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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Aug 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST |, 1930 PAGE NINE D SE meets . Seller ION. TE ONANT & ANNIS, BA olicitors, Notaries Conv, ni N, BINCLAIR K, eres Bullding, U I Thad A vista, Bollgitor, Notary Publle, Conveyancer, Money to | fice 14% King St, Bast, Oshawa, Phone 448, sidence hone v 3 Fraser, Barpisters, Conveyancers, Notaries Publie, ete, Office over Btandard Bank, Entrance Bim coe Bt, Phone 15, J, VV, Grierson, aC Ay N, GC, r, 1M LOTTE 8 HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solieitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store, Money to loan, 16 Bimeoe t Dosh Phone 67, we of 5B re, Solicitors, ete, 84% 1d Bt, N, Phone 8160, Money to GARRIE: ge J Bast, Tou A A 8 ter, etn, Conveyaneing and ractice, 23% King Bt, hone 8387, FRANK 8B, EBBS, f Bolleitor, Notary "ublie, Convey- anger, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Bulldinr, opposite Post Office, Phone 2006) Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPE Disney Block, Phone 8060, fice hours 0 a.m, to 8,80 pm, Dr, B, J, Hazlewood Sheclal attention to Surgery and X- ay Dr, B H Harper, special attention to child. ven's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sun. day and night calls 8416 or 122, DR, McKAY PHYSICIAN, BUR- Reon, Accoucher, Office and resi dence. King St, East, corner Vier toria St, Oshawa, Phone 04, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN B, Obstetrician, diseases of and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone j 5, Bdlovaran, Phy: L , P, and B, nburgh, ye TA Surgeon and Obstetrician, fice 149 Bimcoe "Wt, N, Phone $020, residence 40° Cadiling Ave, North, Phone 8166, ' 0, W, CARR, BIOTAN, Surgeon, Obstetriclan Office and residence, 613 Simcoe Street north, one 8415, DR. J. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI. eon stetrician, office gai Vem av hy Add Street, orth, X Veterinary Surgeon bo) | ' Specialist Diseases Domestic Anime als, Cat and Dog Hospital, - 803 Xing West, Telephone 620, (July 8-1 mo,) PR. 7,7, BRYANS OF 100 BLOOR Street West Toronto' will be at his office over Juv & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday from 1 till 4 pm, for consultation and treat ment of es of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may be made at drug store, Phone 7, { {Ons for extraction, Dental a attention to Xn wotl's, Bf ] 8 a, Pp y work, extraction, Nurse In ge, Phons go. House north, over Mitchell's Drug tore, Phone h4, « b B HU ) ' trous oxid oxygen gas for extraer tions, Office, 4 oysl Bank Bldg. ft. | Phone 048, residence. 1878M, " ' ' ' 1 Bimoos Bt, N, over Dewland's, hone 1067, Nes, 305W, Evenings appointment, " A ' " Dentists, 87 King Bt. B Fogels] attentdon to gas extraction and X» ray work, Nurse In attendanre, Phones 1248 and 864, Hemutitching HEMETITOHING, -- PICOTING, nine cents a yard, Pleating skirts ne dollar, Dresses cut and freed erfectly, Embrodery work, The sll Bho 86% HBimeoe south, Phone 1658, (July 21-1 mo) specialist In moscls = anomalies and ginsses, Author of are and Eye Strain, The Its Development, Dis ney k opposite Post: Office, Phone 3618, (July 16-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONTEVAN AND BMTTH ONTAR- fo Land Surveyors and Civil Engin: eers, sub-divisions, town planning, municipal engineers, B66 or 411 King Bt, B, Phones 2682 or of. 8644 All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc, STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This