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Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jul 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EICHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1930 OSHAWA JRS. BREAK LOSING STREAK --INTER. LACROSSE TONIGHT Oshawa Juniors Play Good Lacrosse to Beat Torontos First Vi Locals Lads Give Best Dis play of Season and Defeat Husky Torontos by 6.2-- Game Is Very Fast and Clean With Oshawa's Speedy Fielders Proving Very Effective -- Every Member of Team Plays Well and Victory Is Earn ed ~~ Bovin Gets Three Goals Showing what w nest displny of the he Qshiswi Generil stoke lito the victory colin when hey handed the husky 'Torontos u Vo 4 setback lust night ut Alene dri Pur Up until bast might, the Have only played the of the league but they showed that hey ure able (uo make things very ikeresting fur all tenis with cham plonship hopes win to wher IH ge sporting attractions in the ety, the ergwd In uttenduiee Vrs mall bit they visrded sot sire laerosse loeils cine Lo We with # Pwo wl the defencenien ent hut tl cold not hive iy better than the players who wet fut on dhe ward lust sight (RIT gimme wa fastest played hy the shi wi this sen I'h peedy homie Held showed fo gol sid they cettiuin ly ran fur, faust and often fast night, anid thel wits die largely tu this fact taf the goals cum ng the result of massed wttacks whieh gave the loeals the utight "odd man," Webber, by fur thei ei suin Inf, Muturs Juniors pu foe Inds leading teins Wilh Were re Ihe VOICI vere ub I" done Feu (HT fei shaw dyin ig victory As uo Hieh the visitor's wis hounded tHiroughout gimme, und was a very tired when the final whistle blew was the lending scorer fur ners, getting three tallies member of the tea turned In game, the hone fir, entire Hn Bovin win COring the the bit ever i foul flglders working es pecially hard, 'They came back fast when on the defensive and gave the rearguard valuable support but the members of the back division upheld thelr end wind led by Leyden they gave Hurst protection, The minitive goalie made severul Saves The game wis clean und (ust, the visiters recelving the only wlties of the game, both of were given for blows which re in injuries Torontas opened the scoring when someone, {dentity. un known, drelited ene In the direction af the twine through a leo | il fw Pen whieh ulted bunch of players and the ball eae to rest In the net, Oshawa cana right bach with a alx man attack and Gifford took u pass from Armitage and oven ed up the I'he period ended with the teams still on even terms When the second perlod was still in a infancy, Webber edged his w around the bagk of the net and when he got far enough out in front he haekhanded a nice shot past Hurat ta put the visitors one up, Oshawa pepped up and Bovin got the equals er a few minutes later, Oshawa went rlght back and a combination atin! Campbell ta Oke to Hovin gave Bo vin another shot, The gonlle saved hut Bovin pleked the ball up out ol the scramble and banged it home, A few minutes later Camphell shot and | when the goalle saved, Hovin seoap: | ed in the loose ball 10 scare his thivd goil of the game, Oke, Drinkle awd LGTY with | ctory of Season the score still 4 to 2, About three iiniites after the start of the third session Oshawa lannehed a fast ate tick und when Drinkle was left une covered out in front of the net, he wis given the ball und he made no iistake, Vay sce-sawed up and down the feld for the remainder of the game with Oshawa having quite un ele, Vorontos tried desperately to pull the game out of the fire but wildeway through the lust period luck took the ball on the run und scored with wu nice shot, Oshawa playen carelully from then on until the end of the game and althotgh the visitors tried Lard, the locals field them out and the game ended with the seote 6 to 2 The Oshawa team Honed up as fol fows==Coul, Hursts point, Leyden; cover, Armour; 1st defence, Hooper; Jud defence, Lukes 3 defence, Arms { ( wpe centre, Drinkles