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Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Aug 1930, p. 1

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" All the News While It Is News" # The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer Stan 'VOL, 7==NO, 3| ------ Oar aces Binders and" Puta Solider } News in Brief (iy Comadlon Fowm) Improvement Continu London ~The Earl of Pirken- head, 111 with pneumonia, maintain. od his improvement today, attend- physicians reported, They sald Was considered stronger than Yesterday, Ld on Critheat + Welland ~~ Despite numerous blood transfusions, Arthur Young, 18-year-old deckhand, Injured on the steamer Keybar, near Port Cal. borne four weeks ago, is so 111 at the Welland County Hospital, that 1ittle hope 1s entertained for his recovery, LJ . » Road Completion Urged Lindsay.~A petition to the On. tario Government to complete the Lindsay-Poterboro road this year was authorized by the town connell at its meeting Tast night, following A discussion of road work ard In- formation that the county rvoad gang. will be ald off soon, , Heads Rotall Merchants Montreal, Cf §, Demerails, M.P, I', coal merchant of Richmond, Que, was elected president of the Dominion Board of the Retail Mer. ohants' Association in convention here, Other oMcers will he chosen Tater, . LJ . Body Recovered Belleville.~In the water for six days, the body of Joseph L, Thomas nf 3183 Ashlyn Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa, has been recovered from the watery of the Bay or Quinte, Live Kock Leader Dies Brantford, --W, A, Clemons, 0, secretary of the Canadian Holstein Friesian Association, and promin. ent in live stock circles throughout Canada, died here last night, Ll] LJ » Euler's Lead Raised Two Kitchener, ~The ofclal returns in the recent North Waterloo feder. al election increase Hon, ' Euler's majority over Karl XK, Homuth by two te 8,056, The oM. elal figures are Wuler, 12,787, and Womuth, 0.101, . . Harbor, Head to Resign Quebes, Hon, W, @G, Power, president of the Quebee Harbor Commission, announced last night that he would offer his resignation to Hon, R, B, Bennett as soon as the new Premier had formed als Cabinet, - 7 * Moneotoreal, ~The masters of the tug Willie H, and the steam furry Colbert, which collided in Quebec Harber on July 11 have had their, eortifioates suspended until January next according to a judgment given by the Dominlon wreck commission. or, Captain I, A, Demers, In the collision, Louis Morissette lost his lite, » pn ------------------ FOUR INJURED IN MOTOR ACCIDENT Indianapolis Woman Is Not Expected to Recover * (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) London Ont, Aug. 7.~~One wo- man may die and three persons wera badly injured this morning when their automobile crashed into a telegraph pole at Five Corners, a mile and a half west of Lambeth, The injured people are all from In. dianapolis, Indiana, They were brought to Victoria Hospital, © It i stated that the Indiana car took the curve too widely got out of control and headed full speed for the pole, The car iz badly wrecked, The injured are: Mr, and Mrs, James d and Mr, and Mrs Emery. Todd, Mra, James Todd a in a oritieal condition, cE FIRE DESTROYS MUSKOKA HONE Summer Cottage of Motor Boat Speed Pilot Prey to Flames Aug, 7=TFire yester , f=l'ire . Poi dy {otally destroyed the Summer residence on Muskoka Bay © eceu Miss Marion B, Car: stairs gland, who has been re- siding here While her two speed mos tor boats, Estelle 4 and § are be: i CA 2 5 A races fo . nd trophy on Labor 'Day at Des 58 Carstairs, who was inspecting Jee racing boats at the time of the ro teer filers whe managed ro save most of her personal effects, Nearby cottages, including the beans tiful residence of Mrs, Mugh Ryan, of Toronto, were saved from the flames, BE a WEATHER u y r with prot wach change In temperature, Tonight and Friday, probably a few local thundorshowers, pried back. to help the voluns |, I OSHAWA' HA ------------------------------ OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1930 S HARBOR