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Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Aug 1930, p. 2

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* PACE TWO THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, Bowmanville Daily imes News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the Bowmanville Office of Block, King Street, The Times in the Cowan Telephones--=Office~~B87; House~~131, Bowmanville Representative==B, Herbert Mortlock . A, James Completes His "60 52nd. Year as Editor Here With this week's issue of the Cana- 1 dinn Statesman Bowmanyille's Yoslely newspaper, the senior editor, M, A, ¢ James, completes his Bnd year as editor, Tt is not often that an editor wenthers the storm of Journalism and } public life for this length of time and n doing so Mr. James Is not only making history in the world of Jour- nalism but Is surrounding himself with u record of public service which is perhaps, not equalled In Canada, «Mr, Junies still writes his Editor "Talks column each week and Is nears ly every day seen at the office fole « lowing the destines of the newspaper the suegess of which Is closely en« ¢ twined In the story of his life, His weekly column Is not only exceptions ally Interesting but covers toples of A wide variety, "Mr. James eame to Bowmanville on July 10th, 1678, from Baltimore Ontarle, where he had heen principal of the public school for nearly four years, It was on August lat of that year that he became the proprietor of the Statesman, buying the busi ness from another veteran newspaper man, W, R, Climle, who also wis one of the founders of the Oshawa Reo former which Is now The Oshawa Dally Times, Very few Issues that one of August 1st, 1878, have heen printed without » contribution from the pen of Mr, James, The Oshawa Daily Times offers ity contempory its heartiest congratula tions to Mr. James on the comple thon of his 52 years bs 8 journalist and together with these congratulu tions wishes him fany mere years of health In which to be, #s he al- ways has been, a service and as eredit to the community, This morning's issue of the Toron. to Globe makes the following edi torial remarks concerning Mr, Junes "Mr, M, A, James this week com: plates his hity-second yeur us editor of the Canadian Statesman, "This is # remarkable regord, but It means more than mere fongtn of years, ws Mr, James during all this time has heen a prolific eontributer to his paper, and never fulled with hig weekly feature, "The Fditor Talks These talks covered un wide range of subjects, and ravenled the versatility of the writer and his Intensive kpow- ledge 'of loeal and world affairs, Fifty years Is # long span in the life of #ny man, but the spending of this period In Journalistic work Is Jarabe ublque in the newspaper world; and there will be general hope that this veteran of the press may be spared ta continue for many years his ex« cellent contributions to the paper with which he hos been so long us sociated," "AMERICAN CAR GOES OVER FENCE AT C.P.. BRIDGE a C. R. Pattyn of Detroit and Wife Injured in Accle dent This Morning £, R, Pattyn and his wile of 202 Took Building, Detrolt, were injured this morning when their car crashed over the embankment at the CPR hridge at the western limits of the town, Mr, Pattyn was proceeding east and when coming to the sharp turn skidded on the wet pavement and was heading for the south diteh, and In avolding this turned across the road and crashed through the cable fence at the north side and landed upside down twenty feet he. low, near the tracks, The tourists were pinned (nside the ear until Wil Ham Hoskin, driving a Garton coach urelved and let them out, Mr, Hoskin took the injured people to Dr, Storey by whom they were treated and later allowed to proceed, badly damaged, The car was Just how long this denth trap»ls going to be allowed to claim scores of motorists as victims each year hs a matter of conjectures but it seems to be time that the town council did something about it Past councils have appealed to the CPR. to have the bridge straighten ed out and two or three times the company has sent down engineers who have made plans for the work only to seemingly completely forget about It when the ae i ure for gotten, Last winter when the roads were slippery there were as many as elght cars In one evening crashed into this bridge GOODYEAR SUFFER SECOND DEFEAT DURING THIS WEKK Ivan Smith's Sensational Pitching Holds League Champions in Check For the second time: this week Goodyears were beaten in a saheduled REI What most people call Indigess tion Is usually excess acid In the stomach, The food has woured, The Instant . remedy is an alkall Which neutralizes acids, But don't use orude helps, Use what your dootor would advise, The best help in Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, Tor the 0(0 years since ita Invention it has remained standard with physielana, You will find nothing else 80 gulok in its of feot, wo harmless, wo efficient; One tasteless spoonful In water AR APS M5. SA