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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jul 1930, p. 7

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Headwear and Footwear For Immed: iate Use Feature Summer Materials. Silks, Linens And Piques Play A Part, Along With Straw And The Felts. The Shoe And Hat Ensemble Is Featured Successfully, And Sometimes A Handbag . Is Added @ (Baio 7 practionlly impossible to AL tall and winter bats and shoes while the tempera- ture is rising and staying risen aver & period of time, Detalle that may be applied to a summer frock will prophesy & bit, but velvets snd other heavy fabrios, or dark, rish, glowing colors are not to he dls oussed, It alone worn! Everything is planned for both appearance and 'veslinstion of seciness, And We Are error Perfect Parts Usual Leathers And for there is nothing that san bring one to positive misery as qulekly as unsomfortable shoes. It ts sup posed at the outest that you have found, and are keeping to, the last that is best suited te pour feet, whether it may be short or long vamp, wide or narrow, low of heel or high, There remains only the problem of a see! material In the color thet best sults the sostume in mind, content to dress for the mement--- and the temperatupe--pather than for future styles. And designers Wwow this, so they offer delectable mmmer models that take heed of | the sun, yet offer lines, enlors and | fabrics that are smart and hucom: ing, And one must Always remem ber that the very smartest fashions must he chosen when It comes (0 these twe accessories, and (hey will, many times, practically make | a costume, Materials to the Fore It is a time of panama and laey straws, rough straws and linen like straws, and st the same Lime there! are hats of linen, plaue cuttan | mesh and, if you must have them, | is alse found in a linen, anklie-sivap nats of felt and grosgrain ribhon sandal designed for sports ope And footwear is just as thoughtful | strange to say, for afternoon tes. of our comfort, offering shoes of' There are open-shank sandals of crepe, silk, linen, woven liuen|tiinen, operas In plain colors and threads and basket straws : Bo | haturel linn Jumps with 4 Wt of oa of materials widenu | evelel embroidery a te. the possibilities | smartness. A four-e Owterd of color, whieh is 8c In purtgnt | 1s attractive and the ope - strap Beginning aL the toy, 8s one models are ehie Many of these should, we have, first of all the! are dysahle sumer hat with a brim No ane Tho Perforated I may @eny the sun, for it will het 115. to he had haghne nr hoe ud be genie ~onw ot ar the belig! Fidakry. snd Rare oe nD an of it with u hat uf Hhiwelsh! ma. nE-aizAne In VATPINE SiVien. THA torial ina bri thal SISASS SEE ahoes are offered in an attractive face, "This ingalis yar o Anan Phiri 1 01118 Lin as very broad brim pie Bi ani wore, daftodll, hyae! TaPathue atRUYE THEY waRy oniy WEEE TETERE Nagas $iihy Wavy Mmeuidn Lrire And there are brim, rR Whily. Don ty vor that grew wide here And ag bi | the weasmon is the spectator slipper) thers Le fran 8 (he face In an ind inhi i Bu PLR nhl vidual, bavomiag wad. = | calfakin, They wun from the Ox The New, Flattened Crown I ford type to the PUMP, Which may vou will find rate that are! have a low heel or & trues three: unique in shape, lop-sided, so to | ineh spike, speak, but you will alee find a very Haushell 1a a beautiful eoler for weneral tondenay fa the smartest | summer wear and a neutral, pey- nate to lower fae urowl One| mitting ita use with very many rashion expert discovers that the colors, And sines this is se, there lower Lhe ceown (the younger the | are many models in kidekin, and nodal, and vies verse, Home crowns they form & large portion of some are AlNust wauare, of APPeRr wo (of the smartest displays, They The Paname is a vegue and po 1s are wearing blak hose with blank the linan hat, while airaws logk to | gowns en the principle that the Poth nen ard pique fev trimming | litle that shows below the leony Hough straws wre well liked for| skirt should eentinue the color of spurts weal, teat .l ihe shins. lnsrepaing the abhear- Wren