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Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Aug 1930, p. 1

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SAN the News While It /Is News" ' The Os mua Daily wage WEL A Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer dines MN Growing Newspaper in 8 Growing City Published of Ushowa, Vay Except Sundeys and li OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1930 16 Cents » Week; 3 Cents » Copy TEN PAGES Em -- VOL. 7---NO, 27 R-100 IS SAFELY MOORED AT MONTR EAL SOVIET WOOD AND PULP T0 | DISPLACE CANADIAN, PLEA OF PAPER MANUFACTURERS United States Paper Mill Owners Make 'Strenuous Protest Againet Exclusion of Raw Materials From Russia SAY IT IS CHEAPER THAN FROM CANADA Soviet Product Is Cheaper Than Canadian Because of Forced Labor in Rus sian Forests and on Docks (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, D.C, Aug, 1~The statement that the importation of Soviet Russian wood by United States pulp and paper companies would replace the importation. of wood and pulp from Canada was made to-day during the course of a hearing into protests over the embargo on Russian wood, Operators of paper mills fosti- fled that they would have to go out of business if they were not per- mitted to import wood and pulp which, they sald, was not obtain. able in the United States in suf- fleent quantity. A great:deal of their raw pro- duct bas been imported from Lan. ada, they sald, poinMng cut that the importation of Soviet wood would mot be in competition with any United States industry, but with the lumber industry of Cans ada, The Soviet product is imported at considerably less cost than the Canadian, due, it is sald, to alleged forced labor in the Soviet foreits and on docks, 11 SCOUTS SAVED = FROM DROWNING Boys Rescued After Cling: ing To Upturned Boat For Four Hours (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Aug. 1.--After clinging to" their six-pared row boat for, tour hours, eleven boy scouts were rescued from Lake Dedchenes, near Aylmer, Que, early this morning, exhausted but none the worse for their adventure, When the craft capsized after nine o'clock last night the boys elung to it but their cries for help were not heard until after midnight when. Bert Gomme MET, To 1 the Aylmer yao! u an outboard motor boat and ploked them wp. WEATHER vegion -- light t Ike fair -- Pi jpesoming somewhat or Hen a southwest winds: of Saturday: becoming somewhat warmer, COMMONS MEMBER. 15 ADMONISHED BY THE SPEAKER Unprecedented Scene Is Witnessed in the British House London, Aug, L=ELlijah Sandham, Laborite member of parliament has been formally "admonished" by the speaker of the House of Commons for having in a speech delivered at Manchester on Saturday, made charges against his fellow labor members of receiving bribes, Chaarges of drunkenness in Com- mons also were contained in "the samé speech, but the house concen. trated on the bribery accusation aus being the more serious of the two, The scene in the house during this formality was almost unprecedented in parliamentary history, There was absolute stillness in the house as the speaker put on the three-cornered hat over the wig. which forms his normal head gear when in the house and, remaining seated, which is con. trary to usual custom, told Sandham, "It must always be clearly under. stood that a member may not attack and may net make a public utters ance outside this house which is de rogatory to the House of Commons without committing a breach of prive ileges," NO LOSS INCURRED BY PROVINCES ON WHEAT GUARANTEE Ottawa, Aug 1,+From no less a person than the ehief statisvetan of the Canadian Wheat' Pool's sells ing headquarters in Winnipeg, government authorities in Ottawa have received the cheering informa. tion that the Prairie Provinces have incurred no loss from thelr guarantees of the wheat pool's operations, Tt will be recalled that early in the year when it became apparent that Canada was not going to be uble to market her whole erop, and that the market prices had suffers od a severe slump, the three Prairie ovornmenta put their credit be. ind the wheat pool to the extent | of guaranteeing the hanks against |. loss through the advances made to the pool, According to Information supe plied to the Dominton government there has been no loss, The pool's qrop year ended July 15, Hverys thing transacted from July 18 ons ward is part of the 1930 pool; Compilation of the final returns of the 1029 pool ia underway and haw progressed far endugh to reveal that the pool sold enough wheat above the dollar price to. at least compensate for the quantity which had to be wold below that park. leaving the provinefal guarantoss uncalled, Airship's Commander Himself Mended Fin || St. Hubert Mooring Tower World's Best, Scott Says Ln iin I, * / LUE lL ] ' ment in Britain, is in charge of The graphic story of the R100 f interested groud on the heights of Quebec, following the progress of the dirigible, To the right is another group, watching passes in front of them, In the left centre an artist's sketch of Squadron leader R, 8. Booth, commander of the dirigible, who personally repair: ocourred near Quebes, In the right centre is Major G, H, Scott, who, as assistant director of airship develop: general operation of 'the R100 during ite visit te Canada, od the damaged fin when » mishap . er near the GIANT BRITISH AIRSHIP FOLLOWS PATH OF EARLY CONQU ERORS lent fortress of Quebec is told in the photographs. reproduced above, To the left is an British House Was Prorogued This Afternoon King George's Speech Ex- presses Anxiety Over Unemployment London, Aug, 1.