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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Aug 1930, p. 1

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R-100 TRIPS MAY NOT BE Crovar in Otlawa fd Rr LY r of ra % Wer Ottawa this morning bot. dec! od to Some nt on his plans for the fu- y Ld Fishing Hoats ' don, = An hn ¥ Tele 0 Gening ioamoIDs, Bhoid in Kamohatkan waters, off forthe ori Avis, were being armed with Fr Beds pera lod pression by Rovio Pohing patrols, 0» Death Accidental Welland, ~Accidentul douth wan the verdict of the coroner's jury, at the Juquest into the desth of sorge Losier, who died from a» Hof & crane in No, | building July 84 at the Internstions) fokel company plant, Wioped' in "Bok Car London, Ont,=A box car ¢lope- ont staged by James Reed, 14, Mary Adair, 17, of Uakville, ded overnight In the city police fll, Today the boy and gir) werd remanded in oustody for a week while the authorities com- miunionte with their parents, Ofeors Huspended Onit,==Poliea Chiet D, I, Boyd apd Acting Detective Robert Car son have been suspended pendiug a police commission Investigation of charges against them, Many rumors as to the nature uf the oharges are flying through 'he city but this has not been disclosed, a. @ Killed near Paris Bordeaux, Yrance~Mrs, Anes Leonidas Beaty, wite of the New York lawyer and Chast National Pank director, was killed In an automobile collision on the Ror deaun-Paris highway, » * J Giroom-osbe Drowned Sault Ste, Marie, Ont.~Chester Marshall, Korah, was drowned near Hers at Hiawatha Park, near the oity, while bathing, He was 00 years of age and wap (0 hive heen married neat month, 's Bank Yields #90, ranttord,~~On , the return of ph Lipoviteh, Jr, 111 Alfred , he. discovered that during Lh i Tt PLEADS GUILTY. TO CHARGE OF ARSON Port Colborne Woman I Allowed Suspended Sentence (Ry Cundian Press Lassed Wire) Port Colborne, Aug. 2=Mrs, Mary ®, 'Taylor, who pleaded guilty in pos lige court here to-day to starting a fire on he remises of Mu. eM Alport, Humberstone, was given . dvd sentence and, base on §1,000 ond for one year, Magistrate Mass soy lectured the woman severely after she: had Mmitted Jniating, the hots h sence of the ¢ hole biase which did $100 dam: age mr ------ GILIS ASPIRES 70 BE SENATOR Famous Newburyport Mayor The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer PO adn "ve Villy A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1930 16 Conts 8 Week; 3 Conts » Copy SEES NEED OF "RECIPROCAL AGREEMENTS Believes a Trade Agree: ment Would Go a Long Way . Toward Solving Canadian and British Un. employment CLAIMS LABOR PARTY SPLIT ON QUESTION Lord Middleton of Yorkshire Is Surprised That Can- adian Farmers Do Not Give More Attention to Haskatoon, Mask, Aug, 4A res clprocal trade agreement would go a long way toward solving unems ployment in Canada and Great Britain, says Lord Middleton, of Yorkshire, Eng, but the Labor government would likely to have rid itself of extreme radical In- fluences to be entering into sueh an agreement, There are men In Labor party ready to implement" the idea but he doubts they are strong sneuth to carry the party, Lord Middleton is visiting Can~ ada an head of the Yorkshire Vol untary Immigration Board, to gain first hand knowledge of cohditions here, In. Haskatoon yesterday he disoused trade matters at Jength J pW men, J v ton ds owher of 08.» 000 wores of land in Yorkshire and Shutatin a mods! arm, a has studied agricultural gonditions olosely on his trip through from the eastern seaboard and expressed himsalt as surprised at the appar: ont Iack of Interest of Canadian farmers In livestock work, Creat benefit would follow to all, he add. od, If farming operations were wid: aned to embrace the different lines of llventook, Champlons Ousted El Pano, Tex. --Cecelia Heliwar British Peer Discusses Empl ET EET CEO SF PUES I BTN Co oyment Question Ji i his - A --- i R-100 OFFICERS WELCOMED AT MONTREAL Canadian oMeinls who welcomed In standing Sir Denistown Burney, minister of defence, who welcomed of operations of R100, and on Canadian and U.S. Yachtsmen In Race Series New Jersey Club' Has Two Points Lead Over Royal St, Lawrence