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Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Aug 1930, p. 4

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Sid : sutlerers are telling all and sunde 'AGE FOUR THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, -------- ------ The Oshaw 1 Daily Times THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established | 1871) An independent et, vowimatior veh) published ad stay " o. Tagan Canada, and fo Times la agp nf Sie JE or Allowsy, Bee Thy Gham Sally Times is » of the vase, the Canadian Daily News 9 Association, the Ontarle Provincia) ilies and the Audit Bureau of Cireulations, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daliversd by carrier, 15¢ a week, outside Oshawa carrier deliv By mall in Canada yA vw $4.00 a years United States, #5 8 year, TORONTO OFFICE 518 Bond Bao 66 Temperance Street, Telephones Adelaide 0107, H, D, 'I residder, representative, REPRESENTATIVES IN U.S, Powers and Stone Ine., New York and Chisage TUEBDAY, AUGUNT 12, 1980 TIME TO MAKE A MOVE It Is imperative, for the future of Oshawa, and for the partial solving of the employ. ment problem, that the bylaws which are to he voted on by the ratepayers on August 28, providing for the construction of clvie administration buildings and a new police station, should be carried by a decisive ma- jority, The buildings are urgently needed, and there are scores of men In the city who are looking to these projects to provide them with at least some work before the snow flies, These reasons, In themselves, are sufficient to make it necessary that the bylaws should be paved, Before that can be necomplished, however, it Is essentinl that a great deal be done to inform the ratepayers fully as to why they should vote In favour of the bylaws. There are excellent reasons, upart from the two quoted above, which could be cited, but the important thing is to have these placed fairly and squarely before those who are entitled to vote on them, A week has elapsed since the city counell decided to put these bylaws to the people, but so far there has been no indieation that the council Intends to do anything to' make It easier to have them passed, The members of the counell who support the bylaws, and all but two at the last meeting voted in favor of them, should take upon themselves the responsibility of seeing that thelr viewpoint, in doing so, Is'made very clear, In other words, the press and the platform should be used unsparingly In presenting to the rate. payers the facts us to the necessity for the buildings, the economies which can be effects od by thelr construction, and the effect which they will have on the tax rate, iW belleve that If these facts were placed oly and fairly before the ratepayers, there would be no doubt as to the bylaws being passed, But time is getting short, Only a little more than two weeks remain before the vote Is taken, so that, If the couns oll in at all concerned an to the fate of the bylaws, no time should ba lost In opening a vigorous eampalign of education, mamma ---- A, Ss ALD THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM Only those people who happened to be Awake at four o'clock In the morning were fortunate enough to see the R100 when It passed over Oshawa, And It In very surpris. ing to And that so many of the people of thi oity are light sleepers, for about every sec. one person one meets in able to tell of having poen the great dirlgible in the early hous of the morning, One might express the hope that the old adage that a clear conscience makes a sound sleeper had nothing to do with the wakelul propensities of those why did see the alvahip, for if that were applied, the inference would be only too obvious, Norlounly, though, It was a great disap: pointment to miny people that the R-100 wae unable to pass over the city in daylight, on ita homeward journey, By all accounts, the giant divigible Ia worth seeing, and those who did see it will huve something to talk about for years to come, even although that doen involve a confession of sleeplessness on this particular morning, One can hardly blame the officers of the R-100 if they turned south in order to escape a storm that was threatening. Their chief business wan not to show off their ship to "the people of Ontario, but to see that it poturned safely to ita mooring mast, and they went about that task in a manner which, while it disappointed many people, gave them a safe Journey ok to Montreal, No, in fu. yours, us folks who are sound sleepers ~ Swill have to At in silence when the inwormnla abou "how they saw the giant British divigible passing over the olty. After all, there ia _ nome 'advantage In being a light sleeper. HE NEEDS TO VISIT OSHAWA The editor of the Bt, Catharines Standard, cummonting on tho aponing of the Oshawa harbor last week, han the following Paras rl in In high elation because two luke boats called at the new harbor there yoatonday, Shunned for eighteen years as a port of call, Oshawa has a right fo rejoice. The city itself is three or four miles from the lake front, but that makes no difference." The 8, Catharines editor may have plenty of knowledge as to the geographical layout