PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY What Others Say I suspects do others very delins | 8 misunderstanding in the minds ely==that (his sudden interest in the | of the public generally und possibly a etusnad a ut the Oshawa Lib Among the staff of your valued . 8 likely to lust for u few days only | magazine as to the interest and VETERANS AND POLITIC und the deplorable conditions which | responsibility of the Oshawa Rotary I'he editor I 1 JY &d FR Bad emisted for years before will not | Club, with respect to the Red Crows Oitawu Dally Times. .Cits he reviewed so clearly as the recent | Bocloty and maintenance of the cot. Dear Biri ' / legistution which wis the result of [tage known as the Rotary Cottage Lud handed 10: me: lant sveiting the mtu) agreement of ALL parties | ut the Lake, i circular which did not even i ut the Vedernl House, It should be The Ted Cross Society /is doing the printer's ame on It und unsigned | |<emered and mentioned by thest | ona of the most worth while neigh- but purporting 1o come from 4 group | "OTIMIve veleruis that not util} borhood works in the Community of Informed War Veterans whol air Commanding Officer, Gen, Bir land haw for many yours masutain. strangely enough had chosen i Toon) Arthr Currie, hud written from his) ed at Oshawa-on-the-Lake a cot- over the Bao a] ; (ol Wale hed (0 the Regine Convention | tage, under careful supervision, for ir the. Ovary Clty oo rou Ullowi) i condemnation of conditions, whieh | the purpose of giving to children ive. formation fi a 4 the M0 wan published Jie both Liberal and | who otherwise have no opportunity fren ib lg he new Conservative papers throughout Cans | top un outing, & chance to got ren) Aren't theas Aoi niormied. vation andi, tht anything wis done by way | tyesh alr and ko00d care for & short te hat Si dig wry! barsons of consideration of the returned wan, [ wotiday, To assist the Koclety in heigl aT rr a] 4 | here always wis one rendy {o plead | this worth while object the Oshawa of the. Provincitl executive. and whe | for the returned mag of South ON: | gotavy Club some thres years ago hus written those Gh whe tarlo during the list two sesslons bil geoured the permission of the Parks tay rend nesletes ander tha mon ge | Ottwin but the returned an wis | Commission of the City of Oshawa slime" of Roar To ie bi i not ot no fh mparangs hid is upon certain terms to build In the your been ut the service of any va. 1 ie Was Threatening to be om v horher ot Lausiaw Park » buliding hun ' wo desteed information or md | Yours sincerely, omen of the Red po) ow I Jur. ght In your offfee, und without » DAN M. DOUGLASS | 0 Ne ross Pocelety ap ovis in i iti to give any in . ] " ihave ouilined and purivant or oration desired? spe R100 KR FOURONADIY PaiLin- Then there has been a very live| THE RED CROSS COTTAGE | (actory bullding has been construe branch of the Canadian Legion. ready July 42, 1080, | ted at the expense of the Oshawa and willing 10 give any information| The Oshawa Dally Times, Rotary Club and has been oocy- alice the deglstation wis passed Oshaws, Ont pled by and used for the purposéh (without tralling up several Nights of | Dear irs of the Nad Crows Hoclety mice iy stilra)hy Just applying to th he Oshawa Rotary Club wishes | construction, The Rotary Cub 'has 4 undertaken, for the time being at least the, upkeep of the building and grounds and the game are loaned to the Boclety at a nominal ° rental of #1 per year, In addition the Rotary Club has from time to I timo taken the privilege of making such small contributions to the purposes of the Hoclety as it has | woon fit hut the Moclety itself in the hody that supervises the children In the Cottage and which has the netive chargs and expense of oper ating the Cottage, The purposes of this letter is to disabuse the minds | of any who may hive thought that the work of the Ned Cross Cottage wan entirely supervised hy the Osh AwWR Rotary Club, The Club is Lisp py to have heen of some assistance to the Boclety in the work and hopes to ba In & position to fut ther Assiat it In ita enterprise, but It. fools that the work of the Red Cross Boclety Is of so broad a na ture that the endorsement of the : are ron er- ou er antirs community is necessary for | it success and that its obligations | PIPE YVVYVOU PID ooe | unc Secretary, 11 A, Powers, ut | to take this opportunity of clear: 4 the Employment Service Uxchange, | Ing wp, what appears to have been a Ns " . "ry cannot. be assumed by Rotarians only, [ERE is a test which easily proves the Sindorsly yours, value of Cum:Dipping---the extrs Allen ¥, Annis, Bae patented Firestone process of saturating and Insulating every fibre of every cord in "JUDGE NOT" a Firestone tire with. rubber to eliminate " July 19th, 1930 internal heat and friction. -the greatest | Vit Sf = Ce Nn enemy to tire life, it hing interested me, The major A twe-ounce weight is suspended on the | ©f people fail to realize that in pas end of one strand of a cord (a) takenfrom | condemnatory atriciures on the an ordinary tire, The strand breaks in I5 |, her Je un rellen of trelr own! chi seconds, A similar weight is suspended on | ucier. a GumDipped strand (Bb) taken from a Philosophy, Firestone tire---it remains unbroken fei H. Grayshgro 45 seconds + + » three times as long | B75 Albert St, Oshawa, | Let your nearest Firestone dealer equip Ephraim=What's dat yo" all call your car witha net of these stronger, yo, Wule is le Co | tougher, more dependable tires that held ose=Ah calls him Gorppration, = | (Sg AN AM : Ephraim=How com' yo' all ell the world's records for mileage and endur |, "ii," HOW fom ao AE EW ance, See him to-day, Mose=\Well, it am lak dis, Aftab, FIRESTONE TIRE and