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Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Jul 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY .IMES, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1930 PACE FIVE Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL nH Mr, and Mrs, A, 1 Viper, of Ply. mouth, are guests of Mr, and Mrs, I'M, Kverson, 171 King Street East Miss Isobel Bialr has returned home, after spending three weeks vacation in New York and Ridge field, Conn, Miss Pairl Vietcher left yesterday morning to attend the summer school it Oak hike Park Misses Velma Harris, Mildred Will nd Hazel DeGuerre are attend ing the 0, 1, I, C. Bummer Hehool i Geneve Park, Lake Couehiehin Mrs, Turner Rkaith, President of ne orn Women's Twentieth Cangury Club, will be in Oshawa iis evening to address the mem hers of the Oshawa 'Fwentlet Century Club at the hanquet that is heing held at Rotary Hall, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Bunker of iis eity are visiting with friends Montreal, Misses Hagel and Muriel Deans of Claremont were guess last week of Mrs, |B, H, Peover, King Ntreet Kast My, and Mrs, John daughter, Jean of Detrn giants of Mr. and Mrs for, 128 Barrie Avenue Banks and it, are the John Tay: (teorge Martin, of Vancour Mra | ftowart var, 8 the guest of Mrs Alger, Celina Hirest A i NOTICE! "The Times' will publish re: porm of meetings of all Wo: | men's Organizations (n the | community, Kindly address such to Women's Page E@: | iter or Telephone Number | 18. When writing remember to use only one side of paper 14 ner ---- South Carebins Ave. #1 he Tosrdwalh ATLANTIC CITY'S NEWRAY 820 ROOMS 123.53 Soran ask PERSIAN You can acquire suntan without SUNB This lovely new toilet creation soothes, heals, beautifies, It is not sticky. TCHES OUR PEUIALTY It your watch Is uot giving satisfaction We OAR repait and make it tel) the corres time D. J. BROWN EAN A Bt Watoh Ini A National and Osh Othe Cann Hallroads 10 he W. Phone 189 FT ---- July Clearance Our Prives Are Right | THE FASHION SHOPPE A4 Simcoe BL §, | -------------------- | Near Cor. King & Simcoe 4 PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S (0 Nlincee Nu B= We Deliver Felt. Bros. the Leading Jeweler Ratabl iahed INNO hil M Weddings SOUTHWELL-=WHITE The marriage of Edna Viola, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ephriam White of Moprefield, Ontario, to George Kenneth Southwell, son' of Mi, und Mrs, Joseph Southwell, of Port Whithy, took Jace ut three: thirty yesterday ulternoon, 'Ihe ceremony wis performed by + Dy Vieteher ut the Centre Btreet United Chureh parsonage, It wis very quiet wedding and limmediately after the happy couple left on # wedding trip, motoring to Moorefield. They will make thelr home for a short time in Port Whithy > MOORE~CRANDELL A quiet wedding took place on Saturday evening ut Cedurdule Units ed Chureh parsonage, when Viele Maurie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Als bert Crandell becanig the bride of John Moore, sun of Mr. and Mrs oore, of Brooklin, Ontario, Mr and Mrs, Leonard Pelow were utr tendunts of the bride und groom After wu short wedding trip My, und Mrs, Moore will reside In Belleville -- SMITH.CRANDELL A pretty wedding was sulemnised Wing drreer United Chureh on Saturday, July 1, at three o'clock when Rev, C; lo, Cragg united in matrimony Elgabeth Vernan Dore thy, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Al bert Crandell, ol Cudir Breet, Osh awn, and Byran Culbert Bmith, son of Mr, and Mrs. J, Both, of Lunds downe, Ontario, I'he bride Wile Kye en in mirriege by her futher, dhe wore fashionable frock of whit georgette with tulle vell, and carried i bouquet of sweetheart roses win biuby's breath, Her only bridesmaid, a winter, Vielut Maurie Crandell, wis becomingly gowned in pale pink with widesbrimmed hut of the swine shade, Clarence Crandell, brother of the bride was best min. Albert Crandell ahd Leonwrd Pelow