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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jul 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2 \ 3, 19 rT Lhd ddd 4 bod d ddd ddd ddd ial lifes doh oh ded yyTRYYYY bd ddd dll LA EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS BL SS ITTY W TIYVVVVIYTYITYTYYTYTY LASSE og VILLAGE HALL, w RNED Kingston, ~Vire of unknown ori Ein destroyed (he village hall at Odessa, 12 miles west of hers, DEmage estimated nt $10,000 ve: sulted, with 83,000 insuyance, Vive men from Kingsion prevented the fire from spreading, -------- HOTEL KITCHEN ROBBED Lindsay), Henry Brooks, , pro prietor of the Brooks House, oa his larders and kitchens ransacked here after thieves had entered dur Ing the night, They had taken sverything in the way of food that they could find, even coffee, ten and sugar being stolen mm------ MARRIES IN NORTH Athens-~Miss Irena Kar), deugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs, W. V, Earl han left for Bloux lookout, whers, she will be joined hy George Bouter, of Fort Hope, Northern Ontario, and married at the home of friends, making the trip of some 400 miles hy eanoe to thelr new home at Port Hope, Ll fe Uy or K ie Ji ie Ww or LL ii D e 1 1 v e n rr fa a day but in, need of many things complete and Blores pros Thera is hardly n what you are some of the which these modern Drug vide, t (Ml el l Many of these needs pop up unexpectedly That's where our prompt delivery #servies is wo entisfying, Just uss the phone te Unexpecled k Ruests ma) suggest the need for lee cream, candy, hridge ecards or smokes, Or il. may he An emergency matty of 11 ness or aceident Your telephone---plus our prompt delivery make our stores places of GENUINE SERVICE A trial will eonvinee The REXALL Stores Jury & Lovell LIMITED King MW, Blimeon Nt, N, Phone 28 Phone 08 i by or W in In K M K son ad its most eontly, when parents and friends of the campers, in large numbers, al tended the afternoon and the awarding of honor badges and coveted camp chayrons, of the town, in assisting In erecting nerinl window who he wow MUNT VACKE TRIAL Prescott, ve charged wih erimingl ww trial, . SUCCESSFUL CAMP Brockville, Camp Rideau successful season of uxis and Teall Ranger, (0 number of 1458, The camp Was operated foy (he hanefit of all 'teen age hoys in the hy the Boys wunty of frenville, Work Board JAILED VOIR BDIGAMY Brockville ingston, and wn, appeared Reynolds in formerly of hefore a special idge ting of the county criminal court He had previously pleaded avi) y ) C reform indeter in the » A charge of bigan as sentenced to Iwo 10 day in tha Oniarl with a further sentence of Iwo YEArs ny, # pame institution, BADLY BURNED Brockville Btanley May young Englishman employe rm work a short distance arrowly escaped i" salzed the wire which with a pri of the P wire ho 1a bare copper yma into contact eotrig pawey wire tilities Commission, THREE BURGLARIES Nrockville Charles K store, a short distance east of the roma hy forced Lhe was entered party who and stola from of clgaretien pee, the A, & IP. slore wner of King and Home str as also enterad and ahout cash wag stolen, Thieves wn, nown n fuantity at of Cammeree west, through a ank Ing strest HUNGRY, STEALS 8 Kingston Kenneth drifted Inte Kingston ontreal a few days mgo, ED roof trinkets ingston woman, helonging He was ren ed by Magistrate Farrell for sons TTT YY Joseph Giroux ap peared hefore Magistrate H, Atkin. negli» gence over an aceldent that haps pened on Provinelsl highway No, 2 enst of Prescott on July 7, It was wllaged that on that day the aes cused was driving an automobile and struck threes employss of the grain terminal, more or less Injur- ing all of them, He was commitied sports, Alfred Simmons, of His Honor was badly burned and electrocution radio end and clogs Ve both the this sl he lend haw, d lu wen! of had mary ublio nitl's Uns rear wlore tn the ealy $160 alan | forced on sntrance to the Canadian | hullding ni rear | window, and a revolver was stolen. | Favage, | from | walked into the police station and stated that he had stolen a purse contain fountain pen and a num ina ind THROUGHOUT TOWELLING 16 in, Bale Roller Towelling, width, Bankrupt Prices, per yard 10¢c MEN'S PANTS Men's Pants, half Botany Berges, reg, all alges, per paly Handkerchiefs Men's White Lawn Hand: kerohiefs, hemstitehed and large nize, 6 for 28¢ OILCLOTH 45 in, Table Ollcloth, best quality, White only, per yard 35¢ LADIES' HATS «Just arrived, A new ahip- ment in midsummer styles, hats to mateh each frock and face, In