PAGE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, | AAAAAAAAAALLAALL AL AAAS Aas assess SAARALAAAALASS ASS ToT TTT TTT TTT TY TTT YY YY YTYYYY EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS: SAAAL LEAL" &8a TTT TTT TTY YYYY SAAASALL ALLS sass sss ew VISIT PROM WILLINGDON Lindsay ~Through the influence of f. H, Stinson, K.C, M.P, the Village of 'Haliburton is to be red by a visit from His Excellency the Gover- nor-General of Canada an October J, , JAILED FOR FORGERY Peterboro~A sentence of two years fess one day in the Ontario Reformat. ory was passed on Wilfred Sedge ome foyed in this city, by Ma; strate nley In Police Court when he pleaded guilty to charges of forgery and stealing {rom his employer, PAVING 18 DESIRED Lindsay ~With a view to coping with the unemployment situation in Lindsay and district, the Town Coun- ell will petition the Provincial Gov ernment to complete the paving this year of the Peterboro-Lindsay high- way. A portion of this stretch is un~ der construction, A deputation of the citizens will visit Toronto soon, and present the reqest to the Government, ' BODY RECOVERED Belleville ~Amid short debris and sand the body of Joseph 1, Thomas 313 Ashlyn Ave, Pittsburgh, drowne in the Bay of Quinte on Thursday Iast near Cow Island was found face downwards and badly decomposed by the elements by Wesley Weymark in Sand Cove, approximately for miles from the scene of the drowning. SENT TO PENITENTIARY Nupanee.~=Everton Woodcock of the township of Camden, who was ta- ken inte custody on a charge of break- ing into and entering appeared be: fore Magistrate Graham and was sen- tenced to three years in Portsmouth Penitentiary, There were several previous convictions against the ac- cused, APPROVE STANDPIPE Lindsay ~Approval was given by the Town Council to the plan of the Water Commission to build a stand. pipe to hold 250,000 gallons, at a cost of about $25,000, This will insure an adequate reserve In case of trouble and will allow for proper chlorination with the present equipment, CATTLE STEALING CHARGED Lindsay~Wallie Adams, Carden Township, and George Gardiner were arrested on a charge of stealing cat- tle, part of the herd of Alex, Benson, of Eldon Township. Provinelal Con- stables Joseph Nelson and D, H, Por- ter, of Lindsay, followed a three- monthasold teal to trace cattle to a farm within five miles of the Benson home, | | IN PARLIAMENT Brockville==W, W, Kennedy, who has returned to the House of Commons as the, Conservative member for Winni eg South, is an old Leeds county hoy, nh at Westport, while "Barney" M Stitt, who has been returned as the Take a Kodak and Plenty of Kodak Film N° VACATION trip is a complete success with out Kodak snapshots of the hub , Be sure to take a with b Juand an ample wpply Kodak Film in the yellow box, the film that gets the picture, See us before leave, for any picture-making needs. Our stock of Kodaks is come plets and up-to-date, Prices are practically whatever you want to pay, All sizes of the aware dependable Kodak The REXALL Stores Jury & Lovell King § Simeoe St, N, Phone 28 Phone 68 vy we yoy ov Conservative representative for Nel. son, Manitoba, h formerly of Brock ile He is mayor of The Pas, Man~ tobu, CHILD LOST IN BUSH Kingston ~The villagers of Sharbot Luke turned out in force when it was reported that the seven-year-old son of Edward Pincombe was missing from his home, Search parties were formed and the luke was Jatiotled, ny it was feared that he might have fal fen in the water, After an all-night search, the missing youngster arrived home alone, stating that he had just spent the night in a bush, WANT NEW BUILDING Peterborough. ~A new federal building for Peterborough combining the Post Office and the Customs House under one roof was the move. ment set on foot at the regular meet. ing of the City Council when the Al dermen moved a resolution to the Hon, K, B, Bennett, prime minister elect, asking that the necessary stéps be taken, CASH RESERVES OF (i.M.C. INCREASED Sales and Earnings Down But Working Capital Detroit, Aug, .8,--=Cash reserves of the General Motors Corpora. tion as of June 80 amounted to $1765,008,782, compared with $127,061,680 on December #81, 1020, according to the financial