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Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jul 1930, p. 7

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| THE. OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1930 PAGE SEVEN WHITBY ROVERS SUCCEED IN TRIMMING MALLEABLES LAST NIGHT Visitors Show Fine Form To Oust Homesters 13 to 8 Malleable Missed Services of Eileen Pipher in Box -- Game Was Keenly Con. tested and Smart Ball Was Played my Whithy Rovers journeyed Across to the city last night and took on the OM.L, team, finalists in the first, hall of the schedule at the Motor City Siadium; The sity aly must have had something to do with their playing as the fact that they wore playing the finalists did not seem to have any moral el. fact upon them, BLarting out sirong fn the first innings, Rovers amassed three runs and from that time on were never headed, winning a fine style by the score of 14 to §, Mal Jeables missed Miss Pipher (thelr sterling pitcher and wera not neays ly: as impressive as on thelr last appearance, Miss Kay, who took over the pitching duties in the ahr sence of Miss Vipher did good work, striking out eight. Rovers but issuing six free passes Lo Lhe first station, Miss Bheridan on the other hana only struck out one batter, and issued six walks, The Malleables did more extra hase hits ping than thely rivals bul in des tensive play, Whithy had the smoother working defensive mys tem, While Malleables had nine ors vors up against them, Rovers only had four, The Rovers started oul in the first innings by taking three runs, ft, Watson, H, Allawsy and M, ¥or« vester, the first three hatlers up figuring in the scoring, Two errors, hoth chalked up against Miss Kay helped Whithy a lot, It Was nol until the Iast of the second that OM.1, started with a run by H, Mae. Donald pushed over hy a sacrifice hy Miss Blair, ¥rom that wecond innings on, Malleahles pushed over A run in each of the third fourth and Afth, In the fifth Malleahles came within one run of tying things up, as Whithy had annexed a run in the third and another in the fifth, In the first of the sixth Ho vers got three runs, but the OMT, not to be done got § of their own to stay in the running, The fourth, fifth and sixth were the most ex. citing part of the game with only one Tun separating the two LeAmK, In the seventh Rovers added ans other three runs te thelr total, while O.M.1, wera held sooreless, Two more runs fell to the Rovers in the eighth and again OMI, prov« od unequal to the task eof wetting yuns. However, Whithy falled to score Tn the ninth, Malleahles, how. aver, made & gallant effort te pull the game out of the fire, Miss C, Larson struck ont to start off, while H, MeDonald flew out to left fleld, With two away I, Attersley nit one a mile into centre feld for a triple, A, Blair's triple right after soored Mins Atterslay and ended the hitting for the game, Miss Mills who followed fiying to ¥, Lott for the final out, floors by Innings 1 9 1] Whithy 4 0 OMI 01 Line up! Malleablen ~=M. paneer, Thi. J McDonald, ss; Isa McDonald, 8h| M, Kay, pi; ©. Larson, 8h; H, Mer Donald, If; DD, Attersley, 0; A, BARAT 101408 ww} j 11484 - New Martin Thursday -- Fridey The Smashing Comedy "Crazy That Way" "TIGHT SQUEEZE" A Laugh Wheese FOX NEWS Binlr ef; M, Mills, 1.1, Whithy==l, Watson, 2h; H, Al Inwny, vt; M, Vorrester, ss; WH, Long, ef; ¥, Voit, sh; M, Bherl aan, pi G, Newman, ¢; E Watson, Lt, Umpires, Doll and Legge, Borer, J, 0, Baird, Ty Pat Harmon Is Killed in "Car Accident Chicagn, July 23=Patriek T, (Vad dv) Harmon, whe rase from # corner newspaper hay to huilder of the $7,000,000 Chicago Stadium, largest indoor sports arena in America, wis killed vesterday, vietim of an auto mobile accident in which his speeding sedan turned over five times helure plunging into & diteh Harmon, for, twenty-five vears one of Chicago's leading sports and Amusement promoters, was returning lame from. his Bummer home in Crystal Lake, U1, wccompanied hy his wife and a guest, Dr, K, I", Rrand, when his automobile hit & rough spot in the highway near Des Plaines, # suburly The speeding machine, with Harmen at the wheel, got out of eon trol, plunged off the road and landed twenty-hive feet