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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Aug 1930, p. 3

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Py THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST &, 1930 PAGE THREW Boy Scouts to Hold Monster Rally in This City in September Injuries Will Handicap Oshawa Srs. in First Game With Brampton Yor the first time since thelr in- troduction into senior serosse, 1ady luck seems to have Lurned her face from Censral Motors senior Ja- crosse team, it the present condl tion of the team is to ba taken as a'eriterion, With Bill Coulter, captain , Tomorrow HONORED & v ot! the team at present under doctor's | care in the lock) hospital and five other members of the team in what could hardly be termed 100 per cent condition, as the result priv: | only of leg injuries, prospects of carryin in Brampton ave giving local ens thusiasts no little concern, Despite the handicap, § off Waturday's big same however, | the players themselves are deter | mined to earry off a vietory, Their well known fighting spirit pinches should serve them in good stead and with Brampton having Teddy Reeve, hardly up to par, in the | they figure they should at least | turn in a worthy performance, In addition to Bill Coulter who Is suffering from an injury which has developed. to an infection en his vight leg below the knee, Tools White and Kelly Degray are both suffering from hip Injuries austain: od In last Wednesday's same with Brampton, "Doddy" Doddemeade will be foreed to play on Haturday with a strapping on his left ankle which was also injuried In Wednesday's game while "Ty" Silk will be suf tering from several leg bruises ul: though he also will be In uniform, "Emitty'" Bmithsen, the sixth casualty, bas & dislocated tos which he has now been suffering from for (he last several games and which has caused him & very notice: | able limp, As already mentioned, the team are determined to give thelr very best in Baturddy's game, however and with an enthusiastic erowd of Oshawa supporters hehind them to cheer them along, they feel they tan hold the Brampton men right in their own back yard, rrr ------ |& ET ---------------- CANE ENLARGED Maurice Cohen charged with {l= Joga! possession of liquor Appear: ed before Magistrate Willis In court this morning, Defence not heing ready to proceed the ease was enlarged until August 14th, FINED 85 AND CONTR Alen Hrecsia of this aity was fined $5 and costs when he Appears od In pobes court charged with sampling Vr She Jorn DA cons f ulity, . 4 and 3 Yih the same offence was remanded for one week, NO FIRES There were no fires reported in the city yesterday and the firemen were left to spend the day elean. ing brasses and caring for the weigh wsoales, AHOWR ENTERPRISK Leon Osler manager of the Re gent Theatre showed considerable enterprise In Arranging yesterday for an operator of the Associated Moreen News Limited of Montreal te ba on hand for the opening of the Oshawa Harbor, Home {fine views of this event were taken and will be shown at the Regent Theatre within the next week, TTT CITY NEWS NO WORD YET No word has yet heen received from the officers of the R.100 in answer to Mayor Mitchell's wire asking that the giant dirigable oivele over this eoity on its Toronto wisit, Mayor Mitehell will ba out of town until Wednesday next hut inquiries elicited the Information that no answer had heen received prior to his leaving town, FIVE-YEAR.OLD BOY CUTS EYE WITH SWING Whithy, Aug. 8,=-Billy. Foster, fivesyear-old son of Mr, and Mra, Jamen Foater, of Whithy receivea a bad gash over the right eye , whieh required several stitches to close when he was hit by a swing in the town park, last night, The Httle fellow was endeavoring to soles the sawing when It came back and hit him over the eye, He was taken to Dr, C, F, MaGillvray's offige whera he received treatment, These awinga are dangerous at night eapecially when the larger hoys are awinging in mid air, Any voung lad passing in lable not to see the awing In the dark and might he hit with a result that severe