ded home, Boving outside, Black Oke sent dnd Dome, Gifford ; 1st hone, inside, dternates, Camghell and Fieks Referee Suds" Sutherlund, To Foto, Local Tennis News | In the Western Moection Camp | etitord hus to dato Loon undofont: | od und has shown the veuson for [ It three consecutive group cham plonships durin the Inst threes vanrs, Oshawa 1s a lose second and must win from Cumpbeliford on Maturday, Aug, 2, In order to figure in the playoff for group honors and the right to represent the Western Hection against the lastern Group for the Morrow Trophy, (My, 1H. A, Morrow, Voter: hore) Peterboro with Hs now fulled to show good form | onrly in the season und thus looks [1ike the Club to finish third Bowmanville has falled to win to ante In the lastern ston, Tweed and Delloville have heen winning thelr home games while Gaunnoque the fourth team have fulled to win It Bellovills can dofeat T'weed In Dolleville ou Naturday the three landers will bo Inn threes cornered tie, Kingston the winner last yoeor ju getting a Little mors opposition this year but they should bo 'able to win the bopdirs If they gel into the plays off, Tweed can upset the dope hy winning In Hellaville Haturduy events, Bonlor section, 2 men's singles, 1 ladies dingles, 4 men'y doubles, | ladies, 1 mixed doubles, Intrrmodinte Mectlon the Western Nectlon Oshaws Whithy still nave a chance to represent their group in the play off with the Kast for the Tummon Cup, (W, KK, Tummon, M Fo Kloet, 1. Hastings) Whithy must win In Oshawa tie thy latter In (he Kast Kingston last year's winner looks lke the elub to bent with Paint Anne (Can, Cement Cod and Tweed a chance to coma through | roura Moction King In and to How to Kill A Sport (Fort. William Times-Journal) Black gave the visiting custodian some work (eo do but half tine saw | | IW R(0 MEANY (RIT y/ 7a Wl lum jl 1 ATION | 0) \ es rR sun ROYAL YORK [+] ) renee 1 €8 "ie 28¢ At all Superior Stores New Martin THUR-=FRI, BEBE DANIELS LOVE COMES ALONG Musical Romance COMEDY THE SMOOTH GUY FOX NEWS OCEANICS SEARING TODAY AJ "SISTERS" with "Nally O'Neil) Lacrosse wan killed deuder than un. doorsnall by the unsportsman Ike wpieit which turned almost avery match into a rougliand tumble Nght If soccer fans do not take care, wovesr will follow the trall of la Orosse, al least at the head of the Inkes, A matoh in which four men ure ruled off the field for fuhting and one man makes on cowardly ute tek upon a 'one-armed referes, nmushing his face so badly that he has to go to the hospital with broken hones, is enough discredit on game whigh hun usually heen played falvly and cleanly in Fart Willlam and vor Arthur, n INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE ORIOLES WIN Baltimore, July J0=With about LOUO menibers of the newly formed knot hole game present, the Orioles took the opening game of the series trom the: Newark Bears here yesters day tou 3 Robust clouting featured the Oris ole attack, a total of sixteen hits bes ng registered from the Hipping of Leo Mangum and Nick Dunevitch, GOOD. BYE ROYALS Buftaly, Joly J0.=Putting on spectacular seoring splurge, produ tive of six runs in the ninth stanes, fie Buttle Bisons pulled out a 12:1) decision over the Montreal Rovals here yesterduy afternoon for thre out of four An the series, A walk to Kelley, starting the ninth, was fol lowed by three stealght singles, which chased Southpaw Classe from' the mound. Buckalew went in and the Bisons finished the slaughter at his EAPeISe . KEYS LOSE ANOTHER Reading, Pa, July 30=Reading dropped the first ut the series to Jor: sey City yesterday, 10.7. The teams engaged wow piechers' duel for elght innings, but eaeh put on a wild vally in the ninth, a total of ten runs being scored, | | { BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUY Won Lost P.C, Tochestor «..oo00.. 08 40 630 Palimors .oovveeo 84 45 B87 Toronto siveneeiebl Bo BOY Montreal no hav Buttalo ..oio00v0 01' BT ATS NOWBYK cvovvvveeividb BD ALS dovsey CILY sivvioibh 63 417 Reading oro 89 68 064 " Tuesday's Neores Rochester , 10 "Toronto ...... 