PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1930 S044 0400444040 40400000 0dddidd ddd oidddidbdddddsad A --_/r Bl a og ddd dd ddd Lhd ddd EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS YP YTYYYYYY YY PTY YYYY LALLA POPOV PIP BATHERS ARRESTED Belleville, ~~Twelve boys bathing within the city Mimits without bath. fog suits, were made to dress hy u fonsavle and let go with a warn. ng, RECKLESS DRIVING Belleville, --Max Cohen, Detroit, Migh., who in trying to puss a line of ears on the Bhannonyille high way struck a car owned hy D, A, Me Laren of Verth, causing injury to Mrs. Bophie Livinston, u passengor, appeared hefore Magistrate Mikel in police court charged with reck- loss driving, He pleadod guiity to PPT TPTTYYYrYYYTYRY ere the offénce and was fined Ho and conte, mo------ TRUCK KILLS COW Belleville, == Thomas Wobineon, who as driver of a truck, struck u herd of cows owned by James Bun- nett, Thurlow Township on the highway near Shannonville, killing one and injuring two animals aps pesred In police court {oday charged with "failure to return to the scene of an aceident," He ploud ed gullty to the offence and win assessed $26.00 and costs, Voor CRUSHED Brockville,«~~Mr, Riley, employ ad on the rosd work gang at 1'hil Just add r required, Quickly made--nourishing and painful sceldent, paville, was the vietim of & pevera When he wis attempting to climb onto one ITEMS OF QUALITY AND REGULAR GOOD VALUE HERRINGS Matsnall sin Tomato Sauce. 1 30 Vere PILCHARDS Og onhal Selected, ' AVLMER CHILI Sauce 18 vo. 200 18¢ in heavy] syrup, '2 270 19¢ JuMso 1 PEAS en PEARS y) mer. 5d le Chis! in No, 4 sire tin CRUSHED PINEAPPLE ! [A ney tin : BROOKFIELD CHEESE crEAM AND PIMENTO CHEESE ! Jason. phe 20 28¢c Clean, large and meaty; ideal for breakfast or as a dessert. THE ORIGINAL H.P. SAUCE Per 26¢ BOTTLE FEATURING THIS WEEK PALMOLIVE SOAP 32 3c CAKE I ------------. a i A PO a, Ql SPECIALS ON SALE AT THISE PRICES AUGUST 1--~AUGUST 7 | SPECIA Lee Fancy Red Sockeye Salmon i: 44¢ Tin | SPECIAL ~~ Blueberries | DELICIOUS FOR MAKING PIES No. 2 SIZE TI 19¢ DRINK IT HOT OR COLD LOOK OVER THIS LIST OF REGULAR VALUES SWEET MUSTARD RELISH Moy ore 19¢ PIE FILLER Kknvah No ages roguiesd, Lamon VI. TONE rN 53¢ SPECIAL.- Weston's BISCUITS 29c¢ RE ---- Assorted ppapnerty, Chonolate : weATWlen shazap + 13° 1 ihhy . 20 PHOENIX LOBSTER PASTE hoeniy Brand 10¢ ROYAL 'MINT sAucE 20¢ Raval Nrand firoken Reg tin 26¢ TIN GILCHRIST § VALENCIA CAKE nv 21c hot aU GRAPEFRU Rien Arts PIGS § al il Ready to 08, IAF, he RS or Rand, | fr syrup, No, 9 n., BREAKFAST TEA TON'S, 1 1b, EATON § MID - COFFER Satonia 1 Ib STUFFED OLIVES "on, bottle it GIN Avo ROOT seen Ln WEALTH, 1A eras gars tle ELLE , 840 , 230' ov 18 a7 6800 wv . 280 1 » one [ASR © | BUDWEISER Malt Syrup No. 270¢ ments. No 2 | | | SPECIAL Proctor & Gamble | CHIPS 2 Ribs: for SOA BULK 2s TIN A Bathroom Necessity FLUSHO Per 23¢c | SPECIAL AMMONIA 32d c| POWDER Sop OVALTINE TIN Bcc Large Un. , POTATOES 90-1). bag $1.49 Take Advantage of This Price CHOICE LOMBARD PLUMS 2 tins 2%7¢ a ------ eR Re . it _--" 5 EATON'S MEATS | SPECIAL Fri. and Sat. Only | Prime Rib "" Beef 25% . of Choice . . . . be | SPECIAL ~~ Fri. and Sat. Only Corn oo 2 25¢ ¢ SLICED Masironi Fri. and Te Only CHOICE FRESH Tomatoes 2 Ibs, 25¢ Macaroni & Cheese 2 Sc THINLY SLICED Ib. Crown Sealers Pints 98¢c Quarts $1,09 Rubber Jar Rings 52 Simcoe St. N. ro of the stones trucks, his fool was caught and dragged under a whesl and badly erushed, ------ FINDS METHOD OF SEEING IN ATOMS Scientist "Sees" Electrons Inside Invisible Atoms Ithaca, N.Y ~ Discovery of a met- hod to "look" inside hitherto invis- ible atoms was announced recently by the American Nobel ris winner in physic 5, Dr, Arthur Compton, of the University of Hid What he was the arrangement of electrons, the negative bits of elec tricity, that seem to compose all tan gible substance, He found them diffused somewhat like raindrops in a clowd, This dif fers sharply from the old idea that electrons revolve in fixed orbits like miniature planets about a central, sun-like