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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jul 1930, p. 1

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"All the News While It Is News" The Osha nt Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer Baily Tunes A Growing Newspaper in #» Growing City Ahan a VOL. 7==NO, 25 A Ar Don eeert Suders snd vile Holders News in Brief (by Canodian Prem) Bus Mervice Valluve . Welland, Rather then continue the service at a loss Lo the eit of #60 a day, Welland City Couadll has decided to disco itinue the municipally-operated sorvice on Wednewdoy night, ------ Bridegroom Jatled New Liskeard, ~=John Brown, 21, bridegroom of even weeks, wis sent to jul) lor threo months on conviction of perjury fu cone nection with the marriages eens he secured to warry 1h-yesi-old Ethel Eckensviller of Hulloybury, Brown was suid Lo nave sworn the girl was 18 yunrs old, his Chitd Vitaly Burned gault Be, Marie, Out==Playing with matches in the home of her parents, My, and Mrs, Alceds Li boueff, during thelr absence, Anna, four years old, started a hinge which cost her life, Wrothers Drownwl Montreal, ="Two hrothors were drowned in the Bt, Lawrence River at Longue Pointe, The aceldent oceurred when Charles Carroll, aged B, disappeared while swims ming, His brother, Hdward, 7, jumped into the water and manag: ad to bring him to the surince but hig efforts could not get the two to shore and both sunk, Killed In digger Crash Bt, Catharines, --Iober, Corvin of Merritton formerly of london, was fatally injured when the ¢, N, R, gasoline speeder on 'which he was riding collided with another spender carrying three men nony Thorold, Drought in Kouth Atlanta, Oa =Acoumulatod heat and drought during July In the Houth revealed several serious milk shortages dus to lack of green feed for cattle, Neds Mack Clty Shanghai ==Overrun by a Com munist. horde, the vich wity of Changsha, capital of Hunan rove ines wan systematically sacked and burned hy the invaders while for algn warships vemoved thelr na tionals to*safety, AEROPLANES USED IN INDIANCHILLS Ar Force Bombers Deal Sharply With Groups of Tribesmen (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Peshawar, India, July J0=More than 70 airplanes of the Royal air forge have operated in the numerous aerial actions that have worried the havd-fighting tribesmen ef the norih- western frontier for seme months Several times the planes have hombed groups of recaleltrant hills men from thelr eaves, inaccessible in any way except from the alr, and It is considered that they have played a notable part in <subduing the trouble, COMMUNISTS WRECK CITY AND LOOT IT Foreign Gunboats Helpless as Foreign Property in China Burns (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Shanghai, China, July 30=A word ieture of the methodical burning and ooting of Changsha was gleaned from information sent today by res liable sources in the Communist rid on ren, 4 Due to the rapidly falling river level, lately gunboats were unable to approach nearer than five, miles of Changsha, One British, one Ams evlvan and one Japanese ship ans shored ta observa developments, which wera reported hy Chinese runs ners, The reports indicated about £000 armed reds had established a camp just east of the elty, from where they were condue ng their systomatie" campaign of looting and burning foreign properties, R-100 WELL OVER OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1930 16 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents » Copy TEN PAGES ritish Labor Party Seeks New Leader MOVEMENT IN PROGRESS T0 FORCE THE RESIGNATION OF PREMIER MACDONALD + BE -- Failure to Solve Conditions of Unemployment Given as Reason for Desire to Make Change in Leader. | ship PHILLIP SNOWDEN IS ALSO INVOLVED Arthur Henderson Mention: ed as the Most Likely Man| to Succeed Premier of Britain Should He Resign (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, July J0.