-=The British Par lament was prorogued to-day, the King presenting a speech in which he recounted the suceesses and dif. ficulties of the last session of pars liament which his speech brought to a close, With the Proroguing of parliament, which probably will resume its ses: sions next October, the MacDonald Laborite government is safely in power for the summer, The French and German parliamentary bodies also have been adjourned for the summer, The King expressed his satisface tion with Premier MaeDonald's visit to Canada and the United States, the London naval and Hague Con- ferences, the financial progress of Europe, the evacuation of the Rhine- land, and the mission to South An erica, Voicing the words of his ministers he expressed "grave anxiety over the high level of unemployment during the last year, and indicated his dis- appointment at the failure of an an: glo-Egyptian settlement, MAY AGAIN LEAD PROVINCIAL PARTY Hen. C. A. Dunning May ' * Stick to Provincial . Politics Regina, Ang. 1=Hen, Charles A Dunn ni, Minister of Finance, who Was defeated in Mpnday's election Il, may return to Saskatchewan us eader of the [Provineial . Liberal Party, It was reported in local pol- itical circles today that Mr, Dunning might be disposed to accept an ins vitation to again lead the Liberals in the Provincial field, A new leader is expected to he selected at a rally here late in the full, James G, Gardiner, ex-Prenier of Saskatchewan and present chief of the party, intimated some time ago (hat such a conventfon would: be held \ Montreal, Aug. | England, to St ung minates, crossing from Friedrichshafen to I'he RM, British divigible, Fastward ocean flights: have in 67 hours, R100 Made Westward Trip in Record Time The R100 set a record for westward dirig thle crossings of the Atlantic ocean with its trip from Cardington, Hubert Airport in seventy-eight hours and fifty The ZR-3, huilt in Germany for the later renamed the Los Angeles, crossed in October 1924, from Fried tichshafen to Lakehurst, N.J, in 81 hours, + \ The Graf Zeppelin took 111 hours and 46 minutes made is second crossing in 93 hours flat in 1929 crossed from Scotland to New York in 1919 in JOB hours and *13 minutes much faster time, The Geral Zeppelin has the best record and 24 minutes from Lakehurst to Friedvichshafen in August, 1920 It cronsed the Pacific in September 1929, from Tokid te Los Angeles, United States Navy and for its first Lakehurst, in Qetober, 1928, but the divigibles in 53 hours been made by Rush to Secure Saskatchewan Land - On Last Day (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Prince Albert, Sask, Aug | Fearing the formal transfer of nats ural resources to Saskatchewan tos day will end the granting of free homesteads, a "land rush', which has assumed large proportions in res cont weeks, reached a climax yestors day as dozens of those anxious to Under Dominion Status |} take lands stormed the Deminion land office herve, Fifteen men spout the night on the steps of the office and these were joined "carly hy others with the fesult the capacity uf the local office was seriously taxed on the last day it will be officially under the ¢rown by the right of the Dominion, Lull Prevails at Parliament Hill As Bennett Selects His Cabinet Ottawa, Aug, =A lull prevails in political interest on Parliament Hill, From neither Premierselect Hon, R, 1, Bennett nor Premier Mackenzie King was there any announcement, Mr Bennett is occupied with pre- parations to assume the office of prime minister, Mr, King and his government are preparing to vacate A 50010 as the premier-elect is ready to take over the duties of prime minister, Jn 1921 this process took more than three weeks, but this time the change will be made more rapidly-=possibly the latter part "ol next week, None of the successful contestants in the recent general election are in the capital, The first to come will be those sunumoned by the Conservative leader to enter his cabinet, The composition of his cabinet is engaging the attention of the prems fer-cleet, and no portfolios have yet New Highway Opened © Windsor-=»Tha newly-paved road between Belle River and Tilbury, known as part of the base line, was opened for traffie, There is one de- tour because of Lhe conoreting of the bridge at the Comber sideroad corner, The route shortens the mileage from Windsor to Tilbury by three miles, Hxsl'resident to Marry Mexion City,-+=General Plutareo Ellas ©allex former. President of Mexico and one of her outstanding military leaders, 'will marry Sens orita Leonor Lllorente, aged 24, . . Ld Prince lies to France Brugsela, ~The Prince of Wales yesterday 1eft vy alr for Le Tours quet, I'rance. The takeoN was witnesed by an immense orowd, the R100 as it Official Log Tells Story of R-100's Flight Laconic Entries in Log Give Details of the Trip (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) fit, Hubert Afrport, Montreal, Aug. 1-=JIust one short paragraph in the offtelal log of the giant dirls gible R<100, which landed here to- day from Cardington, England, tells the story of a fight against the elements in the darkest hours of last night, At 9.00 pom, R100 was head: Ing up the 8, Lawreme river, fhe wasn making a fairly good