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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jul 1930, p. 4

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"AGE FOUR THE OSFIAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1950 The Oshawa Daily Times Susceeding THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1871) An independent newspaper published every afternoon except Sundays and legal hol ow i at Seaws, Can is or he fms ng ny, ted, has. ' Mundy, Pr AR Alloway, Ses retary, The Gakawe Daily Times is 8 member of the nadian Press, the Canadian Daily News pers Association, the Ontario Provineis) Dailies and the Audit Bureau of Cireulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carrier, 150 » week, By mail in Canada (outside Oshawa carrier delivery limite) $4.00 a year; United States, $5.0 8 year : TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Building, 66 Temneranss Street. Telephone Adelaide 0107 "4, D, Tresidder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Powers and Stone Inc., New York and Chicage WEDNESDAY, JULY 80, 1080 -- A SPLENDID VOTE The of the riding of Ontario are to be cong. ..ulated on the splendid response which they made to the eall of duty on Mon- day, To go to the polls to the number of almost 20,000 or eighty per cent, of the possible total, is an excellent record for any constituency, and there will he few ridings in Canada in which a larger percentage of the possible vote was recorded, This shows that the people of Oshawa, In Monday's election, took thelr responsibilities as citizens seriously, and took the time and the trouble to exercise their franchise, This shows that, when the proper interest in created, the people will vote, and it should be a fine thing for the city if a proportion. ately large vote were polled when the muni- cipal election days come round, THE CAURE BEFORE BELF That was a praiseworthy little speech which Dr, T. E, Kaiser, defeated candidate in Ontario riding, delivered at the Armor. ies on the night of the election, He had himself been defeated, but when he reached the Armories it was apparent that the Conservative party, for which he had been the standard-bearer, was sweeping the country, "Let us forget," he sald, "our little defeat here today, and rejoice as Con- servatives in the larger victory that ia ours," The doctor, of course, waa disappointed at losing the seat in Ontario, He is, after all, only human, and thus disappointment would be a natural emotion under the ely- cumstances, But he was able to submerge his own personal feelings, and to rejoice in that, although he had fallen by the way: side, the cause which he upheld had tri: umphed in the gre: battle, The man who can place the caus + which he works be- fore aelf is not ve., far from winning a vietory even when he suffers defeat, THE DECIDING FACTOR Looking back at the election now that the tumult and the shouting have died down, il becomes apparent that the deciding factor in the defeat of the government was the amount of money in the pockets of the elec- tors, It is hard for a government to pooh: pooh a depression cry at a time when unems- ployment is rife in the cities, thus keeping the pockets of the workers empty and at a time when the returns from farm produce are so low that they net the producer prac. tically nothing in profits, These are things which come close to home, and which do influence voters, 'The government may have had nothing to do with that condition, but the man with emp- ty pockets figures that things could not be any worae than they are under a new gov "ernment, and feels inclined to vote for a change. Thua the success of the Conaerva- tives in this election will go down inte his: tory as the "Empty Pocket Victory," for they made the moat of that condition, and the voters who had suffered from the de. pressed times did the reat, TT NOT READY FOR IT YET There is something behind the great re. duction in the majority of Misa Agnea Mae- Phail in Southeast Grey which did not ap- in any other riding, so far as we have noticed. In 1926, Miss MacPhail waa elects od with a majority of over 1,700, On Mons day, her majority was reduced to a scant 800 over