=A movement within the, British Labor purty to force the resignation of Prime Mins ister Ramsay MacDonald and Lhan cellor of the Exchequer 'hilip Snows den an party leaders owing to unens ployment conditions was reported to day A section of the Labor party was sponsoring the movement it wis sald, in the hope of guining a freer hand to deal with unemployment, whieh is increasing steadily 1m the British Isles Arthur Henderson, Foreign Seare tary in MacDonald's Government was mentioned us the most likely eandis date to succeed MacDonald as party leader if he should resign, I wis undgrstongd the wmatier woitld he hi 4 before the annual meeting of the Labor party confers ence next October SPARKS FROM TRAIN CAUSE SERIOUS FIRE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Reantford, July J a passing Canadian National teal ure blamed for a fre which swept thirtys=live acres of stubble und pas ture near Burford village last night Iifty of the villagers with fire ex» tnguishers fought to keep the bluse from spreading across a rod und firs Ing two seats of fine farm buildings, and they were successful in thelr of forts, The grass was as dry as tin der withsthreg week's drought re orded here Sparks from SPECULATION AS 0 APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSIONER Doubt Expressed As To Whether Massey Will Be Given Post rm (By Thea, T, Champion, Canadian Press Staff Corvespondent) London, July J0.=1he Conservar tive party having defeated the Libs oral movernmient in the Canadian general elections, There is naturally considorablg speculation in Londen Canadian eiveles regarding the future of the high Commissionorship here, vacant singe the death lust Febyus ary of Hon, Peter Larkin, One London writer says the high commissionerships are: sull regarded in all the dominions as an item of pirty patronage, Two months age i wan announced that Hon, Vincent Massey, former minister of Canada at Washington, would arrive in Lows don nthe autumn to take the post here, "Thin writer, however, is dont ful whether this sound Liberal will Q0Ie now, as things have turned out, UNITED STATED DIRIGIBLE WILL OUTDO THE R-100 Ship Now Being Built Will Be Largest in the World (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, D.C, July J.=As the world's largest dirigible forced her wity across the Atlantie today work men had passed the half way mark in the construction of a United States airship larger even than the R100 Bince aeronautieal experts hold nearly every lighter-than air ship is ohsolete by the time It flies, develop ment of the navy's ZRS-4 may make the R00 an ont-dated eraft Wealdes being nearly one-third larger than the British dirigible, the American ship, named the Akron will Ingorporate half a dozen revoly onary features designed to ineredse its effectiveness, Where the R100 holds only 5,150,000 cuble feet of gas, the Akron will hold 6500000, I'he Akron will he 78S feet long as eon trasted with the R005 100- foot length. The R100 has a erulsing ra dius of ahaut 6,000 wiles, but the Ake ron will be able to fly 10,580 without refueling: bn the Akron, for the firs time, there will be an airplane hang ur, housing five fast fighting planes for seouting or protective purposes Deeause inflammable hydrogen |s the lifting gas in the R-100, the Hit. ish dirigible's motors must be hung outside the hull of the ship, Fight moors, with shafts running to pro pellors outside, will he inside the hull of the helium«inflated Akron Bennett Wil Be Welcomed At Conference British Press, However, Is Mixed in Opinions on His Policy (By Thos, TT, Champion, Canadian Press Stall Correspondent ) London, July J0-Knglish news papers welcome the retin of Hon, R, B, Dennett an head of the vies torlous Conservative party In the Canadian general eleotions and des olare he will he a welcome recruit to the fmperials councils, Opinion in mixed, however, when it comes to dealing with the Cons servative election programme, While the Dally Xpress des olaren Mr, Hennett favored Canada atriking a bargain with the rest of the empire, instead of making a gosture, the Manchester Guardian han this to say! "UIE Canada voted for Hennetl through any dwepsrooted belle? that the Counell of the Empire can be turned inte a bargainsoounter, wo might well deapalr, Fortunately the ohange In government eoeura through causes less single and ob. vious than the tariff issue hut vast [f ly more natural and oreditable, The Daily Mail has this assure oe! "The time has long mene hy en the issue of an election In Canada could affect the velations of the Dominion with this rountry, (Continued on Page 2) WEATHER A trough of low pressure extends southwards from Hudson Stealts aver the Gulf of Bt, Lawrence to the south Atlantie states, while pressure in high aver the western prove incex and northwest states, Light to moderate shower Nave oeeurred 1h some parts o northern Ontario, Yueheo and the Maritimes, Kisewhere in the Dominion the weather has hoon fale, It ix cooler In moat disteiots of Kastorn Canada and Is. becoming somewhat warmer in Hm far west, Forecastssmlonwer Lake Res gion and Georgian Bay, mods orate Weal northeast winds