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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jul 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1930. Bowmanville Daily N advertising and DoT et Block, King Street, 9 will be received ot Times In the Cowan Telephones==Office---B87; Housé=131, Bowmanville Representative==8, Herbert Mortlock Whiz Defeat Goodyear in Second Schedule Opener First Schedule Champions Bow to Their Adversaries in Finals=~Score, 14-10 rrm-------- * Whig, runners up for the first ¥chadule champlonship, started off At 8 brisk trot for the final shame Vionship when they handed a 14 to 10 defeat to Hoodrtar the first schedule winners, There was really very litle to the game and the decision to run this schedule on the Ontario Amateur rules was the CRURG Of Many Arguments, Whis opened (he batting and sooved one and the Rubber Men came aeross with three in the last of the fivst and held the lead un- tl the first of the sixth when Whis scored four and took the lead which they held for the vest of the game, Goodyear were unable Lo add further to thelr score of ten after the fourth Innings while Whig added two In the fifth, three in the sixth and two In the ninth giving them a clear win of four runs, The high Nght of the same was the scoring of three homers by Whis_ men, Rovan, Corden and Dub Piper- turning the trick, Gods dard and Murphy bad two real good catohes to thely eredit and these proved about the only ine teresting features of the game, The line ups: Whig=--=Cameron, 8h; Geo, Piper, #4 Munson, If; Corden, 1h; F, Hooper, rf; Cowle, o; Large, of] Rovan, pi 1, Plper, 8b, Goodyear--0shorne, 8h; XW, Cals well, #8; Goddard, It; Murphy, rf; Colwell, pj B, James, 1h} B, Moe Murter, ¢j Jackman, Ab; Moors eraft, of, Umpires=Martyn, Jamieson, Pottrell and mm -- SOFTBALL LEAGUE SECOND SCHEDULE SERIES DRAWN UP rem Foundry and Cream of Bar. ley Drop Out of Second Half of League Followers of softball in Bows manvilie will ba interested in the second schedule of the league whioh wan commenced last night, Two teams, the Foundry and the Cream of Barley have dropped out and the leagues will sontinue with out them, The full sehedule Is an follows | July 20==Whis va, Goodyear, Bl==High Scheel va, Motors, August 1==Cloodyear va, Front Nireet, f==Mators v8, Whis, T=Front Hivest vs, Motors, B==High Behool vs, Whis, Li=Gloodyonr vu, High Behool, 18==Vront. Street vu, Whig, 14-=Coodyesr vs, Motors, 16-=High Behool vs, Front Sires, First and second teams play # three gamo series for the winner of the sesond schedule, Winners of the first and second schedules will play tive game werles for the championship and the cup, I I, FINE FEATURES ARE PLANNED FOR ROTARY CARNIVAL Band of 48th Highlanders Will Be Present--Car to be Given Away Now that the election Is over the next thing that Is of Interest to local people 1s the Notary Cars nival which Is to take place at the Valvr Grounds on Wednesday, August 15, Just two weeks from today, Up till the present time the whole program has not heen coms pleted but it 4s agreed that 1 will take the same form as Iast year which provea so successful, The 46th Highlanders Band from Tos ronto will be the star attraction while It Is also expected that a fine vaudeville program will ba presented, The idea of this enters (ainment 1s to wive to oltisens a fine evening's entertainment withs out ebut and at the same time plac ing all the usual paraphernalia of A street falr within easy distance a8 A temptation to those attend. Ing, This was exosptionally sues consful lant year and while over three thousand attended and ens Joyed the programs of the band And vaudeville, most of them alo, patronized the stands and doapite the heavy expense of puts ting on a class of show that put on the Rotary Club made over one thousand dollars towards helps ing orippled ohildven, AS no doubt some oltisens are AWAPS, At the present time there Are patients In the Toronto Gens eral Hospital who are helng cared for hy the Bowmanville Rotary Club, Then the last hut not the least on the program Is the wiving away of the Baby Austin ear for which tiekets are selling like hot ohken, Thin little ear may he sen dally parading the stresta and someone In going to win It no get busy with the guessing, Don't for #ot the date, August 18th, Government. experts have estima ted that meadow mice cause an an nual lous in the United States of $30, 1000 in hay alone, LOCAL HOMING PIGEONS BREAK a00 MILE RECORD Bird Owned by Frank Bot troll Averages 1,171 Yards Per Minute | aaa Homing pigeon No, 764 owned hy ran Hotirell, of Hwianyils, broke the Ave hundred miles ve cord foy