a regular way you would pay two or three times move, Rach price, $0.50, " " Pleached Cheese Cloth, WHY OVER PAY? GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY BUY AT THE ARCADE THE BANKRUPT SALE STILL CON- TINUES--HUNDREDS OF BARGAINS THE STORE 12/4 BLANKETS Flannelleta , First quality, Sale Price, per Large Nise Rlankets Bankrupt "$1.88 Verandah Screens Ramboo Verandah Heveens, 41, x 8 ft, Dankrupt Bale I'rice, each CHEESE CLOTH A yard packages, Bankrupt Hale Price, per yard SILK HOSE Ladies' ®ilk Hose, $1.00 value in, several different shades, * Rig to 10, Per Pair 9c 100 DRESSES Ladies' Drespes, Heaus titul street frooks in a vars inly of styles and materials, All sizes and colors,' Rank« rupt. Hale Price®, each | Lin a superficial way= | Dominion, I I The now motor vessel Britannic | liner and the largest British built (27,000 tons) the world's largest cabin | motor vessel, EE --.-e.s re -- tence, Savage told the police thet Lie had heen working in Montreal, and that when ho lost his Job he came on (o Kingston, Ha had $50, hut sald thet ha had heen robbed, Ha went without food for three days, and in desperation. entered # homa and stole the pures, INJURED IN (RASH Belleville, ~Miss Leola Putman of this eity was taken to General Hospital sufforing from shoek and bruises, the result of an auto Aer cident here Milton Latehford driving un ear owned hy Lawrence Oliphant, turned the vehicle coms pletely over while rounding » sharp turn, Three other occupants of the ear, John Baker, Curl Halls bury and George Beott wars pinned heneath the eay but oscaped In Jury WATER STILL IMPURK Lindsay Although work has heen going on steadily to clean up the waterworks trouble whieh mada holling the town water nocessary, the whole difficulty is not yet cleared up and Dr, V, Blan chard, MOH, again advised eiti rons to continue holling drinking water for safety, Ha has recelvea nnothey unsatisfactory ropart from the Government laboratories In I'etarhoro KILLED BY Patarboro,---Vietor 17-year-old son of Thomas Wright of Havelock, wae almost instantly killed, The acel dont oecurred ahout 114 miles east of Mirling on the Canadian Na tional Rallway TRAIN Wright, Mr, and thi Mrs FAMILY REUNION Bellaville, Tha Hyd: family LETTERS Amerleans THE LOVE OF Most regarding him think of John Tyler av one of the prdsaie, nintie; of-fast Presidents of the United States, yet In. the wooing of Lhe eharming young woman wha be came his wife, and the Mistress of the White House, he possessed an ardent temperament==the tempera- ment of a lovesstricken and ro nan. tien young man, Letitia Christian was the dausgh ter of Robert Christian, one of the best known men in Virginia, #he met John Tyler, then a strung ing young lawyer, at a dance st one nf the Colonial homes in the Old and from that night two hearts heat as one, 'There was more formality about eourtahip and marriage In those days than we have in the present marrysin-liasta and-repentsatsleisura age, and John Tyler, who was called tn Richmond to (ake part In the legislative af falrs of the State, asked Letitia for permission to write to her. Rha 1i® not give her eonasnt=--hut she did not refuse, and that amhnirden. ad the young lover to send her more than ane tender missive, Soon aftep their firet meeting be wrote her; "To think of you and te write to you are the only mouress fram whenea I ean derive any veal satin faction during my residence in this place, The prerogative of think. ing of those we love, and from whom we are separated seems to he guaranteed to us hy natures, as wa capnot ha deprived of it either hy the hustle and confusion of a town, or the important duties that attach to our existence, From tha first moment of my acquaintance with you I felt the Influence of gonuing afteotion," Then he says further: "I sateem myself most rieh In possessing you, Tha mean avd sordid wrateh wha yieldy the une apeakahle hills of possessing her whom he ardently loves, may haast of hin fil-acquired wealth, and diss play his treasures in all the pride of ostentation tn the warld, hut whe shall administer to his coms fort In the hour of atfiletion? Whose seraph smile shall ohase away the tlends whieh torture nim? The partner of hia hosom he neit"s of esteems nor regards, and he knows nothing of the halm which tender affeation ean bestow. Nae ture will still be trus ta herself M your favorite Thomson expresses Naught but lave ean answer love, Or render bliss secure," It may he noted," in passing that Tyler ix speaking of the advantage which hes poaResses aver there who | marry