away, pinning its occupants heneath if Here and Therel (bB6) Prince Tyesato Tokugawa, presi dent of the Japanese House of Poors, and his son, Hom, Iyegaso Tokugawa, Japanese Minimer tn Cannda, met recently on hoard Canadian Paoitic liner Bmpress of Russia, The Prince was on his Way to London to attend the inter: Parliamentary Conference and took the opportunity to see his som who had come to Vietoria from Ottawa to meet him Loaping into shark-dnfested wa: ters In (he China Bes halfway between Hong Kong and Ahanghal, Carpenter Tom ¥ilworthy, of the BB Empress of Russia, saved the life of Mrs Makaroff, passenger an tha ship who had hmped over hoard in a ft of dementia, The woman wrongly resisted efforis fo Tenoun her and 4th Engineer Dean Went (a Kilworhy's assistance, the Two meh Siérntding in bringing her hoard pn aller | exhausting 'striggies neal Feating the world qd | "s moord hn PRasenger traffic operation, West om Canada comes inte the lime: Hatt this your with the 185 mle Onis re wi to Calgary of ---- locomotive onomotives of this boing bub by ped with which angina ph ae nes mel al Algonan Hotel CBr o hy-the-Sea (at the end of J tourist season in the In full Provinces is now Reservations af hoth hotels are Prosper. very heavy, forecasting a OUN WORSOR, eh Ditfioultios met by Canadian and United States motorists when taking their oars to Europe have heey overcome by facilities afforded bh) the Camadisn Pacific Ratiway under which the awner can whip his OIF ax hasgage hetwoon Canada and Bu points in either direction The PamDARY AFTAN for Whe ne GONRATY Ouatoms "and registrw documents for every Ra gd visited driving lleemnes, license pla tos, and membership in the Royal Aut hile Club 'he car a Color Panorama "IN THE ORIENT" Last Time Today "TEMPTATION" loaded within an hour of the ship Arrival and 1s furnished with of And a small supply of gasoline and made ready for the road, There no red.tape and ne hond or othe financial guarantee required, R ---- "A hushand should tell hin wife avery thing he In sure she will find out, and hefors any one alse does, ==Lord Dewar, RSE HON. Thursday, July 24 8.30 to 10 pm. Eastern Standard Time 9.30 to 11 : Daylight wm, Eastern ving Time | Address from Pembroke Toronto (A100 Kiloeyslonmtti Motvon) HEAR ON THE RADIO! GEO. P. GRAHAM \ London Onlarie Liberal Campin Commitios, Taranta Winners and Officials at Sea Flea Circus AMERICAN LEAGUE ISS WHITE BOX PLAY POORLY = LOWY Chicagn, Jury 24 Playing like minor leaguers, the Chicago White Hox presented the fourth game of the series 10 Boston hers yoster day 4 tn 0 TIGERA WIN Detroit, July 28, George UVhla's pineh single in the eighth Inning, HCOPNE LWO runs, proved the de eiding offensive thriist in the De teolt Tigers' 6 to § triumph aver the leaguedsading Philadelphia Athletics In the third game of the sovies hers yesterday afternoon, METBACK FOR BENATORN Wt, Louis, July 20 "he seventh plaen Hrowns won their third straight gama from the pennant contending Washington anntors yesterday, Dick Coffman, pitehing the local team to an § to | victory YANKPES LONE TWO Cleveland, July 88,«+Tha Cleve land Indians defeated the Naw York Yankees in hoth games of n double-header today, 4 to 5, and 10 to §, RUMORS DISCREPRITED Portsmouth, King, July 38-«Rumors were current here yesterday after neon that the Shamrock V had met with a serious mishap at sea The report was digeredited h Messrs, Camper and Nichalson builders of the yacht, wha peinted out that Sir Thomas Lipton's steam yacht Erin, accompanying the Sham rock, in aquipped with wireless, and would have reported any trouble, In managing a wite==ons good hint is the following--alwaya he firm in making her do exactly what he wana to do.