i J I neutralizes many times its velume in acid, The results are immedi: ate, with no bad after-effects, Onoe you learn this fact you will. never deal with excess neld In the crude ways, Go learn==now--=why this method is supreme, Be sure to get the genuine Phils Hpa' Milk of Magneala prescribed by physicians for 60 years in core reoting excess acids. Waoh bottle contalng full directions--any drug: store, USED - and looks like new. Ross, Ames : Company Limited 138 King Strest W. -- BARGAINS 1920 ESSEX SEDAN. A Beautiful Car for the Whole Family 1928 ESSEX SEDAN. Thoroughiy reconditioned _ and sold with our 30 Day Guarantee 1920 CHEVROLET SEDAN, small mileage, runs 1926 CHEVROLET CANOPY top-truck, } ton, © 'just the truck for delivering groceries. CARS New Car Warranty, & Gartshore Phone 1160 ame of the second series when the Yeon street team came out at the long end of a 7 to 4 score last night, Just what has happened to the wine ners of the hHrst schedule and last veur's champlons is hard to tell, Bome have the Iden that Goodyeur are sure of the huuls and sre not trying to win but last hight hey we peared to be trying hard enough but the sensational pitching of Ivan Bmith held them in check throughout the game, Smith gave them little hance to get away and In the eighth nnings struck out theres men, Smith has been playing In the Church league for Tyrone and came to play for Vront street just before the end of the first schedule, He is # nice clean pitcher and Is true to the center of the plate, He has a knack of taking # long breath before pitching und this seems to worry the batters quite u bit, If Goodyear continue to lose ns they have heen this week they will leave two other teams in the playoffs although they are certain of # place in the finals being the winners of the first sche- dule, The teams last night were, Ibs Oke and Brough, It; Candler, ¢; Smith, pi Turner, 3b; Cole, 2b} Bell and Adams, ef; Bates, rf, Goodyear, Osborne, ss; KE, Colwell, 2b; Goddard, If; Hurvny rf; B Colwell, pi; 8, James, 1b; MeMurter, ¢; Jackman, 3; Moorcraft, ef, NEWS ABOUT TOWN CASE ENLARGED Edward V. Andrews, of 124 Vulton Avenue, Toronto, who appeared he fore Magistrate Ward In police court yesterday afternoon charged with reckless driving had his cigs en Inrged for two weeks, Andrews way the man who on July 7 crashed inte a car In which Miss B, K, Harris, senior public health nurse of Oshawa was Injured, Holiday Attractions ° There are two things scheduled for the holiday which 'might he of Interest to some citizens, Both ure in the afternoon und both are worth while, 'The annual garden party of St, Joseph's Roman Catholle Church will be held on the White Grounds during the afternoon and evening and the other attraction Is the annual Bowling Tournament ut the bowling greens, Sunday at St, John's Seventh Sunday after Trinity, ser viges Holy Communion and Sermon at 11 am, Sunday School at 12.30 pm and evening prayer at 7 o'clock The Rector will be In charge of all 'pervices, Doctors Away on Vasations For the information of those who have need of a doctor oceaslonally it will be of Interest to note that the following doctors will be away dure ing the month, Dr. C, W, Slemon will be away until September 2nd, Dr Dinniwell until the 1th of August and Dr, 6G, ( Bonnyeastle from August 4th until August 18th St. Andrew's Chureh Services at St, Andrew's Preshy terlan Church will he as follows on Sunday, Sunday School 10 am Morning worship 1 wm, and evens mg worship at 730 pan, The mins ter, the Rev, W, J. Todd, will be in charge of all services, Women's Auxiliary Meet The regular monthly meeting af tive Women's Hospftal Auxilinry was held In the nurses' residence yesterday af ternoon with a large attendance Regular business was in order for the sasnion and one of the shortest meet ings of the year was held TROTR TO REDUCK pEFICIY Nrockvilla Aug, 2.=In a fival effort to wipe out the debts of the Brockville Fair Assoolation o series of trotting matinees {a proposed for Wednesday afternoons during the remainder of the Bummer With the program supplemented hy oy sports, There are 16 hoses In training on the loeal trnek and these would he Joined hy ol rer trot ters of the distriet, GABBY QERTIE "A shatter wouldn't sound so flat It he'd make his chatter flatter" Aha Beauty or A SMAWL TOWN 1s You DONT Wave To 4 oleh A Ho\D we NAT ¢ ¥ Front Street, Ceborng, si J, James, || ! Rose A New Wolfe Memorial The third Matute erected in England to commemorate the Hero of the Plains of Abraham, " vs A magnificient statute of General Jumes Wolfe, the hero of the Plains of Abraham, was last month une velled In Greenwich Park, London, not far from Macartney house, where his mother lived, and which Is still standing on the edge of the park, The movement which result od In the erection of this statute wis started in Canada more than twenty years ugo, but it was not until the diamond jubilee of Cons federation that a new Impetus was given to It, Through the efforts of un committee headed by Sir Campbell Stuart