time, Suddenly she passed through a ters rific thunderstorm, The alr was in a turmoil and the huge ship, 700 foot long was tossed for hundreds of feet in the alr, She sustained no damage from her buifeting hows aver, and while considerable delay ybsulted, she managed to ride out the storm without any serious dit- ficulty, In the log, just this muoh of the story ia told, 'At #80 pan, local time passed through thunderstorm, Violently disturbed aly currents Ship's helght varied rapidly be. tween 1,600 and 4,00 feet, Night damage to starboard fin otherwise ship OK, Avolded many thunder. storms." The official log of the R-100's At~ (Continued on Page 3) For Wheat Prices Saskatoon, Sask, Aug, 1=DPresent low wheat. prices were laid to the opérations of the United States farm board by Professor WW, W, Swans son of tde University of Saskatehes wan ina statement yesterday, Dr, Swanson, head of the university economies department and chairman of the Sajkatchewan immigration and gettlensdnt commission, considers that "demoralizing market effects will continie as long as the farm board continues its "artificial mars ket manipulation," To Enter Wine Permits Taronto=Amouncement 'hus heen made by Sir Henry Drayton, chairs wan of the Ontario Liguor Control Board, that provision will he made in the 1931 liguor permits for the listing ENDED FLIGHT GIANT DIRIGIBLE, AFTER DAMAGE HAD CAUSED DELAY, THIS MORNING THE THOUSANDS OF ITS ARRIVAL Airship Finally Moored .to It to Montreal, and Officers Assemble in Thousands t silver bulk of the dirigible nosed Communists in | China Quelled Demonstration Halted by Police Who Charged Student Crowd (Ry Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Shanghal, China, Aug. 1,--The tide of communism havrassing Central China tauvhed the inter national settlement here to-day am 600 student agitators attempted a demonstration only to be repulsed by the eluba of foreign police who had anticipated thelr plans, Police charged when the students gathered in the heart of the Inter national City tp stage a parade tribute red propaganda, The agit. ators soon were soattered, Fifty wera arrested and held for trial in Chinese district court, The French concession, although quiet, took on a warlike appearance an police erected barbed wire en: tanglements, enlarged thelr patrols and closed all streets leading to the native part of the eity, ' EDISON SELECTS HIS "BRIGHTEST BOY" (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Wout Orange, N. J, Aug 1, Arthur Op Willlamy, Jr, of Hast Providence, M1, was chosen to day by Thomas A, Edison from among the "brightest boys' from every state to receive the inventor's second annual college scholarship, Mr, Rdlson announced the wins ner of the seholarahip to the as sombled forty-nine contestants on of purchases of wine the lawn of his home this morning. er ro------ with Communist banners and dis | ACCIDENT TO ONE OF STABILIZER FINS ON R-100 WHILE NEAR QUEBEC AND ENCOUNTER WITH FIERCE THUNDERSTORM, PREVENTED LAND- ING OF DIRIGIBLE AT ST. HUBERT AIRPORT LAST NIGHT, AND CAUSED MUCH ANXIETY TO PEOPLE WAITING FOR 8 Mast at 5,36 This Morning After Flight of 3,364 Miles From Cardington, England, in Charge Express Great Sat. isfaction With Trip--People of Montreal and District 0 Cheer Crew of Dirigible as It Drifts Slowly to Mooring Mast and Is Made Fast (By Wallace HH. Wayd, Canadian Press Staff Writer) St. Hubert Airport, Que, Aug. |. == With the morning sun peeping over the shoulder of Mont St, Hilaire, the British dirigible R100 coupled to her mooring mast at St. Hubert Airport at 5.36 o'clock this morning, ED.S.T,, just 79 kours alter casting loose from her own mast at Cardington, England, were carried out without the slightest hitch from the time the long Mooring operations down towards the tower till she was safey fastened to the revolving anchor at the top of the maat. Heavy eyed from their all night vigil, watehers/at the field follow ed the slow moving lights of the alrship as {t erulsed within five miles of the alvport after cireling Montreal at (wo o'clock, - The rounded bulk of the ship wax caught from time to time in the shaft of light from the searchlight on top of the government hangar, allvering har long shape jewelled with twinkling Nghts, At 4:45 in tha morning, with streaks of dawn showing in the east, the airport beatirred itself for the decking of (Continued on Page 0) . re -- GRAIN CONGESTION AT PORT COLBORNE Trade in Grain Has Become Heavy During Present Week (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Welland, Aug. 1s=Grain figures announced at Port Colborne show a fairly heavy trade for the week ending July 28 A total of 22168 bushels were received for the week; and 2430830 bushels wera: forward. od, 'Thin brings the tatal for the year to MARI bushels received and 21,580879 bushels forwarded, Av present there are 2.837.500 bushely in the elevator and it is filled nearly to capacity, The vessels Collingwood, Casnadoe, Stadacona and James 1, Fades, along with the barge Glons bogie, are at present waiting to uns load, but the indications are that about three of there will be ows Saturday, Noted Artist Dina Montreal=A Dickson Patterson, RUA, a native of Pieton, Ont wha during his career as an avtist pain od the portraits of many outstand ng Heures in Canadian life, died heve yesterday in his 77th year, after a month's thes,

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