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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Aug 1930, p. 1

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| . "AU the News While It Is News" The Osh Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer aa Daily Times A Growing Newspaper in # Growing City hy VOL. 7=NO, 32 banat Rt SS aan OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents » Copy aaa o TEN PAGES THOUSANDS AT OSHAWA HARBOR OPENING S. S. City of Kingston Arrives First, Followed by S. S. Ashbay | HARBOR OPENING CEREMONY COLORFUL SPECTACLE WITH PRESENTATION TO CAPTAIN "5.5. ASHBAY" FIRST BOAT GOING WEST Steamer of Tree Line Navi- gation Company Arrived in Oshawa Harbor at 6.15 Yesterday Evening, And Was Greoted by Large Crowd FREIGHT LOADED FOR WESTERN POINTS Pedlar People and Fittings, Limited, Send Thirty Tons of Manufactured Goods by Water to the Head of the Lakes Although some three hours Inter than the arrival of the 8.8, City of Kingston, the entry Into the Oshawa Harbour of the 8.8. Ashbay, of the Tree Lines Navigation Company, marking the coming of the first westbound steamer to the new har bor, yesterday evening was heralded by a gathering of citizens but little smaller than that which assembled in the afternoon for the coming of the first vessel, 'T'ha workers from the city, debarred from attending the afternoon ceremony, were never theless keenly Interested In the ar rival of the Ashbay, and when, es corted by the ofMeiul launch, it came between ithe hrenkwatars, the docks were crowded with poople, who pughed and jostlod each other in a have nu close-up view of the farger freighter which had just come up the River St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario. from Montreal, and waa headed for Fort William, at the head of the lakes, It was an impressive | sight to ses the great bulk of the freighter nose its way up to the wharf, to see the deck hands swing put on A boom from the ship's side, and clamber down a rope to the dock with the agility of monkeys, there to make fast the ropes by which the Ashbay was finally brought close to the dock and there tied in a steady "position, The ceremony of the afternoon, of course, was lacking, and It was left to a representative of The Oshawa Times to be the first person to olimb aboard and greet the officers of the ship. 'The Ashbay was under the command of Capt. A, J. Hogue, a» ne tive of Plokering, and ona of the most valued skippers of the Tree Line Navigation Company, On the dock to greet the vensel were J. D. Calvin, manager of the Tres Line Navigation Company, and Norman Moore, district freight man ager of the company, who had been (Continued on Page 7) TREATY PLANE HAD TROUBLE ON TRIP Storms and Fogs Caused Forced Landing in North Country Toronto Aug, 8.--Forced to bats tle for thelr lives against storms and fogs which more than once caused forced landings the Indian Treaty Plane which left Ottawa on July 3 successfully completed its eirouit of Ontario hinterland and arrived at Remi Lake to-day, The plane carried W. 3, Calin, deputy- minister of land and forests, who negotiated treaties with Indian trl in the wilds of Ontario and was piloted by Flight-Liout, Dave Harding, Disaster overtook the party be low the rapids at the mouth of the Hud ver near Winisk when the plane was forced down ina storm and was driven on a rock shoal, Harding and several trusty Indians, however, managed to bring it. to safe harborage just as the eraft was beginning to sink, i New Oshawa Harbor is Opened With Impressive Ceremony New Cabinet Is Settling Down To Its Duties Several Ministers of Bennett Cabinet New to Ottawa Political Life Ottawa, Aug: d~The new cabinet of the Bennett administration settled down to, work to-day, no time being lost by the ministers in familiarizing themselves with their duties, To many the directing of the affairs of Ww government department was no new thing, merely a return to a dtuy which they had formerly carried out, Others, however, were not so well placed and were