THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JULY 28, 1930 Details Of Vote In Ontario Riding WHITBY TOWNSHIP PAGE TWO ~ Early Election Returns From Eastern Provinces Candidates Elected In The Federal Election (Continued from pads 1) LIBERALS Kalgar Moors Kaiser Moore | PRELBURNE-YARMOUTH, N, #, | price . A. D, Ganong, Congervative, con- 4 ' baad, No citnge." : ew rve or No, '1--Centre Street School, W Kelaey gi phat : Kalser Moore Ma), Maf, yon. Aa tot, niitivser " # ELATBERLAND, Nay, ¥. C ===fole : 4 Sm i y ed ppd 4 ' #mith, i HC a vi No, 1--=Willlam Wall's, = a BESTER. NBM, 1, Ure Re GHTON Ont. --=x-A:, B Ross, Ix Cons, No ehange, betion of R, ©, Matthews, Conser- " , " d Nei ohiaten, aithets, oo . AO Lu covaviisnnnnosisnss BW oo TRL PE , ._ TORONTO BOUTH=-Election of Rumbold Ki er Milo Z ..oviisiviiveninsion wr ol = "wary. No. 1A--Willlam Bonnetta's, / - _ANTAGONISH.GUYSHORO, NB "UpieTOU, Nf --x-Thomas Canis Col. G, R, Geary, Conservative, Pp - No, 2==John Graham's, Brooklin, -~ ik 1ny, CITY OF OSHAWA Hi e------------------ Westmoreland, NB, =~ 0. I, ponceded, Unchanged, TORONTO NORTH EAST Elec tion of R, I, Baker, Conservative, ponceded, Unchanged, PETERBORO WERT, Ont, ~El- petion of E, A, Peck, Conservutiva, ponceded Unchanged, Serious Riots In English City Catholics and Protestants Clash in Street, Many Are Arrested Liverpool, Eng, July 28, After fn night of ceaseless vigilance, with hundreds of police patrolling the streets and ambulances parked for emergencies, fighting between Catholics and Prostestants in the Netherfield Road area was resumed today, The religious partisans stormed B police court where several pers sons arrested yesterday's disturb- ances were heing brought before A magistrate and held for trial, Outside the court building a huge crowd gathered, divided into two factions which booed "and shouted at each other when the prisoners appeared The troubles sinrted at the dobrs of the courtroom where greveral women took the initiative, jostling the prisoners, screaming and refus- ing to be quieted, Soon the place was in an uproar Bnd one woman was Arrested for assaulting another, subsequently three others were taken into cus. tody, 2The fighting had been so flerce vesterday that the authorities had an ample force of-oMcers on hand to prevent development of serious rioting today, \ Nine Injured Liverpool, England, July 28---Re- ligious riots in lLwverpool last eve- ning resulted in injuries to at least pix elvilians and three policemen The police placed guards around three Roman Catholle churches last night, The trouble arose over false rumors that the Roman Cathglie mrohbishop of Liverpool, Dr, Rich- ard Downey, intended to visit a Catholle seminary in a Protestant disteiet, ELECTION BRINGS DEATH IN QUEBEC ' ------ : Man Arrested for Striking Elector Who Later Died Montreal, July 28.-The general election and the difference of opinion it causes, took a life at Joliette, Que, this week-end acocrding to word reaching Montreal today, The report stated that Albert Dauphansis, a laborer, was struck in the face as he was leaving a Cons servative committee room early Suns day by a man who knocked him down 'and left him there, "He was later picked up and taken to hespital where he died, Edmond Hottain, Riso a laborer, was placed under ers yest pending an inquest ARREST CHINESE ~ FOR TONG KILLING Prisoner Is Thought Re- sponsible for Half a Dozen Murders ; (By: Canadian Press Leased Wire) Myon York, July 28~Wong Sam, Newark Chinese, blamed by police for half a dozen tong killings, was ar- vested in a lower east side grocery today and jailed on a homicide charge Yi, connection with, the slaying of "Fong Wah Hong on June 9, Hong, president of the Chinese Peace