=Montreal Cas atte, - of the evening with WILLIE LAMB Professional of the Uplands Galt Club, who retained his title an professional champion of Canada when he led the field with a seure of 141 at the Darlington Golf Club, Ont, He had a 71 for the first round and TO for the second, The Canadian Outhoard Drivers' Association delighted sovaral thousand spectators with thelr first race meet and novelty clyous down at the National Yacht Club hasin Tovonto, The layout ahoye shows No, 1, Kitehle Russell, fif. toonsyoarold winnev of the Class HEY flyesmible avent shaking hands with sixteansyenrsold J, WH, Ariel, winner of the tensmile Free:Fors All Handicap, Thess youngsters worn first. and second in hoth events after a paly of ding-dong struggles, They are pals ashore hut keen rivals anytime they are burning gaa and bumping the waves, No, @ shows the officials From left to vight on top are George MeVaviane, secretary of the outhoard section of the N, ¥Y, 00, who was chief timer, Tome Ape diel, president. of the Canada Power Association; referee, Come modore Herh, Cummings of the National Yacht Club chief judge, Harris Ardial, elevk of the course, Below Is Tommy MoClure, secps: tary of the OF. KA, who wa master of ceremonies, No, # shows standing up, Ted Matthews, secre: tary of the C00A, and In the hont, Hoh Stratton, winner in the Class "IN" flyeanile event, This was Ntealton's first victory In twelve starts, SPORT SNAPSHOTS Whithy played no favorites last night at the Matar City when they defeated the OMI the score of 13 to KB It was & hard hitting game with RA and lsa McDonald getting homers for their respective teams OM. 1 got all the three baggers Misses Rials Attersley dang the It was a great game to win and a hard one to lose Stadium team | Long However Spencer, and NECPRRATY LJ . . . Red Aces in Whithy ' Red Aces go to Whithy to meet the strong Tuxia team this evenins in a sudden death game to decide the championship of the first half al the Juvenile series, The game ought to he ane of the hest of the season between these twa fast teams, The Red Aces will leave (he YMCA at 6.30 pm, for Whithy, . . . . . Friday Not Saturday It was announced in yesterday's Dail the Old Timers and the Aarabs wauld take place on [he officials in charge of the game wish to make unt of the Lacrnsse game to he played an played on Frida If the I'he Daily I'imes that a game hetween Saturday alternaon it 1 pn it elea that an alters LI Raturday in charge will bh person naan that the game »" will inform us of the exact time of the game, Lliiigy w= its share Pak Golf being offered to Gordan Creamer: these days Gard, went round the Tiny Tim Goll Course In tenn in par the Sther day I'his feat 18 all the mare commendable as the course is reputed ta he ane of the spartiest in Canada Congratulations are W . L) . . Big Gante To:Mbrrow J A single game will he played in the Intermediate series to.marraw night at the Stadium when Parts and Service meet Tentiles. These twa tenia are very evenly matched and a veal hattle is sure to ensue whens over Art Rogers and Alex, Wehstet hobk up in a pitehing duel, NATIONAL LEAGUE HOBINS EP AGAIN Brooklyn, Jul he smalls ail crowd of the season Yesterday saw Moths Thurston blank the Wl Louis Cardinals with thyea hits # the Brooklyn Hohing ton the fourth game of the current, garies 1 to 0, The Hohing regained first plage hy the win ti COLLINS WINK OWN GAME Philadelphia Jul 4] Phil Collins used his tadented vight Arm and a heavy hat tn enable the Phlladeiphia Phillies ta make 1 we stralght ovoy tha Pitishure Pirates horn yeslarday afternoon The score was 11 In h CUBS Diop Yark, July 8h Tha Chie ago Cubs dropped frome first place ta second In the National League yesterday when they hroke even with the York (Hants The Cubs won the first game hy score of A to A and lost the ser ond hy 6 to 1 In a Eames that was called at the end of tha seventh inning heeausa of rain and dark ness New New TOM DUGGAN DIES Montreal, Que, July 23=Thomas | Duggan, prominent sport promoter wha ha plaved a leading part in hoekey and race track activities in Canada and the United States fo many years, died suddenly last night, BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Wan les VA rere BB AR B80 hE 44 his fLaehestier Baltimore Toronto af 44 ATH Montreal hh AL HBA Butlale sovovnanendh Ht ARR Newnrk eevee 48 BA AUK Jers OY soared) BR A410 fleading vivre #8 347 Tuesday's Keoyves Montreal 7-4 Toronto , 4-0 Other games postponed (vain), AMERICAN 1EAGUYW Lost, PC LEE LL] Ah 040 fh EL (LREN BE! LUBE hh 101 Bi hh 1h TS Lok 174 Monday's Beares Datroit fh Philadelphia , 6 mt, Louwls ,,, 8 Washington ,,.1 Hoston od Chleagn Cleveland 6:10 Maw York , . ff NATIONAL LVAGUY Wan Lost hl he hh 47 44 ih 