statement Issued by president Al fred P, Bloan, Jr., last night, Net working capital wan oreasod from §451,287,762 $200,677,204, During the first six months of 1030, General Motors delivered 667,829 cars to consumers In the United States, This compares with 847,761 for the same period of 1020.. Hales to dealers In thé United States totalled 670,572, compared with 020,884 the frst six months last year, The corporation's for the first six months ds Ane nounced previously totalled $08, A66,860, compared with $161,560, 310 n year ago. This Is equiva lent to $2.15 a share on common stock, compared with $3.98 for the first half of 1029 WESTERN GRAIN OUTLOOK BETTER Western Premiers Are Not Optimistic Over Outcome of the Situation in net earnings Toronto, Aug, 7." Drought and bad harvesting conditions in other parts of the world are to-day re sulting In advantage to 'Canada, but the task of adjusting produ tion to consumption in a manner that will lessen the bad effects of either aver or under-production {x a problem that yet remains unsolv. ed," sald Hon, John Pracken, I'ie miler of Manitoba, last night, eom- menting upon the hrightened out look for the Canadian farmer In the wheat markets of the world, Speaking for hiwaself and for Hon, J, K. Brownies, Premier of Alberta, In the lght of the rixe in wheat prices above the dollars mark within less than a weak after touching the lywest lavals In 17 years, Mr, Rrackea tempered his Jubilation for the Canadian grower with expressions of regret that the vast improvement of prices should come as the result of disaster for others, The wheat pita In Winnipeg and Chicago went wild veaterday, In vestment and speculative buying nd covering by shorts hoosting prices from three to six cents, and registering gains equivalont to from 14 to 20 cents per bushel as compared with a week ago, Premirs Ar Opthnistio Pleased by the steadily-increans ing prices of wheat and satisfiad at having completed the 'ask for which they had traveled to Tor. COAL] "ey Fe-- The Best Produced in America Telephone 262 DIXON COAL C0. Jser~ Five DirectLines to Arthur 0. Williams, East Provis dence, IL, was chosen by Thomas A. Edison from among the "height est boys' In the United Mates for the Inventor's college scholarship, Henry Vord, who with Warvey Pivostone, helped Mr. Fdison wel the examination and select the winner, Is seen standing behind the donor of the prize, onto, Premier Bracken, with Pre miler Brownles of Alberta, snd Dr J, T. M, Anderson, P'remlar of Saskatchewan, Ml expressed optim Intie predictions or Copndian grains The three premiers of Canada's graln-growing provinces left together for Ottawa last night HORSE INJURES ~ ASHBURN FARMER | George Mole Crowded in (\ Stall by Animal And Is Painfully Hurt A Ashburn, Aug George W, Mole had the misfortune to huve bis ankle badly hurt when horsa crowded him in the stall, Hels now depend ing on the ald of a crutch and a cane to get around On Vriday evening Mr. and Mrs Will Hopkins' home was the scene of & merry. gathering when a number of friends assembled to give Mr, Jim Hann and bridetobe a shower, The young couple wee mada the recipi. Lents of many pretty and useful gifts | during the evening for which Mr | Hann suitably: replied Threshing operations are now in full swing. The hot weather has ripe ened up the grain rather faster than usyial but IL 18 a very satisfactory yield Mr | h | and Mrs, George Williams and daughter were In Toronto on Katur Lday night where Doreen, thelr mix [ your old daughter, sings each week {to a large radio audience and is he coming very popular The Sabbath school and eommuni(y plenie was held wt Oshawa on the Lake laet Thursday when n large orowd from here enjoyed the after noon's outing heside the peaceful wa ters of Lake Ontario Miss Liszie Anderson wus enlled to Stratford Inst week on aceount of the serious linens of her sister, Mrs Brown Mr, und Mrs, Norman White ente; tained the junior softball team from Whithy one evening last week, on thelr pretty lawn south of the village here A number from here went neroas to Myrtle on Monday night to see the Part Perry-Myrtle noftball game, Rev, My, and Mra, Htevenson left last week for a month's vacation, During the former's absence, Rey, Stevenson of Toronto will have charge of the services for the first two sabbath commencing Sunday, Aug, rd, and an student from Ux bridge will have charge for the bal ance of the time On Tuesday evening, Aug 13th, the young people are having an open Guild, "The earlier part of the even: ing will he glven over (oo sports, horse shoa pitehing, softball, ete, af ter which an program will bs given in the ehureh, Mr. Summerhayes of Plekering visited hin family here on Sunday, SPEEDING CAUSE OF BAD ACCIDENT Two Cars Collide With Ter- rific Crash Near Myrtle Myrtle, Aug. S.