THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1930 GOVT, WILL BUILD WATERWAY AT ONCE (Continued from Page 1) ® erowd of about six thousand gith- ered inn park fo hear him, A specs inl trpin rushed him back to Birats ford for the night meeting, and there, in the arena, about eight thousand mers people were awaiting him, In hoth fines he received careful and "attentive hearings, and in hoth he spoke with vigor, There were very few interruptions and hoth audiences listened with attention and at times marked enthusiasm, At Tilbury, the prime minister ise werted that Premier Verguson of One tario, had held up negotiations look- ing to the construction of the Kt, Lawrence Waterways with a view to making the project a political Issue nthe present campiign, Bur this condition was not going ta continue, the prime minister informed his wud: ience, Amid applavse, he sald that, i the government was returned to power, mmedigte steps would he tiken to go ahead with the scheine in Bpite of My, Verguson, the rights of the provinces would be guarded but the work must he advanced Unemployment occupied the atén tion of Mr, King for seme time dus ing his speech hn Biratford, He once mare declared that the efforts of My, Verguson in Ontario had heen di- rected not in the direction of assist ing the unemployment but toward keeping them ont of work until Just hefore this election when theiv votes contd he secured by the Conservative party, "Machine polisies" of (he Conservative party had permitted the halding up 4, expenditures on roads until just before the election, he sid when thie pivsesshings were niloosed and employment given to men in northern Onturio, Ten mithon dul REPAIRING WATCHES ATS SPECIALTY It your waleh fs uot Eiving wudtaanfn wa oan vepair yo make it tell the sorrest time D, J, BROWN THE JEWELIFH Official Wateh Inspector for Onnadiag National and Osh. awa Hall lars had heen voted by the Ontario legislature far roads this year, My King suid, but the expenditure of this money had heen held up until five days apo RESCUERS SPEED WORK IN ITALY roads 10 i Bt, W, Phone 180 AA0 PM, Day! Dr. T. E CAMP Hon. G. Howard Ferguson PREMIER OF ONTARIO MEMORIAL PARK, OSHAWA SATURDAY, JULY 26th E. Kaiser Conservative Candidate Ontario Riding (Continued fram Pags 1) at Naples and the inland cauntrly fo reception of Wing Vietor Vanmanuel LAST AND LARGEST pusLic MEETING OF THIS | 1ght maving Time "PORT OF REGIMENTAL BAND AND LOUD SPEAKER end of the city and provesd ters Are veq awa Arena, King Bt, W, A mammoth parade will meet the Premier at the eastern rp ted to join, In case of inclement weather the meeting will he held In Osh. A large number of seats will ha pravided, to the park, All-Conservative The speech of the Hon, RN, fromm Ottawa 18 midnight andl amplified through the Park, SPECIAL B, Bennett helng hroadeast to 1 am will he peesived loudespoakers at Memorial James Moore, M.D, Onlylthe! Connor Thermo Gives Wou'an{Insulated | Tub Washer, | ® This is'the New, Connor iT ol Thermo pow ed ye to k wane wash , cleaner and faster, The ' ' tub on the Thermo is 14 times thicker than the regular copper tub machines, " * IT HAS THE NEW LAROE | OLL WATER REMOVER ~~ wafe for buttens--wrings quicker, [P17 THE ALUMINUM AGITA ished ho safe for the; mest delicate garments, Ww oI = TUNS "IT T scot BRET of dependable service, ' You are protected for 13 years by the Co nor guarantee and broadest ever given an Electric Washer, th ia made in Canada ove oe hy the Hydro Bleo of On ion *1t is fo your Interest to In i. latest, exclusive advantages before purchasing Try It FREE Today! Rn eee : Special Offer # ly Sad \ Cd ! hi : Down See Demonstration Saturday, 12 Bond St. E. GOD SAVE Pres, See, | THE KING A. C, Hall | | | = . Np I A | Pater and his staff whe were to arrive erly this wibternoen, Fhe riley was eps pected to be in the centre of the devastated countryside beliry night and ta spend tonight wong the sade dened populace, Hig J suuinos 4 eapested to have # decidud ef upon the spirits af the peapls, whine greatest need aside from Immedinte physical sueear was spiritual and moral shippers, Ihe if was to visit hosyiiils In Naples and temporary sheliers else where in whieh mers than 400 ne jured today were heing (rested 1reldety of the five provinees edn tral within the devastated wren toe day did thelr wimest te bring Int an dpteligible form the reports oi relief workers whieh indicated this forenoon that the end of the ease walty list by no means had been reached, 00 Towns Affected Offiial death sts wecounting for 1 64 dead weve supplemented hy hg ures gathered by fhe and foreign newspaper correspondents whe (rir velled throughout yesterday and last night In the ruined © gone , making tabiwlations as best they sould of the many communes, Approximately W towns and cities suffered dapiages varying from eamplete demolition 19 the toppling of some of the ulder buildings and in whieh death lists ringed from 60, reported in Eaves dona, tn a few settered casunltion un the rim of the terehtury, Yestgrday's earthguake, folent than many af the slight trembles of the last 24 hours, sos! that life of one person. 