FAGE EIGHT 1 PIE AJDT WA ALY | IVIED, LHUKDBDUAY, AUGUST 7, 1930 The Whitby Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and news ra be Jesse at the Whith, tte and C p 23 Branch Office, st G After usiness Hours=Phone 350, REPRESENTATIVE~~JAMES H, ORMISTON Whitby Stréet On Wednesday Next|: Fair ans are now completa for the Whithy Street Pair, which will be held on Wodnesduy of next week, The Committes in charge has work. ed hard to make surg of the sucerss of the event which will help the Whithy Legion and the Citizens' Band, and with good weather and generous patrons 0 their ambitions will be realized, Tt will he one gulp night, for the BA of Whithy and distriet, The hooths will be erected after four o'clock In the afternoon on Broek and Dundas Btreete, as in yeurs past, The Fair is enrliar this year and this will enable all citizens who can to tum out, The big parade, always a feuture of the Vair, will start from the Town Hall at eight o'clock sharp Prizes offered nre B10-=Most dilapidated car, 810. Best decorated vehicle Biwe-Tor twin clowns , BVor single clown Joo Best decovated bileyele L 81=Becond prize best decorated hieyele fw Rept decorated doll enrriage Ble=Becond prize, best decorated doll eurringe HOT, DRY WEATHER HAS INCREASED WATER DEMAND Daily Consumption Shows a Big Increase--~Power De. The Vire Department will join the parade, with old and new apparatus, and the Citizens' Band will hend the procession, It is hoped that sll who ean will get into the parade, Vres Inun horns will be provided for the ehildeen in the parade, There will he clowns and other atbraetive features in the line-up, The judges will he General Draper, of the Toronto Po len Vorce; Mrs, Bowman, wife of His Worship the Mayor; Mrs, A, W, Jackson, wife of Whithy's reeves W, HW Moots, MP, for the riding; and N, Sinclair, K.C, MPP, for AS Ontario, Thera will be haoths aplenty, and numerous street attractions, The big dance, at which the spec inl prizes, consisting of un radio, din ing room suite, breakfast set, five tons of eonl and B10 in gold, will he deawn for hy Jumes Palmer, Whit hy's popular blind veteran, will com. [ mence at eleven o'clock shart, nd {will ha held on the street lekets for the dance are selling fast and ean be gecyured from any member of the Committee Cut out the Val page four of thi enee programme on issue for pefer er user wae closed down and off the lines wltogether, What would the de mand have peached had this eons cern. heen in operation Billing records for the month were ' Pawer Light Water 1020 1540.00 natant AoIR.02 LOB) 1806.10 786.080 ANER.LA An Ineregee 1s shown in light and water revenues for the past month an compared with the same month last yepr id kes pen shortly, 44 and Mre, Arthur Lynde were the host and hostess ala ye show: er on Thyrsday evening at their home, Cen e street north, About forty guests were in attendance snd the honoree, who 1s very popular here, vaceived many beautiful and useful gifts, The living room, where the shower wak held, was beautifully decorated with Aowers and ferns, ur tistieully arranged, The bride eleet veeeived a genuine surprise when on going into the house she heard the strains of the wedding march played hy Miss Marion Osborne, and later wlkad into a room, suddenly flood: o with light, where her friends had gathered in her honor, (ser some games and contests had haan enjoys ed, the hostess, assisted by Misses Marion Richardson, Lillian Nowe and Mrs, Blewnrt Alger, of Oshawa, All presany ejoyed the evening's pro ceedings and the hospitality of the host and hosters, Miss Joan MeAdam, of Toronto, visited in town on Monday, Migs Ruth North is spending her holidays with her parents at Core bett's Point, Mr, and Mrs, Bert Downey and daughter, of Dublin, Ont, ars holl daying with Mrs, W, H, Johnston, There will be n meeting of the Whithy Legion on Thuteday, Aug. 7, at B o'clock, in the Legion's rooms, Wea are in need of several copies of the Gasette-Chronicle of July 94, Anyone having copies of this date | please lenve at Gagette