injuries might ensue, mm ------------ LADIES TO ASSIST IN DECORATION SERVICE S-- The Ladies Auxiliary of the Osh- awa Branch of the Canadian Legion will take a prominent part in the Decoration Day ceremonies of the fon on Sunday next, The ladies will meet at the War Memorial at AH Bm. and, after assisting in the placing of wreaths on the Gar "den of the Untorgotten, will go hy 'hus to the cemetery, to take part "in the service there, All members of the Ladies Auxiliary are request. Jad by the officers to he at the emorial before 2.15 to take part An the ceremonies, Sometimes some who boast an open mind merely mistake a vao- ancy for an opening.-~Rrandon sun, This R, B, Bennett government will be Contrary, but Will it be R R.-trary as well?--Toronto Btar. A woman always gets the last 'word except when ashe is talking to another woman, ---ualgary Herald, Who was presented with a bean: titul sliver humidor last night on the completion of ten years as sales manager for Chevrolet Motor ('o, LEGION PRESENTS MOST SUCCESSFUL ROSS W'KINNON I$ HONORED BY STAFF Beautifully Engraved Silver Humidor Presented to Him Last Night A period of ten years As gone eral sales manager of the Chevrne let. Motor Company of Canada, Limited, was completed recently, when Ross McKinnon was promot ed to the position nf assistant gen. eral sales manager for General Motors products in Canada, Mr, McKinnon's Len year record stands as the longest Achieved by any general sales manager in the history of the Chevrolet Company on the North American continent, Last evening a fine tribute was paid to the esteem which Mr, Mes Kinnon has wog from his en): leagues and sulordinates during the past decede, when a party of 50 peopls, rperesenting the Chey rolet nrganigation of the country from coast to corel, gave Mr, Me Kinnen a surprise party at home During tha evening a large sterling sfiver humidor was prof sented to the guest of honor as a token of the respect and affection of this organisation with which he has been connected for so long » time, The gift was 8 masterpiece of the Jeweller's art, In an oval on one side it hore a pleture of Mr, McKinnon, photographed di rectly upon the sterling sliver, On either side were engraved repre. sontations of a Chevrolet ear, a 1020 touring model one one slide, ENTERTAINMENT! Substantial Sum Raised To| Aid Funds For Legion Hall A highly successful enteriain ment was staged in the Rotary Hall on Thursday evening under the auspices of the sport enmmities ol the Oshawa Branch of the Canadian Legion, A large and appreciative audience thoroughly enjoyed the program presented hy Dave Emith and his versatile entertainers, as nisted hy Oeorge Walsh, whose solos drew hearty applause and de mands for more Dave Bmith, in his comedy sket ches and monologues, also received warm appreciation of his efforts and the whola program was of a very high order, ¥, D. McDonald, chairman of the evening, and Wil lam Jones, chatrman of the sports committes, gave brief addresses, telling of the work of the Legion, and particulariys of the drive for funds for the Legion Hall, in ald of which the entertainment was held, and for which a substantial amount was ralsed by the concert SLEEPING HABITS OF FAMOUS MEN One Sticks Feet Out of Bed: clothes--Judge Ex. tracts Square Root Hamilton, N.Y. + The sleep habits of 500 distingulshed Ameri: can men have heen carefully stud. fed hy the Director of the Payehols ogy Laboratory at Colgate Univer. sity here, No one of the men under exams ination reperted more than ten or lens than five hours' habitual sleep, The average sleep at 28 years of age Is seven hours and 26 minutes, The minutes sleep over seven hours then increases to 48 to AB years, to H0 at ape 46, drops to 46 at age of 66 to 40 minutes, at age 45, and rises slowly to 45 minutes at age TH, At 86 the average sleeping time in 8 hours and 10 minutes, Many personal idioaynerasies for the purpose of inducing sleep are reported, One magasine edi: tor stieks hia feet out from under the hed clothes, A Bupreme Court Justice buriies his face in the pile low, A young writer