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Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jul 1930, p. 13

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PAGE ELEVEN meets oligitors, Notaries FPublie, Ete, onveyancing and general prace ice of law, Offices 7% BSimeoe by South, Oshawa, Phone of ho Be FA fos Conant, BA, LLB; A JV. , NM, BINCLAIR to loan, Of home. 41, Conveyancer, oney 14% King Bt, East eo 440, Residence ' [raser, Barristers, Conveyancers, otaries Public, ete, Office over Standard Bank, Nntrance Simcoe cos Bt, Phone 15, J, V, Grierson, K.G, 7. X. Creighton, B.A, N, C Eraser, B.A, Soleitor, Notary, over Dewlend's Btore, Money to loan, 16 Simcoe street north, Phone 67, Resi: dence 8473W, 7 BAR risers, Bolicitors, ele, 24% Bim- St. N, Phone 8160, Money to aN, ter, etn, Conveyancing and general ractice, 22% King Bt, Last, Phone 8487,. tf) A tts, Money to loan. Alger hes opr onsite Prst Office, Phone 1614, FRANK 6, UBBS, BARRISTEW, Bolleitor, Notary "ublls, Conveys ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bulldinr, opposite Post Office, Phone $0060, Medical PRE. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 8060, Of tice hours 0 a.m, to 8.30 pm, Dr, B. J. Haslawood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray Dr, B H. Harper, special attention to child. ren's Diseases and Obstetrics, Bun day and night calls 2416 or 128, DR, McKAY PHYBICIAN, BUR. goon, Accoucher, Office and resi dence. King Kt, East, corner Vie toria Bt, Oshawa, Phone 04, DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN Burgeon, Obstetrician, 4 1] infants and children, residence, 07 Bond Kast, 1166 [1 Phone v « MD CM, L, BR , P, and 8, Edinburgh, Phy- slolan, Surgeon - and Obstetrician, Offico 143 Bimooe Bt, N, Phone 8020, residence 40 Cadillng Ave, North, Phone 81665, 0, W, 3 BYGTAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician Office and residence, ie Simcoe Street north, Phone 8418, DR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYS! sian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and res danse, | imeoe Street, North. phone 3107, Veterinary Surgeon PR. BATRLEY, VETERINANTAN fipecialist Diseases Domestic Anim» als, Cat and Dog Hospital, 808 King West, Telephone 68), (July 8-1 mo.) Ear, Nose, Throat Speci Street West Toronto will be at his office over Juyv & Lovells Drug ftore each Saturday from 1 till 4 p.m, for consultation and treats ment of diseases of ear, nose and throat omly, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 97, vo y specialist. Office over Mitohsll's Drug Stores, Phone 2060 and 443J, TC NTENHOURY -- GENERAL architectural work® Hecond floor, Royal Bank Building, Phone 1406, Res. phone 0007, soolate architects, Himeoe ft 8 Over Felt Bros, Watch Repairing Swiss watohmaker, repalr shop at 44% King Street West, Your pate vonage is molloited, jo our 'shoes fixed like new fis w enko, corner Simcoe N, and Wiam W, June 30-1 mo) Clagsified Ads. | BEE 10 per neers bi y price of ree osnte a word), "iaearont, 8 wn 6, BANK |Y § 0 9 Building, vister, AL RIES t]| day and night. Phone 1088W, 87 CM. | BXVIT AND WON, INSURANCE, OENAWX WABIG RERVICH ~{C- cessories for sale, repairs on eleer Dental set's, Hpecial attention to on work, Oss extraction, Nurse In gtishdanes. Phone 060, House north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. or extraction, ne Bd, Nitrous oxid oxygen as for extrac fons, 9, Royal Bank Bids. Phone 048, residences 1 , Bimeos Bt, N, over Dewland's, Phone 1067, Res, 203W, Evenings by appointment, ' A y Dentists, 87 King 8t, ©, Bpeoisl attention to gas extraction and X- ray work. Nurse in attendance, Phones 1245 and 864, "Homatiiching