sufficient funds were raised to erect the monument and commission Dr, Tait McKenzie to model the statute, Among those who assisted in the unvelling cere. monies was the present Marquis de Montealim, whose great ancestor it was that Wolfe vanquished on the plains before Quebec Wolle's name will always be ine dellibly connected with the history of Canada, but, as the Prince of Wales sald on the biscentenary in 1927 of Wolfe's birth, it is rather as un ploneer, u creator, than as a soldier, that we think of him now, I'here in the Empire's history a few names that are imperishably unsocinted with certain parts of the Empire, and it In Impossible to think of Canada without thinking ot Wolfe, 'That flest glimpse of Ques bee, whether it be from the east or the west, Inevitably brings him to And Jot In also be sald thst it Is impossible to think of Wolfe without also thinking of Montealm and of the loyalty of the French Canadians ever since to the British fag The statute is based on numerous plagures and particularly of sketches of Wolfe before Quebec made by his aldes-de-camp, Capts, Har vey Smith and Townshend, But the statute Is much more than a res constructed likeness, The seulptor veers successfully to have mastered Wolfe's character, even, it may be said, his processes of thought, so that the figure Is alive with that im- alinative alertness, that openness ol mind and eye and heart which all necounts of Wolfe lay stress on, In his athleile sculpture Dr. Mes one's mind GENERAL WOLFE Kensie has, naturally, been led to look for the "seulptural moment" in the movement he Is representing; that moment of compressed limbs and tense muscles that summarises the In a majority of his atheletie works the sculptusl moment Is immediately prior to the release of effort, The cholee of such a pose, us Mr, Hus sey expresses ity "charges the sta. tue with an explosive encegy 4 coms pressed vitality, that reproduces it sell In the spectator" In the ace count of the Wolfe statue in the same book vecurs the following de scription of the sculptural moment for it} Wolfe, besides being a supremely efficient soldier, was the seer of visions who, amid the routine and excursions of a campaign, could see the distant future unrolled, and could write to his mother: "North. America will some time hence be au vast empire, the seat of power and learning, 'There will grow a people out of our little spot, England, that will fill this vast apace oo 4" Thin Is» Wolfe's significance to Britain and Canada to-day the vise lonary to whom the Infinite hap. piness was given to die in the mos ment of his vislon's dawn, And jt Is as the visionary in the moment of dynamies of any uetion ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS FLICKERS PROM FILMDOM AND GOBIP OF THE BCREAN A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCREEN ACTIVITIES While dramatic. artists predominate in the cast of "Her Man" Pathe's pleture of the Havana underworld, there are more well known comedians in the pleture playing supporting roles than in any produes tion made by that company, The cast includes James Gleason, and Harry Sweet, who are featured; Slime Summerville Jerry Drew, Neely lidwards, Kewpie Morgan, Charlie Dougherty and ud Jamieson, With the exception of Gleason, every one of these actors have been either featured or starred in two reel comedies, . » L) Columbia's "Sweethearts on Parade," under the direction of Mars shall Nulla studios in Hollywood, in going Into the last weeks of production at the Christie Alice White heads an unusual cast of favorites which Includes Lloyd Laghes, Marie Prevost, Kenneth Thomson, Ray Cooke, Wilbur Mack, Ernest "Sweethearts on ood, and Max Asher, Parade" is a sophisticated comedy revolvin, about the rivalry in the Navy and the Maring Corps for the hearts of young The plot is unique and the treatment unusual, The story is hy Al Cohn and James Starr and was adapted for the screen by Colin Clements, oe . LJ June Walker, prominent New York stage actress, has been placed under contract to etrosGoldwyn-Mayer and will have the leading role in a now season screen production, "War Nurse," this company ans nounces, "War Nurse" is described ng a true story of a woman's side of the World War, and will he directed hy Edgar Selwyn, who recently went out to the coast and has been stud M:GsM studio, » . ving flim production methods at the . . Ina Claire, star of stage and screen, has been Agned by Paramount for the chief feminine role in "The Royal Family," whieh will be filmed this summer at the New York studio of the company, Miss Claire, now fn California, wired her acceptance of the role several days ago, She ix scheduled to arrive in New ¥ork early in August, March, now playing opposite Naney Carroll in © Frederic 'Laughter® has heen ay: signed the rele of Miss Claire's screen brother=-a characterization in which he scored on the sage and which won him a screen contract, AVith the signin of Zasu Pitts, and Robert Ellis for Columbia's - "I'he Squealer," under the direction of Harry Fie Brown, the