faly ang moderately warm toe day and Thursday, Latest Summary of The Election Result Conservatives ON United Farmers ..,. Progressive Liberal Progressive Labo! Ss LaLa Independent ....., Paubtful \., vis Loti sain 187 aan 88 vernaanay 10 EE RE tH y Vara i FALL AANL ARRAN Ny RE RRR LAAN NAY EERE RRR TAA YAY \ CERRO \ Yaa ------------ BER) rab 'GIANT BRITISH AIRSHIP MAKES GOOD PROGRESS yy The map shows the path R100 is following trip from Cardington, E nd, reproduced a \ ron TREAL, hes Crem R-100OTLAST REPORTED APPR 66, NORTH) 9 WEST STEERING A'WESTERN COURSE AT A SPEED OF BO KNOTS AN HOUR. (iaseie TUESDAY | AM ULL 0) IRE S84 AM Wi i, Jai LEFT CARDINGTON FOR MONTREAL MONDAY 946 PA yr " ABOVE the English dirigible ite transatlantic to Montreal, where It is dus, assording te reports, some time Thursday, "DUMBELLS Ar MARJORIE" DIED TODAY Ross Hamilton, Famous as Impersona tor, Passes at Age of 37 (By Canadian Toronto, July #0 Noss Hamilton ator with the "Dumbells, Press Lansed Wire) The death of fmpuysan "who was , female Known from const to const through hin famous cha Joris," Is report racterigntion, "Mar ad early tosday, The gnlobrated fomale impersonator Is ald to MY passed away in Kala olilga news mason, N White n, of the death has reached the Trans-Canada hooking the non del nfMon theatre, dentlen have yet heen heard tain Plunkett, show, while having Royal Alaxandra alls coneorning hin Cap who sponsored the heard of his death several days agn, eonld give no details either, Ross Hamilton was horn In Am herst, NK, 7 no Kage experiania Ia had until the YOATH Ugo up war, In which he rerved throughout aan stretcher hearar with the iird Brigade He attained quite a re putation as a soldier, hut this was won to he eilipsed when hie curried on hin famous the hilarious conelusion of 1 "Marjorie A aharneterigntion of "Mar janie at the he war PEL came inte helng with the organisating in ¥ranes of the weekly con hoys, Fach pany of entertainers ert parties for the division ad a coms rooruliesd from thelr ranks, and that vhosen hy the dvd Division was 'nowvin as the Dumbelis heonuse nn dumbell on A gray background was 'he in signin of the division, Those who wera close to the sie cess of the 1 practionlly all Al suocess in ( Ross Hamilton, who was talked about Jumbella say that redit for their Lilt: 'anndn wan dus to It was "Marjorie in these earliest days of the company, and it. wan "Marjorie that tha early visitors to the show went tn soe, » annem S Swept by lames Peiping, China, July J0=Latest res ports received here today said that the elty of Changshawas in flames, All government buildings and foreign property in the elty were burned with the exception o the hospital T {the postaffice and he premises of for elgn oll companies were stated to have heen burned, Re IMPEREONATOR REPORTED DEAD Rosa Hamilton, well-known female impersnnatar, who has been reported at TranmUanada booking office, To onto, A dead In Kalamason, Mich R100 I8 WELL ON ITH WAY will be seen by this map the airship strikes north from the British Isles and then follows the "great eivele" route around the north of Ireland The sraft Is carrying a company of #M, which includes officers, men and Bennett's Lead Is Now 29 Seats Ottaws, July B0,--With twa oats still doubtful, Hon, I, BH Bennett has a majority of 20 over Liberals, Progressives, Labor and Independents combined Agninst the Conservative total of 187 the Liberals have B86 and (he ather groups 80 Nogardless of tha fate af (he two doubtful sents in Quebee, Lhe Conservatives will he. alle to carry on without harkaining for support Bennett Plans Early Session Of Parliament September 11 Is Believed To Be Likely Date For Opening (By Canadian Press Lomsnd Wire) Oftaway July JOA special session of parllament=probably en or h fore September esis u cortalnty, In earrying ont hin promise to the Can adian people to deal with unemploy ment "tmediately after July 2M Premlerselect Hon. RH. Bennett is wlready taking action in ghis direc tion us the first step towards the im plementation of the pledges he gave during the recent edmmpaign Tuesday, September 2, loems up as the probable date for by-election da if any minister selected hy the Con servative chieftain ta derve in his administration happens ta he oppos od, Ryseleation writs will likely he fasued an soon as Mr, Bennett takes office as pring minister, with namin ation day likely set for August 18, In ease of any chosen minister rep FEREIES & constituency in whieh, un der the Daminion Eleetion Act, two weeks must. intervene between nom