=8peeding and de | feotive brakes In said to have been the cause of n nasty motor aceldent here on Monday morning, When a | farmer wan driving south with a | team and wagon a car waa slowly following him to pass when it got a ! chance when a socond car came tears | ing down from the north and slam | | tormer friends med the brakes but without effect in order to avold hitting the car fol lowing the wagon; It veered out to the left and hit a north-bound ear Both cars were badly smashed but the occupants escaped uninjured, Miss Olive Harrison has been visiting her aunt, Mrs, Hill, of Oril 1] The Port Perry boys played the ve turn game of soft ball with the local boys here on Monday night, and re turned home with n score of 6:5 In favour of Myrtle, On Saturday night of this week the boys of Thornton's Corners will play here Miss Dorcas MaVarlane of Tillsor burg ig spending the week hers (he guest of Mrs, H: Hudgins and other | | Mr, and Mr Harry Bpaullng, of | Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs, Jim Hor top, of Balsam visited friends here on Bunday, Farmers are busy threshing fall wheat | Owing to the warm wealhey and | #0 many being away for the hol | day season It wan decided on Bun day to have the Sunday school cloped for the remaining Sundays In Au gust, Then on tha reopening the Inst of Heptember, it in hoped thal mn grout interest will bea taken In this very important branch of | ehurelh work by the parents and chil dren, thelr | NEGROES HANGED |_ BY ANGRY NOB | AT MARION, IND. (Continued from Page 1) rounding towns, armed with machine guns maintained order lu this city, whie Governor Harry U Leslie sald he stood ready to recall the National Guard from Its train ink quarters at Camp Knox, Ky, {f further troubla developed The vengeance of tha moh Was appeased after Cameron win re turnod to the Jalil It wan discov ered the men had Intended taking Naobert Sullivan, 19, who was im plicated In the killing of Deeter, Instead of Cameron, whose dpnne tlh with the other nekroos Wis only that of an necomplien In nev oral recent rohbories A move toward Hulllvan, after the mistake was discovered and Cameron returned, was thwarted by a man who sald ha was an unele of the girl attacked He lings angued the mob, saying the twn men directly Involved had been punished, and advised against fur thor violence, Hoon after the crowd broke up Into small groups and the danger of another outs break was considered slight, Karly today the bodies of Shipp and Smith still awung from the places whera they were hanged, The lynchers announcing = they would be left there until noon as a warning to other negroes, No Prosecutions ? Harley Hardin, Grant County pros secutor, told the Associated Press this morning that no charges will be filed against leaders of the mob, On the other hand, Chief of Police Lew in Lindenmuth said some action "might be taken" Shortly after the height of the vi: olence at the courthouse square a crowd of fiva hundred negroes gas thered in the negro section of the city, but no action resulted beyond objections voiced by several speakers who charged the sheriff's force with failure properly to protect the lives of the prisoners, No shots were firs ed during the assault on the jail, The body of Shirp, after swinging againgt the side of the building for A time, was moved to the tree on which Smith was hanged, sub The photographs here show the n n brothers and sister of Hamilton, Ont, who advife in an offshore gale off Grimsby, were ow 4 mr Fv en swept four miles out to soa and finally rescued by fishermen, (1) Alfred Hodgson; (8) Margaret and (8) Arthur, 8. OFFICIAL OPENING OF OSHAWA HARBOR 930 Saher 4 ry i GROU The top picture thow tha 8. 