strains to keep hin eves open, Holentifically sound variations of the sleep: counting idea appeared, One phis lanthroplst reviews Blackstone's analysis of real estate law, chain store executive thinks of many things rather than one, A selentist thinks of the star spaces In astronomy, A rabhl counts the heat of the clock pendulum, whigh runs 60 to the minute, and hy the time he has counted 300 he is usually asleep, Three men vepeat Masonle pits uals, Four concentrate on the word sleep, A judge counts backward, A college professor vepeats the Apostles' Creed, A Jougnalist thinks over plans for an ideal home, while a judge thinks about the hinomial theorem or extracts square root, Ae ow COL. LINDBERGH TO BROADCAST TONIGHT New York, Aug, 8 --Cnl, Charles A. Lindbergh's radio address to A 1000 sedan on the other, The humidor was also suitably enkrav- ed and embossed with a 'legend congratulating the recipient on his long and honorable record In a position of trust and responsibili | Ly Included in the group of #0 Who were present last night when the presentation was made were local representatives of the Chevys rolet company, n.d the Chevrolet company and Lhe Chevrolet travel. leras for eastern Canada In his new position, Mr, Mo Kin: non will be assistant to J, H, Bea: ton, weneral sales manager for Gamera) Motors of Canada, Limit o( LOSES FINGER IN PECULIAR MISHAP Oshawa Railway Motorman Suffers Injury This Morning Edward P, Emmons, 20 Hrie street, a motorman with the Osh. AWA Nitrest Rallway Company, lost part of the index Anger of his right hand as a result of an acoidant early this morning, Emmons caught his Anger in & awiteh on the street rallway line while changing the awitoh to let in ear through, The tip of the finger was badly smashed, Emmons war ake) di rectly tn the Oshawa hospital by Dr, Hugh MacDonald, who .lscovs ered after examination that an ap. eration would be necessary, The amputation was performed under A general anaesthetic at 9,40 this morning, the tip of the finger helng remaved from the frat toiny, "THE TEXAN" COMIN TO REGENT THEATRE -- Gary Coopel has become a star in his own right sinee makin "The Virginian." Now he is bac in_ the companion pieture to the "The Vir. ginian," "The Texan," which opens at the Regent Saturday for a two day engagement, Cooper's rangy form and natural Western tang give w roalism and stirring naturalness to these gripping outdeor talking Ape: cials which have a strong appeal, "The Texan" in fast-moving, ab: serbing and bristling with melo-dra- matie action, Tt opens at a gallop, on the sun-haked plains of Fen with Cooper dodging the law, It moves awiftly inte tense situations, as, in self-defense, he shoots a erooked gambler and ance more flees an angry justice, It breathes suse enae and thrills, as Cooper stumbles nto the moat glamerous adventure of his daresdevil career; poses as the son of a wealth South American wi: dow falls in leve with her beautiful niece; finds he in toa whale-hearted to garry out his sinister plans against the old Iady, and fights to preserve his "good" reputation, There's not a: dull moment in "The Texan" Fay. Wray, Coaper's lovely sweetheart in the "The First Kiss" and his great war drama, "Legion of the Condemned" in gorgeous an the South Ameriean beauty who eap: tures the fickle heart of the swag: gering Texas bandit, Fmma Dunn, for nearly a quarter of a century famous for her mother rales on stage and screen, gives the most appealing mother characterization the movies have produced in same time, And the supporting cast is composed of thoroughly capable and delightinl tyne characters, Tonight final presentitions af "The Lady of Seandal® the splendid wits night will he transmitted hy at least five short wave stations for Hatenera everywhere in the world, Speaking on "international avia- tion" "from a single mioraphone in the studios of the Columbia Rroad- casting System his voles will go| out on the 140 or more stations whieh comprise the National broad. oat chaine and the Columbia nets work, He will talk from 10 io 10,188 pom, (RAT), { traction in which