tau, 10, claimed the girls' (ree-sits ting ohamplonship of AR4 hou and Doyle Gaither, 14, the boys' they were ordered down by City Health OMcer Outlaw, their health, POLICE BELIEVE tion Regarding Port Credit Murder Suspects -- (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) ohamplonship of 400 hours, when The offo- or sald treewsitting was bad for THEY HAVE CLUE Taxi-Driver Gives Informa. (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Montreal, ug, 1--With yaehia men frony the Barnegat Bay Yaoht Racing ssoelation of Heaside Park, NJ, leading by two victories yes terday, Royal Bt, Lawrence Yaoht Club skippers were making a des perate hid for supremacy to-day with two ° yaces scheduled, The local series 1a concluded with twa races today, but on August 23 and 20 they vace aguin at Barnegat May, this time In four American racing sloops, Ted Hohosttle and Rlade Dale, the two Bamegat Day skippers, ehch salled a winning race yester day morning and afternoon respec. tively, George Hamilton of the Canadian €luh pressed them hard and eked out & second place on both occasions, The four erews are all walling Canadian bouts, chang: ing after each vaee wo. that each orew salla different boat In each of the four races Toronto, Aug. 2=A new lead has been given tu provineial police in OFFICKHRN OF DINIGIRLY designer of the R100, evew of 100 on behalf of (he whose vight is Squadron Leader Crops in (By Canadian Press Leassd Wire) Toronto, Aug, &~An overcast sh this morning that carvied a distant threat of rain made Ontario farmers glad, The rural folk have heen hop mg for ruin for the last few wee and unless t eomes soon practically all crops excepting corn will be seri ously affected by the longest drought of the season Pastares throughout Western On tario have heen seorelied hy the heat anil mille production his heen eur talled to a fraction of the normal apply, dideymen claim, and in centres the entire industry in hein threatened In the Chatham district, beans, to one Regina, Hask, Aug, 2--Ballota In connection with the one-hundred per oant pool have been went out to all Hankatohewan Wheat Pool growers who are sharsholders and under current contract, Growers ara asked tn vote on the question of whether they are In favor of, or opposed to, the Roard of Directors asking the government to pasa a Crain Marketing. Act whigh would provide that all grain grown in Haskatohewan he mars keted through one pool with the following provisions the R100 and oMicors of divigihle, In the centre (with derby and cane), Is Col, J, 1 Nose to him is Major G, HW, Beott, in charge Ontario Farmers Hoping For Heavy Rain to Save ARRIVAL Mayor ATER In the ™EIR extreme left in Dominlon government Houde of Montvenl, and on his left Halston, Canadian HB, Booth, youthful commander of the 100 Parched Areas ere arn has not and voor crops have und while heen altected, an dry climate, tarmers 1 hisevo severely ito theives in a hot believe this or Hine Reports from othe parts of th provinee indiente wid pon have completely died up and farmer ire forced to haul water for then livestocl Latest weather forecasts from the dominion observatory here predict Hight showers today. "This will help the situation somewhat; but a steady rin of a day or two is needed 10 completely alleviate the situation agricultural exports helleve Saskatchewan Growers to Vote on Compulsory Wheat Pool Proposal provines should he conducted hy the government and twosthirds of all voting in such veferendum should be in favor of the proposed aol hefore It should be put into foree, (2) That the grain pool toa he provided for must he entirely un der control of the growers deliver Ing grain, * (HThat all the producers of grain in the provines (pool ov non pool) must have equal velee in the gontral of the organisation AIL ballots must he in the hands | | Toronto Man Is Badly Injured In Car Smash tou will wilt, if the dry spell con- | Accident Occurred On The Provincial Highway Near Gananoque (By "Canadian Freas Leased Wire) Ais, 3-Wm, Savage, in Kingston General He toinjuries re Cininogue, Foronto, Is pital with eelved nan automobile collision near here last evenin John Riddell, 98 Winnett