con ¢ pany went on location, Jack Helt and Dorothy ovier are the featured players in this authentic action drama, which deplets life on the old Barbary Const and is an adaption of the famous stage play of the ate tle, Advertising, subse Whitby Branch Off] After AT ST. JOHN'S HOME About B50 Will Be Cared for at Camp Near Whit. by This Year Speaking at the opening of a new cottuge at St, John's Rest Home, Corbett's Point, near Whitby, Rey, J, Russell MacLean, rector of the Garrison Church, expressed the hope that very soon there would be estab lished u convalescent home, open win- ter and summer, for the poor of Tor. onto, This Is u great need at the present time, the rector said, ; The cottage opened was the gift of the Clementina. Fessenden Chapter of the LODE, Toronto, The pre« sentation addresses were made by Mrs, ¥, W, Bradwin, Regent, and Mrs, Robert Falconer, former Regent, Mrs, W, R, Jackson of the Silver Cross Chapter ulso spoke, praising the work of the rest home, which has been In operation for nine yeurs, and has taken care of 3,500 men, women and children during that time, It is planned to receive 550 this senson, More sleeping uecommoda tion Is another urgent need at the home. The Garrison Business Men's As sociation, Toronto, was represented hy President E, B, Collett, C. V, Syrett, A; T, Brown, Harry Jullen Jr, and Douglas Farmer, LOOKED FOR A SUMMONS, BUT GOT A SUITCASE Picnic Party Handed a Big Surprise by Police Chief Many and varied are the duties of Whithy's Chief of Police, Ww, Quantrill, While his principal duty Is to maintain law and. order, and ay sanitary Inspector guard the public health, he Is often called upon to ive public service to outsiders which ge not come within the police rules and regulations, Here Is on illustra. tion, Fiiday afternvon the chief re. ceived a telephone eall from Toronto stating that a certain party, proceed. Ing east to 4 party, had left without a much needed suitense, and asking hm If he would stop' them going through Whithy and Inform them, The suitease was brought here, but although a diligent watch was kept for the ear bearing the ewner it was not until a considerable time later that Constable Thomas observed it Pissing through the town, recogniz ng It Ly its license number The chief got Don Wilson, of the David son Motor Co, to drive him east and the car was overtaken near Oshawa, ™e occupants were visibly frighten The Whitby s and news will , at Gasette and Chionlele,~Telephone 23, weiness Hours~Phone IW, REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON OPEN NEW COTTAGE Daily Times be vecoived at the ed when the chief Hopped them, evi~ dently thinking that they were being summoned for speeding, for as » matter of fact, they were moving slong at a very fast rate, After warning them about speeding, the chief produced the suitcase and told them of the message he had receiv- ed, They were not aware that it was not in thelr ear, and they ap peared very pleased to get it instead of 8 summons, FALL TOURNEY ON AUGUST 13 Whitby Bowling Club's An- nual Event-- Weekly * Scores -- At the weekly tournament of the Whitby Bowling Club held on the local greens on Friday evening, there was much keen competition for the three prizes. It had been planned to entertain the Hospital bowlers but none of them made thelr apbgarance For the first place Levi Dudley and Herb Webster were tied after an ex- belting contest, In the play-off Mr. Dudley carried off the honors, vile Mr, Webster won second, Fred Maundrell won the consola tion prize with Frank Booth as =a close second The weekly tournaments, played on the plus system, will be continued throughout the season, On Wednesday, August 3th, the commencing at one pm standard time, It is expected that i large number of rinks from all parts of the district will he on hand, The event takes place the same day a» the Whitby Street Falr, and one event will help the other, The tournament will operate under the plus system, each team playing three games with four sets of valu able prizes, The secretary of the tournament is John Hay, and an nouncements have been mailed to several outside clubs -- a ------r MORE TOURISTS NOW Russell Bailey, who has charge of the Town Park, reports an Increase In the number of American tourists using the motor camp, For the first part of the season the tourist tral fic was very light, Tt has picked up, however, in the past two weeks, CHIEF HAS WHITE HAT Whitby's Chief of Police can now be more easily identified during the summer months because of his white hat, which he wore on Friday for the first time, discarding the regulation Chief's cup, The new hat will be gooler for the symmer months, and it is one whieh Is used in all police forces, particularly in the larger centres, a ---- COUNCIL MEETS TUESDAY The Town Council meets next Tuesday evening Instead of Monday on necount of Civie Holiday, As this is the first meeting for a month there will be considerable business to dispose of, The Council meets only monthly during the summer months ament, essentially