Society, was shot in a Chinese bowery theatre, Sam was identified as the slayer on th. night of the kills ing, He escaped life imprisonment en a murder charge in Minneapolis in 1925 when his sentence was set nside on appeal, police said, \ Pressure has increased aver the northwestern portion of the con. tinent and is 30 inches at Fort Simpson but continues relatively low from the Great Lakes east. ward. Since Saturday morning showers have occu in Mani: toba, northern Saskatchewan and in most sections of Ontario and Quebec, The weather has turned cooler in the western provinces and a change to soeler is likely te occur in Ontario tonight, Forecasts Lower Lakes std at oy } thwest n, ° "rerihwest inde mostly foie lo+ un storms, - pg + w Fresh to pin | northwest winds; mostly cooler. - or Police Concentrate on Tor ronto and Hamilton For Solution (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, July 2B~Hope for the solution of the Rumbold murder mys- tery was held out oncg more today with the provincial police concentrat- ing their search on Hamilton and Toronto, the two. cities on either side of Port Credit, near which the body of Phillip G, Rumbold, Tonawanda, N.Y, realtor, was found last Tues- day, f: sbtsior William Stringer has looked to Hamilton to provide the solution of the crime since he visits ed the dead man's home town last week, While the inspector was satis- fied that the Immediate solution does not lie in Tonawanda he is sald to have found there the clue on which he is basing another drive against the culprits, Toronto entered the 'calculations of Investigators with the receipt of information over the week-end that Rumbld had been seen here last Monday night Inspector Stringer stated that this news was not incon» sistent with the time or place of the murder EMPIRE AS GREAT ECONOMIC UNIT SEEN BY BALDWIN Britain Should Assure Do- minions Preferences Will Be Maintained (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Drghouse, Yorkshire, England, July 28.=The furnishing of assurance to the Dominions that Britain would not remove the trade preferences in effect, und establishment of an im- perial body to consider economic und industrial issues, were advocated by Rt, Hon, Stanley Baldwin, Conser vative leader, in a speech here, He predicted that the MacDonald gov ernnient would be out of office with in six months Business and countries were group ing themselves mere and more into great units, Mr, Baldwin said, Above all, there was that great unit, the United States of America, "The great unit I have in mind fs the unit of our own empire Mr, Baldwin continued, "That unit is not going to come into being without a great deal of hard work and hard thinking, not only in this country but in every dominion.' Six Deaths From Heat in States (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, N.Y, July 28==IFrom Arkansas to the Atlantle seaboard and from the Great Lakes to por- thern Dixie citizenry of the Unit. od States was recovering ¢ to-day from a resurrected week-end heat wave that left In its wake death, drought and discomfort, Reports from divergent sections showed that temperatures of 100 degrees and above were the rule rather than the exception yesterday, Hun. dreds of thousands fled to ocean, lake and mountain resorts to hide from the sun, Six deaths were re ported to-day, R-100 LEAVES FOR CANADA TONIGHT Will Take Off From Carding. ton at 9.30 O'clock ES.T.\ (By Canadian Pres. Leased Wire) Cardington, Eng, July 28%--The air ministry announced thig evens ing that the British dirigible R100 will begin ita flight fer Montreal at 3.30 o'clock tomorrow (9.30 pom, tonight eat), Cardington, Eng, July 28.