Cansdn in a YAee on Bal: urday from Danville, 111, to Bow: manville, an distance of Hak miles an the srow files, Thin pigeon sompleted the full distance In 15 hours, 18 minutes and HO seconds AVOraging u speed of 1171 yurds per minute, The birds weve iherated hy the Amarican Vxpress agent al Dans ville at 6,16 a.m, Maturday morne ing, daylight Javing me, and the first. bird arrived in Bowmanville at T.88 Lhe same evening, This In 8 vocord of which Bow: manville may well he proud, It in roof of the Ane way in which the birds are trained and cared for and It Is particularly gratifying to nen Feank Bottrell come home In the lead, Ha has been & pigeon fancier for many years and whila he has had his share of the win ners he has never haefore broken " record, The following In the vesult of the mee hy timer 1st owned hy Vreank Hottrell, No, 764, averaged 1171 yards per minute, 4nd owned hy Frank Bottrell, No, 111 averaged 1166.60 yards por minute fird owned by Woolner Brothers, No 1007, averaged 1110.10 yards poy minute, 4th owned hy Woolner Brothers, Nn Jy Wyeraged 11061 yards per minute, SPECIAL SCOUT MEETING TOMORROW Every member of the Bowmanvill Boy Neouts Troop is wrkently ri quested to he on hind at eight o'elock hursday evening for un specinl meet ing There will 3 a oapecial speaker present who has had many years in seauting experience neluding the Gillwill Camp, The ohjeet of this meeting will he to diseuss prepara tions for the hig field day and rally on September 6 and 7 Emastes Teorey says "Seouts let us make this a bumper meeting to show our appreciation of thin speaker's visit and bring your parents along ton" To the parents MAVH "Please see your hoy is present and come along and enjoy the ton, The same place us elght o'clock It I the seoutmaster ayening Wakil wt Bakelite and asbestos fHhres are cambined to produce u new carro plan proof material Passenger airplane been established hetween and the Canary Talands, Nelentists searching for naw motor fuels have made a gasoline substitute from waste fish The Writlsh shiphuilding Is now hullding more than oent, of the world's tonnage A pooket unorold harometer of ex treme awoeuraey han heen designated that weighs only three ounces Glass weal has heen developed hy Austrian solentists that resenihles and in an flexible as silk Automobiles ranked frst In value and seoond in exports among United NIAtes manufactures last year An Englishman has. invented a spring eonneetion to Attach wires tn aerviee has Madrid Industry 50 pei aparle plugs without the use of nuts MONTH-END DOLLAR DAYS Thursday, Friday and Saturday LINEN HANKIES Ladies' Hand Embroidered Fine Linen Hankles, 18¢ elo $1.00 LINEN CLOTHS Pure Linen Each AAR RAARAARANANY LINEN TOWELS colored border, 4 For wii $1.00 dW Fam vn. 31.00 TT CRETONNES 30 in, Drapery 81,00 wid no i o 4 yd for AUARAAAARAAARA AY $1 00 Cloths, colored border, 52 x 70, $1.00 BEACH TOWELS Beach Towels, extra large eh 1.00 REMNANTS Remnants, in Prints, Volles, os Sd woe G1 00 2 Towels iii $1.00 TOWELLING Twkish Towel LES Printed Voiles and Dimities 3" wide, 3 yards en $1.00 FUJA SILKE Fuja Silke, all shades, Two 1.00 GINGHAMS Canadian Gingham, 32" Tees... $1.00 CRETONNEY me 81.00 PRINT DRESSES Ladies' Children's and Misses' Print $1 00 PINAY . "BETTER DRESSES Rack of better Dresses in Printed Rayons, Voiles, ete, or on! $0.98 N $1.00 Ladies' Silk Slips, 11.00 HOSE Penman's Service W Ril Fashisned Hose, 1 Pal 4 hi i" : $1.00 MILLINERY Frilled Curtain to clear, Pair... W. A. DEWLAND, LTD. OSHAWA The Whitby Daily Times ortioing, viptions and will be vessly the 7 Brans Offiee, at Gasette and Chronicle daphons 2, Wier Business Hours=~Phone 399, REPRESENTATIVE=~JAMES H, ORMISTON SIDEWALKS ARE BEING REPAIRED Work Started This Week on Business Streets by Town Men A program of sidewalk repairs, which will embrace the whole®ef the town, was started this week hy Town Engineer H, 1, Pringle, on Instruetions from the Bireets Committen, Sidewalks in. the husis nous weetion, which are In a dan: gorous condition, are receiving first. attention, In order to Kiva We many men work As possible, Hangs are working Wn three Hay whifis The difficulty shout repairing nome willis Iu thal the debentures on them hiuve npl yet expired, There are many broken walks in the town, hut It would take a In af money to repair them all, so only the most urgent wea being Laken eave of ut this time It In possible that there will he some new sidewalks nid this year withough few petitions have hoon received PLACED A CREPE ON FRONT DOOR OF COMMITTEE ROOMS Work of Practical Joker in Whitby After the Election I'he doors are Jooked and the hinds are down in the places used hy the Libevals and Conservatives an committes rooms for the weeks R-100 REPORTED NEARING CANADA (Continued from page Ministry as S308 lailtude north wind JL00 donitide west, whieh in ap proximate! 