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Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Aug 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1930 | NATS. BEAT CITY -- AARABS AND G.M.C. SRS. HAVE BIG GAMES SAT. Oshawa Nats. Get Two-Goal Lead in First Game of Series With Oshawa City Nats, Defeat City 3-1 in First Game of Ontario Cup Competition -- Return Game on Thursday at Alexandra Park--Ga.ne Is Rough and Nats, Draw Many Fouls--Last Half Produces Some Good Football The Oshawa Nats dofeated the Oshaws City soccer team last night at the Motor City stadium by » score of 4 to 1, thereby gaining a two-goal advantage for the second game of the series, which will ba Inyad: at Alexandra Park next Fhursdey night, The winning team advances Lo the second round of the Ontario Cup play downs, There was a fair erowd of fans on hand and although the game was very poorly played In the first half, things were much different in the second half and the fans were treated to a resl soccer battle, The second half produced some smart soccer and the players of both teams executed some clever plays, Questionable play marred the game somewhat, At times the game was fairly rough. Davidson and Hurst drew too many fouls for their own team's good, The game wns rug- "ged and fouls were frequent, Mulr won the toss for the Nats, Brown kigked off for the Chty against the sun and breeze and the City went away to an attack, ¥mith cleared with a nica centre, Away went the Nats to the end and Muly shot over Lhe bar, Brodie fouled Lappin and missed a good chance for the Nats, The play was very fast, Lobbin centred to Hrown, who had a great shot just over the bar. The Nats broke way, Hurst te Gow, who shot behind Muir scored for the Nats with a great shot, From the kick off the City mov od to the end of the field, Brown shot and Mmith made good save Nats broke away, Gow handled the ball, Fairley scored a few minutes later, the ball going through Shields legs, Nats 2, City 0, The City did most of the pressing af- ter this but they could not finish, Nats forced a corner, Brodie had a shot on goal that just missed the upright, Dunstall was hurt, He resumed in a few minutes, The lay after this was very slow, pant was forced Lo give a gornar away from which Reid cleaved with his head. The City went to the al- tack, The City forwards were very poor finishing, Lobhin was playing a great game for the City, Dunstall was taking some Reavy . bumps. The play ut this time was real sup tis football, Joa Lamb was handling the game fn great style, Drodis shot over the bar when well placed, Half time came a few minutes later, Nats 4 City 0, Brodie started the wecond half for the Nats, Fullerton was foroed to kick for a corner which Cane ali cleared, Doyd was playing a great game for the Nats Hurst handled the ball, Smart's shot just missed the upright Brown shot but Smith saved the shot, Rtureh beat two men at the other end, he shot behind, He looked like neors ing. Lobbin swung the ball to Dunstall whe shot by, Davitdson wan forced to kick out to save his Hines, Dunstall beat Boyd, he shot aver the bar, Hee had Smith beaten ta. the world, Davidson fouled Brown, Coll cleared the free Rick, The City at this time were having all the play but they could not weore, Hrodie was offside a few times, Falrley hroke away on the left and his low shot beat Ahields. Nats 8, City 0, Brodie shot behind when well placed, Slureh was fouleds Coll took the kiok and his shot hit under the hay, Sturch fouled Lobbin, The Qity were having all the play but could not score, Emart scored for the City, + Nata 8, City 1, Davidson fouled Brown, Smith made a full length eave from Smart, The ame was very fast and exciting, pown was hating hard luck in not scoring, Coll was playing the host game of the year for the Nats, ® made some Arent openings for his wings, Radoliff