ule has been found necessary lose arising from handling » large number of sm" ranune of this nature, For thy convenience of customers who find it Wmecunvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone sal will bring & messenger who will receive the advertisement and collect for same. / ' "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENY because of expense and Building Supplies OWWMENT PLOCKE, BAND AND gravel tor sale="To (nrure prompt delivery, place wders In advance of delivery date, W, Horrowdals Phone 1618, Ta . BAND, ORAVEL, BLACK LOOM, stone, also any kind of trucking, Phone 1070W, (July 18-1 mo.) Undertaking CURW BURIAL, C0, 67 KING WT, Kast, Ambulance, Residence G48 Simcoe street, north, Phone 810J and g10W -- HAWA BURIAL C0, MW, 7, Armstrong & Sou, Proprietors, Funeral and Ambulance Servine, day and night, Phone 1088W, #7 Celina, (tf) Insurance DAVIN AND FON, INSUWANCE, 10 King St, west, Oshawa, The old. est Fire Agency in Oshawa, §0 He. utahle Fire Companies, WHEN ToT G INNUTANCE consult R, N, Johns, K0 Bimeoe north, Your insurance wants at tended to and your interests proe tecte Se Tramsporiaiion GANTAGH AND STORAGE COLW: man's, 86 Bond west, Specialists in furniture moving storage ware: house and moving van equipment, Phone 83, 5 Fl OARTAGE, MOVING, GWAVEL sand and cinders, Local and long dietance hauling, Hmith Cox Phone 0284, 10 Hond Bt, West, AWA OLDERT _ EWTAR: lished furniture movers, Park Road cartage, Looal and long distance, Frank Cowle Prop, 66 Park Rd, South, Phone 815, (July 21-1 mo) uty PTY TOU TERMANENT WAVE Shop, Specialists in permancnt, finger and marcel waving, Pere manent wave prices $6, 87,608 $10 All other lines of Beauty Phone #068, Apply 88 Bimeoe street north, Eve, Ear, Nose and Throat HON, i talist, Office over Mitebelt's Peng Phone 2660 and 438), Architects architectural work, "Pecond floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1406, Res, phone H0 va A OHNBON, soolate architects, Himeoe Ht, 8 Over Feit Bros, Watch Repairing wiss watchmaker, repair shop at "i King Street West, Your pate na Helted, shoes fixed br day corner Bime , WM (July 80-1 mo Classified Ads. = ww conte Three Br inser price of nsertione ares 'eente a word), Minimum ahatie 4 Box number 10a additional or "43.80 1 rdy EXPERT MARCELLING BY BRT. ty Ward at Petty Lou Permanent Wave Shoppe, Marcel and sham poo #1, Phone 8008, WATHON'S BARBI AND Beauty 8hop, 0 Celina 8t, We spew fallge In ladles' hair cutting, mam ampooing, facials, Marcel "or apprintments phone 19:1 wo) 60 cents, hi, (July OFWAWA WADIO WERVIOW AC censories for sale, repairs en elec: trie and battery sets, tu and batteries ted, batteries re: charged, rental subblied 1, Phone #860J, Charles Wales, 140 Bigln 1oast (July 9:1 mo 0 with rental §1,00, Repal rebullt, Called for and d \ At t service, Htan Bilgdop, ¥0 |] Phone 1886W, (July 81:1 mo) oan arrange a first uorgake on your residence If it Ia 1 10+ ted, Bradley Hros, over Ward's Store, Simcoe 8t, Houth, (luly 2840) COANE ONGO0D 0ITY PROFE ty and farms. Apply A, J, Parks Ml, 87 King St, Nast, Phone 1014 (July 81:tf) "Auctioneer health, comfort, onal attens tion and service, Phone Mrs, Blats ter, Distriet Manager bs 0 arhanger, painting and rain LL t Fa th vor oti ut on 3 a plastering, electriy alterations, Pugan 108 far setssidton (ANE) LE Awnings AWNINGE, CUWTAING, VLAOR, sll kinds of canvas goods, Com: plete camp equipment, for rent, Fox Hardware, phone 86 or #6, Agents for J, J, Turner and Bon, Petarboro, Ontarle, (July 8:1 me) Work Wanted