Ave, Toronte, sustained and hiv wife had several teeth knocked out in the same collision Phe evash ocenrved when a car driv Riddell in whieh the other two WERE Passe ngel was hurled against i telegraph pole In attempting to pass a car driven hy Clarence MH, Fer ris, &% Kenwood Ave, Ottawa, Ont, Phe (Rddell var was completély de molished: Ferris escaped injury and his car was not badly damaged ONE MAJORITY FOR CONSERVATIVE Tie Is Declared Broken in eros che Cuts en hy TEN PAGES CANCELLED DOMINION GOVERNMENT IS ANXIOUS THA T SCHEDULED FLIGHTS SHOULD BE MADE CABINET MAKING GIVES BENNETT DIFFICULT TASH Conservative Malwarts Are Gathering in Ottawa to Advise Leader ------ (By Canadian Press bavsed Wire) Ottawa, Aug, 2-With a new dn minlon ministry in the making politi enl circles in the eapital presented a pleture of restless expectancy over the week-end, Hon, RB, Bennett the victorious Conservative leader, is sire to glve very serious and more or less extended consideration to the selection of the men who will form his eabinet, The political future of many a supporter will he decided for or against during the next few days Maeunwhile, stalwarts of the party are reaching Ottawa from far-flung battle lines to he in readiness to of fer advice to thelr ehief when they miy he called upon, Tt Is 8 weighty tusk to form A government In wm country so divergent in its interests and so cosmopolitan in its popula tion as Canada Most of the Ministers of the King government are now in the capital making preparations to vacate the positions they have occupied during the past parliament, There Is much routine to be carried out In order that thelr successors may he able to plek up the strings of tasks unfine ished hy the retiring government Mr, Bennett Is expeeted to romain in Ottawa ever the wegk-end and Premier MacKenzie King will prob ably divide his tinre hetween Laurier House, his summer home at Kings mere and his ofiee in the east block, SASKATOON BOY KILLED IN QUEBEC Fatal Accident Occurred When Car Skidded Into Pitch (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hawkesbury, Que, Aug. 2 Robert Kills, aged three, was In stantly killed near here lant night when the automobile in whigh he was riding with his parents, Mr and Mes, Arthur B, Bilis, of Baska. toon, skidded on a slippery road and crashed into a diteh, The boy was pinned under the ear, Neither the parents nor Reverly, aged six, wan hurt, The Ellis' started out from Haakatoon in June on a motor trip to visit friends in Moncton, NW, HON, H. H, STEVENS IS CALLED TO CAPITAL (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Vancouver, B.C, Aug, 3-Hon, H. H, Htevens, former Conservative cabinet minister and a Vancouver 1 | Col. J. L. Ralston, Minister of National Defence, Fly. ing From Ottawa to St. Hubert To Discuss The Matter With British Officials REPAIR WORK PROVES TO BE 'riCKLISH JOB Panel to Cover the Gaping Hole in Fin of Giant Dir. igible Being Made in Montreal, And Will 3a Put in Place by Crew | (By Jack Hambleton, Canadian Press Balt Writer) Ouawa, Aug, 2,-=It Is learned on reliable authority the Dominion Kovernment is anxious that the British diriginie R 100, whose fin Was damaged In her Aight from Cardington, Kng., tn Bt, Hubert, Que, should make her neheduled Alghts In Canada, An ofeinl statement Inkund al Bt, Hubert last night Aid the pros posed fight 1n Ottawa, on Aug fh, had heen abandoned And It was hinted the fights te Quehee and Central Ontario also would ue ahs andoned or postponad hecausa of the necessity for making repairs Col, 1, 1, Ralston, Minister of National defense, plans to Ay in a Hubert shortly after noon toe v Repairs Under Way Bt, Hubert Atrport, Que. Aug, 9, Repair work to the damaged fn Of tha Rritish dirigible R100 in well under way at this alrport tos day, The damaged panel of the AAbIising An has already heen measured, and a new pane! has been made ready to he Inced inte place, "Coping" of the new pennl necording to members of the orew, will he done from the outside of the huge envelope as the ship AWInEs at anchor at the §t, Huber mooring mast, Present plans eal! for two men,.In ho'sun's chairs tn he swung from each side of the hig fin, Them they