PAGE SIX' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1930 INTEREST IN LACROSSE AROUSED BY GENERAL MOTORS VICTOR Brampton Victory Arouses Keen Interest In Success Of Motors Lacrosse - Fans Experience Hope That Ontario Title May Again Repose Here--Champions Are Devoting Much Time to Developing New Plays Local interest in Menor OA, A, lacrosse passed (he lukewarm sage by a considerable degree As the result of General Motors' 7 to § vietory over Brampton on (he Excelsiors' home receiving grounds, if tho talk about town over Inst Maturday's game Is 10 be taken as any indication, With the teams fn the final strate of the League's schedule and play-offs for the Oniarie championship just around the core ner, Oshawa's victory over the league leaders who had previously defeated them on three occasions, including twiee In Oshawa, loesl enthusiasts are experiencing new hope that the Ontario title will again repose in the Motor City, «Experienced critics of the game who -- witnessed last Haturday's struggle declare that Oshawa most decidedly has an even chance with Brampton to carry off the honors In the play-offs, and that there Ix even an outside chance of Oshawa tieing the Kxcelslors for first place at the conclusion of the schedule, A tie for first place will make toss of a coln necessary to decide which team will have the cholee of grounds for the first of the best two out of three games in the play-off series, Mays Working Nicely Now almost at the height of LUMBER F. L. BELFCROF1 Whithy Lumber and Wond Tard 1I'hone Oshawa AB4 Whitby 19 ROYAL YORK wens Tea Ha 28¢ At all Superior Stores RXCHANGE Want to dispose of my busi ness, Good country store, good buildings, ete, Would consider good Oshawa prop erty, APPLY HOX 700 TIMES New Martin TUES, & WED. Great Crook Drama Temptation with Lawrence Gray Comedy "TURKEY FOR TWO" YE HEART SHOPPE Team thely mid-season form, the Motors men are devoling & great desl of thelr time in developing new plays and perfecting those siready In use, Well defined plays have ar ways boen behind the success of the locals, & tact which is some: times overlooked by those who fol: low the team's activities, Saturday's game with Brampton sw some particular examples of the smooth working plays which are engineered |b the preseui pominion title-holders, One 11 particular was that which resulted In Oshawa's third goal of the game soored early in the second quarter It required more than two minutes of actual uninterrupted play, In which Oshawa had possession All the time, before the actual shol was made which resulted (n the goul, Oshawa secured possession of the ball at centre field to slur! the play. 'the -ball then was moved in close to the net with the entire home being covered man for man, by Brampton defenve, A criss-cross ar with short passes from man to man was then engineered, wit) the ball being worked In a slow halt circle, away from the Bramp ton net, towards centre field, The Brampton defence, endeat: outing to break up the play, fol flowed thelr cheeks back with the ball to the midfield aroa with the result that there was not a single man, either Brampton or Oshawa, within 60 yards of Large in the Brampton net, In the meantime Ty Wilk had drifted unnoticed to the centre of the field ana when an opening presented itwelf, "Ty" made one of his well known dashes towards the goal with the nearest Brampton man more than thirty feet away before it was known what was' happening "Chuck Barron whe had the ball at the time Bilk made his break, gave him a perfect pass from the side of the field and Wilk went through unmolested for a woll deserved tally, to save whieh Large had no chance, Brampton and Oshawa meal again In another league fixture thin Saturday at Motor City Nad jum, These teams have met on four occasions to date, threes of which have hean won hy Brampton, All four games were won hy only a one goal margin and one game went into avertime, A large crown Is eartaln to be on hand to see this fifth encounter which takes place Saturday and a goodly portion of It will ha very much disappointed If the locals do not pull eut with n vietory Rooters! Club Saturday | Wpecial arrangements are being made for a General Motors' Roots ers Club to be In attendance at Saturday's game, the entire south: west stand helng .esarved for Routers' Club ticket holders, Thea tiokets can he obtained from any of the General Motors' foremey or from the Industrial Relations Rullding ONTARIO LEAGHE NEARING ITS END St. Catharines Team Dis. bands When Salaries Are Not Paid St. Catharines. July 28 [rant ford shut