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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Aug 1930, p. 2

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Eto cys 5s AOR Ba ia Bowmanville New Block, King Street. Telophones--Office--587; House--e131, Bowmanville Representatly NEWS ABOUT TOWN | Mrs, Norman Milne, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs, George Barton, Liberty Street, Miss Muriel Calver and Stanley and Jack Dunn have been hollday- ing with friends In Port Hope, Wilbur Britton bas returned to his home in Estan, Saskatchewan, after having spent 1wo months vis. iting with his mother and uncle, Mr, G, A. Knight and other relativ- os in Bowmanville, He was accom- panied by his cousin, James Math- ews, who will visit in the wost, Miss Mae Cameron, Toronto, and Miss May Gibbs, of Tyrons, are spending a few days with Mr, and , Mrs, B, H, Mortlock, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Sutton, King street, spent the weakend with her parents at Millbrook, High School Beat (loodyear Just as they had hoped the High fichool boys put it over on the Goodyear to the tunes of 0 to 7 at the school grounds lost night, Good- year, who are last years champions and are winners of the first schod~ ule this year, Have not wen A genie in the second schedule and whether they are trying or not iw a matter of conjecture, They are sure of the place in the finals and are likely letting the others fight it out between Lhoniselves to eet them, Tonight Front street meet the Whiz and the Zima should get under way sharp at seven so As not to Interfere with those who are planning #o attend the Rotary Car nial, rm -- Rotary Carnival Tonight Tonight the Rotary carnival will be held in the Fair Grounds start. ing with the arrival of the famous 48th Highlanders band at eight o'clock, Thers has been a rumor started from some source stating that admisrion would be sharged to the grounds. This is not wo, The Rotary Club Invites all to come and enjoy themselves whether they spend any money or not, It will not cost nn cent to see the attrae- tions nor will admission to the grounds be charged for, -- Nisty Milosg==Ten Days (XK. A. Walters of Courtice, On- aria in on ten days vacation, At Teast that i» what he gleefully con- fided to the police constables as they lad him to the cells at the Poterboro station after hearing the Magistrate's Inconlo, "Ton dollars or ten days" in police court, "'f could pay that fine if T want od but I'd rather take the holiday thanks," Lio sald, Walters pleaded guilty to a charge of reckless driving on the Port Hope Highway after TrafMe . Offoer Hornick told the Court that he caught him passing anoiher car on & hill at the speed of 00 miles "per Nour, It Is probable that he will do little driving during hie "vacation" As, among other diMculties his driving lleense has Foen suspended or 30 days, /KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE | PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST O10 Before placing Automobile In- surance, get my special rates. Bargain prices for lots in Dears born Park, subdivision, west of Simcoe N, J. H. R, LUKE Regent Theatre Bldg, advertising and subscriptions will be received at manville Office of T! Daily Times Times in the Cowan PLEAD GUILTY T0 GASOLINE THEFT Trio Remanded One Week For Sentence on . Charges Mike Horgan, Desmond Tiddi- cote, Bugone Horgan and J. L, G. Horne, all of Toronto, were re manded in custody for one week for sentence when (hey appeared be- fore Magistrate Ward In police court yosterday charged with the theft of gasoline from the garage of W. D, Bragg on the King's Highway oast of Bowmanville on August 6th, The sccused all of whom pleaded guilty stated that they were on a trip to Montreal to visit friends and ran out of gas at this spot, All they wanted, they sald, was enoogh gas to take them to the next gaso- line station. They were arrested ' One of the sccused had a prov fous convietion and Magistrate Ward stated that it was useless putting these lads on suspended sentence without a bondsman to guarantee good hehaviour, He therefore remanded them in jail to woe If bondsmen could be secured, BEATTY COMMISSION TO CONTINUE WORK (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Ottawa, Aug. 12,~The Beaity commission, appointed to Investi- gate the salaries of technieal and professional civil servants, has been asked to continue iis work and make survey of other branches of the service. The request for the commission to proceed further with its survey was made hy Premier NX, B. Dennett, who announced last evening the action he had taken, E---- BRITISH TROOPS IN INDIA REINFORCED Bombay, India, Aug, 1.