office, We | will pay be a copy for same, | fina display of flow ors, especiully hollyhocks, in Mr , Wilding's garden, Green streef, Is attracting much attention Mr Wilding takes u great interest in his garden Mr, Arthur W, Gray, Manager of Bank of Commeree, at. Maidstone, Bask, with his wife and children, re holidaying with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jarhies Gray Mr. EK, R, Nicholson, off Los An goles, Calif, in visiting hiy parents Mr, and Mrs, James H, Ni olson Tha very | Howard Baker, Lindday pupi! | {of J P. N, Hpratt, Whithy, re | ceived the Bilver, Medal, donated hy | the Toronto Conservatory of Musie of Canada for primary voeal okam inations for the whole of 108 | wn migeelluneous evening last, wha enjoyed hy Mr, and Mra | ttle Hntty pjpor | yok It Is expeetad that the results of | nnd have the departmental examinations, on| home, 160 Geo whieh a number of Whithy students | They nre groatl weote, will he roeaived shout the | hy town t, They ' WE | middle of Augu Vhey are Inte thi i Mr. Avihr A | p | Year, ns usual Whithy High Miss Verna Visher wii hosts al shower an Vriday [| M. Croske given in honor of Mi representative, mnreings Lal uf North Onl A delightful evening towne of the gre he recently underwent un successful operation in Toronto General Hos pital, and is now Improving very favorably, Ella Bpener, whoen placa shortly hollduy wn! returned nrin Lyons & Co, - ull Frod MeCluskin and | in yery happ two "Killarney Creen," now Lo thelr Weey BL, Turonin y taken with Whit rich. bald, principal of Fehool, In ane of party of agrieulturists whn, with county douwith W, wre making a tour ineluding the at elay helt, and the 4 BLUE RED Label Label 33¢c 38c¢ HALF FOUND, HALF POUND, (Canaan), 1A ted Taronte expapime dil farm ot Monteith, On thie tour » peeinl ngrieultural COUree hing heen prrianged Rev, T, V, and Mrs, 1h od from thelr holiday on last, having pent a month with thelr daughtar and son in Montreal hey report, nm very enjoyable trip | hy howt down the Kt, Lawrence, A | hrough the Thousand slams, shooting the rapids, ete, ulso 8 very cool month, with plenty of rain {return Baturiday I The follow Nicholson warn pupile of HW, ¥ ueeessful in passing the piano examinations of the To I Re AR i ---- Conservatory. of Music at Whithy on July 2nds Junior Piano, | Miss Kunies Bleightholm, Miss June Websters Primary Viano, Migs Huby | Allin (hon, 5 Elementary Piano | Miss Christing Barnfather (first clues honors); Miss Maelen Turansk) thon, )s Miss Mary Hae, Introd tory Piano=Muster Smith MeCul lough, My. and Mrs, Walter MaeCarl and ronlo groatings children, of Whithy, spent the week | da; {ment koran, nulekly on the Bupt, of | was ond with Mr, sand Mis, W, ment, of Canninglon, Miss Gertrude Wryan, Nurses nt the Ontario Hospital, Whithy, who some weeks ago unde went mn operation In Oshawa Gen arn) Hospital, and who has for the ust fow weeks been quite seriously i, is now improving apldly and | spots to be able to return home th % whik, Mies Bryan's many Whit hy friends will be glad to learn of hey improvement MUKIC EXAMINATIONS The following town and Brooklin pupils of Miss Winnifrad Heott successful in the aminations of the Varia Were 4 Toronto Conserv Plano: Klementar} art (honors) Ttroduetory schogl Norman Penrsall (Ars dacs hon) Theory: Primary Mudeline Mi halko (Ast elas honore), Klement ury==Botty Mihalko (first clans hon ors) Junior Harmon) Jean Dry den, Brooklin (honors) AIRASS VIRE IN ORCHARD thregtening grass fire In Mr fevine's orchard hordering Meyvdne | linre Park about twa o'clock Tue ---- - Your Voice Is You y made the reprodug. human voles so Iaith thet ons (dentifies i distient friend al ones oVer (is 14 why greelings to welcome than uf Lhe | til Leluphiont tinguished, or no damage being done ALY vention In Capt, Best played n fa lot of interest was mutch and a goodly number there to look on, A draw, as w The third and ast while the Quite hy ha pl ye The iret me WH alee Lhe Capt, Best, br nnd Ith went to Mr, Croshy, An wus arranged for, it had to be