a Conservative candidate who was not a man of outstanding calibre as an op- Popee- perhaps significant that Southeast (irey waa about the only riding in Which Yo jvoree Court Act came in for Ontarie, Dib Agnes voted for that bill, saion, ahd ag called upon, during her cam: , to explain why ghe voted that way, A iy possibly; the paramount issue in her campaign, for she dealt with it at near ly every meeting ahe held, Aa a result of the voting her majority was reduced from 1,700 to 800 ' PAL ARR something to do with that result, In fact, it is more than likely that it had, - The people of the rural distriets, living thelr simple lives of hard and honest toll, have not- reached the stage of sophistication which has been attained in the large urban centres, Thus it Is quite conceivable that they expressed thelr disapproval of a di- vorce court being established in Ontario by voting against thelr former member because she supported it, Stranger issues have decided federal elec. tions before this time, In 1928, in Bouth Oxford, the chief issue was the equalization of the county a ment, because the Lib. eral candidate at that time was warden of the county, and had become involved in an assessment dispute, In the same year, In North Oxford, oleomargarine was the chief issue, although it was not mentioned in any other riding, and the Conservative won the seat because his Liberal opponent had not voted against the importation of that sub- stitute for butter, It is, therefore, quite logical to suppose that the divorce bill vote cact by Agnes affected the votes cast by her constituents in Boutheast (irey, where the farmers are not satisfied that Ontario is as yet ready for a measure which might have the effect of lowering the sanctity of the marriage ties, RU CEC DRAWING THE LINE Col, Lindbergh is again making a protest against the intrusion of a certain class of newspapers into his private lite, and for good reason, Hver since he hopped aeross the At lantle, Lindbergh has had few moments to call his own, He has been hounded by news. papers of those journals which delight in pry- ing into the private lives of famous people, and he does not like it, Nor can anyone blame him for that, Col, Lindbergh draws a line hetween what he considers matters of public interest, and those which are purely private and personal, and this distinetion is a good one, He. recog- nizes the right of the press to report his ae tivities as they relate to the selence of air travel, and appreciates the splendid support the press has given to this work, But he draws the line at that kind of newspaper re. porting which seeks merely to satisfy per. sonal curiosity as to his private affairs, After all, every man, no matter how. fa mous or important he may be, has a right te privacy in his private life, and nelf-respect- ing newspapers recognize that fact, Tt is to he regretted that there are some newspapers which have so little regard for the ethics of journalism that they make it necessary for a man like Lindbergh to keep a guard on his home so that they will net invade its privacy, nor pry Inte matters which are purely personal and of no real interest to anyone but the Lindberghs themselves, ee om ITS A COMPLEX WORLD (Chatham News) No nation lives for itself alone ii. this modern world, Isolation is a thing of the past, Things that happen on one side of the world have their effect clear around on the other aide, The Indian boycot on British cloth, and the resultant depression in England's cot. ton mills, have hit Germany's cotton textile industry a severe blow, The boycott, cutting dawn the British textile manufacturers' market, has given Furope a surplus of textiles and has caused prices to go down, So the Germans, whe have nothing whatever to do with the Ang- losIndian question, are suffering the effects of it just as the British are, That is the way nations are tied together in this century, Kvents that are seemingly entirely ' unrelated exert a profound effect on one another, rr EDITORIAL NOTES a ial And Ontario viding ia still on the oppoai- tion aide, Publicity pays, as W, H, Moore has found out, The Conservative hoard of strategy must be working at last, Wonder