wht pull the {Wo chairs together with ropes, and Wart In to "depe" or glue the huge patel inte positien, The repoir work da a tioklieh Job, eines the (Continhed on Page 1) CLAIMS BRITISH SCHOONER SUNK Sailor Lands in. Boston With Strange Story of Disaster (By Canadian Press Leased Win) Boston, Mass, Aug. 2e=Joseph Sampson, Halifax, N.S, who said he was a member of the British sehoon- er White Way, told the British ons sul here that the vessel sank last - Election for Yamaaska, representative in the House of | Saturday on the western banks, off (1) That a special veferendum of the returning officer Nept, 1, | Throws His Hat Into (By Conadian Press Lasssd Wire) Mags, Aug, Bom Ji "Bossy" Glia Wan A OAne odn nominas Junch room here last night and 2 ouneed hin Antioch "1 am ne to be the next United States senator and you oan put that tn phat", he sald, Continuing, he toslared he would seek 200 names on nomination papers | wor, Nuttolk, Midd sounties, n Worse and Essex the brutal murder of Phillip G, Rum bold near Port Credit on the night of July 31, ollowing a visit to a roadhouse or wl Sonstalle on sane to PONG an uestiones Vi Bishop, ahd er bony to the roadhouse at four o'elock on the morning Rumbold's body was found in his ear in the Mineola Road, ithop gave the officers a detailed deseription of the two men who sald hey had come from Tonawanda the previous day, The taxisdriver stated the two men a ared to have plenty of money, flashing twenty and fifty dollar bills when at the roadhouse, cant of Port Credit, Inspector String: oseph Allen ome regarding two men sald to have been taken by him their search for the pu etrators of pa The final standing of political parties in the recent elections, after the one doubtful seat in Guibas had been given to the 'offlervatives, in reported hy The Canadian Press as follows: Conservatives iii 139 Liberals vin PROR «ovo vin isin Libs Prog. iin RBBOE 1 uririapresins sarsinevine Independent iii yx SRR Re | | Recogniz Welsh Language Is Now O ficially e by British Post Office (My Consdian Proms Leased Wine) London, Aug, 2-=KEnglish postal servants henceforth must cultivate at Rath nodding a jraltunge with th els as heen ru hy the BE OR) H, D. Leen: Smith, MP, : The ruling is designed to prayent the recurrence of incidents like t on July 7, when a ea non Welsh, despatched from the armen Postoffien to Canada, we refused transmission at Tondo he sender {wanted the henefit of cheap rates to wish a friend in Canada a long and happy life, Cheap rates are not iy i WHA RR a li able for code messages and Welsh is not one of the ofoially listed langu- ages, 30 that the message was re tubned with a request to translate it into English or Jn Thin incident was brought to the attention of the PostmastersGeneral in the House of Commons on Mon day, and deseribed as a "humiliation to Wales," Orders have heen isseued that the humiliation shall he removed immediately, and the Welsh langu- Cy placed on an equal footing with nghish and French in the deferred 'ate cables between Great Reitain and Canada, of all the grain growers In the On Pulpwood (Ry Canadian Press Lonnsd Wire) Washington, Aug, 2Tha ban on Russian pulpwood Imposed hy the Treasury a woek ago waa lifted lant night hy Assistant Heeretary Lowman, who issued orders to Cols lectors of Customs fo admit to this Sountry 70 ahiploads of the pro duet, The pulpweod from Archangel was barred under a weotion of the {Tarif Act, whieh prohibits the im» portation of gods, merchandise ov material produced In a fovelgn rountry in whole or pit hy eonviot labor, The embarao wan lald down when the Treasury received infor SIXTEEN KILLED IN COLLAPSE OF CAVE (Ry Canadian Proms Leased Wire) Melilla, Bpanish Morooes, Aus #,-Sixtean natives ineluding fits teen women, wera killed today hy the collapre of a eave In the town of Renibuidar, vopion of Tenses man, Twenty natives were in the cave extracting olay for use In washing clothes when the aceldent oveurred, 'Three other natives were injured, TET Em ------ 1080, United States Removes Embargo from Soviet Russia ------ mation that vonviets had heen wu od in loading the lumber, Lowman said in a statement last nEht that the evidence