ination and polling day, The major ty of constituencies, however, only require the intervention of seven days, MINIATURE GOLF CASE DISMISSED Magistrate Rules That They Can Be Operated on Sunday (By Canadian Press Lansed Wire) Taronta, July J0=Charges brought by York township police against owners of a public miniature gol course for operating the course on Sunday were dismissed by Magis trate William Keith in county police gourt today, In giving his judgement in what in regarded as a test ease throughout the provinee the magistrate ayreed with: Crawn Counsel Coull L, Suyder that eperation on Sunday of the minis ature courses. eannat he stopped hy prosecutions under the Lord's Day Aet of Ontario, He stated however, that prosecutions might he hrought under the Dominion Lord's Day Act, hut only with the permisson of the Attorney general er ----------------------y Shamrock V.is Again Located (By Canadian Press Loasnd Wire) Horta, Taland of Fayal, Asores, July 80.==8ir Thomas Lipton's racing yaoht Shamroek V, whieh lost oontaot with her convey, the atoam yaoht Bein, In a mist and rain five days ago, rounded the point of Moo Island under full sail late thin alternoon, BRITISH DI BEAVERBROOK'S PAPER ANALYSES are optimistic regarding the suscen | af the dirigible's maiden flight, alen shows points en rauls where air ship was reported KING CABINET CLEANING UP BEFORE GOING Ministers of Defeated Goy: | ernment Make Ready to Move Qul (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hil 0 I'he sloction in the political sit fed toward the (iawn Interest uation 1s now dire porsonnel of the ne and the fmpoending specip! ne of purtinmoent Already ther slgng of depprturs fn some of the ministerial offtess on Parligment Hill, The pro of cleaning up prin. ta relinguishing the rooms which they far voars Yu he minis tors' alflee day nr twa woeaks (hi will. ha lnished, thu momhers of the King government Will have departed fn then maces will reign the men selected hy Hon, I. BW, Bennett An vol poems tn he onhiner activi Ho wntieipated that Mr, King will eall a meeting of his minister helorp long, hut the majority of them are still nut of town, They will areive shortly however, and then thers may he a number of meetings to clean up hushioan and leave (the slate clear for the new government, Nearly all the tmpoartant mattors dealt With priory to the hut there 1a always an acoumulation of routine cabinet business when the ministers have not met for some time With a special » lon of pam Humant coming on soon wand an Imperial conference opening at the ond of Hepltomhe Premier-alect Hennett and his minister who ever thay muy he, may loak fore ward to a very busy peried nver frpment on in hit ace pied mnlng In the they Hite Wire olaetion, Narrow Hseape Wallaeabuvg, July 20 A Ma Elan family narvowly escaped being burned to death this morning when the home of Joseph Vandenhoss Behe, Alhert Street, was totally destroved Holy Taronto Hmm Dominion Not Yet Found The hody of. Lieut Vaneo, sanior pilot of the xplovers, who wa, drowned in Hunter Pay at the ent ond of Great Bear Lake two wenks ago yesterday, has not yal haen found, BARD OF INDIA This splendid "photographie study af ona af the ward's faremaat poets, Rabindranath Tagore af India, was JARS a8 he Arrived recently Cin Merlin, Germany, during his Bure POAR tour, Map | ELECTION RESULT ane or two PAsengers Authorities | SaYyS Canadians Understand Bargain Better Than a Gesture | London, July 00, ="Canudn ha docrond that Tn fmperinl mutters, gentiment. and economics shall partnaysi=--hul aul partners," ys the Dally ¥xpress, comment on the victory, of Hon, 1, B and the Conservative the polls In yesterday's election In Canada, The published hy Lord in Henne! nt general xpress is Hanverhrook, he Dally Express emphaslees the importanes of the Canadian [ election In trent Britain, Coampay Ling the attitude nf (he twa party | lender It adds: "Mackenusle King wld the Canadians Ie IT muke an gostire (oo encourage (hi Mother Country. while My, Ben aid, 'Let us make a hay nett gain,' Annlyeing the causes leading 10 the defeat of th King Governs ment, the Dally Express continues Au the election campaign pros pressed, Mr. King had to meat covtafi definitely hostile factors, namnly "y He wa nme going to the coun of depression His government was ing for a third term---and (Continued on "age ¥) Renewed Hope For Victims of Italian Quake Work of Reconstruction of Stricken Area Is Under Way (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Potensa, aly, July J0.