1s worst effect wis a renewil of the stale ol pantie which had subsided to some € tent. moutheri Haly escaped entive ly the harricane, whieh wis logal to the Pieave river valley section an killed 22 persons, bringing to thi onen war-devastated northern coun Iry & new grief inbire I'he development of hydro electri in Canada ie one uf the mast remark able indications of the industrial growth of the geuntry, Thirty years an the (otal development only amounted ta 177000 hop, while at the end of 1929 it was ayer 8700000 hp al 1] News o Election ---- Warkers Endorse Heanan Wart Vranees, Ont, July 25 Organized pulp and paper workers af Wort Frances have assured Hon Heenan, Minister of Labor, af thelr support op election day Union men af the distriol Apress: ed tn the Liberal candidate in Kenora-Rainy River their "sincere thanks for his ardentiy-randared sarviees in hehalt of the tollers of Canada,' In a unanimous resolu tion presented to tha Tabor Minis ter when he addressed A large meeting here Mare Baskatehewan Voters Regina Considered hy paltioal prohpets as one of the key Prave inees in the Federal election, Aankatehewan, which may decide the halanes of power in the next Dominion administration, - today has 60,000 more electors than in 1004, In the election four years AEN O64, A080 voters warn Fegister od, This year the total in 405,106, Rrantford Nejocta Offer Arantford, July 86,~The Brant: ford city eounctl finance commit: toa has decided against aocaplanee \ YC The New Connor Thermo, be 431 LR ERG ' f po oe Ip hime Manufactured by J, H. CONNOR & SON OTTAWA SANARA AT . 1 &. | head 4 ThA rad 0 patented Canna tharma | es Arua ind uh { flor a EL UA of the proposals of Premier W, ki Mi King of "dollar for dollar', re fel) them aus Inadequate to mews he demands, This aotlon was token, It was repovied, after a'dise aussion of the petition of the wip employed of Hrantford through thelr association, that the clly ask Praminy Vorguson to move for the wosuring of this federal money, "Worguson Disloyul" Brockville, duly 4b~="Vromisr Varguson Is disloyal to Usnad an enemy to Iulernationnl goods will, an enemy to the eitisens uf both United Biales and and willing to go (0 the length of destroying Confederation fine! in fobhing Lo w8rye Lhe persona! ends of his unworthy friends," was his aoousation levelled hy Hurry Sifton when he spoke . aver Lhe radio from Brovkville last night, eritlelsing the Ontario Vremler's platement that ha would net con: sont to the -Covarnment dealing with Provineinl property in inter national negotiations, Ontario Taxatio Windsor, July Sh p-- possible (a turn around In Ontario without an Ontario Gavernmen! Hee ie of some kind or ether, Hon, Jemes Malealm, Minister. of Trade and Commerce, anid asl Canada, | § night In an address to a I6rge nu dienve In the: Windsor Aymories, My, Maluolm was comparing -ihe taxation vevord af the King Gey: ernment with that of the Vergu won Adininisteation, "It Iu true that (he people of Canada have pald more money nto the Treasury of the Dominion, hui thn par cap) fu lower," Mr, Maloolm sated, "Just compare tha taxation methods, Vor instanes, the people of Ontario have paid of | $00,000,000 in usoline tax, There wold Vo ne complaint shout th's It the maney had 1 on spent for ood roads, hui In being used far other purpoves." Mr. Malonlm predicted the re turn of the Liberal Government hy wh Increased majority, There was avidenee, he declared, that the Tories would lose aL least ton seats In Ontario, with no seine 1 "RIG In the other Provinges, King Closes In Renfrew Otawn, July $8,="he prime minikter in scheduled on Saturday Io wpenk in Renfrew which, apart frofm the vadlo broadeast in (hi avaning fram Ottawa, will son clude Mr, Mackensie King's eles tan campaign, . Roady 0 Help SE Cathapines, duly Eh--Mayor Prank ©, MeCovdiok yastarday va aah eS A laa a aaived the following telegram from Vramier King: "Replying to your wire ny 1 Dominlon Government wl 0 bourse, he prepared 10 extend ame aonsideration In' matter of une Ploy mies vetlel to i, Catharines ay 0 other municipalities, Tha un. dertaking of tha Vedera) Govern ment to ond dotiar for dollar with Provinces and munieipalities on eonstraction subways hensath level crossings as means of affords ing work jo unsmployed and vens daring useful service to community wig vonditionsd upon Eovernment heing Informed hy provincial Oueve arnmate that unemployment has ase stimen proportions of nations! sme arganey, vequiring Vederal assists Anca to supplement that of Vroye Ines and municipalities in order pdaequately Lo sepe with situation' Voveoasts Victory Pembroke, July §hs=1n a broad. cant apeneh hers last night, Night Hon Yoorpact. Graham urged his electors of North Henfréw nol tn in 16d assay Diy faotorysmade prog nosleations of a Conservative vie: tory on Monday, and predicted that the aleetion will give the Tiberals more seats al Ottawa than they had in (he ast Parllament, The real Issues of the present aampaign, he stated, ara nol diffi oult In themselves, hut it is dif Aoult to And any ons with whom to dissnss them, Mr, Bannslt, he declared, whion awuy from the real