missed a great ohance for a goal with only Smith to beat, Final whistle came a few minutes later with the Nata wine ning 8 areat game, Nats 8, City 1, eo teams: Nate==Smith, Davidson," Boyd, MealLean, Coll, Hurst, Htureh, Nrgs dle, Gow, Mul, Fairley, Qity==Shields, Fullerton, | appin, Grant, Lobbin, Cuncliff, Smart, 'Brown, Radelff, Dunstall, Reid, 'Referes~~Joe Lamb, Linesmen, . W, Booth and H, Peroy, A BILL TILDEN BEATEN BY 19-YEAR OLD BOY Kouthampton, N.Y. Aug Playing before a partisan which enthusiastically cheered him on, Frank Shields, 19-year. old New York schoolboy conquered Bill Tilden, nations) and Wimble don champion, at Bel, Jol, fm] yesterday In the quarter final round of the invitation tennis tournament here, In another upsel George Lott bowed to Bidney Wood, towheaded New York youth of 18, to complete the rout of the singles players whom the United States sont against the Franch in the Davis Cup challenge round two weeks ago Wood beat Lott hy scores of 6:4, 3:8, 0.7 Baffert Wins Fight from Siki Toronto, Aug, Ka"Throwing his colored rival high in the alr af ter 41 minutes und 860 seconds of thrilling, spectacular grappling, gave Al Baffert the win over Reg, Miki In the main bout of the wrestling show at the Arena Gare dens last night, Wiki wan slammed #0 hard to the mat that ho was mnahle to proceed in the second round and Referees Jack Forbes raised the VFrenchmum's arm In Victory Thore was little "doubt Inthe arowd when the "Colored. Adonis" erashed on his left shoulder that serious dammge had been done, and It was a surprise when ho re. Jurnaq In an effort tr continue In he second round, but he only last od a minute an he was unahle to dafond himwelf Before the slam that sent Miki hurling a helpless form through the alr, the crowd od arena wan held In a tenes state of excitement, through a hout fll ed with sensational and thrilling mat work Despite the heat the erowd kept Up a continued cheer and when it Wan all over stood In wild ape Plause, the natural reaction after Ao much action, The main bout followed two good preliminaries In which Whitey Hewitt dropped Carl Posplshil in the smi-Anal and Ed Meyers gained a. decision over Denato Gardinl in tha opener Boe 'crowd ' South Ontario Softball League Whithy Tannery 'ie | | Rell Telephone , ) Dueo Boys Chosen Friends 1 N, Oshawa , FH A | Thornton's Corners ' A 1 \ [ game to play tnenight at Whit yy Play Offs Monday an Park Boy Also at Whithy va H Night ut Caw Tannery va Bell or Duco Whithy Town Bell or Dueo Noy, Park Williams, the Olympie sprint o) plow, Ix In Tor onto from Vancouver for the Cane adian Slinposhits and the Kms pire games at amilton, Ome, Perey says he woighs about 138 Ihe, Porey kesh} AMERICAN LEAGUE Standing to Date || HOMERUN STANDINGS Athleties, 1; Hafey, Car. THE LEADEIS Ruth, Yankees 41; Wilson, Cubs #6; Gehrig, Yankees 48; Voxx, Athletion 411 Klein, Phillies, 29; Borger, Braves, 27; Simmons, Athletios 27, LEAGUE TOTALS National 624; American, Total, 1,185, Vioxx, dinals, 1, hi, Berg Gives "Keed" His Ist Defeat Polo Grounds, N.Y, Aug, A duckie Kid Berg, un gnle of leather leaping out from the Whitechapel distriet of Londoon, swept over Kid Chocolate lust night, smashod the great wining streak of the Fhony Keed with the ivory smile, and proved once mgain that ths good big man usually ean whip the good little fellow Berg proved his point to the natisfaction of two of the thres offic. ale who peered fiom the ringside ut one of the wildest and most ypee tneular strugglos the fight faithful have aver seen, but ne falled to convines nu majority of the 25,000 wpoactutors who gathered in the spacious ball yard ofpthe New York Canin A pulsing roar of disap proval greated the decision and for i few minutes there was considers abla doubt as to Just what the. ve diet had heen When the final hell halted storm of leather that hod Lean