-~The dirigible R-100 was given a close in- Shestion yesterday after her trial flight, and was officially declared fit for her flight to Canada, which will, according te plans, be started within a few days, The R-100 is now floating ready at the mooring mast, and is only waits ing for the air ministry's orders, She is not expected to leave before Tues. day morning, and the start may be deferred until later in the week, Weather developments over the Ate lantiec will he a considerable factor in fixing the time, Flight will be finished .in three days, but the great airship is being provisioned for five, 25 Excursionists Banned From Canada (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Windsor, July 28---Acting on in structions from Ottawa, immigra- tion officera: yesterday held up a Wabash excursion enroute to Nia- gara Fala, Ont, from Chicago, tor more than an hour, Twaenty-f men and women who could produce no evidence of their American cit. No, 3~VF, 0, Kirby's House, 27 Park Road South, AAG oii Ticdvasianinis H oP covvrnnnirinnnininss - Q Lo Z ivi rirrnivinnne No, 1=G, PF. Cragg's House, bi8 Oxford HBtroot, AO G (iviivirrnnrnnriing HoP .oivivvrinnnnninnnne QZ .vvvvrvvrnirnirinins No, 4--Mrs, P, O. O'Connor's, 47 Athol Street East Ato G H to M No. G-=Albert Street School, AtoD ... Ye Btol cviverivvinnininn Mito R coin rinnnny BltoZ ..., No, 8C, V', Sturgess', 437 Bimcos Streot South, No, T-=Mrs. BE. W. Richards', 15 Yonge Street, Ate G ,.... Hto O ,. Pte 2 No. B=City Hall A10G soiiinns Hto M , Nito 2 No. 0 A to D to G te L te 8 lo REE No, 10=-T, Driscoli's, 33 Brock Street Kast Ato G to N No. 11-=Mary Street School, Ato C D BOF srrrrvnrncanvaninves G OK sacnsinnrrivanitns L te EE EE REY 8 te EEE EERE RET} No, 12-=At C. I. DeGuerre's Houso + 84 Alice Street, Ate B ovivis:. 'ew Dito H EER I IIT LAM wavsnvarasinianstnee J TE 8 to 2 EEE EEE EERE ETT) No. 13-=Cedardale School. gi Advanee Pall vauyiviirisrriies No, 8="Township Hall, Brooklin, No, 4= Ashburn, 120 152 WHITBY TOWNSHIP TOTALS .. ~ TOWN OF WHITBY Kaloor Moore No, 1-Browning-- Field Office, . AL... ivetedine 1117 118 MAT ciiiriinerrinviinee 9 134 No. 3--FEd. Bowman's Office, Ato. K si00s:: 101 LL] 000 2 sonsirirviveenes (1) " No, 3~~Council Chambers, " 107 149 No, 4=="Turner's Shoe Bhop, AWWA arsnsiviarisiverneia 102 No, b=Community Hall, Broek Bt South, Atoll +..., MUWZ....ovviviviapprrvae WRITBY TOTALB .ivvvivnines OSHAWA TOTALS i..vviiviin EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP No, 1.=K, Hearn's House, Harmo ny, AK iiiinnnininniininnange L te ? EEE EERE EERE] No, 2-Thomas Lyons' House, 381 Pine Avenue, ALOK Giiiaiisiiniiniinans ho to Bisse rvsansinisusenrss No, 8-Sidney Bradley's House, 160 Gibbon Street, Ato b siiidiiiiinivnnnisen MAoB coidmrivisvesni res No, 4==Thornton's Corners, No, §==North Oshawa. 1 Ato K iiiiinnianeirininns LtoB (ivisrissnnnsiviansen No. &-Columbus, No, To=RaEIAD sivivinnrsivsonn TOWNSHIP OF PICKERING Kaiser Kaiser Moore Ma) No. 1-=Woodruff Powell's 17 No, 3~Fire Mall, Pickering. Ao XK coviiiiiirnininn to BF .... No, 3---Liyerpool . No, 4-George Toyne's Ne. §==Cherrywood No. 6~XKinsle, No, T--=Publie Wall, Brougham A VOT siniiiniiiiae risen KZ coveirnnnsivinnnns No, B=Whitevale, .vovviiiiing No, #==Mount lon ...vvvvviivs No. 10=Claremont, ,... Lene Neo. 1l-=John Spang's, Altona, .. PICKERING TOWNSHIP TOTALS TOWNSHIP OF REACH Kaiser Kaiser Moore Ma), NO. 2-=Utled, wrvssiriersinipn " No. 3--~Garage, Epsom ....vu0+ LL 80 No, 3==Thomas Watson's, viv 44 No, d==Greanbank, ....vvvvvnss No, §=W, CO, Moon's, Seagrave, No, f=Frod McKay's, Seagrave. No, T==Codar Creek .v.ivvvnins No, B==Manchestor, «.vovivnvres No, 9=Bainttield, «ivvvvrvnnnns Sa. REACH TOWNSHIP TOTALS ... VILLAGE OF PORT PERRY Kaiser No, 1-==Treasurer's Office ..iv.s 104 No. 3=Town Mall .....cvvninns ." No, 3-=Presbyterian Church .... , PORT PERRY TOTALS «vvvvnee Sougor TOWASAID +1 ivivviinrnes 101 1 RECAPITULATION Kalser Kajser Moors Maj, Oshawd «iivvnniarnnnivinenins we Town of WHItDY ,.....cvvvnnny " E. Whitby Township sssavsnsirs Plekering Township vovvivvvana Whitby Township +.vvvenninens Reach Township covvvvvnvnnany POM BOI is sar ernevisvsasa | Sougog Township .. vv iiiiiann lagnship were rejected, , EAST WHITBY TOTALS TOTALE «ivvvniiinnnirasiinag CONSERVATIVES HALIFAX, Nf§.