out ®t, Catharines las! night A:0, and It wan the las; game Nt, Catharines will probably see in the Ontario League, as the team Ia disbanding, "We are not going anywhere else, We ara just going hack home,' sald Lefty Dennewss, first baseman, after the game Ne sald the players are away back in thelr salaries, only having been ald amall hits since early in June e and other players charged had management (0 the fatlure of the team to Anish up tire season, "With proper management, wa would all he pald and everything would be USED 1929 ESSEX SEDAN, Whole Company Limited (EL King Street W, BARGAINS 1928 ESSEX SEDAN. . Thoroughly reconditioned and sold with our 30 Day Guarantee 1920 ESSEX COUPE in splendid condition. 'A Real Good Buy 1926 CHEVROLET CANOPY top-truck, 14 ton, just the truck for delivering groceries A Beautiful Car for the Family v & Gartshore Phone 1160 LAMB AGAIN 1S PRO. GOLF [HAMP Finishes One Stroke Ahead of Tommy McGrath to Retain Title Burlington, July 22.--Willie Lamb, professions) at the Uplands Club, stamped himsell us the leading Can adian professional at the Burlington Gall and Country Club, when he showed the way to Bb golfers, rep resenting clubs in Ontario and Que hee, to win the GA, tourney for the third time in succession. Lamb wis sensitional In that he tured in #70 and a 70 to tuke the 1, D, Ross Trophy, the Dunlop Gold Medal and $250 in cash, but he had to display his best wares to (inish ene stroke ahead of Tommy McGrath, profes sional at the new Dundas Club, who turned in a score of 142, McGrath took $150 as his share of the spoils and wlso the honor of turning 1h « 07 to set a record for the Burlington course for competitive golf, Jack Roberts, Oshawa, took KB each wa to finish with 160 CRICKET NOTES Wt, George's hud a successful day on Waturday last, and true to tra dition, defeated Parkdale on thei own ground IL wan an exceedingly hot afte noon and the bowlers were not envied thelr job, The kround was Ike rock, and the ball bounced about in a startling manner, Parkdale, batting first were not al all comfortable against Ho warth's howling, He varied his bowling greatly und iL pussleg the batsmen often, The ground, which is notorious for Ite small boun davies and big woores, bellied Its reputation for Parkdale, The whole team contributed but #ix boundary hits, and the side Was out for the total of 74, The game often had to be stopped, as passers-by continually walked unconsciously Into the danger tone Bt, George's opened In style with Larmouth and and 20 runs were moored they were separated Parkdale have a bad habit of appealing for obstriletion, every time the ball hits a bateman's pads Fs Larmouth wan out to A most ridiculous decision How a man can be out LBW, when he Jumps from hin crease and bull with his bat first, befors siriking his pads Is a complete mystery, There muat he some con plications to this LBW, nile, of which the writer roadlly admits absolute Ignorance However, on With the game, Howarth was with his first ball didn't look so good, When Dew bery Joined J, Chappell, runs be RAN Lo ACcrue ones more, George opened his shoulders to au full toss and with a maknifioent drive fine Mann hefore howled and things eloan sent the ball clean out of the field | hefore it dropped Runs came along steadily and with three batamen in hand, four runs were required to win, Young Jim Chap. poll, always playing his usual iteady game, walting for the loose ball to come along put the lsaue heyond doubt, With a mighty drive he sent one clean out of the ground, to drop on someone's verandah, The next (wo balls fol lowed the first one Into the road und that ever produced 16 runs Chappell and Moore had played vell together to bring about the win, with scores of 20 and 18 re nectively, After the winning the game lost Ita excitement, and Nt, Georgo a retired with the score of 8d, -- ---- a, _.;ea Be OK," sald Denney won the first half of the sehedule by a good margin With the collapse of the sa will coma the wrecking of the Ontario League, it in helleved, Ky: on the umpires hava ney been paid, In Dire Straits Nrantford, July 28==With the local firm Which supplied the uni formk consenting to the players us: Ing them, they not being paid fer vol the professional baseball plays ers on Brantford's Ontario League team will continue for at leas; the rest of thin week, playing thelr scheduled games, with the hope that during the week they will see a group of Brantford men take ov. er the team and keep Lhe elub go- ing here, The players claimed to be behind in their pay and have re. quated eourt action