nucleus, Recently, daring scientific prophets have hazarded | that the electrons are scattersd and Dr, Compton's work hacks up this new iden, Adiressing the American Phy sical Society at Cornell University he said "Several weeks ago 1 noticed a heautiful halo around the moon Half an hour later the halo was vis ibly smaller and rain began to fall The Interpretation of such haloes, as due to diffraction of the moonlight hy droplets of water suspended in the wir, is well known, The larger the droplets the smaller the angle of dif fraction, Se by observing the diame ter of the halo we ean estimate the size of the water drops which cause it, A shrinking halo means wrowr ing drop, and, henge, probable rain A method similar to observing this halo was used to "see" the electrons For moonlight Dr, Compton substi tuted X-rays and for vapor used he lium gas, The X-rays made diffrac. tion haloes in the gas and from these the positions. of electrons was esti mated, Dr, Compton did not orig nate the halo study method, His dis covery is a way to find out what the haloes mean He caleulnted the electron pose tions by the new mathematics known as the principle of probability, origi nated by Werner Heisenberg, 3 year-old German scientist, This for mula is based on the impossibility of measuring with perfect accuracy both the position and the velocity of an electron. Only probable position can be charted. Thus Dr, Compton finds that the electron "distribution Is de finitely diffuse instead of being strongly coneentrated at a certain distance from the atom's centre" here Is, however, some density ahout where the orbits caleulated hy Bohr would lie "We may say with confidence," Dr Compton suid, "that the aspect of the problem of atomic structure which is connected with the distribution of the electrons in atoms is finding a satis factory solution "In 1922 1 had the temerity to pre dict that within 10 years the electron positions in the lighter atoms would probably be known as reliably as were the positions of atoms withis certibin crystals, | believe that pre diction is now verified "I suppose it would be fair to say that experiments such an these come the closest of any yet performed to showing up 'what the atom looks like! For after all is not seeing an object a diffraction phenomenon sim lar to those under discussion? And when we thus look' at the atom we find it composed of electrons diffuse ly distributed as shown in the fore going figures" 'MODERN GIRL IS 3,000 YEARS OLD Lipstick and Paints for Facial Use Common Before the Flood London, July A1.-The modern girl is about 5,000 years old, ac cording to J, IL, Hodson, In the NawnC'hroniele He continues: "Lip=stick 18 a thing not so much of the past as a thing of the Flood, This conclusion was borne upon me at tha<nreitlsh Museum when I calls od to see the treasures C, Leonard Woolley has heen digging up at Ur of the Chaldees, There you could see the orna- ments and: paints that the Modern FER ALI L Girls of 5,600 B.C. employed to make herself beautiful, The flap- pers who modelled themselves af ter u 1ady called Queen Fhubh Ab had jet black hair, delicatsly shap- ed noses and small mouths, Their mouths were painted ruby, eye- brows were emboldened with black, and round eyes wers drawn rims of green-- much as our actresses of to-day line theirs with blue, "We know," said Mr, Woolley, "the paints they used were red, bisek, white, green, and yellow." The chief and most obvious inter. est of the exhibition, he thinks, 1% the new light it throws on the deluge in Mesopotamia, end life Just before and after it, The Crest Flood deposited sand over everything to a depth of 11 fest, People before the flood wers buried In a different manner from those after it, Pre-flood graves in soma instances contain tiny females figures with slender graceful bod. les but inhuman heads---apparent ly goddesses or demons, In one respect they are the most remarkable things yet discovered at Ur; they are the first objects found there to which religious sig: nificance may safely he attached, Before the flood people llved fn brick