8 Buffalo ,.,..12 Montreal ,... 31 Baltimore , 18 Newark ...o..0 Jorsoy City 10 Roading ,. NATIONAL LVAGUE Won Lost V.C, FT| Hud he 41 hKY 44 hay 47 wb 49 A844 hl ANY he Ahi he 481 [3] sire rani ih 1 Brooklyn Chiengo New York Ht, Louis Pittsburg Boston vise nei i Ah Cinelonat! ooo ioi 44 hilndoiphin PE; Tuesday's Beores Now York 11 Philadelphia Hoxton 4 Brooklyn Pittshurg 8st, Louis Cincinnatd 4 Chileugo | fool AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost V.0C 07 a4 803 48 BUN 19 heb 19 LA] en IEEE REEL] connec Al AB EAE Phifladelphin Weshington Mew York Uleveland re to bring | | New York Detroit Chiengo Nt. Louis Boston nh ih} 424 400! 01 | rr wh ho UH] RL Tuondny's Keoves | 12 Philadelphia H) Cleveland 14 Detroit Chieago «0 KEL, Louis Other clubs not sehoduled, Royals Win First Of Connaught Cup Finals from C.N.R.| Winnipeg, July 80- The crafty Ropals from New Westminster nC, | Inst night weatherad a shooting wtorm of net-hound foothulls to win | the frst games of the Connuught Cup finals from Montreal's Can adian National defenders hy to 0 One defensive mistake surly in the fiteat half apd an nreay of blunhd aring shots moved Natlonuly, Can adlan champions, to the back kround In the 1040 classic of the Dominion IMootbhal) Arnociation playdownn, | Duguid, star Montren! back, handled the ball in a penalty nro | serimmage early in the first period | and Royals scored thelr only goa) | on the free klok Coulter snapped | the ball past Nelson Hike a hyllet | The champlons started from that | point In pursuit of the tielhg gon | and they weve sainly striving ta hont the I'ny West barrieads at the finish | / AMERICAN LEAGUE GEHRIG CUTH LOOSE Philadelphia, July no Lou Cohrig playod a slugging solo with | lis big bat yesterday and lod the Now York Yankees to an 12-8 vic tory over the Athletios that even old the two-game aeries, Gehrig poled two home runs to bring his nennon's total to 01 and he also connected for a double and n triple Kuch of hin homers, the first off Quinn In the fourth in ning and the second off Mahaftoy in tha seventh, came with "Habe! Ruth on base, Altogether, Gehrig figured In the scoring of soven runs, Harry Rice alo hit a home rin Dehind this attack and the gen oral Yankee firing, which brought fn total of 15 hits, Henry Johnson held the champlons anfe, He limit od the A's to seven hits and fan ned sight WHITE SOX WIN AGAIN 8t. Louis, July 80.«The Chi cago White Sox, scoring four times in the fifth inning on four hits and a wnorifice, defeated tha Hrowns yestarday 0:2, und made a clean sweep of the two-game series | CANTRELEL VAILK AGAIN | Cloveland, July #0, Tho De: | troft Tigers van up a four-run lead in the first two innings yesterday, but vould not hold it in the face of a savage Claveland batting at: taek und they lost (holy second game in a row here, 14 to 7, "our basen on halls plus three hita off Guy Cantrell in the second Inning produced seven runs, Aver i made hin tenth heme run of the season and a double in tha! inning, system in |t compubion The use of the metre Bolivia. has been made by 'the government, ering construction ending with PORT SNAPSHOT! By Gno, Caxrams, Sports Ediler Local Lads Break It has taken sone Inint Jumiors have snapped their losiig geance, The event took place last seanty crowd when the of 6 (uo 2 and the gimme wig very fast and clean and 1 deul thie the all the. attuck back and checked well when the tei au) game and the locals deserved tithe " locals defea Joculs were even | I or seven n tu speed shown by L] CM wit Mulleables Pull O: Once agiin the winner of a Ch the the odd run of iinth innit ninth lining by the othe und 1x setipational' thu seine tin tall {hye bry i rRpping oil uw smart homer wi (17) ore the ming ru lead, than Wis out fn I hve the OM | Chews, had un carl eitted down to business 4 Fine Game At Park who took a jmunt up to the softball fang gan To ' I he 0 FEWur( exhibition between the tint mi aay sol thud! tum from Irbthe