of his own bailliwick, but he 1s sadly lacking in his information regarding Oshawa. Per- haps his last visit to this part of the world was ten or twenty years ago, when Oshawa was merely a thriving little town, He does not know, spparently, that the limit of the eity. of Oshawa, on the south, is Lake On. tario, and that the harbor is within the city limits, with eity industrial land adjoining it. He does not know that the whole of the city of Oshawas, even to its farthest limits, Is within three miles of the harbor, and that the city's main industrial sites are within half a mile of the harbor, 1t 1s too bad to find an editor going astray in this manner, and we would like to sug- gost to our Bt, Catharines confrere that he do us the honor of a visit in the near future, so tht we ean show him around, and let him see just how far he Is mistaken in his con. ception of the city of Oshawa, ms ----__1 URGED TO ADVERTISE "Advertising, well done, Is the most aconomical form of salling known to the business community, The more consist ently one advertises, the more succoss- ful are one's announcements, and the more experienced one becomes, the more one Is surprised at what advertising will accomplish," These words were not uttered by a news paper publisher or advertising manager, al- though one might well imagine that they might be, They were part of a speech given by a prominent English baker to a conference of master bakers held recently In Scar borough, England. In his speech, he went oven further, and urged his hearers to de- vote at least half of thelr advertising appor. tionments to advertising In thelr local news. PApOrs, Leaders Im all lines of business are rapidly becoming converted to the same Idea, And this conversion has come about, but by any haphazard or overnight conclusion, but be. onuse of the definite, proven results or adver tising In local newspapers, There Is no line of business to which this does not apply with equal force as to the clans referred to above, and every merchant and business man who Is desirous of keeping abreast of the times can only do so by maintaining a definite policy of consistent nevertising; ('ONYL 1CTING CAUSES The governors of six of the New England States are launching a month's campaign for automobile fatalities, In launching the cam palgn, Governor Allen of Massachusetts, atated that the information gathered by the state safety committee indicated that 90 per cent of the automobile accidents In the state resulted from defective equipment. Working from the standpoint, the New England cam palgn is to be directed towards a compulsory Inspection of all equipment which has any: thing to do with safe driving. The. government of Quebec, however, has found an entirely different situation in that province, It has been making a survey of the causon of automobile accidents In the pro- vinee, and It has found that out of 1,870 ac. cldents during the first four months of 1080, 1,440 were caused by carelossness on the part of the drivers, eight by carelessness on the part of a passenger, 189 by carelessness on the part of pedestrians, and 10 by careless. nosa on the part of the driver of another veh. lele, thus making carelessness the cause of 1,768, or well over D0 per cont of all the aceld- ents, Of the two estimates, we prefer that of the province of Quebec, It has been truly sald that if all deivers could be cured of the curse of carelessness, there would be very few automobile accidents, And, on the other hand, it is hard to believe that 90 per cent of the cars on the road, even in Massachusetts, are defective In some part of their equip. ment, We are Inclined to believe that the royal road to highway safety lies in the elim. ination of carelessness, for once a driver can be convinced of the absolute necessity for careful driving, the care of his equipment will become second nature to him, EDITORIAL NOTES The next few years are going to be pros. perous ones for Canada, so that when the time for another election comes around, Mr Bennett will be able to make the kind of Apecches Mr, King made at the beginning of the last campaign, According to Edison, depression is largely paychological, By that standard, it should be possible to make business better by mere. ly thinking it is better, A man with a long memory sald last week that the summer of 1021 was hotter than that of 1080. But it wan far too hot to argue with him about it. Although Ontario is not a dry provinces, the crops must think it ls tong time between drinks, Premier Bennett has refused to be inter viewed by newspaper men, At last Canada has a premier who shuns publicity, ¢ Oy James W, Bgrion, M.D, SUMMER HEAD COLDS . One of the little symptoms often hurd to understand is why you seem #iways (0 have an, irritable throat with considerable 'discharge of a muses nate, Hometimes 1, seems almost us If 1 contained yellow pus, This has been found in many cases 10 be dus to an Inflammation of the lining of the little sinus or eavern in the upper jaw bone, The flu epidemic left a great num- ber of these cases and they seem 10 persist until the arrival of hot dry weather which dries them up for the time being, About twenty years ago It was found that ocoawionslly