ucted as ushers Bwekt puns and ruses were used tv decorate (the church. Seventy guests were Invited to the wedding und to the reception that was held at the home of the bride's parents alter the ceremony, 'The newly married couply left Saturday cvening for a meter trip and alter two weeks they will mike their home in Peterborough, Fhe bride's going away outfit wus an ensemble of yellow ' WALKER:BARTLETT St George's Anglican Chureh was the scene of uw pretty wedding on Saturday afternoon when Gwendolyn May, daughter of My, und Mrs, Hart lett, of Nhietticld, Foglund, became the bride of Frnest Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. WW, Walker, Nether: ton, kngland. The wedding took place at two o'clock and the cere mony was performed hy Rev. Canon delencler, The bride who was given In marriage by Mr. A Sampson look: ed very pretty now gown of mauve erepe with wideshrimmed hat 10 mateh, and carrying a bouquet of ophelia roses. The hride und wroom were attended hy Mr, and Mrs Crase of Oshawa, Mrs, Crase wear Ingen heecoming frock of_white, and oRrrying a bouquet of carnations After the ceremony a roception was held at the home of Mr, and Mpa Crase, ut which the fifteen invited guests were present, Mr and Mrs Walker left Saturday evening to spend thelr Honeymoon in Terontn, I'hey will make their home at 24] Tresana St, Oshawa, Previous to her marriage, Mra. Walker was enters tained at u miscellanenus shower gi en in her honor by Mrs, A Samp son, 203 Hillside Avenue, W hat New York is Wearing Ry Annebelle Worthington Hustrated Dressmaking Lesson © Fumished with Every Pattern An unuhially Tmart model of novelty dotted crepe silk in aweet olive green shade, You'll like the intrioady of the way the civroular flare ig handled The back and (he aldestronts of 12 SIMCOE ST. the fAtted bodice extend Into ole This charming camera study ls of | plan's parenty Miss Marjorie Guest, sister of Jack | donald, of BY, Guest, Diamond Beulls winner, whe loft with a party, including the sham: | jack to Toronto, - -- ---- oular fulness, Tha back hem Is wlightly dipped The flared ingly youthful ulasye are refresh! adults for (own or Aun darling wiyles far the Miyle No, E646 may he had In It Iw 10 canis a copy wigon 16, IK yours, 46, OK 40 and No. 4640. Wize 44 Inches hust cist It's porteotly stunning in black | and white ehiffon Printed chiffon volle of hluw violet colouring, coral red craps da | chine, angel blue chiffon und pur rol green craps wii equally | smart fdeas for tie development He sure Adve Hum Name Hirent iy Mintle are HOME PROVERIN [H'd the smpty ry the most noise A tnom quiekly | Triah Ta tote h PVA) iin rke FRR PRES 5.4 FAT inglinh ha who I» ame 1a horn married PI Hmmm------ Peeneh Il noranoe tlantic Clty |» ute twa vary is always in not Pl gh Than, 'in season" Hussian «One need not There's never a dull {reap foolk, they grow freely Chinese It Is harder to be Moment 8% Atlantis » b Cy allan round fn vaeation time! Braging plemapurin wondegiulinad=relan Nation! Bpenda werk or | | | | Patiern prion 20 cont to #1 In sige of patiern Pattern Department, The TY without arrogance | Jap Any oll huty In Aweekaand, with us you'll rsturn hameiesl IngM=fresh=vigarausl re -- RATES ' AT THE BEACH says She never But talk talks, American Plan twime or walks, in Al 1] HHT AH If this is a hirth@ay gotten until just now | relephon plton Maior One of rhe Finest Holels In Atlantic City Por g week or a weakond enjoy the lunury of ih ] 80 APPAIAIMAntS wWithaut exarbiiant pian, ahiat, Write ar wire (or reservatians, B00 ROOME », OVERLOOKING THE QERAN BA WATER BATHS 0. V. MREKS, Nv A, ANDREWS, Ives. MA , 2» turn to A wrecting by Lirance that | onto make Piles are cheaper only a few wines, for cally are an simple to nes | 700 pm, ever before an local ART and Miss Mary Mas: Cathavines, last night for Quebee, where they will mest the famous seuller and accompany. him re --r mer Fashiton Magazine in ready! 