RUBBER CO, studvin' de wale an' readin' papahs Ah concluded dat was OF CANADA LIMITED name fo' him Dat mule get mo Hamilton ' Ontaris | Mame an' ahuse dan anything else in de township, an' goes uhend: havin his own wey jes' de same | "Do things usually turn out as vou expect them tel!" [ "Yeu, with the exception of the ear ahead of mo" -- a Lad | builds the only "Remember," said Mowls, "that | I'viches have wings." "Well," replied | Clingon, "the faet that a boiled | ciplen has wings doesn't prevent me | from enjoying it!" | wr A | | -- a Keep in Line "on Curves Koop'in single filo on curves. You can't see the road ahead, 80 do not try to pass. Another car on its-own right of way may meet you , , . with a crash, I a On steep grades too, keep in ling. There's danger always of another car suddenly coming over the top towards you, If traflic is nol moving fast enough for you, wait for an open stretch before you move ahead, Observe the Rules for Safe Driving always and you will help to keep yoursell and others safe from accident on the highway. 4, The Keystone of Safety on The King's Highway and all other roads and streets Yo: 1 COURTESY COMMON SENSE Highway LHTISY Committee * The HON, GEO. S, HENRY. Chairman TIMES, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 19%0 I... Tar Ie CANADIAN AUTO PRODUCTION DOWN Otawn, July 26, Production of | # C sutomobiles in Canada durin fl #Hahy after June numbered 15,000 units, I'his Iva ing in | was the lowest total reporied sine ol or fis. 1 Lach ance A the total of 10,088 cars for Jun | gy Laid gid | rile he, oon im, (hed il Ud wary last, enys a return issued bh 9 " the Dominion Bureau of Atalistics . , The June output wes 48 per cen That duy 1s lost wherein 1 fail under the record of 24,762 cars In in lend May and 80 per cont, Yess than 1h |» peining hand to some wayfar JV AD2 corn made Tn June of last ing friend; yon; fut if | how § Customs records show that the A burden lightened hy Lhe chesr number of cars imported into I pend, Canada during Juno totalled 2,144 bppen dn | hold the golden Bours while exports amounted so 83,744 well spent, ' f » Corrasponding figur 0 for MOY oq jay ma down to sleep in sweet show imports at 3,976 and exports content, jr aLa,0nl, TOVING MY NEIGHBOR WILL SETTLE DOWN 1 should ree ; 4 A heather languishing In sora] Too sailors in a subway train were Aint rons discussing the genera! situation, Suid And 1 should turn and Yeave him | the tall one: "When I get done with bod comforter, this hiteh, I'm going to git me & pair ( When 1 might be of nice light oars, and I'm goin' tn : " heccckiidasinibiabfpalitsball latwbotbit ll ual icteakar A messenger of hope and happl ni them across my shoulder and nek [otart to walkin' intandy When I fin An event of hiltorie interest took 842.72 to Premier John Bracken of | is sgan handing the huge cheque te | How could F ask to have what Tulle hit a place wher people say, place at Winnipeg, Man, July 15, Manitoba, The cheque was payment Promior Bracken, while Hon, Ernest denied Viat are them things you get on own hour of bitterness sup«| vow alder bay, that's where when Premier W. 1, Mackenzie King | (or natural resourses, alienated from | Lapointe, minister of justies, stands (In my ied! uw ogoin' to settle down' =The New handed over a cheque for $4822, Manitoba since 1870, Premier King | by smiling, {And xo | know * a --, oo pn te ---- VALUE FAR ABOVE THE PRICE Proved worth makes the new Ford the most popular car in Canada. ¥ leads in sales because it leads in value 4 Sw IS JUST ONE REASON why the Ford Is outselling every other autor mobile in Canada by a large and increasing margin, That reason is value. Read over the list of features given below and you will sce that the new Ford hrings you every. thing you want or need in a motor car at an unusually low price, It has beautiful lines and colors, It will do 55 to 65 miles an hour, You know how quickly it accelerates in trafic, Its power is evident on every hill, It is unusually safe bocause of the fully enclosed fourswheel brakes and the shatterloss glass windshield, It has four Houdaille double-acting hydrau. le shock absorbers for comfort, And it in an oxceptionally economical car because of the low cost of operation and upkeep, i low yearly depreciation and long life, Many of the new Fords have already heen driven 50,000, 75,000 and 100,000 miles. In tests and contests in Canada, in the United States and abroad, it has won many medals for reliability and general all-round good performance, It is used exclusively by a large number of industrial companies and government bureaus which keop exact cost figures. Telephone or visit the nearest Ford dealer and have him give you a demonstra. tion ride in the new Ford, Pick your own roads, Plan to give the car a severe test. Check up on speed, power, accoleration, ease of control, safety, comfort ==on every feature of good performance, Then you will know why the Ford is the most popular Canadian car, It leads in sales hecause it leads in value. "Tar CANADIAN Can't FoRrp Morton 7 WI ; Ns 4 FR SONY /°4 'y THE NEW FORD COUPER A Ford Car for Every Need There Is a Ford car for every need and purpose at an unusually low price, Appointments and upholstery are in keeping with its mechanical excellence. You may choose from a » variety of beautiful body colors, ' Roadster « $520 Sport Coupe. °° +". $630 Phaeton, 530 DeLuxe Coupe . + 653 Tudor Sedan . 595 Three.window Fordor Sedan 720 Coupe « + « B95 Convertible Cabriolet + © 750 Town Sean. + + + « 879 All prices 1, 0, b Bnet Windsor, Ontario, Bumpers, apave tire and taxes entra, Eaay time payments ean be arranged through your Ford dealer \ CoMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED R--