughout the country are reflects Ing Quite a number from Whithy ed In the announcement the are planning to attend the Liberal rally at ihe Armories, Oshawa, Saturday night when Mr, Moore will deliver his final address of the | campuign, also to attend the Con porvative rally at the Memorial Park In the Motor City, when the principal speaker will he the Hon, | 4, Howard V'ergusou, Prime Min ister of Ontario W. HM, Moore addressed a meet fng In Port Perry on Wednesday of this weok and In Beugog on Monday evening With the campaign nearing Its close, part workers are doubling thelr efforts towards getting out the vole, Lists are bhelng carefully serutinigod, and the distribution of party literature is the order of the day Hoth committea rooms linve radios, and nightly the falth- ful assemble to "listen In" on thelr favorite political falth adhorent, Inquiry made by the Times from lenders on both sides reveals the fact that both are confident of vietory, Liberals bellove that they ean turn Dr, Kaiser's majority of 10086 Into a majority for Moore, while Conservatives elalm that not only will Dr, Kaiser retain his 1006 standing In Whitby but make galing, The women workers are on tho Job in great style and are doing thelr share to get the vote out, COMPLETE PLANS FOR STREET FAIR ARE ANNOUNCED Parade, Dance, Contests, Etc., on Programme for the ol aE Made by Murray 3 "Ry hb " SM li RAL RO | w ALEXANDER Murraye a a -------- A "LIBERAL" USE OF BOVRIL "PROTECTS" YOUR HEALTH GOOD PROGRESS 1S BEING MADE ON CIVIC WORKS Sewer Extension, New Bridge, Street Gravelling, Well Under Way Work on clvie works in Whithy ie now well under way, The dry weather of the past few days has helped considerably On Ehestnut street the sanitary sewer extension, which Is giving employment to quite a number of loeal men who are In need of it, 1s making good progress, The axten: sion will he made. to Palace Street, Excavating is well under way and some pips has heen laid Work on the construction of mane holes Is under way, with Matthew Camphell in charge Down at Port Whithy the Ope tario Bridga Company 1s making good headway on the new Grand Trunk Rtreet hridge. The ahute ments are about ready, and the wtenl, anlvaged from the old Lynde's Creek hridge, 18 heing oleaned preparatory tn ha used Rome Whithy men are finding em. ployment this work The street gravelling program for the season 18 now well ad. vanced, and many street improve. ments are heing carried out, New sldewnlks and repairs have yet to roeesive Counefl's attention Mueh ditching and street grad Ing has heen done this year, The town's paved streets were never In hetter shape than they are at the present time, The Council has many demands for further ime provements but {ts funds are limit nd The application of ealelum chloride has not only laid the dust but improved many streets, The town has used a lot of it this year on Canada Power and Paper Corporas tion, Ottawa-Laurentide Division, that they purpose drastic curtails ment of their bush operations dur. Ing the coming year, This, hows aver, will not affect the output of thelr mill here next season, POPULAR CIVIC OFFICIAL IS HOME FROM VACATION PS TA Wearing a nice coat of tan, Town Clerk and Trossurer, John R, Vrost is back at his desk in the town offices after a pleasant vacation spent in Muskoks, The genial clerk, who was accompanied hy Gordon Bateman, accountant at the Bank of Commerce, reports that the fishing was good, but does not say how many he caught, and, if any, the size of them, Messrs, Frost and Bateman were at the Muskoka Assembly, a very fine summer camp, and report fine weather and a genuine good time, | COME TO . . KARN'S SODA | FOUNTAIN For Tee Cold Drinks Milk Shakes Milk Chocolate Coffee Milk Toasted Bandwiches Tee Cream, Ice Cream Bricks Tea We deliver Ice Oream In Brick or Bulk 'KARN'S Drug Store | Nest PO, Phone 87H August 13 > "> At a mesting of the Street Fair iad Listen to th em Crackle $e? Executive held in the Town Clerk's oftice, further plans for the Fair ta he hold on Wednesday, August 18th, were decided upon, The Falr, heing operated under the Joint ausplees of the Whithy Post of the Canadian Loglon and the Citizen's Rand, has now become an annual event, The various prizes to he offer od during the Falr were decided upon, Thora will ha a mammoth street parade, full of life and color, and embodying many new features, Prizes are offered for casysto-digest form, 83 DOND 87, WEST How your fragrant blooms p All the woodland's loveliness! As It God showed forth in thee Nature's sweetest poetry! GIVEN HIGHER HONOR Paterboro,~J, A, McKone of ths olty wan elected president for the year just commencing of the Ruals ness Kdyoators of Canada at the concluding pesslon of thelr 38th annual convention, held in Wipni+ Before placing Automobile Ia surance, get my apeolal rates, Bargain peiges for lota in Dears born Park, subdivision west of Simeon N, J. H, R, LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg hl YOUNG and old==everybody likes the delicious crispness of Kellogg's Rice Krispies, These toasted rice bubbles actually erackle out loud in milk or cream, And whata flavor! What tempt. ing goodness in every spoonful, Fine for you! Nourishing rice in Serve Rice Krispies for break. fast, for lunch, Extra delicious with fruits or honey added. Ideal | tloggi RICE KRISPIES for nursery suppers, Children love milk with Rice Krisples, Use Rice Krispies in candies in place of nutmeats. Make macaroons, Sprinkle into soups. There never was a handier cereal, Order from your grocer, Ovenfresh in the redandgreen . package with the innerweal wax tite wrapper. Served by hotels, restaurants. Made by Kellogg in