it comes to footwear wei ul . pplles pi cannerned with samfert,| to afternoon fashions. Shoss of Smart, Oool Linen You will find a diversity of these models for every occasion from sports to formal, These shoss ars made with the same care that i» given a leather shes and thay real ly du possess a Eratelu] seoinem (Try buying your summer shoes & half sige larger, or & quarter alee, it you ean And them, and learn the comfort of that astra spaee when the day is esteramsly het.) And look far the types, vamp, hes! Land style that hest becomes your font as well as Mts It Linen and leather, Inced together with a Isather thong, make a smart sports ehoe, and this combination Tk DEYR-WEB OF I'HE SPIDYR-WEB «AHS FASHION ne, delicate cotlen; Now this material nn quite the Fu vat 2 for so vaey many! rage for sperta frocks, the golf wears we associated with wen's [frock a spesialty in the smart underwear, 8 000) stuff that de- shops, Never was there sn aoe) a lights uk making us wonder why | material, and rarely has anything it was so long diwpegarded for the | proven mere effective, combined, as feminine mode, It passed from the | it often is with handkerchief Unen, undevwear stage to a shirt for the | another warm weather fabrie, It pele player, and then It was only | trims, or ft makes the entire gar: a step to the same type of shirt for | ment, and |t possesses a sturdiness the smart sports woman. Why not? | that Is another point in its faver, We wear the overall af the farmer, | Typieal modaln are on display in the wide:bettomed trousers of Lhe | every smart sports shop---Iet us see sailor, the garb of a pirate! | about them! d T - worl \ nth, Sc hadad BLL A 4 A Hat of coral color linen with shirred brim and a hat Nile cloth embroidered over in lace pattem, quoiss matrix stones set with silver, Handbag of raffia in several colors will match many different summer frocks, R BABY AND FO And It Is worn ochre igh dull ited rr ----r , Necklaces are trimmed with bands of brown silk. Shee is fine | O | Inexpensive eostimas | mare: than Lomall shaps hat are averywhers | 1he tims natural coral and rough cut tur. ah BIG LITTLE SISTER BE very small baby sees In for simplicity, hut she grows fuer and more frilly asshe grows older and makes her bow (0 juvenile society, Gone are the Tong dvesss that were (nivel oate affairs of frills and furhelaws, and In their place we find short dressen, long aneush tn cover tha feel, hut nel an Ineh longer. And while there ia nothing of plain: ness about the litte garmenia, they are designed for practionl comfort and ave most engagingly simple, In the pew little styles for hahies there Ia nothing to ocosasion dis comfort. Tapes and soft vibhons take the piace of pine and buttons and everything ia loose, yet mo de: signed that It ways in place with out & wrinkia, There Is & stand: ardisad made! for haby's Adresses, the little yoked warmant with hishop slseves and a wide hem, Handwark is approved, and mate: rials must be as dalaty an possible, and narrow efwings of Val or point de Venise lace am uae, Far the baby whe is, In spite of mother's denial, growing like the proverbial weed, Lheie Are same adorable fashions, Bverything of beauty, oharm and slaboraiansss ean he taken from the srewn-up mode and applied to funier fash: ions in promptly seized, No mare are the little tots dressed 11h 8im- 19, straight line frocks, sven party 8 Weeping, In the past, to these lines, ora of Juvenile fashions have gone hask to ples turesque perieda for ald, Models suggest the Direetelre and Kate Gresnaway fashions, and there ave high-walsted froeks wih AN This cotton mesh ia combined with linen in several interesting ways, It may alternate in seattens or It may make the part af 'the hediee and the sleeves, op in, it may be used wholly as a mming, A Jeaket 1a made of the mesh, and it goes beret to matah, Adorable little alocha hats are made of this fahrie, stitahed arcund the brim and in ttarne on the evewn, White and pastas 1a this new and wrmwosl material, axpectad thers are dlmities and | swisses and all sorts of fAguved mustine In keeping with styime Handkapohiaf linen In