Ruth Chats jan stars will be given, Arvested For Hamilton Theft Calgary, ~ Wanted in several olties on fraud charges, Harold Cosh ls under arrest here, Police declared that he had stolen jewels to the value of $2,000 in Namil tan, Ont, OF CHEVROLET C0. hie | | Lea and Ralph Davis, Frank Gifts to Red Cross Fund Reach $623; More is Needed With the needs of the Oshawa' Red Cross Hoclety still very hesyy connection wih the operations of the Red Cross Cotiake by the Lake, the appeal for donations in sontiny- od, During the Inst week several oitizens sent in contributions, which brought the total up to #655 to dale but four hundred dollars more will be required, at least, to mest the expenses of giving under-nourished and sick children the bensht of expert. supervision spd health-glv- ing outdoor vacation, at the |ake cottage this summer. All eltisens who have not yet contributed, and who are interested in having this work carried on, are vequesied to send their donations to Mrs, M, Hesselwood, treasurer of the Ned Cross Bocisty, 87 Alhert Bireet, Following Is the Vist of contribu. tions up to date: Previously acknoweldged $547.00 Mrs, Goorgn Pedlar 10.00 Mrs, Kate Carmichael |, h.00 Mm, B, W, Drew 20,00 OB W, Louisa sirest, ... 100 Robt, Simpson Coy 10 10,00 Mrs, Pangman 10,00 TREY Total to date ,,,,.., $648,00 The society is also grateful for generous donations of provisions from the Cooper-Amith Company and the Cedardale Bunday Behonl, and for a gift of Juvenile books from Mrs, Blewart, KEDRON SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC Nearly 100 Gather in Luke's Grove for the Event Kedron, Aug. b--Kedron Bunday school held thelr annual plenie in RJ, Luke's grove on Saturday af ternoon, A lively game of softball was played after which the races wera hold with the following earry Ing off the prices; Boys under 7 yoars--Ross Brown, Ralph Hepburn, Keith Mountjoy, Girls under 7 years--=Dorothy Hos kin, Helen Hepburn, Lorraine Pas con Girls under 13 years Heanle Mountjoy, Ella Hoskin, Ruth Ballard Boys under 13 years=Oliver Par ker, Lelund Love, Glen Hoskin Girls under 18 years «= Florence Love, Verna Brown, Margaret Bal lard Boys under 16 years--Frank Hos kin, Glen Hoskin, Leland Love Young men's race Ralph Lorne Hoskin, Gordon Davis Young ladies' race ~~ Florence Rahme, Ruth Cole, Marie Cole, Boys' threedegged race -- Ralph Davis and Ross Lee, Frank Hoskin und Toland Love, Walter Davis and Glen Hoskin GHria' three-legged race--Joan Love and Florence Rahme, Ruth Cole and lu Love, Bernice Wtainton and Flor ence Love Boys and girl' three legged race Joan Love and Florence Rahme, Ross Hos Davis, Kin and Leland Love, Tables were set and nearly 100 wat down to a bountiful supper afer Willen games were indulged in until dark, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Crossman fg Irene visited Ceoll Pascoe, Ko ina, Miss Bessie Mountjoy is spending A few days with Miss Vera Richards, Oshawa Mr, and Mrs, Frank Shepard, Doro thy, Louise and Herbert and Mrs, Kelland, Hamilton, spent Monday with Mr, and Mra, H, 7, Cole Misa Rernice Werry spent a few days last week with J. A, Werry, En: niskillen, Albert Luke, Misses Olive Luke, Nora Werry, Mildred Cole and Geo Werry, Bolin, spent a few days last week at Niagara, 8t. Catharines and Hamilton where they visited rela: tives and friends, Miss Doreas MacFarlane, Tilson: burg, is holidaying with Miss Bernice Werry, Moviey Reath and son David, Bar rie, wpent the week-end with Mr, and Mra, Lealia Haneook, Mra, Badler, St. Catharines, fia visiting her daughter, Mra, H, Jewell, Mr, and Mra, W, N, Hoskin and children visited My, and Mrs, Chas Btalnton, Nonya, on Sunday, Mr, and Mra, R, J, Luke, Mr, Ber trand and Miss Olive Luke and Miss Laura Wickett spent Monday at Caesaerea Frank Lee, Ottawa, is holidaying al his home here, Mr, and Mrs, Lealle Hoskin and Ldla, Oshawa, and Miss Marion Bal: son, Bion, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mra, ©. 