IS OPENED A Growing Newspaper in » Growing City 16 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents » Copy TEN PAGES U. S. and Mexican Cities Ar Cloudbursts Strike Border Area Between United States and Mexico, Caus. ing Havoc in Nogales, Ariz., and Nogales, Sonora HOTEL COLLAPSES IN MEXICAN CITY Many Babies Seen Carried Away by Flood Waters-- Total Number of Dead and , Missing Is As Yet Un known rem---- (By Capadian Prose Lotead Wire) Arizona, Aug. 7=A score of pers sons were reported dead and twenty- five missing after a torrent of water swept through Nogales and its sls ter city, Nogales, Sonora, early to. day, The body of a Mexican woman representing the first known death, was washed across the International line at the height of the flood, The Nogales, Sonora, Hotel, of adobe construction collapsed. Lights went out of commission, and the tele phone service stopped, ; At 3 am, the chief of police of Nogales, Sonora, made his: way to the American side and sald he had received reports of at least two done en deaths, but gould not confirm them, He said 25 children had heen reported missing in the Mexican elty, From three to eight feet of water oured through the streets of the Pongor cities apparently from a nears by cloudburst, Don Phillips, an aviator, who' had heen visiting on the Mexican side, managed to reach the United States city and said he had seen several small children swept away when an adobe building collapsed, Excited citizens flocked to the po: lice station here and «told of seeing persons, mostly children, being swept along hy the racing rain waters, The Nogales, Sonora, chief of po- fice sald the torrents of water, sweeping through his ety, had cracked sidewalks, uprooted trees and flattened adobe buildings, It was not known how many per sons were In the hotel, Mexican police sald they feared similar ocours vences and that many lives might be lost in collapsing buildings Physicians and nurses were moh. iliged on the American side and all space in hospitals here was made ready, Rescue work was made difs ficult because of darkness and the heavy rain, At four o'clock the skies still 'were pouring down sheets of water and there was no perceptible receding of the flood, Several persons from the residen- tial section of the United States city reported 'they had seen three baby eribn floating dewn Moely Avenue, but they were unable to reach them, They said they heard 'the babies ery- ing, Police declared the flood waters had struck both eities before rain had fallen and that many inhabitants must have been trapped in their So ------------ OPPOSITION T NEW MINERS' PACT Pennsylvania Conference ls Adjourned Without Vote Being Taken Soranton Pa, Aug, 7.--~Lengthy debate on the motion to ratify a new wage contract resulted in the third district convention of the United Mine Workers of America adjourning late yesterday without taking a vote on the issue, The convention reconvened today at am, Union leaders had antiolpated that the wage contract would be ratitied to-day, but they found con. siderable opposition to certain clauses of the contract and disous: sion continued all day, Efforts wore made to halt the discussion by some of the 400 delegagtos fights ing Aint satification, but when & motion to atop discussion was put before 'the convention it waa featad by a vote of 214 to 304, International President, John 1. Lewis presided at yesterday's wos do pl A a co A SCORES DEAD AND MISSING AS FLOOD WATERS SWEEP THROUGH STRICKEN CITIES Argentine Party o visit Canada (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, NY, Aug, Tie=A bel ter understanding of Canada with a view to mutually beneficial trade relations is the alm of a party of Argentinians, who will visit. the dominion next month, At least a dogen of the group, representing business and economic Interests of the South American country, will Journey eastward from the Pacifie const and will be present an Invite od guests at the boards of trade 7.0 convention in Toronto, Kept, 7 I-------- R-100 Trip Is Now Assured Flight to Toronto, However, Is Still Dependent on | Weather Conditions (By Jaek Hambleton, Canadian Press Saft Writer) Hubert Alrport, Montreal, Aug, 7.