smart for frocks of a simpler style, and dainty enlare and very Aine hand: work are approved, aven stressed, Little daughter has adopted the & A pie frock of point LE an ensemble idea in & Wholehearted way, 4 #0 the youns Mim may appear In a Uttle jacket frock, the skirt pleated or plain, the former smarter and more youthful, and the jacket very ateaight of line, With this a straight everblouse ta TT T------ FOR THE WEEK-END SUITCASE OTNG weak - anding » Int, | Gu smmmer? Fanning 0 be amart and happy and eer: reastly clothed for awry oa: casion, and carry all the nessssary Kings In a plese of luggage, or twa, ov, at the mest, three? Then you will Hike te know just what panks saslly and serves yeu well, helng of the type that sults m than one soeasion With suren and charm, With a wardrobe sv aes, 4 hathos and an ovarnight SANS YOU GAN (a0 avery oaeasion that the visit offers, For traveling, & suit. Parham ih owill he a fours-piess affair of skirt, jeaket, shirtwalst and omy aoat, the latter ta serve Tor avery oesasion other than evening dur: ing your way, Or It may be three: plane and the sont ever your arm model in camel's hair, & basket: weave ov an ualined affair of » Hght won! ov silk, Then ther are offering suits of ahirting for travel Purposes And spsctater sparts, and they are smawt, soel, and, best of THE WRAP OF THE WEEK It's of furl Wat you are nat imo 1a attmative SmArtaess, that is If yeu da afford a fur wrap for summer purpeses, They all it, slever: I, BN, and 10 1s & summer sdition of lapin, A shaved edi; Hen! It aut at Pam AF SUR tan 14 will go splendidly with weeds and \ on it fa White, It will he an aves ning weal. This qoat may he long, or it ba wrap style, hut Ta Piboy 4 ithe \ RTI -- all, washable There will he sports of sourms, ARM #0 there must he sparta Logs, ough tn guarantes a hit of vas riety, Thera will ha plgue ar linen frocks, perhaps a froek of Shan tung, and they will leak fresh, seni ANd amart, when (ha sourta or links sall, A ohio little troek oan he glorified 'n any one of several wars with jasketa, and It Is now congidared smart ta possess a ward robe of jackets, varying in mater Inl And alae in Lhe degrees of thelr farmatity, We will bagin with the jaaket that matehan the fradk, then come Aanmel Jacketa these of rough allk And these of fiat arepe, last of all the thls velvatesn paletat, a ra vival, and one of the mest usefnl snd amusing mambars of the jacket family, For it ean he warn squally | well with sports loge and svening clothes, and surely nothing eould ov a We Pay Just Tribute to The Ingenuity Of Designers Of Accessories. | There Is Always Something New To Pique Our Curiosity And Add Zest To Our Costume, Novelties Designed To Catch The Fancy Are Con. stantly Presented. Only A Few Become Classics NE cam never lal Aon" being (0 make them apprepriam when 1t somes to the ItLi| tweeds, the rough + surfaced silks thing of her costumes, and | and other dull Anished materials If aha wishes (a sconomiss| Then there ara the silk and coltan rigidly, whan (L somes 1o dress, she | mesh tiorkings, & forts tashion Ly) "ta hesoming ealors in har | Tha fashion nf REARAN, NOIA frofikn and makes them appear dif by the matehing of hosiery tn the ferent with a judicious rhaice of gon tanned Arms and the genarsl Jawalry ANG) uss of the heals Lonss, have been wich detalles as will harmonise with! vapisned by the stor king ha! ane aRsembie, TU 0] paranes the track, and we ses A And In the wide range af pastels, and salars Assigned to mateh the haskgrsund af printed sila and shifons, thal is Beliar, an't it, 1n spand | the Hghiar 1oned hackarounds Tha time (han money? And Aunsinsr: | peggy slorking with ar Ing the novelty thal has FRU) without ankle socks, snd all white hesome A vowye, H should Del gy yp When In Aoubt, wear sAapied anly when it can Le af | bolge ar 8 suntan tons forded an 5 novell and hat Ia gl 4 AMASINE Wha! nae can that Is, If ans is willing on spend In worn in the usus! hudget, only whan It in really inexpensive There are 8 Many things thal we cannnl ds without, and cheap fontwaar (a pit of the question, due allawsnnse must be made for thal