-=fireng reinforcements were sent to-day to the Peshawar area to be used if ne- consary to combat Afridf tribes men who have been engaged In an attack on that eity, An armoured train, fully man- ned by troops left this morning for Rawal Pindl, Punjab stronghold 90 miles southeast of Peshawar from where they may be moved up by Constable Hall, immediately toward Peshawar, In Auto Acc Local Man Taken to Bow- manville Hospital After Turning Over in Ditch -- Claims Was Forced Off Road by Motorist William Gibson, King Street, Bowmanville is in the Bowmanville Hospital suffering from severe in- juries which are considered serious as the result of an mccident on the King's Highway two miles and a half west of Bowmanville shortly before six o'clock last evening. According to the story told Pro- vingial Constable J, M, Hineh- cliffe by the injured man, he was roceeding oast on his way to Bowmanville and at what Is known locally as Squires Corners he was forced into the ditch by an un~ known motorist, Gibson driving a Ford roadster which was owned by Harry Holland of Bowmanville, The esr ran for a considerable distance William Gibson Badly Hurt ident Yesterday along the diteh and then struck a culvert tipping the car over on ily right side. Gibson sustained In. Juries to his thigh, ribs and it is be- loved that he has also badly in. jured his spine, It was stated shortly after the accident that the man had broken his back but when The Times called Dr, W, H, Birks who attended the Injured man he stated that it would be impossible to "tell just what Injuries he bad sustained to his back until the X- ray taken late last night was secn to-day, The car was badly damaged and the right front fender being all buekled up, the front axle bent and the front of the chasiss practically torn from the body. Tho most re- markable thing about the aceldent was that not a plece of glass wns broken both the windshield and the side lights being intact, Gibson was taken to the Hospital in the Morris Ambulance but at the late hour thin morning The Times was unable to ascertain the extent of his Injuries, TWO CONVICTED IN ASSAULT CASE Third Is Acquitted of Attack During Football Game Charged with common assault, Archie. Muir was acquitted when he appeared bofore Magistrate Ward yesterday, There was insufficient evidence to convict in the opinion of the magistrate and Mr, Muir was allowed to go home, Two others who were charged with assault and doing actual bod- ily harm, Eric Courtice and Fred Courtice both of Courtice were placed on suspended sentence on payment of costs when they plead- ed gullty, The three cases arose from an incident on August 3, when Arthur Mason of Oshawa was called to referee a football gime at Courtice, On his arrival he was ordered from tha grounds by Mr, Muir and the other two attacked Mr. Mason cutting his eye, SCHOOL OPENS ON SEPTEMBER 3RD, BOARD DECIDES Continued from Page 3) at the meeting, . The returns have al ready been received from the Depart. ment of Edeation, and tabulation by the local secretarinl department is now taking place, A recent communication from the Department of Technical Education advises the local board that an audit of expenditures in the construction of AN RL { TIN, Ye AT ry' A r 3 the Vocational School will be made by a representative of the department during the month of September, for the purpose of arriving at the amount of the grant to be paid by the govern ment, Autherization. was given hy the hoard to the property committee to secure competitive prices on the erecs tion of a new holler stack at Ritson Road school, with power to have the work done ns soon ap posiible, Ped lar People, Ltd, have already submit ted a price on the work In answer to a letter from the city solicitor, asking permission to nego tiate directly with the owner of the property which the board wish to ac quire at the rear of Centre Street school, the board ordered, on motion of Trustee McKinnon, that the chair man of the property committee and the business administrator call on tlie city nolicitor, and point out to him that the Board of Education are not interested in the method of approach employed by him in the transaction, but that they are anxious to have the dea! completed as soon as may be pos sible, The resignation of Gladys Fishhe! ery from the public school teaching staff was referred to the management committee, Last night's was thé first meeting of the board attended by its new mem ber, Trustee A, V. Swail, who re places the late Trustee Vickary, Trus tee Swail was welcomed to the board by chalrman Trustee Bell, and in turn expressed his appreciation of the position of trust conferred upon him, CANNED HEAT DRINK FATAL AT CHATHAM (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Chatham, Aug, 12 --Canned heat In blamed for the death in the pubs lle goneral hospital early to-day of Alex, Cameron, Sarnia, Coroner T, L, McRitchie has opened an in: quest, . Late last night city and provin. olal police came across a man stag. goring In the vicinity of the Pere Marquette Dridge and he informed them that he had a pal who wan Il in a nearby shack, The man, prior to his removal to the hospital sald he had been drinking canned heat, He died at ono-thirty, The man accosted by the police gave his name as