voar Ing without a letup round the CANYAR square under the glaring Hght from the elang of (he opening gong, WNellerin' Jos Humpheries, tha veteran announcer, grabbed the slips of Referes Patsy Halsy and the two judges took » aqulek look and headed for Choclnta's rornar He took another look stepped, turned and lifted Berg's hand His nwn Indecision was an almost norfeet reflection of the varios opinlons of the experts gathered down fromt A Battle Of Niyle It war na battle of style, a furlous Affair that surged from one sida of the ring te tha other, rarely I ting up long enough either for the xladi ators or the frenzied patrons to cateh a long hrenthe, Nerg fought an ha always has, running ints ge tion, teeth bared, arms lashing out Incossantly at the glistening body of the slender negro, who never he fora has known defeat in 189 en gngoaments Chocolate, If he mada any mis thke, threw aside his marvelous hoxing nt times to meet the Knailsh terrae nt his own game, "has purk Ung negro, giving away almost ten pounds of welght to a full edged Hahtwelght, did a remarkabla jah In the endless exchanges sl close quarters, hut apparently his stam ina could not equal that of Rerg and he tired badly in the lad two rounds The sensational Cuban polished haly fumplad pale In the shock of Berg's Arst charge, was infinitely superior to the Englishman when he chose to hox, tip Jackie off balances, whang him on the chin trnight rights that shot head hack He bored left hooks deap Into the Britisher's bods, hit hy far the cleaner, harder and more effective blows, but In the and the eternal ageranivenecss, (he game oan and perpetual punching of (ha voung Jewish cvelone oAyEhL the his wloak bey id re with Rarig'n eyen of the eMelaln and is apparently At and ready to race, He says ¥ddie Tolan ran In exceptionally fast time In Vane couver and he simply could not oateh him onee (he Michigan sprinter got in front, -- LE and | PORT SNAPSHOT smart playing by both teams, and fouls. were very frequent with them teams meet next Thursday night, ' »- All thase sport fans who do not row afternoon will he seen at srowdl on hand 4 victory to three games LJ . the Whithy Rovers clash with the Town Park tomorrow night . Many Going to Brampton ' been dampened, of the series odds In history knee in the second-1o-lnst leg Injurie The der a hig handicap is no doubt that it will he very to Farlscourt, © The following player not later than 300 o'clock Cirant, Lobban, bert, Nichols and Radcliff play the Lunes idson Boyd, McLean, Lyons and McGregor Oshawa Lady Lawn Bowlers Win at Cobourg Wednesday of this week three rinks of Oshawa Lady Bow: lors visited the Cobourg elub fo compels in the annual tournament for ladies Againnt entry lst tH) rinks' one of the Oshawa rinks composed of Mrs, Btephenson, Mrs, Buckler, Mrs, Morris, Mra, Demp- wey, skip were successful In captures ing the third prizes, Hach number of the rink received a beautiful 7» pleca china sandwich wet, It {sn only this year that the ladies of Oshawa have shown keen in. terest In thin pleasant game, and a great deal of credit In due them that they made such a remarkable showing especially when some of the rinks represented had been playing together for some time, An of THREE HOME RUN IN ONE INNING WHAT A BATTER! Waco, Aug, S=Long distance aluggors yesterday had a new all time record of thres home runs in one Inning and a modern record of 18 runs in one Inning to shoot at, Gene Rye, outfielder of the Waco Olub of the Texas League, last night hit threes times for the olreuit in the eighth inning against Beaumont pitohers--the same in- ning that saw his team run up 18 TURK An A part of a 20 to 7 victory, Alexandra Park, meet the Auarabs in the second game of the series at Alexandra Park, tomorrow afternoon, starting at 3.00 pm The Aurabs can grab off the group title hy means of tomorrow but the