'W, Hoskin, Misa Laura Wiokett, Toronto, is visiting Mra, R. J, Luke, Missea Marguerite and Kathleen Conlin attended a party at Cedar hurat, Lake Bimoos, on Saturday, Mr, and Mra, ¥, W, Les, Frank Lee, Mr, and Mra, M, R, Ballard and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, A, R. Scott and family were entertained at a Joti Enthering at the home of Ross | Fay Conlin and Miss Kathleen Conlin spent the week-end at thelr home hers, Will Benson, #t, Catharines, Miss Miriam Spence, Mv, and Mrs, pen: oer, Brookiln, vecently visited Mr, and Mra, 8 Jowell, Mp, and Mra, A, R, Sontt and fam: ily, Mr. and Mra. Clarence Werry, Wm, and Robert, Mr, and Mrs, Gen. Heott, Rae and Grace attended th Soott family reunion at Mussiiman's Lake on Thuraday, Mr, and Mra, R, Benson, ft, Cath: arines, apent the weekend and holi: day with Mra, 8, Jewell, The Kedron Women's Association members were entertained at the home of Mra, Rosa Les on Wednes day afternoon, July 30th, with 18 members and 13 visitors present, Af ter the business meeting a splendid program was given, Mrs, F, Lang maid and Mrs, Nicol, Oshawa, sang two vooal dusts and each sang a solo, Mra, Jewell played an instrumental solo and Miss Marie Cole gave a reading, Rev, Dr, Cooper, the new pastor, apoke a few words to the am sociation, Mra Lee, asalnted Group 6, served a dainty luneh, Misa Minnie Mitchell, Boston, is \oridazing hag her sinter, Mra, A, . Van Dyke, Misden Rhea Croskem, Toronto, B, Prentice, Rochester, and Miss Farrel, Toronto, spent the week-end al Mrs AD. Ven Dyke's, Mrs, Hammond, Orillin, Mrs, Wan nan and Mrs, Bishop, Oshawn, Mrs H, PlintoN and Mrs, Wesley Glanpell, Zion; Mrs, T, Bhortridge and Wilfred Shortridge, Brooklin, Mr, and Mrs John Lawrie, Berniow and Wiltred, Oshawr, were recently entertained at the home of A, D, Van Dyke The Boys' Volunteer and Girls' Golden Links classes were enter tained at the home of Gordon and Ralph Davis on Thursday evening RAGLAN Raglan, Aug, B.=Miss lin Wilson and Lloyd Thompson have returned from their holidays at Fenelon Falls and Peterboro, Mr, and Mrs, H, Etherley and son Bert and hoy friend, all of 'Povonto, for the week-end and holiday Mr. and Mrs, John Maye, Marjorie ahd Norman of Goodwood were re ont guests of relatives here Verna returned with them after pleasant holliday with friends here Miss Harel and Mr, Vrank Grose of Toronto spent the week-end and holiday with thelr parents, Mr, an Mrs. A J. Grose Mr, and Mra, Carl Avery and fam ily and Mr, J, Muir were recent visi tors of Mr. and Mra, G. MoCHntoek at Prospect Miss Mary Grose of Peterhoro spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs D, Thompson, Miss Jean Thompson returned home with her, Miss Marion Brent of Port Perry In visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr and Mra, Gordon Brent A number from here went to the fire on Tuesday morning when Ar thur Grasse's barn at Columbus was burned, Mr, and Mes, J.T, Evans and fam ily were recent visitors of friends in Manchester recently, Messrs, Orval Lyle and Lloyd Mik lor accompanied hy Mr, Bert Ether ley and friend of Toronto enjoyed A motor trip to northern points on Saturday, About twenty members of the La: dies' Ald enjoyed a pleasant after noon on Tuesday when they were en tertained hy the Columbus Ladies, at the home of Mra, Wm, Dyer, After the program a very dainty supper was served on the spacious lawns, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, D, Lyle | Mine | CAD] SUSPENDS SENTENCE AFTER SUICIDE ATTEMPT Mrs. Elizuk Allowed Out on Promise to Leave Liquor Alone Mrs, Domka Klignk of Bloor ftreel was allowed out on suspend. ed sentence hy Magistrate Willis in polices gourt this morning when she appenred charged with atiamp: ted suicida, Mrs, Elguk had heen in custody for the past two weeks and In making a plea for suspended sane tance her counsel, Louis Hyman ax. plained that neighbors had entioed the unfortunate women tn drink home brew which had driven her aragy, Bhe had always heen a gond women when without Hanoy and he felt. sure that should she he given this ehanee she would make good fhe had signed the pladgs before and had kept It for Iwo years and he helieved she could keep It now The crown agread that