s yor played in this cotitit ul durkn vith 1 ire Lie oped fins i un wppeatin ' mrt hurler who plenty of trouble, 1) vis fi pitchers * Aunrabs Practice Tonight Hate baseba wt 0.3 y Ie h on Intermedinte Lacrosse Game Tonight major » ttraction el parting ' | hil being pl th und il Eshwin wi tussle a defeat I'he und there ' Intermediate Softhall I 1] their fate \ the i nedinté game another te tadiun I he two teams in third position and clory ment 1 Columbias meet Phillips und in I'l vill wlso | from the league race Manning Juniors Win First From Willowdale fuly 30 Clever | fupt fielding hitting ave Manning AL 1 Kun the Boy Counetl junior ft ball pluvafts when they beat Willow dales 11 1 | kurko, Manning hurler, piehed air-tight ball, allow ing onl yseven hits and striking owt nine orl Wrown Posse were Manning's heavy hitters, gar 13 hits. Spalla starred pasture by killing a sure tiiph a (lying catch teh bined hy Fire ind t { hie r | v er \ in the right with pend near! Mexican government plan $40,000,000 on highway in the six period 10.41 cir DM, WRIGHT 'onservative, who redeoamed North Perth riding for the new governs ment party, The gue last night was even mor 4 0 the Camphellford team Into Win Column t last the Oshawa General Motors streak and they did it with #4 ven. night ut Alexandra Park before a ted the husky Vorontos by a score better than the score indicates, The Oshawa victory was due u great defence fielders, Nearly wen strong and the home men came hie woe and HOME RUN STANDING Home Runs Yesterday | Gehrig, Yankees, 2; Wilkon, Cubs, 1; Rice, Yankees, 1; Averill, Indians, 1; Ott, Giants, 1; Roett- ger, Glants, 1; O'Dovl, Phillies, 1; Rensa;, Phillies, 1; VP, Waner, Pir. ates, 1; Hellmann, Reds, 1; Jolley, White fox, 1, The Lenders Ruth, Yankees, 46; Wilson, Cubs, #4; Gehrig, Yankeos, Klein, Phillies, 20; Woxx, Athletics, 29; Berger, Braves, 27, League Totals Nations), bhA4; American, grand total, 1,042, Mann Cup 1 why 4k; | am was on the defensive, It was a thelr victors " ' | ut Close Win { evn Malleables tilt was decided in vs as the Mafleables staged a four rin Attersiey capped the proceedings Ih two runners on bases, vhen one Ihe was 14 10 13 hy the Malleables, but herseld peove ks to error ust time and they won au. smut Just in tir and I v * Final Dates Announced Toronto, July J.~VPlans for chan plonship guines which will eventually decide the holder of the Mann cup were discussed ut the executive meet | ing of the OAI held In the Prince George Hotel last night, The expected scrap between President | Skey Warr and Vice-President Bill Blainey lost in the business talk Park last night fo v0 | und the Alle | ceing one of the nicest | I'he d ut two-nl i und intermediate fed b wime way called on wee | nidermun did not | Torontg team produced id " " smart hutling for hut the treat and the and 8, te ptured by the of both | . 1 ¢ Ala, at Alen | ( inl Ray: | fe time hry I tean Id a practy Anribs he playoffs locals are KN pm I he the {i t season and the nart ball ull the and they t gume ol ot i | ard and pla ut with the group title in: | | Saturda . v is the intermediute In for tonight the Motor City Stadium between two teams worth seaing, The locals qd will be giving vdmission fee is very reasonable for should be good attendance, Thea ud cord 0 gume they mtact wr i" . Joubleheader Tomorrow resting doubleheader tomorrow night In the fest game, the Regiment and the ure close for the the running a deul In deflent race Kreat second Is game, be a very Kame, means elimination Interesting affair -------------------------------- a ------ | decided on and it was evident that the contro versy over referees was mostly a mis understanding With schedules almost finished and | the playoff teams declared, it was de- cided to hustle pl in order leave plenty for champ ionship eliminatior In order save uw few da thine it was decided to either cancel the senior game be tween St, Simon's and Brampton on Auk. 9 or play it on an carlier date, which would Oshawa and the