An Liam of Major Limpoeriancs That would be the handbag, Ons mentions It spsnially In any wrile up of summar fashions for (ha sim ple reason it (n wenerally Alsve garded, Other details are consid: | ered, but mars woman "wet slong' with an oid handbag than with any ather hand -ma-Aown, tharehy ruin: | ny ory sostume with which 11 | [Tr A. Bummer handbags ars not | expensive, and they will mars than pay far themselves In saving the wear and tear an the Aner bags of leather and silk Yai there is ans 1sathar hag thal is considared hoth smart and aso nomics) for MIMMer. Us, and that] is the ana mada of white patent | leather, 1t la kept clean #0 anally | that It In a real frisnd, for while we may keap frocks of white linen or silk, sven calarad fabrics, sisan, the handbag doss praesent a prob om And olsanliness (ps next In smartness In fashlon=--Indesd, I! Is one of the ahief slaments of smart ness. Black patent combines, some times, with white Siylista Differ on Hosiery The senaral trend, In type And | a matter of grave discussion, and | It is always a problem with the individual, far it ia very tmporiant, The dull-Anlahad stocking Is oor: vat, and many of the silks are | nred jewelry finish, 1a not disputed, but asler In| Wa Mentinn Pigus Again I" sa fashion of im mAnss for 11 makes franks, smart ¥ entire sujls, frima hale, Appears in handbags and i» the choles nf many far the eriap lingaris touch (hat! 1s a0 de slrahia. Tuere ars snllar and sul sale, wRigloonia, vasiess and other additien, ane of (he offerings of tha season being a set af plaus bands In different enlors, Assigned for wear with a singles hat, the bands linking the ans hat ta sey eral somumes in anlar You may (alk of rhinsstonss baguette crystals and all of the Many wanes used (n costugne jew elry, but you hang on to your sn Fis strand of pearls just Lhe spams, And always you sama hack ta I, by way, perhaps af a Asubls or triple strand necklace, hut with ralief and happiness at the charm and simplinity af the graded paar! arnamant, Rhinestons clasps, paar! And rhinestones sarvinEs, necklnoss that are cleverly sentrived, all yield ta the heauly of pearls There Are Other Jewel Fashions There has heen a ranges for the "haby' shades of pink and hiue and thare may he some connselon hetwean this vagus and the presen! falr for coral and turquoise = en) In pins, braceista neckinces and earrings, these eel ore Are Very amart, and Paris makes sneeial meantian of them for waar with black, with white and with tha soft pastels. Consider a blaak trook, turquoise Jewelry, sheer blask hese, and slippers and fan ta mateh the jawelry enlinn fmparianne Innes sottan-11ke In appsaranes, the (dea he more versailla than that, No weak-and wardrobe would ba som: | plata without! sparta frocks and! slower little faeketa | Formal (things depend wpen the placa And nead-=the printed frook of silk, Mleaveleoss and caped, quite smart for aftarnoon and Informal Aancing, But there may ba a ehifs fon or a laos frock, If the sossaton 1a te be mare farmal---laee stressed, aa It peaks and shaken aut far bet tar than any other formal fabrie, And In the hathex there will ba shoes and hata and hosiery, scarfs, karahisfs and All of the litte things that are Imparativs to compieis the eostimes have chosen, NE Sl, ds A Fashion Notes Tha short sleave has hrought the hrasalet inte praminence again Am ANS faverite syies you will find the wide, ruff bracelet, and and Are, oftentimes, warn together, You are going to And It necessary to consider this A0eMMOrY Along With each freak are ahowing travel pajamas PRL dey a wh A dark bask: ground, 18 4 blouse, & long AoA that is reversible, being plain on one side and printed on the other, and a pair of trousers, Ruoh AR outhi anawers sleeping and to ) and negliges Purposes ad: I» | A A reversible jacket of polka dotted linen, on the other, can be worn with any num shotehed with it in natural shantung and: of severely [ The wheted lines, printed ow on one wide, of sports frocks, t of transparent velvet in bright orange goes over 8 on which pve on the color note

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