79 miles west of Ire und Ninee lonving her monving mast at Cardington at 348 wn, the pride of Heltain'y dirigile had deserbied an are Northern Jreland, quitting the Linglish goat wt Liverpool, Khe passed ayer the Isle of Man and through the Mull of Kintyre, the narrow channel separating Ulster and ot lund hence flying over Rathiin Island, he elreled above Malin Mead, Ul ater, and headed southwesterly aleany the general line of the ship lane from Celaagow to Queher AL AIR pm, the Valentia wiveless station, Ireland, received a radio giving her position an 208 miles west of Malin Head On hoard the hig aleship, her mes saon sald, passengers and crew had settled down ta the normal routine of aleahip lle, which they will pur sue hareing accidents, until they ar vive late Thursday or early Friday morning at BL Hubert Alrport, Montreal Settle ta Normal Routine "Nothing of interest to report Kveryane now settled down to nor mal routine nebulous clouds 1,800 foot and good visibility; fying at 4100 feet, Position 200 miles west of the west coast of Ireland." Porledie hroadeasts fv m her well equipped wireless sets to the Alr Ministry kept Great Rritain informs od of the first day's progress, She wits constantly in communioation with ships and ploked up frequent weaths wr reports As she headed towards the apen sea the winds facing her unexpectedly shifted, and from having been favors able when she started hecame. ad verse, This change produced a de viation in her intended course, In stead of heading north fram the Trish Sea to the Hebeldes, the afrahip ent much eloser to Northern Ulster, Flylng on Great Cirele Metearologioal data pieked up fram passing ships proved te be of great value In detqrmining her course, Ly, moneral her route remains that of the reat oirele across the Atlantie, Squadron Leader RB. 8 Rooth, her commander, will probably keep to his preferred eourse, heading to a point south of Cape Farewell, Greenland, then eronsing Labrador and follows ing, the St Lawrence River to Monts rea May Arvive Tomorrow Night Montreal, fuly 30==Caloulations made here based upon the distance already covered hy the Reitish aie ship R100 indicate that the fight from Cardington, Eagland, te St Hubert, Montreal, will take seventy hours or less, Definite foreansting of the arrival time 5, of course, tm: possible, weather conditions being allsimpotant in considering the length of any vovage, either hy sea or air As the airship left Cardington at O48 pan, on Monday (Eastern Stand ard time), the estimated P0%hours in flight would hring her to St Mibert at 248 py Thursday, Weather pres dictions made hy the Daminton mets voralogionl bureau indicate that the R:100 will be able ta better the ests mated time of 20 hours, Good Progress London, July ds=Aided by clear kien and wood weather, the giant Riitish Hinigibie R00 wan speeding across the North Atlantie today and nyer of & srenuous campaign, Voters Isls have heen consigned to the Hmbo of forgotten things, election posters have heen removed to waste prpor baskets, and the noise of (ramping fee, of the faithful han conped, Meotings of the adhere ons of hoth parties have heen transforred for the most part to the wireets, Monday night Iate, or early Tuesday morning, moms praction) Joker placed wn small hisek crepe on the deor of the Liberal Cone miles rooms, larly arrivals on Brook street south observed the ereps and smiled aw they esught on to what was végurded hy the nelf-appointed politieal undertaker ah a Joke Both committees aro expecied Lo enll meetings shortly to consider thelr politieal fortunes and wind up husiness for another fous Yours CHIEF QUANTRILL 1S AT CONVENTION Annual Gathering of Police Chiefs This Week in Hamilton Chief of Pollea HW, W. Quantrill In In Hamilton (his weak nttend Ing tha annusl convention of the Dominion Polles Chiefs' Awssooine ton, an organisation which ems heaces all branches of the polles muiness In Canada During his wheanes Night Constable John Thomas Is acting Ohlef, -with William Noneh on night duty The Chisf was given permis son by the Council some weeks Alo to Attend thin convention, the fooling helng that what he would hear and learn there wollld. gh of mutunl benefit to himself and the town, more particularly when ho Hua Just assumed a more pes sponsible. position this morning had covered more than L000 miles of her JA400-mile voyage to Montreal Fhe wreat ship, which left Cirding