Petes are determined to stretch the series It should be un real baseball battle Incidentally, Seiberlings of Toronto, will pla will have to battle against big odds on Saturday they pull out on top they will have performed a fest which will go down Bill Coulter, perhaps the most valuable man on the loenl team, will not be able to play on Saturday Brampton game the present time he fs In the Oshawa Hospital taking treatment on Saturday Dunstall, Smart, Cuncliffe, Brown I'he Oshawa in a major league fixture report at Mike's Place at 1.00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon; Smith, Dav Brodie, Coll, Sturch, Muir, Faigley, Gow By Guo, Caxesms, Sports Bdilw Oshawa Nats, Win First Game The Oshawa Nationals 'defeated their local rivals, Oshawa City, last night is the first gaine of the Ontario Cup series by a score of 3 to | thereby getting a+ two-goal advantage for the second game, which will be played ut Alexandra Park on Thursday next, real good soccer game withough the second half of the affair producud The players were inclined to rough it The game was not a the Nats, drawing the majority of The City feel confident of overcoming the small lead when the Aarabs Play Peterboro Here Tomorrow mike the trip to Brampton tomor- Peterbro Raybestos and there should he » big Whitby Rovers vs, Chevs, Tonight The usual crowd will he on hand at the Stadium tonight to see Chevys, 'The Rovers ure setting # fant pace at the present time and are out to win all their games, in or der to grub off the championship of the second half The Chevys, can be relied upon to make it very interesting for their out-of town rivals, the Rovers at Whith . LJ = Coulter Will Not Play Things db not look so bright for the game in Brampton tomorrow aiternoon but nevertheless the enthusiasm of the local sport fans hasn't It is expected that there will be u large number of local people make the trip to Brampton tomorrow to see the first game Things do not look us bright us they might bit neverthe less, the local fans know that the Oshawa team plays best when fight und if Bill received a blow on th in and at The Infection set Oshawa team has been noted for its speed but this will be greatly im paired tomorrow as Ave players other than Coulter, are suffering from are Smithson, Delray, White, Doddemeade and Silk All will take the Aeld tomorrow afternoon but they will be playing un The locals have a great fighting spirit and there much in evidence tomorrow LJ LJ LJ » Soccer Games on Saturday The Oshawa City soccer team will be at home on Saturday aiternoon s are to report at Alexandra Park Shields, Fullerton, Lappin, Gi Toronto 10 witernoon Carey, Nats, travel to The following players are in Cirant, London, Ont, Aug, ¥ has ever heen witnessed in=Cana- dian golf, C. Ross "Sandy" Romer ville of the London Hunt Club yes terday advanced to the sami-final round in the Canadian amateur golf championship competition, Somerville scored a victory over Frank Connelly of Dearborn, Mich, hy the smallest possible margin be ing one up at the finish after ob taining the lead on the 16th hole in the afternoon or the 34th of the match and holding ft by halves in pars on the remaining two holes, The struggle will long he remem- berad hy: those who witnessed it, and London golfing enthusiasts will bear strong testimony from now on that a golf match ia never won until it is ended, There were other {noldents to- day that held thelr own with the happenings of the previous two days of match play, but they all wore dimmed by Somerville's finish that brought him from six down at the twenty-fourth hola to victory and a place in the semi-final round where he will oppose J. Raymond Ferguson of Philadelphia, OFFICERS RE-ELECTED Stirling, ==At a meeting of the stookholders of the Stirling Cure ling and Skating Association the following officers were re-elected: President--R, W, Meiklejohn, Reo «Troan Bar! Luery, Directors, ~=W, J, Whitty, Walter Wright and Henry Tulloch, BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUY, Won Lost P.O, 14 44 821 71 ho nei hh Had hy has Ld 470 hi AAR 79 AZ 47 74 ABE ores Rochester 4 Montreal ,. 