an infected tooth wan oausing this troubles, and hy removing the tooth the sinus was sometimes drained through the open ing made by the extracted tooth, That this was really a frequent ouune was however not suspected until vesently Dr, G, Berry, Worcester, Mass, al fer studying meveral cases tells us that there is u relutionship between thin sinus (roubles-sinusitis--and in fected teeth In 60 per cent of all cine Unfortunately the testh wre nei often suspected und the patient Simply uses nose sprays such as camphor or menthol, or perhaps bor agle meld or salt solutions with great regularity Now these nye of help In easing Irritation of the nose passages but you ean ses that they are not going {1 be of much such an underlying condition as an infected tooth The tooth may go vight up un der the floor of the sinus, or antrum an I is ealled, or penetrate right into the envity of the antrum, Thus the pus and discharge and 1ryita tion from that tooth can all take placa In the antrum, inflaming ita walls and by keeping up a eonstant discharge which comes down into the nose und throat, makes the Indi vidual naturally think that he is suffering with a eontinuous. cold Naw when you remember that the organisms of this sinus discharge may And thelr way up the little tube running from the back of the throat to middle sar, you ean ses why much deafness, and (hat dangerous cond! tion known as mastolditis ean de velop therefrom And when you remember furthe that more than half of this antrum trouble Is thought to start from In footed teeth, It would certainly seem ke mond sense to have An Xray made of the teeth where there Ia a persistent dischnrge from nose and throat (Registered In nooordance with (he Copyright Aot) NORRIS G, OSBORN, EDITOR OF THE NEW HAVEN (CONN) JOURNAL COURIER, BAYS, "DId vou ever stop to think haw comparatively few people aver hpther themselves with thinking "Did you ever stop to think that thinking (x an art=not a natural im prilse } "Did you ever stop to think how much better it is to make the effort to think than not te try at all? "Thinking Is like love, Tt is hetter to have thought and lost than net te have thought at all "DID YOU EVER STOP TO 'HINK OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIOLOGICAL LOVE IN LET. 'ING, LAZILY, OTHERS DO YOUR THINKING FOR Your Eye Care and Eye Strain by ©. K, TUCK, Opt. BD, (Copyright A0MN) Part ua" Raterring to glansen and hays faver, there are oortain pasos Where the delloate membranes of the 4 ball are wo sensitive that onl Ittle Irritation will cause (rou Io In oases of thin natura only a litle added irritation may tip the balance and trouble (a ojuned, As fo the olaim that certain special glasaen are a oure for hayfever, it is, no doubt, true that many people ara relieved of thelr hay. tover by the use of a certain quality of lens in thelr glasses to absorb some of the chemioally id \ Fine FulbseThe fruit of the. Spirit 1a love, Joy, pence, long sut- fering, gentlonenn, faith, meskness, temperance; Net Aueh there (a 00 law.=Gal, 5189, 89, Prayer ine wide the portals of your Make Man LA tomple, set apart," help where there in|, "ew I EK, TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1930 mo u The Bank of Montreal is in con- stant and helpful contact with hundreds of thousands of cus- tomers throughout Canada and in other parts of the world, IIR IRIN NE oy MONTREAL | | 4 re active rays of the sin It necessary In some of the sensitive canon 10 nb filter in & small way to noticeable roliof Those who have this ii ! LL hyper whaarh or word a wensttivity Established 11817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $800.000,000 R. 8. MORPHY, Manager Oshawa Branch In| which 1s said to eavse huy<fover | whose chomien! qualities are but Curved to may have i in a grantor or lossar | adapted to thelr particular voprdt dagroa and no doubt those wha | tion have the condition not very deaply sented may receive a vary appro) I wi abla relief by the use of the lens | evel . Adin thle » Germans have developed a bi- | ele foun driven hy rockets for racing p-- 4 A p | ; i i August 15 one of the most outstanding achievements of modern times undoubtedly Brunswick's greatest triumph - - a revelation in the ort of sound reproduction, sound recreation. Renowned lor over eighty-five years for having given the world the very latest, the very best in this particular art - - Brunswick is going to announce something better - + something different « « something you have been waiting for «« something that will be worthy of Brunswick's most enviable reputation. It will mark the success of long experimentation by Brunswick engineers who have in the past contributed so extensively to the perfecting of home entertainment Keep in touch with Brunswick dealers «+ on August 15th, they will reveal to you Brunswick's latest and greatest forward stride. SN PRUNAWICK RADIO OF CANADA LIMITED Bubiidvary of Dearne Mion, Pirures Incorporated BP nn hi | I | ( 2 A | i for nandling h tbe a" a Sn ng Sr" Ser Sr" ng" Sn" nn ne" ng" a" Se Xe" Nn i le d egus ¥ J range ol yu efulne a, i! 261 KING ST. EAST AGENTS IN OSHAWA BOND BROS. SERVICE STATION PHONE 2861

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