1 contains mont interesting styles for vioation wear kiddies Adare iw nar without murmuring than ta he rich will do to Bho came down here to rest, And talks, and talks, and talka long diy ince telephone is wn form af remems | always appreciated as vocompliment and it will take you FROM MOTHER OF EIGHTEEN Read How This Medicine Helps Her | ka '] I sich » bi fl to | for heir | told me aloud ydia ¥ nk» Ay wve depended on tL for many yeam, otire taken, Lhe ma aboil his y | told him la Compound he oe hand boy ht her ¥ A Balixw RL I had this wr Bade Pou foe's shout the V yy | Women's Corner HAIL PIONEEIN hroud and This wonderful, great, of ours, "The hose fron ! Who gave of thelr blood sinew, thelr lives, To tame it for you and me? of the hrave and (he of thelr eonfuerad the forest the mountain and plain In hitter cold winter, or heal Who supped upon 1onlines row and pain That we in contentment might ent? Whe This day Isl honor ' the hrave planes s Who hattled, edurageous, the wild Lat us each do OMI part on He's rugged frontiers, As Canada's stanineh 1] layn! child! AL, Wabh KTAINN An dmporiant point ta remambay when dealing with stains on ma thint horn hand two very solt pillows hd whieh ponr "he pooch (amply | through the and Indifter- | | | methods that of the torinls Is tn employ vill not harm the fabrie alath while the stains Are bhaing re H elpful Hints VARIETY The homsewile who constantly or ders her meats, groceries and baked goods by phone will (all into a mon- ubimans rut of diet, To avoid this visit the markets and shops (requents ly und sem, whist newg virieties they . have to offer Instead of the same old breads, try rye, whobe wheat, nut bread, hearth bread with is brown crust, or buns and muffing in wide varidy Where wre more Kinds of meat than steak and roast and slew Try tongue, Hh, sweethreads and liver, Yhe wreen grocer will reflect the seasons in changing fruits and vege tildes, even if spinach Is A yew round staple and strawherries ind tommtoes appear with blizzards MATHKINAL INSTINCT GUIDES HEIR TO MAN WHO NEED» HER CARE MOWY The maternnl instinet is domi nant in most. women A woman will turn to the mun who needs hor care rather than to the one who is willing to care for her and lyn her evary comfort as If she wink un ehild Nuturslly, It de pends somewhnt on the chiaraeier of the woman If whe Is funda. mentally the clinging-vine Lypas, sha muy take the susiont way, hut if whe In independent, up-to-dals Wilko oarnar, the chances are, ning tht the weakling will love where the strong out of ten win hey mun falls A novel and Interesting tres ment of this theme Is smbraved In "Temptation the Columbia wilting drama, which comes to New Martin Theatre on Tuesday for an two days' run, The girl in the caus (8 Just one of the many thousands of girls In New York who manages to kesp siradght des ie metropolitan tempiations I'wo men Jove hey One In a thrifty, middle-aged German, who prosperous enough to give hur comforts and even luxuries, The ather 1s an engaging hut apparent ly worthless hoy, who has served one term in prison for a minor of janes und is rondy at the slight oul provocation to gn hack to his Ife of erime Good eommon sense tells the girl to marry tha man who enn take care of her hut she ci te an al (vel vhelmi for the weakling LD» 200 WOMEN'S HOT WEATHER Dresses At $1.95 Printed and Plain Craychenes, Fast color chiffon volles, Fast color Printed Piques, Regular $2.95 to $4.95 values, Sizes 14 10 40, Printed Craysheen Dresses Sizes 36 to 48, Reg. $4.95, WOMEN'S PRINTED Craychene Dresses New assortment of long and short sleaved and also slesve- loan styles, Sizes 36 to 46. Reg. $4.95 for 200 Girls' Print and Pique Dresses at 98¢c | new assorte |! lines, Another entirely ment makers clearing Wiges 7-14 years und Knsemble Dresses Regular Pantls In sizes 2 to 6 years, $1.06 to 82.06 values Bs SR A moved, and especially If tha af focted materinl In delicate I In advisable, tharafore, tn adopt the milder