HEMSTITCHING, ~~ PICOTING, nine cents » yard, Pleating skirts one dollar, Dresses out and fitted gertectls. Embrodery work, The gl Shed 20% Bimeos south, Phone 1684, (July 21-1 mo) ometrist ' ' moscle anomalies Author of The Dis GR sneoialint In Dresight and glaseen, ® Care and Kye Strain, Chila_ and [ts Development, ney Bloek Phone i616, (July 16-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONBVAN ANG SHITH ONTAT: | io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin: oers, sub-divisions, town planning, munieipal engineers, 466 or 411 King Bt, B, Phones 35427 or 2644, Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING BT, Kant, Ambulance, Simone street, north, Phone 210J and 310W ay eo, Armstrong & Son, Proprietors, Funeral and Ambulance derving, Colina, (4th 10 King Bt. west, Oshawa, The old. ost Fire Agency In Oshawa, §0 Re. baat Fire Companies, EN" PLACING ~ INNUWANCE R. N, Johns, 80 Simcoe Your insurance wants ste tended to and your Interests pro= tected, CARNTAGH AND WTORAGE COLE: man's, 86 Bond west, Hpecialiste in furniture moving storage ware: house and moving van equipment, Phone 83 _ sand and cinders, Loca! nnd long distance hauling, Smith Cox Phone 084, 10 Bond Bt, West. lished furniture movers, Park Road oartage, Local and long distanes, Frank Cowle Prop, 66 Park Rd. South, Phone 3165, (July 31+1 mo) opposite Post Office, + Residence 648! Osh All Classified Advertising "Coming Events, Ftc. . . STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary loss arising from of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find It inconvenient to some personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring 8 messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same, "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT ] f and handling » large number plyebor arsounts because Building Supplies ravel for sale~"To insure prompt olivery, piace wders In advance of delivery date, W, Berrowdale I'hone 1618, = ne HARD, "URAVIL, BLACK. LOOW, stone, alse any kind of trucking, Phone 1070W, (July 18.1 mo,) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS = PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed, T, Tayler, Trronto shawa phone 1) (Apr, 10-¢f) All kinds of canvas goods, Com: lete camp equipment for rent, ox Hardwarn, phone 45 or 86, Agents for J, J, Turner and Bon, Peterbore, Outarlo, (July 8+1 mo) Auto Accessories MOTOR ACCENBORY CO, 81 KING Street West, Auto parts and acces sories for all makes cars. Autor mobiles bought for wrecking, Phone 20067, (June §6-1mo,) oiTY AUTOMARILE "WRECKING Co, New and used parts and noe oessorien, cars, trucks, Jrions ron. sonable; ears wanted, Phone 2080W, 16-17 Bond treet West, (June Bie} mo) ""Work Wanted CONORETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road. ways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris, Grabam, Phone 3081M, (July 81 mo,) ew bothered with cockroaches, I will rid your house of them, 140 Olive Ave, Phone 1708F, (July 16:1 mo.) FEFTY LOU Ti) Bhop, Specialists In finger and marcel waving, Per manent wave prices 46, $7.60, $10 and $18, All othor lines of Heaut Culture, Phone 2068, Apply § mooe street north, EXPERT MARCELLI ¥ 1y Ward at Bett Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe, arcel and shame 00 $1, Phone 3008, Beauty Shop, 0 Celina Bt, We apes falive in Indies' hair cutting, ware colling, shampooing, facials, Marcel 60 cents, For apprintments phone 2008, (July 17-1 mo) ermanent, trio and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, atteries re- charged, rental supplied §1, Phone 83504, Charles Wales, 146 Higin a (July 9-1 mo [} with rental §1,00, Repaired and