Excelpiors extra time for their O, A IL. A championship series. Games will gount in the senior finals this year and in case of a tie on the home and home series a third game will he played at Varsity stadium on Aug, 20 Mann Cup Final at Varsity Fhe Canadian semi-finals will he Aug. 23 with the OA LA champions playing the eastern win ners in either Montreal oy Ottawa on Aug 23, with Charlie Querrie as referee, while the champions of the const will the Winnipeg win ners on the same date in either Cal gary or Regina I'he winners of the cast and west will meet at Varsity Stadium for the Mann Cup on Aug 30, Sept, 1 and Sept, 3 if necessar) 10 i y 10 of tim the fu Hive meet NATIONAL LEAGUE VANCE IS DAZZLED : Boston, July 80. Vor six in nings yesterday, Dazzy Vance's spood had the Braves helpless, but the charm failed to last and they came from hehind and drove the dazeler from the mound in the eighth, scoring two runs to tie tho score, and they finally beat Brook- Dunc. Munro to anage Maroons | Maontrea!, July Dune Munre who last year was playing manager of the Montreal Maroons in the Na- tional Hockey Lengue, will ugain be utothe NHelm next Winter, but not as un player JO. ) At uw meeting of the club, it was de cided that Munroe will be manager und coach as well, taking over the duties of Dr, Jerry Laflamme, who lust year wan conch under Munro's direction Janien Strachan, president of the club, who had intended to resign, wan persuaded to retuin his position ind continue 16 represent the «lub as director of the National Hockey League, Munro will assemble 24 men early in October for the hockey team I'here will be eight men trying out for defensive berths und no less than five prospective - goalies, including Clint Benedict, Flat Walsh, Norman Smith and Harrls, a Toronto amas teur, - It is believed Kerr, captain of MAAA this years' holders of the Allan cup, will also try out for the goul-keeping position Toronto Leafs Lose Another to Rochester Rochester, July 30-~The Teron: to Leafs, locally regarded as being practically out of the International League chase left for home last night after dropping thelr third fray of (he four-game series with the Rochester Red Wings yesters day, The final score way 10 to 8, The Red Wings pounced on Kyle Graham and Art Herring for seven runs In the eighth inning to wipe out a 6 to § lend and emerge with the triumph, | lyn in the tenth inning, 4-to-8, NEDSS COME TO LIFE Chicago, July 80,-~The Chicago the same standing hotly con: | Cubs retained yestordny, dropping a tested game to the Cincinnati Reds, 4-tod, while the Braves wrested a ten-inniug game from Brooklyn by tho same score, Hack Wilson's thirty-third home run In the sixth Inning brought the score 'up to 4-to-2, GIANTS WIN BLUGGING BER New York, July 80,-~The Giants plugged thelr way to a second vie. tory over Philadelphia yesterday inflict a ninth on the Phillies, game weries and successive defoat The score was 11 to b, Carl Hubbell lasted the entire distance for the Giants, although he was hit freely at times, O'Doul led the Philly attack with a home run and two singles, whila Ronsa also touched Hubbell for a homo run, WANKER BROTHERS STAR Pittsburg, Pa, July 80.-=After in norien of one-run rallies in the late innings that finally 'set tho ft, Louis Cards out In front in the ninth, the Pittsburg Pirates came from behind In their half 'of the final frame yesterday to win the wsories opener when Lloyd Waner singled Sukr and Bool across, The score wan 6-5, In the third inning Paul Waner hit for the ofrouit with Brother Lloyd on base, An instrument to test a singer's voice by photographing sound waves produced has heen developed at the University of Towa, Only about 1,500000 of Hungary's approximately 25,000,000 acres of land are unproductive, wheat heing its most important crop, to make a clean sweep of the two- | | the Spectacular Last Inning Rally Enables O.M.I. to Nose Out Cheus. by 14-13 Doris Attersley Poles Out Homer With One Out in Ninth Inning, Scoring Two Runs