-=Civen favorable weather, the British divigibla 1100 will leave here on Bunday afiernoon fo her combined Aight over Otiawa and Toronto, This anpouncement was ofc Jy made shbstly ofley noon tosday by ng Commander B. B, Colmore, Director of airship development, The statement read "Weather conditions permitting, R100 will leave Bt, Habert late fn the afternoon of Sunday, August 10, for Ottawa and Toronto, Tt Is expocted the ship will reach Ottawa hefora dark, From thers the course will ha followed to Taronte, thence back to Kt, Huber! "It in anticipated that the ship will ba back nt Bt, Hubert on Mons day night, After refusiling and gassing R100 will veturn to king: Iand as soon as weather conditions are favorable" Bt, Rust Affectin Some of Wh ------ eat Regina, Aug, 7, Protracted, hot, dry wedther which prevails in Saskatchewan han brought rust in ts wake In the eastorn districts, The disease In most prevalent In the southeast, where It Iu causing somo anxiety, says a report fssued by the Haskatchewan Department of Agriculture, In the north, west-oantral and east-central dine triota crops give promise of good returns, In tha central and southern areas, however, where moisture Ia low, crops have heen adversely affooted, Shower Baths May be Feature Of Dirigibles R:100 Designer Tells of Saving Made by Water Collection (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Montreal, Que, Aug, T~=8hower baths are seen an one of many coms forts for alrahip travellers of the future by Sir Dennistoun Burney, who addressed the advertising olub of Montreal here yesterday, On her flight to Canada, the R100 gathered 4.4 tons additional water from rain and cloud mols ture, An the water gathered on the top of the hig ahip, It van towards the stern where tapes and troughs guided it into the ballast tanks, The taking on of the 4.4 tons of water meant a saving of $12,820,860 worth of hydrogen gas; since om dinarily the captain ia forced to res lease hydrogen to compensate for the lows In weight of gasoline fuel ad It in consumed, The 4.4 tons of water equalled 1,700,400 ouble feet of the lifting gas Hellum a nomsinflammahla lifts ing gas fs preferable to hydrogen for use in airships, according to airship experts, but of course is much mora expensive and difoult 'Ito obtain jn sultable quantities, - Strong Tremors Did Damage digpatohes from the town of Als on the Mediterranean report that a strong earthquake oncourred there at four o'clock yesterday morning, n LLL e Swept by Floods CAHAN ACCEPTS CABINET POST Reconsiders | His Former Re: fusal to Become Sec- retary of State (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Ottawn, Aug, 7,C, H, Cahan, membersalect for Bt, Lawrence-kt, (leorge, Montreal, hus accepted the portfolio of secretary of siats In the naw government, it hecame known here to-day, It was stated in an avernight despatch from Ottawa that Mr Cahan had refused to nccept this position, declaring that it was ton minor a portfolio, and hud also refused an offer of (he speakership in the new parliament, The Ottawa despatch also stated that he was allowed twenty-four hours to eon wilder the proposals made to him hy the premiar-slect and tha above messagn Indicates that he has da cided to neept the oes of secre tary of state, Shareholders 0t G.T.R. May Take Action Case Against Canada May | Be Fought in Courts of United States (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Toronto, Aug, 7,-<British hold. ars of the first and second perpetu- nl preference stocks of the Grund Trunk Rallway are considering on. tering action In the United Stales courts to have title to the Canadian National Lines in the United Htates vested In them on the ground that they wera (legally aequirod by the Canadian government, NR, €, Haw kin of London, chairman of the parpatunl stockholders committee, sald here today, Mr, Hawkin sald, Representative James M, Berk of Pennaylvauia, former solieltor-general of the United HBiates, has been retained hy the