Robert Stauffer of Sarnia, He ia being held on A vagrancy charge. MAN AND HIS "BETTER HALF" (Edmonton Journal) Recently Mr, Coates, Canada's offiolal statistician, sald the actual money value of a man to his coun try in $82,000 and of a woman half that sum, Perhaps Canada took Mr, Coates' word for it that a man is worth $33,000 to his country when it fixed the amount of pen. slons pald widows of soldisry killed in the war. It's a matter of mathe. matics to work that out, But one suspects that members of pavlia- ment are not particularly strong at arithmetic, And that Is this business of saying a Woman fa worth only half as miuch as a man? Does thin mean now that the "bet. ter hulf" henceforth shall be the male member of the partnership? debate for the women's institutes, EMINENT LEGAL PARTY WERE TO LAND AT QUEBEC EARLY TO:-DAY-TO ATTEND CANAD IAN The party of eminent jurists en routs from England te Canada to at- tend meeting of the Canadian t+ aterm, neco'ding tn a dispatch, | Their landing at Quebes, which was scheduled for early to-gay, will not Bar Association in the city of Toren: | take place until tonight, Five prom. to, have been delayed by an Atlan. | inent members of the party, which 'The Whitby Advertising, subscriptions and news will be received Whitty Braneh Office, at Gasette and Chronicle. ~Telephone 23, After Business Hours=Phone 350, REPRESENTATIVE~JAMES H, ORMISTON ' "hh, PLANS COMPLETED FOR STREET FAIR TOMORROW NIGHT WHITBY LEGION AND CITIZENS' BAND TO BENEFIT Mammoth "Parade, For Which Prizes Are Offer. ed, Will Start Evening The plans are now completo for the Whitby Street Fair which is to be held tomorrow, Wednos- day, evening at tho intersection of Brock and Dundas streets com menving at eight o'clock The committee in charge of the ar rangomonts have heen working hard for many weeks, to make spre of the success of the Btreet Falr, The Fair, which is being pro. moted by the Whithy Leglon and the Citizens' Band, has been moy- od forward from a date late in October, on which date it has been held for tho last two years, With the change in date it is hoped that the Fair may enjoy much better woather conditions than it has in the past, With better weather, it Is hoped that nn much larger erowd will be present to help these worthy eauses, 'a The final arrangemonts call for the closing of Dundas street from Byron to Groen stpeet at four o's clock in the afterngon, the motor traffic from Dundas stroet being 'diverted one street north and south respoctively, Brock street will also bo closed at the same time from the Royal Hotel to the municipal bulldings, As soon as the streets are closed the erection of tho twenty-one booths will be proceeded with, The mammoth parade, which is niways a foature event in the pros ceedings of the evening, will be marshallod by Sidney Hilliard, chairman of the Parade committee and start from the Town Hall sharp at 8 o'clock, The prizes of. fered for the. parade are ay fol lows! we $10-~Monst dilapidated car: $10 ==bout decorated vehicle; $5--for twin clowns; fd =tor mingle clown; $d-<hest docorated hie oyele; §1---nocond prise for tho best decorated bioycle; §8---hest Sutortad don OATTIaRO, §1.wnoo« nd prize for bes carne, . t decorateq doll 8 procession will he le the Citizens' Band and wit & clude the Mira Department with examples of both old ~ and new equipment. Everyone who oan possibly do wo 18 urged to take part in the parade and make ft @ bigger success than usual, Free Inxs horns for thex-shrdlumtwyp {343 habhy are given away to every oh Who takos part In the pare ado, 'while clowns and other ats tractions will add to the amuses ment, The judges for the parade wil be Genoral Draper, Chief of Pollco of the Clty of Toronto; Mrs. Rowman, wite of Hin Worship, the Mayor: Mrs. A, W. Jackson Ite 's voove! rg Bane aohithyy reeve; A h + MLE, for the pf { W.. B N. Sinclair, va for, South Ontario, tidy ® big dance wil at 11 o'clock, The oe mene dance are solling fast at 88 cents or 8 for #100. With the dance tickets goox the chance of winning Hore should be a fruitful topic of [® radio, a dining room suite, 5 tons of coal, or a slx plece break: Daily Times | at the i --r i Ly ARMA fast wot, as well as $10 In gold James Palmer, popular blind war veteran ,will make the draw for the prizes. Tickets for the dance and a chance on the prizes may bi socured from any member of the committee, During the evoning music will he dispencod by the Whithy Cll gens' Nand, as well as by Fife and Drum and Bugle Bands Come to Whitby on Wednosday evening and join the throngs that are gathering to make merry in the County Town from elght o clock until the prizes are given out,- The Street Fair is a worthy caine and avery cent of the money taken In at the booths and attrac tions Is for local work MAPLE LEAFS WIN PLAYOFF FIXTURE FROM BELL BOYS Oshawa Team Bows Whitby Nine by 18. 