If she would sign the pledge hefora her own minister and would promise tn leave lguor. alone he would ron went tn suspended sentence he crown attorney alen urged the hum hand to help her hy net having any Hauor or gambling In hin home, Upon promising to fulfill these conditions the women was al lowed suspended sentence MANY AT FUNFRAL OF LATE J.P. OWENS 1 | Service at Toronto With In- | torment Here--Waealth of Floral Tributes on Citigens of many elties in nl tarin and heyond the borders thin provinces gathered yonlerday 10 pay thelr last respects (0 John | Pomeroy Owens, formerly ona of | Oshawa's most highly respected ve sidents, who died suddenly at Jas per Park Lodge on Runday The funeral services were held at hin late residence, #1 Russell HH road, Toronto, and interment Was made In the Unfon cemetary, Osh awa The Hey ren Canon Plumptree tor of Ht, James Anglican ehureh, Toronto of which Mr, Owens Was a member, conducted the services at both the residence and at the graveside The wealth of flora! tributes testified to the high esteem in which the deceased was held The pall hearers were Dr. DW Holg, Col, J. ¥, Grierson, O Ww. Me Laughlin, 1. # Molaughling, Col, © Chappell all of Oshawa, and A Mack, formerly of this ely Mr, Owens Wan for many years manager of the Wostern Bank and lwter of the Wtandard Bank of this oity, helng one of the ploneer nfs fleluln In each of thesa two finan: ela) Institutions He retired about ten years ago, and moved from Oshawa to Toronto, whera he has nines resided Sudbury, Onta (From the 1 'oronte Nar) rio's New City Sudbury stepa up into eltyhoeod as the twenty-elghth oity of Ontario in point of Incorporation, and the six teenth In point of sine, and slips in between Port Arthur and Stratford when the list is compiled on a popula tion basis, In 1011 it had only 4,100 penple; today, 20,083, Oshawa, in the same period, has grown from 7.400 to 36,600, Windsor, anothe fast grower, from 17,880 to 70,081, Windsor still retaine ita position an fourth in alae, a few hundreds ahead of London, and even further in the load If {ta closedn suburbs were an: nexed, Kitehener han ahead of that other Ane eity, Rrant ford, and hecomen the sixth eity of the provines, In the following list Toronto's population {a an estimate based upon resulta In the wards whieh have al ready haen assessed thin year, Most nf the other populations are by cour teay of the Citizens' Reasareh Inti tute of Canada Latest Popu- lation Date of near poration 1804 018,000 ALLL 148,180 64:60 106,408 1802 10,081 1R66:06 40,742 ma 20,374 ne Mado 1 TOFORtO nn 3 Hamilton Bo OHAWA, in 4 Windsor en A London ui A Kitohener .... 7. Brantford olimbed up | ¥ 25,000 e007 24,085 ARR EE 20,487 MRL 20,008 20,088 20,068 15.000 18,080 17,000 14,808 16,441 10.400 16,078 18,760 1440 19,778 1084 1874 100K 101K 1H08 18d INH 100K 1000 1R8A 1004 1014 1881 180A 1080 1001 1016 IRTT 1030, RK Oshawa fl, Wt, Catharines 10, Port William 11, N, HN, Marie (pe Metorboro 1 Kingston Guelph , Port Avthure Hudbury « Btvatford " Niagara Falls , Barnin . BE Thomas Chatham Kast Windao , North Ray v Galt , Belleville Owen Mound Woodatoek inn 10,808 28 Welland mY 10,141 In nearly every cane, the foregoing figures represent a gain in population over the previous year, Toronto has A Hale of 10,000 or so, and a popula: tion within her Hmita (in addition 10 a thiokly-settled sone just outside) more than equal to the combined populations of the next largest dosen oltien of the provines, Bul alne, ab ter all, in no oriterion of importance, It {8 Just an Important, indeed more important, that the smaller eities of the provines should grow and pros per, They appear to he doing an L] Two Drown in Pond Climax, Sasko=Irene Acker, aged 9, and her brother, Dale; aged 7, drowned in a pond ner their home Wednesday when they stepped inte a hole in water aver their depth, Neither was able to awim, Medial Men to Moet Winnipeg, = Three special trains will reach Winnipeg on Aug N, carrying delegaten of the 98th an nual meeting of the British Medical Assopiation scheduled for the fone days following Trem © Here Shaw Treph Cobourge=Friends of the Tate Har tin Ly Hoes of Toronto and Cobourg haye presented to the Cobourg Horse Show Association a trophy whieh is io be hnown as the Harpis 1. Heen allenge Cup, It will be awarded for amateur hunters and a vepliea of the oup will he presented annually to the winner, whose name will alse be angraved upon the cup Milk Price Goes Up New York N.Y, Aug, §==The firat diveet effort of the drought wan reflactad here to-day when milk dealers announced an Ineveass of one oent A quart in the prive of milk to he put into effect hagin ning Monday, En ---------- TOO MUCH RAIN HAS FALLEN IN BELGIUM Brussels, Belgium, Aug, K While Canada and the United States have suffered from heat and drought, Burops has recaived more than ita share of rainfall and ploas antly cool weather, Little Belgium han been deluged and considerable damage done to oraps hy the exces sive rainfall, Many Boy Scout Troops from All Points in This District Are CONVENTION ---------- RRA AT SN NAME NL WUHWAITY Of Oshawa, who has left (Or Tams pin, Worida, as senior supreme vepronentative of tha Pythian misters of Ontario, at the cons vention there, REGIMENT BAND PRESENTS FINAL Last of Concerts Sponsored by City Council, Will Be at Alexandra Park The final concert of the sum mer schedules of concerts under the auspices of the finance com mitten of the city enunell will he given by the A4th Regiment Band al Alexandra Park this evening Ottigens will notices In comparing the programs reddersd during the summer that. except for numbers whieh have been especially re quested, no numbers have heen repeatod The hand considers I an achievement to have heen able to present ten programs 'of outs standing merit without a repitis tion of the same numbers On Munday next the hand in An wating at the Canadian Legion Decoration services Tonight's program will he as follows The Maple Leaf; March, "The Favorite Regiment," W Korth} Overture, "Daughter of tha Kim," Bhagen; Walts, "1H Baclo," Ardils to} Merenade, "A Night In June" King; Meloetion, "Les Cloches de Cornville," Riviere; March, "The Voloa of the Guns," Alford; Popus Iar numbers, (a) "Cryin' for the Carolinen," (hy "In An Oriental Garden"y Overture, "Hnchant ress,' Dalby; Nelection, "Rongs of the Old Folks," Lake; Regimental march, "John Peel" God Nave the Kink An Interesting Depiction of Planer Heroine in "The Lone Rider" What sort af an. effect do clothes have on a woman's eharacter In the girl of today with her nat ural boyish figure and simple gar ments, more frank, courageous, loy al and honest than her greatsgrand mother of eighty years ago who were erinelines, tights stays and numbers loss furhelows? Experts on the sub Jeet ard inclined to think that she ix hey argue that external artifielall ties have a definite influence an a person's makeup, But history re tutes this argument. The women of IRSO, particularly the pioneer women of the West, have never heen sure passed for hravery and fortitude, An interesting and vomantio depies tion of ane of these heroines of the early West ix shown in "The Lone Rider," the Calumbia all talking ace ton Alm starving the daring Buck Tones scheduled to play at the Martin Theatre on Saturday. The daughter of a judge prominent in the affairs of a litle western town is returnihg home from the Bast in a stage conch Randits attack the conch but are driven away by a lone vider. The mivl trusts her rescuer impheitlys=never ance suspecting that he had been the leader of an outlaw band, Hut later, when she does discover hin identity, she doen not falter in her loyalty ta him, Ins apived by her faith, the former bane dit lives up to her ideal, No modern girl could have hebn mare sincere in in her actions than this heraine of her emations nor more OUrageous the "$0, « } ov. Grain Jam Feared Welland, == With six npper lake versely again tied up at the Gove ernment elavator at Port Oolhorne and with little vellef tn aight in | OOO the way of oanal slse boats, ans other mvain Jam looms on the Great Linkes, motive hehind an attack whieh left Mra, Oharles W. Clarke dead on