how the fellow who predicted that 148 Liberals would be elected, feels this morning. The favorite song of the orowd at the Armouries last night was, "We won't go home till morning." Now that the election is aver, we will be able to settle down to work! Probably the editorial columns of the l'on onto papers will become a little move vead. able now, General MeRae atanda ace-high as a mak» or of election predictions, even though he did not loge hia own seat, It waa a hot day on Monday, and yet many candidates were anowed under, The election returns clearly showed that parliament is no place for a woman, Chicago folks will be wondering how it was poanible to get it over without somes body being ahet; Qther Editors' Comments BLUE RUIN TALK HARMFUL (Finaneial Post) The hypoerisy In this attempt to mike Canadians so downesst and der Jeeted regarding the futurs of thelr sountry that they will vote for this or that candidate who premises to varreet conditions on July 29 if he 1s elected on July @ is an Insult to intelligent Canadians, Canada Is going thru a business recession and conditions of 1928 and 1989 wre pe longer with us, In common with the rest of the world we have slowed down and are eatehing our breath for the next spurt upward. There in nothing in the eurrent situation to suguest that a business catastros phe Diss overtaken us, Nevertheless the , politicians are, for thelr awn selfish purposes, at tempting to paint such & lurid ples ture of ruin that the general publi in heglnning to catch the eontamin: ation and u feeling of pessimism is he- ng created that wil iit is not eheeked In time, help to bring about serious conditions hy cheeking ex pansion and slowing down progress, GREEN APPLES AND AMALL BOYS ' (London Free Piess) It 1s a queer cade nf ethics whieh allows boys who would net dream of entering a house and robbing # purse or a pantry, to ge into a yard and voh an apple tree, just as much the property of the pwner, It may he a throw-back ta the time when man regarded all the fruits af the esrth as his, hut that day Is long since past, Parents should fmpress upon their children the fact that theft of apples 1s Just as wrong and just as mueh a crime as anv other kind of theft, They will he delng the young stern as well as the public a service eriod of the boom GARNET WHEAT RECEIVES ROOST (Calgary Herald.) Carnet wheat, fest smide available to Western Canadin farmers in 1926 for testing purposes, has eame hravelv through & series of stiff tests applied hy Heitish and Cantinental millers and hakers. Tn faet, the re pores received are so favorable that growers of this new early maturing hard Spring wheat will he justified moextending thelr gereage of that Viren In the t loeted thus far the competition has been with Marquis whieh eapatittites the hulk of Cana dian wheat under the designation nf "Manitabas," whieh designation, hy the way, indieates the warld's highest standard, Ra favorable have heen reports received fram millers and ha Wears ta wham samples. of Garnet were sent that recommendation anems 1a he general fram them that Garnet should he shipped separately and under its awn name in arder that 1 may be identified hy Fyre pean and Bewteh buyers and its spe cial qualities thus safeguarded Cine vepnrt intimates that 1 this 1s lone there will probably lie oeeasions when Garnet MN eammand higher price on world markets than the UManttahas," as IF suggests superior qualities for hlending purposes In any event, it in indicated that hy marketing separately it will he pos sible ta secure a higher price for Cornet than would he possible were it mixed with Marquis. All af whieh means that growers wha And Garnet hetter adapted tn their wil and ellmatie conditions than Marquis will be well advised ta con fine themselves ta the new variet exclusively for the future That Wody of Pours Oy Jomes W. Darien, M.D. DON'T WERITATR TO TRACRIAY YOUR PAIN YWhat's the use? If you grean when the specialist punches yeu, he thinks you are pretending, and if you act the he-man, ha thinks there's nothing wrong." The ahova Ia fram that little column "Tan't It the truth," Unfortunately this Ia anly ton true, hut you must veamember that the specialist