=Today, a week from the fateful morning when well over 2000 slumbering citizens met a frightiul death from an earths quake that devasted Southern Italy sees the smitten area looking to the future with renewed hope Phe government's promised 100,000+ 000 live (about $5,330,000) for resters ation of buildings, the resumption of normal foad provisioning, the eviews ation of the last remaining injured and the practical completion of burys ini the dead are all elements wars ranting this eptimism In addition, the government has profited hy the terrible lesson and already has begun the construetion of houses which will he earthquakes pranf, as far as possible, They will he finished hefore winter Relief work fn general has ads vaneed so far that the government yesterday wis able to turn te what may he called the luxury side theres of=an inventary of the damage done tan the artiste treasures of tlie res Non Indian Villages Are Inundated Kavachl, India, July 30, Thousands of in habitants of the Hind region were homeless today An more than 100 villages were submerged hy flood wators now losing In on #hikavpur from the weal and north, An aves of 150 square miles fram the find River to Bhikarpur is one vast sheet of water Ly nt ; nak all ATLANTIC OCEAN 4 IE r-- -- RIGIBLE IS REPORTED NEARING COAST, MAY ARRIVE TOMORROW + [R100 Was Reported 600 Miles Off Belle Isle This Morning, And Is Expects | ed to Sight Land by Eight | O'clock Tomorrow Morn« | ing OFFICIALS READY AT | ST. HUBERT AIRPORT | | Giant Airship Has Made Splendid Progress on Its Flight Across the Ocean, and May Arrive at Des: tination Tomorrow Eves ning (By Canadian Press Lansed Wire) Ottawa, July =At B a'¢loek th marming the R00 was 600 miles from Helle Tale, according to affieinl af the department of fense here Ihe wireless tween Canadian C100 are bein national d copnunications he paints and the pleked wp at Loui burg, NM, and relayed fram there ta the 56, Hubert airdrome I'he directional finding stations on the Canadian coast are all stand ing hy, giving the giant dirigihle her DEdrings from time to time AS soon as the R00 eames over Canada, she will cammunicate direct with 81. Hy bert Ready at 51, Hubert Montreal, Que Tul 30 wither men, officers for the ing operations und Canadian govern ment representatives are walling at St Hubert alrport just outside Mont real, for the arrival ef the giant Brit inh dirlgible W100, expected between 0 and B e'cloek Thursday evening, Fhrea government metearaloglen! experts from Toronto are at St, Hu hett poring over weather maps fn an attempt ta furecast conditions an this side of the Atlantie for the henefit of the navigating officers of the dirs iglhle To Bight Land Tomerrow London, July 30=An alr ministry message fram the R100 this afters noon stated that the giant airship expegted ta sight and about eight tomorrow morning, Well On Way Londen, July J0.=Great Britain's RAA00, the biggest divlgible flying in the world's skies (o=day, last night wits well out aver the Atlantic ocean on her way to Montreal, With her six Rolls-Royce engines smoothly tirning out a speed of 60 miles per hour, the dirigible R+100 yea ported her position at midnight, Greenwlel Meridian Time, (7 pm, Eastern Standard Time) 10 the Alr (Continued on Page 2) ELECTION BRIEFS Record Majority (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Galt, July Monday's voting inereased the majoris ty of A Edwards, successful Conservative candidate, 10 4073, Which is believed to be a record for the viding of Waterlan South, . Tha final standing is CG, R. Widdiefield, Liberal, 40004 M. Edwards, Cons, N10, My, Bdward's majors fty in 1024 was 9 R80, Expert maa o'clock Regina (Complete) Dunning, Lib, 100648; Turnbull, Cons, 14.394; Cars man, Ind, & Neel Recount Regina, Hask, July A40==A roe aunt in the constituency of Long Lake where J, ¥, Johnson, Libs oral, wan declared elected yesters day, will be sought by Dr, W, D, Cowan, veteran Conservative, who met defeat, A vecount of the Ad pells In the viding showed Johnson with a majority of 81, against 63 earlier in the day, while the Cowan ad: herents claimed an advantage of 80 votes for their candidate, ibe Con, UW [AN UN EET EE ER | |] 0 Nin n (1) NK fn {1} Wan, | nt, VN on ] MAN, vaya A 1" 0 WKY aera IB v 1) AA vivir WN A MEO, vivian A T YUKO savannas © A tri aantaaaan d Yevartaraay A Vitara BY EE RRRE RE PAL davaanan a ar SUMMARY BY PROVINCES Lab, Prog. Prog. Labor Ind, Doubtful 0 0 0 0 0 Ll} 0 Li 0 0 0 0 1 0 ° 0 ¥ HH ---- pt fowl M0 Revised figures ol! ww,

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