Grand Trunk stockholders to study their elaim and any action taken will likely be based on hia advice, Mr. Hawkin, wha will leave for Ottawa shortly, sald he would endeavor to discuss with the new Nannett government the claims of G, T, R, shareholders, INDIAN LEADER 1S GIVEN JAIL TERM Hombay, India, Aug, 7. Vala bhal Patel, congress leader arrested on Naturday was sentenced to-day to three months simple imprisons ment for part in the elvil disohed. fence campinign of Mahatma Cand» hi, Before sentence was passed Patel named as his successor as president of tha AllsIndian Congress Mulana Abdul Kalam Awad, Four women, fined at the same time refused to pay, declaring they preferred im prisonment, TOWNS IN SPAIN to Houses, But None Was Injured (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Madrid, Spain, Aug, T.-=Related box, hetween Mumela and Almeria Some houses were damaged and the people ran into the streets in panio, but the dispatches sald not body waa injured, Murela Ia a city of about 100, 000 population, in a valley ying between great plateaux, It is an anolent Moorish capital, Almeria is Jonaly fortified port of about 60,000 population, British Workless Over 2,000,000 London, Aug, 6,--Rpitain's un. employed have passed the 3,000, 000 wark, offelal Agures Issued yosterday showed, Labor's statistical report as of Yuly 28 gave the unemployed figures at 2,011,407, This was 28,707 more than the week previous, and 847, 308 more than at We Mme {ime { YOAL ARO. Wy of a water At Annapolis, A fow days, will once again come palitionl tive administration, This afternoon premieraloct, Hon, will take ofoe an prime minister and announce the paraonnel of his onbinet after his appointees have heen future ministers ware gathered In the onpital, some in groups, awaits ing to be summoned for the (vip to Rideau Hall to take their onthe sltated by appointment to the ens Havens, who will det The Ministry of | fe Stevens who {t 1s understood has Also the offer to represent Fraser Valley, likely date for convening the ems argency sexnion of parliament, FIRST STEAMERS IN OSHAWA HARBOR hk Above are photographs of the fwo steamers which will enter the Oshawa Harbor this * afternoon, marking the opening of the new | Oshawa Harbor, The upper ples | ture In that of the WN, City of Kingston, of the Canada Meams ship Lines, which arrived ahout | three o'vleck this afternoon, casts Water Famine | In Maryland (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | Baltimore, Aug, 7.-«Fhe prospect famine must he faced | tha state capital, in | if the present 42-day record drought continues and thera WAS no sign of a break to-day as the meroury stavied its daily climb, | The fight on forest fires In| Western Maryland continued with more than 1,000 men at the trent | and others volunteers and eons | soripted by state police In reserve, | BENNETT T0 BE SWORN IN AS PREMIER New Government Expected to Take Over Duties This Afternoon r------ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Aug, T.Canada today under the guldanca of a Conservas R, 0, Bennetl sworn in at Throughout government house, the morning from the ofMoe of the premler-elect before His Excellency the Covers nov-Gieneral, It Is possible that a re-arvangament of two ar three of the portfolios may, be nlade while It {n somewhat 'indefinite wtih) whether ©, H, Cahan (8, Lawrence ft, George) will ba a mémhay of the oabinet, If he does, My, Cahan will likely he Seovetary of tate, Or again, a possibility exista he may be speaker of the House of Coms ons, Writs for the hy-aleotions neces. binet of the selected ministers will be lanued late Ln 4 Hon, HH 8 ministap of rade and commerce and who Wau qd In Vanoouver Centre, wil) robably be a candidate in Bast Kootenay, RC, an M, BD, MoLean, Conservative membar-alect has of red to resign in faver - of Mr, Hept, 2 still looms an a (Contigued on Paga 3), J hound, and was the first. vessel to enter the harbor, The lower ples ture is that of the 8, §, Ashbay, of the Tren Line Navigation Come pany, is expected (to arvive aL six welook (his afternoon, md will he the first westbound steamer to take a cargo out of Oshawa, Forest Fires Being Brought Under Control Fire Fighters Kept Busy By Conflagrations Due to Hot Weather Prince Albert, Bask, Aug T the Dreenching rain has halted rampage of the forest fire demon In Northern Maskatehewan After | understand Britain Seeks to | Placate Visitors (By THOMAR I, CHAMPION) (Canadian Press walt Correspons | dent) | Aug, T.