against Man. ager Dixie Walker for non-pay: ment of wages, plays the } ht, | moving slowly, Is to Indulge in long Impossible to mateh the old time them decide it on the field 4 play, ' On Saturday of this week, Osha tion muteh at Alexandra Purk Old Timer lineup will include Andy Duke Dainty, plteher; Buck Wilson fneobl, third base; Ken Roddick Puss Thompson, outfielders, Game * bits Regim In Fast Times Defeated 7:8 in Inter. esting Softball Fixture at Motor City Stadium The Regimental Black Cats wer one run too good for the Oshawa Times tn a scheduled Intermediaie softhall game last night, Overcom Ing an early lead, the Black Cats secured the odd run in 14 In a brief five Inning kame The soldiers secured thelr seven runs in the third in ning, whan they bunched three singles a two ply hlow by Nalmon, und one freo tieket to first Hnowden hurled a steady game for the winners, fanning three and Issuing throe walks, After the first Inning, when he was touched for three runs, he coasted alons with ttle trouble, A pair of singles by Peterson and Little, coupled With an error and a walk, gave the newspapermen a pair of runs Again In the third, and one more run in the fifth and last inning representad the balances of thelr effective offensive four of To | SPORT SNAPSHOTS Youth Versus Experionce A favorite occupation of sporting editors when the news market Is Rowden, Vddie Saunders, second base; Walter Vale, shortstop ent Defeats Times ronto Acclaims Jack Guest, comparisons of the athletes of pres ent and bygone days, with many epiniens pro and con us to whether the sporting erop Is deteriorating or improving us the years roll on, How iany columns have been filled with dissertutions us to whether Bob Vitesimmons could have trimmed Dempsey if the element of time could have been eliminated, and thuse two great fighting machines brought to- gether In one ring? And It Is & favorite pastime of the older ball fans to ussert thit baseball today hies nothing to thatch the prowess of Honuy Wagner, Larry Lajole, and other diamond giants of the past difficulty In most of these discussions is, of course, that it Is physically The big rs aguinst the youngsters, and let Central Leaguers Versus Aarabs wit will hive an opportunity te actu lly watch a team of representatives of the old ther brigade meet an organized team of comparative youngsters, when the Old Central Leu une outfit will reorganize, and glve battle to the Aarubs In an exhib The veterans have been Hmbering wp quietly for the last month, and with practices on Tuesday and Thursday ofthis week under thelr belts, they are confident that they can uphold the reputation of other days, and hund the Aarubs & rei! trimming Th. Dobson and Jimmy Quinn, catchers; and Andy Shultz, first base: Kipp, Morley Art Lege, Admission, twe Reg Vale, BI Gifford, starts at 300 pm Softball Gam Rutherford took over the plten | Tog duties for the Cuts In the lust | Inning, and smashed out a rousing homer on hin first appearance ul the plate, to carry In the run that gave the margin of victory , Hubbell had two hits in three tries for the Cats, while Cornish loud off man, had two In four to counterbalance his two strikeouts Little and Peterson wera Lhe lending witters thr the Time nine, dividing four singles and six times at bat equally for gama percentages of A407 AR nid RH A} 2k 758 4 25 66 8} fegiment Times 0201 RegimontCoarnish, 8b; Hnow den, ws; Mennett, of; Hubbell, 1h Falmon, of; 1, Snowden, p; Rus oll, 0} Clary, 2h: Hall, ¢f; Ruth erford, # Oshawa Burr, 2h I'eterson, Times Kitehen, O'Dowd, of; 1h Tonpine table, If; Hood, ih; Hubbell, If U'mplires | Nearer rf Little, o} Hux Wilson, p ne Dell and Garrow Walker A City's People Thunders Welcome Toronto, July 28 More than 200,000 of Toronto's eitigens last night thundered a welcome to Jack Cluest winner of Digmond Foulls at Henley, on. his arrival home from nbroad An Jack Guest appeared at the main entrance to the station, the wildest storm of acelaim in Tor onto's history greeted him. Mats, streamed and confett] ware shower ed In the alr amidst a general tur moll in the vast erowd, each striy ing to get A glimpee of the cham pion, Then rc -------- relatives were whisked to the car of honor at the rear of A great parade, stretching for eght blocks, In eharge of Lou Heholes, former winner of the Diamond Beulla, Nob Dibble and Inspector (Guthrie An the parade passed the speak er's stand where amiling Jack alighted to receive oficial tributes und the presentation nf a silver tea not the band struck up "Down the River of Golden Dreams," as A musical