tor worldly reasons, ov to wes ours financial advantages, He res fara to this mare than ence in Mis letters ta his adored one, . or ins stance, hera 1s another epistles along the same line! "You express some degres of nae tonlshment, my dear Letitia at an olLsgvation I once made to sou held un monster reunion al tha lock) tourist, camp when a dinner was swerved to members of this well known loc! family, From all parts of tha United Sates sand Canada thoy gathered in this eity, ENDURANCE, TENT Belleville, =A new form endur anes contesl. was Introduesd in Belleville when J, Franklin Lang of the Bank of Montreal staff dis posed it is sala, of fifteen joe cream sundaes in fifty-filya min utes, This constitutes a record lo cally so far an can be learned, ARTIST HONORED Brookville, ~The current of "Revue du Vial et dy (Revue des Aris), published in Paris, contawms a eeparimeir de voted to Canadien and American works of art, including photon graphie reproductions of five printings hy Robert 1, Wright, of Brockville Issun Benn" HEADQUARTERS AT PRESCOTT Proseott, Currant militla or dears announce that "RB" Bgusdron of the 4th Hussars, ths headguart ers of which have hean at Irn nunis, has heen redoealized at 'rescott GOES TO NORTH Brockville Members senior branch of the Woman's Auxillary of Bt, Paul's Chureh, presented Miss Reltn Tatham with A handsoms cheque on the ave of her departure to assume work In the Kskima sehool at Bhingle Point, In the dioeese of tha Yukon, and within the Arctic Clreele of the True Stories Stranger Than Fiction STRANGEST TALES OF ROMANCE ano MYSTERY By Vance Wynn (Author of ToDay's True Detective Stories) i 8 FR AN AMERICAN PRAEDIENY 'that I woul not have been will ingly wealthy at the time thet 1 first addressed you." Buffer ma lo repeat it, JE I had heen wealthy, the idea of your being actunted hy prudential reasons In considering my sult would have eternally tor. tured me, But | exposad io you frankly apd unblushingly my sf uation In lifes=my hopes and fears, my prospects and depanden los and you nobly responded, To in slurs tn you happiness Is now m) only ahject, and whether 1 tioat ar alnk In the stream of fortune, vou may he assured of this, that T shall never censn to Inve you Forgive ma for these remarks whieh I hinve hean f{rreaintibly led to make to you," It {8 Interesting tn wate that whan these tedner missives wars written, Jahn Tyler was 20 years of age and the nhject nf his afte tion Just 22, Tha sivain nf phils osophy whieh runs through his Invemaking was eharactaristio of the man, Even an a youth he thought deeply, and from time tn tima he ia lad to give words nf ad vien an well as of love tn the young woman he had selected an his ifs partner, He wan a devoted reader and wan versed in the posts an wall! AN in anlid literature, On ane an oanlon he sends her a package of books and marks passages which ha desired her tn read, Tt in doubtful If there avers were two Young parsons who wera more fitted for one another than Jahn Tyler and Letitia Christian, The'y families wera amon® tha oldest Virginia, Nelther possessed great wealth, although thelr parents were In comfortable eireumastances The father of John Tyler was n cloas friend of Thomas Jefferson And was an honored wuest of many oooaslons at Monticello, The fath. er af Misa Christian was vary highly valued hy George Washington, and was Mls warm supporter in all of hin publio lite, The eourtahip of John Tyler and Lotitin Christian prospered from tha first, and they finally marvisi on March 20, 1018, the ceramony being attended hy nearly all of the notables In that part of Virginia It was a happy marriage, heeaus the young woman proved ta he model wife, and did wonders i anslsting her hushand In his stead advances fn publio ite, Thay lived modestly and plainly always, and HE ---------------- = |C.P.R, EMPLOYEES HOLD PICNIC AT COBOURG BEAGH Are Given Key To City And| Welcomed by Mayor Cobourg, July 20, ~Caboirg was A vided on Saturday bh 0 genie ers, all employees of the Canadian Pacific Ratlway, vith thei familie who stormed the eity for the twelth wonual piente of the CII [tecren tion Clubs of Toranmto and Trenton Vowr special trains, all loaded ried the sisitors to Vietorin Parl where Mayor A. I, Wilmot, with a delegation, oMicially weleamed the I vaders and gave them the key to tl city, Besides the varied program of sports, there and host ing. Vor the Mt sion the Trenton the cup donated bh general superintendent trict Amongst th distinguishes guests present werp MJ Humphie Assistant to the vice-president, Mont