~Tha Homa | OMea has eonsonted to withdraw the widely used poster with the words, "notices to ablens,'" substi | tuting for them, "notice to foreign visitors," The Home OfMea vil lingly pecapted yepreseniations that the earlier notices wos Hable | to ha misinterpreted which eons quently militated against Britain's | endeavor to hecoma hetter known | as a holiday resort | Fears Loss U.S. Influence United States Admiral Gives Warning Regarding Naval Policy (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Williamstown, Mass, Aug London, of 7 next farence in 1086 with much less in flwenee than she ever had fn such movement now an fool tn under build tonnage permitted her hy the Lendon Treaty, Hear Admiral Arthur J, Hephurn sald toda) Admiral Hephurn, ehief of stall of the United Hiates fleel and member of the Ameriean delegus thon mt the London Naval Confer ence, addressed the Limitation of Armament Conference at the In stitute of Politics Declaring that the world do not with the United Htates, able tn understand her "abandons ment of the Infant League of Na tions on the Kuropean doorstep,' her fatlure en rospond ta the ap peal for national security and her attitude on other world questions, Admiral Hapburn sald "It we fall to take the parity and other agreements for which we strove at London, they will not that They will not oredit It to your desire for peice and America will go to tha next conference to he held In 1085, with less Influences than she has ever had in sueh a gathering," THO MEN KILLED the nation of aoe eye to eyes' haing uns many days of hard battle, forest | rangers, tired atter a terrific strug ple to save valuable timbey herths lngt night rested, while aleplane patrol pilots watted the morrow to aEALD survey the once-endangers od distyiot, Cape Cod Ablase Plymouth, Mass, Aug, 7 The ghouler of Cape Cod was ablage Inst night U6 square miles of it with. the sliver thread of the Cape Cod canal running hetween . the dull red flames of the two wore forest fires the Cape has known In many years Plymouth, where landed, mustered, 1,000 wen to fight the new red menpes which wan sweeping back toward the vil Ingo ftaelf after burning uneonirols led for 06 hours, At six o'cloek last night the alarm bell was rung to summon every available ables bodied oltisen, Now Under Control Caledonia, Aug, 7,==The bush fire on the Rix Nation Reserve near Caledonia 1s now well under cons trol a large forge of men having heon -Hghting the flames which repched serious proportions Mon» day, It started In, the large bush opposite No, 6 Hohoenl on the south side of the Fourth Line, and burns od over 200 acres of hush, ineluds ing 260 logs, the dioperty of Harry Longhoat, Hverything is very dry due to prolonged dry spell but pres oAutions ave heing taken to prevent any further outbreak, | the pligrims rm ------------ Willingdon Given Ancient Trophy Ottawa, Aug, 7. -~Hmbhlematio of good-will and friendship, a 800. year-old Samural sword was pres sented to His Exeellaneoy Viscount Willingdon youtarday by Manji Ausukl, one of the party of sdven prominent Japanese business wen now on a tour of Canada and the United States, The caremony took place at Rideau Hall, the vice-regal BY EXPLOSION Shawinigan Falls Chemical Company Plant Scene of Accident (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Three Rivers, Que, Aug 1, Orphiv Jullen, 86 and Kdgar Car rier 87, both of Fhawinigan Falls, Que, died this morning fram Injurs log sustained when an explosion oo. ourred in a bullding of the Hhas winfgan Chemicals Company, Sha winigan Falls, Three other ems ployes, A, Rellemare, Arthur Ther vien and Frederio Therrien. were more or less seriously injured, Bel