CONORETE WORK, CELLAR AND garage floors sidewalks and road: ways, sand, gravel, einders, Chris, Graham, Phone 2621M, (July #1 mo) NEW PROCERE--TV YOU ARE bothered with eockroaches, I will rid your house of them, 140 Olive Ave, Phone 17080, (July 16+1 mao,) Articles For Sale SAND, GR/VEL, BSYONE, CIN devs, binck loam, $1.6" per yard For quality and service phone Ks scry Bros, 888 rv 31, hen (May B11) VOR RALE=ATWATER KENT i tube battery vadlo, Bingle dig) cons trol, All complete, In splendid con dition, $46,00, John Meagher, 1 Bimeoe N, Phone H71W, (Bho) VOR BALE=0UNNRONOLA OAT: Inet gramaphone, In beautdtul cons dition, cheap for cash, no veuasons #hle offor refused, Phone 1810) hatween b and 7 pn (8ho) VOR RATH=RTTCHEN CABINET, goad condition, piteh * pump new, and other articles, 617 Masson Ht (860) ANTTURED mito tires household vleuring FOR RATE NEW™ hieyeles, sooassories, and tubes, also clean furniture, Kyerything cheap, 164 Wulalle Avi (AUK 1:1 mo) A or Rent Caulking BVERY HOME BHOULD hE canlked around the door and wins dow frames, saves fuel, shuts out cold wiv, dravghts, Ales, soot, Adds comfort, preserves frames, Ji H, Lawson, Phone TRRRE, a (July 10-1meo. J D dA Batt ---------- .. otice PRTHONAE WERAAT, "HTORE moved to Himeee Houth, Corner Mill, Herbal Remedies for various Allments continued hy same fam: ous Herbalist, (Inlylh-1 mo) Hospital WHITRY TRIVATE WORPITAT, maternity and all patients recog mended hy physielaus, Phone 880 Whithy, J, M, MeKes, R.N,, Supt, (July 16-1 mo) Second Hand Dealer ; NW AND WROOND WAND VOR: niture bought and sold, 186 Bloor Bt, B, Phone 1617M, : (uly 48-1 mo.) FECOND™ WAND" DRALER=WE buy and sell used furniture, sioves and tools, Phone 1080, M, Collis, § ehureh Ht, (July 161 mo) TI -= Palmist MADAME WENA, VALMTET, "748 Buena Vista, Appointments, Phone MMW, (Julyid=1 mo,) MADAME WHOWN, PALMINT, Phone appointments B644F, #3 Louisa street, (July 86+1 ma) Articles For Sale or | ne dry Waterous Meek (i | a m-------- OE FOR BALE-~HEINTEMAN CO Ltd, planes, new and used planes, also radios, Ilntest models; terms arranged. Apply Q, Trull, Fhane 1666 (11144 A ) w H fahes, We have the largest assert: ment of paints, yasuisiio, elo, 'In the elty, The Paint Store, A0 Ing street west, A GRAVEL AND BAND, ONE YARD and a quarter of gravel $1.80, Soreened sand $1.70, Prompt des Mvery, Phone 020R12 after § p.m, (July 10:3 me,) FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOD- ern suites including electro vefrig eration stove, laundry convenl noes, ele, continuous hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, phone ¥671, or The Trusts and Guarantes Co Ltd, manager for ewner, Toronto A ae $21 £) VOR RENT=APARTMENT, CEN tral, & rooms, newly decorated, al convenlences, lense or hy the month, Hox 740 Times, (16611) CHERRTUL, -- APARTMENT IN business section, newly decorated, by the month or year, Box 747 Times, (ABLE) APARTHERT, FUNNIER ED OY unfurnished, lKvery convenience "hone F660 or RE4TW, (8tr APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All eonveniences, hardwood floors Apply Wradley bros, (NLT FOI NENT=MODIRN""ATARY ment, Immediate possession, In quire ¥, L, Henry, 881 King Ht, I Phone 1 $ . (#he) TO WENT=FLAT, FOUR LANGE reoms, kitehen with sink, wived for electric stove, own meter, rent reasonable, Phone 2400W, (860) FOR WENT==1" FUTNTRAED rooms, every convenience foy young couple, Phone 2835W, i AMARA - (400) FOR WONT==0" ROOM HOUR, possession Hept, 1, Apply after 4d a'eloe's at 86 Oshawa Blvd, -- x (dhe) FORT RENT=§" "FURNTRHED rooms for Nght housekeeping