eancellad owing 1s up for ding mid-summer ax | 41 | othe tory. of Musie hu Muriel tev Lhe not, send Lang Distance? afternoon gave the fire depart "The fire wpparatus wis gpot, und the with little Central repay TOLRINTS NOW who hia Cports i I the ftuurl It has picker ) wee er ---- MOVING Montres) BK gms maleh the ehamplon of nrou charge of AN INCrease American tourists of the fir for highest marks In the red mand Is Steady The umount of water aelivered to he town mains during the month of Tuly, according to Publie Utility Commission statistics, was 14470, 500 imperial gallons, which Agures oul ut the average rate of 404,001 gallons per day, A year ago the de mand for the month wus 14,108,000 gallons, The greatest amount pumps ed In any one day was B76,200 gal: | awarded shortly, Loeal eontractors, long, and this was on Tuesday, July I. ie understoed, are Aguring on 20th, The least on Bunday, July id, | the building It in expected thal was 078,400 gallons, The present dry | A 1ArEe number of tenders will be hot gpell will account for the in| put in for the work, freee in Jusnbage this year, ns the | erage demand for the past ten | tars 004,600 gallons, It seems also that had weather conditions heen normal, the pumpage would have been less this year than last Light and Power Tha peak demand for power oe rurved, as usual, on a Tuesday, at 11,40 Ha (July 48nd) and amount ad to 067 Horsn Power, The KWH, ponsumption for the month was Se he | J ( y 8 J Hig. oy Pv Wg Sve youk 4 alhim he hit him, Dair was lodged in | LW. HL consumption of 274,400, This [the loeal gaol, Mugistrate Willis re inerease would seem to be almost | manded him for a week for sents wholly due to domestie consumption | Phee, Rome time ago w hen he was for cooking and other heating pure |Up on a LCA, charge he was given poses, On Tuesday mornings, the|d chance to make good by His Wor ublguitous litle flak fron makes its | Bhip an each flat iron takes approx mately 0:10 of a HP, This increas In demand took place, notwithstand ni that the largest industrial pow | Th W ki Whitb Among the yishtore with Mr and Mra, A, W, Beall the past week were ¢ ee n | y Mrs, fiydney P. Way, Asslstan mm wer BS Manager of the City Hraneh of the AB fil , Taranto) alse Dr, Da BUILDING Canada Life i i TENDERS CALLED {vid Little, with Mes, Little and Mas | | ter James, nf Toronto,] also Ny | Tenders for the new warehouse | fioss MeCarty, Lindsay, and Profos bullding at the Ontario Hospital {sor WH, (1, Martyn, of the Normal th ill a | i A few of the officers of Princes Daughters of ¥ngland, Wen May. Lodge, visited the Oshawa Lodge on day, Aug. Oth, whan the retiring [Disteiet Deputy Grand President, | Mister Richardson, installed her sue | onssor in office, Nister E. Bimmons, Lof Empress of India Lodge, Oshawa closed on August 15, and 1018 6X gap onl Steatford pected that the contract will be il IN TRE POLICE COURT In Police Court Tuesday afternoon . man, John Dair, appeared | The engagement Is" announced of before Magistrate J. ¥, Wills on | Helen Marjorie Lucille, younger two eharges, ona of being intoxis | daughter of Mr, Albert w (Greene place, and the [and the late Mys, Greens, of Whithy arrest, Chie? [to Mr, George Edward Oke, of Lind and found | say, elder son of My, and Mrs, Rich It {ard G, Oke, of Whithy, the wedding to take place early In Beptember, nn loeal cated Inu publie other of vesisting Quantrill arvested Daly lim In an intexieated condtilon, alleged that in endeavoring to Chief from arresting The death occurred at Kan Fran olsen, Calif, on Friday, July Sith of Alexander Paul Gordon, aged &i years, Deceased was the only su viving member of the family 'of the Inte fv ililom and Cheigtian Gordon of Bayside, Whitby, now the nite of the Mars Hospital Mr, W, MePherson, of Toronto formerly of Ontario Hospital staff with his wife and young son, Is holidaying in town, The union meetings between the Baptist and. United churches ave woving # decided success, Rev, / {! Richards, B.D, preached tn hoth fon vegations during July and Rey ff fos