Ahead of Her, to Win the Game by the Odd Run--Chevs, Grab Off Early Lead When Malleables Play Pooly, But Surrender to Last Minute Attack of Winners ~~Game Is Very Interest ing, But Errors Are Plenti- ful singles, coupled with a pair of walks and" an error, gave thon five rung in the second, They dup Hemted the number again in ihe fourth, when they started at t top of the hating order, and wor od right down to the bottom, Ihrer Malleable errors at eritical mon unity were deciding factors in | quintette of Chey runs scored this foning, Led by Miss Kay, thelr seco baseman, Malleables hit sioid throughout the game, scoring every frames but the fifth, and fins iehing up in the last Inning with io punch when it wag needed Miss Kay had no double and twe singles in her five trips Lo the plate for a 600 game average, and led her team on the offensive, Miss H, Holmes, of the Chevs, had #: almost perfect day af the nlale, singling three times und going out on a long fly in her fourth atitemop!, Chevrolets AL IL Goold, 1b ho 2 Kennedy, 4h 6 Eittott, p [) Kot, 2h Walker, If Holmes, of Morgan Blair, rf 8 1 Going in for their mst bat with a threo run deficit staring thom in face, Malleables staged un ter rific finish to squeeze out a 14-13% victory over the luckless Chevs lust night Chevs bullt up an carly leud, nid held it until the last inning, when they waw It melt and dissppenr under «4 savage last minute balting aitack, in which the central Ly ure was Doris Attersley, fullenbie | backstop, Miss Attersiey VV ized the ball prayers' dream, whan, w'th her team still tralling by two runs one gut, and runners on first and | second, she poled the hall past the outfield for a rousing home run, sending two runs seam osring serous the plate ahead of her, and carry« Ing In the counter thut gettlied the verdiet herself The winnlvg sm sereaming drive that up nt one of the outheldors Just ns the Chey player was set y inke the catch, the ball seemed to ripe in ity fight, AL any rate it wa Prick out hy Eliett hy misjudged, and galling on its way | Pipher 6; hases on balla: --off Tis to roll endlosely while the Malle: | lott 1, off Pipher 4; two hase Nites able runners burnt up tha «indey Kennedy 2, Kay: home run paths, and the Malleablo Attarsley Bn, Blair, A, Vlair, shrieked themselves honipe Umpires Legge and W Valr, Batting strongly (n the and fourth, the losers hullt up ole on of thelr thirteen runs ia the fist four inninges, A double and H [J] PO A + i 1 1 n n " h | 4 1 1 | / I 43 13 11 Malleables Al IL Spencer, of nN MeDonnld, ps I McDonald, 5h 1 Kay, 2b I a Mclean MeDonald Pipher, AtLtarsle Blair J I M H H ¥ n A ul { Ih If p h 1 Wis ralgnt n rf { A% 14 14 417 0 rooters Dn 4 A LE socond ------ Hl / lL a \ pr en Jers THURSDAY ~FRIDAY ALICE WHITE el 1 (fr JACK MULHALL Show Girl of Hollywood Last Thnes--Tonlght Edmund Lowe re fr "BORN RECKLESS" It's Cool at the Regent Primo Carnera Puts George Cook Away Via K.O. Route in Second | Cleveland, QO, July 30~Primo Car nera, giant Italian heavywelphit knocked out George ook, of Austra lin, in the second round of a sched uled 10-round bout before a crowd of 10000, Before the fight Carnera weighed 270, Cook 200) Cook rushed Carnera to a corner at the start of th first round landed several times with his left the head, The hig Italian, howeve soon had Cook in retreat, punishin him avith both fists to the head, Be fore the end of the first round Car nera had Cook covering from wicked punches to the head, Cook's knees sagged from a right to the head just before the bell rang and to a a BINDER TWINE BRANTFORD 650 ft. 600 ft. Large and Small Halls HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED » 84 Church St. Phone 203 BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo, McManur [DO YOU GIT MUCH WORK NOWADAYS JERRY P A 3 ® 19%, Int Feature Sarvine, Ive, © BURE' BLT ME WINE WONT DO" Parl Britain Wight reserved TOBM TUBM DONT | KNOW: BLT IT WOE ONLY ON YOUR HEAD A SECOND LTR

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