4} LE] ih cod AR CINCINNALE susie 40 4B Philadelphia ,..00 81 Hh Tuesday's Neores Brooklyn td OW Philadelphin 11 Pittsburg 048 Chichgn hel Naw York 4:4 Only games played ONTARIO LEADS IN rere EERE AY ARERR hiladelphin , 0. Washington Naw York (laveland Deatroil IRAN Bt, Louis Chicago Boston reer tri EYEE NEEEY Po TY TY] 1K Hrankiyn si Chicago Naw York Rt, Loui Pittsburg Howton tee 171 A066 ARG Railway Fatalities Total 41 in Canada During May Ottawa, July 880 Rallway accel dents In Canada during May tonk fn toll of forty-one lives and result od in Injuries to IRA persons, it was shown in a report issued hy the Hoard of Natlway Commissions a. Nona of (hose killed were PARRENEEFE AN IPAINK fen ware rallway employees and (hirly-one wera not, Of thess injured, thips (een were (rain passengers, 111 were railroad employees and fiftys Nine wars nol OF the total number dents, 166 were sirictly vallway adoldents, acenunting for twenty. mix lives and Injuries tn 1446 per HONK The remaining (wenty=nine noeldents adeurred At rallway ernssings and rvesulied In fiftean of nee! persons killed and thirty-eight In 117 | LOMA heres] GROSSING DEATHS Leafs Break Even and Drop To Third Place in League SRR | Montreal, July 28=The Toronto {Lents and the Montreal Royals, both af whom have aspirations of grabbing Fundisputed possession of second place {and possibly overtaking the fleeting | fed Wings, staged w Kilkenny eit ach at each gthet's expense here yes terdny afterfoon in the twine bill tht opened a four-game series I'he WKovals won the first game 7 to 4 and the Leafs copped the night cap 6 to 4, and after four hours af labor neither had uw great deal to show for thely struggles except a 21% {of tired pitcher The Leafs dropped a one percent age point as a result of the division and sank below the Crioles, and the Royals also ended up just a little werse off than when they started A crowd of 3000, augmented by # good ladies' attendance, viewed proceedings , di Vo The frst game was eventful for th { Leafs though the last it fer Jehnny Prudhomme suffered | his knee that will keep hil out for Lin Indefinite perigd, He collided with Wipple when he was fielding the Intier eeritice bunt and liad to he Learried off the field, Ile Is suffering from that malady known as a fowl ing cartilage and tenight wis sent hick hame ta Tarante | Prudy Hite Homer [| Previous ta thi Priudheme had distinguiehed himself hy hitting ¢ home run over left held fence with in the third inning, {though cutting no great hgure as & hurler In his fabors an the maund FUE TT fir | iu Lone an hase B70 | | m-- Erm -------- jured, Twenty-one nf (hese latter Laccidents secirred in daylight | Ontario led the ather Provinces in the numhar of fatal allway | crossing aceldents, with a total of fifteen Haskatehawan ' recorded four deaths, Alberta twe, Princes Edward Island one, Nova Beotly fwn, New Brunswiek ones and Quehse four "There has never heen thing worth dolog that has heen dreamt of Arst of all,' pay MacDonald Friend "That villain your (new play 1s a masterpiece, Wiare did you gel the character?' Dramatis "I imagined a man possessed of all the varieties of wickedness which my wife seribes to me when she gels angry, any net, Rams in FEEDING THY BIRDS Colfer (just leavning)i rihia Int af birds ahout, hoy Caddie You-=1 muppnse ara followin' un areund worm =-fydney Bulletin Tears they for the aU RY LumBi R (© a4 ALIEN I Ww ' FEAT RETTER ---- Lloyd } Honk your prmp-- ne ww andertust" negen! Maganine ne World FRIDAY The emotional velationshiy thrill at this tweath steal As their exalting love is p of A hoy and girl==Youn'll ing, daring, action' romances brought to you through a menacing atmosphere of erime, mount News Cast Includes Robert: Ames Lila Lee Montague Love George MacFarlane LANT snus TONIGHT The Rouge Song LAWRENCE TIRRETT CATHERINE DALR OWEN LAUREL & HARDY '| BRINGING UP FATHER . Lo» gs ja, -- non THE STATION AND MERT THE NEW BUTLER? HELL QE IN ON THE NEXT TRAIN: I TELLYOL TO GO To ) HO I'VE BEEN POT ON THE ENTERTAIN DO AS | BAN I'M = = CON WOW'RE THE NEW BUTLER FOR MARSH INGGS: BEL\EV AND NG R PHONE RBATION GUT TH NENT TRAIN BAC Cisibiiin YOLUVR GOT Your WEALTH ®

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