rebuilt, Called for and delive Prompt service, Sian, iiadon, 20 Mill St, Phone 1880W, ' (July 21-1 mo) Money to Loan Parl, oR apply A i pe oan arrange a first mortgage on your resi it 1t 1s well los cated, Hra Bros, over Ward's Store, Simcoe Bt, Soul (June 281 mo) hundred dollars to lokn on fivat mortgage, Phone 99, Jas, Ryan, Cannington, (41h) Auctioneer loner veoe t 8 Y Jc ° py he mplements, Your Patron. valescent patients in private, home, pleasant room, good locality, charges reasonable, Phone a 0 Spirella Shop health, comfort, VIE, «Parsonal attens tion and service, Phone Mrs, Blate il! tor, District Manager, 2180, (uly 31:3 wo), "AND | Mil, Caulking caulked around the door and wine dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold air, draughts, fies, soot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, J. H, Lawson, Phone 733R3, (July 10-1mo.) otice . HW WERWAT, WTOND moved to Himeoe Routh, Corner Herbal Remedies for various Allments continued by same fam» ous Herbalist, (Julylbs1 mo,) Painting and Decorating fi. OUTROLY, VINNT CLASH PA- pethanger, phinting and gralning, rioss right, work guaranteed, #40 Plus Ave, phone 3066w or Ha" ite) Hospital WHITHY PRIVATE HOSPITAL latory and all patients recom» mended by physicians, Phone 360 Whitby, J. M, McKee, RN, Supt, red, (July 16-1 mo) wap feat NEW AND WECOND WAND FUR: niture bought and sold, 184 Bloor Bt, B, Phone 1017M, (July 281 mo,) buy and sell used furniture, atoves and tools, Phone 1080, M, Collls, 8 church St, (July 16-1 mo) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND 30FT WOUD slabs, 83.50 i load. Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited one | (A 1 FOR BALE~HEINTZMAN CO, Ltd, planos, new and used planos, also radios, Iatest models; terms arranged, Apply OQ, Trull, Phone 16684, 83 (14) FOR HALE == PAINTH, VARN: ishes, We have the largest assort ment of paints, varnishes, ete, In In the olty, The Paint Store, K0 King street west, (Apr, 86 tf A ORZVEL "BTONE, oe ders, black loam, $1.69 per yard, For quality and service phone Ks scry Bros. 078 ¢ 11, (M ) GRAVEL AND dANT, ONE YARD and 8 quarter of gravel $1.50, Boreened sand $1.75, Prompt de. Mvery, Phone 080R1S after b p.m, duly 10-1 mo.) FON RATE ELROTRIT HTOVE gnd dining room table and chairs, Apply 811 Jarvis, Phone 1006), (#10) BT IRTImm------ For Rent FOUR AND FIVE) ROOMED MOD: orn suites Including electrio relrix. eration stove, laundry conven: encew, ete, continuous hot water supplied, Apply Supt, phone 8671, r The Trusts and Guarantes Co, Ad, manager for owner, Toronto, (87:1) FT UNFORNTRITEN NOONE, RE vate entrance, suitable for family of two, 104 Bond street onst, hone 284, a (180) FOR RENT=APANTMENT, CIN: tral, 6 rooms, newly decorated, all conveniences, lease or hy the month, Hox 748 Times, (188L1) CHEERFUL APARTNENT IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, MNox 747 Tmes, (168-t0) APARTNENT, "FURNIEHED OR For Rent VOW RENT=TW0 VERY "NICE front. rooms, suit business gentle. men, central, 46% Bimeos south, (41n TO WENT--HOURE AT 427 Denrborno Ave, 6 rooms, finished nttfe, Double garage, Phonn 1001Y, : ' (216) FOR WENT-="HIaWr "Wo oM ED house, All hardwood floors, Eer~ nge, every conveniences at 174 Are thur street, Phone 11687, i (31h) furnished, all conveniences, con tral, Tent veasonable, 221 ' Ar: thir streof, (810) 7 ox TAT, ull convenience, Newly decorated, also garage, Phone 1168), Motor Cars OUT YOUR CAN WARHED™ AT Dominion Garage, #8 Bond streut weit, Phone S108, Al) cars at one price #1,00, i (July 17-1 mo) WITT BOTCR REDAN INT G00 condition, No reasonable offer res fused, Owner leaving town, Call 1014W, (104) THAYER a000 TOT CHEV," 80 perior and