tribute to the determina tion of the world's champion to overcome the sting of several de Cusst and hin immediate S------rr The Saints | nt | NATIONAL LEAGUE CUNN DEFEAT GIANTS New York, July 32 «'"Hack' Wilson's big bat, coupled with Put Malone's steady pltehing gave the Chicago Cubs a 8:to-0 decision over the New York Giants yester- day and also the leadership, It was the second shutout handed the Glants thin year, the other baling by Dazay Vance of the Robins Wilson poled out his twenty: elghth and twenty-ninth home runs of the season off Tiny Ohaplin, the Toxan, in the fourth and sixth ine nings, while Malone held the Giant to eight hits, and did not isnue base on balls during the eight Innings he worked, PIRATES WALK PLANK Philadelphia Tuly 29, «==Clover pitehing by Lester Swestland yes ------------ feats. to ultimately reach his goal the Phils to take 7.0 2. In the first terday enabled In the Dlrates, game of the local series. Yhila | dolphin hammered Kremer for three runs In the fest, and four more in the fifth to complete thelr triumph Two home runs, ous hy Souths orn, and another by Whitney, with O'Doul on base, gave the Phils a trio of tallies, ------------------ DONGERS FALL BACK Brooklyn, July 28.«The Brook: Iyn Robins relinquished the Na: tonal League leadership to the Chicago Cubs yesterday, dividing A doubleheader with the Cardinale, while the Bruina were taking a single contest from the New York Glants, The first contest went to the Robins 0:8, but the Cards cams back in the second to win a 17:10 sugfest, With five home: runs rattling off the war elubx of the batters, the opener turned inte a hometrun contest, Cireuit drives TILDEN TO HEAD DAVIS CUP TEAM Will Lead United States Group in Games Against France Paris, July 40-=Willam T. 'T1)- den, 11' Philadelphia's thespian, journalist and tennis star, will lend the United States' forces In the Davis Cup challenge round for the eleventh consecutive year when America makes ita third attempt to regain the prized Internstionnl trophy from France at Roland Gare ros Miadium, Auteull, this week- and, Pitz lougens Dixon, non-playing captain, today named Tilden, Geo, Martin Lott, Jr, of Chicago; Wil mer Allison, of Austin, Tex, and John Van Ryn of Kast Orange, N.J,, an memhers of the American team for the competition with rance, The Vrench team, chosen hy Captain Plerra (Gilloy, consists of Henryl Cochel, Jen Dorotra and Junoques Brugnon, Drawings for the singles matches will he made Thursday, NEIBERLINGH VEIRRUS 0, MM, | The softhall = fans of Oshawa ars in for a res) (reat at the Mot or City Stadium this Haturdav right, when Melberling Intermed) anton, the pride of Sunnyside and ut 'present leading thelr league, plny the OO, M, IL an exhibition kama The Welbherlings have at least six players on thelr line up who could enteh a place on nearly any senior team, Their regular battery of Toots Harrison, plteho , and Maxie Maxwell, enteher, have played wavs | ern) games for Helberling Bu | premes Nenfors | Although the O M.1, have to glve a guarantee to this team the usin! price of admission 10 will be the | charge for this game, Game will | he enllnd ut 7 pom, Saturday night, | | INTERNATIONAL || LEAGUE | | ORIOLES WIN. wiSRIES | Montreal, July 22-<The Balti] | more Orioles moved into a tie for wkocond place when (hey captured | the final contest and the Ave-game | ueries, three victories to twn de | feats, when Luthr Roy, right-hand. | ar, twirled them to. un B00 victory here vostorday over the Royals, Jos | Hauser, clinched the victory In fhe 4 | hom | CLONE CALL FOR WINGS elghth by polling out his thirty | fifth home run of the season with | {two on hase, It wis the longest | o run over the rightfeld fence {over 'made at the Montreal Stad [tum and the ball landed on | roof of a four-ptorey factory Across | the street from the park Hochester July par's triple followed balls to Martin and Florence aml I'ineh«hitter Billy Southworth's single won the sixth game of the aries for Rochester over Jersey City, 11:10, In 11 Innings here yes torday, Kochster had tied the | count in the last halt of the ninth | when Grant let go a wild piteh | with Tovorcer on third base with Iwo out | The game wun featured by heavy hitting, which produced many runs, each club geting 15 hite nn "a Hay Pep by bases on NEWARK SWEEPS NEIIS | Hufialo, July The Newark | Bears loft town last evening, tak: | Ing along a four-game sweep over | the Bisons as a venull of (help § | y trlumph in the final night cons Lent Once again former Bisons played the stellar roles In the Hears trinmph, HOLY