--xW, A. Black and xP, P, Quinn, Unchanged, YORK-SUNBURY, N.B.-3xR, B, Hanson, Unchanged, VICTORIA<CARLETON, N.B. w= B. 7. Smith, Gain from IAbera), Bt. JOUN-ALBERT, NB, (two #OALS) ~~ xN, Maclaren and x- Thomas Bell, TORONTO PARKDALE w= Cony, / No change, { TORONTO HIGH PARK, Ont. x<A. J, Anderson, eoneeded, une changed, ' ROYAL, NB, = x-Hon, G, n, Joneg, conceded. unchanged, CHARLOTTE, NB--A, D, Gav. ong, conceded, No change, ELECTION HIGHLIGHTS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hon, W, A, Black, (Cons, Hall- fax) whose election was conceded early in the evening Is a former member of the '"Bhadow govern. ment' of Rt, Hon, Arthur Melglen In the Maritimes he long has been known an the champion of Maris time rights, He was elected firs! for one of the Halifax weats ot n by-election in 1023 and has held his seat in the commons since, Ue was minister of railways and canals fn the 10256 Conservative cabinet, The first gain registerad hy any party was that of BF, Bmith, Conservative, who captured Vie toria-Carleton in New Brunswick from A, R, Foster, Liberal SERIOUS PANIC AS BENCH CRASHES IN MONTREAL STADIUM Score of People : Injured in Mad Rush for Exits (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, July: 28,-=Injuries to approximately a score of spectu- tors, the most serious of which was two fractured logs, were incurred Hit irday afternoon at the stadium W 1 a panic of considerable pro- portions developed in a crowd ol 18,000 spectators who had Just soon Arthur Newton, wspeetacled 47-year-old South African; and Pete Gavusel, small Hoeuthampion Italian, win the B500-mile Peter Dawson relay foot race that start od from Fletcher's Field last Sun. day, A bench collapsed under the weolght of a row of people stand: ing on it and precipitated a panic that halted proceedings for more than half an hour, When the bench collapsed tho people on it were thrown against the people in front of them and those in front were in turn sent erashing against those below them, Mystitied and excited by the com- motion scores of spectators then attempted to loave thelr seats and noon moat of those seated in the reserved seat section on the south side of the stadium were in a ture moll, Sandwiched together and milling toward the aisles all vests ge of order in the huge throng vanished for a few minutos and it was only after a score of ushers and policemen, under the direction of Captain Joinville, had found their way to the spot, that sons degrees of order wan restored, BLACKMAILER IS NEATLY CAUGHT Had Threatened Lives of Family of Automobile Manufacturer S------ Lansing, July 28. Richard H. Scott, president of the Reo Motor Car Company, led Michigan state police to the capture of Samuel Meyers, 10 years old, who is in Jail charged with having attempts od to extort $15,000 from the mil. lionaire manufacturer and philans thropist under throat of killing M. Scott; his wife, their son, Maurs fee M, Scott, and their grandson, Richard Scott, five years old, Mayers wan placed under arrost a8 he reached for a package osten. albly containing $15,000 in cash deposited by the Reo prosident at a point back of tha sheds of the Van Winkle Coal Company, River and Hazen Streets, Scott arrived at the rendezvous selected by Meyers several mine utes in advance of the alleged ox- tortionist and, after leaving the dummy package, retired from the sceno while atate police dfficers waited for their cuarry, When Meyers appeared, detectives cove oh him and took him into cuss ody, NOTED NOVELIST LANDS BIG TROUT Jasper Park Lodge, Jasper, Alta, July 28.