in deniing with all types, and In addition to kn iwing hin subject he learnn alee somes thing abheut human natuva, Pain tn one thing in which the patient can he of mreat help or hindvanoa to the phyalolan, \Vhon he puts hin stethoscopes over your heart and listens to the heat, while YAU Are IYing down, altting, stands ing, or after exerolan, he learns witheut any help fram you the condition of your heart, Aimilarly when he listens to the lungs, When he feels the abdomen in he hard or hoard like, he suows there 1s trauble there However ona of the "atatanding symptoms and one in which he ox- pacts your help fa whan sou eam: plain of pain somewhere, And it In here that you must he faly, I in af no help to the physielan tor YOu to say (hat there fs ne pain or that it in slight, when an a mats tev of fact, It In really savers, Alive In Cheiste=For 1 through the law am dead 1a the law, that I might va unto God | am oruels fied with Ohvist; nevertheless | live yet not 1 hut Christ liveth in me; an dhe lite which I now live in the flesh 1 live hy the faith of the fon of Ged; who loved me, and fave himualt for me-=Gal, 2:19, Prayer; UMy faith looks up te Thee, particular | hoy Lamb of Calvary, Savieur Divine." Ve Now while some individ unle ally can withstand pain hatter than others, nevertheless n plain straight forward statement iiionld not make you fesl that vou are soft or cowardly, If the pain is sharp, Aull, eramps like, or seems Lo mave shout, imp: ly toll this to the physicien, For lustance a pain that only comes on When you move i part may he due to Injury, whereas & pain hat comes on only afier you get in hed at night in more likely to he due to an Infestion of sama kind, A Pain that shifts about the ahr domen now on one side, and then on the other, is Hkely dus to gas, whereas a pain that starts in tha pit of the stomach and shifts gradu. ally down ta the vagion of the ape ondix, and wiayn there, may be dus 0 appendicitis, sithough a little spasm of the intestine may asus pain there also, Similarly with paing In the head. headnahe; there are various kinds of puin There fram a shavp cutting pain ton heavy Aull ache, Pain In the chest may ba dus Lo # ttle infammation in the muscles outside the vibe or to An setusl plaurisy, and the way you dsserihae that aln helps tes physicians In his diagnosis and treatment, Bo don' try 1h he A Kern, ar ha:man and say thers is na paly or It in sight when it is reslly sev orn, 10 in really 'safer' tn asngger Ae A Lele than to have the phyaie Ian averlnok the sympiam of pain PID YOU BYVER ATO TO THINK THE DANY PINANG GAY NTTH & WTRAITH CHBAN'CILE OF PENANG, NTRAITN RETTI V. MENTN, GIVES A DAILY WF: PORT OF POLICE (COURT PRO. CEBDINGN, THE FOLIOWING IS A REPORT OF ONK MORN INC'S TRIALS, RHOWINA HOW MMSOTHLY THE COURT VINES TIONS IN HANDING OUT JUNT. 100; "The 'pineapple seller' af Carvar von Mirani, an aged Chinese, ape Chu Ah Kong told the Magistrate that he had heen srlling pineapples an the same earner for thirty veers and did not ses why he shauld he arveatad for obstruction nuw, In spite of this he was Aned twa dnl Inve And 11 wan axpinined (hat hie had hean breaking the Inve, aus for the Ars time In thirty yen -- _. [ahurged with fightin the particulary #poL on Gurawrven Birest fraquented by Chu Ah Kang will be vacant, He has gone AVRY wx pOThAps 10 ChiRa==never Lo 16 rn, "Nwn Tamils wha described themselves as 'being friends' were in pubis in MacAllsior Road yesterday, They planded not guilty, Alagen, the Aral neounnd, said that he wan (ii: ting nour the gutter drinking teddy and salting eurry when Krishan, the second aceunss, same long and seppsd on his vies, This lead 0 Words, Av more wards wes spoken the erowd hesame bigaer And an still more words wire spok- on more PP, O's arvived on Ihe seone and Analy both were placed in gael, No blows wers piruek they einimad, A Ane of one using for the first Tamil and tvo dollars for the sncond was the Jndgnaent, "A Chinese wha immedinialy ad mitted that he permitted another to rida on his bisysls at 'he same time as ha was riding on 1 hiniself wah Aned threa Anliave this morn: In, The hearing of the ease Jasied ahout Walf a minute and was are of tha