cash for elosed car, Phone B034W, 443 Louisa, Wests mount, (1900) VOR FAYE =T007T CHEVROLWT Coupe, exceptional condition, $475, Chioken coop #65.00, Murdoeh, 27 Warren Ave, (100) PONTIAC COROT, 07 On, flvst elans condition (Joodyear tires, Price vensonahle, For dem onstration phone owner 1400 (200) CHEVROLET? condition, tires Bnup $400, Phone (200) (21h) ® FOR BALE Coneh, axonllent und engine OK bag, Wanted THOR WHT AIT TROTTBLED with some chroule ailment, such AS LOFVOURNERR, VATBIYRIN, varigose veins, moltre, arthritis, heart weakness, rheumatism, ete, Phoue 400 for a free treatment in yo'ir home, Tune In on 'Theronold Health Talks, over station OFKL Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1,60 p.m, Theronoid of Osiwa 164 Willlam Street Kast, (Juna 46-1 ma) CT ------ ET WT Room and Boord TONTONTARLY -- ROOM BUILT uhla for one or two young men In private family, Central, Box 707 Times sie. A 100) LARGE VORNTEARD BEDROOM, very close to business section, Rent vary reasonable, bonrd if desired, 78 Bond street west 3 (100) Books TWORRTTRWAWS CTRCUCATING Ibrary, You will enjoy reading the Intest Fietion at minimum cost, Phone 1478, 87 Blmeoe At, Norih, (FH tf) RE Ar Wiad For Sale or Exchange FON WATE OR EXCHANGE--100 sore farm, eolay loam, fair hullds ings, Price $8600, Will exchange for house property in Oshawa, Liyeett, 26 King K. (10:81:80) unfurnished, Hvery convenle Phone 1660 or BB4TW, (8) TWO FT FURNIERHED -- ROOMA avery. convenience for light house: keoaping or room for two friends, Phone 8848, (100) ATATNTMENT TO RENT, FUR nished or unfurnished, Kvery con: venlence, very reasonable, Apply 7 Colborne street east, (171) FOR RENT = FURNTERND apartment for light housekeeping, All conveniences, Rent reasonablé, Central, 106 Colborne Kast, (100) ATTRACTIVE APANTMENT, central, 4 rooms, newly decorated, hot water, olectrio refrigerator, stove, Janitor, furnished if desired, Reasonable 'rent, Phone 1400, (200) SU Stuer aveen" bavivoed AL onyeniences, hard woo nor Roply Bradley fron, mh FOR RENT=HEATED --ATART: ment with all conveniences, Coens trally located, Apply J, Q, Younu, 44 Prince street, Phone 708, (10d) NTN WOON WOURE™T0 RENT, All conveniences, Apply 140 Allen atreet, Phone 2670J, (200) SMALL HOUSE CENTRALLY LO» coated, reasonable, 18 Kigin street eant, Phone 33827 at once, (100) Summer Cottages FUSTMWRCOTTATR ~oR™ AT: gust or fram July 26 at Willlams' Point, Lake Bougom, Apply at the Point or A, W, Plokard, Bows manville, Ont, Phone 1X6, (800) "Real Estate For Sele FOR SALE-=100 ACRE FARM IN the Tp, of Mariposa, Will accept a suftabla house in elty op town, In part payment, Apply Bbx 74) Times, (310) Contracting T plastering, electrig 0) alterations, Phone 180 tor estimates, (hue) Palmist L| MADANY WENA, PALIT, 478 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone LALLA ____(Julyds1 mo.) MADANE TROWN, PALMIAT, Phone appointments 2636K, 03 Louisa street, (July 86-1 mo) TERT Wanted to Rent WANTED 10 RENT=AROUT August 16th, 6 or 7 roomed house with all conveniences and large lot with garage or barn, Anywhere within 8 miles of Oshawa, State lowest rental to desirable tenant, Box 748 Times, (200) The Careless Young Rat By Thornton W. Burgess ---- The cost of cavelessness Is high) You can aveld It if you try. wi)ld Mother Nature, Egret the White Heron, wan be coming quite accustomed to hix strange home, which was, as you know, Varmer Brown's barn, ¥ar- mer Brown's Boy had made a pen for him there, He had mado # pen by simply putting a wire door Reross An unused horse wiull, There Ykret was very comfortable, Fometimes Farmer Brown's Hoy took him out and gave him a chance to walk shout, It was funny to ses