buildings, and soon after- wards bulldings were constructed of coment bricks, COLUMBUS Columubs, July 20, Miss Ethel Holman, Toronto, is spending her vacation with Mrs, Joe Holman, Mrs, C, Joynt, Brooklin, spent # day with Mrs, 1, Guy last woek, Miss Grace' Luke, Oshawa, spent fn few days with Miss Margaret Heott, Chan, Grills visited his brother, John Grills, of New Ontario, who is 111 In Toronto Hospital, on Bun day, Mr; and Mrs, WH, Wunday In Toronto Howard James Hunday, Mrs Whithy, Mr. and Mrs, 1, ¥, Chapman, Mr. and Mrs, Oral Chapman, of Orono, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Cook on Bunday, Mr, and Mrs, Levi Ellens spent Bunday with Mr, EQens' brother in Toronto, The Runday School pienie will he held at Cream of Barloy Camp on Friday, Aug. 8. Conveyances to leave the church at one o'clock p m, Anyone having room in his car is requested to bo at the church by one o'clock A miscellaneous klven Mrs. Meredith Dring (neu Ruby Neeson) on Friday evening Inst. at the home of her father, Mr, Jus, Heeson, Mrs, Wm, Guy, Oshawa, visited nt Mr, Nekle Guy's recently, The Raglan Ladies' Ald are being entertained by Columbus Indien at the home of Mrs, Wm, Dyer on Tubsday, August b Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Frasor, Ktngston, spent the week-end with their parents Mr, and Mrs. A. Emblem and Irene, New Toronto, aro at the home of Mr. and Mrs, MH, Scearle, UNVEIL MEMORIALS TO UNKNOWN HEROES London The Imperial War Uraves Commission announces that memorials to the missing dead of the Great War, which have been erected at Loos, Posieres, Vis-en- Artols, and 'Louverval (Cambral) will be unveiled on the morning of Monday, August 4, the anniver- sary of Great Britain's entry inte the war, The memorials commemorate more than 44,009 men who have no known grave, Piles Go Quick Piles are caused by bad eoircula tion of the blood in the lower bowel and a weakening of the parts, Only an internal medicine oan remove the cause; That's why external remedies and cutting fall, Dr, Leonhardt's HEM-ROID, sue- cond. because it relieves this con: postion and strengthens the affected parts, Dr, Leonhardt's prosoription has such a wonderful record for quick safe and lasting relief even In ohronie and stubborn case, that Jury & Lovell says try HEM-ROID at my expense, Your Wilson spent was home on Geo, Hayes Is visiting in shower was SR STR TTR TEE COAL Pile suffering must end or money back, ite ------ a -- The Best Jeddo Premium in America At Usual Coal Drives Produced Eade JT Telephone 262 DIXON COAL C0. Five DirectLines Congratilations BRIDES &GROOMS We hope you will Rev fone ig months be very hay. May we invite you Wo try Red. Rose Tea? Red Rode RED LABEN. Ten Rep Rose TEA | ORANGE Teron TEA Travel The King's Highway Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE 85¢ LEAVE ( ¥ AM #00 h.a0 1.00 5.00 pan 10,80 11,80 "mM 12.00 vesNUun JEHAWA Fastern Htandard I'M 1.40 2.40 HL] ih 5 0 rr KA0 han v 10.00 day only We Fime AM W han "ng 7.4 10.4 11,80 PM. 12.80 1.490 Daily except t==Haturday, Bunday and Holidays on! Pr ---------------------------- Coach connections at Toronto for Barrie, LEAVE T ORONTO ' M ao a0 sunday, Orillia, Hrampton, Schomberg, Hamilton, I. antford, Muskoka Wharf, Falls, Conch points, Genosha ey poe perin® pn WY 20 a0 $00 oS ] re alien Lavender Water both .. Regesan Krull Rog. $1.00 Saline, X owt Wasaga Beach, Midland, Buffalo and intermediate points, Puffalo connections at Ottawa, for -------------------- Tickets and Information at GRAY COACH LINES Hotel ot A EE 0 " anon DA od Be wwe ot frie : an tt ogee Wr mW OSHAWA The Playing Special «ivi $1.00 Bath OF vivian 600 Velvo, host Sanitary Pad 600 Writing follo, $1.95 Guaranteed, Special Other Great Values 8be Lavender Hoap and 39¢ 9c CER all 1 Special Curling ... 89¢ Niagara A Phone 2828 Cards 59¢ 19¢c 39¢ 49c Irons, spray Tho Ports Modens-=With 49¢ Free ( Jompaots Di. Went'n Tooth Drush and Dante both for «iis You Save with Safety at THE REXALL STORES ' King St, E, Phone 28 eR pe Simcoe St. S. Phone 68 - BERREDHSRRA-------- a -------------- ak ATR