moeurly Tuesday morming wis making good progress and had ap proximuted well aver fifty miles an hour throughout the more than thirty hours she haw been In the alr For some unknown reason the NAO did not eommuniente . with Cardington at six o'clock this morn Wg ne had been expected, but no ANANIY wilh felt uy the airship had exchanged greetings with © several Ahips whout this time, Atmospheric conditions, it wis thought, may have prevented her from getting into 1aueh with her air base Awcording 10 the Nerth Atlantic woather ehart, most favorable weath« or conditions were prevalling in the id= Atlante which the Rw now Is proceeding Among the liners whieh was In touch with the aleship during the night was the steamship Megantle The passengers and officers of the megantie eould hear the motors on the dirigible but were unable to sight hier hevause of fog, BEAVERBROOK"S PAPER ANALYSES ELECTION RESULT (Continued from page 1) governments are born te fall, "8=Canadian = farmers have been unable to sell Britain thelr wheat, "d==The Canadian understands A bargain better than a Eesture, "Bo=The WBritlah Government had bolted the door against any tariff concessions to the Dominions At the Imperial Conference, "In the elroumatances," says the Dally Rxpreas, "The Canadian alee: torate turned to Mr, Bennett and ampowered him to bargain for the Dominion," Regarding the forthooming Ime arial Conference, the paper saya! "I'he day of reality {x at hand, Canada wants to sell us her wheat, If we buy {t, she will make equiva lant concessions to Rritlah manus faoturers, Our only method ia to tax forelgn wheat entering Britain, FTE FOURTEEN LOST IN - SINKING OF DREDGE Cargo of Sand Shifted, And Vessel Sank in Few Minutes \ am) Keio, Pay, July 80==Flipping over suddenly when her cargo shifted, the sand dredge George J, Whalen sank in Lake Krie of Dunkirk, N.Y, eaily yesterday, taking the lives of 14 members of her erew And one woman, Six members of the orew who. managed to keep Afloat were reasoned, 'They were brought to Bria by the freighter Amassa Htone, which sighted them In the water and ploked them up. The George J, halen And a heavy load of sand snaked trom the bed of the lake, When the tragedy occurred, A heavy windatorm caus od the hoat ta rook vielently and the sand shifted to one aide, avey (7 , Over SIX MILLION people joy it A. 1yons & Co, (Canada), Limited Toronto, BENNETT WILL BE WELCOMED AT THE CONFERENCE (Continued from pige 1) Conservatives and TAhernls In Can adn have hoth proved they know how to sombina loyalty 10 the Ke pire with passionate enrhestnens for the welfare of thelr great Doms Inton Both hinve rendered wplon did gerviees In the past to the anime of lmplre and may he rust ad to show an neble a spirit In the future," Bennett 0 Realist "I'he sonnervative vietory no doubt be hulled by high teetloniste here as a reinforcement of their plea," the Guardian com mented, "Bennett, they may fal ly urge, hag taken throughout (he eleation a frmly 'realist' attitude "Let the empire secommodnte Canada fiscally and Canada will strike a bargain', The necommaodn Hon In the case of Great Dltwin would presumably conslat of pul Ung a tari on non<imperial food Suffs In the Interest of Canadian produce Then and only then should Canada consider the desl ability of reducing her rates on our manufactured goods, Huoh 18 the Conservative argument, encouraged no doubt by the violence of the Press campaign In tha same enuso which this country Is wilnessing "If It had Indead prevalled we might well believe the Canadian electorate In hereft of holh wens and wentiment, for It fs of the ensendn of the bond, sentimental wn well an sensible, that keops the nations of the amples together, that enoh shall work out the seonomh destiny that seams sulted to fi resoureas without threat or voudl tion hetween one member and un other, laurier knew that well when In 1ABT he granted, without haggling about a quid pro quo, the first mengire of prefergnes to Nr Win ih was an well Aware of It when he sought to eontinne the tradition," Cimen' Comment The London Times devoled Its main editorial to & nonscommont Ary on tha alection, vhough It haw A cordial note of welcome ror My Bennett, Mr, Bennett In person ally popular throughout the Dom Inton and has made many warm friends In this country, wha will look forward to welcoming him ARAN when he attends the baperial Conference, the Times says, "The French-Canadian element regainnd a footing In the Conservative party and a volee in the party coun oll, which will be entirely to the good In many ways, Theres were dangers in the identification of Freneh blood and adherence of the