him, He was very stutely about it, 4 He would Hi in feet high with each step, Ones in & while he would jump up In the air In the funniest way, Of course Keret didn't quite understand what was wrong with Him, He knew that there had hetn the hang of a terrible gun, something hag hurt him and when Wa tried to fly ons wing was quite nselens Thin was all ha knew nhout it, OF course ha didn't un derstand how very lucky hes had bean In having Warmer Brown's Boy find him just whan ho did Now the wing was hetter and each time Egret wap thken our end given a chance to try it he knew that It was hatter, Meanwhile he had made the hast. of things, Farmer Brown's Boy brought him fish every day, This was very nice, hut Kgret felt that 1, would ha much nicer to be thie ta eateh "his own fish, "I tent Just the fish," thought Egret, "These fish are just as good an any I could oateh, - It's missing the fun of catching them, I should like to do a little Ashing and a litle hunting." Now, some of the Robber the Rat were living In Farmer Brown's barn. Of course those rats knew that Keget was there, In fact, they had had a look at him the very first night that he had spent in the barn, The older rats didn't like the look of lgret's long bill, No, sir, they didn't ko the Jooks of thas long bill, Ho they kept away; iad they warned the younw rata that if they were wine they woud keep away *or a while the young rats heeded this goed advise, Then some of them hecame holder and would Etop to peek Into the pen where Egret' was, Home of the boldest would even ga Inte the pen, but thoy always took eare te keep a safe distance from Karet and his long hill There was one young rat who Kot In the habit of stopping in that pen every night, There was family of Builders' Bargains Ouk Flooring 0c, 80, Toot: Wall hoard 87,60 thousand feet; Ready (aged Rarn Hash O80; Blate Roofs Ing 2.88; 28 maume metal roofing 6,06; House paint B8¢, qt; Garages #10 down payment, Asphalt hing- log 6.46; Metal Ceiling 6.456; Hep: tio Tank #0 down payment, Write now for Hig Free Male Catalos, Amazing savings for July and Aug- ust, Halliday Company Limited, Rox 16, Hamilton, RR A RS Sa, For Sale or Rent FON WALK ON RENT=RIX" NUN dred dollars buys furnished sum- mer cottage with large lot, sandy heaoh, WHI rent, Apply to Weaver: Jackman & Co, Trenton, Ontario Rox 004, (ln) "Help Wanted--Female WANTED =" NXP RTINCED stenographer, Apply stating age, experience and salary expected, References, Box 705 Times, (190) "T say," eried the bright young thing, an she dashed into the village paws, "father's being chased by a bull 1" "Goad heavens! What shall 1 de, mina?" "Give me a roll af Alm for my pocket camera, quick!" But Egret had a late dinner thet night and the young rel was never ween again, You may draw your own conclusions, (Copyright, 1940, BONN), T. W, Bure something about thet big white bird that interested him, He Just couldn't go by and not stop Lo look, He was vary quiet, about it, He thought that he wasn't seen, He thought that the hig white hird was asleep, But Keret wasn't asleep and Egret did wes him, That is, he saw him somatimes, Fometimes 1 was so dark that Kgrot didn't ses him, hut he knew right where ha was, Other times when the young rat eamg early and there was still a little Heht Egret saw him clearly, "One of thess nights that fellow," sald Kgret to hime salf, "UI walt until he grows careless, He will grow careless, Mou) people grow careless after a it,' Ho Kgret bided his time, and it camo about just as he had expects ad, That young vat did grow cares loss, He actually sat down with hin buok to Kiret, Yeu, sir, that's what he did, He had been watehs ing ¥gret, and finally