entering a sphere of activity totally different from that which they had left behind them, "You won't have to be too hard on us, until we get used to the job," was the plea of Hon, Wesley Gor. don, Minister of Immigration, when asked his reaction to an cabinet ap. point, Mr. Gordon Is one of the newcomers to the political life of Ot. tawa, All of the French-Canadian minis- ters, Arthur Sauve, Postmaster Gene eral, Alfred Duranleau, Minister of Marine, and Maurice Dupre, Seliei- tor-General, are new to the capital, In all three cases they will control departments that were directed 'in the previous administration' hy French-Canadians, or, as in the case of the postmaster - general, by an Acadian, Many of the new men will bring their own secretarial staff, but the secretaries of the former ministers whose places they will take are pro- vided for by statute which sets forth that they are to be absorbed in the civil service ut a specific . rating. The other personnel of the depart ments; coming within the operations of the Civil Service Commission, will remain unchanged, 16 Killed in Tots Bombay,~The death roll in the three-day reign of terror due, to communal riots at' Sukkur in the Sind, In now 16 with 127 injured. The majority of the cnsualties are Hind, reports reaching Hombay sald, WEATHER Forecasts = Lower Lakes and Georgian Bay ~~ Light te mod. erate southerly to westerly winds; mostly fair and warm to. ploht ant Aatardsns seabebly + Afridi Tribesmen Reported Planning Attack on Peshawar (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bombay, India, Aug. 8.--Atridl tribesmen to the number of 65,000 to 8,000 were reported moving at dawn in the Bara valley in an in. tended assault upon the Peshawar frontier, F Their sotivities were reported to be due to the Afghan Youth Lea. gue of the Burhankhel district, bined" with rumors clveulated by the New League of Youth of Peshawar, Boh of these organi rations supposedly have Commune latio connections and are sald to be responsible for the persistent olire culation of rumors among the tribesmen that Peshawar and the surrounding districts were in the hands of National Congress mem- bera and undefended, | The Afridis are the most powers ful of the Pathan tribes which live in the mountainous borderland nia gui Kyber Pass leads to abul, [re T-- rm ray f | 3 "1 CITY OF KINUNTON, FIRST SHIP INTAKES FIRST CARGO of greater draught could not reach, Three lines, Lines, the Tree Line, and the Howard Coal Co, which would be first to have A boat enter the nawly-dredged basin Firat General Motors ear heine ed on City of Kingston in Oshawa Mern are shown features of the Ipening 'yesterday of Oshawn harbor Fhich brought into being the result of tome 25 years' effort and aspiration of the citizens. 'Thousands of Inter pated citizens thronged the piers for | this event, historic beacause up to now the city had only a pier which boats | Movies Taken of Harbor Opening The people of Oshawa will have | an opportunity, some. time next weeld, to see on movie news reel of the offelal opening of the Oshawa Hare bor, Through the enterprise of Loon Osler, manager of the Regent Thea tre, ® movie camera man was on hand when the 8.8, City of Kingston docked here yesterday afternoon, and scones were taken, not only of th ceremony and the ofelals on boai the bout, but also of the vast crowd and the loading of the first merchan dise to be shipped out of the new Oshawa harbor, Mr, Osler expects that the Mm will bo shown at the Regent Theatre about the end of next waeok, Is Harvesting Is Started in ing operations, becoming fairly gen eral in Manitoba ure aiding the un. employment situation, Wages at pre sent average $2.50 daily-=a consider | | able an increase is expected an progress The days in the wands, and were found today allva and well, harbor while citigens looked on; (2) the Canada Steamship | City of Kingston, first ship to enter Oshawa harbor; (5) W, H. Moors, nawlysslected Liberal M.P., who de livered opening speech, and (4) Mayor Mitchell of Oshawa presents top