practical nature, But Dr, McKenzie has succeeded, with every show of probability, In recon structing an expression of the great soldier's spirit, There are in his face all the peculiarities revealed in the portraits, but in addition, the alertness, the vision, and the reso- lution revealed in his fife, Here, it may well be sald, Is the man who was the idol of his "brother soldi. ers, as he called them; "the littls red-haired corporal' as they call. ed him in return, THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE Club will hold its annual Fall Tourn. | Friday, August 22 fo Saturday, Sept. 6 ALL-CANADA YEAR at the world's largest ANNUAL EXPOSITION "LES VOYAGEURS" Brilliant, historic grandstand pageant depicting the glorious romance o development, & aupsr-piodustion by 1500 performers on io (} 1 oe " 81 sane a fe MUSIC~Thirty bands headed by the All-Canada Permanent Forte Band of Ssventiaix sd insteuraentalists specially recruited from 's Tne Try Lit special parmigsion Department of litla and nce). 2000-VOICE EXHIBITION CHORUS, trained and directed by Dr, H, A, Fricker, M.A, ER.C.O,, in four concerts, Saturday, August 23; resolve that McKenzie has present ed him in his statue, In his athletic sculpture, in his Benjamin Franklin, and in his war memorial at, Edinburgh, McKenzie has shown how the moment of re- solve Is, both spiritually and seulp- turally, the significent moment, 1 quote what follows from the sculps tor's own analysis of the moment he has chosen to portray: "When was the Battle of the Plains of Abraham won? The of. fielal date Is 13th September, 1759, but was that the real moment of victory? Francis Parkman, writs ing of Wolfe, says that on 10th September, 'landing on the south side a little above Quebee and look« Ing across the water with a tele. scope, he described the path that ran in a long slope up the face of the woody precipice, and the clusts er of tents at the top' What thoughts passed through his mind as he stogd there, telescope in hand? Another historian, William Wood, puts them into words, * "'He stood at Etchemin on the South Shore, and looked longsand earnestly through his telescope at Foulon Road, a mile and a hall away, running up to the Plains of Abraham from the Anse au Foulon, which has ever since been called Wolfe's Cove, "The Plains themselves formed a perfect field of battle for the wells drilled regulars, He knew that the Foulon road must be fairly goed, because it was the French line of communication between the Anse and Beauport Camp, The nearest part of the camp was only two miles and a quarter from the cove, as the crow flies, but between then rose the tableland of the Plains, three hundred foet above the river, A surprise at the Cove might not be found out at the camp too soon, , , "The French, he knew, expected to be attacked at one end or the other of the lines, and that no one oxpected an attack in the centre between these two points, In this he wus wrong, for one man was was Montealn, "On the fifth he had sent a whole ing, about it until he died, and that thinking, and never stopped thinks bajtalion up to the plains, Of the f LEAT TRA ANE Sn fe ld iS ,.. 7th Vaudreuil ordered them back tocamp, 'The English haven't got wings, they can't fly up to the Plains,' he sald, On the 12th Mont. calm agin ordered the hattalion up, and Vaudreuil again counters manded it, 'We'll see about it in the morning,' he said, "Wolle saw through his telescope that the regiment had been taken away, Now he gave up all other plans of attack, and decided on his own, Thin in the moment chosen for the statue, The moment when the groat decision was made." As has been mid, the sculptor has carefully studied all the rupre- sentations of Wolfe that survive and faithfully reproduced his pecul- far cast of countenance, Mere are the prominent nose, the sloping line of lip and chin, Mthe cager, watch: ful eye. No attempt has been made to invest face or figure with a dra- matie expression foreign to Wolfe's day, August 20; A 2, and Saturday, Sept 6, Ro ag. Swims, 75¢, and $1.00, cham- SPORT == Marathon (world'a professional plonships) Friday, August 22 (Women), Wednesday; August 27 (open), All-America out- board motorboat races, Inter. national sport competitions afloat and ashore, Osnada's groatest athletic meet, Trot. ting and Pacing races ineclud- ing $6,000, Futurities, CANADA FROM CO TO. COAST ON DRESS PARADE. This Is your year, Arrange to come, Reservations wow boil nd for Exbibition Chorus -- it fr stand 1 performanicn, or money SAM HARRIS, H. W, WATERS, General Manage L ==that's when ~=right out of atook/ able time! 16 Celina St. CORR Free Flowing Fertilizers yO Ul + Save labour! Second: When you need C. I. L. Mixed Fertilisers get them! Drive up and gét them Third: This prompt delivery service is lesa than the old-fashioned "'order-and wait" me Saves you actual dollars-and-cents, as well as valu. Fourth: Made in Canada. COOPER SMITH CO. . Oshawa, Ont, F. C. VANSTONE Bowmanville, Ont,

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