Arse of similar eaten a aently In which the acensed Ohiness Ald not offer some excise, The name af tne "diferent Chines' In Tau Gunn TORR EAd Wilh Lhalt, ane lee Chon Lim appeared (his morning inthe Fanang Follies Court and was given the alternative of Aftenn Anyn far sidaling ane gray coat and A PAIr of trousers ta malteh valued at Ave Aoliars, The Magistrate warned Toe that If he war hrough' inte Court in the future It would go muh harder with him Ha has A rather ingeniaus # cuss,' said the Magistrate whan A VW, Austin Provident CA Bogmrt Via PresandGm Mp, Cr 8, Blackwall, Chairmen af the Bony Cr H, Carlisle W, W, Ne A TR Ei F, Gordon Osler RY, Prov oo EW Pi hy ", Ll iy Twanin rin y J Wb (hf ohn M, Mackie 0A rtd Wilmot I, Matthews gion On, Ppa Fo I, Peston th Pt rn C, 0, Stiliman ' N / 6 A Provy Lr inime 0 Prag Inpist on Lit R, 5, MeLaughlin msl Milos of Wo Dihawa hy H. H, Williaw pus THE Established 1871 Oshawa Branch T, W, Joyse, Mgr, one Loh Mah Cheng, 8 viekaha pu or eharged with salieiting for hire, said that he had gone Intn (he Chitreh Biraat Ghaut Ploy (no miva | #emblancs af " Kurapean Indy & hottie of med! eine whieh she had left In his yehiele, ANA 1 pAn PALUFRINE he Wak Arrested FINKE OF TWO DOLy LARN WA PF JUDGMENT, THE ROVIET REGIME line. with the IN RUNNIA Hime ILL By George Rimmer Affairs In Russia appear tn he assuming tudieraus proportions and rapaliant Ideas, the time Is nearly pipe for a Aavastating change In neeur, The. latest srhemna (x the industrinliam of all people whieh will Include the famala sex I Thare are 10 he no homes, nn | Franch familisn, which means no domesi io Ispues whatsoever, Hames are 10 he astahlighed far all the ehildren and they will grow up together, on masse, thus pavaring all family tan fram Mirth. The main purpnse af thin In ta put all ehlidran under will to an well Industry people horanlf Mans ahalish wold Is nat vary FUN On samawhat Rusain has vol tn aes a Dietatnry rise and release ohans Into which she has plunged Philos ai long ainen Ihe Havalution eecureed and then absolved ts stigma from the All ravalutions seam In Mimilar her fofaw trained mothers (having » produetion (hus enabling the natural mothers tn hecome 8 working asset to Cam mares and Industry, These ideas oan he (raced tn the Ancient Ciipakn, they run In divert aphies Plata and wavearal others af that This scheme {f It material Aomest if struntyres and possibly the dames Then Commares and fall tn worn pa hath (hese are founded upan (he home and His attandant issues fram linn | In m PROWLING am like uw cat in the dar) leap 1 hark wike at the smallest sounds quietly make my rounds , gui i Pause now in smooth out & pillow, Peep wl Feeling the ( the moon through the willnw . A little moan Meepil Ling hill Am getting me nr two hlankets ninre Ry the [aint light of an apen dear Bafth Rend then fe ( Snuggle dawn well Enters m & mament 1 hover straighten the cover Tver a small naked shoulder , i's turned ealder deepest alesping ne coartigln snund, and I'm leaping Walseleasly out af my hed You who have heard knaw the dread Moa child's wild ery in the night, T have na need far a light wre attuned 10 hark am! peat in the dark wo Katharine Allison MacLean, EE Be ------ SR Rg \WEST\X/ARD AN EMPIRE COURIER WINGS ITS WAY=-- it Leviathan of the air, . 'ooming igantic in the heavens... annihis atin .v. droning out ts empire unity ,,, cruisin with goodwill frelg millions in thet the sun never sets, Such a theill comes rarely. But t the smoker the Buckingham the leasure , ., a theill & every Bucking: , Choice tobaceos are used in Buckinghams ... the "blend is a secret proten, bringing ls o constant that's renewe. ham Cigarett out and preserving ol in the leal ol machinery is employed ney conditions ere observe e result is a cigarette perfect in blend, with an original ¢ most modern pace ,,, panning oceans message of majestically t, wsthrfing mpire upon whic that's best +++ highest vor that never alls... a cool, mellow cigarette k Sp Pp sh by the ackeg ABR) Ranped wit \ . Approve of "THE THR 25 NO COUPONS ALL QUALITY dm © aA, of . gi / y ILL THAT COMES WITH BUCKINGHAM" a . Pb I -

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