hat to Capt, Dube of the City of King: ston, wera In the race to see tn nnd. Alberta and Manitoba (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Yield Over Average Edmonton, Alta Harvesting of wheat has commenced in the Fil monton district of Northern Alberta, Reports indicate that cutting is pros ceeding on two farms in the Win terburn district and on another north of Edmonton, Prospects indicate a better than average vield Winnipeg, Man, Aug. 8 Harvest drop from previous years, but made in the reaping Aged Widow Murdered I'redericton. ~A widow, aged HY wan the victim yestorday of the most brutal murder York County in Now Brunswick has known In yours Lost Couple Found Pax, Man, Lost for nine Northern Manitoba Harry Cairns a prospector 16-year-old son; George, his 500 HOMELESS IN MEXICAN FLOODS ---- Many Still Reported As Missing as Search For Bodies Continues (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Nogales, Arle, Aug, 8 Hold- fers, citizens and polloe, wourched the ruined sections of Nogualos, Sonora, today, for victims of tha flood which swept through theso border Oitles leaving four known dead, 18 missing, and 600 homo own, As tho skies cleared, the fright: ened populace, driven from homes by the flood and then terrified by a downpour which for a tme threatened a recurrence of the deluge, ventured back to the houses remaining undamaged, A proliminary survey by Mayor Vil asono of the Mexlean City indi coated a property loss of $17,000, The damage on the United States side was estimated at $26,000, The damage on the Sonora sido was the more severe because of the number - of adobe buildings, Stocks of morchandise in the tours ist stores on International street suffered heavily, A Santa Fe train went through a washed out bridge near Wins: low and piled up two baggage ears atop the engine. The ongineer and fireman were reported killed, "ister of Minance (M.P, for Calgary West) Canada's New Cabinet Ottawa, Aug, 7.~(CP)~The following Is the list of the new Cabinet, in order of precedence, As sworn in yesterday: ION, R, B, BENNETT, Frime Minister, President of tho 'rivy Council, Secretary of State for Hxternai Affairs and Min: SIR GEORGE H, PERLEY, K.C, MP, Minister without portiuiio (MP, for Argenteuil), HON, ¥, N. RHODES, Ministor of Fisheries Nova Hcotin), SKNATOR GIDEON D, ROBERTSON, Minlater of Labor, ION, HUGH GUTHRIE, Minister of Justice and Attorney. Gonernl (MP, for Wellington South), HON, H. H, STEVENS, Minigter of Trade and Commerce (to run In Kootenay last), HON. J. R, MANION, Minister of Railways and Capals (M.P, for Kort Willlam), HON. HB. B, RYUKMAN, Minister of National Rovenue (M. tor 'l'oronto Kast), HON, J, A. MacDONALD, Minister without portfollo (MP, Kings, P.K.1,), HON. ARTHUR BAUVE, val<lI'wo Mountains), HON, QOL, MURRAY MacL,AREN, Minister of Pensions and National Health (M.P, for St, Johu-Albert, N.B.), ION, H. A, STEWART, Minster of Fublic Works (MP, tor Leeds), HON. OU, H, CAHAN, Secretary of State (M.P, for St, Law. rence-¥t, George, Montreal), HON, D. M, SUTHERLAND, Minister of National Defence (M1), tor Oxford North), HON, ALFRED DURANLEAU, Minister (MP, for Chambly-Verchores) NON. THOMAS G, MURPHY, Minister of Interior and Sup- erintondent-General of Indian Affairs (MP. for Neepawa, Man,), HON, MAURICE DUPRE, Solleltor-General (M.P, for Quebec Woot). HON, W. A, GORDON, Minister of Immigration and Colon. Isation and Minister of Mines (M.P. fofr Temiskaming South), HON, ROBERT WEIR, Minister of Immigration and Colon Meltort, Sask). (Premier of tor ' Postmaster-General (MP. for La- of Marine Ma EE f | | AWA HARBOR TO HUGE CROWD GATHERED ON THE QUAY AT OSH. WELCOME THE * FIRST STEAMER TO ENTER FOLLOWING COMPLE- TION OF WORK, AND GAVE ENTHUSIASTIC GREETINGS TO CAPTAIN JOHN DUBE OF THE Harbor---Shipment of Ge A gently of three from the pler's edge westward steeply from the wharf; the hot Au waters of Lake Ontario rolling up f WAVING sea the these formed the setting yesterday fraught with import insofar as Osl The sea of faces belonged to of