lemare had alx riba broken, Arthur Therrien received injuies about the hody and Frederio Therrien suffers ed from neryous shook, The oause of the blast has net heen ascertained, Doors and wins dows were smashed by the explo a» OFFERS ST00.000 FOR R100 THI New York Millionaire Seeks Flight in Giant Dirigible (Ay Canadian Press Leased Wire) Torento, Aug, TA multimils lHonaire of New York City has offers ed $100,000 for a trip in the R100 from Montreal to New York, sald Sir Dennistoun Burney, designer of the divigihle when interviewed on his arvival here to-day, Sir Lelindutoun, who sald the af for was received hy telephone last evening, told the bidder that "the R100 wan at present & governmen| praject and not yet operating som residence, mereladly," The United States will go to ihe | Hmitatton of armament -¢on« | A gathering, If she accedes to Lhe | TODAY i RE LM FIRST STEAMER T0 ENTER NEW HARBOR DUE T0 REACH OSHAWA THIS AFTERN 00N Buoys and Range Lights Arrived From Prescott This Morning and Were Placed in Position Marks ing the Harbor Channel COUNCIL GOES OUT TO MEET STEAMER Opening of Harbor Has Tre- mendous Significance to the Future Development | of the City--Coal and Oil | Depots May Be Establishes ed Here | SA Pinal preparations for the race | Hon af the first slearme: | Oshawa Harhor are heing rushed | uhedad nt full speed this morning, | The first steamer due nrrive tha "CH Kingston of tha | Canada Steamship Line which was expected ta reach here phouw 180 this afternnon In responses odtarda Prescott 1asty range Hghte, equipment fom ' I in the In 5 nol | | 10 an urgent message | host from hun oy Wa sent night with the and other necessary marking out tha harhour channel, The hoal arrived 1} morning and tha laying of the hiuoys was mencod immediate) Tha motor Awan 15 hel { CIty Councll ta mest | Alagmer, ecareving the | city enunoil and ¢ hargonr A thine "Miss Oshe the first and aort 1 inte the \K BOON AA tha Blramer haaves Into view, the launch will leave and accompany the seamen for at least a mile and a halt ine In the harbour Havhour Master Appointed Mr, Hiram Lloyd Gifford, N.N No, 4, Oshawa, has heen appointed harhourmagter, He has heen ens gaged for the past few dave In Etiidying the duties of his offios, and will commence his offfcinl duties this afternoon Customs Arvangements | Representatives of the twa wleamahip lines have conferred With the Oshawa Customs Office, and arrangements arp complet for a smooth and efficient Wands Hig of all fmport and export trade through the Oshawa harbour, The Work will ha handled hy the press Ont staff for the time being, ale though If the harbour is Heed ta (Continued on Pagn i) Communists in 'China Nearing City of Hankow British And Japanese Troops Being Rushed to the Scene Ahanghal, China, Aug, T-=More than 600 Aritish and Japanese sols diere and marines wera enroute to Yanuise valley cities today as the result of uncertain Communist cons ditions Carrying 400 marines, Your Jape anese destroyers arrived hers from Hasebo, Japan, The vessels wera to proceed to Kiukiang, Kianasi provines, which recently was pes ported threatened hy an army of 10,000 communists, Fifty British soldiers on Friday will follow 810 troops dispatehed to Hankow tosday, The arrival of additional Ohinesd troops at Hankow relieved the ate tention thera somewhat, but dis patehes from the Hupeh provines Industrial centre sald foreigners had completed plans for evacuation should an emergency arise, Come munists were reported apmroachs Ing Hankow and ita sister ities," Wuohang and Hanyang from the south, launch nE chartered hy the may Yamaska Back in Liberal Ranks Sorel, Que, Aug, 1 ohier, Liberal candidate has heen declared elected in Yamaska county, He obtained a majority op twa voles in the general aleotinng on July 28% over his Conservative oppanent, Paul Comtols, it was res ported hy the returning officer foals lowing a vacount of the ballots The standing in the Pravipes of Qiehoe pow 18 Liberals 40, Con wervativea 24, Indapendent 1, total LI . Alma Nous

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