Ingus; while Pramisr Vergiuson eo PAGE NINE Uinues 10 toll ahont everything slge | but the Insue, - Conservative . Vayeonst OUawn, July 4he=A forseast of the rvasults of the genes! wleetion insur from Conservative nattonsl hendagunviers, algimp 144 Conver ANDER Murrays vatives will he elsciod, bb Liberals, | & eo 14 of various oihey groips sng pineos AL in he doubtful column The forecast 1n signed hy Gen, A 0D, MeRae, chief whip snd organ uo of the Congorvnllve purty » . DUNNING BUDGET 18 BRIGHT SPOT Canadian Preferences Laud. od by President gf British Board of Trade NT EETART EES RT) Houses of London, July 8h Wuropean turin Tn he Commons Iast night, 1, Hon, Wil Ham Graham, president of- he Board of Trade, sald Britain was not likely to help the geduction of EE Loss (atiffis hy embarkisg on [uri poliey horssif, "Fhe one bright spot 1s the pre. favenna Cnnndn has secorded. 16 Heian, he declared, He expressed the hops that Britain would get & ithe more sich encouragement sé the coming Tmperisl Confersnes, he president of the Beard of Trada had pointed out thet the Anglotermisn sommersinl (resty glened In 10424 pravented Britain taking any protective setion against the imports of Corman grain, which ure subwidiged by he German' tovarnment, Sone ---- AMERICAN TARIFF AND THE EMPIRE (Vincowver Bun) 1 may well prove, indeed, that + Liited States his done more 19 bel ip lmptre trade than the mplre might oy self have dane for yal tn eaome hud nat Washington ' lured economic War on it, mi do HO AConfrastanda Challenge The Conservative Legacy of Debt und Depression HEN the Mackenzie King Government came Into power Canada was suffering from a widespread industrial depression, The National Debt was increasing with alarming rapidity, Large numbers of Canadians were emigrating to the United States, The Canadian dollar was at a discount, The Government-owned railways were hopelessly disorganized and operating at a heavy loss to the taxpayers of the Dominion, The Liberal Record of Faithful Stewardship 1 was brought back to par, Our ¢ Taxed have been steadily and progressively reduced, Under Liberal Administration deficits were surpluses. National Debt has heen reduced by $273,000,000, The Canadian dollar it was restored at home and abroad, changed into The ¢ From 1922 to 1929 the export trade of Canada has almost doubled. Canada exports mote mafiufactured goods per capita than any country in the world except Great Britain, With a population of 10,000,000 Canada stands fifth among the trading nations of the world, Under Sir Henry Thornton, whose services were secured by the Liberal Administration, the Canadian National Railways have been converted from a liability to one of the greatest assets of the Canadian people. The exodus has been checked Canadians are returning in increasing numbers from the United States, Old Age Pensions have been established, Already 43,000 of our aged citle neon are receiving the benefits of this Liberal measure, Canada's War Veterans have been treated with justice and liberality, Our war perions legislation is the most advynced in the world, The Western Provinces have received back their natural resources. The grievances of the Maritime Provinces have been tamoved, In eight years of office the Government has paid to the provinces the vast sum of $136,330:618, much the most generous treatment ever accorded. The eight-hour day has been enacted for government employees and work: men on Government contracts, There has been less industrial strife than at any period of our history, Under the Tariff Advisory Board the tariff serucrure is being developed on a sound and scientific foundation, The Welland Canal, the Hudson Pay Railway and other great publie warks have been completed out of current revenues and without borrows ing a dollar, Legations have been created abroad which have reatly advanced the interests and prestige of Canada, Intra-empite relations were never more satisfactory than they are to-day, Until the presont ing the greatest prosperity in its history, In a time of worldwide u least unemployment in the world, Vote LIB world economic crisis came upon us, Canada was enjoys loyment and distress, Canada shows the THE RT, HON, W., L. MACKENZIE KING Premier of Canada i "Sanding on a record of sound progressive ment, we approach the achievements of the past yeam," toblems of the futaee with faith, courage and optimism which have made x From Machentie King's Bramtjord Speech, Jame MN, 1999, "That's the Imperial it is for you to say w a Conference, and, hether you want to send to it men who have vidionled and. denounced the Dunning Budget over since it wan first introduced, men who have opposed that great Empire staked thelr ' politieal the provisions of the Dunning Budget, Are we going to have a further! strengthening of the foundations of, Empire or are we going to lose! for | another decade the; opportunivy) the Economic Conference prosonts ? ee. Mackenwie King, S Canada must be repres in New A y ented at the I'mperiil Ecomomic Conference by the Government whieh bas AN:ed the trail to InivasBmpire trade, Bennett CAN'T Win -- ERAL-- and for Stable Government