Oshawa, citizens who realized 1 Negroes Slain | By Angry Mob At Marion, Ind. | Double Lynching Follows Murder of Man and At. | tack on Girl | Marion, Ind, Jug, § A fren. | gied moh of 1,000 persons which | stormed the Grant County fall Inte | last night snatched two NOErooy | from their cells and hanged them on the courthouss square The vigtims of the mob's fury were Thomas Shipp, 18, accuse of fatally shooting Claude Deeter, 23, of Fairmount, Ind, and Abe Smith, 19, who, police sald, admit ted attacking Deeter's girl com panion after the shooting on a | lonely country road east of here, Using sledge hammers after they were drven off once by the use. of tear gas bombs, membors of the moh smashed a hola in the masonry heside the fall door and | broke thelr way through two steel doors to reach the cells of the Negroes, Shipp's clothing was torn from hig hody by the maddéned men, an he was borne in a blanket to the courthouse yard and hanged trom the bars of a window In the building, Smith, borne from the jall by a group of men after (2ry had knocked him unconscious with thelr: fists and hammers, was thrown on the ground, where a horde of screaming women tramps led on him and tore his body with thoir finger nails, He then was hanged on a tree In the courthouse yard, The moh dispersed early today after It had taken from the jail they witnessing; the | vessel to dock at Oshawa In 17 ye | ; [J were sleamer honour of opening Oshawna's ney Government Boat Also in Harbor While It was not the Arst freighter to enter the Oshawa harbor, an in | teresting little vessel attracted much attention in the harbor yesterday af ternoon, Tt was the Canadian gov ernment steamer Wauketa, a tug en. | gaged In the work of hauling stone to Oshawa for the repairing of the breakwaters, This vessel, drawing n | large pontoon with a erane mounted | on it, has been engaged in this work | for some days, and was in harbor all | of yesterday afternoon, while the ceremonies of welcoming the City of Kingston were going on, | Dirigible May Return Aug. 15 Tentative Date Is Fixed For| R-100 Flight to England Hubert Airport, Montreal, Aug. | RB~Another busy day faces officers and crew of the British dirigible R 100, With possibilities existng that the huge ship. might leave here for Ottawa and Toronte on Sunday al ternoon and England very shortly after her return from the Canadian flight, gassing and refuelling opera tions have been going forward stead. ilv, It is not likely that the big airs ship will start her home flight before August 1, (m2 date scheduled for the trans-Atlantic hop, St Boys Are Heroes, and severely heaten Herbert Came eron, 16, Today H0 State police- men and polico officers from aur: (Continued on Page 10) er ---- NEW ZEALAND MAY INCREASE TARIFF ON AUTOMOBILES Premier Declar First Duty to Encourage Great Britain Wellington, New ¥ealand, August R~There is a strong feeling in New Zealand that taxation on foreign mo- tor cars should be inereased, "and it is difficult to resist that feeling," Premier G. W, Forbes told a deputa- tion of motor dealers, who protested against a higher tariff, Premier Forbes declared Great Britain was New Zealand's best, ins deed practically her only customer, If New Zealand did not buy from Britain, he continued, she would be placed in a state of great. danger, and he was emphatic in his belief that everything possible should he done to encourage the British manu: facturer, Rescue Horses -------- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Ont, Aug, 8~~When a fire was discovered in the loft of the stables of Jackson's Bakery, late last night, flames wera shoots ing from the windows and the mass of stored hay crackling and send- ing forth tremendous volumes of smoke, Four hoya, realizing the danger to the eight horses stabled in the stalls below the burning lofts rushed into the building before the firemen arrived and amid dense smoke and the wisps of burning straw dropping from the ceiling managed to get all the animals safely to the open alr, The frightened hovses kioked