veal HC, Grout, general. super tendent; RB, GG, MeNeillie tant passenger traffic manager; W, ul ton, assistant peneral Piahne ' agent; BR, W. Seott, superintendent Toronto terminals and president of the CPR, Toranta Recreation Club N, MeMillan, superintendent Trenton division; R MeKillog HpeMnten dent Bruce division Gi, Bruce Ih was dancing fourth time Ithall team n H, # front Cntirin oh | It 1x to ba fearad: that there wera times when they had diftioulty in "mak/ing ends weet," juat an thousands of other worthy yveung folks have had from the beginning of time, Nut tye day came when hig doar Totitin wan inatalled as Mistress of the White House, a position whieh sha filled with all of the dignity and grace to be expecied from suoh an estimable woman, She died fn: the White House just thirty years after their marviage, and "Pyler never oensed ta mourn her Iwas, (Copyright by Publio Ledgsr) Luke Furniture Co. ~ Phones 78-79 griphs, Soi RR 0 jee, district passenge ngram, wd AB Hig superintendent Bmwith, [A H "ity USE OF PARTY FLAGS RIBBONS, BADGES, NOT ALLOWED NOW Last Eight Days of Cam- paign Must Be Without Signs of Political Affiliations Workers ragneciive raul Vlaction, wir Lo use within polling day #ny hon, luhels or Thin the Klaction Tha supply, LL Ant n flange, rihhon iegnl, not only h party Fudgas i# offence | the peyveon ILAdges wre worn", The reason ny this clause In Lhe not known and I would have on supporiors of the dules wor sipport Inw Is the there will the one's party Bhorlff Vaxion turning officey tuted thi of the nel those having randidnto in this and nol ta hedec) fine or hard Mw he neension and fm marning mnt mind hn even supporiers for candidates in the Jjusl one forbidden hy the sight party hadges fs eaovered hy claus which reads LUT | Leight days prior to aleetion day of "on whom he furnished, | avery person hy whom it is carried oles the In no Ares nn affiliations of he the gond roappne these amhlems Ie will whit Ine flaunting flags, ELH of, Inhals and an election nmitied flues mit wisn the Insertion of ton wet la tive Hon I hut Whithy Ontario riding that this part wn theh remember Ko anthusiastin themselves farved nf in parti Christ Church Defeat North Simcoe at Tennis iteresting ni ich North treet Fennis Club and hy mis Club oo thy lal Sale of BED OUTFITS SIMMONS WALNUT FINISH BED WITH 2" RAIL, SIMMONS LINK SPRING AND FELT MATTRESS, THIS IS FOUR FOOT WIDTH ONLY, A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO SECURE A NEW BED OUTFIT AT REMARKABLY LOW COST i os : F ' aid en played | Lnited Chureh Ten [the latter x | wiwern hureh Tek superinten dent sleeping, parlor and dining cars the Ved week AWRY, election ae! days hefors rh within offal candi of thal the und consequently up for ' lust were play on Buturday alternoon Bone close and exciting game ed resting in Christ Chueh win ming five sets to one or "Nw two, The games were as follows Ladies Doulles, Miss Betty Hobbs and Miss Mary Visher defeated Mrs wapley and Mis, Sialley, G4 Mrs, O, Hobbs and Miss 8 erison defeated Mis { Miss Brephens, 6-2 Mixed own wn fated Miss ne, 7:5 Mr, and Mrs, Metcalfe My. and Mrs, Annis, 6) Men's Doubles, W, Thompson and Veank Ehbhs, defeated My, Watson and Mr, Kelly, 6 Mr. King and Mr, George Corben lost to My wtephens and Mr, Btally, 6-3 ta the heat of the after and Mrs, Percy Morrison offered their shaded gar which was en pinks Kuh averly and Diauliles Mis Viorenes Mr. W. 0, Carhen de Robertson and Mr. Cur defeated Owing noon, My very kindly den for afternoon teu much appreciated by all The gardener and the wes one Puised hy un flower bed Where many 4 rain washed blossom Nodded its lovely h The gardener spied among thew A SLERNER, unwelcome spray, It hud no right tn grow there Among those flowers gay, The gardener pulled It awiekly And cast IL Lo one side, "Whatever made you do that?" The wee one sadly cried, The gardener answered ealinly "Weeds grow Ko Mier showers,' The wee one said "You esl) them wands; Parad "God thinks them flowers," i -------- Mr, Perceval, srstwhile Alberis rancher is now Armly entrenched as the Earl of Egmont, This 1s method of favm relief which has much to recommend, ~Baskatoon flar-Fhoenix, Carroll's latest ehorus girl fri might, he described As a case of much ado about nothing on,~Cri oukn Evening Post, of nr TELEPHONE Fi ive Direct oie Direct Lines - - hy ne hy 4 I" of ri ne nn 262 FON Jeddo Premium Coal Semet - Solvay Coke Pocahontas, Cannel {Dixon Coal Company 63 King Street, E. a -------- a_i.

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