ha turned around and, Instead of running out Immediately, he stopped and sat down, That young rat never knew what happened, No, sir, that young VAL never knew what happened I'l get NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS HEALED TENDERS, marked "Tender for Storehouse, Whitby, will be received by the undersigried until 12 o'clock noon (Daylight says ne time) on Friday, August 16th, 1080, for all trades, excapting heat- ing, plumbing and electrie wiring, in connection with the eonstruction of a storehouse bullding at the Ontario Honpital, Whitby, An approved guarantes company's tender bond or an accepted cheque for 10 per cent, of the amount of the tender payable to the Honourable the Ministers of Public Works and Highways, shall be attached to each tender, An approved fubranteed company's contract bond for 856 per cont, of the amount of the tender te nrovide the usual guarantees, includ: ng payment of labor, will he re. quired on execution of the contract, Plans, specifications, tender forma and tender envelopes may be obtain. ed at the office of the Bursar, On. taro Hospital, Whitby, or 'at this Department, he lowest or any tender not ne. cennarily neeeptad, Geo, Hogarth, Deputy Minister of Public Works, Toronto, July 88nd, 1080, Mortgage Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE powers contained in a mortgage whieh will be produced at the time of the sale, there will he offered forsale by Publio. Auction, Wednes- day, July 20%h, at the hour of 8 o'eloek (Daylight Saving 7 ime) In the afternoon on the premises 230 Ritson Road Routh, by J, Bully, Auctioneer, the following property, namely, Lot No, 149 in the City of Oshawa, as marked on registered plan No, 1456 for the County of Ontario, On the land is sald to stand a f-roomed hriek veneer house, all modern conveniences and in good state of repair, The land will be gold subject to a Avat mortgage of about $28,804.85 repayable in halls yearly instalments of #60,00 each due on the 1st day of January and July, each year, the whole to. be due on the 1st of July, 1004, with interest at 7 percent, Terms 10 per cent of the balance paid down at the time of the sale, the balance in thirty days, The land will be sold subject to a re. serve bid, Top further partioulars and conditions of wale apply to CONANT & ANNIR, Darristevs, eto, Oshawa, and W, J, Sully, avnotions eer, Dated at Oshawa this 10th day of July, AD, 1030, (9:16:21) Expert Watch Re airing URNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Ma, CR AES R n . 1] "0 Machinery Repairing NOTHING 100 LAKUB NOTHING 100 SMALL, Adanac Machine Shop , GRE ay mw RE ans HARDWOOD VLOOIS Laid by expert mechaning, Old "loer finished like pew, Ge. 21 ' Gontractors, BW. HAYNES 101 King wt. West Phone 481 « Hesidence BOTBW re rr-- Br --_, Good Weather Ahead! wef) DOL 1080 JOUP CAP Let me finance yous=Addie tional Cash Ulven, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN oon 6, 14 4 King St, Bast = py FREE 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT Check 1gnition, clean and ads Just points, adjust earburetor on Chevrolet Cars, 1088 to 1080 models, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd, 00 Kumooe Nb, Nowsh | Nowa Suits, Regular ai §19"50) | | Dominion Clothing Co. || i on King St, W. Phone 8141 | he CAREW lumBLR (0 AATHOL STW OSHA Ph I 1H Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Main Cornu | A-------- Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproot Garage W. BORROWDALE 900 Carnegie Ave, [Phone 1088 EYESIGHT SPECIALLY Specialising wuslusively in ig MN aay fe WL, + BRIT ELLA CINDERS---Hot Under the Collar

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