12 Score Whithy Maple Leafs defoatad the Nell Telephone nine {nu a Routhern Ontario play-off fixture at the town park last night by the score of 10 to 12, In a gama full of thrilis and oxcitment, The Maple Leafs entered the play-offs by virtue of their fine play during the league race, In whieh they finished first with a record of 16 games won and two games lost, - In the play-ofis which are being held this week the Whitby nine are playing n series with the Bell Telephone team of Oshawa, who finished in fourth position, while the Tannery and Duco Boys teams both of Oshawa, which finished In second and third positions respectively are playing, In both neries, the team to take the first two games in each neries wing out and player the winner In the other to decide the winner of thh league for the year, With one game under thelr belts the Maple Leafs are heavy favorites to take the second game from the Rell Boys In the return game to he played in Oshawa on Wednesday evening. The game last night was veal thriller from every point of view, smart flelding plays hy both toams featuring the game. The Nrst four Innings were all Oshawa, while the lant five showed a direct reversal of form and it was Whitby that wan playing fine ball, The heavy hitters of the evening wor) Mae- Inally and Mollroy of the Rel team, and Scott and Maundrell of the Maple Leafs each of whom collet od a home run, Noftham of Whit. by also got two doubles, A feature of the play also was the all round Rood play of the vetaran Newt, Joynt, who In five tripy to the plate got five sate hits and inspired hig team mates with his fine fleld- Ing plays, Bell Telephone started off in the first inning by scoring a run in quick order, but the looal team got "that one back In their halt of the Inning when Scott hit for the olrouit after two were out. Hows over that did not last long when the Boll team pushed over four tal Hen in their halt af the second, MaoInally hitting a "omer with the bases loaded, The best the locals could do in their half of the inning Was to got two runs, In the next two innings the Hell Boys added seven runs to their total and mat ters looked decidedly black for Whitby as Neal tn the hox was not going any to well and hig supe port was terrible to any the least lo | and the score totalled it wis | that they had amassed elght runs | to come within one of thelr rivals plied includes leading legal lights of the British bar, are shown in the photo: graphs reproduced above: (1) Sir Boyd Merriman, K.C. (2) Rt, Hon, came to life with a vengeance and when the smoke had clears] away found That was the turning point of the game and from that on Whithy could do nothing wrong, From the fourth on Hell only got two men on the hasen On the other hand Whithy got the tying run in the nixth and added three more in soventh and four in the elghth to make the verdict sure In the field Northam and Maund rell made sensational catehes of fly balls, while Bye behind the plate for the Leafs was a 'ower of strength and saved his team helng weored upon on several occasions by tubs of very high balla that would have eluded many a catcher Heora by innings Bell Tele, 1. 4 8 4 00 00 01 Whithy .1 20 801 8 4 %--10 The line-ups Boll Telephone Melnally Hobbs 1b; Mellroy If; Claus ss; Walton 2b; Jempson of; Mayers rf; Tonkin p; Henderson o Whithy- Watts of; Forvestsr ih; Heott - 1b; Bye o; Joynt 2h; Neal pi; Northam If; Holliday ss; Baker rf; Maundrell of, after the fourth; Hoard rf, after the second Umplres--Plate, Bowman, Whit by; Bases, +s es¢ Oshawa, WHITBY PEOPLE DISAPPOINTED IN VISIT OF R-100 Residents "of Cannington And Sunderland Come to Town to See Ship Many of the citizens of Whitby rose early on Monday morning with expectations of seeing the mammoth Nritish dirigible R-100, pass over the town on its way to pay a visit te Toronto and Hamilton, during the morning. They were doomed to disappointment however as far us A close-up view of the airliner was concerned, as It passed over Oshawa and Whithy about four o'clock or before most of the resi: dents of either place wera out of bed, . Soveral Toronto hroadoasting sta. tions were on the air giving reports on the progress of the dirigible and told that the liner was over that elty, As soon as the announcement was made that the return journey to Montreal had heen started, many eitigens of Whitby went out of doors to try and get a view of the visitor, i The news spread that the R100 wan coming Rast along the lake front and some fifty cars went to the harbour, The R-100 however proceeded eastward on a course that carrid her almost in the mid. dle of the lake, With the help of field glasses she could be discerns od against the clouds in the south. ern sky, as a dark shadow hardly discernable from the cloud formas tions, with the sun glinting at times on the allver envelope, The people of Whithy were greats ly disappointed that the divigible did not pass over the town on her way to Montreal but the consolas tion is held out that in the near future the R-100 or other craft of the same sige will become regular alr visitors in this vicinity, The