had net heen found sufficient to establish that the pulpwood was produced by oenviot labor The "Amtors Trading Corporas ton, an offielal Russian commer oll organisation, sold $4,600,000 worth of pulpwood to the Interna tional Paper Company, the West Virginia Pulp and Paper Company and the Racquett River Paper Company, all of whom, together with shipowners and ohartevers, protested against the embargo, Sr------------------------------ LENNOX MAJORITY IN NORTH YORK IS 313 (By Canadian Press Leased Wie) New Market, Ang, 2=York Novth gave Col, 1 HL Lenntdx a majority of MA ft was announced here this morning, The official figures are Cal, Ti MH. Lennox, Conservative, 10402 WP, Muloek, Liberal, 10,084, Col. Lennox has held the seat of North York since 1935 when he es feated Rt. Hon, WLM, King by a majority of 494, \ Quebec (By Canadian Press Loansd Wire) Montreal, Aug 2oe=Yun anka County 1a Conservative hy one vote, A tia In the voting had been reported hut yesterday the ves turning oMoer broke the sepls «f the ballot boxes and, after adding the totals declaved that Paul Cans tale, Conservative, waa he vigtor over Alme Boucher, Liberal, forms er member for the county, in Mons day's general election, Tha Libs eral party, therefore will have te decide If It desives a judieinl res aunt, The enesvate majority relieves the returning oMear, Robert Ver onneau, of the rveaponsibliity of onsting a deciding vote and hy hin own action placing the county Among the new government's any porters or In the new apposition, The total vote wan not aunounes od, Record Rainfall Recorded in July (By Canadian Press Leased Whe) Montreal, Aug. 2 July recorded the greatest rainfall in JO years, aes cording to MeGill Observatory of fiofals who pointed out that, although the month was not a record one in this respect; it had the third greats ost rnfall in the So years history of the observatory, . Gommona for nineteen years until hin defeat in Vancouver Qentre in Monday's General election, has re. osived a telegram calling him to Ottawa, This, 1t is considered in Conservative cireles here, means that Mr, Stevens will he given a portfolio in Premier-eleot Rennett's government, Traine Collide Toronto, ~~Passengers on the 0, N.R, Ruffalo train were badly shak. on up and frightened late last alght when a shunting engine backed Into the end of the train in the yards just west of Hpadna Avenue. One passenger, Mra, Ka. therine Rule, 44, of #t, Catharines, wan taken to Toronto General Hoss pital fn an ambulance, Nova Scotia, and that he did not know the whereabouts of the caps tain and crew of ten men, Sampson said he wan picked up Thursday hy the fishing scheener Mary Goulart after he had drifted 200 miles in a dory, The White Way, Sampson said, wan five days out of Halifax and had taken 20000 pounds of fish when she opened in the bow and 'began to leak, While the Captain, William MeDonald, and the rest of the crew were preparing to abandon the ves sel, Sampson sald he went to the forecastle to wet hin belongings When he returned on deck, he sald, the others had left the schooner He put off alone in the remaining dory, x hod Gandhi's Lieutenant and Aides - Again Arrested by Indian Police Rombay, India, Aug, 2=Vallabhal Patel, Pandit Malaviya dnd four other prominent members of the Ins dian Colton Working Conunittee were suddenly arrested this morning, Patel and Mdlaviya had joined a group of volunteers stubbornly sitting on the roadway outside the fort area, where police had surrounded them and blocked their march to the fort business area, Throughout the night, even through a violent rainstorm that drenched both police and volunteers, Patel and Malaviya sat with Mrs, Hansa Mehta, President of the Rombay Congress Committee, and her followers, The demonstration was in coms memaration af the tenth anniversary of the death of the Nationalist lead: or, Tilak, It was not interfered with until the demonstrators attempted 10 march into the business section, ° Patel is one of Mahatma Gandhi's chief Heutenants, and was arrested at thevery heginning of the eivil dis. abedience campaign, but' subsequent: ly was released,

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