TRINITY TENNIS CLUB HOLDS OPENING The Tennis Club of the Churvh of the Moly Trinity was officially opened on Saturday, July 10th at S80 pom, Afternoon tea was taken In the basement after which tie offielal ceremony was performed by Mr. FW, Cowan, on behalf of Mrs, Cowan, who unfortunately wan unable to be present, A debt of gratitude is owed to Mr, Cowan, who #0 gonerous'y came forward with a cheque of $80 to cover the deficit in the funds of the club, : This of course was just ane other instance of Mr, Cowan's gen: by Munouso, 'fsch, Bottomloy and Cuoelnnell scored all of the Cards' runs, but proved worth los when Harvey Hendrick poled out a pinoh«hit home run In the ninth inntag with two on base and | {10 wan successful from every the || | The Metropolitan Opera Star (aurence [Parts and Service Run Wild In First Innnings Victors Scored 10 Runs in First Innings and Main. tained Lead Throughout Game--Rowden, Gay and Little Were Heavy Slug- gers Parts und Service scored ten runs in their first iuning against Colum- Lius lus: night, and from there on their ubbreviated five and a half in wing leugue encounter wis Just i formality. Columbias succeeded in rolling up sx runs in six lings, but were never within striking distance and fished up on the short end of u 14:6 peore Five good hewlthy singles, & double wind uw honier mide up the Parts and Service offensive in that teiumphant opening session Fhree walks und an error wlvo wssisted materially Cympmow walked start things going, und Guy promptly homered to sent! the first two runs charging across the plate, Rowden doubled to deep left field, Webster wus out ut fest, but 1 Kote drew the se ond walk of the Inning and WW Fulr's bobble wt first on C, Elliott's bid for a sufety filled the buses hen Smith, Little and Atkinson singled in rapid succession, driving mm four runs, and Gunmow came to but for the second time, drew his second walk of the and fill of the sucks again second hit scored two men tu inning, Ciny's und Rowden fo) lowed with another single to shove ACTORS TWO more Rowden was fin ally trapped between first und segs ond on un attempted stew), and Web flied to Ross for the third out Columbius' best se pg oelore was ori orosity, wu trait in his charactor which makos him an outstanding figure In the bhackkronnd of the | Anglican Churches in Oshawa After the opening three sets olf mixed doubles were playod hy #! George's and Holy Trinity, two of Whigh won hy the visitors Appreciation In axpressed for all those who helped to make - 1h event a and they have the satl of nowing were UCenne fuoction View point Monday's Scores New York 7 Cleveland ,..,. 8 Boston voll Chicago vial Detroit ,,...7 Philadelphia Nt. Louis oo, 8 Washington that | Defeat Columbias 14-6 In the third, when they managed to wet to Webster for a pair of hits by Luke and W, Faly, and the P, & § men obligingly contributed a trio of errors, Three scored, and two men were on biuse when the inning ended Rowden, Gay snd Little were the heuvy sluggers for the winners, Kach of them collected three safeties in four attempts, while Rowden had double and Gay & homer included i the lot, Gummow also had a hom: pounding the ball for a round with no one on base in the third Lirainty wus the strongest offen sively for the Columbians, - Taking aver the first base duties in the third ning, he appeared at bat twice, and hit safely both times, Both times he was left stranded on the paths Colupbius=R, Fair ef; Luke 3h; Toppmigs svi Armald e; J. Fair rf; Ross of; Leveque 2h; W. Vair 1h; Keenan 1; Skelenkoff ss; Dainty 1h Smerch op, (Hirst inning, ) Parts and ServicesLiummow Guy cf Rowden If; Webster iT, Ido Filioty Abi Smith 1h Little of mson. vf; Boyes 1b White! Columbia Parts und 2h Ath i Columb Put eryi Umpires Dell er, A, Walker und $cor ind Carrow Ee Tailor-made Tulormede $75, (0) Scotland Woollen Mills N, HOTINH, Manager y Tr --------------_, a COAL COAL "howe 1B W. J, SARGANT Yardo=a Bloor "treet B Orders Promptly Delivered Moe CART W LumBi Rr (© 74 ATHOLL 51 w (Md | a -- peativotios Grantiand 8 won the game. BRINGING UP FATHER XT once BOY WILL DRIVE ME MAD WITH Hie HEY You! COME MERE! I w-- HOM MANY TIMES To WHISTL Lo) NER ---- MULIBYT | TELL YOU NOT BBETT With CATHERINE DALPF OWEN STAN LAUREL OLIVER HARDY What a pleture i» this daring, specs tacular deama of a bandit lover and a rubysdipped Prine CONN, Passionate! Happy! Tuneful! Entirely in Technicolor n o Cartoo Mickey Sow, any' Rice PORTLIGHT Enjoy the COOL COMFORT of The REGENT NIC rian By Geo. McManus BLT, WOLRN'YT WORKIN MR NGG! o-ul wha, ™ A