the floor of her home here, Dies of Injuries Hamilton Gordon Roott, 20 of HAR Cleveland Strdet, Toronto, whe wan struck down by a hitsandsrun motorist on the highway near Run lington last Raturday night died yerterday in CGlaneral Hospital have, An fnguest will be held in Burling an, PROGRAM TONIGHT | | Kinds Invited to Participate y Handicraft Exhibition, Fire Lighting . Contest, Mas sage - Carrying Relays, Humorous Pantomines Are on Program LINDSAY SCOUTS TO EXHIBIT WAR DANG) Gathering Planned for Sats urday, September 6, With Church Parade [ .adey, September 7 Beouts from Oshawa and distried to the numhey of possibly three or four hundred will hold a grand rally In this eity on Saturday, Bept, Ath, and Bunday, Reptember Tih, The local Beouting Awnsosistion, who will ha the hosts for the ues canlon, have invited Scout troops from Port Perry, Port Hope, Pleke aring, Cobourg, Lindeay, Petarboro, Bowmanville and Brooklin to partis Gipate The use of Alexandra Fark has heen secured for tha Saturday als ternoon program, The festivities will rommence with » parade to the park from the Armouries on Simeon strat north, Chief of Polica Owen Friend, will he marshal of the pars Ade, After arrival at the park, , the troops will march past the skls uting base, and give the salute tn the senior oMicars and the heads quarters representatives who will he present Fire Lighting Contest The afternoon will he 'aken np with seouting displays of various One of the most interesting will he a contest in which sash Keout will he required to hulld » fire and boll a pint of water, using no paper and hut two matohes, Arrangements are also being completed for a novel pillow Aghts ing event, in which the contestants will straddle a slippery pole abnva A tank of water as they belabouy each other with pillows Message-carrying relays apd other distinetive Beout contests will make up the balances of the compatis tive program War Dance It In hoped that a special treat may he provided for the spectators, in the shape of the war dance for which the Lindsay scouting associa thon have hecoms famous, Neveral members of the Lindsay troops tosk PATE In this war dance when it was presented at the Grand ambores In England Humorous pantomimes will prow vide an Interesting touch to the day's activities, Handieraft Kxhibition A special. exhibition of Seout handicrafts housed in a large tent on the grounds, will be one of the big drawing cards of the week. end display On Saturday evening at eight pm, A moving ploture of the In- ternational Jamboree held in Eng land will he presented for tha bene fit of the many people who are ins terested in seeing the results of the Jamboree in visual form, Chureh Parade Sunday Rt, Andrew's Chureh will he the destination of the ehureh parade In which all troops will take "ar on the Bunday morning, A spselal Heout service will be aeld in that ohureh, and nearly 400 seouts are expected to attend, : Previous to the chureh servies at 11.00 am, a brief commemeoora tion service will be held at the War Memorial Park, and a wreath will be laid on the cenotaph on behalf of the Hoout Association, The Runday morning parade will leave the Armouries at ten am Five Chief. Rllott, chairman of the troops and camps committes of the Asnoeiation, 1s responsible for the arranging of the rally, ENGINEER 18 KILLED "IN WRECK OF TRAIN REE --. Winslow, Avia, Aug, 8=Santa Fe passenger train number 8 from. Los Angeles to Chicawo broke through a ran weakened hridge 10 miles weat of Joseph City, Arie, last night kills ing the Engineer, R, EK Bx a probably killing the fireman, Morris 15. Burney, no passengers were res ported hurt, 0 Rixby's body was recovered early tosday but that of Burney has not heen located, 00 Late To FOR RENT=TWO DOWNATAIRS rooms for ght housekeeping, tur nished, Apply 68% Brock strest oan, Phone A840W, (3%¢) Ti set with three pearl oluater, Finds or return to 200 Pond 8, B, Res ward, (338) Arent APRIY, sant, Under 20 need not (330) DANOR AT SUNSET PAVILION, every Friday night, Admission, ov (300)

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