=The largest Dolly Varden trout ever caught in the fishing coun. try of North Western British Colums bia was landed by Courtney Ryley Cooper, well known short story writs Cali LR ne Cr er, on a trip through Stuart and Tak- J LAKON | ee rs 1that he was at the time almost = The first member of the King government to he returned io parliament way Hon, J. Ralston, minister of national defense Hi was elected in the Nova Boeotin riding of BhelburneYarmouth, t) same constituency he represented in the lust parliament, having hee elected by acclamation at the bh election, in Novenmber 1020, Right on top of the first Conse vitive gain came the news 1hat, the Liberals had taken the No seotin seat of Colchester when M I, Urquhart secured a majorit over C', TT. MacNutt, the former member He was elected first 1025 and held. thy seat the f« lowing year Denmark Decides to Abolish Navy (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Copenhagen, July 28,==Den« mark, which owns but two cru ers, the Heimdal and Niels Juel, has docided to dispose of them Helmdnl will ba scrapped ang t Niels Juel, just returned from wn royal visit to the leeland Jubilee probably. will be sold to a foreign rowsr, China, naval officers bas lave, Minister of marine 1. Rasmus INDIANS FLEEING WENACING FLOOD AS WATERS RISE 15,000 People Pour Into ° Karachi From Inundated Cities (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Karachi, India, July 2B-=Fifteen thousand persons from Shikarpur and Sultankote poured into Karachi and Sukkur by rall and highway to« day to escape flood waters pouring over the upper Sind and Skirting the only rail line that offered them escape Shikarpur tonight was in imminent danger of being wiped out, hundreds of constables left Sukkur for that city: yesterday to help with the relief work Looting was reported from Khane pur, another inundated city A canal was cut in the night fo re lieve pressure on embankments of the Indus River in the hope of save ing Shikarpur, Abnormal rains are the 'eause of the floods which have resulted in extremely heavy financipl losses, for several days, A flood fund of abous $2,000 has been raised, FOUR DROWNINGS OVER WEEK-END AT | MANITOBA RESORTS | Man Sinks After Rescuing His Fiancee--Two Young Girls Victims Winnipeg, Man, July 28--Weur Manitobans lost their lives in weeks end drownings, The victims are: Laurent Roy, 10, of St. Boniface, son of Justice L. P. Roy, county * court judge, Elmer Mile, 33, of Dugald, who saved the life of his fiancee, Mabel Geoffrey as she slipped and sank bes low the surface of a swimming hola at Bird's Hill Dora Lamb, 15, of Winnipeg, wha stepped in a hole in the bed of ihe Red' River, i Rhoda Bushen Qun of Klm Creel, : who took a cramp while bathing at 1 Delta Beach, near Portage la Prairie, PEDESTRIAN STRUCK BY AUTO Searboro'y July 24.~=Charles, Synge of 27 Simpson Avenue, To ronto, while walking with a com- panion on the Kingston Road last night near Highland Creek, was struck by a motorist, who claims AR i blinded by the glaring headlights of an approaching car, Synge re ceived alight injuries to his head and back, his companion escapin: unhurt, ---- - Auto Racer Killed Woodbridge, N.J.--=Bob Robin. son, 32, AAU, race driver of Day. tona Reach, Fla, was instantly killed yesterday when his car crash. ed through the upper guard rail of the Woodbridge board gpeedway,