with j| al conveniences, Apply 147 Mims coe At, N, Phone 1200W, a " ae (Bde) Ow RENT=PHRTE™ BRIGHT ooms, Hght, water and uso of phone, furnished or unfurnished, Olose to- Motors, Phone 1004W, 080 French St, #16 a month, (at) INOTANE AVI, Ideal home, oak floors, fireplace, newly decorated, every gnnvenl ence, Rent vight to good tenant FY ad 408 Bimeoe North, Phone (1 10 am) FOR RENTS ROOM HOUNI All conveniences, 2 marages, Rent reasonable, Phone 163 of A488), 4 (270) For Rent VOR TENT = vom THrRINaA apartment, All conveniencbs, fine mediate possession, Apply 97 Cole horne Bt, ¥, (470) FOR RENT= WOURE = PAWTLY furnished, Vacant Sept, 1, Phone ATT or BRABW, - (3) VOR RUNT--PRENCTIT WT, $15, Bungalow, senvenlences ad gar. nage, Apply 468 Bimeos North, Phone 826, (47m) "Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RONT=VOH ~ ONk week a motor ear in good condls Hon. Apply Box 810, (3h¢) BORINERR COUPLE WANT § OR fi vom apartment, reasonable, cen tral, partly furnished options), Box 760 Timos, (47h) a ARRAY or Sale or Rent VOR BALK OR RENT--BRICK residences on north side of King: ston Road west of Oshawa, forine arly occupied by the late John Bartlett, Gupdons well planted with flowers and shrubs, Apply to Conant. & Annis, Barvisters, &e, Gshawa, Ontario, (M-W-Aug, 1) PLLA! -- Real Estate For Sale FOR BALE~ OWNER LEAVING the city and offers at $4000 his $6000 residence, 4 hedrooms, hardwood floors, paved wtreet, first class section, small eash pay: mont, Act gulek, Apply Murdoch, 87 Warren Ave (4ho) MODERN ROOM HOUBE, GAR age, Hgulty $1800, Balance ensy, Maka'an offer, B00 Huron, (4h) WOT HAT WARM, 146 moves, 180 workable, 4 hush, fi room frame house, Barn B88 » ho, Hteel roof, Good stabling, pig pen, henhouse Por quick sale Only $4000, Fasy terms, Jones Heal Ketate, cor, Bond and Bimeos N, Phone 667 (86h) FOR HALE Pot ROOMED cottage, hwy papered and paint ed inside and out $1760, Cash payment $160. Apply 108 Chureh LB i i (87h) FOR BALE VERY ATTRACTIVH 6 roomed home In Whithy with all modern convenlences, nearly two noeres of lovely garden with Eavage, ehicken house, Only BHKO0 for quick sale, Bee Holden 68 Bim ron N (47h) Help Wanted---Female WANTED EXTERITENCTD eook Apply Mrs, (0, W, Heszel wood, 400 Bimeoe Bt, N MYR I) (he) Wanted To Buy WANTED FO OV" I WAT lo BMattery Ellminatar with 185 volt output, Phone 466610 ARR TT wR five) ' Builders' Bargains Onle Flooring fe, an, Toot; Wall hoard B7.650 thousand feet; Ready (Haged Barn Bash 080; Blate Roof Ing S.8K] UN gauge metal roofing BAG; House paint be, qt; Garages B10 down payment, Asphalt hing log BAB; Metal Calling 6,46; Hep the Tank #0 down payment, Write now for Hig Free Hale Catalog Amnging savings for July and Aus ust, Halliday Company Limited, Box 16, Hamilton Room and Board ROOM TO RENT INT PRIVATE home, lady or gentleman, Hoard If desired, Also garage to rent, Phone 1040W, (870) ROOM AND HOARD, PARK Road N, Phone 456M (870) Agents Wanted PTRTEOT TO CONRUNER, FETE gomplete Hae of finest quality kal wear, botany underwear far men, women - and ohildren, madestos measure ensembles, hoslery, Hinge arle, swepters, hathing sults, ew, High commissions, start today fo hutld your fall business Write for complete information now, Britieh Knltwear Limited, Bimooe, Ontarie (27h) LK] RRR LY Pets and Live Stock, FOUTTHY "MEN = auf YOUR hoavy breed 11-8 1b, cockerels capouized at 100 each, Minlmum oharge, 81.00, It pays to eapons lee, Ivea Hros, 620 Drew street, Ll ll autiuly Rl ma) FORFACE=TOTH BRED WHITH Fréneh Toy Poodle, male, must have good