8 City of Kingsto 0 { enter Oshawa , Just passing ship to within the breckwater, with a grest POF come It, In the middle is a phute graph of Mayor T. B, Mitcholl giv John Dube. ee, MM ASMA RMS. True Stories Stra ROMANCE a ar A "Elan that he int man man man v England Mi W and sald 1 caused by for dinne with | cont 1) ' the thing true 1 penrant phat, sn \ be ni fled man of t An emooth | With wo vised him to § try ta fo t ant dream Ha turned aver of ten or fiftesn v asleep again, Nut for the time ha uwola In a enld f NY tng that ha had ¢ ha thing all over | nin ni ef a ribe 1 of the Inelde trapedy, Mra Wiliams as that t whe merely the effect ¢ fiat dream and ha turner oy 1v tn hava the dream re time, At the hour John Willams first awoke at hix hame, Seorriar Hours, in Carnwell, the 1ohhy tha Houss af Commons, London was erowded awaiting the assembling of Parlin ment, Presently a soberly dressed gentleman, of middls age, smooths Ivy shaven and af dienified manner entered tha lohhy, Tt was My, Pap ecoval, the Prima Minister, We how od right and left to his friends and proceaded on hiv way At tha game moment a poorly dressed man, with Nageard face. and gleaming eves stenped from hehind a miliary pnd, pulling a pistol from his pools ot, aimed ft nt Mr, Pareaval, A shot rang out and the statesman fell to the floor dead, Ho was Immediately surrannded hy his friends, hut they rea trad at once that ha was havand human ald, At the same time a number of the members made a rush for the Arsansin, Claneral Gascoyne, A member of the Monsa from Livers pool, and an aminent soldier, wan the first te reach tha man grasped him hy tha throat and fors oihly tank the smalking plate! fram hin hand, We glanced at the fellow and gasped "My God! T's ham!" ' Noarly all of thane wha were hh the lobby knew the meaning of that exclamation. Tut to others {t needed a word of explanation, John Nalllagham was not an ald man, but he had a checkered oars oor and many adventures, Ja had fatled tn two or threa enterprizes, had heen shipwrecked and suffers od intense privations and had tinal Iv gone to Rustin ag the repreren tative of an Kngliah concern, While Int il ood int y he n 1 | v And nad in the Ed] nut wa ound pocond n 1" nin af the nred him f hi r In had or ur for the third John Belling. STRANGEST TALES OF Ly Vance Wynn (Author of ToDay's True Detective Stories) TRAGEDY He | nger Than Fiction ND MYSTERY an official welcome to Captain Lower picture shows! by Campbell, ana ------ i ------r 1 RT ---- a THAT CAME TRUE he had received £10,000 from npl for which he falled Ive A satisfactory neeount, ier he was guilty of anything rt was not made entiraly clear, any rate hoe gscapad punishes Ho eama IStk to England After a tima returned to Nussin, rond vist he was Aree n another ehnrge which, appars had no Justification, He wos tenced to five years' imprisons t and he spent that period in A 11 ere yers mer | 1] I in ef ind Hl-trentod and torturad, and at A af his sentence he eae nut nf that hell on earth with what has leserihod as an "undying hats red of mankind," Ho was that crour kind of parson-<a man with a grievance Ho came hack nnd, emacinted and with a Ha had | he one ohjeet in fe now and that [ deeire tn ba redressed for the nes he had suffered, Ha visite f the Homa Offies and then tha | in Offles of tha Government {nnd made a detailed statement of | what he had undergane, The Jaws Iwi o examined and {twas deelded tha Government was powers to do anything for him, Ha Kaunted the Heonse of Commons {and ha hattonholed ona, member after another until finally he eama tn ba Jooked upon as a nulsance, Ho pleaded with Mr, Torceval, hut the gentleman sald with gentle tols Oranee "No, no, my good man, I ean do nothing for you," But if the Prime Minister dig missed the matter trom his mind John Nellingham did net, Hea thought of ft day and night, Tt had become an obsession, He halts od mambers an thelr way ta the House of Commons and pleaded with them to take soma action In hin ease, But all ta no avail, Min. ally had oome that tragle xeans in the lobby and the death of Mr, Per. eoval The trial was a notable one In mans respects. Thera was much indignation over the untimely death of the