interest that the trip to On. tarlo evoked in the people of this distriot can be judged in the fact that several automobile loads of people came from as far north ad Sunderland and Cannington to get a first hand view of the R-100, MUSIO IN THE MAKING A schoolmanter caught a small hoy seribbling on a slip of paper, It contained the words: "Blow, blow, draw, blow, draw, blow, blow.' "What's this?" t "Plea the meaning of all schoolmaster asked. , Ain" the youngster res In the last of the fourth Whitby organ," =-Tit-Bits, t's the music for my mouth nee BAR ASSOCIATION MEET Lir John Simon. (3) Rt, Hen, Lord MacMillan, (4) Rt, Hon, Sir William Bull, Bart, and (5) Sir William Jow: itt, KC, MP, PLANS OF POLICE STATION REVIEWED Continued from Page 3) ably to the purpose for which it is intended, Ample provision is made for every department of the police, while offices provided for the Chief Constable, the chief's clerk, magistrate, clerk of the court, crown attorney, judge, detectives and divs ision court clerk, Cells for men and women, and the police court cham- ber are also necessary and import ant features while ultimately it is intended to add a division court chamber Room for Transients A+large room for transients would he provided in the basement so that unfortunate wanderers may be given a night's shelter without suffering the indignity of spending a night in the cells, Space is also provided for a shooting gallery for the exercise fre poses, Lavatories and showéis for the constables would be included in the basement while a drill hall, 20 hy 30 feet might be provided, The drill hall Mi correspond closely to a small gymnasium and would he two stories in height, This is sone- thing which is needed by every city police force if the constables are to) be kept fit for their strenuous du- ties, An imposing entrance from the street is provided on the first oi main flear, To the ri " of the ves tibule would be found 1 e sergeant's desk while further to the right and to the front of the building the of- fices of the chief constable and his clerk would be located, A large vault is to he built off the clerk's office. The constables' room including lock ers and henches would he situated (0 the rear of the chief's office and close to the sergeant's desk, A large garage, 20 x 30 feet, is planned (0 the left and front of the main cn- trance, Access to the gells to (he left and rear of the entrance could be made hy way of the garage while the cells would alse he in close prox- imity to the, sergeant's desk and con. stables' room, Then men's cells would number eleven and occupy a space 20 hy 30 feet, Four cells might be provided for women prisoners and these would he entirely separated from the men's quarters while a mat ron's room would adjein, A separate office for the detectives would be In cated to the rear of the sergeant desk and would be connected with the record room, Public entrance fo the second storey would be made from the ves tibule by means of a broad stairs leading to a corridor, Another stair leading directly to the court room and prisoner's dock would be for th use of constables, officials and pris oners only, Police Court Roem The police court room would he situated on the second floor ani would have dimensions of 30 by 3 feet, with accomodation provided for the public, Public lavatories, . the magistrate's office, police court clerk's office, the erown attorney's office and two barristers' offices would he located en this floer, Later a division court chamber, similar in size to the police court chamber might he built ta the rear and left and above the cells, If the ratepayers should decide up+ on the site at the corner of Rich mond and Prince streets, the new police station would face on Rich mond street and would probably he heated from the old city hall, If the Bagot street site should be chosen the building would face narth on Bagot street with the main offices to the left of the entrance instead of the right Chief of Police Owen D. Friend and Judge R, Ruddy chairman of the police cosmission, are understood to have examined the tentative plans closely and expressed satisfaction with the arrangements proposed, Dies In Heat Wave Rasra, Irak~Captain W, Davies of the British steamer Kohistan died today from the effects of the appall' of the constables while there would also he ample room for storage purs ing heat now afflicting all Mesopeo- tamia, --CO SEMET - WE ARE SOLE AGENTS KE-- SOLVAY POCAHONTAS SCREENED AND CLEAN CANNEL SIZED FOR FIRE PLACE DIXON COAL CO. TELIPHONE 262, 1 i Ti USED 1929 ESSEX SEDAN. Whole and sold with our and looks like new, Ross, Ames 138 King Street W, BARGAINS 1928 ESSEX SEDAN, Thoroughly reconditioned 1829 CHEVROLET SEDAN, small mileage, 1926 CHEVROLET CANOPY topstruck, just the truck for delivering groceries, } Company Limited CARS A Beautiful Car for the Family 30 Day Guarantee une New Car Warranty, & Gartshore Phone 1160

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