home, Apply 234 Count Bt, Oshawa, (2%0) Motor Cars. AR Dominlon Garage, 88 Bond street west, Phone 8108: All oars at one price §1,00, (July 17-1 mo) LE [BU = LLY Cee Pac y / Ke. "A LY i v pn uh A RE J pa. 1 & Jim Crow Redeems Himself ' I ---- By Thornton No one is all black, you know This is true of man snd orow, well Mother Nature, Mother Brown pretended tn he disappointed that Jim Crow hed returned, Bhe pretended that wha wished (hat, having gone Awey with the other Crows, he had slay: ed away, Bot if the trath wera known, vight down inside she was klnd to soe him hack, Bhe had missed him, Ho wis a mischievous weamps nevertheless, he was an n= tarasting one, » "Phore's one thing about It," nid she to Varmey Brown's Boy, "and thet is that on washday he must he shut up, If you want to kesh) that Crow, you've got to promise to sea that he Is shut up onrly Monday morning and lsn't whlowed oul again until the wash Ing has heap taken In, I certainly will not stand for having the clothesping pulled and the wading drapped on the ground again," Var several days after hig veturn Jim Crow was on his very best hehavior, Yes, sir, he was #0, He didn't got in any mischief at all He followed Parmer Brown's Roy everywhere, He was so glad to he hick that he had to talk shout it wll the time, As he rode around on the shoulder of Farmer Brown's Hoy, he talked Crow-talk contin urlly und Varmer Brown's Boy wan earialn that 10 was sll about how glad he was to he home sgain "White grubs are pretty had this year, sald Parmer Brown, "and the worst of it is, there tan't much we can do ahout it, There In the fourth one | have hoed aut In the last ten minutes He wis Just uhout ta erush It with his hoe when Jim Crow hop Books NOTHTTRIAWS "CTROUCATING ihrary, You will anjoy reading the Intest Fietlon at minimum eos Phone 1478, 87 Blmove Bt, North (T1811) TR Ga BT ok Room and Board Wanted BOARD AND ROOM WANTHA TY young lady In private family for sehonl year, Eilve rates, Peerless Business College, Oshawa, (dhe) Public Stenographer PURLIC HTENOGRAPHEN Homes or offices vislted, Any kind of work undertaken, Executus promptly Moderaie rates Mis Jay, 70 Oshawa Riva, (860) Personal WHY BUFFER = URK" THE NEW Harmony Hleetro Magnetic Appl anes, Others are obtaining health, why not you? Wlectro Magnotiam ls one pf the greatest discoveries of the S0th century, In many oases where everything olse han falled the Harmony Hrootro Magnetio Applinnee has hronght health, We are not out ta well you something that you are not satisfied wil) benefit you, Therefore wa give you a free offer to prove what we BAYA 18 correct, When you are satisfied the Hare mony will help you then it is up to Fou to use your own Judgment, W, ©, Huteheson, Dominton Bales Manager, 164 Willlam Bt, B, Phone 240, Oshawa, (duly 86:1 mo) Tenders Wanted OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES 8810N C PAINTING WATER TOWER Sealed tenders addressed ta the undersigned and gndersed "lenders for Painting Wald Tower," will he roceived until 12 a'eloek Noon, (Days light Saving Time) Tuesday, August Sth, 1030 for the painting of the 500,000 Imp, Gal, Water Tower at Oshawa, Ont, Conditions of contract speeifion: tons, and form of tender may he obtained at the offige of the we dersigned, The lowest or any tens der not necessarily asta (Sud) W, € SMITH, Mgr. Water Works Division, "iy 280 City Engineer, nh W. Burgess : ped down from the shoulder of Farmer Brown's Boy and snatehed up that white grub, In a Jiffy NH had disappenred, Then what dy vou think Jim Crow aia? Hae began tn Wilk