English statesman and public aninfon demanded an early dispor! tion of the case, The man who had haen friandloss in lite sndaon!y found some supporters whan he wan on trial for hin life, Ha war defended by ahle counsel and the plea of Insanity wax offered in als behalf, Dut it falled and ha war convicted and sentenced te be hanged, The exscution took places on Mav 1%, and fust befors the noose war plaead ahout his neck the untors tunate evled aunt, "T thank God for having enabled me tn meet my fate with fortitude tand resignation," A few woeks after this John Wil Hama came up from hiz home In Cornwells and visited thd House of Commons, He wan taken to the labhy and pointed te tha evact apot wheres Mr, Perceval had been shot, saying! "The seens fe Just as vivid to my mind an on the night I had my dream, That fa the procise snot whera tha above tragedy enourret," And ha spoke tha trath, Copyright by Publio Ledger | the ¢ hoen ¢ | dan | | Pig tunted [oak In his eves Io {tnt 1 Ha wan hallstarved | i 9) PICTURES OF HAR BOR OPENING crowd of citisans assembled to wel: | (he first piece of merchandise, a Me. | Laughlin-Buick Straight Eight sedan, going on board the steamer.~Photos 7 / R-100 WILL FLY T0 NIAGARA FALLS Dirigible Will Follow Lake Shore Route on Return Journey St, Hubert Alrport, Montreal, Au BThe Canadian Press was reliably informed to-day that the British dir. igible R-100 would cruise over Ham. ilton and Niagara Valls on Monda following her visit to Ottawa and Toronto, If the weather conditions permit, the ship will follow the Lake Shore Route from Toronto, ---------------- TORONTO DAIRY CO. SOLD TO BORDEN'S Toronto, Aug B=Sale of the ( Dairy Company to the Borden M Company awaits only the approval of a shareholders' meeting, acc ing to a statement made here to-day by 8. J. Moore, City Dairy president, The offer provides for the reden tion of the company's preference stock at $135 cash per share, The authorized capital of City Dairy now consists of 10000 preferred share par value $100 and 160,000 common shares of no par value, comm shares have been sub-divided into common for each original share of $100 Acceptance of the Borden offer City Dairy directors was revealed by the issuing of sn order at Osgoode Hall, ealling a special meeting of shareholders on Tuesday, August 14 | I AAs Stock Market Prices Marke Summary by Canadian ress Toronto and New York Stock Quotations Supplied by Biggar and Crawford, Alger Building, Ushaws Toronto Stock Exchange Wo | Dr Bra Clty [ Gy | Hir | Ford | nt | Int | Ind | my Mo | 'nge Hersey | Bor Close Low: 2pm, 16% 10% ans HERA 0h 10 \ HER 21% 18% (31 20% ne LLRA i" High Low High 17 an nn 10% ] ok Lock Am wilian Dalry mim Walkers ON » 0H '% nh 8% HER 21% 188 bh a0 he LL} LL] Nickel Petrolenm Alcohol erinl Of) Power ' nt, vice Station 44 Standard Mining Exchange Hto Abt Nig Dor al lank Nor Hud Tor Hollinger Howey Hher, 2pm, hd LL} 785 225 500 HE) 2200 2500 115 168 450 Low hi ht TT TRA High hh hi 785 240 ann hI) 2200 2500 115 150 650 ek nn Missouri no Mines conbridge 42h HE) ne 2200 2000 136 166 650 (inld ia Shore 'Anan (Glordon 1, Dasin 'k Hughes New York Exchange NEW YORK STOUKS High Low 2pm. 126 180% 183 60% 07% 68 210% 207% 84% a8 50% BOY% 7% T% a 30% BU 67% 31 18% 2014 Block Am, Can, Am, ¥, Power Am, Tel, "Tel, Am, Intern'l Anaconda Auto Birop Bendix Bent, Htoel Byers A. M, Con, Film Pr, Con, Film C, Chrysler Col, Gan Fox Film (len, Electric (jen, Motors Int, Tel Tel, Kelvinator Mont, Ward Nat, Cash Phil Read, Cf, Paramount Pub, New J, Radio ftadio Keith Simmons Standard N, J, IH, Rubbor 1, B, Steel Vanadium Yel, Truck Money, 2 per cent, . nlx lens mat rent haf Port charge of theft, Hope, was sentenced to two years FORGER SENTENCED Hope, ==Pleading gullty to of forgery and one 8, Zealand, Port charges one day at the Ontario Refor- ory, sentences to run coneurs ly, In county court at Cobourg, we Judge B. O, B, Huycke of Peterboro, Fuszless peaches are more plenti- ful than fussiess women, --=Detroit News, Most of us are firmly emvinced that we could makes a success of lite if we oply had time,~=Life ¥ BINDER TW BRANTFORD 650 ft. Large and HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED 54 Church St. INE 600 ft, Small Balls Phone 203