5 Newark ! 7 Jdorsey Cty , 4 NATIONAL, LEAGLY, Won Lost hh 41 61 44 UL] ih ha hl ho ha ho hh i" Rochester ,..,,. Baltimore Toronto Montragl Buffalo Newark Inrnoy Reading p Thursday's h 10 h REE ER ER IRE City Reading Baltimore Toronto Buffalo r.c 01a R13 hk 510 A490 72 AD 80 Brooklyn «, Chicago PLR New York #1, Louls Pittsburg ....04 Boston .......4, Cinelnoat) .,.... hh Philadelphia FH] hh Thursday's "eorves Brooklyn | 6 Pittsburg 4 Chicagn fh BL, Louls h Other clubs not seheduled, AMERICAN LUAGLY, Won Lost hi rena PC ULE] LR hal Hoh 191 Al ind B40 Philadelphia Washington Now York Cleveland Detroit Chicago hn Bt, Louls Lh) Boston ' i (F Thursiny's Scores Now York Hh Boston 1 Philadelphia 4 Washington | Othar clubs not sehedulod NATIONAL LEAGUE TORING WIN AAGAINT Pittsburg a Aug ¥ The league loading Brooklyn Robins continued in high spead yestorday taking the second game of thelr short series with the Pittsburg Pirates, 4 A husky Robin the gama with a broke 2erun rally in the ninth after Duzsy Vance had ye Heved Jumbo' Klllott at the start of the second Inning and kept the Pirates under control With the scors tied at deal, 11 Hone hat ted for Vance and walked, Johnny Frederick tripled to drive hi home and (ilbert tallied Frederick | with a single Watson Clark piteh od (ha ninth for the Kobins and held the lead safe nitoek up HAFEY'S BATTING NOT ENOUGH | St. Louis, Mo, Aug, RK, The heavy stick work of "Chick Hafey Cardinal slugger kept Kt, Louis In the running, but was not senough to defeat the Chiengo Cubs who took vesterday's game #. 5H *Hafey hit his twentieth home run of the season with ane on base in the first inning and doubled in the elghth with the bases filled, | batting in all the Cardinals' runs, | Sore Advances At London Ny stag ing one of the greatest rallles that Boh Oshorn, who hurled for the first woven innings was the winning | pitehar | | | or later Napanes F. D, Marsh sustain: | od a savers loss, when his barns at | Mount Pleasant were destroyed by lightning, The harn eontuined the | BORAON's erop of hay, also two wa | gone, harness nnd some maeehinery A race horse at a considerable | valuation was fortunately saved, The trie pletured gover are all champion soullers of world wide fame. On the left Jae Wright, win. ner of the Diamond Sculls in 1028 BRINGING UP FATHER Oshawa Aarabs Can Win Group Title by Victory Ower Peterboro, Saturday The Baseball tuns of Oshawa will he able to see the pame they have haan waiting for on Baturdey after. noon when the Petevbero Rayhestos come hers for tha second game of the group playoffs, The Aarahs hace an very fine showing this sedson and nre win. ning many loyal supporters by thelr consistent brand of good baseball, The loca) boys pulled off a smart win on #Saturday last when they dofented Nuybestos right in Peter boro by a score of 7 to 1, The Aarabs admit themselves hat (he weors should not have bean as large as this hut they cerninly played smart ball to hring a vies tory out of the 1LMtIsek City, It the Anrabs can win on Satur. day they will he the Lakeshore In termediate group champions for 1940 and incident)ly they will have gained thelr revenge on the Petes, as It was the Raybestos team which eliminated the Aarabs last season in a series which wert the full three games before a winner was decided, No doubt the hig lacrosse game in Brampton on Saturday wili at. tract a big number of local sport followers but thers will he & hig crowd at Alexandra Vark to see the baseball game, Ths ~dmission is the usual 26c and the game ie hilled to start at 3.30 p.m, sharp, Leafs Seem to Approve of | N ight Games FH Nownrk, Aug vietory number Mark down two Better sill, mark It down for the Toronte Maple Leafs, They earned it hers lust night when they toppled the ferocious Bears around for the sm ond consecutive time under the Hghts, Old man Moon looked down and smiled ns he saw those hirellugp from Toronto pull a game aut of the fire while some 4,500 Newark fans mouned, 'The scores was h) tol, Those Lents Jost no time in put ting the gama in the lee hox once they got started True, they wore fu little slow In setting the machin ory in motian, but once {| started it functioned lke & genuine piece of high class material Prank Barnes, the southpaw dis panser of curves sand twins, was the hero Not. only did he p"eh a great game, allowing tho Visars #ls senttered hits but he drove in the whning run, Frank waited until tha seventh frame to show his ability as a clouter and then fame through lke a bank note of England After Two Were Out There were two out when the barrage started and befors {1 was ovar Clay Bheedy smashed a homer nnd the game was In the oven, so to speak, cooked to a frasele, "Sheedy"s smaxh was not (he kind Clay generally comes throvigh with, It had a couple of horseshoes around Jt hut they count just the sama as those poled out of the park A Routh American dictator was married last week. Bill, every die. tatorship comes to An and snoner The Passing Show Boclety women are paying ten dollars an hour for bridge lessons It. costs them a good deal more than that sometimes, --Guelon Mer INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE NEW MANAGER WINS Reading, Pa, Aug. 8§-~-Bobb Jonas, former Detroit infielder made his debut as manager of the Reading Internationals by leading the Keystones to 8 5h to 4 victor aver the champion Rochester nine hers vestorday Jones succeeded Harry Hinchman as manager HRIOLES EVEN SERIES Baltimore, Aug, % The Orioles gained a game on the fast stepping Rochoster team by defeating the Montreal Royals here yesterday 10 to bh Btewart fourteenth and fourth Bolen registered his victory of the season But of five starts over BIKONS BEAT SKEETERS AGAIN Jersey City, N.J., Aug, 8.~The Buffalo Bisons defeated the dkaators last night hy the score of 710 2. Danforth was the Bigons' first hurler, but was taken out af ter Walker, Skeatar outfielder, hit him for a home run STARTS SATURDAY Companion pioture to "The Virginian" in | eury, in the centre Bob Pearce, of Austra: lia, the Olympie champion of 1928, and Jack Guest, the Diamond Sculls winner of 1830, a glamorous setting that grips the imag: AN pul Quan 8 From the O, Henry story, "A Double. Dyed Deceiver." A smashing, action: filled, romantic tale of the old Southwest, (Approved "'U") Withee GARY GOOPER FAY WRAY Last Times TONIGHT : RUTH CHATTERTON I Yy "LADY L! WELTY CLAN 1) -- se w---- THAT LIE DION'T [ SORRY. DEAR BUT VE BEEN WITH COUNT DE BATE All DAY. WELL TH ABOLT TIME YOU CAME HOME: DIDN'T | TELL WOU WED OINE AT SIX? \ | JUBT CAN'T GET OVER IT THE COUNT DEBATE RIDING ABOLT WATH TWO CHORLS GARG | COULD HARDLY 3 [count ion New startin FOXX'S HOMER WINS \'T DREARY \N y ? Philadelphia, Aug. S=Jimmy THD TOWN Foxx's thity-hat Doing un u he WHEN IT Keason Ww wo on base in the sixth inning, enabled the AthlaWes RAINS ? to beat Washington yesterday 4 to In their first place lead STEM TO 4 OVER 90 GOOD' | BUCK oe "THE LONE RIDER" ENDING TODAY D WIFE" -. With se LEE ", game wan runiess until Cronin aingled in the sixth, stole second, and scored on Harris's single to right, TRIPLES WIN FOR YANKEES New York, Aug. 8.==Triples by Lou Gehrig and Babe Ruth voupled with Bd Wells even hurling gave the New York Yankees the second straight victory over the Hoston ox yesterday, § to 1, Is. won his te: season In twelve ed the Sox only nine hits, well soattored. . 4 b hy ¢ \ \ § A 4,

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