sedatoly aL Farmer Brown's heels, Hig sharp eyes snapped, And every time thst Farmer Brown dug out sn white grub, Him Crow was right on hand ta snap ioup, Then he followed Yurmer Brown's Hoy for a while The surprising thing wi. that he discovered many white grihs that neither Farmer Brown, nor Varin er Brown's Boy, saw until he pull ad them out, All this Varmer Brown walehed with wonsiderahio Interest, ¥inully he spoke, "That Crow may he a uulssnes at times," sald he, "hut he certainly has vedesmod hmnelf this morning, Vve heen wulehing Wm, Not only has he heen vating those white grubs, hut hi haw heen pulling oul eutworms, Any bird: that will hunt white grubs and oulworme deserves respect, | knew there was some good In Crows, hut just what that goo win | didn't know That 1s, | didn't know (to wha! extent they Ea ,.OES " -- HAKDWOOH VIAOKN Laid by expert mechaniog, Qld tem finkshed like new, Ge. 1 Contractors, HW, HAYNES 161 King wt, West Phone 461 + Hesldence BOTRW EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop wears good I suspect that those Crows that Hye In the Green Vo esl do a lot more goed than we have any doa of" "OF pourse they do," Farmer Brown's Boy, "They hyve # lot of had habits, hut they have # lot of good ones too I Eunos that, all in all, they du shout as mueh good wd they do harm, It only they didn't destroy the babies of other hirds, they would he all right," "Caw, Caw!" sald Jim Crow, a if he understood "There's ane thing about It, and that In that It Is only In the nest ng season thal they da this harm," eontinued Farmer Hrown's Hoy, "The rest of the year they do no serious mischief that 1 know of and they probably do a lot of good," "Caw, (Caw sald Jim Craw, and with a quick side motion he snapped up a outworm "I wish Mother Brown eould seu what Jim Crow Ia doing," sald Farmer Hrown's Ray "Parhups who will fesl hatter about him then Porhaps she would feel more kinds I" Farmer Brawn ehuekled, "Don't You worry ahout her wald he, UHhe may protend (hat she dislikes dim Craw, hut 1t 18 all pretense, However, we'll tell har how Jim Crow has hean helping vs this morning," (Copyright Hous), JdPE0, TW. Bure The neit Thimble,' atary W" JThe Lost COAL COAL hone 108 W. J, SARGANT Yard: Bloor iret MN, Urders | tip Delivered ROYAL YORK Orange Tea At all Superior Stores LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whithy Lumber ang Wood Yard hone Oshawa 884 Whithy 19 replied | | Here Always AR THIF YOUNG Oshawa Expert Watch Repairing URNS JEWELRY STORE King & Princes Bis, AUTRE TI Machinery Repairing NOTHING 200 LAKUK NOTHING 100 SMALL Alagus BoghiteShe, EE ------ a Good Weather Ahead! wel) NOE 1088 JOUP CAF Let me Wnsnee yous=Addie tional Cash dives, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN Hoow. 0, 14% King Bt, Kast al FREE, 3 POINT ADJUSTMENT ignition, clean and Ade adiust. garburetor Cars, 1088 io IE A Cheek Just points, on Cheyrolet 10H0 models, Ontario Motor Sales Lid, 0 Kimeos BE, Bouth I | Men's Suits, Regular $26,00, Special .... $12.50 Dominion Clothing Co. | | Oh King St, Wo Phone 14d of ---- Yhe CARI W LUMBIR (0 HOWL STW 0h) a Al Hl Diamonds! | Bassett's On Qshawa's Main Cone | Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W, BORROWDALE 00 Camegle Ave, Phone 1088 EYENIONT SPEC) pa dnlising archupively Ww wm srestaht = rig hl ~ ~ J Disney Bleek ELLA CINDERS--Footing the Bill ph RT SRE Cr Re fi he aie: dik vam a DANCEY Ep -- JUST WANTED NOL) TB KNOW FEELS To tN Sh pies AR nw, / su / iA ¢ A ANA AN

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