vomedies hefora resorting n the more Avastie anes Annthey point worth remahering is 10 don! | with tha stains as soon as possible | TTY Rf) {nn 4 ( Kao py. after they have occurrad. Tha rep fresh rn won for (his will he ahvious AAInE Are meh more easily moved than old ones pratt stains of all Kinds cnn he pemoved from any kind of mater: inl hy applying witactod parts a thick paste of haray nnd | Water Rub thin mixture well iv | to the stains with a pad of soft cloth, then immerse the whole ar tn the And talks, and talks, and | | Somebody's Birthday? vou have for your town now Inrt than JIN [ \ TA 0 Avenue ¢ Boardwalk and A Hotel Distinctively Different' ONER SPEIER By ATA SITY * Ready for pom $ 2.20 dail. A A v ' \ FETTER LNOLLINOER, we "EVEN C FETTER. sng 4 [to remove tinla or garment In hot water If cpaces of the stains still remain, ve peal the process In the ease of Ink stains It |e especially important that these should he dealt with as soon as possible after they have haan oe curred, as the longer they have heen allowed to remain on the ma terial the more diftionlt they are It the stains ara stil) wel, remove as much of the Ink as possible with a plece of hlotting paper, then apply Julea of a raw tomato to the parts beginning at the outside of each stain and work Ing with a clrenlar movement to wards the centre Ifthe ink da yary atyong (nome inks have stronger acids than others), the probabiliyy In that the tomate jules will only partially remove the ataing, Whould traces of the stalng still remain draw the affected parts tightly across the mouth of A large howl, sprinkle with a thick mixture of salt and lemon juioe, and rub well in, Leave for a min ute or ao, than pour over gener ous quantities of very hot water, and the probability is that the stains will have entirely disappears od It the alains are old a mueh more drastio remedy will he neces. sary, Place one teaspoonful of ox alle aed In a howl (most chemists supply this acid), halt All with bell Ing water, and apply In tha same manner an the mixture of salt and lemon Jules, Ip in worth noting that If the material on Which the stains appear in coloured the selus tion should he warm, an if used too hot the remedy may remove some of the colour an well, If the stain do nat respond to veapeated applicas tions of thin solution, add another tableapoonful of the acid to the walter, ; i" Shot from Guns 125 million food cells exploded That's what makes Puffed Grains crisp ... delicious + + + Virtually as nourish- ing as hot cooked cereals OU may have wondered why Puffed Wheat Yo Putfed Rice are so light and crunchy. 30 meltingly good to eat, Here's the secret, They are made by an utterly different process from all other ready:to-eat cereals, Grains of wheat and rice are sealed in bronze guns, The guns are revolved in fiery ovens, In this terrific heat the natural grain moisture in each tiny food cell expands into steam, i When the guna are fired, 125 million explosions occur in each grain, Hwery tiny food cell is com. piney broken up, (Just as it would be from len of cooking) Hence every particle of f is completely digestible, This is why Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are rated as virtually as nourishing a4 het cooked cereals, When these grains conte forth in showers from the guns, they've been Jd to 8 times normal size, They're crisp, fragile, crunchy . ., deliciously a" fia x A taste like a nutments, o fresh buttere + You'll sa never 'ore dreamed a and rice A ivy be s0 raeltingly good to eat, Don't neglect to give your family this nvore deli. cious , , , more richly nourishing cereal, Order Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice from your grocer today, "i ED WHEAT AND PUFFED RICE 0 TILLIE THE TOILER--A Painful Picture Lal UN'S RHA hh TILL VR a0 WIMM ING \ LO, Mas, Tre = WH HAVEN'T | BEEN OVaRT wi Ae AEEN DOING 'A LiYTLW O\l* PAINTING LATELY = WHY, ~ MOSTLY

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