vill pio Itoman. Catholls Church with one politienl purty, IL wag not to be hoped the Dunning tariff would he ns ativaetive in Quehes us 11 wis hoped to prove in other proviuees, To what, extent, the tariff ventrov orny netunlly affected the result if In ne yel of course impossible Lo guy. the Times remarked, Heading Its editorial "Canada Decides", the Mall says the Cann dian Counervative party and its distingulshied lender muy he eon gratulated on the gweaping victory they wecured The Mall doeclures they wsecnrad at (he same (ime A verdiot for a vationsl polley it Kmplre Trade, "Ihe slection should do good hers by waking up oar arenmers and reminding them thet in the modern world Cobdenism 1s 6 ouonres of wenliness and dengor, IhA present one-sided regime of preference whereby the Donne fons grant our manufacturers con venslons and we give them nothing peti cunnot last," the Mall I is doomed There res two alternativeg=--anpliry with rapid consolidation of the empire and every proipeet for expansion of Jritish Industry or a fatuous ndhesion to Cohdenite fras trade whieh means carialn ruin and disnste SOUTH OXFORD IS STILL LIBERAL Discovery of Mistake Re: veals Defeat of Hon. D. Sutherland Ingersoll, July #0 7, M, Cay» lay, Liberal, and not Donald Muth orlaud, was elected in Mouth Ox ford, Weank I, Marris, returning offlean for the riding, announced al AHO o'elock tonight, His ma jority In given al bd A persistent vumor that Cayley hud been elected was in clroulas tion during the greater part of the nftamnnn, hot it was impossible 10 obtatiy definite information, Mr, Harris sald tonfght that a mistake had oceurred in the figures at No y polling division, North Norwleh, where Cayley was given a majority of 20 Jas night Hin veal majority there, it Was wtnted, had heen placed at Kd, xiv ng him a majority in the riding of MM A huge celebration supporters lasted fay ght 1] nyu mun free trade by Cayley Inte the Callfornia elalma to lead the states In the use of electricity on farms, having more than 55,000 supplied with power, Automatically eontrolled, a new room heater uses eleetrieity to pre duce steam In its pipes, NEW STRAIGHT 8 BUICK ON DISPLAY IN CANADA; AUG. | (Continued from page 3) goar-ahifting und nuceleration, while un combination silencer and alr clenner overcomes intake noise, "our point rubber insulated en« gine mountings also contribute to nuietness in operation of the new elghtn, Improvements to the Internal servo hrakes Inelude the ue ofs # oable control on the front brakes, making a very neat Installation, and adding safely and durability to the braking system 'To produce the maximum In strength and rigidity, and break age. hodies and chassis have heen developed as a unit In the new ears, Dash, floor and toe-hoard insula. tion has also been improved, add ing kreatly to the quietness and comfort of the 1081 McLaughlin. Buloks New Emblem "All the new elghi-ln-linn models are distinguished by a new amblam carrying a figure "8" neal. ly moulded in the radiator Aller aap "There are twenty four different wheelbases, in the 1081 MoLaughlin-Bulek line, all powered by elght-In-line valvein head motors, The B60 peries, on 114-inth wheelbase, develops 7614 horsepower; the R00 series (114s inch wheelbase) has H0 horsepows er; the HK<B0 geries (194<Inch wheelbase) and the R00 wperies (108-Ineh wheelbase) hoast a 104 horsepower motor Dual earbur ation and manifolding, a feature of the motors In the three larger series, Is deemed unnecessary on the K.60 werles." rr te a ------ modes, on The Worry-Saver Mather apant a faw weal avary summer visiting relatives, The family managed to "got dlong" somehow, but It wasn't easy, Mother started to telephone home every so often to ask about things and to offer suggestions, It eer. tainly helped matters and relieved Dad's mind of a lot of worry! KARN TNE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378, NEXT a POST OPPID -- GEORGE C, ALLCHIN LTD,, WALTER S, WILLIAMS Delivers a bia surplus of mileage You can drive a long; long distance before the new tough *Resisto" tread of the "GP", Gum Cushioned Tire shows signs of wear o vs This ls our improved tread which gives 474% greater resistance to the abrasive action of high speeds and sudden stops es a percentage proven by actual scientific test + ++ You can get these super-strength tires at any Gum Cushion Tire Station. : " Built Better to Wear Better * Gutta Percha & Rubber, Limited TORONTO he Largest AllCanadian Rubber Con Pounded in 108) This Road Guide is Yours Cor. Bond and 18 Church Street, Phone 1438 Prince Sts,, Phone 1426

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