will preach ta the united Nedies during August,' A special In vitation to tourists and visitors in Whithy is cordially extended, Come lot us worship GAVE CHILDREN A TREAT On Wednesday afternoon the members of Composite Lodge AF & AM, accompanied by the ladies visited the United Church Deagoie Fresh Air Camp at Heydnshore ark and gave the annual treat to the children there, Tha weather for the event was ideal and childeen and workers enjoyed a splendid program The tables were spread with good things in ahundance, for the special supper 1% always a feature of this annual treat. Then came a program of races for the little folks, for whieh good prises were awarded EMPLOYMENT GOOD The employment department of [ Oshawa, reports (he following stu Oshawa, rports tha following stu dents working: Miss Elaine Hill, tamporarily with the Relig Com: pany, Toronto; Gladys Finlayson permanently with Howden s Wholesale Hardware, Tavento Allen Rianeck, tampararily with the Bowmanville Knit ting Milly Lillian Rowe, tom porarily with Gerald 8. Tritt, soli citer, Montreal; Hema Ehults, per: | manently with Collaeott's bua of fice, Oshawa, The fall term atarts september 9, Mrs, Walter MaeCarl and sons Rulon and: Neil are spending a we With her alater, Mra, Loslia Mor combe, of Omemes, The W. M, §& of the United Chureh will hold their annual gar "| den tea " the Parsonage Lawn, on Ah August 8 from 480 pm All on INtareated | Are cordially ine misaion 2 Mr and Mra, Tuk 6G, Hrekine WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT The "BROCK "wm A beautiful lowhoy model in walnut, with an entirely wow Screen Grid Chasis embodying many wow developments, iniluding Harmonic Amplification, $148 Complete with tubes 1930's Most Sensational ANNOUNCEMENT HOUSANDS have awaited this Radio Ane nouncement, Today you can buy a Radio with every advanced feature == backed by the outstanding name in Canada's radio industry=--at a price that makes your. cost of entertainment almost negligible, SHOWER FOR BRIDE ELECT In honor of Miss Kathleen Leask, AV CM, bride eleet; whose mar the color of harmonics that you find in no other radio, Don't Delay See Your DC Dealer NOW Sales of this sensational model will be tremendotit, 'Those sales have been anticipated, Today in the DC factory wholesale economies have been effected through vastly increased production levels==econos 'mies s0 important that this amazing new price is possible, AND But it will be wise npt to delay your invéstigation of such an instrument, See your DC Dealer Now, You will want a Brock reserved for you, At this price his generous deferred payment plan makes ownership unusually oasy. Don't Starve The Teeth Teeth have to be built out of foods that are rich in phosphorus and caleium, Many children take into adult life teeth that are defective, unfit for the job that nature intended, Shredded Wheat with milk helps develop sound teeth, good muscles and good bones. Itis rich in the bone:making salts, The crisp, crunchy shreds make chewing necessary and that develops healthy gums and good digestion, Every Modern® Development New Engineering stands behind this amazing ine strument, That is why DeForest Crosley standards of performance car can be Attained at this is pricg, EL Inc reased efficiency ine proven screen "grid chassis gives it the ability to reach out for distant stations, DeForest Crosley's exclusive principle of Harmonic Amplification offers all the tonal brilliance that is characteristic of all the great new DC models==gll ForesT CRosL Your RADIO For Years To Come DE and dnughter, Thelma left on Tues! ay morning for a two weeks \ URD 0 Points in the Southern States The B, Y, I, U, that means the oung people of the Raptiat hureh, have arranged for a pionie at Greens ark on Saturday afternoon, » wid he chureh at 4.80 o'clock, The many friends of Mn R. N. 88 Simeco Street North Bassett will be pleased hd rey Moffatt Motor Sales Phone 018 Adams Furniture Co. Simeone Street South Phone 701 % Johns Cie Phone 281 80 Simcoe Street North Cb abil mie gto ahi ha oe or