and rear. od as the boys attempted to rescue them, one hoy being kicked, but not seriously, 5.5. CITY OF KINGSTON ered, bron 1 Ing below, In ¢ Mayor T. B. Mitchell Presénted Captain of Steamer With Silk Hat in Honor of Being the First to Arrive in New neral Motors Cars and Prod ucts of Pedlar People and W. E. Phillips Company, First Merchandise to be Shipped Out of the Harbor by Local Industries--Speakers Predict Big Future For Oshawa as Result of Harbor Development faces y high red wall of a steame? rising thousand human stretching gust sun heating down, and the hlue rom the horizon to the gouth-@ast | ---- for a olf, but awan's Industri concerned, thou cereme imple In It future | and cit} 0 three he wi ans of this elty nf the of Kin and winner of the race fn which firey the significance iy event the '"( gston,' Arg ' I i rhot Captain Cheerved turned with eager interest ton of the Face the dec) Bleamer, the crowd, where Captain John Dubé slipper of the vessel, da, qulet-voiced simple dignity (no receive the of the concours silk hat, symbolic bringing the first nwa's harbnuy In a Hitle group stood some of the men faye slghied vision and = persistent eflorgy for the city of their choice, was sees Ing its fruition, One by one they step forward to the rail, look oul upon the intently listening gathers press thelr gratificas tion ot the fact that after long years of walting, Oshawa, a city whose fus ture Is bound up in export trade, han ecured water shipment facilis ties, and entered upon what is cons fidently hoped. will be an unpreceds ented ern of industrial expansion, An Unique Ceremony A ceremony unique, and never to be repeated in the history of Oshs AWA, WAR seen when Mayor T. B, Mitchell, standing at the rail of the ship, drew from concealment in its box the silk hat, lustrous and ree splendent, and, with only the elie of photographer's cameras breaking the sllence, as the event was indels ihly recorded for the future, handad It to Captain Dubé A Momentous Day "This will go down as a momens tous day in the history of Oshawa, declared Mayor Mitchell, "Wa hope that in the future the arrival of steamers at Oshawa and the ships ment of commodities of local manus facture by water, will ba a common occurrence, Wea are delighted to think that some of our manufaetur« era have taken the opportunity of RBIpping freight by this steamer tos day, high above ' sguareshoulde tood with, plaudits y ind shining of the honeyr of vessel nia Oshe YOUNg upon the deck whose Captain Dube's Reply Captain Lubd replied hriefly, exw pressing his appreciatiun of the honour conferred upen him in off. clally opening the harbour, and adde (Continued on Paga 0) ---- a Conservative Wins on Recount Montreal, Que, Aug. 8§.~Tha standing of the major political parties as a result of the dominion elections on July 48, remained un. certain in this provinea to-day While an official recount in Quebea county gave the seat to Charles N, Dorion K.C,, Conservativa ecandis date, the final result of the paling in Yamaska was problematical, the Liberals claiming the constituency by four votes and the Tories hy two, A Judicial recount is proceeding in Sorel and the final result should be known to-day or carly tos morrow, Canadian Airmen Start Flight Into the Far Northern Regions \ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Edmonton, Ala, Aug, 8-~Fly ing northward in a flight across tha forbidding barren lands, over foe-conted channels of the Arete Sea, and finally to the North Mag- netio Pole on thé rovky coast of the Boothia Peninsula never before visited hy an airman, Pllot W. BE, Gllhert of Waostern Canada Alrs ways, will leave MeMurray, Alta, on & special oharter trip nest Kris lay, During the ensuing three weeks he will carry with him Major Burs wash, famous Northern explorer in the employ of the dominion governs ment, Qver 5,000 miles will have heen covered by the flyer before he brings his supersuniversal Fokker monoplane to land at the MoMuss ray base again, .

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